/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
// 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "gnashconfig.h" // USE_SWFTREE
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp> // For C99 int types
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include "ObjectURI.h"
#include "GC.h"
#include "Transform.h"
#include "event_id.h"
#include "SWFRect.h"
#include "SWFMatrix.h"
#include "SWFCxForm.h"
#include "dsodefs.h"
#include "snappingrange.h"
# include "tree.hh"
// Forward declarations
namespace gnash {
class MovieClip;
class movie_root;
class fn_call;
class Movie;
class ExecutableCode;
class action_buffer;
class movie_definition;
class StaticText;
class InteractiveObject;
class Renderer;
class as_object;
class as_value;
class as_environment;
class DisplayObject;
class KeyVisitor;
namespace SWF {
class TextRecord;
namespace gnash {
/// Returns true if the DisplayObject is referenceable in ActionScript
/// A DisplayObject is referenceable if it has an associated object.
bool isReferenceable(const DisplayObject& d);
/// Set special properties
/// This sets the magic properties of DisplayObjects.
/// @param key The string table key of the property to set.
/// @param obj The DisplayObject whose property should be set
/// @param val An as_value representing the new value of the property.
/// Some values may be rejected.
bool setDisplayObjectProperty(DisplayObject& obj, const ObjectURI& uri,
const as_value& val);
/// Get special properties
/// This gets the magic properties of DisplayObjects and handles special
/// MovieClip properties such as DisplayList members.
/// @param key The uri of the property to get.
/// @param obj The DisplayObject whose property should be got
/// @param val An as_value to be set to the value of the property.
bool getDisplayObjectProperty(DisplayObject& obj, const ObjectURI& uri,
as_value& val);
/// Get a property by its numeric index.
/// Used by ASHandlers to get the DisplayObject properties indexed by number
/// @param index The index of the property to get.
/// @param o The DisplayObject whose property should be got
/// @param val An as_value to be set to the value of the property.
void getIndexedProperty(size_t index, DisplayObject& o, as_value& val);
/// Set a property by its numeric index.
/// Used by ASHandlers to set the DisplayObject properties indexed by number
/// @param index The index of the property to set.
/// @param o The DisplayObject whose property should be set
/// @param val An as_value representing the new value of the property.
/// Some values may be rejected.
void setIndexedProperty(size_t index, DisplayObject& o, const as_value& val);
/// Copy SWFMatrix and caches from given DisplayObjecta
/// @param from The DisplayObject to copy from
/// @param to The DisplayObject to copy to.
void copyMatrix(const DisplayObject& from, DisplayObject& to);
/// Get concatenated SWFMatrix (all ancestor transforms and our SWFMatrix)
/// Maps from our local space into "world" space
/// (i.e. root movie space).
/// @param includeRoot Whether the transform of the Stage (_root)
/// should be concatenated. This is required to be
/// false for pointInBounds.
SWFMatrix getWorldMatrix(const DisplayObject& d, bool includeRoot = true);
/// Get concatenated color transform of a DisplayObject
/// Maps from our local space into normal color space.
SWFCxForm getWorldCxForm(const DisplayObject& d);
/// DisplayObject is the base class for all DisplayList objects.
/// It represents a single active element in a movie. This class does not
/// supply any interactivity. The hierarchy of DisplayObjects in a movie
/// provides all visual elements in a SWF. The DisplayObject hierarchy
/// is independent of ActionScript resources, but can be controlled via AS.
/// DisplayObjects that can be controlled through ActionScript have an
/// associated as_object. DisplayObjects such as Shape, do not have an
/// associated object and cannot be referenced in AS.
/// Derived classes include InteractiveObject, StaticText, Bitmap,
/// Video, and Shape.
/// All DisplayObjects may be constructed during SWF parsing. In this case
/// they are constructed using an immutable, non-copyable SWF::DefinitionTag.
/// This tag should never be changed!
