/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef GNASH_RTMP_H
#define GNASH_RTMP_H
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include "SimpleBuffer.h"
#include "Socket.h"
// Forward declarations.
namespace gnash {
namespace rtmp {
class HandShaker;
class URL;
namespace gnash {
namespace rtmp {
/// Known control / ping codes
/// See http://jira.red5.org/confluence/display/docs/Ping (may not exist).
/// 0x00: Clear the stream. No third and fourth parameters. The second
/// parameter could be 0. After the connection is established, a
/// Ping 0,0 will be sent from server to client. The message will
/// also be sent to client on the start of Play and in response of
/// a Seek or Pause/Resume request. This Ping tells client to
/// re-calibrate the clock with the timestamp of the next packet
/// server sends.
/// 0x01: Tell the stream to clear the playing buffer.
/// 0x02: Stream dry (not sure what this means!)
/// 0x03: Buffer time of the client. The third parameter is the buffer
/// time in milliseconds.
/// 0x04: Reset a stream. Used together with type 0 in the case of VOD.
/// Often sent before type 0.
/// 0x06: Ping the client from server. The second parameter is the current
/// time.
/// 0x07: Pong reply from client. The second parameter is the time the
/// server sent with his ping request.
/// 0x1a: SWFVerification request
/// 0x1b: SWFVerification response
/// 0x1f: Not sure, maybe buffer empty.
/// 0x20: Buffer ready.
enum ControlType
/// The known channels.
/// CHANNEL_CONTROL1 is for internal controls:
/// sendCtrl
/// send server BW
/// send bytes received.
/// These contain no AMF data.
/// CHANNEL_CONTROL2 is for ActionScript controls
/// _checkbw: AS
/// _result:
/// connect: Maybe from ASNative(2100, 0) (connect)
/// createStream: AS
/// deleteStream: Maybe ASNative(2100, 1) (close)
/// FCSubscribe: Don't know.
/// These all contain AMF data.
enum Channels
/// The known packet types.
enum PacketType
/// The PacketSize specifies the number of fields contained in the header.
/// 1. A large packet has all header fields.
/// We would expect the first packet on any channel to be large.
/// 2. A medium packet has the same m_nInfoField2 and packet type.
/// 3. A small packet has the same data size.
/// 4. A minimal packet has all fields the same.
/// The minimal and small data packets can be used to send a payload in more
/// than one packet. If the data received is smaller than the specified data
/// size, the packet remains in the channel with its payload. Data from each
/// new packet is added to this stored payload until all the advertised data
/// is read.
/// These names are taken from rtmpdump.
enum PacketSize {
/// The RTMPHeader contains all the fields for the packet header.
struct RTMPHeader
/// The maximum header size of an RTMP packet.
static const size_t headerSize = 18;
PacketSize headerType;
PacketType packetType;
/// The timestamp.
/// This is encoded either as in the 3-byte relative timestamp field or the
/// 4 byte extended (absolute) timestamp field.
boost::uint32_t _timestamp;
/// This seems to be used for NetStream.play.
boost::uint32_t _streamID;
size_t channel;
// The size of the data.
size_t dataSize;
/// An RTMPPacket class contains a full description of an RTMP packet.
/// This comprises:
/// header information
/// an AMF payload.
/// An RTMPPacket may be copied without a large penalty. This is to allow
/// storage in the RTMP client's channels.
struct RTMPPacket
/// Construct a packet with an optional reserved memory allocation.
/// @param reserve The amount of space in bytes to reserve for the
/// message body. This can save reallocations when
/// appending AMF data. Space for the header is
/// always reserved and is not affected by this
/// parameter.
explicit RTMPPacket(size_t reserve = 0);
/// Copy constructor.
/// Creates an identical RTMPPacket with shared ownership of the
/// buffer.
RTMPPacket(const RTMPPacket& other);
~RTMPPacket() {}
RTMPHeader header;
/// A buffer with enough storage to write the entire message.
/// This always includes at least the header. Storage for the message
/// payload is added as necessary.
boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer> buffer;
size_t bytesRead;
/// Check whether an RTMPPacket has a payload.
/// Only stored packets may not have a payload. A packet without a payload
/// has already been processed and is only used for its header information.
inline bool
hasPayload(const RTMPPacket& p)
return (p.buffer.get());
/// Clear the message body and the bytes read of an RTMPPacket.
