
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. BytesToHexString
  2. converter
  3. SetupReplComp
  4. TEST
  5. TEST
  6. TEST
  7. TEST
  8. TEST
  9. TEST
  10. TEST
  11. TEST
  12. TEST
  13. TEST
  14. TEST
  15. TEST
  16. TEST
  17. TEST
  18. TEST
  19. TEST
  20. TEST
  21. TEST
  22. TEST
  23. TEST
  24. TEST
  25. TEST
  26. TEST
  27. TEST
  28. TEST
  29. TEST
  30. ParsedIsEqual
  31. TEST
  32. TEST

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <errno.h>

#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/ucnv.h"
#include "url/url_canon.h"
#include "url/url_canon_icu.h"
#include "url/url_canon_internal.h"
#include "url/url_canon_stdstring.h"
#include "url/url_parse.h"
#include "url/url_test_utils.h"

// Some implementations of base/basictypes.h may define ARRAYSIZE.
// If it's not defined, we define it to the ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE macro
// which is in our version of basictypes.h.

using url_test_utils::WStringToUTF16;
using url_test_utils::ConvertUTF8ToUTF16;
using url_test_utils::ConvertUTF16ToUTF8;
using url_canon::CanonHostInfo;

namespace {

struct ComponentCase {
  const char* input;
  const char* expected;
  url_parse::Component expected_component;
  bool expected_success;

// ComponentCase but with dual 8-bit/16-bit input. Generally, the unit tests
// treat each input as optional, and will only try processing if non-NULL.
// The output is always 8-bit.
struct DualComponentCase {
  const char* input8;
  const wchar_t* input16;
  const char* expected;
  url_parse::Component expected_component;
  bool expected_success;

// Test cases for CanonicalizeIPAddress().  The inputs are identical to
// DualComponentCase, but the output has extra CanonHostInfo fields.
struct IPAddressCase {
  const char* input8;
  const wchar_t* input16;
  const char* expected;
  url_parse::Component expected_component;

  // CanonHostInfo fields, for verbose output.
  CanonHostInfo::Family expected_family;
  int expected_num_ipv4_components;
  const char* expected_address_hex;  // Two hex chars per IP address byte.

std::string BytesToHexString(unsigned char bytes[16], int length) {
  EXPECT_TRUE(length == 0 || length == 4 || length == 16)
      << "Bad IP address length: " << length;
  std::string result;
  for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    result.push_back(url_canon::kHexCharLookup[(bytes[i] >> 4) & 0xf]);
    result.push_back(url_canon::kHexCharLookup[bytes[i] & 0xf]);
  return result;

struct ReplaceCase {
  const char* base;
  const char* scheme;
  const char* username;
  const char* password;
  const char* host;
  const char* port;
  const char* path;
  const char* query;
  const char* ref;
  const char* expected;

// Wrapper around a UConverter object that managers creation and destruction.
class UConvScoper {
  explicit UConvScoper(const char* charset_name) {
    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    converter_ = ucnv_open(charset_name, &err);

  ~UConvScoper() {
    if (converter_)

  // Returns the converter object, may be NULL.
  UConverter* converter() const { return converter_; }

  UConverter* converter_;

// Magic string used in the replacements code that tells SetupReplComp to
// call the clear function.
const char kDeleteComp[] = "|";

// Sets up a replacement for a single component. This is given pointers to
// the set and clear function for the component being replaced, and will
// either set the component (if it exists) or clear it (if the replacement
// string matches kDeleteComp).
// This template is currently used only for the 8-bit case, and the strlen
// causes it to fail in other cases. It is left a template in case we have
// tests for wide replacements.
template<typename CHAR>
void SetupReplComp(
    void (url_canon::Replacements<CHAR>::*set)(const CHAR*,
                                               const url_parse::Component&),
    void (url_canon::Replacements<CHAR>::*clear)(),
    url_canon::Replacements<CHAR>* rep,
    const CHAR* str) {
  if (str && str[0] == kDeleteComp[0]) {
  } else if (str) {
    (rep->*set)(str, url_parse::Component(0, static_cast<int>(strlen(str))));

}  // namespace

TEST(URLCanonTest, DoAppendUTF8) {
  struct UTF8Case {
    unsigned input;
    const char* output;
  } utf_cases[] = {
    // Valid code points.
    {0x24, "\x24"},
    {0xA2, "\xC2\xA2"},
    {0x20AC, "\xE2\x82\xAC"},
    {0x24B62, "\xF0\xA4\xAD\xA2"},
    {0x10FFFF, "\xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF"},
  std::string out_str;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(utf_cases); i++) {
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    url_canon::AppendUTF8Value(utf_cases[i].input, &output);
    EXPECT_EQ(utf_cases[i].output, out_str);

// TODO(mattm): Can't run this in debug mode for now, since the DCHECK will
// cause the Chromium stacktrace dialog to appear and hang the test.
// See
#if defined(GTEST_HAS_DEATH_TEST) && defined(NDEBUG)
TEST(URLCanonTest, DoAppendUTF8Invalid) {
  std::string out_str;
  url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
  // Invalid code point (too large).
    url_canon::AppendUTF8Value(0x110000, &output);
    EXPECT_EQ("", out_str);
  }, "");

TEST(URLCanonTest, UTF) {
  // Low-level test that we handle reading, canonicalization, and writing
  // UTF-8/UTF-16 strings properly.
  struct UTFCase {
    const char* input8;
    const wchar_t* input16;
    bool expected_success;
    const char* output;
  } utf_cases[] = {
      // Valid canonical input should get passed through & escaped.
    {"\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"\x4f60\x597d", true, "%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD"},
      // Test a characer that takes > 16 bits (U+10300 = old italic letter A)
    {"\xF0\x90\x8C\x80", L"\xd800\xdf00", true, "%F0%90%8C%80"},
      // Non-shortest-form UTF-8 are invalid. The bad char should be replaced
      // with the invalid character (EF BF DB in UTF-8).
    {"\xf0\x84\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", NULL, false, "%EF%BF%BD%E5%A5%BD"},
      // Invalid UTF-8 sequences should be marked as invalid (the first
      // sequence is truncated).
    {"\xe4\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"\xd800\x597d", false, "%EF%BF%BD%E5%A5%BD"},
      // Character going off the end.
    {"\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5", L"\x4f60\xd800", false, "%E4%BD%A0%EF%BF%BD"},
      // ...same with low surrogates with no high surrogate.
    {"\xed\xb0\x80", L"\xdc00", false, "%EF%BF%BD"},
      // Test a UTF-8 encoded surrogate value is marked as invalid.
      // ED A0 80 = U+D800
    {"\xed\xa0\x80", NULL, false, "%EF%BF%BD"},

  std::string out_str;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(utf_cases); i++) {
    if (utf_cases[i].input8) {
      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);

      int input_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(utf_cases[i].input8));
      bool success = true;
      for (int ch = 0; ch < input_len; ch++) {
        success &= AppendUTF8EscapedChar(utf_cases[i].input8, &ch, input_len,
      EXPECT_EQ(utf_cases[i].expected_success, success);
      EXPECT_EQ(std::string(utf_cases[i].output), out_str);
    if (utf_cases[i].input16) {
      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);

      base::string16 input_str(WStringToUTF16(utf_cases[i].input16));
      int input_len = static_cast<int>(input_str.length());
      bool success = true;
      for (int ch = 0; ch < input_len; ch++) {
        success &= AppendUTF8EscapedChar(input_str.c_str(), &ch, input_len,
      EXPECT_EQ(utf_cases[i].expected_success, success);
      EXPECT_EQ(std::string(utf_cases[i].output), out_str);

    if (utf_cases[i].input8 && utf_cases[i].input16 &&
        utf_cases[i].expected_success) {
      // Check that the UTF-8 and UTF-16 inputs are equivalent.

      // UTF-16 -> UTF-8
      std::string input8_str(utf_cases[i].input8);
      base::string16 input16_str(WStringToUTF16(utf_cases[i].input16));
      EXPECT_EQ(input8_str, ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(input16_str));

      // UTF-8 -> UTF-16
      EXPECT_EQ(input16_str, ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(input8_str));

TEST(URLCanonTest, ICUCharsetConverter) {
  struct ICUCase {
    const wchar_t* input;
    const char* encoding;
    const char* expected;
  } icu_cases[] = {
      // UTF-8.
    {L"Hello, world", "utf-8", "Hello, world"},
    {L"\x4f60\x597d", "utf-8", "\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd"},
      // Non-BMP UTF-8.
    {L"!\xd800\xdf00!", "utf-8", "!\xf0\x90\x8c\x80!"},
      // Big5
    {L"\x4f60\x597d", "big5", "\xa7\x41\xa6\x6e"},
      // Unrepresentable character in the destination set.
    {L"hello\x4f60\x06de\x597dworld", "big5", "hello\xa7\x41%26%231758%3B\xa6\x6eworld"},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(icu_cases); i++) {
    UConvScoper conv(icu_cases[i].encoding);
    ASSERT_TRUE(conv.converter() != NULL);
    url_canon::ICUCharsetConverter converter(conv.converter());

    std::string str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&str);

    base::string16 input_str(WStringToUTF16(icu_cases[i].input));
    int input_len = static_cast<int>(input_str.length());
    converter.ConvertFromUTF16(input_str.c_str(), input_len, &output);

    EXPECT_STREQ(icu_cases[i].expected, str.c_str());

  // Test string sizes around the resize boundary for the output to make sure
  // the converter resizes as needed.
  const int static_size = 16;
  UConvScoper conv("utf-8");
  url_canon::ICUCharsetConverter converter(conv.converter());
  for (int i = static_size - 2; i <= static_size + 2; i++) {
    // Make a string with the appropriate length.
    base::string16 input;
    for (int ch = 0; ch < i; ch++)

    url_canon::RawCanonOutput<static_size> output;
    converter.ConvertFromUTF16(input.c_str(), static_cast<int>(input.length()),
    EXPECT_EQ(input.length(), static_cast<size_t>(output.length()));

TEST(URLCanonTest, Scheme) {
  // Here, we're mostly testing that unusual characters are handled properly.
  // The canonicalizer doesn't do any parsing or whitespace detection. It will
  // also do its best on error, and will escape funny sequences (these won't be
  // valid schemes and it will return error).
  // Note that the canonicalizer will append a colon to the output to separate
  // out the rest of the URL, which is not present in the input. We check,
  // however, that the output range includes everything but the colon.
  ComponentCase scheme_cases[] = {
    {"http", "http:", url_parse::Component(0, 4), true},
    {"HTTP", "http:", url_parse::Component(0, 4), true},
    {" HTTP ", "%20http%20:", url_parse::Component(0, 10), false},
    {"htt: ", "htt%3A%20:", url_parse::Component(0, 9), false},
    {"\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbdhttp", "%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BDhttp:", url_parse::Component(0, 22), false},
      // Don't re-escape something already escaped. Note that it will
      // "canonicalize" the 'A' to 'a', but that's OK.
    {"ht%3Atp", "ht%3atp:", url_parse::Component(0, 7), false},

  std::string out_str;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(scheme_cases); i++) {
    int url_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(scheme_cases[i].input));
    url_parse::Component in_comp(0, url_len);
    url_parse::Component out_comp;

    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output1(&out_str);
    bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizeScheme(scheme_cases[i].input,
                                                 in_comp, &output1, &out_comp);

    EXPECT_EQ(scheme_cases[i].expected_success, success);
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string(scheme_cases[i].expected), out_str);
    EXPECT_EQ(scheme_cases[i].expected_component.begin, out_comp.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(scheme_cases[i].expected_component.len, out_comp.len);

    // Now try the wide version
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output2(&out_str);

    base::string16 wide_input(ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(scheme_cases[i].input));
    in_comp.len = static_cast<int>(wide_input.length());
    success = url_canon::CanonicalizeScheme(wide_input.c_str(), in_comp,
                                            &output2, &out_comp);

    EXPECT_EQ(scheme_cases[i].expected_success, success);
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string(scheme_cases[i].expected), out_str);
    EXPECT_EQ(scheme_cases[i].expected_component.begin, out_comp.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(scheme_cases[i].expected_component.len, out_comp.len);