/// Most DisplayObjects may also be constructed dynamically. In AS3, Bitmaps
/// and Shapes can be dynamically created. Dynamically-created DisplayObjects
/// must not have a SWF::DefinitionTag!
/// The presence of a definition tag may be used to distinguish static from
/// dynamic DisplayObjects, but tags are not always stored. They are not
/// stored in most InteractiveObjects because most properties can be
/// overridden during SWF execution.
class DisplayObject : public GcResource, boost::noncopyable
/// Construct a DisplayObject
/// @param mr The movie_root containing the DisplayObject hierarchy.
/// All DisplayObjects may need movie_root resources.
/// @param object An object to be associated with this DisplayObject.
/// If this is non-null, the DisplayObject will be
/// referenceable in ActionScript. Referenceable
/// DisplayObjects may access AS resources through their
/// associated object.
/// @param parent The parent of the new DisplayObject. This may be null.
DisplayObject(movie_root& mr, as_object* object, DisplayObject* parent);
virtual ~DisplayObject() {}
/// The lowest placeable and accessible depth for a DisplayObject.
/// Macromedia Flash help says: depth starts at -16383 (0x3FFF)
/// See: http://www.senocular.com/flash/tutorials/depths/?page=2
/// See also http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/depths2.htm
/// The only way to exceed these bounds is with createEmptyMoveClip(),
/// which can be placed at any depth within +/- 2**31.
static const int lowerAccessibleBound = -16384;
/// This is the maximum depth a MovieClip DisplayObject can be placed
/// at (attachMovie). Kirupa (see above) says 2130690045, but this
/// seems not to be included in the range.
static const int upperAccessibleBound = 2130690044;
/// This is the amount added to displaylist tag defined depths.
/// DisplayObjects placed by tags (vs. DisplayObjects instantiated by
/// ActionScript) always have negative depths by effect of this offset.
static const int staticDepthOffset = lowerAccessibleBound;
/// This is the offset at which DisplayObject's depth is
/// shifted when a DisplayObject is removed from stage but
/// an onUnload event handler is defined.
/// Example: a DisplayObject at depth 60 gets moved to
/// depth -32829 (-32769-60) when unloaded and
/// an onUnload event handler is defined for it
/// or any of its childs.
/// So, to recap:
/// 1: -32769 to -16385 are removed
/// 2: -16384 to 0 are statics
/// 3: Max depth for a PlaceObject call is 16384 (which becomes
/// 0 in the statics)
/// (all of the above correct?)
static const int removedDepthOffset = -32769;
/// This value is used for m_clip_depth when
/// the DisplayObject is not a layer mask.
/// Depths below -16384 are illegal, so this
/// value should not collide with real depths.
static const int noClipDepthValue = -1000000;
/// Return a reference to the variable scope of this DisplayObject.
virtual as_environment& get_environment() {
// MovieClip must override this
// and any other DisplayObject will have
// a parent!
assert(_parent != NULL);
return _parent->get_environment();
/// Enumerate any non-proper properties
/// This function allows enumeration of properties that are
/// derived from the DisplayObject type, e.g. DisplayList members.
/// The default implementation adds nothing
virtual void visitNonProperties(KeyVisitor&) const {}
/// \brief
/// Return the parent of this DisplayObject, or NULL if
/// the DisplayObject has no parent.
DisplayObject* parent() const
return _parent;
/// Set the parent of this DisplayObject
/// In AS3, DisplayObjects may be created before being attached to
/// a parent. In AS2, this is only used for external movies
void set_parent(DisplayObject* parent)
_parent = parent;
virtual MovieClip* to_movie() { return 0; }
int get_depth() const { return _depth; }
void set_depth(int d) { _depth = d; }
/// Get sound volume for this DisplayObject
int getVolume() const { return _volume; }
/// Set sound volume for this DisplayObject
void setVolume(int vol) { _volume = vol; }
/// Get concatenated sound volume for this DisplayObject
/// NOTE: the concatenated volume does NOT include
/// global volume settings, which is the one
/// controlled by Sound instances created passing
/// null, undefined or no argument to constructor.
int getWorldVolume() const;
/// DisplayObjects can return the version of the SWF they were parsed from.
virtual int getDefinitionVersion() const {
return -1;
const Transform& transform() const {
return _transform;
/// Set local transform SWFMatrix for this DisplayObject
/// @param m the new SWFMatrix to assign to this DisplayObject
/// @param updateCache if true, updates the cache values
/// from the SWFMatrix (only if SWFMatrix != current SWFMatrix)
void setMatrix(const SWFMatrix& m, bool updateCache = false);
/// Set the xscale value of current SWFMatrix
/// This is used when setting _xscale.
/// See xscale_getset.
/// @param factor scale factor, in percent
void set_x_scale(double factor);
/// Set the yscale value of current SWFMatrix
/// This is used when setting _yscale
/// See yscale_getset.
/// @param factor scale factor, in percent
void set_y_scale(double factor);
/// Set the rotation value of current SWFMatrix
/// This is used when setting _rotation
/// See rotation_getset
/// @param rot rotation in degrees. will be trimmed to
/// the -180 .. 180 range, can be passed outside it.
void set_rotation(double rot);
/// Set the width of this DisplayObject, modifying its SWFMatrix
/// This is used when setting _width
/// @param w new width, in TWIPS.
/// TextField does this differently (caches not updated).
virtual void setWidth(double width);
/// Set the height of this DisplayObject, modifying its SWFMatrix
/// This is used when setting _height
/// @param h new height, in TWIPS.
virtual void setHeight(double height);
void setCxForm(const SWFCxForm& cx)
if (_transform.colorTransform != cx) {
_transform.colorTransform = cx;
boost::uint16_t get_ratio() const { return _ratio; }
void set_ratio(boost::uint16_t r) {
if (r != _ratio) set_invalidated();
_ratio = r;
/// Returns the clipping depth (if any) of this DisplayObject.
/// The parameter tells us to use the DisplayObject as a mask for
/// all the objects contained in the display list from _depth
/// to m_clipping_depth inclusive.
/// The value returned by get_clip_depth() is only valid when isMaskLayer()
/// returns true!
int get_clip_depth() const { return m_clip_depth; }
/// See get_clip_depth()
void set_clip_depth(int d)
m_clip_depth = d;
/// Returns true when the DisplayObject (and its childs) is used as a mask
/// for other DisplayObjects at higher depth (up to get_clip_depth).
/// isMaskLayer() does not return true when one of its
/// parents is a mask and the DisplayObject itself is not.
/// See also isDynamicMask() and isMask()
bool isMaskLayer() const
return (m_clip_depth != noClipDepthValue && !_maskee);
/// Returns true when the DisplayObject (and its childs) is used as a mask
/// for another DisplayObject.
/// isDynamicMask() does not return true when one of its
/// parents is a mask and the DisplayObject itself is not.
/// NOTE: there's no way to obtain the maskee from a dynamic mask
/// See also isMaskLayer() and isMask()
bool isDynamicMask() const
return (_maskee);
/// Return the DisplayObject masking this instance (if any)
DisplayObject* getMask() const
if (_mask) assert(_mask->_maskee == this);
return _mask;
/// Register a DisplayObject as a mask for this instance.
/// @param mask The DisplayObject to use as a mask, possibly NULL.
/// A reference to us will be registered with the mask, if
/// not null, so it'll know it's a mask for us, and would stop
/// being a mask for anything else.
void setMask(DisplayObject* mask);
/// Set DisplayObject name, initializing the original target member
void set_name(const ObjectURI& uri) {
_name = uri;
const ObjectURI& get_name() const { return _name; }
/// Get the built-in function handlers code for the given event
/// NOTE: this function is only for getting statically-defined
/// event handlers, which are the ones attached to a DisplayObject
/// with a PlaceObject2. It's the DisplayObject's responsibility
/// to properly fetch any user-defined event handler, which
/// are the ones attached to a DisplayObject with ActionScript code.
std::auto_ptr<ExecutableCode> get_event_handler(const event_id& id) const;
/// Set a built-in function handler for the given event
/// Mark the DisplayObject as having mouse or Key event
/// handlers if this is the case.
