
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. instance
  2. getBoolValue
  3. m_started_emited
  4. allowRedir
  5. play
  6. pause
  7. stop
  8. openFile
  9. openURL
  10. closeURL
  11. fullScreen
  12. setLoaded
  13. playingStarted
  14. playingStopped
  15. processStopped
  16. urlChanged
  17. setLoadingProgress
  18. saveState
  19. restoreState
  20. requestOpenURL
  21. getJSCommandEntry
  22. m_enablefinish
  23. started
  24. finished
  25. unregister
  26. setSize
  27. m_view
  28. m_embed
  29. resizeEvent
  30. embedId

//   Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
//   2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

// Written by Koos Vriezen <koos ! vriezen ? xs4all ! nl>

#undef Always

#include "gnashconfig.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <qcstring.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qtimer.h>

class KXMLGUIClient; // workaround for kde3.3 on sarge with gcc4, kactioncollection.h does not forward declare KXMLGUIClient
#include <klibloader.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <kparts/factory.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>

#include "klash_part.h"


class KlashFactory : public KParts::Factory {
    KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KlashFactory ();
    KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT virtual ~KlashFactory ();
    KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT virtual KParts::Part *createPartObject
        (QWidget *wparent, const char *wname,
         QObject *parent, const char *name,
         const char *className, const QStringList &args);
    static KInstance * instance () { return s_instance; }
    static KInstance * s_instance;

K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY (libklashpart, KlashFactory)

KInstance *KlashFactory::s_instance = 0;

KlashFactory::KlashFactory () {
    s_instance = new KInstance ("klash");

KlashFactory::~KlashFactory () {
    delete s_instance;

KParts::Part *KlashFactory::createPartObject
  (QWidget *wparent, const char *wname,
   QObject *parent, const char * name,
   const char * /*cls*/, const QStringList & args) {
      //kdDebug() << "KlashFactory::createPartObject " << cls << endl;
      return new KlashPart (wparent, wname, parent, name, args);


static bool getBoolValue (const QString & value) {
    return (value.lower() != QString::fromLatin1("false") &&
            value.lower() != QString::fromLatin1("off") &&
            value.lower() != QString::fromLatin1("0"));

KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KlashPart::KlashPart (QWidget * wparent, const char *wname,
                    QObject * parent, const char *name, const QStringList &args)
 : KParts::ReadOnlyPart (parent, name),
   //new KSimpleConfig ("klashrc")),
   m_browserextension (new KlashBrowserExtension (this)),
   m_liveconnectextension (new KlashLiveConnectExtension (this)),
   m_process (0L),
   m_width (0),
   m_height (0),
   m_autostart (false),
   m_fullscreen (false),
   m_started_emited (false) {
    //kdDebug () << "KlashPart(" << this << ")::KlashPart ()" << endl;
    bool show_fullscreen = false;
    setInstance (KlashFactory::instance (), true);
    /*KAction *playact =*/ new KAction(i18n("P&lay"), QString ("player_play"), KShortcut (), this, SLOT(play ()), actionCollection (), "play");
    /*KAction *pauseact =*/ new KAction(i18n("&Pause"), QString ("player_pause"), KShortcut (), this, SLOT(pause ()), actionCollection (), "pause");
    /*KAction *stopact =*/ new KAction(i18n("&Stop"), QString ("player_stop"), KShortcut (), this, SLOT(stop ()), actionCollection (), "stop");
    //new KAction (i18n ("Increase Volume"), QString ("player_volume"), KShortcut (), this, SLOT (increaseVolume ()), actionCollection (), "edit_volume_up");
    //new KAction (i18n ("Decrease Volume"), QString ("player_volume"), KShortcut (), this, SLOT (decreaseVolume ()), actionCollection (), "edit_volume_down");
    QStringList::const_iterator end = args.end ();
    for (QStringList::const_iterator it = args.begin () ; it != end; ++it) {
        int equalPos = (*it).find("=");
        if (equalPos > 0) {
            QString name = (*it).left (equalPos).lower ();
            QString value = (*it).right ((*it).length () - equalPos - 1);
            if ('\"')
                value = value.right (value.length () - 1);
            if ( (value.length () - 1) == '\"')
                value.truncate (value.length () - 1);
            //kdDebug () << "name=" << name << " value=" << value << endl;
            if (name == QString::fromLatin1("width")) {
                m_width = value.toInt ();
            } else if (name == QString::fromLatin1("height")) {
                m_height = value.toInt ();
            //} else if (name == QString::fromLatin1("type")) {
            } else if (name == QString::fromLatin1("__khtml__pluginbaseurl")) {
                m_docbase = KURL (value);
            } else if (name == QString::fromLatin1("src")) {
                m_src_url = value;
            } else if (name == QString::fromLatin1 ("fullscreenmode")) {
                show_fullscreen = getBoolValue (value);
            } else if (name == QString::fromLatin1 ("autostart")) {
                bool ok;
                m_autostart = value.toInt (&ok);
                if (!ok)
                    m_autostart = (value.lower () == "false");
            m_args.push_back(name + QChar('=') + value);
    KParts::Part::setWidget (new KlashView (wparent));
    setProgressInfoEnabled (false);

    if (m_fullscreen)
        fullScreen ();

KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KlashPart::~KlashPart () {
    kdDebug() << "KlashPart::~KlashPart" << endl;
    stop ();
    //delete m_config;
    //m_config = 0L;

KDE_NO_EXPORT bool KlashPart::allowRedir (const KURL & url) const {
    return kapp->authorizeURLAction ("redirect", m_docbase, url);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashPart::play ()

    QString procname;
    char *gnash_env = getenv("KLASH_PLAYER");
    if (!gnash_env) {
      procname = GNASHBINDIR "/kde-gnash";
    } else {
      procname = gnash_env;

    stop ();
    if (m_src_url.isEmpty ())
    m_process = new KProcess;
    m_process->setUseShell (true);
    m_process->setEnvironment (QString::fromLatin1 ("SESSION_MANAGER"), QString::fromLatin1 (""));

    QString cmd = procname + QString(" -x ") +

    if (m_width > 0 && m_height > 0)
        cmd += QString(" -j ") + QString::number(m_width) +
               QString(" -k ") + QString::number(m_height);

    QString url = m_url.url();
    if (!url.isEmpty())
        cmd += QString(" -u ") + KProcess::quote(url);
    url = m_docbase.url();
    if (!url.isEmpty())
        cmd += QString(" -U ") + KProcess::quote(url);

    for (QStringList::const_iterator it=m_args.begin(), end=m_args.end();it != end; ++it)
        cmd += QString(" -P ") + KProcess::quote(*it);

    cmd += QString (" ") + KProcess::quote(m_src_url);

    kdDebug () << cmd << endl;
    *m_process << cmd;

    connect (m_process, SIGNAL (processExited (KProcess *)),
            this, SLOT (processStopped (KProcess *)));
    m_process->start (KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::NoCommunication);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashPart::pause () {

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashPart::stop () {
    if (m_process) {
        if (m_process->isRunning ()) {
            ; // IPC close
            // Ignore SIGTERM, so we won't kill ourselves.
            void (*oldhandler)(int) = signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);

            int pid = -1 * ::getpid();
            assert(pid < -1);

            // Terminate every process in our process group.
            ::kill (pid, SIGTERM);

            // Restore the old handler.
            signal(SIGTERM, oldhandler);
        delete m_process;
        m_process = 0L;

bool KlashPart::openFile() {
    if (!m_file.isEmpty ())
        m_src_url = m_file;
    play ();
    return true;

KDE_NO_EXPORT bool KlashPart::openURL (const KURL & url) {
    kdDebug () << "KlashPart::openURL " << url.url() << endl;
    emit started (0);
    return KParts::ReadOnlyPart::openURL (url);

KDE_NO_EXPORT bool KlashPart::closeURL () {
    return KParts::ReadOnlyPart::closeURL ();

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashPart::fullScreen () {

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashPart::setLoaded (int percentage) {
    if (percentage < 100) {
        m_browserextension->setLoadingProgress (percentage);
            (QString::number (percentage) + i18n ("% Cache fill"));

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashPart::playingStarted () {
    //kdDebug () << "KlashPart::processStartedPlaying " << endl;
    //if (m_settings->sizeratio && !m_noresize && m_source->width() > 0 && m_source->height() > 0)
    //    m_liveconnectextension->setSize (m_source->width(), m_source->height());
    m_browserextension->setLoadingProgress (100);
    if (m_started_emited) {
        emit completed ();
        m_started_emited = false;
    m_liveconnectextension->started ();
    m_browserextension->infoMessage (i18n("Klash: Playing"));

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashPart::playingStopped () {
    if (m_started_emited) {
        m_started_emited = false;
        m_browserextension->setLoadingProgress (100);
        emit completed ();
    m_liveconnectextension->finished ();
    m_browserextension->infoMessage (i18n ("Klash: Stop Playing"));

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashPart::processStopped (KProcess *) {
    QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (playingStopped ()));


KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KlashBrowserExtension::KlashBrowserExtension (KlashPart * parent)
  : KParts::BrowserExtension (parent, "Klash Browser Extension") {

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashBrowserExtension::urlChanged (const QString & url) {
    emit setLocationBarURL (url);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashBrowserExtension::setLoadingProgress (int percentage) {
    emit loadingProgress (percentage);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashBrowserExtension::saveState (QDataStream & stream) {
    stream << static_cast <KlashPart *> (parent ())->source ();

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashBrowserExtension::restoreState (QDataStream & stream) {
    QString url;
    stream >> url;
    static_cast <KlashPart *> (parent ())->openURL (KURL(url));

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashBrowserExtension::requestOpenURL (const KURL & url, const QString & target, const QString & service) {
    KParts::URLArgs args;
    args.frameName = target;
    args.serviceType = service;
    emit openURLRequest (url, args);

 * add
 * .error.errorCount
 * .error.item(count)
 *   .errorDescription
 *   .errorCode
 * .controls.stop()

enum JSCommand {
    isfullscreen, isloop,
    length, width, height, position, prop_source, source, setsource,
    play, jsc_pause, start, stop,
    prop_volume, volume, setvolume

struct KLASH_NO_EXPORT JSCommandEntry {
    const char * name;
    JSCommand command;
    const char * defaultvalue;
    const KParts::LiveConnectExtension::Type rettype;

// keep this list in alphabetic order
static const JSCommandEntry JSCommandList [] = {
    { "GetSource", source, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeString },
    { "GetTitle", notsupported, "title", KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeString },
    { "GetVolume", volume, "100", KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeNumber },
    { "Pause", jsc_pause, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool },
    { "Play", play, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool },
    { "SetSource", setsource, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool },
    { "SetVolume", setvolume, "true", KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool },
    { "Start", start, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool },
    { "Stop", stop, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool },
    { "Volume", prop_volume, "100", KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeNumber },
    { "pause", jsc_pause, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool },
    { "play", play, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool },
    { "stop", stop, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool },
    { "volume", volume, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool },

static const JSCommandEntry * getJSCommandEntry (const char * name, int start = 0, int end = sizeof (JSCommandList)/sizeof (JSCommandEntry)) {
    if (end - start < 2) {
        if (start != end && !strcasecmp (JSCommandList[start].name, name))
            return &JSCommandList[start];
        return 0L;
    int mid = (start + end) / 2;
    int cmp = strcasecmp (JSCommandList[mid].name, name);
    if (cmp < 0)
        return getJSCommandEntry (name, mid + 1, end);
    if (cmp > 0)
        return getJSCommandEntry (name, start, mid);
    return &JSCommandList[mid];

KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KlashLiveConnectExtension::KlashLiveConnectExtension (KlashPart * parent)
  : KParts::LiveConnectExtension (parent), player (parent),
    lastJSCommandEntry (0L),
    m_started (false),
    m_enablefinish (false) {
      connect (parent, SIGNAL (started (KIO::Job *)), this, SLOT (started ()));

KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KlashLiveConnectExtension::~KlashLiveConnectExtension() {
    //kdDebug () << "KlashLiveConnectExtension::~KlashLiveConnectExtension()" << endl;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashLiveConnectExtension::started () {
    m_started = true;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashLiveConnectExtension::finished () {
    if (m_started && m_enablefinish) {
        KParts::LiveConnectExtension::ArgList args;
        args.push_back (qMakePair (KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeString, QString("if (window.onFinished) onFinished();")));
        emit partEvent (0, "eval", args);
        m_started = true;
        m_enablefinish = false;

KDE_NO_EXPORT bool KlashLiveConnectExtension::get
  (const unsigned long id, const QString & name,
   KParts::LiveConnectExtension::Type & type,
   unsigned long & rid, QString & rval) {
    const char * str = name.ascii ();
    kdDebug () << "get " << str << endl;
    const JSCommandEntry * entry = getJSCommandEntry (str);
    if (!entry)
        return false;
    rid = id;
    type = entry->rettype;
    switch (entry->command) {
        case prop_source:
            type = KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeString;
            rval = player->source ();
        case prop_volume:
            //if (player->view ())
            //    rval = QString::number (??);
            lastJSCommandEntry = entry;
            type = KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeFunction;
    return true;

KDE_NO_EXPORT bool KlashLiveConnectExtension::put
  (const unsigned long, const QString & name, const QString & val) {
    kdDebug () << "put " << name << "=" << val << endl;
    const JSCommandEntry * entry = getJSCommandEntry (name.ascii ());
    if (!entry)
        return false;
    switch (entry->command) {
        case prop_source: {
            KURL url (val);
            if (player->allowRedir (url))
                player->openURL (url);
        case prop_volume:
            //if (player->view ())
            //    ?? (val.toInt ());
            return false;
    return true;

KDE_NO_EXPORT bool KlashLiveConnectExtension::call
  (const unsigned long id, const QString & name,
   const QStringList & args, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::Type & type,
   unsigned long & rid, QString & rval) {
    const JSCommandEntry * entry = lastJSCommandEntry;
    const char * str = name.ascii ();
    if (!entry || strcmp (entry->name, str))
        entry = getJSCommandEntry (str);
    if (!entry)
        return false;
    kdDebug () << "entry " << entry->name << endl;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args.size (); ++i)
        kdDebug () << "      " << args[i] << endl;
    //Klash::View * view = static_cast <Klash::View*> (player->widget ());
    //if (!view)
    //    return false;
    rid = id;
    type = entry->rettype;
    switch (entry->command) {
        case notsupported:
            if (entry->rettype != KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeVoid)
                rval = entry->defaultvalue;
        case play:
            if (args.size ()) {
                KURL url (args.first ());
                if (player->allowRedir (url))
                    ;//player->openNewURL (url);
            } else
                player->play ();
            rval = "true";
        case start:
            player->play ();
            rval = "true";
        case stop:
            player->stop ();
            rval = "true";
        case jsc_pause:
            player->pause ();
            rval = "true";
        case length:
            rval.setNum (0 /*player->source ()->length ()*/);
        case width:
            rval.setNum (player->width ());
        case height:
            rval.setNum (player->height ());
        case setsource:
            rval ="false";
            if (args.size ()) {
                KURL url (args.first ());
                if (player->allowRedir (url) && player->openURL (url))
                    rval = "true";
        case setvolume:
            if (!args.size ())
                return false;
            //?? (args.first ().toInt ());
            rval = "true";
        case source:
            rval = player->url ().url ();
        case volume:
            if (player->widget ())
                rval = QString::number (0);
            return false;
    return true;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashLiveConnectExtension::unregister (const unsigned long) {

KDE_NO_EXPORT void KlashLiveConnectExtension::setSize (int w, int h) {
    QCString jscode;
    //jscode.sprintf("this.width=%d;this.height=%d;klash", w, h);
    KParts::LiveConnectExtension::ArgList args;
    args.push_back (qMakePair (KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeString, QString("width")));
    args.push_back (qMakePair (KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeNumber, QString::number (w)));
    emit partEvent (0, "this.setAttribute", args);
    args.push_back (qMakePair (KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeString, QString("height")));
    args.push_back (qMakePair (KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeNumber, QString::number (h)));
    emit partEvent (0, "this.setAttribute", args);


#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
static const int XKeyPress = KeyPress;
#undef KeyPress
#undef Always
#undef Never
#undef Status
#undef Unsorted
#undef Bool

KlashEmbed::KlashEmbed (KlashView * view) : QXEmbed (view), m_view (view) {}

KlashEmbed::~KlashEmbed () {}


KlashView::KlashView (QWidget * parent)
    : QWidget (parent, "kde_klash_part"), m_embed (new KlashEmbed (this)) {}

KlashView::~KlashView () {}

void KlashView::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *) {
    m_embed->setGeometry (0, 0, width (), height ());

WId KlashView::embedId () {
    return m_embed->winId ();

#include "klash_part.moc"

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */