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// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "crypto/scoped_nss_types.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_verify_proc_nss.h"
#include "net/cert/nss_profile_filter_chromeos.h"

namespace chromeos {

// Wrapper around CertVerifyProcNSS which allows filtering trust decisions on a
// per-slot basis.
// Note that only the simple case is currently handled (if a slot contains a new
// trust root, that root should not be trusted by CertVerifyProcChromeOS
// instances using other slots). More complicated cases are not handled (like
// two slots adding the same root cert but with different trust values).
class CertVerifyProcChromeOS : public net::CertVerifyProcNSS {
  // Creates a CertVerifyProc that doesn't allow any user-provided trust roots.

  // Creates a CertVerifyProc that doesn't allow trust roots provided by
  // users other than the specified slot.
  explicit CertVerifyProcChromeOS(crypto::ScopedPK11Slot public_slot);

  virtual ~CertVerifyProcChromeOS();

  // net::CertVerifyProcNSS implementation:
  virtual int VerifyInternal(
      net::X509Certificate* cert,
      const std::string& hostname,
      int flags,
      net::CRLSet* crl_set,
      const net::CertificateList& additional_trust_anchors,
      net::CertVerifyResult* verify_result) OVERRIDE;

  // Check if the trust root of |current_chain| is allowed.
  // |is_chain_valid_arg| is actually a ChainVerifyArgs*, which is used to pass
  // state through the NSS CERTChainVerifyCallback.isChainValidArg parameter.
  // If the chain is allowed, |*chain_ok| will be set to PR_TRUE.
  // If the chain is not allowed, |*chain_ok| is set to PR_FALSE, and this
  // function may be called again during a single certificate verification if
  // there are multiple possible valid chains.
  static SECStatus IsChainValidFunc(void* is_chain_valid_arg,
                                    const CERTCertList* current_chain,
                                    PRBool* chain_ok);

  net::NSSProfileFilterChromeOS profile_filter_;

}  // namespace chromeos


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