
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. CreateFindBar
  2. find_bar_controller_
  3. MaybeForwardKeyEventToWebpage
  4. GetFindBarController
  5. SetFindBarController
  6. Show
  7. Hide
  8. SetFocusAndSelection
  9. ClearResults
  10. StopAnimation
  11. MoveWindowIfNecessary
  12. SetFindTextAndSelectedRange
  13. GetFindText
  14. GetSelectedRange
  15. UpdateUIForFindResult
  16. IsFindBarVisible
  17. RestoreSavedFocus
  18. HasGlobalFindPasteboard
  19. UpdateFindBarForChangedWebContents
  20. GetFindBarTesting
  21. AcceleratorPressed
  22. CanHandleAccelerators
  23. GetFindBarWindowInfo
  24. GetFindSelectedText
  25. GetMatchCountText
  26. GetWidth
  27. GetDialogPosition
  28. SetDialogPosition
  29. GetWidgetBounds
  30. RegisterAccelerators
  31. UnregisterAccelerators
  32. OnVisibilityChanged
  33. GetWidgetPositionNative

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/find_bar_host.h"

#include <algorithm>

#include "chrome/browser/ui/find_bar/find_bar_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/find_bar/find_tab_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/view_ids.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/find_bar_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_view.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
#include "ui/views/focus/external_focus_tracker.h"
#include "ui/views/focus/view_storage.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/root_view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"

using content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent;

namespace chrome {

// Declared in browser_dialogs.h so others don't have to depend on our header.
FindBar* CreateFindBar(BrowserView* browser_view) {
  return new FindBarHost(browser_view);

}  // namespace chrome

// FindBarHost, public:

FindBarHost::FindBarHost(BrowserView* browser_view)
    : DropdownBarHost(browser_view),
      find_bar_controller_(NULL) {
  FindBarView* find_bar_view = new FindBarView(this);
  Init(browser_view->find_bar_host_view(), find_bar_view, find_bar_view);

FindBarHost::~FindBarHost() {

bool FindBarHost::MaybeForwardKeyEventToWebpage(
    const ui::KeyEvent& key_event) {
  if (!ShouldForwardKeyEventToWebpageNative(key_event)) {
    // Native implementation says not to forward these events.
    return false;

  switch (key_event.key_code()) {
    case ui::VKEY_DOWN:
    case ui::VKEY_UP:
    case ui::VKEY_PRIOR:
    case ui::VKEY_NEXT:
    case ui::VKEY_HOME:
    case ui::VKEY_END:
      if (key_event.IsControlDown())
    // Fall through.
      return false;

  content::WebContents* contents = find_bar_controller_->web_contents();
  if (!contents)
    return false;

  content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host = contents->GetRenderViewHost();

  // Make sure we don't have a text field element interfering with keyboard
  // input. Otherwise Up and Down arrow key strokes get eaten. "Nom Nom Nom".
  NativeWebKeyboardEvent event = GetKeyboardEvent(contents, key_event);
  return true;

FindBarController* FindBarHost::GetFindBarController() const {
  return find_bar_controller_;

void FindBarHost::SetFindBarController(FindBarController* find_bar_controller) {
  find_bar_controller_ = find_bar_controller;

void FindBarHost::Show(bool animate) {

void FindBarHost::Hide(bool animate) {

void FindBarHost::SetFocusAndSelection() {

void FindBarHost::ClearResults(const FindNotificationDetails& results) {
  find_bar_view()->UpdateForResult(results, base::string16());

void FindBarHost::StopAnimation() {

void FindBarHost::MoveWindowIfNecessary(const gfx::Rect& selection_rect,
                                        bool no_redraw) {
  // We only move the window if one is active for the current WebContents. If we
  // don't check this, then SetWidgetPosition below will end up making the Find
  // Bar visible.
  content::WebContents* web_contents = find_bar_controller_->web_contents();
  if (!web_contents)

  FindTabHelper* find_tab_helper = FindTabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents);
  if (!find_tab_helper || !find_tab_helper->find_ui_active())

  gfx::Rect new_pos = GetDialogPosition(selection_rect);
  SetDialogPosition(new_pos, no_redraw);

  // May need to redraw our frame to accommodate bookmark bar styles.
  view()->Layout();  // Bounds may have changed.

void FindBarHost::SetFindTextAndSelectedRange(
    const base::string16& find_text,
    const gfx::Range& selected_range) {
  find_bar_view()->SetFindTextAndSelectedRange(find_text, selected_range);

base::string16 FindBarHost::GetFindText() {
  return find_bar_view()->GetFindText();

gfx::Range FindBarHost::GetSelectedRange() {
  return find_bar_view()->GetSelectedRange();

void FindBarHost::UpdateUIForFindResult(const FindNotificationDetails& result,
                                        const base::string16& find_text) {
  // Make sure match count is clear. It may get set again in UpdateForResult
  // if enough data is available.

  if (!find_text.empty())
    find_bar_view()->UpdateForResult(result, find_text);

  // We now need to check if the window is obscuring the search results.
  MoveWindowIfNecessary(result.selection_rect(), false);

  // Once we find a match we no longer want to keep track of what had
  // focus. EndFindSession will then set the focus to the page content.
  if (result.number_of_matches() > 0)

bool FindBarHost::IsFindBarVisible() {
  return DropdownBarHost::IsVisible();

void FindBarHost::RestoreSavedFocus() {
  if (focus_tracker() == NULL) {
    // TODO(brettw): Focus() should be on WebContentsView.
  } else {

bool FindBarHost::HasGlobalFindPasteboard() {
  return false;

void FindBarHost::UpdateFindBarForChangedWebContents() {

FindBarTesting* FindBarHost::GetFindBarTesting() {
  return this;

// FindBarWin, ui::AcceleratorTarget implementation:

bool FindBarHost::AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) {
  ui::KeyboardCode key = accelerator.key_code();
  if (key == ui::VKEY_RETURN && accelerator.IsCtrlDown()) {
    // Ctrl+Enter closes the Find session and navigates any link that is active.
    return true;
  } else if (key == ui::VKEY_ESCAPE) {
    // This will end the Find session and hide the window, causing it to loose
    // focus and in the process unregister us as the handler for the Escape
    // accelerator through the OnWillChangeFocus event.
    return true;
  } else {
    NOTREACHED() << "Unknown accelerator";

  return false;

bool FindBarHost::CanHandleAccelerators() const {
  return true;

// FindBarTesting implementation:

bool FindBarHost::GetFindBarWindowInfo(gfx::Point* position,
                                      bool* fully_visible) {
  if (!find_bar_controller_ ||
#if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(USE_AURA)
      !::IsWindow(host()->GetNativeView())) {
      false) {
      // TODO(sky): figure out linux side.
      // This is tricky due to asynchronous nature of x11.
      // See bug
    if (position)
      *position = gfx::Point();
    if (fully_visible)
      *fully_visible = false;
    return false;

  gfx::Rect window_rect = host()->GetWindowBoundsInScreen();
  if (position)
    *position = window_rect.origin();
  if (fully_visible)
    *fully_visible = IsVisible() && !IsAnimating();
  return true;

base::string16 FindBarHost::GetFindSelectedText() {
  return find_bar_view()->GetFindSelectedText();

base::string16 FindBarHost::GetMatchCountText() {
  return find_bar_view()->GetMatchCountText();

int FindBarHost::GetWidth() {
  return view()->width();

// Overridden from DropdownBarHost:

gfx::Rect FindBarHost::GetDialogPosition(gfx::Rect avoid_overlapping_rect) {
  // Find the area we have to work with (after accounting for scrollbars, etc).
  gfx::Rect widget_bounds;
  if (widget_bounds.IsEmpty())
    return gfx::Rect();

  // Ask the view how large an area it needs to draw on.
  gfx::Size prefsize = view()->GetPreferredSize();

  // Limit width to the available area.
  if (widget_bounds.width() < prefsize.width())

  // Don't show the find bar if |widget_bounds| is not tall enough.
  if (widget_bounds.height() < prefsize.height())
    return gfx::Rect();

  // Place the view in the top right corner of the widget boundaries (top left
  // for RTL languages).
  gfx::Rect view_location;
  int x = widget_bounds.x();
  if (!base::i18n::IsRTL())
    x += widget_bounds.width() - prefsize.width();
  int y = widget_bounds.y();
  view_location.SetRect(x, y, prefsize.width(), prefsize.height());

  // When we get Find results back, we specify a selection rect, which we
  // should strive to avoid overlapping. But first, we need to offset the
  // selection rect (if one was provided).
  if (!avoid_overlapping_rect.IsEmpty()) {
    // For comparison (with the Intersects function below) we need to account
    // for the fact that we draw the Find widget relative to the Chrome frame,
    // whereas the selection rect is relative to the page.

  gfx::Rect new_pos = FindBarController::GetLocationForFindbarView(
      view_location, widget_bounds, avoid_overlapping_rect);

  // While we are animating, the Find window will grow bottoms up so we need to
  // re-position the widget so that it appears to grow out of the toolbar.
  if (animation_offset() > 0)
    new_pos.Offset(0, std::min(0, -animation_offset()));

  return new_pos;

void FindBarHost::SetDialogPosition(const gfx::Rect& new_pos, bool no_redraw) {
  if (new_pos.IsEmpty())

  // Make sure the window edges are clipped to just the visible region. We need
  // to do this before changing position, so that when we animate the closure
  // of it it doesn't look like the window crumbles into the toolbar.

  SetWidgetPositionNative(new_pos, no_redraw);

  // Tell the immersive mode controller about the find bar's new bounds. The
  // immersive mode controller uses the bounds to keep the top-of-window views
  // revealed when the mouse is hovered over the find bar.

void FindBarHost::GetWidgetBounds(gfx::Rect* bounds) {
  // The BrowserView does Layout for the components that we care about
  // positioning relative to, so we ask it to tell us where we should go.
  *bounds = browser_view()->GetFindBarBoundingBox();

void FindBarHost::RegisterAccelerators() {

  // Register for Ctrl+Return.
  ui::Accelerator escape(ui::VKEY_RETURN, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN);
      escape, ui::AcceleratorManager::kNormalPriority, this);

void FindBarHost::UnregisterAccelerators() {
  // Unregister Ctrl+Return.
  ui::Accelerator escape(ui::VKEY_RETURN, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN);
  focus_manager()->UnregisterAccelerator(escape, this);


void FindBarHost::OnVisibilityChanged() {
  // Tell the immersive mode controller about the find bar's bounds. The
  // immersive mode controller uses the bounds to keep the top-of-window views
  // revealed when the mouse is hovered over the find bar.
  gfx::Rect visible_bounds;
  if (IsVisible())
    visible_bounds = host()->GetWindowBoundsInScreen();

// private:

void FindBarHost::GetWidgetPositionNative(gfx::Rect* avoid_overlapping_rect) {
  gfx::Rect frame_rect = host()->GetTopLevelWidget()->GetWindowBoundsInScreen();
  content::WebContentsView* tab_view =
  gfx::Rect webcontents_rect = tab_view->GetViewBounds();
  avoid_overlapping_rect->Offset(0, webcontents_rect.y() - frame_rect.y());

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */