start 715 cygnal/cygnal.cpp stats->start.tv_sec) + ((now.tv_nsec - start 716 cygnal/cygnal.cpp stats->start.tv_nsec)/1e9))); start 252 cygnal/http_server.cpp struct timespec start; start 253 cygnal/http_server.cpp clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); start 259 cygnal/http_server.cpp double time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + ((end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1e9); start 718 cygnal/http_server.cpp string::size_type start, end; start 721 cygnal/http_server.cpp start = body.find("OPEN", 0); start 722 cygnal/http_server.cpp if (start != string::npos) { start 725 cygnal/http_server.cpp start = body.find("SEND", 0); start 726 cygnal/http_server.cpp if (start != string::npos) { start 729 cygnal/http_server.cpp start = body.find("IDLE", 0); start 730 cygnal/http_server.cpp if (start != string::npos) { start 733 cygnal/http_server.cpp start = body.find("CLOSE", 0); start 734 cygnal/http_server.cpp if (start != string::npos) { start 739 cygnal/http_server.cpp start = body.find("/", start+1); start 740 cygnal/http_server.cpp if (start != string::npos) { start 741 cygnal/http_server.cpp end = body.find("/", start+1); start 744 cygnal/http_server.cpp cid = body.substr(start, (end-start)); start 746 cygnal/http_server.cpp cid = body.substr(start, body.size()); start 752 cygnal/http_server.cpp end = body.find("\r\n", start); start 787 cygnal/http_server.cpp string::size_type start, end; start 790 cygnal/http_server.cpp start = body.find("OPEN", 0); start 791 cygnal/http_server.cpp if (start != string::npos) { start 794 cygnal/http_server.cpp start = body.find("SEND", 0); start 795 cygnal/http_server.cpp if (start != string::npos) { start 798 cygnal/http_server.cpp start = body.find("IDLE", 0); start 799 cygnal/http_server.cpp if (start != string::npos) { start 802 cygnal/http_server.cpp start = body.find("CLOSE", 0); start 803 cygnal/http_server.cpp if (start != string::npos) { start 808 cygnal/http_server.cpp start = body.find("/", start+1); start 809 cygnal/http_server.cpp if (start != string::npos) { start 810 cygnal/http_server.cpp end = body.find("/", start+1); start 813 cygnal/http_server.cpp cid = body.substr(start, (end-start)); start 815 cygnal/http_server.cpp cid = body.substr(start, body.size()); start 821 cygnal/http_server.cpp end = body.find("\r\n", start); start 864 cygnal/http_server.cpp boost::uint8_t *start = std::find(data, data+7, ' ') + 1; start 865 cygnal/http_server.cpp boost::uint8_t *end = std::find(start + 2, data+PATH_MAX, ' '); start 866 cygnal/http_server.cpp boost::uint8_t *params = std::find(start, end, '?'); start 869 cygnal/http_server.cpp _filespec = std::string(start, params); start 873 cygnal/http_server.cpp _filespec = std::string(start, end); start 948 cygnal/http_server.cpp string::size_type start = i->find(" "); start 963 cygnal/http_server.cpp _filespec = i->substr(start+1, params); start 966 cygnal/http_server.cpp _filespec = i->substr(start+1, pos-start-2); start 1012 cygnal/http_server.cpp struct timespec start; start 1013 cygnal/http_server.cpp clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); start 1074 cygnal/http_server.cpp static_cast<float>(((end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + start 1075 cygnal/http_server.cpp ((end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1e9)))); start 886 cygnal/libamf/amf.cpp boost::uint8_t* start = buf->reference(); start 887 cygnal/libamf/amf.cpp boost::uint8_t* tooFar = start+buf->size(); start 889 cygnal/libamf/amf.cpp return extractAMF(start, tooFar); start 1195 cygnal/libamf/amf.cpp boost::uint8_t* start = buf->reference(); start 1196 cygnal/libamf/amf.cpp boost::uint8_t* tooFar = start+buf->size(); start 1197 cygnal/libamf/amf.cpp return extractProperty(start, tooFar); start 566 cygnal/libamf/buffer.cpp boost::uint8_t *start = std::find(begin(), end(), c); start 570 cygnal/libamf/buffer.cpp if (start == 0) { start 574 cygnal/libamf/buffer.cpp std::copy(start + 1, end(), start); start 594 cygnal/libamf/buffer.cpp std::copy((_data.get() + start + 1), end(), (_data.get() + start)), start 618 cygnal/libamf/buffer.cpp std::copy((_data.get() + range + 1), end(), (_data.get() + start)), start 310 cygnal/libamf/buffer.h boost::uint8_t *remove(int start, int range); start 44 cygnal/libnet/cque.cpp clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &_stats.start); start 164 cygnal/libnet/cque.cpp deque<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> >::iterator start; start 171 cygnal/libnet/cque.cpp start = it; start 178 cygnal/libnet/cque.cpp _que.erase(start, stop); start 213 cygnal/libnet/cque.cpp que_t::iterator from = std::find(_que.begin(), _que.end(), start); start 216 cygnal/libnet/cque.cpp return start; // FIXME: start 275 cygnal/libnet/cque.cpp static_cast<float>((now.tv_sec - _stats.start.tv_sec) + ((now.tv_nsec - _stats.start.tv_nsec)/1e9)) << " seconds" << endl; start 42 cygnal/libnet/cque.h struct timespec start; start 210 cygnal/libnet/diskstream.h bool writeToNet(int start, int bytes); start 200 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp string::size_type start = i->find(" "); start 215 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp _filespec = i->substr(start+1, params); start 218 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp _filespec = i->substr(start+1, pos-start-2); start 465 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp struct timespec start; start 466 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); start 492 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp double time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + ((end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1e9); start 1288 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp boost::uint8_t *start = std::find(data, data+7, ' ') + 1; start 1289 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp boost::uint8_t *end = std::find(start + 2, data+PATH_MAX, ' '); start 1290 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp boost::uint8_t *params = std::find(start, end, '?'); start 1293 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp _filespec = std::string(start, params); start 1297 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp _filespec = std::string(start, end); start 1378 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp boost::uint8_t *start = std::find(data, data+size, '\r') + 2; start 1379 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp if (start != data+size) { start 1381 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp std::string bytes(data, start-2); start 1382 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp size_t sizesize = start-data; start 1427 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp start = std::find(buf->reference(), buf->reference()+ret, '\r') + 2; start 1428 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp if (start != buf->reference()+ret) { start 1430 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp std::string bytes(buf->reference(), start-2); start 1442 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp cygnal::Buffer tmpbuf(start - buf->reference()); start 1444 cygnal/libnet/http.cpp tmpbuf.copy(buf->reference() + bytes.size() + 2, (start - buf->reference())); start 680 cygnal/libnet/rtmp_client.cpp boost::uint8_t *start = handshake1->reference() + RTMP_HANDSHAKE_SIZE start 682 cygnal/libnet/rtmp_client.cpp handshake2->append(start, RTMP_RANDOM_SIZE); start 102 cygnal/rtmp_server.cpp struct timespec start; start 103 cygnal/rtmp_server.cpp clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); start 1267 cygnal/rtmp_server.cpp struct timespec start; start 1268 cygnal/rtmp_server.cpp clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); start 1307 cygnal/rtmp_server.cpp double time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + ((end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1e9); start 1360 cygnal/rtmp_server.cpp struct timespec start; start 1361 cygnal/rtmp_server.cpp clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); start 197 gui/fb/fb.cpp cmap.start=0; start 278 gui/gui.cpp start(); start 851 gui/gui.cpp if ( ! _started ) start(); start 958 gui/gui.cpp start(); start 352 gui/gui.h void start(); start 47 libbase/BitsReader.h start(input), start 48 libbase/BitsReader.h ptr(start), start 49 libbase/BitsReader.h end(start+len), start 64 libbase/BitsReader.h start(from.ptr), start 65 libbase/BitsReader.h ptr(start), start 66 libbase/BitsReader.h end(start+len), start 75 libbase/BitsReader.h return end-start; start 81 libbase/BitsReader.h start = ptr = input; start 82 libbase/BitsReader.h end = start+len; start 173 libbase/BitsReader.h ptr=start; start 179 libbase/BitsReader.h const byte* start; start 210 libbase/Socket.cpp size_t start = (_pos + _size) % cacheSize; start 216 libbase/Socket.cpp size_t end = (start + completeRead) % cacheSize; start 219 libbase/Socket.cpp char* startpos = _cache + start; start 186 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp std::string::size_type start = 0; start 194 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp tag = xml.substr(start, end); start 198 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp start = tag.find("name=") + 5; start 199 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp end = tag.find(" ", start); start 200 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp invoke->name = tag.substr(start, end-start); start 206 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp start = tag.find("returntype=") + 11; start 207 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp end = tag.find(">", start); start 208 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp invoke->type = tag.substr(start, end-start); start 214 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp start = xml.find("<arguments>"); start 216 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp tag = xml.substr(start, end-start); start 231 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp std::string::size_type start = 0; start 240 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp tag = xml.substr(start, end); start 251 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp start = end; start 253 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp std::string str = xml.substr(start, end-start); start 257 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp start = end; start 259 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp std::string str = xml.substr(start, end-start); start 274 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp std::string::size_type start = 0; start 280 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp start = data.find(tag); start 281 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp if (start != std::string::npos) { start 286 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp start = data.find("<", 1); // start past the opening < start 287 libcore/ExternalInterface.cpp end = data.find(">", start) + 1; start 73 libcore/Function.h Function(const action_buffer& ab, as_environment& env, size_t start, start 81 libcore/Function2.h Function2(const action_buffer& ab, as_environment& env, size_t start, start 492 libcore/TextField.cpp const size_t start = _selection.first; start 497 libcore/TextField.cpp _text.replace(start, end - start, wstr); start 498 libcore/TextField.cpp _selection = std::make_pair(start + replaceLength, start + replaceLength); start 511 libcore/TextField.cpp if (start < 0) start = 0; start 512 libcore/TextField.cpp else start = std::min<size_t>(start, textLength); start 521 libcore/TextField.cpp if (start > end) std::swap(start, end); start 523 libcore/TextField.cpp _selection = std::make_pair(start, end); start 184 libcore/TextField.h void setSelection(int start, int end); start 51 libcore/Timers.cpp start(); start 65 libcore/Timers.cpp start(); start 170 libcore/Timers.h void start(); start 185 libcore/as_value.cpp assert(start != last); start 191 libcore/as_value.cpp std::find_if(start, last, NonNumericChar()); start 200 libcore/as_value.cpp return boost::lexical_cast<double>(std::string(start, last)); start 807 libcore/as_value.cpp std::string::size_type start = 2; start 810 libcore/as_value.cpp ++start; start 812 libcore/as_value.cpp d = parsePositiveInt(s.substr(start), BASE_HEX, whole); start 819 libcore/as_value.cpp std::string::size_type start = 0; start 822 libcore/as_value.cpp ++start; start 824 libcore/as_value.cpp d = parsePositiveInt(s.substr(start), BASE_OCT, whole); start 947 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp int start = toInt(fn.arg(0), getVM(fn)); start 948 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp if (start < 0) start = size + start; start 949 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp start = clamp<int>(start, 0, size); start 952 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp size_t remove = size - start; start 959 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp "given, call ignored"), start, remval); start 963 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp remove = clamp<int>(remval, 0, size - start); start 982 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp const ObjectURI& key = getKey(fn, start + i); start 989 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp const bool started = (i >= static_cast<size_t>(start)); start 997 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp array->set_member(getKey(fn, start + i), fn.arg(i + 2)); start 1477 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp if (start < 0) start = size + start; start 1478 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp if (start >= size) return; start 1479 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp start = std::max(start, 0); start 1482 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp end = std::max(start, end); start 1485 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp assert(start >= 0); start 1486 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp assert(end >= start); start 1491 libcore/asobj/Array_as.cpp for (size_t i = start; i < static_cast<size_t>(end); ++i) { start 247 libcore/asobj/Selection_as.cpp int start = toInt(fn.arg(0), getVM(fn)); start 250 libcore/asobj/Selection_as.cpp tf->setSelection(start, end); start 154 libcore/asobj/Sound_as.cpp void start(double secsStart, int loops); start 956 libcore/asobj/Sound_as.cpp so->start(secondOffset, loop); start 182 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp size_t start = validIndex(wstr, toInt(fn.arg(0), getVM(fn))); start 192 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp if (end < start) // move out of if ? start 197 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp size_t retlen = end - start; start 202 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp wstr.substr(start, retlen), version)); start 352 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp int start = str.size(); start 355 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp start = toInt(fn.arg(1), getVM(fn)); start 358 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp if (start < 0) { start 362 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp size_t found = str.rfind(toFind, start); start 388 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp int start = validIndex(wstr, toInt(fn.arg(0), getVM(fn))); start 397 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp if ( -num <= start ) num = 0; start 406 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp return as_value(utf8::encodeCanonicalString(wstr.substr(start, num), version)); start 428 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp int start = toInt(s, getVM(fn)); start 431 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp if (s.is_undefined() || start < 0) { start 432 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp start = 0; start 435 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp if (static_cast<unsigned>(start) >= wstr.size()) { start 448 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp if (end < start) { start 452 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp std::swap (end, start); start 460 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp end -= start; start 463 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp return as_value(utf8::encodeCanonicalString(wstr.substr(start, end), version)); start 485 