  // Test the case where the scheme is declared nonexistant, it should be
  // converted into an empty scheme.
  url_parse::Component out_comp;
  url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);

  EXPECT_TRUE(url_canon::CanonicalizeScheme("", url_parse::Component(0, -1),
                                            &output, &out_comp));

  EXPECT_EQ(std::string(":"), out_str);
  EXPECT_EQ(0, out_comp.begin);
  EXPECT_EQ(0, out_comp.len);

TEST(URLCanonTest, Host) {
  IPAddressCase host_cases[] = {
       // Basic canonicalization, uppercase should be converted to lowercase.
    {"GoOgLe.CoM", L"GoOgLe.CoM", "", url_parse::Component(0, 10), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Spaces and some other characters should be escaped.
    {"Goo%20 goo%7C|.com", L"Goo%20 goo%7C|.com", "", url_parse::Component(0, 22), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Exciting different types of spaces!
    {NULL, L"GOO\x00a0\", "", url_parse::Component(0, 16), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Other types of space (no-break, zero-width, zero-width-no-break) are
      // name-prepped away to nothing.
    {NULL, L"GOO\x200b\x2060\", "", url_parse::Component(0, 10), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Ideographic full stop (full-width period for Chinese, etc.) should be
      // treated as a dot.
    {NULL, L"\x3002" L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 15), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Invalid unicode characters should fail...
      // ...In wide input, ICU will barf and we'll end up with the input as
      //    escaped UTF-8 (the invalid character should be replaced with the
      //    replacement character).
    {"\xef\xb7\", L"\", "", url_parse::Component(0, 16), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // ...This is the same as previous but with with escaped.
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 16), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Test name prepping, fullwidth input should be converted to ASCII and NOT
      // IDN-ized. This is "Go" in fullwidth UTF-8/UTF-16.
    {"\xef\xbc\xa7\xef\xbd\", L"\xff27\", "", url_parse::Component(0, 6), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Test that fullwidth escaped values are properly name-prepped,
      // then converted or rejected.
      // ...%41 in fullwidth = 'A' (also as escaped UTF-8 input)
    {"\xef\xbc\x85\xef\xbc\x94\xef\xbc\", L"\xff05\xff14\", "", url_parse::Component(0, 5), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 5), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // ...%00 in fullwidth should fail (also as escaped UTF-8 input)
    {"\xef\xbc\x85\xef\xbc\x90\xef\xbc\", L"\xff05\xff10\", "", url_parse::Component(0, 7), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 7), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Basic IDN support, UTF-8 and UTF-16 input should be converted to IDN
    {"\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"\x4f60\x597d\x4f60\x597d", "xn--6qqa088eba", url_parse::Component(0, 14), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // See for other
      // examples/experiments and
      // for the full list of characters handled differently by
      // IDNA 2003, UTS 46 ( ) and IDNA 2008.

      // 4 Deviation characters are mapped/ignored in UTS 46 transitional
      // mechansm. UTS 46, table 4 row (g).
      // Sharp-s is mapped to 'ss' in UTS 46 and IDNA 2003.
      // Otherwise, it'd be "".
    {"fu\xc3\x9f" "", L"fu\x00df" L"", "",
      url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Final-sigma (U+03C3) is mapped to regular sigma (U+03C2).
      // Otherwise, it'd be "xn--wxaijb9b".
    {"\xcf\x83\xcf\x8c\xce\xbb\xce\xbf\xcf\x82", L"\x3c3\x3cc\x3bb\x3bf\x3c2",
      "xn--wxaikc6b", url_parse::Component(0, 12),
      CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // ZWNJ (U+200C) and ZWJ (U+200D) are mapped away in UTS 46 transitional
      // handling as well as in IDNA 2003.
    {"a\xe2\x80\x8c" "b\xe2\x80\x8d" "c", L"a\x200c" L"b\x200d" L"c", "abc",
      url_parse::Component(0, 3), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // ZWJ between Devanagari characters is still mapped away in UTS 46
      // transitional handling. IDNA 2008 would give xn--11bo0mv54g.
     L"\x915\x94d\x200d\x91c", "xn--11bo0m",
     url_parse::Component(0, 10), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Fullwidth exclamation mark is disallowed. UTS 46, table 4, row (b)
      // However, we do allow this at the moment because we don't use
      // STD3 rules and canonicalize full-width ASCII to ASCII.
    {"wow\xef\xbc\x81", L"wow\xff01", "wow%21",
      url_parse::Component(0, 6), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // U+2132 (turned capital F) is disallowed. UTS 46, table 4, row (c)
      // Allowed in IDNA 2003, but the mapping changed after Unicode 3.2
    {"\xe2\x84\xb2oo", L"\x2132oo", "%E2%84%B2oo",
      url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // U+2F868 (CJK Comp) is disallowed. UTS 46, table 4, row (d)
      // Allowed in IDNA 2003, but the mapping changed after Unicode 3.2
    {"\xf0\xaf\xa1\xa8\xe5\xa7\", L"\xd87e\xdc68\",
      url_parse::Component(0, 24), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Maps uppercase letters to lower case letters. UTS 46 table 4 row (e)
    {"M\xc3\x9cNCHEN", L"M\xdcNCHEN", "xn--mnchen-3ya",
      url_parse::Component(0, 14), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Symbol/punctuations are allowed in IDNA 2003/UTS46.
      // Not allowed in IDNA 2008. UTS 46 table 4 row (f).
    {"\xe2\x99\", L"\", "",
      url_parse::Component(0, 13), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // U+11013 is new in Unicode 6.0 and is allowed. UTS 46 table 4, row (h)
      // We used to allow it because we passed through unassigned code points.
    {"\xf0\x91\x80\", L"\xd804\", "",
      url_parse::Component(0, 12), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // U+0602 is disallowed in UTS46/IDNA 2008. UTS 46 table 4, row(i)
      // Used to be allowed in INDA 2003.
    {"\xd8\", L"\", "",
      url_parse::Component(0, 9), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // U+20B7 is new in Unicode 5.2 (not a part of IDNA 2003 based
      // on Unicode 3.2). We did allow it in the past because we let unassigned
      // code point pass. We continue to allow it even though it's a
      // "punctuation and symbol" blocked in IDNA 2008.
      // UTS 46 table 4, row (j)
    {"\xe2\x82\", L"\", "",
      url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Maps uppercase letters to lower case letters.
      // In IDNA 2003, it's allowed without case-folding
      // ( ) because it's not defined in Unicode 3.2
      // (added in Unicode 4.1). UTS 46 table 4 row (k)
    {"bc\xc8\", L"bc\", "",
      url_parse::Component(0, 15), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // BiDi check test
      // "Divehi" in Divehi (Thaana script) ends with BidiClass=NSM.
      // Disallowed in IDNA 2003 but now allowed in UTS 46/IDNA 2008.
     L"\x78b\x7a8\x788\x7ac\x780\x7a8", "xn--hqbpi0jcw",
     url_parse::Component(0, 13), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Disallowed in both IDNA 2003 and 2008 with BiDi check.
      // Labels starting with a RTL character cannot end with a LTR character.
    {"\xd8\xac\xd8\xa7\xd8\xb1xyz", L"\x62c\x627\x631xyz",
     "%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B1xyz", url_parse::Component(0, 21),
     CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Labels starting with a RTL character can end with BC=EN (European
      // number). Disallowed in IDNA 2003 but now allowed.
    {"\xd8\xac\xd8\xa7\xd8\xb1" "2", L"\x62c\x627\x631" L"2",
     "xn--2-ymcov", url_parse::Component(0, 11),
     CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Labels starting with a RTL character cannot have "L" characters
      // even if it ends with an BC=EN. Disallowed in both IDNA 2003/2008.
    {"\xd8\xac\xd8\xa7\xd8\xb1xy2", L"\x62c\x627\x631xy2",
     "%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B1xy2", url_parse::Component(0, 21),
     CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Labels starting with a RTL character can end with BC=AN (Arabic number)
      // Disallowed in IDNA 2003, but now allowed.
    {"\xd8\xac\xd8\xa7\xd8\xb1\xd9\xa2", L"\x62c\x627\x631\x662",
     "xn--mgbjq0r", url_parse::Component(0, 11),
     CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Labels starting with a RTL character cannot have "L" characters
      // even if it ends with an BC=AN (Arabic number).
      // Disallowed in both IDNA 2003/2008.
    {"\xd8\xac\xd8\xa7\xd8\xb1xy\xd9\xa2", L"\x62c\x627\x631xy\x662",
     "%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B1xy%D9%A2", url_parse::Component(0, 26),
     CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Labels starting with a RTL character cannot mix BC=EN and BC=AN
    {"\xd8\xac\xd8\xa7\xd8\xb1xy2\xd9\xa2", L"\x62c\x627\x631xy2\x662",
     "%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B1xy2%D9%A2", url_parse::Component(0, 27),
     CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // As of Unicode 6.2, U+20CF is not assigned. We do not allow it.
    {"\xe2\x83\", L"\", "",
      url_parse::Component(0, 13), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // U+0080 is not allowed.
    {"\xc2\", L"\", "",
      url_parse::Component(0, 10), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Mixed UTF-8 and escaped UTF-8 (narrow case) and UTF-16 and escaped
      // Mixed UTF-8 and escaped UTF-8 (narrow case) and UTF-16 and escaped
      // UTF-8 (wide case). The output should be equivalent to the true wide
      // character input above).
      L"%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD\x4f60\x597d", "xn--6qqa088eba",
      url_parse::Component(0, 14), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Invalid escaped characters should fail and the percents should be
      // escaped.
    {"%zz%66%a", L"%zz%66%a", "%25zzf%25a", url_parse::Component(0, 10),
      CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // If we get an invalid character that has been escaped.
    {"%25", L"%25", "%25", url_parse::Component(0, 3),
      CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"hello%00", L"hello%00", "hello%00", url_parse::Component(0, 8),
      CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Escaped numbers should be treated like IP addresses if they are.
    {"%30%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30.01", L"%30%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30.01",
      "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 3,
    {"%30%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30.01%2e", L"%30%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30.01%2e",
      "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 3,
      // Invalid escaping should trigger the regular host error handling.
    {"%3g%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30%2E.01", L"%3g%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30%2E.01", "%253gxc0.0250..01", url_parse::Component(0, 17), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Something that isn't exactly an IP should get treated as a host and
      // spaces escaped.
    {" hello", L" hello", "", url_parse::Component(0, 19), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Fullwidth and escaped UTF-8 fullwidth should still be treated as IP.
      // These are "0Xc0.0250.01" in fullwidth.
    {"\xef\xbc\x90%Ef%bc\xb8%ef%Bd%83\xef\xbc\x90%EF%BC%8E\xef\xbc\x90\xef\xbc\x92\xef\xbc\x95\xef\xbc\x90\xef\xbc%8E\xef\xbc\x90\xef\xbc\x91", L"\xff10\xff38\xff43\xff10\xff0e\xff10\xff12\xff15\xff10\xff0e\xff10\xff11", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 3, "C0A80001"},
      // Broken IP addresses get marked as such.
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 13), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[]", L"[]", "[]", url_parse::Component(0, 12), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Cyrillic letter followed by '(' should return punycode for '(' escaped
      // before punycode string was created. I.e.
      // if '(' is escaped after punycode is created we would get xn--%28-8tb
      // (incorrect).
    {"\xd1\x82(", L"\x0442(", "xn--%28-7ed", url_parse::Component(0, 11),
      CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Address with all hexidecimal characters with leading number of 1<<32
      // or greater and should return NEUTRAL rather than BROKEN if not all
      // components are numbers.
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 17), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 19), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 32), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 20), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
    {"12345678912345.0xde", L"12345678912345.0xde", "12345678912345.0xde", url_parse::Component(0, 19), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},

  // CanonicalizeHost() non-verbose.
  std::string out_str;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(host_cases); i++) {
    // Narrow version.
    if (host_cases[i].input8) {
      int host_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(host_cases[i].input8));
      url_parse::Component in_comp(0, host_len);
      url_parse::Component out_comp;

      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);

      bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizeHost(host_cases[i].input8, in_comp,
                                                 &output, &out_comp);

      EXPECT_EQ(host_cases[i].expected_family != CanonHostInfo::BROKEN,
                success) << "for input: " << host_cases[i].input8;
      EXPECT_EQ(std::string(host_cases[i].expected), out_str) <<
                "for input: " << host_cases[i].input8;
      EXPECT_EQ(host_cases[i].expected_component.begin, out_comp.begin) <<
                "for input: " << host_cases[i].input8;
      EXPECT_EQ(host_cases[i].expected_component.len, out_comp.len) <<
                "for input: " << host_cases[i].input8;

    // Wide version.
    if (host_cases[i].input16) {
      base::string16 input16(WStringToUTF16(host_cases[i].input16));
      int host_len = static_cast<int>(input16.length());
      url_parse::Component in_comp(0, host_len);
      url_parse::Component out_comp;

      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);

      bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizeHost(input16.c_str(), in_comp,
                                                 &output, &out_comp);

      EXPECT_EQ(host_cases[i].expected_family != CanonHostInfo::BROKEN,
      EXPECT_EQ(std::string(host_cases[i].expected), out_str);
      EXPECT_EQ(host_cases[i].expected_component.begin, out_comp.begin);
      EXPECT_EQ(host_cases[i].expected_component.len, out_comp.len);

  // CanonicalizeHostVerbose()
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(host_cases); i++) {
    // Narrow version.
    if (host_cases[i].input8) {
      int host_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(host_cases[i].input8));
      url_parse::Component in_comp(0, host_len);

      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
      CanonHostInfo host_info;

      url_canon::CanonicalizeHostVerbose(host_cases[i].input8, in_comp,
                                         &output, &host_info);

      EXPECT_EQ(std::string(host_cases[i].expected), out_str);
      EXPECT_EQ(host_cases[i].expected_component.len, host_info.out_host.len);
                BytesToHexString(host_info.address, host_info.AddressLength()));
      if (host_cases[i].expected_family == CanonHostInfo::IPV4) {

    // Wide version.
    if (host_cases[i].input16) {
      base::string16 input16(WStringToUTF16(host_cases[i].input16));
      int host_len = static_cast<int>(input16.length());
      url_parse::Component in_comp(0, host_len);

      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
      CanonHostInfo host_info;

      url_canon::CanonicalizeHostVerbose(input16.c_str(), in_comp,
                                         &output, &host_info);

      EXPECT_EQ(std::string(host_cases[i].expected), out_str);
      EXPECT_EQ(host_cases[i].expected_component.len, host_info.out_host.len);
                BytesToHexString(host_info.address, host_info.AddressLength()));
      if (host_cases[i].expected_family == CanonHostInfo::IPV4) {

TEST(URLCanonTest, IPv4) {
  IPAddressCase cases[] = {
      // Empty is not an IP address.
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
    {".", L".", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Regular IP addresses in different bases.
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 4, "C0A80001"},
    {"0300.0250.00.01", L"0300.0250.00.01", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 4, "C0A80001"},
    {"0xC0.0Xa8.0x0.0x1", L"0xC0.0Xa8.0x0.0x1", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 4, "C0A80001"},
      // Non-IP addresses due to invalid characters.
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Invalid characters for the base should be rejected.
    {"19a.168.0.1", L"19a.168.0.1", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
    {"0308.0250.00.01", L"0308.0250.00.01", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
    {"0xCG.0xA8.0x0.0x1", L"0xCG.0xA8.0x0.0x1", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // If there are not enough components, the last one should fill them out.
    {"192", L"192", "", url_parse::Component(0, 9), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 1, "000000C0"},
    {"0xC0a80001", L"0xC0a80001", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 1, "C0A80001"},
    {"030052000001", L"030052000001", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 1, "C0A80001"},
    {"000030052000001", L"000030052000001", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 1, "C0A80001"},
    {"192.168", L"192.168", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 2, "C00000A8"},
    {"192.0x00A80001", L"192.0x000A80001", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 2, "C0A80001"},
    {"0xc0.052000001", L"0xc0.052000001", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 2, "C0A80001"},
    {"192.168.1", L"192.168.1", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 3, "C0A80001"},
      // Too many components means not an IP address.
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // We allow a single trailing dot.
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 4, "C0A80001"},
    {" hello", L" hello", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Two dots in a row means not an IP address.
    {"192.168..1", L"192.168..1", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Any numerical overflow should be marked as BROKEN.
    {"0x100.0", L"0x100.0", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"0x100.0.0", L"0x100.0.0", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"0x100.0.0.0", L"0x100.0.0.0", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"0.0x100.0.0", L"0.0x100.0.0", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"0.0.0x100.0", L"0.0.0x100.0", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"0.0.0x10000", L"0.0.0x10000", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"0.0x1000000", L"0.0x1000000", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"0x100000000", L"0x100000000", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Repeat the previous tests, minus 1, to verify boundaries.
    {"0xFF.0", L"0xFF.0", "", url_parse::Component(0, 9), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 2, "FF000000"},
    {"0xFF.0.0", L"0xFF.0.0", "", url_parse::Component(0, 9), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 3, "FF000000"},
    {"0xFF.0.0.0", L"0xFF.0.0.0", "", url_parse::Component(0, 9), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 4, "FF000000"},
    {"0.0xFF.0.0", L"0.0xFF.0.0", "", url_parse::Component(0, 9), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 4, "00FF0000"},
    {"0.0.0xFF.0", L"0.0.0xFF.0", "", url_parse::Component(0, 9), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 4, "0000FF00"},
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(0, 9), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 4, "000000FF"},
    {"0.0.0xFFFF", L"0.0.0xFFFF", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 3, "0000FFFF"},
    {"0.0xFFFFFF", L"0.0xFFFFFF", "", url_parse::Component(0, 13), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 2, "00FFFFFF"},
    {"0xFFFFFFFF", L"0xFFFFFFFF", "", url_parse::Component(0, 15), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 1, "FFFFFFFF"},
      // Old trunctations tests.  They're all "BROKEN" now.
    {"276.256.0xf1a2.077777", L"276.256.0xf1a2.077777", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"192.168.0xa20001", L"192.168.0xa20001", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"192.015052000001", L"192.015052000001", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"0X12C0a80001", L"0X12C0a80001", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"276.1.2", L"276.1.2", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Spaces should be rejected.
    {" hello", L" hello", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Very large numbers.
    {"0000000000000300.0x00000000000000fF.00000000000000001", L"0000000000000300.0x00000000000000fF.00000000000000001", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 3, "C0FF0001"},
    {"0000000000000300.0xffffffffFFFFFFFF.3022415481470977", L"0000000000000300.0xffffffffFFFFFFFF.3022415481470977", "", url_parse::Component(0, 11), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // A number has no length limit, but long numbers can still overflow.
    {"00000000000000000001", L"00000000000000000001", "", url_parse::Component(0, 7), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 1, "00000001"},
    {"0000000000000000100000000000000001", L"0000000000000000100000000000000001", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // If a long component is non-numeric, it's a hostname, *not* a broken IP.
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Truncation of all zeros should still result in 0.
    {"0.00.0x.0x0", L"0.00.0x.0x0", "", url_parse::Component(0, 7), CanonHostInfo::IPV4, 4, "00000000"},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(cases); i++) {
    // 8-bit version.
    url_parse::Component component(0,

    std::string out_str1;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output1(&out_str1);
    url_canon::CanonHostInfo host_info;
    url_canon::CanonicalizeIPAddress(cases[i].input8, component, &output1,

              BytesToHexString(host_info.address, host_info.AddressLength()));
    if ( == CanonHostInfo::IPV4) {
      EXPECT_STREQ(cases[i].expected, out_str1.c_str());
      EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_component.begin, host_info.out_host.begin);
      EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_component.len, host_info.out_host.len);

    // 16-bit version.
    base::string16 input16(WStringToUTF16(cases[i].input16));
    component = url_parse::Component(0, static_cast<int>(input16.length()));

    std::string out_str2;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output2(&out_str2);
    url_canon::CanonicalizeIPAddress(input16.c_str(), component, &output2,

              BytesToHexString(host_info.address, host_info.AddressLength()));
    if ( == CanonHostInfo::IPV4) {
      EXPECT_STREQ(cases[i].expected, out_str2.c_str());
      EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_component.begin, host_info.out_host.begin);
      EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_component.len, host_info.out_host.len);

TEST(URLCanonTest, IPv6) {
  IPAddressCase cases[] = {
      // Empty is not an IP address.
    {"", L"", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL, -1, ""},
      // Non-IPs with [:] characters are marked BROKEN.
    {":", L":", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[", L"[", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[:", L"[:", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"]", L"]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {":]", L":]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[]", L"[]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[:]", L"[:]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Regular IP address is invalid without bounding '[' and ']'.
    {"2001:db8::1", L"2001:db8::1", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[2001:db8::1", L"[2001:db8::1", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"2001:db8::1]", L"2001:db8::1]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Regular IP addresses.
    {"[::]", L"[::]", "[::]", url_parse::Component(0,4), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00000000000000000000000000000000"},
    {"[::1]", L"[::1]", "[::1]", url_parse::Component(0,5), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00000000000000000000000000000001"},
    {"[1::]", L"[1::]", "[1::]", url_parse::Component(0,5), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00010000000000000000000000000000"},

    // Leading zeros should be stripped.
    {"[000:01:02:003:004:5:6:007]", L"[000:01:02:003:004:5:6:007]", "[0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7]", url_parse::Component(0,17), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00000001000200030004000500060007"},

    // Upper case letters should be lowercased.
    {"[A:b:c:DE:fF:0:1:aC]", L"[A:b:c:DE:fF:0:1:aC]", "[a:b:c:de:ff:0:1:ac]", url_parse::Component(0,20), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "000A000B000C00DE00FF0000000100AC"},

    // The same address can be written with different contractions, but should
    // get canonicalized to the same thing.
    {"[1:0:0:2::3:0]", L"[1:0:0:2::3:0]", "[1::2:0:0:3:0]", url_parse::Component(0,14), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00010000000000020000000000030000"},
    {"[1::2:0:0:3:0]", L"[1::2:0:0:3:0]", "[1::2:0:0:3:0]", url_parse::Component(0,14), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00010000000000020000000000030000"},

    // Addresses with embedded IPv4.
    {"[::]", L"[::]", "[::c0a8:1]", url_parse::Component(0,10), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "000000000000000000000000C0A80001"},
    {"[::ffff:]", L"[::ffff:]", "[::ffff:c0a8:1]", url_parse::Component(0,15), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00000000000000000000FFFFC0A80001"},
    {"[::eeee:]", L"[::eeee:]", "[::eeee:c0a8:1]", url_parse::Component(0, 15), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00000000000000000000EEEEC0A80001"},
    {"[2001::]", L"[2001::]", "[2001::c0a8:1]", url_parse::Component(0, 14), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "200100000000000000000000C0A80001"},
    {"[1:2:]", L"[1:2:]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},

    // IPv4 with last component missing.
    {"[::ffff:192.1.2]", L"[::ffff:192.1.2]", "[::ffff:c001:2]", url_parse::Component(0,15), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00000000000000000000FFFFC0010002"},

    // IPv4 using hex.
    // TODO(eroman): Should this format be disallowed?
    {"[::ffff:0xC0.0Xa8.0x0.0x1]", L"[::ffff:0xC0.0Xa8.0x0.0x1]", "[::ffff:c0a8:1]", url_parse::Component(0,15), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00000000000000000000FFFFC0A80001"},

    // There may be zeros surrounding the "::" contraction.
    {"[0:0::0:0:8]", L"[0:0::0:0:8]", "[::8]", url_parse::Component(0,5), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00000000000000000000000000000008"},

    {"[2001:db8::1]", L"[2001:db8::1]", "[2001:db8::1]", url_parse::Component(0,13), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "20010DB8000000000000000000000001"},

      // Can only have one "::" contraction in an IPv6 string literal.
    {"[2001::db8::1]", L"[2001::db8::1]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // No more than 2 consecutive ':'s.
    {"[2001:db8:::1]", L"[2001:db8:::1]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[:::]", L"[:::]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Non-IP addresses due to invalid characters.
    {"[]", L"[]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // If there are not enough components, the last one should fill them out.
    // ... omitted at this time ...
      // Too many components means not an IP address.  Similarly with too few if using IPv4 compat or mapped addresses.
    {"[::]", L"[::]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[::ffff:]", L"[::ffff:]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9]", L"[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    // Too many bits (even though 8 comonents, the last one holds 32 bits).
    {"[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:]", L"[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},

    // Too many bits specified -- the contraction would have to be zero-length
    // to not exceed 128 bits.
    {"[1:2:3:4:5:6::]", L"[1:2:3:4:5:6::]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},

    // The contraction is for 16 bits of zero.
    {"[1:2:3:4:5:6::8]", L"[1:2:3:4:5:6::8]", "[1:2:3:4:5:6:0:8]", url_parse::Component(0,17), CanonHostInfo::IPV6, -1, "00010002000300040005000600000008"},

    // Cannot have a trailing colon.
    {"[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:]", L"[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[1:2:3:4:5:6:]", L"[1:2:3:4:5:6:]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},

    // Cannot have negative numbers.
    {"[-1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]", L"[-1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},

    // Scope ID -- the URL may contain an optional ["%" <scope_id>] section.
    // The scope_id should be included in the canonicalized URL, and is an
    // unsigned decimal number.

    // Invalid because no ID was given after the percent.

    // Don't allow scope-id
    {"[1::%1]", L"[1::%1]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[1::%eth0]", L"[1::%eth0]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[1::%]", L"[1::%]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[%]", L"[%]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[::%:]", L"[::%:]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},

    // Don't allow leading or trailing colons.
    {"[:0:0::0:0:8]", L"[:0:0::0:0:8]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[0:0::0:0:8:]", L"[0:0::0:0:8:]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
    {"[:0:0::0:0:8:]", L"[:0:0::0:0:8:]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},

      // We allow a single trailing dot.
    // ... omitted at this time ...
      // Two dots in a row means not an IP address.
    {"[::192.168..1]", L"[::192.168..1]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},
      // Any non-first components get truncated to one byte.
    // ... omitted at this time ...
      // Spaces should be rejected.
    {"[::1 hello]", L"[::1 hello]", "", url_parse::Component(), CanonHostInfo::BROKEN, -1, ""},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(cases); i++) {
    // 8-bit version.
    url_parse::Component component(0,

    std::string out_str1;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output1(&out_str1);
    url_canon::CanonHostInfo host_info;
    url_canon::CanonicalizeIPAddress(cases[i].input8, component, &output1,

              BytesToHexString(host_info.address, host_info.AddressLength())) << "iter " << i << " host " << cases[i].input8;
    if ( == CanonHostInfo::IPV6) {
      EXPECT_STREQ(cases[i].expected, out_str1.c_str());
      EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_component.len, host_info.out_host.len);

    // 16-bit version.
    base::string16 input16(WStringToUTF16(cases[i].input16));
    component = url_parse::Component(0, static_cast<int>(input16.length()));

    std::string out_str2;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output2(&out_str2);
    url_canon::CanonicalizeIPAddress(input16.c_str(), component, &output2,

              BytesToHexString(host_info.address, host_info.AddressLength()));
    if ( == CanonHostInfo::IPV6) {
      EXPECT_STREQ(cases[i].expected, out_str2.c_str());
      EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_component.begin, host_info.out_host.begin);
      EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_component.len, host_info.out_host.len);

TEST(URLCanonTest, IPEmpty) {
  std::string out_str1;
  url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output1(&out_str1);
  url_canon::CanonHostInfo host_info;

  // This tests tests.
  const char spec[] = "";
  url_canon::CanonicalizeIPAddress(spec, url_parse::Component(),
                                   &output1, &host_info);

  url_canon::CanonicalizeIPAddress(spec, url_parse::Component(0, 0),
                                   &output1, &host_info);

TEST(URLCanonTest, UserInfo) {
  // Note that the canonicalizer should escape and treat empty components as
  // not being there.

  // We actually parse a full input URL so we can get the initial components.
  struct UserComponentCase {
    const char* input;
    const char* expected;
    url_parse::Component expected_username;
    url_parse::Component expected_password;
    bool expected_success;
  } user_info_cases[] = {
    {"", "user:pass@", url_parse::Component(0, 4), url_parse::Component(5, 4), true},
    {"", "", url_parse::Component(0, -1), url_parse::Component(0, -1), true},
    {"", "", url_parse::Component(0, -1), url_parse::Component(0, -1), true},
    {"", "foo@", url_parse::Component(0, 3), url_parse::Component(0, -1), true},
    {"", ":foo@", url_parse::Component(0, 0), url_parse::Component(1, 3), true},
    {"http://^ :$\", "%5E%20:$%09@", url_parse::Component(0, 6), url_parse::Component(7, 4), true},
    {"http://user:pass@/", "user:pass@", url_parse::Component(0, 4), url_parse::Component(5, 4), true},
    {"", "%2540:bar@", url_parse::Component(0, 5), url_parse::Component(6, 3), true },

      // IE7 compatability: old versions allowed backslashes in usernames, but
      // IE7 does not. We disallow it as well.
    {"ftp://me\\", "", url_parse::Component(0, -1), url_parse::Component(0, -1), true},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(user_info_cases); i++) {
    int url_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(user_info_cases[i].input));
    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParseStandardURL(user_info_cases[i].input, url_len, &parsed);
    url_parse::Component out_user, out_pass;
    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output1(&out_str);

    bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizeUserInfo(user_info_cases[i].input,
                                                   &output1, &out_user,

    EXPECT_EQ(user_info_cases[i].expected_success, success);
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string(user_info_cases[i].expected), out_str);
    EXPECT_EQ(user_info_cases[i].expected_username.begin, out_user.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(user_info_cases[i].expected_username.len, out_user.len);
    EXPECT_EQ(user_info_cases[i].expected_password.begin, out_pass.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(user_info_cases[i].expected_password.len, out_pass.len);

    // Now try the wide version
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output2(&out_str);
    base::string16 wide_input(ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(user_info_cases[i].input));
    success = url_canon::CanonicalizeUserInfo(wide_input.c_str(),
                                              &output2, &out_user, &out_pass);

    EXPECT_EQ(user_info_cases[i].expected_success, success);
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string(user_info_cases[i].expected), out_str);
    EXPECT_EQ(user_info_cases[i].expected_username.begin, out_user.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(user_info_cases[i].expected_username.len, out_user.len);
    EXPECT_EQ(user_info_cases[i].expected_password.begin, out_pass.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(user_info_cases[i].expected_password.len, out_pass.len);

TEST(URLCanonTest, Port) {
  // We only need to test that the number gets properly put into the output
  // buffer. The parser unit tests will test scanning the number correctly.
  // Note that the CanonicalizePort will always prepend a colon to the output
  // to separate it from the colon that it assumes preceeds it.
  struct PortCase {
    const char* input;
    int default_port;
    const char* expected;
    url_parse::Component expected_component;
    bool expected_success;
  } port_cases[] = {
      // Invalid input should be copied w/ failure.
    {"as df", 80, ":as%20df", url_parse::Component(1, 7), false},
    {"-2", 80, ":-2", url_parse::Component(1, 2), false},
      // Default port should be omitted.
    {"80", 80, "", url_parse::Component(0, -1), true},
    {"8080", 80, ":8080", url_parse::Component(1, 4), true},
      // PORT_UNSPECIFIED should mean always keep the port.
    {"80", url_parse::PORT_UNSPECIFIED, ":80", url_parse::Component(1, 2), true},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(port_cases); i++) {
    int url_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(port_cases[i].input));
    url_parse::Component in_comp(0, url_len);
    url_parse::Component out_comp;
    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output1(&out_str);
    bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizePort(port_cases[i].input, in_comp,
                                               &output1, &out_comp);

    EXPECT_EQ(port_cases[i].expected_success, success);
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string(port_cases[i].expected), out_str);
    EXPECT_EQ(port_cases[i].expected_component.begin, out_comp.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(port_cases[i].expected_component.len, out_comp.len);

    // Now try the wide version
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output2(&out_str);
    base::string16 wide_input(ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(port_cases[i].input));
    success = url_canon::CanonicalizePort(wide_input.c_str(), in_comp,
                                          &output2, &out_comp);

    EXPECT_EQ(port_cases[i].expected_success, success);
    EXPECT_EQ(std::string(port_cases[i].expected), out_str);
    EXPECT_EQ(port_cases[i].expected_component.begin, out_comp.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(port_cases[i].expected_component.len, out_comp.len);

TEST(URLCanonTest, Path) {
  DualComponentCase path_cases[] = {
    // ----- path collapsing tests -----
    {"/././foo", L"/././foo", "/foo", url_parse::Component(0, 4), true},
    {"/./.foo", L"/./.foo", "/.foo", url_parse::Component(0, 5), true},
    {"/foo/.", L"/foo/.", "/foo/", url_parse::Component(0, 5), true},
    {"/foo/./", L"/foo/./", "/foo/", url_parse::Component(0, 5), true},
      // double dots followed by a slash or the end of the string count
    {"/foo/bar/..", L"/foo/bar/..", "/foo/", url_parse::Component(0, 5), true},
    {"/foo/bar/../", L"/foo/bar/../", "/foo/", url_parse::Component(0, 5), true},
      // don't count double dots when they aren't followed by a slash
    {"/foo/", L"/foo/", "/foo/", url_parse::Component(0, 10), true},
      // some in the middle
    {"/foo/bar/../ton", L"/foo/bar/../ton", "/foo/ton", url_parse::Component(0, 8), true},
    {"/foo/bar/../ton/../../a", L"/foo/bar/../ton/../../a", "/a", url_parse::Component(0, 2), true},
      // we should not be able to go above the root
    {"/foo/../../..", L"/foo/../../..", "/", url_parse::Component(0, 1), true},
    {"/foo/../../../ton", L"/foo/../../../ton", "/ton", url_parse::Component(0, 4), true},
      // escaped dots should be unescaped and treated the same as dots
    {"/foo/%2e", L"/foo/%2e", "/foo/", url_parse::Component(0, 5), true},
    {"/foo/%2e%2", L"/foo/%2e%2", "/foo/.%2", url_parse::Component(0, 8), true},
    {"/foo/%2e./%2e%2e/.%2e/", L"/foo/%2e./%2e%2e/.%2e/", "/", url_parse::Component(0, 6), true},
      // Multiple slashes in a row should be preserved and treated like empty
      // directory names.
    {"////../..", L"////../..", "//", url_parse::Component(0, 2), true},

    // ----- escaping tests -----
    {"/foo", L"/foo", "/foo", url_parse::Component(0, 4), true},
      // Valid escape sequence
    {"/%20foo", L"/%20foo", "/%20foo", url_parse::Component(0, 7), true},
      // Invalid escape sequence we should pass through unchanged.
    {"/foo%", L"/foo%", "/foo%", url_parse::Component(0, 5), true},
    {"/foo%2", L"/foo%2", "/foo%2", url_parse::Component(0, 6), true},
      // Invalid escape sequence: bad characters should be treated the same as
      // the sourrounding text, not as escaped (in this case, UTF-8).
    {"/foo%2zbar", L"/foo%2zbar", "/foo%2zbar", url_parse::Component(0, 10), true},
    {"/foo%2\xc2\xa9zbar", NULL, "/foo%2%C2%A9zbar", url_parse::Component(0, 16), true},
    {NULL, L"/foo%2\xc2\xa9zbar", "/foo%2%C3%82%C2%A9zbar", url_parse::Component(0, 22), true},
      // Regular characters that are escaped should be unescaped
    {"/foo%41%7a", L"/foo%41%7a", "/fooAz", url_parse::Component(0, 6), true},
      // Funny characters that are unescaped should be escaped
    {"/foo\x09\x91%91", NULL, "/foo%09%91%91", url_parse::Component(0, 13), true},
    {NULL, L"/foo\x09\x91%91", "/foo%09%C2%91%91", url_parse::Component(0, 16), true},
      // Invalid characters that are escaped should cause a failure.
    {"/foo%00%51", L"/foo%00%51", "/foo%00Q", url_parse::Component(0, 8), false},
      // Some characters should be passed through unchanged regardless of esc.
    {"/(%28:%3A%29)", L"/(%28:%3A%29)", "/(%28:%3A%29)", url_parse::Component(0, 13), true},
      // Characters that are properly escaped should not have the case changed
      // of hex letters.
    {"/%3A%3a%3C%3c", L"/%3A%3a%3C%3c", "/%3A%3a%3C%3c", url_parse::Component(0, 13), true},
      // Funny characters that are unescaped should be escaped
    {"/foo\tbar", L"/foo\tbar", "/foo%09bar", url_parse::Component(0, 10), true},
      // Backslashes should get converted to forward slashes
    {"\\foo\\bar", L"\\foo\\bar", "/foo/bar", url_parse::Component(0, 8), true},
      // Hashes found in paths (possibly only when the caller explicitly sets
      // the path on an already-parsed URL) should be escaped.
    {"/foo#bar", L"/foo#bar", "/foo%23bar", url_parse::Component(0, 10), true},
      // %7f should be allowed and %3D should not be unescaped (these were wrong
      // in a previous version).
    {"/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd", L"/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd", "/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd", url_parse::Component(0, 24), true},
      // @ should be passed through unchanged (escaped or unescaped).
    {"/@asdf%40", L"/@asdf%40", "/@asdf%40", url_parse::Component(0, 9), true},

    // ----- encoding tests -----
      // Basic conversions
    {"/\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"/\x4f60\x597d\x4f60\x597d", "/%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD", url_parse::Component(0, 37), true},
      // Invalid unicode characters should fail. We only do validation on
      // UTF-16 input, so this doesn't happen on 8-bit.
    {"/\xef\xb7\x90zyx", NULL, "/%EF%B7%90zyx", url_parse::Component(0, 13), true},
    {NULL, L"/\xfdd0zyx", "/%EF%BF%BDzyx", url_parse::Component(0, 13), false},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(path_cases); i++) {
    if (path_cases[i].input8) {
      int len = static_cast<int>(strlen(path_cases[i].input8));
      url_parse::Component in_comp(0, len);
      url_parse::Component out_comp;
      std::string out_str;
      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
      bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizePath(path_cases[i].input8, in_comp,
                                                 &output, &out_comp);

      EXPECT_EQ(path_cases[i].expected_success, success);
      EXPECT_EQ(path_cases[i].expected_component.begin, out_comp.begin);
      EXPECT_EQ(path_cases[i].expected_component.len, out_comp.len);
      EXPECT_EQ(path_cases[i].expected, out_str);

    if (path_cases[i].input16) {
      base::string16 input16(WStringToUTF16(path_cases[i].input16));
      int len = static_cast<int>(input16.length());
      url_parse::Component in_comp(0, len);
      url_parse::Component out_comp;
      std::string out_str;
      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);

      bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizePath(input16.c_str(), in_comp,
                                                 &output, &out_comp);

      EXPECT_EQ(path_cases[i].expected_success, success);
      EXPECT_EQ(path_cases[i].expected_component.begin, out_comp.begin);
      EXPECT_EQ(path_cases[i].expected_component.len, out_comp.len);
      EXPECT_EQ(path_cases[i].expected, out_str);

  // Manual test: embedded NULLs should be escaped and the URL should be marked
  // as invalid.
  const char path_with_null[] = "/ab\0c";
  url_parse::Component in_comp(0, 5);
  url_parse::Component out_comp;

  std::string out_str;
  url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
  bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizePath(path_with_null, in_comp,
                                             &output, &out_comp);
  EXPECT_EQ("/ab%00c", out_str);

TEST(URLCanonTest, Query) {
  struct QueryCase {
    const char* input8;
    const wchar_t* input16;
    const char* encoding;
    const char* expected;
  } query_cases[] = {
      // Regular ASCII case in some different encodings.
    {"foo=bar", L"foo=bar", NULL, "?foo=bar"},
    {"foo=bar", L"foo=bar", "utf-8", "?foo=bar"},
    {"foo=bar", L"foo=bar", "shift_jis", "?foo=bar"},
    {"foo=bar", L"foo=bar", "gb2312", "?foo=bar"},
      // Allow question marks in the query without escaping
    {"as?df", L"as?df", NULL, "?as?df"},
      // Always escape '#' since it would mark the ref.
    {"as#df", L"as#df", NULL, "?as%23df"},
      // Escape some questionable 8-bit characters, but never unescape.
    {"\x02hello\x7f bye", L"\x02hello\x7f bye", NULL, "?%02hello%7F%20bye"},
    {"%40%41123", L"%40%41123", NULL, "?%40%41123"},
      // Chinese input/output
    {"q=\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"q=\x4f60\x597d", NULL, "?q=%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD"},
    {"q=\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"q=\x4f60\x597d", "gb2312", "?q=%C4%E3%BA%C3"},
    {"q=\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"q=\x4f60\x597d", "big5", "?q=%A7A%A6n"},
      // Unencodable character in the destination character set should be
      // escaped. The escape sequence unescapes to be the entity name:
      // "?q=&#20320;"
    {"q=Chinese\xef\xbc\xa7", L"q=Chinese\xff27", "iso-8859-1", "?q=Chinese%26%2365319%3B"},
      // Invalid UTF-8/16 input should be replaced with invalid characters.
    {"q=\xed\xed", L"q=\xd800\xd800", NULL, "?q=%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD"},
      // Don't allow < or > because sometimes they are used for XSS if the
      // URL is echoed in content. Firefox does this, IE doesn't.
    {"q=<asdf>", L"q=<asdf>", NULL, "?q=%3Casdf%3E"},
      // Escape double quotemarks in the query.
    {"q=\"asdf\"", L"q=\"asdf\"", NULL, "?q=%22asdf%22"},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(query_cases); i++) {
    url_parse::Component out_comp;

    UConvScoper conv(query_cases[i].encoding);
    ASSERT_TRUE(!query_cases[i].encoding || conv.converter());
    url_canon::ICUCharsetConverter converter(conv.converter());

    // Map NULL to a NULL converter pointer.
    url_canon::ICUCharsetConverter* conv_pointer = &converter;
    if (!query_cases[i].encoding)
      conv_pointer = NULL;

    if (query_cases[i].input8) {
      int len = static_cast<int>(strlen(query_cases[i].input8));
      url_parse::Component in_comp(0, len);
      std::string out_str;

      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
      url_canon::CanonicalizeQuery(query_cases[i].input8, in_comp,
                                   conv_pointer, &output, &out_comp);

      EXPECT_EQ(query_cases[i].expected, out_str);

    if (query_cases[i].input16) {
      base::string16 input16(WStringToUTF16(query_cases[i].input16));
      int len = static_cast<int>(input16.length());
      url_parse::Component in_comp(0, len);
      std::string out_str;

      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
      url_canon::CanonicalizeQuery(input16.c_str(), in_comp,
                                   conv_pointer, &output, &out_comp);

      EXPECT_EQ(query_cases[i].expected, out_str);

  // Extra test for input with embedded NULL;
  std::string out_str;
  url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
  url_parse::Component out_comp;
  url_canon::CanonicalizeQuery("a \x00z\x01", url_parse::Component(0, 5), NULL,
                               &output, &out_comp);
  EXPECT_EQ("?a%20%00z%01", out_str);

TEST(URLCanonTest, Ref) {
  // Refs are trivial, it just checks the encoding.
  DualComponentCase ref_cases[] = {
      // Regular one, we shouldn't escape spaces, et al.
    {"hello, world", L"hello, world", "#hello, world", url_parse::Component(1, 12), true},
      // UTF-8/wide input should be preserved
    {"\xc2\xa9", L"\xa9", "#\xc2\xa9", url_parse::Component(1, 2), true},
      // Test a characer that takes > 16 bits (U+10300 = old italic letter A)
    {"\xF0\x90\x8C\x80ss", L"\xd800\xdf00ss", "#\xF0\x90\x8C\x80ss", url_parse::Component(1, 6), true},
      // Escaping should be preserved unchanged, even invalid ones
    {"%41%a", L"%41%a", "#%41%a", url_parse::Component(1, 5), true},
      // Invalid UTF-8/16 input should be flagged and the input made valid
    {"\xc2", NULL, "#\xef\xbf\xbd", url_parse::Component(1, 3), true},
    {NULL, L"\xd800\x597d", "#\xef\xbf\xbd\xe5\xa5\xbd", url_parse::Component(1, 6), true},
      // Test a Unicode invalid character.
    {"a\xef\xb7\x90", L"a\xfdd0", "#a\xef\xbf\xbd", url_parse::Component(1, 4), true},
      // Refs can have # signs and we should preserve them.
    {"asdf#qwer", L"asdf#qwer", "#asdf#qwer", url_parse::Component(1, 9), true},
    {"#asdf", L"#asdf", "##asdf", url_parse::Component(1, 5), true},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(ref_cases); i++) {
    // 8-bit input
    if (ref_cases[i].input8) {
      int len = static_cast<int>(strlen(ref_cases[i].input8));
      url_parse::Component in_comp(0, len);
      url_parse::Component out_comp;

      std::string out_str;
      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
      url_canon::CanonicalizeRef(ref_cases[i].input8, in_comp,
                                 &output, &out_comp);

      EXPECT_EQ(ref_cases[i].expected_component.begin, out_comp.begin);
      EXPECT_EQ(ref_cases[i].expected_component.len, out_comp.len);
      EXPECT_EQ(ref_cases[i].expected, out_str);

    // 16-bit input
    if (ref_cases[i].input16) {
      base::string16 input16(WStringToUTF16(ref_cases[i].input16));
      int len = static_cast<int>(input16.length());
      url_parse::Component in_comp(0, len);
      url_parse::Component out_comp;

      std::string out_str;
      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
      url_canon::CanonicalizeRef(input16.c_str(), in_comp, &output, &out_comp);

      EXPECT_EQ(ref_cases[i].expected_component.begin, out_comp.begin);
      EXPECT_EQ(ref_cases[i].expected_component.len, out_comp.len);
      EXPECT_EQ(ref_cases[i].expected, out_str);

  // Try one with an embedded NULL. It should be stripped.
  const char null_input[5] = "ab\x00z";
  url_parse::Component null_input_component(0, 4);
  url_parse::Component out_comp;

  std::string out_str;
  url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
  url_canon::CanonicalizeRef(null_input, null_input_component,
                             &output, &out_comp);

  EXPECT_EQ(1, out_comp.begin);
  EXPECT_EQ(3, out_comp.len);
  EXPECT_EQ("#abz", out_str);

TEST(URLCanonTest, CanonicalizeStandardURL) {
  // The individual component canonicalize tests should have caught the cases
  // for each of those components. Here, we just need to test that the various
  // parts are included or excluded properly, and have the correct separators.
  struct URLCase {
    const char* input;
    const char* expected;
    bool expected_success;
  } cases[] = {
    {"", "", true},
    {"http://[]/", "http://[]/", false},
    {"ht\;p?#", "ht%09tp://;p?#", false},
    {"http:////////", "", true},
    {"", "", true},
    {"http://192.0x00A80001", "", true},
    {"http://www/foo%2Ehtml", "http://www/foo.html", true},
    {"http://user:pass@/", "http://user:pass@/", false},
    {"", "", true},

      // Backslashes should get converted to forward slashes.
    {"http:\\\\\\foo", "", true},

      // Busted refs shouldn't make the whole thing fail.
    {"\xc2", "\xef\xbf\xbd", true},

      // Basic port tests.
    {"http://foo:80/", "http://foo/", true},
    {"http://foo:81/", "http://foo:81/", true},
    {"httpa://foo:80/", "httpa://foo:80/", true},
    {"http://foo:-80/", "http://foo:-80/", false},

    {"https://foo:443/", "https://foo/", true},
    {"https://foo:80/", "https://foo:80/", true},
    {"ftp://foo:21/", "ftp://foo/", true},
    {"ftp://foo:80/", "ftp://foo:80/", true},
    {"gopher://foo:70/", "gopher://foo/", true},
    {"gopher://foo:443/", "gopher://foo:443/", true},
    {"ws://foo:80/", "ws://foo/", true},
    {"ws://foo:81/", "ws://foo:81/", true},
    {"ws://foo:443/", "ws://foo:443/", true},
    {"ws://foo:815/", "ws://foo:815/", true},
    {"wss://foo:80/", "wss://foo:80/", true},
    {"wss://foo:81/", "wss://foo:81/", true},
    {"wss://foo:443/", "wss://foo/", true},
    {"wss://foo:815/", "wss://foo:815/", true},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(cases); i++) {
    int url_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cases[i].input));
    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParseStandardURL(cases[i].input, url_len, &parsed);

    url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizeStandardURL(
        cases[i].input, url_len, parsed, NULL, &output, &out_parsed);

    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_success, success);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected, out_str);

// The codepath here is the same as for regular canonicalization, so we just
// need to test that things are replaced or not correctly.
TEST(URLCanonTest, ReplaceStandardURL) {
  ReplaceCase replace_cases[] = {
      // Common case of truncating the path.
    {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "/", kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp, ""},
      // Replace everything
    {";bar?baz@cat", "https", "me", "pw", "", "99", "/path", "query", "ref", ""},
      // Replace nothing
      // Replace scheme with filesystem.  The result is garbage, but you asked
      // for it.
    {"", "filesystem", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "filesystem://"},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(replace_cases); i++) {
    const ReplaceCase& cur = replace_cases[i];
    int base_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cur.base));
    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParseStandardURL(cur.base, base_len, &parsed);

    url_canon::Replacements<char> r;
    typedef url_canon::Replacements<char> R;  // Clean up syntax.

    // Note that for the scheme we pass in a different clear function since
    // there is no function to clear the scheme.
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetScheme, &R::ClearRef, &r, cur.scheme);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetUsername, &R::ClearUsername, &r, cur.username);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPassword, &R::ClearPassword, &r, cur.password);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetHost, &R::ClearHost, &r,;
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPort, &R::ClearPort, &r, cur.port);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPath, &R::ClearPath, &r, cur.path);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetQuery, &R::ClearQuery, &r, cur.query);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetRef, &R::ClearRef, &r, cur.ref);

    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
    url_canon::ReplaceStandardURL(replace_cases[i].base, parsed,
                                  r, NULL, &output, &out_parsed);

    EXPECT_EQ(replace_cases[i].expected, out_str);

  // The path pointer should be ignored if the address is invalid.
    const char src[] = "";
    int src_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(src));

    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParseStandardURL(src, src_len, &parsed);

    // Replace the path to 0 length string. By using 1 as the string address,
    // the test should get an access violation if it tries to dereference it.
    url_canon::Replacements<char> r;
    r.SetPath(reinterpret_cast<char*>(0x00000001), url_parse::Component(0, 0));
    std::string out_str1;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output1(&out_str1);
    url_parse::Parsed new_parsed;
    url_canon::ReplaceStandardURL(src, parsed, r, NULL, &output1, &new_parsed);
    EXPECT_STREQ("", out_str1.c_str());

    // Same with an "invalid" path.
    r.SetPath(reinterpret_cast<char*>(0x00000001), url_parse::Component());
    std::string out_str2;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output2(&out_str2);
    url_canon::ReplaceStandardURL(src, parsed, r, NULL, &output2, &new_parsed);
    EXPECT_STREQ("", out_str2.c_str());

TEST(URLCanonTest, ReplaceFileURL) {
  ReplaceCase replace_cases[] = {
      // Replace everything
    {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, "filer", NULL, "/foo", "b", "c", "file://filer/foo?b#c"},
      // Replace nothing
    {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "file:///C:/gaba?query#ref"},
      // Clear non-path components (common)
    {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp, "file:///C:/gaba"},
      // Replace path with something that doesn't begin with a slash and make
      // sure it gets added properly.
    {"file:///C:/gaba", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "interesting/", NULL, NULL, "file:///interesting/"},
    {"file:///home/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, "filer", NULL, "/foo", "b", "c", "file://filer/foo?b#c"},
    {"file:///home/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "file:///home/gaba?query#ref"},
    {"file:///home/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp, "file:///home/gaba"},
    {"file:///home/gaba", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "interesting/", NULL, NULL, "file:///interesting/"},
      // Replace scheme -- shouldn't do anything.
    {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", "http", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "file:///C:/gaba?query#ref"},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(replace_cases); i++) {
    const ReplaceCase& cur = replace_cases[i];
    int base_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cur.base));
    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParseFileURL(cur.base, base_len, &parsed);

    url_canon::Replacements<char> r;
    typedef url_canon::Replacements<char> R;  // Clean up syntax.
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetScheme, &R::ClearRef, &r, cur.scheme);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetUsername, &R::ClearUsername, &r, cur.username);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPassword, &R::ClearPassword, &r, cur.password);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetHost, &R::ClearHost, &r,;
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPort, &R::ClearPort, &r, cur.port);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPath, &R::ClearPath, &r, cur.path);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetQuery, &R::ClearQuery, &r, cur.query);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetRef, &R::ClearRef, &r, cur.ref);

    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
    url_canon::ReplaceFileURL(cur.base, parsed,
                              r, NULL, &output, &out_parsed);

    EXPECT_EQ(replace_cases[i].expected, out_str);

TEST(URLCanonTest, ReplaceFileSystemURL) {
  ReplaceCase replace_cases[] = {
      // Replace everything in the outer URL.
    {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "/foo", "b", "c", "filesystem:file:///temporary/foo?b#c"},
      // Replace nothing
    {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref"},
      // Clear non-path components (common)
    {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp, "filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba"},
      // Replace path with something that doesn't begin with a slash and make
      // sure it gets added properly.
    {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "interesting/", NULL, NULL, "filesystem:file:///temporary/interesting/?query#ref"},
      // Replace scheme -- shouldn't do anything.
    {"filesystem:", "http", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "filesystem:"},
      // Replace username -- shouldn't do anything.
    {"filesystem:", NULL, "u2", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "filesystem:"},
      // Replace password -- shouldn't do anything.
    {"filesystem:", NULL, NULL, "pw2", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "filesystem:"},
      // Replace host -- shouldn't do anything.
    {"filesystem:", NULL, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "filesystem:"},
      // Replace port -- shouldn't do anything.
    {"filesystem:", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "41", NULL, NULL, NULL, "filesystem:"},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(replace_cases); i++) {
    const ReplaceCase& cur = replace_cases[i];
    int base_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cur.base));
    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParseFileSystemURL(cur.base, base_len, &parsed);

    url_canon::Replacements<char> r;
    typedef url_canon::Replacements<char> R;  // Clean up syntax.
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetScheme, &R::ClearRef, &r, cur.scheme);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetUsername, &R::ClearUsername, &r, cur.username);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPassword, &R::ClearPassword, &r, cur.password);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetHost, &R::ClearHost, &r,;
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPort, &R::ClearPort, &r, cur.port);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPath, &R::ClearPath, &r, cur.path);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetQuery, &R::ClearQuery, &r, cur.query);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetRef, &R::ClearRef, &r, cur.ref);

    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
    url_canon::ReplaceFileSystemURL(cur.base, parsed, r, NULL,
                                    &output, &out_parsed);

    EXPECT_EQ(replace_cases[i].expected, out_str);

TEST(URLCanonTest, ReplacePathURL) {
  ReplaceCase replace_cases[] = {
      // Replace everything
    {"data:foo", "javascript", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "alert('foo?');", NULL, NULL, "javascript:alert('foo?');"},
      // Replace nothing
    {"data:foo", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "data:foo"},
      // Replace one or the other
    {"data:foo", "javascript", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "javascript:foo"},
    {"data:foo", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "bar", NULL, NULL, "data:bar"},
    {"data:foo", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, kDeleteComp, NULL, NULL, "data:"},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(replace_cases); i++) {
    const ReplaceCase& cur = replace_cases[i];
    int base_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cur.base));
    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParsePathURL(cur.base, base_len, false, &parsed);

    url_canon::Replacements<char> r;
    typedef url_canon::Replacements<char> R;  // Clean up syntax.
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetScheme, &R::ClearRef, &r, cur.scheme);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetUsername, &R::ClearUsername, &r, cur.username);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPassword, &R::ClearPassword, &r, cur.password);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetHost, &R::ClearHost, &r,;
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPort, &R::ClearPort, &r, cur.port);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPath, &R::ClearPath, &r, cur.path);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetQuery, &R::ClearQuery, &r, cur.query);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetRef, &R::ClearRef, &r, cur.ref);

    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
    url_canon::ReplacePathURL(cur.base, parsed,
                              r, &output, &out_parsed);

    EXPECT_EQ(replace_cases[i].expected, out_str);

TEST(URLCanonTest, ReplaceMailtoURL) {
  ReplaceCase replace_cases[] = {
      // Replace everything
    {"", "mailto", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "addr1", "to=tony", NULL, "mailto:addr1?to=tony"},
      // Replace nothing
      // Replace the path
    {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "jason", NULL, NULL, "mailto:jason?body=sup"},
      // Replace the query
    {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "custom=1", NULL, ""},
      // Replace the path and query
    {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "jason", "custom=1", NULL, "mailto:jason?custom=1"},
      // Set the query to empty (should leave trailing question mark)
    {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, ""},
      // Clear the query
    {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "|", NULL, ""},
      // Clear the path
    {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "|", NULL, NULL, "mailto:?body=sup"},
      // Clear the path + query
    {"mailto:", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "|", "|", NULL, "mailto:"},
      // Setting the ref should have no effect
    {"mailto:addr1", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "BLAH", "mailto:addr1"},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(replace_cases); i++) {
    const ReplaceCase& cur = replace_cases[i];
    int base_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cur.base));
    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParseMailtoURL(cur.base, base_len, &parsed);

    url_canon::Replacements<char> r;
    typedef url_canon::Replacements<char> R;
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetScheme, &R::ClearRef, &r, cur.scheme);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetUsername, &R::ClearUsername, &r, cur.username);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPassword, &R::ClearPassword, &r, cur.password);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetHost, &R::ClearHost, &r,;
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPort, &R::ClearPort, &r, cur.port);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetPath, &R::ClearPath, &r, cur.path);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetQuery, &R::ClearQuery, &r, cur.query);
    SetupReplComp(&R::SetRef, &R::ClearRef, &r, cur.ref);

    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
    url_canon::ReplaceMailtoURL(cur.base, parsed,
                                r, &output, &out_parsed);

    EXPECT_EQ(replace_cases[i].expected, out_str);

TEST(URLCanonTest, CanonicalizeFileURL) {
  struct URLCase {
    const char* input;
    const char* expected;
    bool expected_success;
    url_parse::Component expected_host;
    url_parse::Component expected_path;
  } cases[] = {
#ifdef _WIN32
      // Windows-style paths
    {"file:c:\\foo\\bar.html", "file:///C:/foo/bar.html", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 16)},
    {"  File:c|////foo\\bar.html", "file:///C:////foo/bar.html", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 19)},
    {"file:", "file:///", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 1)},
    {"file:UNChost/path", "file://unchost/path", true, url_parse::Component(7, 7), url_parse::Component(14, 5)},
      // CanonicalizeFileURL supports absolute Windows style paths for IE
      // compatability. Note that the caller must decide that this is a file
      // URL itself so it can call the file canonicalizer. This is usually
      // done automatically as part of relative URL resolving.
    {"c:\\foo\\bar", "file:///C:/foo/bar", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 11)},
    {"C|/foo/bar", "file:///C:/foo/bar", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 11)},
    {"/C|\\foo\\bar", "file:///C:/foo/bar", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 11)},
    {"//C|/foo/bar", "file:///C:/foo/bar", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 11)},
    {"//server/file", "file://server/file", true, url_parse::Component(7, 6), url_parse::Component(13, 5)},
    {"\\\\server\\file", "file://server/file", true, url_parse::Component(7, 6), url_parse::Component(13, 5)},
    {"/\\server/file", "file://server/file", true, url_parse::Component(7, 6), url_parse::Component(13, 5)},
      // We should preserve the number of slashes after the colon for IE
      // compatability, except when there is none, in which case we should
      // add one.
    {"file:c:foo/bar.html", "file:///C:/foo/bar.html", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 16)},
    {"file:/\\/\\C:\\\\//foo\\bar.html", "file:///C:////foo/bar.html", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 19)},
      // Three slashes should be non-UNC, even if there is no drive spec (IE
      // does this, which makes the resulting request invalid).
    {"file:///foo/bar.txt", "file:///foo/bar.txt", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 12)},
      // TODO(brettw) we should probably fail for invalid host names, which
      // would change the expected result on this test. We also currently allow
      // colon even though it's probably invalid, because its currently the
      // "natural" result of the way the canonicalizer is written. There doesn't
      // seem to be a strong argument for why allowing it here would be bad, so
      // we just tolerate it and the load will fail later.
    {"FILE:/\\/\\7:\\\\//foo\\bar.html", "file://7:////foo/bar.html", false, url_parse::Component(7, 2), url_parse::Component(9, 16)},
    {"file:filer/home\\me", "file://filer/home/me", true, url_parse::Component(7, 5), url_parse::Component(12, 8)},
      // Make sure relative paths can't go above the "C:"
    {"file:///C:/foo/../../../bar.html", "file:///C:/bar.html", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 12)},
      // Busted refs shouldn't make the whole thing fail.
    {"file:///C:/asdf#\xc2", "file:///C:/asdf#\xef\xbf\xbd", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 8)},
      // Unix-style paths
    {"file:///home/me", "file:///home/me", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 8)},
      // Windowsy ones should get still treated as Unix-style.
    {"file:c:\\foo\\bar.html", "file:///c:/foo/bar.html", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 16)},
    {"file:c|//foo\\bar.html", "file:///c%7C//foo/bar.html", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 19)},
      // file: tests from WebKit (LayoutTests/fast/loader/url-parse-1.html)
    {"//", "file:///", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 1)},
    {"///", "file:///", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 1)},
    {"///test", "file:///test", true, url_parse::Component(), url_parse::Component(7, 5)},
    {"file://test", "file://test/", true, url_parse::Component(7, 4), url_parse::Component(11, 1)},
    {"file://localhost",  "file://localhost/", true, url_parse::Component(7, 9), url_parse::Component(16, 1)},
    {"file://localhost/", "file://localhost/", true, url_parse::Component(7, 9), url_parse::Component(16, 1)},
    {"file://localhost/test", "file://localhost/test", true, url_parse::Component(7, 9), url_parse::Component(16, 5)},
#endif  // _WIN32

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(cases); i++) {
    int url_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cases[i].input));
    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParseFileURL(cases[i].input, url_len, &parsed);

    url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizeFileURL(cases[i].input, url_len,
                                                  parsed, NULL, &output,

    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_success, success);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected, out_str);

    // Make sure the spec was properly identified, the file canonicalizer has
    // different code for writing the spec.
    EXPECT_EQ(0, out_parsed.scheme.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(4, out_parsed.scheme.len);


    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_path.begin, out_parsed.path.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_path.len, out_parsed.path.len);

TEST(URLCanonTest, CanonicalizeFileSystemURL) {
  struct URLCase {
    const char* input;
    const char* expected;
    bool expected_success;
  } cases[] = {
    {"Filesystem:htTp://", "filesystem:", true},
    {"filesystem:httpS://", "filesystem:", true},
    {"filesystem:", "filesystem:", false},
    {"filesystem:", "filesystem:", true},
    {"filesystem:fIle://\\temporary/", "filesystem:file:///temporary/", true},
    {"filesystem:fiLe:///temporary", "filesystem:file:///temporary/", true},
    {"filesystem:File:///temporary/Bob?qUery#reF", "filesystem:file:///temporary/Bob?qUery#reF", true},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(cases); i++) {
    int url_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cases[i].input));
    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParseFileSystemURL(cases[i].input, url_len, &parsed);

    url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizeFileSystemURL(cases[i].input, url_len,
                                                        parsed, NULL, &output,

    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_success, success);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected, out_str);

    // Make sure the spec was properly identified, the filesystem canonicalizer
    // has different code for writing the spec.
    EXPECT_EQ(0, out_parsed.scheme.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(10, out_parsed.scheme.len);
    if (success)
      EXPECT_GT(out_parsed.path.len, 0);

TEST(URLCanonTest, CanonicalizePathURL) {
  // Path URLs should get canonicalized schemes but nothing else.
  struct PathCase {
    const char* input;
    const char* expected;
  } path_cases[] = {
    {"javascript:", "javascript:"},
    {"JavaScript:Foo", "javascript:Foo"},
    {":\":This /is interesting;?#", ":\":This /is interesting;?#"},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(path_cases); i++) {
    int url_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(path_cases[i].input));
    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    url_parse::ParsePathURL(path_cases[i].input, url_len, true, &parsed);

    url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;
    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizePathURL(path_cases[i].input, url_len,
                                                  parsed, &output,

    EXPECT_EQ(path_cases[i].expected, out_str);


    // When we end with a colon at the end, there should be no path.
    if (path_cases[i].input[url_len - 1] == ':') {
      EXPECT_EQ(0, out_parsed.GetContent().begin);
      EXPECT_EQ(-1, out_parsed.GetContent().len);

TEST(URLCanonTest, CanonicalizeMailtoURL) {
  struct URLCase {
    const char* input;
    const char* expected;
    bool expected_success;
    url_parse::Component expected_path;
    url_parse::Component expected_query;
  } cases[] = {
    {"mailto:addr1", "mailto:addr1", true, url_parse::Component(7, 5), url_parse::Component()},
    {"", "", true, url_parse::Component(7, 13), url_parse::Component()},
    // Trailing whitespace is stripped.
    {"MaIlTo:addr1 \t ", "mailto:addr1", true, url_parse::Component(7, 5), url_parse::Component()},
    {"MaIlTo:addr1?to=jon", "mailto:addr1?to=jon", true, url_parse::Component(7, 5), url_parse::Component(13,6)},
    {"mailto:addr1,addr2", "mailto:addr1,addr2", true, url_parse::Component(7, 11), url_parse::Component()},
    {"mailto:addr1, addr2", "mailto:addr1, addr2", true, url_parse::Component(7, 12), url_parse::Component()},
    {"mailto:addr1%2caddr2", "mailto:addr1%2caddr2", true, url_parse::Component(7, 13), url_parse::Component()},
    {"mailto:\xF0\x90\x8C\x80", "mailto:%F0%90%8C%80", true, url_parse::Component(7, 12), url_parse::Component()},
    // Null character should be escaped to %00
    {"mailto:addr1\0addr2?foo", "mailto:addr1%00addr2?foo", true, url_parse::Component(7, 13), url_parse::Component(21, 3)},
    // Invalid -- UTF-8 encoded surrogate value.
    {"mailto:\xed\xa0\x80", "mailto:%EF%BF%BD", false, url_parse::Component(7, 9), url_parse::Component()},
    {"mailto:addr1?", "mailto:addr1?", true, url_parse::Component(7, 5), url_parse::Component(13, 0)},

  // Define outside of loop to catch bugs where components aren't reset
  url_parse::Parsed parsed;
  url_parse::Parsed out_parsed;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(cases); i++) {
    int url_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cases[i].input));
    if (i == 8) {
      // The 9th test case purposely has a '\0' in it -- don't count it
      // as the string terminator.
      url_len = 22;
    url_parse::ParseMailtoURL(cases[i].input, url_len, &parsed);

    std::string out_str;
    url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&out_str);
    bool success = url_canon::CanonicalizeMailtoURL(cases[i].input, url_len,
                                                    parsed, &output,

    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_success, success);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected, out_str);

    // Make sure the spec was properly identified
    EXPECT_EQ(0, out_parsed.scheme.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(6, out_parsed.scheme.len);

    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_path.begin, out_parsed.path.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_path.len, out_parsed.path.len);

    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_query.begin, out_parsed.query.begin);
    EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_query.len, out_parsed.query.len);

#ifndef WIN32

TEST(URLCanonTest, _itoa_s) {
  // We fill the buffer with 0xff to ensure that it's getting properly
  // null-terminated.  We also allocate one byte more than what we tell
  // _itoa_s about, and ensure that the extra byte is untouched.
  char buf[6];
  memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, url_canon::_itoa_s(12, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 10));
  EXPECT_STREQ("12", buf);
  EXPECT_EQ('\xFF', buf[3]);

  // Test the edge cases - exactly the buffer size and one over
  memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, url_canon::_itoa_s(1234, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 10));
  EXPECT_STREQ("1234", buf);
  EXPECT_EQ('\xFF', buf[5]);

  memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, url_canon::_itoa_s(12345, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 10));
  EXPECT_EQ('\xFF', buf[5]);  // should never write to this location

  // Test the template overload (note that this will see the full buffer)
  memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, url_canon::_itoa_s(12, buf, 10));
  EXPECT_STREQ("12", buf);
  EXPECT_EQ('\xFF', buf[3]);

  memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, url_canon::_itoa_s(12345, buf, 10));
  EXPECT_STREQ("12345", buf);

  EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, url_canon::_itoa_s(123456, buf, 10));

  // Test that radix 16 is supported.
  memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, url_canon::_itoa_s(1234, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 16));
  EXPECT_STREQ("4d2", buf);
  EXPECT_EQ('\xFF', buf[5]);

TEST(URLCanonTest, _itow_s) {
  // We fill the buffer with 0xff to ensure that it's getting properly
  // null-terminated.  We also allocate one byte more than what we tell
  // _itoa_s about, and ensure that the extra byte is untouched.
  base::char16 buf[6];
  const char fill_mem = 0xff;
  const base::char16 fill_char = 0xffff;
  memset(buf, fill_mem, sizeof(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, url_canon::_itow_s(12, buf, sizeof(buf) / 2 - 1, 10));
  EXPECT_EQ(WStringToUTF16(L"12"), base::string16(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(fill_char, buf[3]);

  // Test the edge cases - exactly the buffer size and one over
  EXPECT_EQ(0, url_canon::_itow_s(1234, buf, sizeof(buf) / 2 - 1, 10));
  EXPECT_EQ(WStringToUTF16(L"1234"), base::string16(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(fill_char, buf[5]);

  memset(buf, fill_mem, sizeof(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, url_canon::_itow_s(12345, buf, sizeof(buf) / 2 - 1, 10));
  EXPECT_EQ(fill_char, buf[5]);  // should never write to this location

  // Test the template overload (note that this will see the full buffer)
  memset(buf, fill_mem, sizeof(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, url_canon::_itow_s(12, buf, 10));
  EXPECT_EQ(WStringToUTF16(L"12"), base::string16(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(fill_char, buf[3]);

  memset(buf, fill_mem, sizeof(buf));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, url_canon::_itow_s(12345, buf, 10));
  EXPECT_EQ(WStringToUTF16(L"12345"), base::string16(buf));

  EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, url_canon::_itow_s(123456, buf, 10));

#endif  // !WIN32

// Returns true if the given two structures are the same.
static bool ParsedIsEqual(const url_parse::Parsed& a,
                          const url_parse::Parsed& b) {
  return a.scheme.begin == b.scheme.begin && a.scheme.len == b.scheme.len &&
         a.username.begin == b.username.begin && a.username.len == b.username.len &&
         a.password.begin == b.password.begin && a.password.len == b.password.len && == && == &&
         a.port.begin == b.port.begin && a.port.len == b.port.len &&
         a.path.begin == b.path.begin && a.path.len == b.path.len &&
         a.query.begin == b.query.begin && a.query.len == b.query.len &&
         a.ref.begin == b.ref.begin && a.ref.len == b.ref.len;