/// NOTE: this function is only for registering statically-defined
/// event handlers, which are the ones attached to a DisplayObject
/// with a PlaceObject2. It's the DisplayObject's responsibility
/// to properly invoke any user-defined event handler, which
/// are the ones attached to a DisplayObject with ActionScript code.
/// @param id
/// The event triggering the handler.
/// @param code
/// An action buffer to execute when given event is triggered.
/// The buffer is externally owned (not copied), make sure it
/// is kept alive for the whole lifetime of this DisplayObject.
void add_event_handler(const event_id& id, const action_buffer& code);
/// Render the DisplayObject.
/// All DisplayObjects must have a display() function.
virtual void display(Renderer& renderer, const Transform& xform) = 0;
/// Search for StaticText objects
/// If this is a StaticText object and contains SWF::TextRecords, these
/// are written to the passed parameter.
/// @ return 0 if this object is not a StaticText or contains no text.
virtual StaticText* getStaticText(std::vector<const SWF::TextRecord*>&,
size_t&) {
return 0;
virtual SWFRect getBounds() const = 0;
/// Return true if the given point falls in this DisplayObject's bounds
/// @param x Point x coordinate in world space
/// @param y Point y coordinate in world space
/// @return Whether (x, y) is within the DisplayObject's bounds.
/// This ignores _root's transform.
bool pointInBounds(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y) const
SWFRect bounds = getBounds();
const SWFMatrix wm = getWorldMatrix(*this, false);
return bounds.point_test(x, y);
/// Return true if the given point falls in this DisplayObject's shape
/// @param x Point x coordinate in world space
/// @param y Point y coordinate in world space
/// @return Whether (x, y) is within the DisplayObject's bounds.
virtual bool pointInShape(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y) const = 0;
/// true if the given point falls in this DisplayObject's visible shape
/// Point coordinates are in world TWIPS
/// The default implementation returns false if the DisplayObject is
/// not visible, calling pointInShape() otherwise.
/// Note that this is good for simple DisplayObjects but needs
/// to be overridden for DisplayObjects with childs. When a
/// DisplayObject has childs it must take into account the case
/// in which some childs are visible and some are not.
virtual bool pointInVisibleShape(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y) const
if (!visible()) return false;
if (isDynamicMask() || isMaskLayer()) return false;
return pointInShape(x, y);
/// Return the relative root of this DisplayObject
/// The "relative" is the Movie created by
/// the same SWF definition that contained the
/// definition of this DisplayObject.
/// The default implementation is to invoke get_root
/// against this DisplayObject's parent.
virtual Movie* get_root() const {
return parent()->get_root();
/// Return the _root ActionScript property of this DisplayObject.
/// By default calls get_root(). The resulting MovieClip may be passed
/// to actionscript methods, so it is not const. As the override in
/// MovieClip may return this, the method cannot be const either.
virtual MovieClip* getAsRoot();
/// Find the object which is one degree removed from us,
/// given the relative pathname.
/// If the pathname is "..", then return our parent.
/// If the pathname is ".", then return ourself. If
/// the pathname is "_level0" or "_root", then return
/// the root movie.
/// Otherwise, the name should refer to one our our
/// named DisplayObjects, so we return it.
/// NOTE: In ActionScript 2.0, top level names (like
/// "_root" and "_level0") are CASE SENSITIVE.
/// Character names in a display list are CASE
/// SENSITIVE. Member names are CASE INSENSITIVE. Gah.
/// In ActionScript 1.0, everything seems to be CASE
virtual as_object* pathElement(const ObjectURI& uri);
/// \brief
/// Return true if PlaceObjects tag are allowed to move
/// this DisplayObject.
/// Once a DisplayObject has been transformed by ActionScript,
/// further transformation trought non-action SWF constrol tags
/// is not allowed.
/// See scriptTransformed()
bool get_accept_anim_moves() const
return ! _scriptTransformed && ! _dynamicallyCreated;
/// Was this DisplayObject dynamically created ?
/// "Dynamically created" means created trough ActionScript.
/// NOTE, With current code:
/// - Characters created by means of a loadMovie are
/// NOT set as dynamic (should check if they should)
/// - Characters created by attachMovie ARE dynamic
/// - Characters created by duplicateMovieClip ARE dynamic
/// - Characters created by createEmptyMovieClip ARE dynamic
/// - Characters created by new Video ARE dynamic
/// - Characters created by createTextField ARE dynamic
bool isDynamic() const {
return _dynamicallyCreated;
/// Mark this DisplayObject as dynamically created
void setDynamic() {
_dynamicallyCreated = true;
/// \brief
/// Call this function when the sprite has been
/// transformed due to ActionScript code.
/// This information will be used while executing
/// PlaceObject tags in that ActionScript-transformed
/// DisplayObjects won't be allowed to be moved.
/// TODO: make protected
void transformedByScript()
_scriptTransformed = true;
/// Set whether this DisplayObject should be rendered
/// TODO: handle all visible getter/setters in DisplayObject, not in
/// subclasses, and drop this / make it private.
void set_visible(bool visible);
// Return true if this DisplayObject should be rendered
bool visible() const { return _visible; }
/// Notify clip events (and also user-defined ones).
virtual void notifyEvent(const event_id& /*id*/)
/// Queue event in the global action queue.
/// notifyEvent(id) will be called by execution of the queued
/// action
void queueEvent(const event_id& id, int lvl);
/// Return true if an handler for the given event is defined
/// NOTE that we look for both clip-defined and user-defined
/// handlers, which is likely error prone since we're doing
/// this in a non-virtual function. Main use for this method
/// is for being called by ::unload() to verify an Unload handler
/// is available.
bool hasEventHandler(const event_id& id) const;
/// DisplayObjects are not a mouse entity by default.
/// Override this function for InteractiveObjects.
virtual InteractiveObject* topmostMouseEntity(boost::int32_t,
boost::int32_t) {
return 0;
/// Find highest depth DisplayObject whose shape contains the given
/// point and is not the DisplayObject being dragged or any of its childs.
/// Point coordinates in global twips.
virtual const DisplayObject* findDropTarget(boost::int32_t x,
boost::int32_t y, DisplayObject* dragging) const
if (this != dragging && visible() && pointInVisibleShape(x, y)) {
return this;
return 0;
/// Return whether this DisplayObject has been invalidated or not
bool invalidated() const {
return _invalidated;
/// Return whether this DisplayObject has and invalidated child or not
bool childInvalidated() const {
return _child_invalidated;
/// Notify a change in the DisplayObject's appearance.
virtual void update() {
/// \brief
/// This function marks the DisplayObject as being modified in aspect
/// and keeps track of current invalidated bounds the first time
/// it's called after each call to clear_invalidated().
/// Call this function *before* any change in this DisplayObject
/// that modifies its rendering. This information will be used
/// to detect visual changes that need to be redrawn.
/// It is *important* to call this function *before* the change
/// rather then after as it will also take care of updating the
/// previously invalidated bounds (m_old_invalidated_bounds)
/// Calling this function multiple time is a no-op, unless
/// clear_invalidated() is called in between.
/// NOTE: Marking a DisplayObject as invalidated automatically marks
/// its parent as being invalidated.
/// @see \ref region_update
void set_invalidated();
void set_invalidated(const char* debug_file, int debug_line);
/// Calls set_invalidated() and extends old_invalidated_ranges to the
/// given value so that also this area gets re-rendered (used when
/// replacing DisplayObjects).
void extend_invalidated_bounds(const InvalidatedRanges& ranges);
/// Called by a child to signalize it has changed visibily. The
/// difference to set_invalidated() is that *this* DisplayObject does
/// not need to redraw itself completely. This function will
/// recursively inform all its parents of the change.
void set_child_invalidated();
/// Clear invalidated flag and reset m_old_invalidated_bounds to null.
/// It is very important that each DisplayObject with any m_XXXX_invalidated
/// flag set calls clear_invalidated() during the rendering of one frame.
/// Basically this means each call to display() must match a call to
/// clear_invalidated. This includes no-op display() calls, i.e. when the
/// DisplayObject is outside of the screen. The DisplayList must still call
/// clear_invalidated() even if display() is not necessary.
/// Not doing so will result in a stale invalidated flag which in turn will
/// prevent the parent to be informed when this DisplayObject (or a
/// child) is invalidated again (see set_invalidated() recursion).
void clear_invalidated() {
_invalidated = false;
_child_invalidated = false;
/// \brief
/// Add the DisplayObject's invalidated bounds *to* the given ranges list.
/// NOTE that this method should include the bounds that it
/// covered the last time clear_invalidated() was called,
/// as those need to be rerendered as well (to clear the region
/// previously occupied by this DisplayObject).
/// That's why it returns the *union* of old_invalidated_ranges and
/// the current bounds. The function is also used internally by
/// set_invalidated() to update m_old_invalidated_ranges itself (you may
/// notice some kind of circular reference), but that's no problem since
/// old_invalidated_ranges is NULL during that call.
/// It is used to determine what area needs to be re-rendered.
/// The coordinates are world coordinates (in TWIPS).
/// Only instances with _invalidated flag set are checked unless
/// force is set.
virtual void add_invalidated_bounds(InvalidatedRanges& ranges, bool force);
/// Called instead of display() when the DisplayObject is not visible
/// on stage.
/// Used to clear the invalidated flags.
virtual void omit_display() { clear_invalidated(); };
/// Callback invoked whenever a DisplayObject is placed on stage
/// This function must be called when the DisplayObject is placed on
/// stage for the first time.
/// The DisplayObject version of this call sets the original target
/// of the DisplayObject, for soft references to work.
/// If you override the method remember to call saveOriginalTarget()
/// as the first thing.
/// This handles all ActionScript construction and initialization events.
virtual void construct(as_object* /*init*/ = 0)
/// Unload this instance from the stage.
/// This function must be called when the DisplayObject is removed
/// from the stage.
/// It will take care of properly calling
/// unload against any child DisplayObjects and queuing the
/// 'UNLOAD' event handler.
/// @return true if any onUnload event handler was defined
/// by either this or any child DisplayObjects, false
/// otherwise.
bool unload();
/// Accept a loaded Movie
virtual void getLoadedMovie(Movie* newMovie);
/// Return true if this DisplayObject was unloaded from the stage
bool unloaded() const {
return _unloaded;
/// Mark this DisplayObject as destroyed
/// A DisplayObject should be destroyed when is removed from the display
/// list and is not more needed for names (target) resolutions.
/// Sprites are needed for names resolution whenever themselves
/// or a contained object has an onUnload event handler defined,
/// in which case we want the event handler to find the 'this'
/// variable w/out attempting to rebind it.
/// Note: this function can safely release most memory associated
/// with the DisplayObject as it will not be needed anymore.
virtual void destroy();
/// Return true if this DisplayObject was destroyed.
/// See destroy() for more info.
bool isDestroyed() const { return _destroyed; }
/// Returns true when the DisplayObject bounds intersect with the current
/// rendering clipping area.
/// There is no need to do any rendering for this DisplayObject when this
/// function returns false because the renderer will not change any pixels
/// in the area where this DisplayObject is placed.
bool boundsInClippingArea(Renderer& renderer) const;
/// Return full path to this object, in slash notation
/// e.g. "/sprite1/sprite2/ourSprite"
std::string getTargetPath() const;
/// Return original target path to this object, in dot notation
/// as of at construction time.
/// This is needed to properly dereference dangling soft-references
/// See testcase misc-swfc.all/soft_reference_test1.sc
const std::string& getOrigTarget() const
return _origTarget;
/// Return full path to this object, in dot notation
/// e.g. "_level0.sprite1.sprite2.ourSprite"
std::string DSOEXPORT getTarget() const;
/// Return true if this DisplayObject is a selectable TextField
/// This method is used by Gui to set up an appropriate cursor
/// for input textfields.
virtual bool isSelectableTextField() const { return false; }
/// \brief
/// Return true if this DisplayObject allows turning the cursor
/// into an hand shape when it happens to be the one receiving
/// mouse events.
bool DSOEXPORT allowHandCursor() const;
typedef tree<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > InfoTree;
/// Append DisplayObject info in the tree
/// @param tr
/// The tree to append movie to
/// @param it
/// The iterator to append info to.
/// @return iterator the appended subtree
virtual InfoTree::iterator getMovieInfo(InfoTree& tr,
InfoTree::iterator it);
/// Used to assign a name to unnamed instances
ObjectURI getNextUnnamedInstanceName();
enum BlendMode
BlendMode getBlendMode() const {
return _blendMode;
void setBlendMode(BlendMode bm) {
_blendMode = bm;
// action_buffer is externally owned
typedef std::vector<const action_buffer*> BufferList;
typedef std::map<event_id, BufferList> Events;
/// Set the current focus to this DisplayObject.
/// @return false if the DisplayObject cannot receive focus, true if it can
/// (and does).
/// Button, Textfield and MovieClip can receive focus. In SWF6 and above,
/// MovieClip can only receive focus if the focusEnabled property
/// evaluates to true.
virtual bool handleFocus() {
return false;
/// Some DisplayObjects require actions on losing focus.
/// Default is a no-op. TextField implements this function.
virtual void killFocus() {}
double rotation() const {
return _rotation;
double scaleX() const {
return _xscale;
double scaleY() const {
return _yscale;
as_object* object() const {
return _object;
/// Getter-setter for blendMode.
static as_value blendMode(const fn_call& fn);
/// Mark all reachable resources.
/// Try not to override this function in derived classes. This always
/// marks the base class's resources and calls markOwnResources() to
/// take care of any further GC resources.
virtual void markReachableResources() const;
/// Called by markReachableResources()
/// DisplayObjects should mark their own resources in this function.
virtual void markOwnResources() const {}
/// Render a dynamic mask for a specified DisplayObject
/// Dynamic masks are rendered out-of-turn when the object they are masking
/// is drawn.
/// A MaskRenderer object should be constructed at the beginning of
/// relevant display() functions; it then takes care of rendering the
/// mask with the appropriate transform and cleaning up afterwards.
class MaskRenderer
MaskRenderer(Renderer& r, const DisplayObject& o);
Renderer& _renderer;
DisplayObject* _mask;
virtual bool unloadChildren() { return false; }
/// Get the movie_root to which this DisplayObject belongs.
movie_root& stage() const {
return _stage;
/// Register currently computable target as
/// the "original" one. This will be used by
/// soft references (as_value) and should be
/// called as soon as the stagePlacementCallback
/// is invoked.
void saveOriginalTarget()
const Events& get_event_handlers() const
return _event_handlers;
void set_event_handlers(const Events& copyfrom);
/// Name of this DisplayObject (if any)
ObjectURI _name;
DisplayObject* _parent;
/// look for '.', 'this', '..', '_parent', '_level0' and '_root'
/// NOTE: case insensitive up to SWF6, sensitive from SWF7 up
as_object* getPathElementSeparator(string_table::key key);
/// \brief
/// Bounds of this DisplayObject instance before first invalidation
/// since last call to clear_invalidated().