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp size_t start = 0; start 491 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp if (start_arg > 0) start = (size_t) start_arg; start 502 libcore/asobj/String_as.cpp const size_t pos = wstr.find(toFind, start); start 1000 libcore/asobj/TextField_as.cpp wstring::size_type start = toInt(fn.arg(0), getVM(fn)); start 1016 libcore/asobj/TextField_as.cpp if ( start > subject.length() ) start 1029 libcore/asobj/TextField_as.cpp if ( start ) newstring = subject.substr(0, start); start 166 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp start = std::min(start, _count); start 174 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i) { start 197 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp start = std::min(start, _count); start 205 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i) { start 235 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp std::string::size_type len = end - start; start 255 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp if (pos + numGlyphs < start) { start 267 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp if (pos < start) { start 297 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp if (pos - start > len) return; start 316 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp if (newline && pos > start) to += '\n'; start 333 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp if (pos + numGlyphs < start) { start 344 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp if (pos < start) { start 353 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp if (pos - start == len) return; start 365 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp start = std::max<boost::int32_t>(start, 0); start 366 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp start = std::min<boost::int32_t>(start, _count - 1); start 370 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp end = std::max(start + 1, end); start 373 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp makeString(snapshot, nl, false, start, end - start); start 393 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp if (start < 0 || text.empty()) return -1; start 401 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp if (len < static_cast<size_t>(start)) return -1; start 404 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp std::string::const_iterator it = std::search(snapshot.begin() + start, start 409 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp std::string::size_type pos = snapshot.find(text, start); start 500 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp const size_t start = std::max<boost::int32_t>(0, start 502 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp const size_t end = std::max<boost::int32_t>(start + 1, start 508 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp ts->getTextRunInfo(start, end, *ri); start 527 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp boost::int32_t start = toInt(fn.arg(0), getVM(fn)); start 534 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp return ts->findText(start, text, ignoreCase); start 566 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp const size_t start = std::max<boost::int32_t>(0, start 568 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp const size_t end = std::max<boost::int32_t>(start + 1, start 571 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp return as_value(ts->getSelected(start, end)); start 607 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp const boost::int32_t start = toInt(fn.arg(0), getVM(fn)); start 612 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp return ts->getText(start, end, newline); start 652 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp const size_t start = std::max<boost::int32_t>(0, start 654 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp const size_t end = std::max<boost::int32_t>(start, start 659 libcore/asobj/TextSnapshot_as.cpp ts->setSelected(start, end, selected); start 357 libcore/parser/SWFMovieDefinition.cpp if ( ! _loader.start() ) start 81 libcore/parser/SWFMovieDefinition.h bool start(); start 301 libcore/swf/DefineBitsTag.cpp const size_t start = in.tell(); start 326 libcore/swf/DefineBitsTag.cpp assert(in.tell() == start); start 866 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp int start = toInt(, getVM(env)); start 889 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp if (start < 1) { start 894 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp start = 1; start 899 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp else if (static_cast<unsigned int>(start) > wstr.length()) { start 910 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp --start; start 912 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp if (static_cast<unsigned int>(start + size) > wstr.length()) { start 917 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp size = wstr.length() - start; start 921 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp assert(start >= 0); start 922 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(start) < wstr.length() ); start 928 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp wstr.substr(start, size), version)); start 1553 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp int start = toInt(, getVM(env)); start 1578 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp if (start < 1) { start 1583 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp start = 1; start 1585 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp else if ( start > length) { start 1595 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp --start; start 1597 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp if (size + start > length) { start 1600 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp "adjusting size based on length:%d and start:%d"), length, start); start 1602 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp size = length - start; start 1606 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp, size)); start 1609 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp, start 1610 libcore/vm/ASHandlers.cpp + size) -; start 253 libcore/vm/ActionExec.h void dumpActions(size_t start, size_t end, std::ostream& os); start 154 librender/cairo/Renderer_cairo.cpp boost::uint32_t* start = start 157 librender/cairo/Renderer_cairo.cpp std::copy(start, start + sz, image::begin<image::ARGB>(*_image)); start 200 plugin/klash/klash_part.cpp m_process->start (KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::NoCommunication); start 352 plugin/klash/klash_part.cpp { "Start", start, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool }, start 362 plugin/klash/klash_part.cpp if (end - start < 2) { start 363 plugin/klash/klash_part.cpp if (start != end && !strcasecmp (JSCommandList[start].name, name)) start 364 plugin/klash/klash_part.cpp return &JSCommandList[start]; start 367 plugin/klash/klash_part.cpp int mid = (start + end) / 2; start 372 plugin/klash/klash_part.cpp return getJSCommandEntry (name, start, mid); start 484 plugin/klash/klash_part.cpp case start: start 207 plugin/klash4/klash_part.cpp m_process->start (); start 360 plugin/klash4/klash_part.cpp { "Start", start, 0L, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool }, start 370 plugin/klash4/klash_part.cpp if (end - start < 2) { start 371 plugin/klash4/klash_part.cpp if (start != end && !strcasecmp (JSCommandList[start].name, name)) start 372 plugin/klash4/klash_part.cpp return &JSCommandList[start]; start 375 plugin/klash4/klash_part.cpp int mid = (start + end) / 2; start 380 plugin/klash4/klash_part.cpp return getJSCommandEntry (name, start, mid); start 494 plugin/klash4/klash_part.cpp case start: start 212 plugin/npapi/external.cpp std::string::size_type start = 0; start 220 plugin/npapi/external.cpp tag = xml.substr(start, end); start 224 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = tag.find("name="); start 225 plugin/npapi/external.cpp if ( start == std::string::npos ) { start 228 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start += 5; start 229 plugin/npapi/external.cpp end = tag.find(" ", start); start 233 plugin/npapi/external.cpp invoke->name = tag.substr(start, end-start); start 239 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = tag.find("returntype="); start 240 plugin/npapi/external.cpp if ( start == std::string::npos ) { start 243 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start += 11; start 244 plugin/npapi/external.cpp end = tag.find(">", start); start 248 plugin/npapi/external.cpp invoke->type = tag.substr(start, end-start); start 254 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = xml.find("<arguments>"); start 256 plugin/npapi/external.cpp if (start != std::string::npos && end != std::string::npos) { start 257 plugin/npapi/external.cpp tag = xml.substr(start, end-start); start 275 plugin/npapi/external.cpp std::string::size_type start = 0; start 283 plugin/npapi/external.cpp tag = xml.substr(start, end); start 294 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = end; start 296 plugin/npapi/external.cpp std::string str = xml.substr(start, end-start); start 305 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = end; start 307 plugin/npapi/external.cpp std::string str = xml.substr(start, end-start); start 318 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = end; start 321 plugin/npapi/external.cpp std::string str = xml.substr(start, end-start); start 332 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = end; start 337 plugin/npapi/external.cpp std::string str = xml.substr(start, end-start); start 392 plugin/npapi/external.cpp std::string::size_type start = 0; start 396 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = xml.find(" id="); start 397 plugin/npapi/external.cpp while (start != std::string::npos) { start 399 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start++; start 400 plugin/npapi/external.cpp end = xml.find(">", start) - 1; start 401 plugin/npapi/external.cpp id = xml.substr(start, end-start); start 405 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = end + 2; start 406 plugin/npapi/external.cpp end = xml.find("</property>", start) ; start 407 plugin/npapi/external.cpp std::string data = xml.substr(start, end-start); start 409 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = xml.find(" id=", end); start 420 plugin/npapi/external.cpp std::string::size_type start = 0; start 426 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = data.find(tag); start 427 plugin/npapi/external.cpp if (start != std::string::npos) { start 432 plugin/npapi/external.cpp start = data.find("<", 1); // start past the opening < start 433 plugin/npapi/external.cpp if (start == std::string::npos ) break; start 434 plugin/npapi/external.cpp end = data.find(">", start); start 528 utilities/rtmpget.cpp const char* start = reinterpret_cast<const char*>( start 530 utilities/rtmpget.cpp flv.write(start, f->size() - rtmp::RTMPHeader::headerSize);