
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. DecompressZlib
  2. not_after_
  3. ReadHeader
  4. ReadCRL
  5. CopyBlockedSPKIsFromHeader
  6. Parse
  7. ReadChanges
  8. ReadDeltaCRL
  9. ApplyDelta
  10. GetIsDeltaUpdate
  11. Serialize
  12. CheckSPKI
  13. CheckSerial
  14. IsExpired
  15. sequence
  16. crls
  17. EmptyCRLSetForTesting
  18. ExpiredCRLSetForTesting
  19. ForTesting

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "crypto/sha2.h"
#include "net/cert/crl_set.h"
#include "third_party/zlib/zlib.h"

namespace net {

// Decompress zlib decompressed |in| into |out|. |out_len| is the number of
// bytes at |out| and must be exactly equal to the size of the decompressed
// data.
static bool DecompressZlib(uint8* out, int out_len, base::StringPiece in) {
  z_stream z;
  memset(&z, 0, sizeof(z));

  z.next_in = reinterpret_cast<Bytef*>(const_cast<char*>(;
  z.avail_in = in.size();
  z.next_out = reinterpret_cast<Bytef*>(out);
  z.avail_out = out_len;

  if (inflateInit(&z) != Z_OK)
    return false;
  bool ret = false;
  int r = inflate(&z, Z_FINISH);
  if (r != Z_STREAM_END)
    goto err;
  if (z.avail_in || z.avail_out)
    goto err;
  ret = true;

  return ret;

    : sequence_(0),
      not_after_(0) {

CRLSet::~CRLSet() {

// CRLSet format:
// uint16le header_len
// byte[header_len] header_bytes
// repeated {
//   byte[32] parent_spki_sha256
//   uint32le num_serials
//   [num_serials] {
//     uint8 serial_length;
//     byte[serial_length] serial;
//   }
// header_bytes consists of a JSON dictionary with the following keys:
//   Version (int): currently 0
//   ContentType (string): "CRLSet" or "CRLSetDelta" (magic value)
//   DeltaFrom (int32): if this is a delta update (see below), then this
//       contains the sequence number of the base CRLSet.
//   Sequence (int32): the monotonic sequence number of this CRL set.
// A delta CRLSet is similar to a CRLSet:
// struct CompressedChanges {
//    uint32le uncompressed_size
//    uint32le compressed_size
//    byte[compressed_size] zlib_data
// }
// uint16le header_len
// byte[header_len] header_bytes
// CompressedChanges crl_changes
// [crl_changes.uncompressed_size] {
//   switch (crl_changes[i]) {
//   case 0:
//     // CRL is the same
//   case 1:
//     // New CRL inserted
//     // See CRL structure from the non-delta format
//   case 2:
//     // CRL deleted
//   case 3:
//     // CRL changed
//     CompressedChanges serials_changes
//     [serials_changes.uncompressed_size] {
//       switch (serials_changes[i]) {
//       case 0:
//         // the serial is the same
//       case 1:
//         // serial inserted
//         uint8 serial_length
//         byte[serial_length] serial
//       case 2:
//         // serial deleted
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }
// A delta CRLSet applies to a specific CRL set as given in the
// header's "DeltaFrom" value. The delta describes the changes to each CRL
// in turn with a zlib compressed array of options: either the CRL is the same,
// a new CRL is inserted, the CRL is deleted or the CRL is updated. In the case
// of an update, the serials in the CRL are considered in the same fashion
// except there is no delta update of a serial number: they are either
// inserted, deleted or left the same.

// ReadHeader reads the header (including length prefix) from |data| and
// updates |data| to remove the header on return. Caller takes ownership of the
// returned pointer.
static base::DictionaryValue* ReadHeader(base::StringPiece* data) {
  if (data->size() < 2)
    return NULL;
  uint16 header_len;
  memcpy(&header_len, data->data(), 2);  // assumes little-endian.

  if (data->size() < header_len)
    return NULL;

  const base::StringPiece header_bytes(data->data(), header_len);

  scoped_ptr<base::Value> header(base::JSONReader::Read(
      header_bytes, base::JSON_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS));
  if (header.get() == NULL)
    return NULL;

  if (!header->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY))
    return NULL;
  return reinterpret_cast<base::DictionaryValue*>(header.release());