/// This is to be used to free used information from packets in a channel.
/// The header information must be preserved for future packets, but the
/// payload is no longer needed once read.
inline void
clearPayload(RTMPPacket& p)
p.bytesRead = 0;
/// The current size of the space allocated for the message payload.
/// For messages we create, this matches the exact size of the payload. For
/// messages we read, this is the expected size of the data.
inline size_t
payloadSize(const RTMPPacket& p)
const SimpleBuffer& buf = *p.buffer;
assert(buf.size() >= RTMPHeader::headerSize);
return buf.size() - RTMPHeader::headerSize;
/// Access the payload data section of the buffer.
inline boost::uint8_t*
payloadData(RTMPPacket& p)
SimpleBuffer& buf = *p.buffer;
return buf.data() + RTMPHeader::headerSize;
/// Access the payload data section of the buffer.
inline const boost::uint8_t*
payloadData(const RTMPPacket& p)
const SimpleBuffer& buf = *p.buffer;
return buf.data() + RTMPHeader::headerSize;
/// Get the end of the allocated payload data section of the buffer.
/// Note that this is only valid for packets we create, and for packets
/// we have fully read. Stored packets that have not yet received all data
/// have allocated space that has not yet been written.
inline const boost::uint8_t*
payloadEnd(const RTMPPacket& p)
SimpleBuffer& buf = *p.buffer;
return buf.data() + buf.size();
/// Check if a packet is ready for processing.
/// A packet is ready for processing if its payload size matches the data
/// size in its header. It may take several successive packets to form a
/// complete packet.
inline bool
isReady(const RTMPPacket& p) {
return p.bytesRead == p.header.dataSize;
/// This class is for handling the RTMP protocol.
/// Only the RTMP protocol itself is handled in this class. An RTMP connection
/// is valid only when connected() is true.
/// An RTMP object may be closed and reconnected. As soon as connect() returns
/// true, callers are responsible for calling close().
/// RTMP has a set of channels for incoming and outgoing packets. Packets
/// are stored here for two reasons:
/// 1. The payload size exceeds the chunk size, so a single payload requires
/// several complete packets. A packet is not 'ready' unless it has a
/// complete payload, or is the packet that completes the payload of
/// previous packets.
/// 2. Subsequent packets sent on the same channel can be compressed if they
/// have the same header information. The stored packet header is used for
/// comparison. For this case, the payload is no longer necessary.
/// A different case applies to incomplete packets. The payload of a single
/// packet (whether the packet is 'ready' or not) is the smaller of (a) the
/// advertised data size and (b) the chunk size. Until this much data has
/// been read, the packet is incomplete. Whereas Gnash always
/// expects a complete header to be available or none at all, the payload
/// can be read over several calls to update().
/// Construct a non-connected RTMP handler.
/// Initiate a network connection.
/// Note that this only creates the TCP connection and carries out the
/// handshake. An active data connection needs an AMF connect request,
/// which is not part of the RTMP protocol.
/// @return true if the connection attempt starts, otherwise false.
/// A return of false means that the RTMP object is in a
/// closed state and can be reconnected.
bool connect(const URL& url);
/// This is used for sending call requests from the core.
/// These are sent as invoke packets on CHANNEL_CONTROL2. The AMF data
/// should contain:
/// 1. method name,
/// 2. callback number,
/// 3. null,
/// 4. arg0..argn
void call(const SimpleBuffer& amf);
/// This is used for sending NetStream requests.
/// These include play and pause. They are sent as invoke packets on the
/// video channel.
/// @param id The stream ID to control. This is encoded in the header,
/// not the AMF payload.
void play(const SimpleBuffer& amf, int id);
/// Instruct server to buffer this much data.
/// @param time time in milliseconds.
/// @param streamID the ID of the stream to set buffer time on.
void setBufferTime(size_t time, int streamID);
/// Whether we have a basic connection to a server.
/// This only means that the handshake is complete and that AMF requests
/// can be sent to the server. It does not mean that was can send or
/// receive media streams.
/// You should ensure that connected() is true before attempting to send
/// or receive data.
bool connected() const {
return _connected;
/// Whether the RTMP connection is in error condition.
/// This is a fatal error.
bool error() const {
return _error;
/// This function handles reading incoming data and filling data queues.
/// You should call this function regularly once the initial connection
/// has been initiated.
/// Its tasks involve:
/// 1. completing the handshake
/// 2. checking for socket errors
/// 3. reading incoming data
/// 4. filling data queues.
/// None of those things should concern you. Just call the function
/// regularly and use connected(), error(), and check the message
/// queues.
void update();
/// Close the connection.
/// A new connection may now be opened.
void close();
/// Get an AMF message received from the server.
/// TODO: this returns the whole RTMP message, which is ugly. And it
/// only returns one at time, and can return a null pointer. We need
/// a better way to retrieve the messages.
boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer> getMessage() {
if (_messageQueue.empty()) return boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer>();
boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer> b = _messageQueue.front();
return b;
/// Get an FLV packet received from the server
/// TODO: this returns the whole RTMP message, which is ugly. And it
/// only returns one at time, and can return a null pointer. We need
/// a better way to retrieve the frames.
boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer> getFLVFrame() {
if (_flvQueue.empty()) return boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer>();
boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer> b = _flvQueue.front();
return b;
/// Handle an RTMPPacket.
void handlePacket(const RTMPPacket& packet);
/// Read from the socket.
int readSocket(boost::uint8_t* dst, int num);
/// Send an RTMPPacket on the connection.
bool sendPacket(RTMPPacket& packet);
/// Store the server bandwidth
/// Not sure why we need this.
void setServerBandwidth(boost::uint32_t bw) {
_serverBandwidth = bw;
/// Get the stored server bandwidth.
boost::uint32_t serverBandwidth() const {
return _serverBandwidth;
/// Store our bandwidth
void setBandwidth(boost::uint32_t bw) {
_bandwidth = bw;
/// Get our bandwidth.
boost::uint32_t bandwidth() const {
return _bandwidth;
int _inChunkSize;
int m_mediaChannel;
boost::uint8_t m_nClientBW2;
size_t _bytesIn;
size_t _bytesInSent;
enum ChannelType {
/// Read an RTMP packet from the connection.
bool readPacketHeader(RTMPPacket& packet);
bool readPacketPayload(RTMPPacket& packet);
/// Check whether a packet exists on a channel.
bool hasPacket(ChannelType t, size_t channel) const;
/// Retrieve a stored packet.
/// If no packet exists on the channel, a new one will be created and
/// returned. Use hasPacket() to check whether a previous packet exists.
RTMPPacket& getPacket(ChannelType t, size_t channel);
/// Store a packet in a channel.
/// A copy of the packet is stored and returned. Any data is shared
/// between the copies until explicitly reset.
RTMPPacket& storePacket(ChannelType t, size_t channel, const RTMPPacket& p);
/// A set of channels. An RTMP handler has two sets.
/// Packets are stored on these channels. As soon as a packet has been
/// processed, its payload is removed. The header remains in memory to
/// allow compression of later packets.
/// RTMPPackets must be stored with an absolute timestamp.
typedef std::map<size_t, RTMPPacket> ChannelSet;
Socket _socket;
/// A set of channels for receiving packets.
ChannelSet _inChannels;
/// A set of channels for sending packets.
ChannelSet _outChannels;
std::deque<boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer> > _messageQueue;
std::deque<boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer> > _flvQueue;
/// Stored server bandwidth (reported by server).
boost::uint32_t _serverBandwidth;
/// Stored client bandwidth (ours), reported by server.
boost::uint32_t _bandwidth;
/// Chunk size for sending.
size_t _outChunkSize;
boost::scoped_ptr<HandShaker> _handShaker;
bool _connected;
bool _error;
/// If a packet could not be read in one go, it is stored here.
/// This is not the same as a non-ready packet. It applies only to packets
/// waiting for payload data.
boost::scoped_ptr<RTMPPacket> _incompletePacket;
/// Send a bandwidth ping to the server.
bool sendServerBW(RTMP& r);
/// Send a control packet
bool sendCtrl(RTMP& r, ControlType, unsigned int nObject, unsigned int nTime);
/// Logging assistance for PacketType.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, PacketType p);
/// Logging assistance for ControlType.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, ControlType t);
} // namespace rtmp
} // namespace gnash