/// This stores the bounds of the DisplayObject before it has been
/// changed, ie. the position when set_invalidated() is being called.
/// While drawing, both the old and the new bounds are updated (rendered).
/// When moving a DisplayObject A to B then both the position A needs
/// to be re-rendered (to reveal the backgrond) and the position B
/// needs to be re-rendered (to show the DisplayObject in its new
/// position). The bounds may be identical or overlap, but
/// SnappingRanges takes care of that.
/// Will be set by set_invalidated() and used by
/// get_invalidated_bounds().
InvalidatedRanges m_old_invalidated_ranges;
/// Register a DisplayObject masked by this instance
void setMaskee(DisplayObject* maskee);
/// The as_object to which this DisplayObject is attached.
as_object* _object;
/// The movie_root to which this DisplayObject belongs.
movie_root& _stage;
Transform _transform;
Events _event_handlers;
/// Cache values for ActionScript access.
/// NOTE: not all DisplayObjects need this, just the
/// ones which are ActionScript-referenceable
double _xscale, _yscale, _rotation;
/// The depth of this DisplayObject.
boost::int32_t _depth;
/// Volume control associated to this DisplayObject
/// This is used by Sound objects
/// NOTE: probably only ActionScript-referenceable DisplayObjects
/// need this (assuming soft ref don't rebind to other
/// kind of DisplayObjects).
int _volume;
boost::uint16_t _ratio;
int m_clip_depth;
/// The DisplayObject masking this instance (if any)
DisplayObject* _mask;
/// The DisplayObject masked by this instance (if any)
DisplayObject* _maskee;
/// Original target, as at construction time
std::string _origTarget;
BlendMode _blendMode;
bool _visible;
/// Whether this DisplayObject has been transformed by ActionScript code
/// Once we've been moved by ActionScript,
/// Don't accept moves from anim tags (PlaceObject)
/// See get_accept_anim_moves() function
bool _scriptTransformed;
bool _dynamicallyCreated;
/// Set to yes when this instance has been unloaded
bool _unloaded;
/// This flag should be set to true by a call to destroy()
bool _destroyed;
/// \brief
/// Set when the visual aspect of this particular DisplayObject or movie
/// has been changed and redrawing is necessary.
/// This is initialized to true as the initial state for
/// any DisplayObject is the "invisible" state (it wasn't there)
/// so it starts in invalidated mode.
bool _invalidated;
/// Just like _invalidated but set when a child is invalidated instead
/// of this DisplayObject instance. _invalidated and _child_invalidated
/// can be set at the same time.
bool _child_invalidated;
/// Get local transform SWFMatrix for this DisplayObject
inline const SWFMatrix&
getMatrix(const DisplayObject& o)
return o.transform().matrix;
inline const SWFCxForm&
getCxForm(const DisplayObject& o)
return o.transform().colorTransform;
inline SWFMatrix
getWorldMatrix(const DisplayObject& d, bool includeRoot)
SWFMatrix m = d.parent() ?
getWorldMatrix(*d.parent(), includeRoot) : SWFMatrix();
if (d.parent() || includeRoot) m.concatenate(getMatrix(d));
return m;
inline SWFCxForm
getWorldCxForm(const DisplayObject& d)
SWFCxForm cx = d.parent() ? getWorldCxForm(*d.parent()) : SWFCxForm();
return cx;
inline bool
isReferenceable(const DisplayObject& d)
return d.object();
/// Return the as_object associated with a DisplayObject if it exists
/// @param d The DisplayObject to check. May be null.
/// @return null if either the DisplayObject or the associated object is
/// null. Otherwise the associated object.
inline as_object*
getObject(const DisplayObject* d)
return d ? d->object() : 0;
/// Stream operator for DisplayObject blend mode.
operator<<(std::ostream& o, DisplayObject::BlendMode bm);
} // end namespace gnash
#define set_invalidated() set_invalidated(__FILE__, __LINE__)
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