// kCurrentFileVersion is the version of the CRLSet file format that we
// currently implement.
static const int kCurrentFileVersion = 0;

static bool ReadCRL(base::StringPiece* data, std::string* out_parent_spki_hash,
                    std::vector<std::string>* out_serials) {
  if (data->size() < crypto::kSHA256Length)
    return false;
  *out_parent_spki_hash = std::string(data->data(), crypto::kSHA256Length);

  if (data->size() < sizeof(uint32))
    return false;
  uint32 num_serials;
  memcpy(&num_serials, data->data(), sizeof(uint32));  // assumes little endian

  for (uint32 i = 0; i < num_serials; ++i) {
    uint8 serial_length;
    if (data->size() < sizeof(uint8))
      return false;
    memcpy(&serial_length, data->data(), sizeof(uint8));

    if (data->size() < serial_length)
      return false;
    std::string serial(data->data(), serial_length);

  return true;

bool CRLSet::CopyBlockedSPKIsFromHeader(base::DictionaryValue* header_dict) {
  base::ListValue* blocked_spkis_list = NULL;
  if (!header_dict->GetList("BlockedSPKIs", &blocked_spkis_list)) {
    // BlockedSPKIs is optional, so it's fine if we don't find it.
    return true;


  for (size_t i = 0; i < blocked_spkis_list->GetSize(); ++i) {
    std::string spki_sha256_base64, spki_sha256;
    if (!blocked_spkis_list->GetString(i, &spki_sha256_base64))
      return false;
    if (!base::Base64Decode(spki_sha256_base64, &spki_sha256))
      return false;

  return true;

// static
bool CRLSet::Parse(base::StringPiece data, scoped_refptr<CRLSet>* out_crl_set) {
  // Other parts of Chrome assume that we're little endian, so we don't lose
  // anything by doing this.
#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER)
  // Linux check
  COMPILE_ASSERT(__BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN, assumes_little_endian);
#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
  // Mac check
  #error assumes little endian

  scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> header_dict(ReadHeader(&data));
  if (!header_dict.get())
    return false;

  std::string contents;
  if (!header_dict->GetString("ContentType", &contents))
    return false;
  if (contents != "CRLSet")
    return false;

  int version;
  if (!header_dict->GetInteger("Version", &version) ||
      version != kCurrentFileVersion) {
    return false;

  int sequence;
  if (!header_dict->GetInteger("Sequence", &sequence))
    return false;

  double not_after;
  if (!header_dict->GetDouble("NotAfter", &not_after)) {
    // NotAfter is optional for now.
    not_after = 0;
  if (not_after < 0)
    return false;

  scoped_refptr<CRLSet> crl_set(new CRLSet);
  crl_set->sequence_ = static_cast<uint32>(sequence);
  crl_set->not_after_ = static_cast<uint64>(not_after);

  for (size_t crl_index = 0; !data.empty(); crl_index++) {
    std::string parent_spki_sha256;
    std::vector<std::string> serials;
    if (!ReadCRL(&data, &parent_spki_sha256, &serials))
      return false;

    crl_set->crls_.push_back(std::make_pair(parent_spki_sha256, serials));
    crl_set->crls_index_by_issuer_[parent_spki_sha256] = crl_index;

  if (!crl_set->CopyBlockedSPKIsFromHeader(header_dict.get()))
    return false;

  *out_crl_set = crl_set;
  return true;

// kMaxUncompressedChangesLength is the largest changes array that we'll
// accept. This bounds the number of CRLs in the CRLSet as well as the number
// of serial numbers in a given CRL.
static const unsigned kMaxUncompressedChangesLength = 1024 * 1024;

static bool ReadChanges(base::StringPiece* data,
                        std::vector<uint8>* out_changes) {
  uint32 uncompressed_size, compressed_size;
  if (data->size() < 2 * sizeof(uint32))
    return false;
  // assumes little endian.
  memcpy(&uncompressed_size, data->data(), sizeof(uint32));
  memcpy(&compressed_size, data->data(), sizeof(uint32));

  if (uncompressed_size > kMaxUncompressedChangesLength)
    return false;
  if (data->size() < compressed_size)
    return false;

  if (uncompressed_size == 0)
    return true;

  base::StringPiece compressed(data->data(), compressed_size);
  return DecompressZlib(&(*out_changes)[0], uncompressed_size, compressed);

// These are the range coder symbols used in delta updates.
enum {

bool ReadDeltaCRL(base::StringPiece* data,
                  const std::vector<std::string>& old_serials,
                  std::vector<std::string>* out_serials) {
  std::vector<uint8> changes;
  if (!ReadChanges(data, &changes))
    return false;

  size_t i = 0;
  for (std::vector<uint8>::const_iterator k = changes.begin();
       k != changes.end(); ++k) {
    if (*k == SYMBOL_SAME) {
      if (i >= old_serials.size())
        return false;
    } else if (*k == SYMBOL_INSERT) {
      uint8 serial_length;
      if (data->size() < sizeof(uint8))
        return false;
      memcpy(&serial_length, data->data(), sizeof(uint8));

      if (data->size() < serial_length)
        return false;
      const std::string serial(data->data(), serial_length);

    } else if (*k == SYMBOL_DELETE) {
      if (i >= old_serials.size())
        return false;
    } else {
      return false;

  if (i != old_serials.size())
    return false;
  return true;

bool CRLSet::ApplyDelta(const base::StringPiece& in_data,
                        scoped_refptr<CRLSet>* out_crl_set) {
  base::StringPiece data(in_data);
  scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> header_dict(ReadHeader(&data));
  if (!header_dict.get())
    return false;

  std::string contents;
  if (!header_dict->GetString("ContentType", &contents))
    return false;
  if (contents != "CRLSetDelta")
    return false;

  int version;
  if (!header_dict->GetInteger("Version", &version) ||
      version != kCurrentFileVersion) {
    return false;

  int sequence, delta_from;
  if (!header_dict->GetInteger("Sequence", &sequence) ||
      !header_dict->GetInteger("DeltaFrom", &delta_from) ||
      delta_from < 0 ||
      static_cast<uint32>(delta_from) != sequence_) {
    return false;

  double not_after;
  if (!header_dict->GetDouble("NotAfter", &not_after)) {
    // NotAfter is optional for now.
    not_after = 0;
  if (not_after < 0)
    return false;

  scoped_refptr<CRLSet> crl_set(new CRLSet);
  crl_set->sequence_ = static_cast<uint32>(sequence);
  crl_set->not_after_ = static_cast<uint64>(not_after);

  if (!crl_set->CopyBlockedSPKIsFromHeader(header_dict.get()))
    return false;

  std::vector<uint8> crl_changes;

  if (!ReadChanges(&data, &crl_changes))
    return false;

  size_t i = 0, j = 0;
  for (std::vector<uint8>::const_iterator k = crl_changes.begin();
       k != crl_changes.end(); ++k) {
    if (*k == SYMBOL_SAME) {
      if (i >= crls_.size())
        return false;
      crl_set->crls_index_by_issuer_[crls_[i].first] = j;
    } else if (*k == SYMBOL_INSERT) {
      std::string parent_spki_hash;
      std::vector<std::string> serials;
      if (!ReadCRL(&data, &parent_spki_hash, &serials))
        return false;
      crl_set->crls_.push_back(std::make_pair(parent_spki_hash, serials));
      crl_set->crls_index_by_issuer_[parent_spki_hash] = j;
    } else if (*k == SYMBOL_DELETE) {
      if (i >= crls_.size())
        return false;
    } else if (*k == SYMBOL_CHANGED) {
      if (i >= crls_.size())
        return false;
      std::vector<std::string> serials;
      if (!ReadDeltaCRL(&data, crls_[i].second, &serials))
        return false;
      crl_set->crls_.push_back(std::make_pair(crls_[i].first, serials));
      crl_set->crls_index_by_issuer_[crls_[i].first] = j;
    } else {
      return false;

  if (!data.empty())
    return false;
  if (i != crls_.size())
    return false;

  *out_crl_set = crl_set;
  return true;

// static
bool CRLSet::GetIsDeltaUpdate(const base::StringPiece& in_data,
                              bool* is_delta) {
  base::StringPiece data(in_data);
  scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> header_dict(ReadHeader(&data));
  if (!header_dict.get())
    return false;

  std::string contents;
  if (!header_dict->GetString("ContentType", &contents))
    return false;

  if (contents == "CRLSet") {
    *is_delta = false;
  } else if (contents == "CRLSetDelta") {
    *is_delta = true;
  } else {
    return false;

  return true;

std::string CRLSet::Serialize() const {
  std::string header = base::StringPrintf(

  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = blocked_spkis_.begin();
       i != blocked_spkis_.end(); ++i) {
    std::string spki_hash_base64;
    base::Base64Encode(*i, &spki_hash_base64);

    if (i != blocked_spkis_.begin())
      header += ",";
    header += "\"" + spki_hash_base64 + "\"";
  header += "]";
  if (not_after_ != 0)
    header += base::StringPrintf(",\"NotAfter\":%" PRIu64, not_after_);
  header += "}";

  size_t len = 2 /* header len */ + header.size();

  for (CRLList::const_iterator i = crls_.begin(); i != crls_.end(); ++i) {
    len += i->first.size() + 4 /* num serials */;
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator j = i->second.begin();
         j != i->second.end(); ++j) {
      len += 1 /* serial length */ + j->size();

  std::string ret;
  char* out = WriteInto(&ret, len + 1 /* to include final NUL */);
  size_t off = 0;
  out[off++] = header.size();
  out[off++] = header.size() >> 8;
  memcpy(out + off,, header.size());
  off += header.size();

  for (CRLList::const_iterator i = crls_.begin(); i != crls_.end(); ++i) {
    memcpy(out + off, i->, i->first.size());
    off += i->first.size();
    const uint32 num_serials = i->second.size();
    memcpy(out + off, &num_serials, sizeof(num_serials));
    off += sizeof(num_serials);

    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator j = i->second.begin();
         j != i->second.end(); ++j) {
      out[off++] = j->size();
      memcpy(out + off, j->data(), j->size());
      off += j->size();

  CHECK_EQ(off, len);
  return ret;

CRLSet::Result CRLSet::CheckSPKI(const base::StringPiece& spki_hash) const {
  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = blocked_spkis_.begin();
       i != blocked_spkis_.end(); ++i) {
    if (spki_hash.size() == i->size() &&
        memcmp(, i->data(), i->size()) == 0) {
      return REVOKED;

  return GOOD;

CRLSet::Result CRLSet::CheckSerial(
    const base::StringPiece& serial_number,
    const base::StringPiece& issuer_spki_hash) const {
  base::StringPiece serial(serial_number);

  if (!serial.empty() && (serial[0] & 0x80) != 0) {
    // This serial number is negative but the process which generates CRL sets
    // will reject any certificates with negative serial numbers as invalid.
    return UNKNOWN;

  // Remove any leading zero bytes.
  while (serial.size() > 1 && serial[0] == 0x00)

  std::map<std::string, size_t>::const_iterator i =
  if (i == crls_index_by_issuer_.end())
    return UNKNOWN;
  const std::vector<std::string>& serials = crls_[i->second].second;

  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = serials.begin();
       i != serials.end(); ++i) {
    if (base::StringPiece(*i) == serial)
      return REVOKED;

  return GOOD;

bool CRLSet::IsExpired() const {
  if (not_after_ == 0)
    return false;

  uint64 now = base::Time::Now().ToTimeT();
  return now > not_after_;

uint32 CRLSet::sequence() const {
  return sequence_;

const CRLSet::CRLList& CRLSet::crls() const {
  return crls_;

// static
CRLSet* CRLSet::EmptyCRLSetForTesting() {
  return ForTesting(false, NULL, "");

CRLSet* CRLSet::ExpiredCRLSetForTesting() {
  return ForTesting(true, NULL, "");

// static
CRLSet* CRLSet::ForTesting(bool is_expired,
                           const SHA256HashValue* issuer_spki,
                           const std::string& serial_number) {
  CRLSet* crl_set = new CRLSet;
  if (is_expired)
    crl_set->not_after_ = 1;
  if (issuer_spki != NULL) {
    const std::string spki(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(issuer_spki->data),
    crl_set->crls_.push_back(make_pair(spki, std::vector<std::string>()));
    crl_set->crls_index_by_issuer_[spki] = 0;

  if (!serial_number.empty())

  return crl_set;

}  // namespace net

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */