
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


//   Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


#include "gnashconfig.h"

#include "string_table.h"
#include "AbcBlock.h"

#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <list>

// Forward declarations
namespace gnash {
    namespace abc {
        class Machine;
        class abc_function;
        class Namespace;
        class Class;
    class CodeStream;
    class as_object;

namespace gnash {
namespace abc {

typedef Property asBinding;

/// A class to represent, abstractly, an ActionScript method.
/// Methods are unnamed until they are bound to an object.
class Method
    typedef std::list<Class*> ArgumentList;


    boost::uint32_t methodID() const {
        return _methodID;

    void setMethodID(boost::uint32_t m) {
        _methodID = m;

        void initPrototype(Machine* machine);

        boost::uint32_t getMaxRegisters() { return _maxRegisters;}

        void setMaxRegisters(boost::uint32_t maxRegisters) { 
        _maxRegisters = maxRegisters;

        boost::uint32_t getBodyLength(){ return _bodyLength;}

        void setBodyLength(boost::uint32_t length){ _bodyLength = length;}

    void setMaxStack(boost::uint32_t max) {
        _maxStack = max;
    boost::uint32_t maxStack() const {
        return _maxStack;

    void setMaxScope(boost::uint32_t max) {
        _maxScope = max;
    boost::uint32_t maxScope() const {
        return _maxScope;
    void setScopeDepth(boost::uint32_t depth) {
        _scopeDepth = depth;
    boost::uint32_t scopeDepth() const {
        return _scopeDepth;

    abc_function* getPrototype() { return _prototype; }

    /// Add a Trait to this Method.
    void addTrait(const Trait& t) {

    /// Initialize Traits. This is bogus.
    /// TODO: fix!
    void initTraits(AbcBlock& bl);

        asBinding* getBinding(string_table::key name);

        bool isNative() { return _isNative; }
        bool hasBody() const { return _body != NULL; }

        as_object* construct(as_object* /*base_scope*/) {
        // TODO:
        return NULL;

        bool needsActivation() const {
        return _needsActivation;

    void setNeedsActivation() {
        _needsActivation = true;

        CodeStream *getBody() { return _body; }
        void setBody(CodeStream *b) { _body = b; }

        bool addValue(string_table::key name, Namespace *ns,
            boost::uint32_t slotID, Class *type, as_value& val, bool isconst);

        bool addSlot(string_table::key name, Namespace *ns,
            boost::uint32_t slotID, Class *type);

        bool addMethod(string_table::key name, Namespace *ns, Method *method);

        bool addGetter(string_table::key name, Namespace *ns, Method *method);

        bool addSetter(string_table::key name, Namespace *ns, Method *method);

        bool addMemberScript(string_table::key name, Namespace *ns,
                boost::uint32_t slotID, Class *type);
        bool addSlotFunction(string_table::key name, Namespace *ns,
                boost::uint32_t slotID, Method *method);

        /// \brief
        /// Set the owner of this method.
        void setOwner(Class* s);

        /// \brief
        /// Get the unique identifier for the return type. 0 is 'anything'.
        /// (This is the value of any dynamic property.)
        /// Id reference: Type
        Class* getReturnType() const;

        /// Set the return type
    /// TODO: This is currently a no-op, so find out what it's for and
    /// implement it.
    /// NB: the return type of a method can be * (any) or void, neither of
    /// which are known names, so this may not be an appropriate way to
    /// handle return type.
        void setReturnType(Class* t);

        Method *getSuper();

        void setSuper(Method* s);

        /// \brief
        /// Is the method final? If so, it may not be overridden.
        bool isFinal() const { return _flags & FLAGS_FINAL; }

        /// \brief
        /// Set the method as final.
        void setFinal() { _flags = _flags | FLAGS_FINAL; }

        /// \brief
        /// Unset the method as final. Not final anymore.
        void unsetFinal() { _flags = _flags & ~FLAGS_FINAL; }

        /// \brief
        /// Is the method private?
        bool isPrivate() const { return _flags & FLAGS_PRIVATE; }

        /// \brief
        /// Make the method private.
        void setPrivate() {
        _flags = (_flags & ~(FLAGS_PUBLIC | FLAGS_PROTECTED)) | FLAGS_PRIVATE;

        /// \brief
        /// Is the method protected?
        bool isProtected() const {
        return _flags & FLAGS_PROTECTED;

        /// \brief
        /// Make the method protected.
        void setProtected() {
        _flags = (_flags & ~(FLAGS_PUBLIC | FLAGS_PRIVATE)) | FLAGS_PROTECTED; }

        /// Is the method public?
        bool isPublic() const { return _flags & FLAGS_PUBLIC; }

        /// Make the method public.
        void setPublic() {
        _flags = (_flags & ~(FLAGS_PRIVATE | FLAGS_PROTECTED)) | FLAGS_PUBLIC;

        /// How many arguments are required? -1 means unknown.
        int minArgumentCount() const { return _minArguments; }

        /// Set the required minimum arguments.
        void setMinArgumentCount(int i) { _minArguments = i; }

        /// How many arguments are allowed? -1 means unknown.
        int maxArgumentCount() const { return _maxArguments; }

        /// Set the required maximum arguments.
        void setMaxArgumentCount(int i) { _maxArguments = i; }

        /// Push an argument of type t into the method definition
    /// A value of 0 stands for 'any'.
        void pushArgument(Class* t) { _arguments.push_back(t); }

        /// Push an optional argument's default value.
        void pushOptional(const as_value& v) { _optionalArguments.push_back(v); }

        /// Are any of the arguments optional?
        bool optionalArguments() const {
        return minArgumentCount() != maxArgumentCount();

        /// Get a reference to a list of argument types.
    /// NB: Some values may be 0, meaning "any".
        const ArgumentList& getArgumentList() const { return _arguments; }

        /// \brief
        /// Get an object capable of executing this function.
        /// Note: This may be NULL, because we might have information about this
        /// function but not actually have it yet.
        as_function* getImplementation() { return _implementation; }

        /// \brief
        /// Print the opcodes that define a method using log_parse.
        void print_body();


        enum Flag
                FLAGS_FINAL = 0x01,
                FLAGS_PROTECTED = 0x02,
                FLAGS_PUBLIC = 0x04,
                FLAGS_PRIVATE = 0x08

        /// A list of type identifiers
        typedef std::map<string_table::key, asBinding> BindingContainer;

        bool addBinding(string_table::key name, asBinding b);
    std::vector<Trait> _traits;
    boost::uint32_t _methodID;

    abc_function* _prototype;
        int _minArguments;
        int _maxArguments;
        boost::uint32_t _bodyLength;
        bool _isNative;
        ArgumentList _arguments;
        std::list<as_value> _optionalArguments;
        as_function* _implementation;
        unsigned char _flags;
        CodeStream* _body;
        boost::uint32_t _maxRegisters;

    boost::uint32_t _scopeDepth;
    boost::uint32_t _maxScope;
    boost::uint32_t _maxStack;

    bool _needsActivation;


} // namespace abc
} // namespace gnash


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