TEST(URLCanonTest, ResolveRelativeURL) {
  struct RelativeCase {
    const char* base;      // Input base URL: MUST BE CANONICAL
    bool is_base_hier;     // Is the base URL hierarchical
    bool is_base_file;     // Tells us if the base is a file URL.
    const char* test;      // Input URL to test against.
    bool succeed_relative; // Whether we expect IsRelativeURL to succeed
    bool is_rel;           // Whether we expect |test| to be relative or not.
    bool succeed_resolve;  // Whether we expect ResolveRelativeURL to succeed.
    const char* resolved;  // What we expect in the result when resolving.
  } rel_cases[] = {
      // Basic absolute input.
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "http://another/", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "http:////another/", true, false, false, NULL},
      // Empty relative URLs should only remove the ref part of the URL,
      // leaving the rest unchanged.
    {"http://foo/bar", true, false, "", true, true, true, "http://foo/bar"},
    {"http://foo/bar#ref", true, false, "", true, true, true, "http://foo/bar"},
    {"http://foo/bar#", true, false, "", true, true, true, "http://foo/bar"},
      // Spaces at the ends of the relative path should be ignored.
    {"http://foo/bar", true, false, "  another  ", true, true, true, "http://foo/another"},
    {"http://foo/bar", true, false, "  .  ", true, true, true, "http://foo/"},
    {"http://foo/bar", true, false, " \t ", true, true, true, "http://foo/bar"},
      // Matching schemes without two slashes are treated as relative.
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "http:path", true, true, true, "http://host/path"},
    {"http://host/a/", true, false, "http:path", true, true, true, "http://host/a/path"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "http:/path", true, true, true, "http://host/path"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "HTTP:/path", true, true, true, "http://host/path"},
      // Nonmatching schemes are absolute.
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "https:host2", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "htto:/host2", true, false, false, NULL},
      // Absolute path input
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "/b/c/d", true, true, true, "http://host/b/c/d"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "\\b\\c\\d", true, true, true, "http://host/b/c/d"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "/b/../c", true, true, true, "http://host/c"},
    {"http://host/a?b#c", true, false, "/b/../c", true, true, true, "http://host/c"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "\\b/../c?x#y", true, true, true, "http://host/c?x#y"},
    {"http://host/a?b#c", true, false, "/b/../c?x#y", true, true, true, "http://host/c?x#y"},
      // Relative path input
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "b", true, true, true, "http://host/b"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "bc/de", true, true, true, "http://host/bc/de"},
    {"http://host/a/", true, false, "bc/de?query#ref", true, true, true, "http://host/a/bc/de?query#ref"},
    {"http://host/a/", true, false, ".", true, true, true, "http://host/a/"},
    {"http://host/a/", true, false, "..", true, true, true, "http://host/"},
    {"http://host/a/", true, false, "./..", true, true, true, "http://host/"},
    {"http://host/a/", true, false, "../.", true, true, true, "http://host/"},
    {"http://host/a/", true, false, "././.", true, true, true, "http://host/a/"},
    {"http://host/a?query#ref", true, false, "../../../foo", true, true, true, "http://host/foo"},
      // Query input
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "?foo=bar", true, true, true, "http://host/a?foo=bar"},
    {"http://host/a?x=y#z", true, false, "?", true, true, true, "http://host/a?"},
    {"http://host/a?x=y#z", true, false, "?foo=bar#com", true, true, true, "http://host/a?foo=bar#com"},
      // Ref input
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "#ref", true, true, true, "http://host/a#ref"},
    {"http://host/a#b", true, false, "#", true, true, true, "http://host/a#"},
    {"http://host/a?foo=bar#hello", true, false, "#bye", true, true, true, "http://host/a?foo=bar#bye"},
      // Non-hierarchical base: no relative handling. Relative input should
      // error, and if a scheme is present, it should be treated as absolute.
    {"data:foobar", false, false, "baz.html", false, false, false, NULL},
    {"data:foobar", false, false, "data:baz", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"data:foobar", false, false, "data:/base", true, false, false, NULL},
      // Non-hierarchical base: absolute input should succeed.
    {"data:foobar", false, false, "http://host/", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"data:foobar", false, false, "http:host", true, false, false, NULL},
      // Invalid schemes should be treated as relative.
    {"http://foo/bar", true, false, "./asd:fgh", true, true, true, "http://foo/asd:fgh"},
    {"http://foo/bar", true, false, ":foo", true, true, true, "http://foo/:foo"},
    {"http://foo/bar", true, false, " hello world", true, true, true, "http://foo/hello%20world"},
    {"data:asdf", false, false, ":foo", false, false, false, NULL},
    {"data:asdf", false, false, "bad(':foo')", false, false, false, NULL},
      // We should treat semicolons like any other character in URL resolving
    {"http://host/a", true, false, ";foo", true, true, true, "http://host/;foo"},
    {"http://host/a;", true, false, ";foo", true, true, true, "http://host/;foo"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, ";/../bar", true, true, true, "http://host/bar"},
      // Relative URLs can also be written as "//foo/bar" which is relative to
      // the scheme. In this case, it would take the old scheme, so for http
      // the example would resolve to "http://foo/bar".
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "//another", true, true, true, "http://another/"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "//another/path?query#ref", true, true, true, "http://another/path?query#ref"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "///another/path", true, true, true, "http://another/path"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "//Another\\path", true, true, true, "http://another/path"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "//", true, true, false, "http:"},
      // IE will also allow one or the other to be a backslash to get the same
      // behavior.
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "\\/another/path", true, true, true, "http://another/path"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "/\\Another\\path", true, true, true, "http://another/path"},
#ifdef WIN32
      // Resolving against Windows file base URLs.
    {"file:///C:/foo", true, true, "http://host/", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"file:///C:/foo", true, true, "bar", true, true, true, "file:///C:/bar"},
    {"file:///C:/foo", true, true, "../../../bar.html", true, true, true, "file:///C:/bar.html"},
    {"file:///C:/foo", true, true, "/../bar.html", true, true, true, "file:///C:/bar.html"},
      // But two backslashes on Windows should be UNC so should be treated
      // as absolute.
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "\\\\another\\path", true, false, false, NULL},
      // IE doesn't support drive specs starting with two slashes. It fails
      // immediately and doesn't even try to load. We fix it up to either
      // an absolute path or UNC depending on what it looks like.
    {"file:///C:/something", true, true, "//c:/foo", true, true, true, "file:///C:/foo"},
    {"file:///C:/something", true, true, "//localhost/c:/foo", true, true, true, "file:///C:/foo"},
      // Windows drive specs should be allowed and treated as absolute.
    {"file:///C:/foo", true, true, "c:", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"file:///C:/foo", true, true, "c:/foo", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "c:\\foo", true, false, false, NULL},
      // Relative paths with drive letters should be allowed when the base is
      // also a file.
    {"file:///C:/foo", true, true, "/z:/bar", true, true, true, "file:///Z:/bar"},
      // Treat absolute paths as being off of the drive.
    {"file:///C:/foo", true, true, "/bar", true, true, true, "file:///C:/bar"},
    {"file://localhost/C:/foo", true, true, "/bar", true, true, true, "file://localhost/C:/bar"},
    {"file:///C:/foo/com/", true, true, "/bar", true, true, true, "file:///C:/bar"},
      // On Windows, two slashes without a drive letter when the base is a file
      // means that the path is UNC.
    {"file:///C:/something", true, true, "//somehost/path", true, true, true, "file://somehost/path"},
    {"file:///C:/something", true, true, "/\\//somehost/path", true, true, true, "file://somehost/path"},
      // On Unix we fall back to relative behavior since there's nothing else
      // reasonable to do.
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "\\\\Another\\path", true, true, true, "http://another/path"},
      // Even on Windows, we don't allow relative drive specs when the base
      // is not file.
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "/c:\\foo", true, true, true, "http://host/c:/foo"},
    {"http://host/a", true, false, "//c:\\foo", true, true, true, "http://c/foo"},
      // Ensure that ports aren't allowed for hosts relative to a file url.
      // Although the result string shows a host:port portion, the call to
      // resolve the relative URL returns false, indicating parse failure,
      // which is what is required.
    {"file:///foo.txt", true, true, "//host:80/bar.txt", true, true, false, "file://host:80/bar.txt"},
      // Filesystem URL tests; filesystem URLs are only valid and relative if
      // they have no scheme, e.g. "./index.html".  There's no valid equivalent
      // to http:index.html.
    {"filesystem:http://host/t/path", true, false, "filesystem:http://host/t/path2", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"filesystem:http://host/t/path", true, false, "filesystem:https://host/t/path2", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"filesystem:http://host/t/path", true, false, "http://host/t/path2", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"http://host/t/path", true, false, "filesystem:http://host/t/path2", true, false, false, NULL},
    {"filesystem:http://host/t/path", true, false, "./path2", true, true, true, "filesystem:http://host/t/path2"},
    {"filesystem:http://host/t/path/", true, false, "path2", true, true, true, "filesystem:http://host/t/path/path2"},
    {"filesystem:http://host/t/path", true, false, "filesystem:http:path2", true, false, false, NULL},
      // Absolute URLs are still not relative to a non-standard base URL.
    {"about:blank", false, false, "http://X/A", true, false, true, ""},
    {"about:blank", false, false, "content://content.Provider/", true, false, true, ""},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rel_cases); i++) {
    const RelativeCase& cur_case = rel_cases[i];

    url_parse::Parsed parsed;
    int base_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cur_case.base));
    if (cur_case.is_base_file)
      url_parse::ParseFileURL(cur_case.base, base_len, &parsed);
    else if (cur_case.is_base_hier)
      url_parse::ParseStandardURL(cur_case.base, base_len, &parsed);
      url_parse::ParsePathURL(cur_case.base, base_len, false, &parsed);

    // First see if it is relative.
    int test_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(cur_case.test));
    bool is_relative;
    url_parse::Component relative_component;
    bool succeed_is_rel = url_canon::IsRelativeURL(
        cur_case.base, parsed, cur_case.test, test_len, cur_case.is_base_hier,
        &is_relative, &relative_component);

    EXPECT_EQ(cur_case.succeed_relative, succeed_is_rel) <<
        "succeed is rel failure on " << cur_case.test;
    EXPECT_EQ(cur_case.is_rel, is_relative) <<
        "is rel failure on " << cur_case.test;
    // Now resolve it.
    if (succeed_is_rel && is_relative && cur_case.is_rel) {
      std::string resolved;
      url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&resolved);
      url_parse::Parsed resolved_parsed;

      bool succeed_resolve = url_canon::ResolveRelativeURL(
          cur_case.base, parsed, cur_case.is_base_file,
          cur_case.test, relative_component, NULL, &output, &resolved_parsed);

      EXPECT_EQ(cur_case.succeed_resolve, succeed_resolve);
      EXPECT_EQ(cur_case.resolved, resolved) << " on " << cur_case.test;

      // Verify that the output parsed structure is the same as parsing a
      // the URL freshly.
      url_parse::Parsed ref_parsed;
      int resolved_len = static_cast<int>(resolved.size());
      if (cur_case.is_base_file) {
        url_parse::ParseFileURL(resolved.c_str(), resolved_len, &ref_parsed);
      } else if (cur_case.is_base_hier) {
        url_parse::ParseStandardURL(resolved.c_str(), resolved_len,
      } else {
        url_parse::ParsePathURL(resolved.c_str(), resolved_len, false,
      EXPECT_TRUE(ParsedIsEqual(ref_parsed, resolved_parsed));

// It used to be when we did a replacement with a long buffer of UTF-16
// characters, we would get invalid data in the URL. This is because the buffer
// it used to hold the UTF-8 data was resized, while some pointers were still
// kept to the old buffer that was removed.
TEST(URLCanonTest, ReplacementOverflow) {
  const char src[] = "file:///C:/foo/bar";
  int src_len = static_cast<int>(strlen(src));
  url_parse::Parsed parsed;
  url_parse::ParseFileURL(src, src_len, &parsed);

  // Override two components, the path with something short, and the query with
  // sonething long enough to trigger the bug.
  url_canon::Replacements<base::char16> repl;
  base::string16 new_query;
  for (int i = 0; i < 4800; i++)

  base::string16 new_path(WStringToUTF16(L"/foo"));
  repl.SetPath(new_path.c_str(), url_parse::Component(0, 4));
                url_parse::Component(0, static_cast<int>(new_query.length())));

  // Call ReplaceComponents on the string. It doesn't matter if we call it for
  // standard URLs, file URLs, etc, since they will go to the same replacement
  // function that was buggy.
  url_parse::Parsed repl_parsed;
  std::string repl_str;
  url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput repl_output(&repl_str);
  url_canon::ReplaceFileURL(src, parsed, repl, NULL, &repl_output, &repl_parsed);

  // Generate the expected string and check.
  std::string expected("file:///foo?");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < new_query.length(); i++)
  EXPECT_TRUE(expected == repl_str);

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