
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. _stream
  2. callNumber
  3. queueCall
  4. getCall
  5. setPlayPath
  6. playpath
  7. setSeekTime
  8. seekTime
  9. setLength
  10. length
  11. setStreamID
  12. streamID
  13. writeFLVHeader
  14. sendConnectPacket
  15. sendCheckBW
  16. replyBWCheck
  17. sendPausePacket
  18. sendPlayPacket
  19. sendCreateStream
  20. sendDeleteStream
  21. sendFCSubscribe
  22. main
  23. handleInvoke
  24. usage

// rtmpdump.cpp:  RTMP file downloader utility
//   Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include "RTMP.h"
#include <string>
#include "log.h"
#include "arg_parser.h"
#include "SimpleBuffer.h"
#include "AMF.h"
#include "GnashAlgorithm.h"
#include "GnashSleep.h"
#include "URL.h"

#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

using namespace gnash;

/// The play command is initiated by This must specify a
/// play path, and can add three further optional arguments. These are:
///     1. start: start offset, or -1 for a live stream, or -2 for either
///        a live stream if found, or a recorded stream if not.
///     2. length: how long to play, or -1 for all of a live stream, or 0 for
///                a single frame.
///     3. reset: (object) no documentation.
/// This class should not care about these! NetStream / NetConnection should
/// encode all the play arguments and send them. The play packet should be
/// on the video channel (what about audio?) and be an "invoke" packet.
/// ActionScript can send invoke packets directly using NetConnection call.
/// TODO:   This class needs a function to be called at heartbeat rate so that
///         the data can be processed.
/// TODO:   Work out which messages should be handled internally and which
///         should be made available to the core (maybe all).
///             1. Core events are those that should be available to AS. They
///                include: onStatus.
///             2. Internal events are not important to AS. We don't know
///                if they ever get through. They certainly aren't documented
///                and they may expect a certain response. They include:
///                _onbwdone, _onbwcheck, _result. The _result function is
///                almost certainly forwarded as onResult.
///             3. The client should send createStream. This is builtin to
///                to actionscript.
// function NetStream(connection) {
//     function OnCreate(nStream) {
//          this.nStream = nStream;
//     }
//     // Some kind of type thing associating NetStream and NetConnection.
//     ASnative(2101, 200)(this, connection);
//     var _local2 = OnCreate.prototype;
//     /// The server should send onResult with stream ID.
//     //
//     /// What does the function do? Stores the stream ID somewhere so it
//     /// can 
//     _local2.onResult = function (streamId) {
//         ASnative(2101, 201)(this.nStream, streamId);
//     };
//      /// onStatus messages are forwarded to the NetStream object.
//     _local2.onStatus = function (info) {
//         this.nStream.onStatus(info);
//     };
//     /// Send invoke packet with createStream. The callback is the OnCreate
//     /// object.
//"createStream", new OnCreate(this));
// }

namespace {
    void usage(std::ostream& o);

class FakeNC


    size_t callNumber() {
        return _callCount++;

    void queueCall(size_t n, const std::string& call) {
        _calls.insert(std::make_pair(n, call));

    std::string getCall(size_t n) {
        std::map<size_t, std::string>::iterator i = _calls.find(n);
        if (i == _calls.end()) return "";

        std::string s = i->second;
        return s;

    void setPlayPath(const std::string& p) {
        _playpath = p;

    const std::string& playpath() const {
        return _playpath;

    void setSeekTime(double secs) {
        _seek = secs;

    double seekTime() const {
        return _seek;

    void setLength(double len) {
        _len = len;

    double length() const {
        return _len;

    void setStreamID(int s) {
        _stream = s;

    int streamID() const {
        return _stream;

    size_t _callCount;
    std::map<size_t, std::string> _calls;

    std::string _playpath;

    double _seek, _len;

    int _stream;

writeFLVHeader(std::ostream& o)
    char flvHeader[] = {
        'F',  'L',  'V',  0x01,
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09,
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00  // first prevTagSize=0

    o.write(flvHeader, arraySize(flvHeader));

bool handleInvoke(rtmp::RTMP& r, FakeNC& nc, const boost::uint8_t* payload,
        const boost::uint8_t* end);

/// These functions create an RTMP call buffer and send it. They mimic
/// methods and replies to server calls.
/// If a call is initiated by us, we send our own call number.
/// If we are replying to a server call, we send the server's call number back.
sendConnectPacket(rtmp::RTMP& r, FakeNC& nc, const std::string& app,
        const std::string& ver, const std::string& swfurl,
        const std::string& tcurl, const std::string& pageurl)
    log_debug("Sending connect packet.");
    log_debug("app      : %s", app);
    log_debug("flashVer : %s", ver);
    log_debug("tcURL    : %s", tcurl);
    log_debug("swfURL   : %s", swfurl);
    log_debug("pageURL  : %s", pageurl);

    SimpleBuffer buf;

    amf::write(buf, "connect");
    const size_t cn = nc.callNumber();
    /// Call number?
    amf::write(buf, static_cast<double>(cn));

    if (!app.empty()) amf::writeProperty(buf, "app", app);
    if (!ver.empty()) amf::writeProperty(buf, "flashVer", ver);
    if (!swfurl.empty()) amf::writeProperty(buf, "swfUrl", swfurl);
    if (!tcurl.empty()) amf::writeProperty(buf, "tcUrl", tcurl);
    amf::writeProperty(buf, "fpad", false);
    amf::writeProperty(buf, "capabilities", 15.0);
    amf::writeProperty(buf, "audioCodecs", 3191.0);
    amf::writeProperty(buf, "videoCodecs", 252.0);
    amf::writeProperty(buf, "videoFunction", 1.0);
    if (!pageurl.empty()) amf::writeProperty(buf, "pageUrl", pageurl);

    nc.queueCall(cn, "connect");;


sendCheckBW(rtmp::RTMP& r, FakeNC& nc)
    SimpleBuffer buf;
    const size_t cn = nc.callNumber();

    amf::write(buf, "_checkbw");
    amf::write(buf, static_cast<double>(cn));

    nc.queueCall(cn, "_checkbw");;

replyBWCheck(rtmp::RTMP& r, FakeNC& /*nc*/, double txn)
    // Infofield1?
    SimpleBuffer buf;
    amf::write(buf, "_result");
    amf::write(buf, txn);
    amf::write(buf, 0.0);;


sendPausePacket(rtmp::RTMP& r, FakeNC& nc, bool flag, double time)
    const int streamid = nc.streamID();

    SimpleBuffer buf;

    amf::write(buf, "pause");

    // What is this? The play stream? Call number?
    amf::write(buf, 0.0);

    log_debug( "Pause: flag=%s, time=%d", flag, time);
    amf::write(buf, flag);

    // "this.time", i.e. NetStream.time.
    amf::write(buf, time * 1000.0);, streamid);

// Which channel to send on? Always video?
//ASnative(2101, 202)(this, "play", null, name, start * 1000, len * 1000, reset);
// This call is not queued (it's a play call, and doesn't have a callback).
sendPlayPacket(rtmp::RTMP& r, FakeNC& nc)

    const int streamid = nc.streamID();
    const double seektime = nc.seekTime() * 1000.0;
    const double length = nc.length() * 1000.0;

    log_debug("Sending play packet. Stream id: %s, playpath %s", streamid,

    SimpleBuffer buf;

    amf::write(buf, "play");

    // What is this? The play stream? Call number?
    amf::write(buf, 0.0);

    log_debug( "seekTime=%.2f, dLength=%d, sending play: %s",
        seektime, length, nc.playpath());
    amf::write(buf, nc.playpath());

    // Optional parameters start and len.
    // start: -2, -1, 0, positive number
    //  -2: looks for a live stream, then a recorded stream, if not found
    //  any open a live stream
    //  -1: plays a live stream
    // >=0: plays a recorded streams from 'start' milliseconds
    amf::write(buf, seektime);

    // len: -1, 0, positive number
    //  -1: plays live or recorded stream to the end (default)
    //   0: plays a frame 'start' ms away from the beginning
    //  >0: plays a live or recoded stream for 'len' milliseconds
    //enc += EncodeNumber(enc, -1.0); // len
    amf::write(buf, length);, streamid);

sendCreateStream(rtmp::RTMP& r, FakeNC& nc)
    const size_t cn = nc.callNumber();

    SimpleBuffer buf;
    amf::write(buf, "createStream");
    amf::write(buf, static_cast<double>(cn));
    nc.queueCall(cn, "createStream");;
sendDeleteStream(rtmp::RTMP& r, FakeNC& nc, double id)
    const size_t cn = nc.callNumber();

    SimpleBuffer buf;
    amf::write(buf, "deleteStream");

    // Call number?
    amf::write(buf, static_cast<double>(cn));
    amf::write(buf, id);
    nc.queueCall(cn, "deleteStream");;

sendFCSubscribe(rtmp::RTMP& r, FakeNC& nc, const std::string& subscribepath)
    const size_t cn = nc.callNumber();

    SimpleBuffer buf;
    amf::write(buf, "FCSubscribe");

    // What is this?
    amf::write(buf, static_cast<double>(cn));
    amf::write(buf, subscribepath);

    nc.queueCall(cn, "FCSubscribe");;

/// Some URLs to try are:
/// -u rtmp://
/// with -p 2010/0216/TV-20100216-0911-2401.hi or
///      -p 2010/0216/TV-20100216-0911-2401.lo
/// -u rtmp://
/// with -p ndr_fs_nds_hi_flv *and* -s -1 (live stream)
main(int argc, char** argv)
   const Arg_parser::Option opts[] =
        { 'h', "help",          Arg_parser::no  },
        { 'v', "verbose",       Arg_parser::no  },
        { 'u', "url",           Arg_parser::yes  },
        { 'p', "playpath",      Arg_parser::yes  },
        { 's', "seek",          Arg_parser::yes  },
        { 'l', "length",        Arg_parser::yes  },
        { 'o', "outfile",       Arg_parser::yes  }

    Arg_parser parser(argc, argv, opts);

    if (!parser.error().empty())  {
        std::cout << parser.error() << std::endl;
    gnash::LogFile& l = gnash::LogFile::getDefaultInstance();

    std::string url;
    std::string playpath;
    std::string tc;
    std::string swf;
    std::string page;
    std::string outf;

    double seek = 0, len = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < parser.arguments(); ++i) {
        const int code = parser.code(i);
        try {
            switch (code) {
              case 'h':
              case 'u':
                  url = parser.argument(i);
              case 'p':
                  playpath = parser.argument(i);
              case 't':
                  tc = parser.argument(i);
              case 's':
                  seek = parser.argument<double>(i);
              case 'l':
                  len = parser.argument<double>(i);
              case 'o':
                  outf = parser.argument(i);
              case 'v':
        catch (Arg_parser::ArgParserException &e) {
            std::cerr << _("Error parsing command line: ") << e.what() << "\n";

    if (url.empty() || playpath.empty()) {
        std::cerr << "You must specify URL and playpath\n";

    if (outf.empty()) {
        std::cerr << "No output file specified. Will connect anyway\n";

    std::ofstream flv;

    if (!outf.empty()) {;
        if (flv) writeFLVHeader(flv);

    URL playurl(url);
    if (tc.empty()) tc = playurl.str();

    const std::string app = playurl.path().substr(1);

    std::string ver = "LNX 10,0,22,87";

    gnash::rtmp::RTMP r;
    FakeNC nc;

    log_debug("Initial connection");

    if (!r.connect(url)) {
        log_error("Initial connection failed!");

    do {
    } while (!r.connected());
    if (r.error()) {
        log_error("Connection attempt failed");

    /// 1. connect.
    sendConnectPacket(r, nc, app, ver, swf, tc, page);
    // Some servers are fine if we send _onbwcheck here, others aren't.
    // Either way it's a SWF implementation detail, not an automatic
    // send.
    //sendCheckBW(r, nc);   
    // Note that rtmpdump sends the "ServerBW" control ping when the connect
    // call returns.

    log_debug("Connect packet sent.");

    while (1) {
        if (r.error()) {
            gnash::log_error("Connection error");

        /// Retrieve messages.
        boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer> b = r.getMessage();
        while (b.get()) {
            handleInvoke(r, nc, b->data() + rtmp::RTMPHeader::headerSize,
                    b->data() + b->size());
            b = r.getMessage();

        /// Retrieve video packets.
        boost::shared_ptr<SimpleBuffer> f = r.getFLVFrame();
        while (f.get()) {
            if (flv) {
                const char* start = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
                        f->data() + rtmp::RTMPHeader::headerSize);
                flv.write(start, f->size() - rtmp::RTMPHeader::headerSize);
            f = r.getMessage();



handleInvoke(rtmp::RTMP& r, FakeNC& nc, const boost::uint8_t* payload,
        const boost::uint8_t* end)
    assert(payload != end);

    // make sure it is a string method name we start with
    if (payload[0] != 0x02) {
        log_error( "%s, Sanity failed. no string method in invoke packet",
        return false;

    std::string method = amf::readString(payload, end);

    log_debug("Invoke: read method string %s", method);
    if (*payload != amf::NUMBER_AMF0) return false;

    log_debug( "%s, server invoking <%s>", __FUNCTION__, method);

    bool ret = false;

    /// _result means it's the answer to a remote method call initiated
    /// by us.
    if (method == "_result") {
        const double txn = amf::readNumber(payload, end);
        std::string calledMethod = nc.getCall(txn);

        log_debug("Received result for method call %s (%s)",
                calledMethod, boost::io::group(std::setprecision(15), txn));

        if (calledMethod == "connect")
            // Do here.
            sendCreateStream(r, nc);

        else if (calledMethod == "createStream") {
            log_debug("createStream invoked");
            if (*payload != amf::NULL_AMF0) return false;
            log_debug("AMF buffer for createStream: %s\n",
                    hexify(payload, end - payload, false));

            if (*payload != amf::NUMBER_AMF0) return false;
            double sid = amf::readNumber(payload, end);

            log_debug("Stream ID: %s", sid);

            /// Issue command.
            sendPlayPacket(r, nc);

            /// Allows quick downloading.
            r.setBufferTime(3600000, nc.streamID());

        else if (calledMethod == "play") {
            log_debug("Play called");
        return ret;

    /// These are remote function calls initiated by the server .

    const double txn = amf::readNumber(payload, end);
    log_debug("Received server call %s %s",
            boost::io::group(std::setprecision(15), txn),
            txn ? "" : "(no reply expected)");

    /// This must return a value. It can be anything.
    if (method == "onBWCheck") {
        if (txn) replyBWCheck(r, nc, txn);
        else {
            log_error("Expected call number for onBWCheck");
    /// If the server sends this, we reply (the call should contain a
    /// callback object!).
    if (method == "_onbwcheck") {
        if (txn) replyBWCheck(r, nc, txn);
        else {
            log_error("Server called _onbwcheck without a callback");
        return ret;

    // This should be called by the server when the bandwidth test is finished.
    // It contains information, but we don't have to do anything.
    if (method == "onBWDone") {
        // This is a SWF implementation detail, not required by the protocol.
        return ret;

    if (method == "_onbwdone") {

        if (*payload != amf::NULL_AMF0) return false;

        log_debug("AMF buffer for _onbwdone: %s\n",
                hexify(payload, end - payload, false));

        double latency = amf::readNumber(payload, end);
        double bandwidth = amf::readNumber(payload, end);
        log_debug("Latency: %s, bandwidth %s", latency, bandwidth);
        return ret;

    /// Don't know when it sends this.
    if (method == "onFCSubscribe") {
        return ret;

    /// Or this.
    if (method == "onFCUnsubscribe") {
        ret = true;
        return ret;

    if (method ==  "_error") {
        log_error( "rtmp server sent error");
    if (method == "close") {
        log_error( "rtmp server requested close");
        return ret;
    if (method == "onStatus") {
        if (*payload != amf::NULL_AMF0) return false;
#if 1
        log_debug("AMF buffer for onstatus: %s",
                hexify(payload, end - payload, true));
        if (*payload != amf::OBJECT_AMF0) {
            log_debug("not an object");
            return false;
        if (payload == end) return false;

        std::string code;
        std::string level;
        try {

            // Hack.
            while (payload < end && *payload != amf::OBJECT_END_AMF0) {

                const std::string& n = amf::readString(payload, end);
                if (n.empty()) continue;

                //log_debug("read string %s", n);
                if (payload == end) break;

                // There's no guarantee that all members are strings, but
                // it's usually enough for this.
                if (*payload != amf::STRING_AMF0) {

                if (payload == end) break;

                const std::string& v = amf::readString(payload, end);
                if (payload == end) break;
                if (n == "code") code = v;
                if (n == "level") level = v;
        catch (const amf::AMFException& e) {
            return false;

        if (code.empty() || level.empty()) return false;

        log_debug("onStatus: %s, %s", code, level);
        if (code == "NetStream.Failed"
                || code == "NetStream.Play.Failed"
                || code == "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound"
                || code == "NetConnection.Connect.InvalidApp")
            log_error( "Closing connection: %s", code);

        if (code == "NetStream.Play.Start") {
            log_debug("Netstream.Play.Start called");
            return ret;

        // Return 1 if this is a Play.Complete or Play.Stop
        if (code == "NetStream.Play.Complete" ||
                code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") {
    return ret;

namespace {

usage(std::ostream& o)
    o << "usage: rtmpdump -u <app> -p playpath [ -o outfile ]\n";
    o << "\n";
    o << "\t-h          Show this help and exit\n";
    o << "\t-u <url>    The full url of the rtmp application\n";
    o << "\t-p <path>   The play path of the stream\n";
    o << "\t-s <sec>    Start at the given seek offset\n";
    o << "\t-l <sec>    Retrieve only the specified length in seconds\n";
    o << "\t-o <file>   Output file for video\n";
    o << "\t-v          Verbose output (more 'v's for more verbosity)\n";
    o << "\n";


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */