/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
// 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/// \page events_handling Handling of user events
/// There are two kinds of events:
/// - system generated
/// - user generated
/// System generated events are those like load, data recive, unload,
/// enter frame, etc.
/// User generated events are mouse movements and clicks, keyboard activity.
/// Events can trigger actions execution, if "handlers" are specified for
/// a specific event with ActionScript code.
/// The actions triggered by user events are executed *immediately*, not
/// at the next frame iteration. Nonetheless, since rendering of the stage
/// usually happens at fixed rate (frame rate) you won't see the effects
/// of actions execution until next iteration... unless...
/// Well, *some* events actions always trigger immediate redisplay, while
/// some others require a call to a special function to do so.
/// The events actions that trigger immediate redisplay are Button actions.
/// Colin Mook, in his "ActionScript - The Definitive Guide" sais:
/// << Buttons naturally update between frames >>
/// Other events, in particular MovieClip events such as mouseDown, mouseUp,
/// mouseMove, keyDown and keyUp don't by default trigger redisplay, unless
/// the attached action code makes a call to the special function named
/// 'updateAfterEvent()'.
/// For this purpose, user events notification functions in gnash core
/// library return a boolean value, which tells wheter any action triggered
/// by the event requires immediate redisplay.
/// At the time of writing (2006-10-19) this is not implemented yet and
/// the return code is always TRUE. We shall work on it :)
/// The events notification functions that currently support this interface
/// are:
/// - bool movie_root::notify_mouse_moved(int x, int y);
/// - bool movie_root::notify_mouse_clicked(bool mouse_pressed, int mask);
/// - bool keyEvent(key::code k, bool down);
#include "gnashconfig.h" //USE_SWFTREE
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <bitset>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_deque.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/any.hpp>
#include "smart_ptr.h"
#include "dsodefs.h" // DSOEXPORT
#include "MouseButtonState.h" // for composition
#include "DragState.h" // for composition
#include "GnashKey.h" // key::code
#include "Movie.h"
#include "GnashEnums.h"
#include "MovieClip.h"
#include "SimpleBuffer.h" // for LoadCallback
#include "MovieLoader.h"
#include "ExternalInterface.h"
#include "GC.h"
#include "VM.h"
#include "HostInterface.h"
#include "log.h"
# include "tree.hh"
// 0 : (not unimplemented)
// 1 : quick assertions
// 2 : add testInvariant
// Forward declarations
namespace gnash {
class ExecutableCode;
class URL;
class Timer;
class MovieClip;
class VirtualClock;
class IOChannel;
class RunResources;
class Button;
class VM;
namespace gnash {
struct DepthComparator
typedef MovieClip* LevelMovie;
bool operator()(const LevelMovie& d1, const LevelMovie& d2) const {
return d1->get_depth() < d2->get_depth();
/// This class represents the 'Stage' and top-level movie.
/// It is a wrapper around the set of loaded levels being played. Each
/// 'run' of a SWF movie, including all further movies loaded during the
/// run, has exactly one movie_root, which is kept for the entire run.
/// Loading a new top-level movie does not create a new movie_root.
/// The 'Stage' part of movie_root is accessible through the ActionScript
/// Stage object, implemented in Stage_as.cpp.
/// The movie_root class is responsible for accepting and passing on
/// user events (mouse or key events), for maintaining the heart-beat
/// mechanism, and for advancing all MovieClips on request from the
/// hosting application.
/// The _root object is provided by getAsRoot().
class DSOEXPORT movie_root : public GcRoot, boost::noncopyable
/// Listeners container
typedef std::list<Button*> Listeners;
class LoadCallback {
LoadCallback(boost::shared_ptr<IOChannel> s, as_object* o)
bool processLoad();
void setReachable() const;
boost::shared_ptr<IOChannel> _stream;
SimpleBuffer _buf;
as_object* _obj;
typedef std::list<LoadCallback> LoadCallbacks;
typedef std::bitset<key::KEYCOUNT> Keys;
/// Default constructor
/// Make sure to call setRootMovie()
/// before using any of this class methods !
movie_root(const movie_definition& def, VirtualClock& clock,
const RunResources& runResources);
/// Initialize movie_root with a parsed movie definition
/// The definition may be a SWF or Bitmap movie definition.
/// The created Movie is returned; it is non-const so may be stored,
/// queried, and changed by the caller for debugging or manipulation.
/// Direct use of the pointer may result in unexpected behaviour during
/// SWF playback, so for normal playback this pointer should not be
/// used.
Movie* init(movie_definition* def,
const MovieClip::MovieVariables& variables);
/// Return the movie at the given level (0 if unloaded level).
/// - The returned DisplayObject has a depth equal to 'num'
MovieClip* getLevel(unsigned int num) const;
/// Put the given movie at the given level
/// @param movie
/// The Movie to store at the given level.
/// Its depth will be set to <num>+DisplayObject::staticDepthOffset and
/// its name to _level<num>
void setLevel(unsigned int num, Movie* movie);
/// Replace an existing level with a new movie
/// Depth will be assigned to external_movie by this function.
/// If the give level number doesn't exist an error is logged
/// and nothing else happens.
/// This method is intended for use by xxx.loadMovie(yyy)
/// when 'xxx' is a top-level movie.
void replaceLevel(unsigned int num, Movie* external_movie);
/// Swap depth of a level (or two)
/// Character's depths are updated.
/// @param sp
/// The level to change depth/level of. A pointer to it is expected
/// to be found in the _level# container, or an error will be printed
/// and the call would result in a no-op.
/// @param depth
/// New depth to assign to the DisplayObject. If another level
/// exists at the target depth the latter is moved in place of
/// the former, with its depth also updated.
void swapLevels(MovieClip* sp, int depth);
/// Drop level at given depth.
/// @param depth
/// Depth of the level to drop. Note that this is
/// -DisplayObject::staticDepthOffset for the root movie. Must be >=0 and
/// <= 1048575 or an assertion will fail. Note that if the depth
/// evaluates to the original root movie nothing happens (not allowed
/// to remove that). It is not tested if it's allowed to remove _level0
/// after loading into it.
void dropLevel(int depth);
/// Change stage size
/// This may be smaller than the size of the root movie. It determines
/// how much of the movie is visible.
/// @param w The width of the stage
/// @param h The height of the stage.
void setDimensions(size_t w, size_t h);
/// Notional width of the stage, actual value depending on scaleMode
size_t getStageWidth() const;
/// Notional height of the stage, actual value depending on scaleMode
size_t getStageHeight() const;
/// Inform the Stage that the mouse has moved.
/// Coordinates are in Stage Coordinate Space (pseudo-pixels units).
/// @param x The x co-ordinate in pixels.
/// @param y The y co-ordinate in pixels.
/// @return true if any action triggered requires a redraw.
/// TODO: take twips (or float pixels), or we won't be able to
/// support sub-pixel accuracy in collision detection.
DSOEXPORT bool mouseMoved(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y);
/// Inform the Stage that a mouse click has occurred.
/// @param press true for a mouse click, false for a release
/// @return true if any action triggered requires a redraw.
DSOEXPORT bool mouseClick(bool press);
/// Inform the Stage that a mouse wheel has moved.
/// @param delta The direction of the scroll: positive for up, negative
/// for down. Although values from about -3 to 3 are
/// documented, only -1 and 1 have been observed.
/// @return true if any action triggered requires a redraw.
DSOEXPORT bool mouseWheel(int delta);
/// Tell the movie when the user pressed or released a key.
/// This function should return TRUE if any action triggered
/// by the event requires redraw, see \ref events_handling for
/// more info.
DSOEXPORT bool keyEvent(key::code k, bool down);
/// Use this to retrieve the last state of the mouse.
/// Coordinates are in PIXELS, NOT TWIPS.
std::pair<boost::int32_t, boost::int32_t> mousePosition() const;
void setDragState(const DragState& st);
/// Access the originating root movie (not necessarily _level0)
/// @return the original root movie.
Movie& getRootMovie() {
return *_rootMovie;
/// Return the current nominal frame rate for the Stage.
/// This is dependent on the Movie set as root movie.
float frameRate() const {
return _rootMovie->frameRate();
void stop_drag() {
/// Add an interval timer
/// @param timer
/// A Timer, ownership will be transferred. Must not be NULL.
/// @param internal
/// If true, this is an internal timer, so will get a negative id.
/// @return An integer indentifying the timer
/// for subsequent call to clear_interval_timer.
/// It will NEVER be zero.
boost::uint32_t addIntervalTimer(std::auto_ptr<Timer> timer);
/// Register an object for loading data to.
/// When complete, the object's onData function is called.
/// The callback is removed when the load is complete, including failed
/// loads.
/// There is no restriction on the type of as_object that can registered.
/// @param obj The object to update when data is received.
/// @param str The stream to load from.
/// TODO: this function could be improved, e.g. by handling the
/// URL checking and stream construction as well.
/// It may be possible for this function to handle all connections if
/// it also takes a callback function to call on each advance.
void addLoadableObject(as_object* obj, std::auto_ptr<IOChannel> str);
void addAdvanceCallback(ActiveRelay* obj);
void removeAdvanceCallback(ActiveRelay* obj);
/// Remove timer identified by given integer
/// @return true on success, false on error (no such timer)
bool clearIntervalTimer(boost::uint32_t x);
/// Return 0-based frame index of originating root movie
/// TODO: drop this function (currently used by gprocessor)
/// or change it to to delegate to _level0 ?
size_t get_current_frame() const {
return _rootMovie->get_current_frame();
void set_background_color(const rgba& color);
void set_background_alpha(float alpha);
/// Return the VM used by this movie_root
VM& getVM() { return _vm; }
/// Main and only callback from hosting application.
/// Expected to be called at 10ms resolution.
/// @return true if the heart-beat resulted in actual
/// SWF playhead advancement (frame advancement)
bool advance();
/// \brief
/// Return the number of milliseconds available before
/// it's time to advance the timeline again.
/// Return value can be negative if we're late...
int timeToNextFrame() const;
/// Entry point for movie advancement
/// This function does:
/// - Execute all timers
/// - Reset the next Random number
/// - Advance all advanceable DisplayObjects in reverse-placement order
/// - Cleanup key listeners
/// - Process all queued actions
/// - Remove unloaded DisplayObjects from the advanceable
/// DisplayObjects list.
/// - Run the GC collector
void advanceMovie();
/// 0-based!! delegates to originating root movie
/// TODO: drop this method. currently used by gprocessor.
void goto_frame(size_t target_frame_number) {
void display();
/// Get a unique number for unnamed instances.
size_t nextUnnamedInstance() {
return ++_unnamedInstance;
/// Push a new DisplayObject listener for key events
void add_key_listener(Button* listener);
/// Remove a DisplayObject listener for key events
void remove_key_listener(Button* listener);
/// Get the DisplayObject having focus
/// The DisplayObject having focus will receive mouse button
/// and key presses/releases.
/// @return the DisplayObject having focus or NULL of none.
DisplayObject* getFocus();
/// Set the DisplayObject having focus
/// @param to
/// The DisplayObject to receive focus. NULL to kill focus.
/// @return true if the focus operation succeeded, false if the passed
/// DisplayObject cannot receive focus. setFocus(0) is a valid operation, so
/// returns true (always succeeds).
bool setFocus(DisplayObject* to);
DSOEXPORT void add_invalidated_bounds(InvalidatedRanges& ranges,
bool force);
/// Return the topmost active entity under the pointer
/// This method returns cached info, with cache updated
/// by notify_mouse_moved (and should be updated also
/// by movie advancement or actions execution maybe, not
/// currently implmented).
/// @return the topmost active entity under pointer or NULL if none.
DisplayObject* getActiveEntityUnderPointer() const;
/// Return the topmost non-dragging entity under the pointer
/// This method triggers a displaylist scan
/// @return the topmost non-dragging entity under pointer or NULL if none
const DisplayObject* getEntityUnderPointer() const;
/// Return the DisplayObject currently being dragged, if any
DisplayObject* getDraggingCharacter() const;
bool testInvariant() const;
/// The possible values of Stage.displayState
enum DisplayState {
/// The possibile values of Stage.scaleMode
enum ScaleMode {
/// The possible horizonal positions of the Stage
enum StageHorizontalAlign {
/// The possible vertical position of the Stage
enum StageVerticalAlign {
/// The possible elements of a Stage.alignMode.
enum AlignMode {
/// The possibile values of AllowScriptAccess
enum AllowScriptAccessMode {
/// Set the current display quality of the entire SWF.
void setQuality(Quality q);
/// Get the current display quality.
Quality getQuality() const { return _quality; }
/// Sets movie_root's horizontal and vertical alignment to one
/// of the three possible positions for each dimension.
void setStageAlignment(short s);
/// Sets the flag to allow interfacing with JavaScript in the browser.
/// This is disabled by default, but enabled for ExternalInterface.
void setAllowScriptAccess(AllowScriptAccessMode mode);
/// Gets the current Access Mode for ExternalInterface.
AllowScriptAccessMode getAllowScriptAccess();
typedef std::pair<StageHorizontalAlign, StageVerticalAlign> StageAlign;
/// Returns the current alignment of the stage (left/right/centre, top/
/// bottom/centre) as a std::pair
StageAlign getStageAlignment() const;
/// Returns the current value of _showMenu which instructs the gui about
/// how much to display in the context menu
bool getShowMenuState() const;
/// Sets the value of _showMenu and calls the fscommand handler for the
/// current gui
void setShowMenuState(bool state);
/// Sets the Stage object's align mode.
void setStageScaleMode(ScaleMode sm);
/// Returns the Stage object's align mode.
ScaleMode getStageScaleMode() const { return _scaleMode; }
// The string representation of the current align mode.
std::string getStageAlignMode() const;
/// Returns the Stage object's align mode.
DisplayState getStageDisplayState() const { return _displayState; }
// The string representation of the current align mode.
void setStageDisplayState(const DisplayState ds);
/// Action priority levels
enum ActionPriorityLevel {
/// Init actions, Init event handlers
/// Construct event handlers
/// Frame actions, load handlers, unload handlers
/// Last element used to easy computation of size...
/// A number of queues of code to execute
/// This is a ptr_deque because it needs no insertion in the middle but
/// frequent push_back and pop_front. We also have to traverse it, so
/// a queue is not usable.
typedef boost::array<boost::ptr_deque<ExecutableCode>, PRIORITY_SIZE>
/// Push an executable code to the ActionQueue
void pushAction(std::auto_ptr<ExecutableCode> code, size_t lvl);
/// Push an executable code to the ActionQueue
void pushAction(const action_buffer& buf, DisplayObject* target);
/// Mark all reachable resources (for GC)
/// Resources reachable from movie_root are:
/// - All _level# movies (_movies)
/// - The original root movie (_rootMovie)
/// - Mouse entities (m_mouse_button_state)
/// - Timer targets (_intervalTimers)
/// - Resources reachable by ActionQueue code (_actionQueue)
/// - Key listeners (_keyListeners)
/// - Any DisplayObject being dragged
void markReachableResources() const;
/// \brief
/// Register a newly born advanceable DisplayObject to the
/// list of DisplayObjects to be advanced on next ::advance call.
/// The DisplayObject will only be advanced if not unloaded when
/// its turn comes. Characters are advanced in reverse-placement
/// order (first registered is advanced last)
void addLiveChar(MovieClip* ch)
// Don't register the object in the list twice
assert(std::find(_liveChars.begin(), _liveChars.end(), ch) ==
/// Reset stage to its initial state
void reset();
/// Call this method for disabling run of actions
/// NOTE: this will only work for queued actions, not
/// for *every* action. Supposedly all actions should
/// be queued, but this is not really always the case.
/// Notable exceptions are:
/// - Actions in callFrame target frame
/// but only executed by execution of the callFrame opcode
/// - on{,Clip}{Initialize,Construct} event handlers
/// - User event handlers (mouse,keyboard)
void disableScripts();
/// Return true if scripts execution is disabled
bool scriptsDisabled() const { return _disableScripts; };
/// Process action queues with higher priority then the priority
/// of the action queue currently being processed.
/// This is intended to be called at the end of any function call
/// and at the end of an action block.
/// TODO: be aware of infinite loops !
void flushHigherPriorityActionQueues();
DisplayObject* findCharacterByTarget(const std::string& tgtstr) const;
/// Queue a request for loading a movie
/// This function constructs the URL and, if required, the postdata
/// from the arguments. The variables to send should *not* be appended
/// to @param urlstr before calling this function.
/// @param urlstr The url exactly as requested. This may already
/// contain a query string.
/// @param target Target for request.
/// @param data The variables data to send, URL encoded in
/// key/value pairs
/// @param method The VariablesMethod to use for sending the data. If
/// MovieClip::METHOD_NONE, no data will be sent.
/// @param handler An object which will be signalled of load
/// events (onLoadStart, onLoadComplete, onLoadInit,
/// onLoadError). Can be null if caller doesn't care.
void loadMovie(const std::string& url, const std::string& target,
const std::string& data, MovieClip::VariablesMethod method,
as_object* handler=0)
_movieLoader.loadMovie(url, target, data, method, handler);
/// Send a request to the hosting application (e.g. browser).
/// This function constructs the URL and, if required, the postdata
/// from the arguments. The variables to send should *not* be appended
/// to @param urlstr before calling this function.
/// @param urlstr The url exactly as requested. This may already
/// contain a query string.
/// @param target Target for request.
/// @param data The variables data to send, URL encoded in
/// key/value pairs
/// @param method The VariablesMethod to use for sending the data. If
/// MovieClip::METHOD_NONE, no data will be sent.
void getURL(const std::string& urlstr, const std::string& target,
const std::string& data, MovieClip::VariablesMethod method);
key::code lastKeyEvent() const {
return _lastKeyEvent;
const Keys& unreleasedKeys() const {
return _unreleasedKeys;
/// Set a filedescriptor to use for host application requests
/// (for browser communication mostly)
void setHostFD(int fd) {
assert(fd >= 0);
_hostfd = fd;
/// Set a filedescriptor to use for host application requests
/// (for browser communication mostly)
void setControlFD(int fd) {
_controlfd = fd;
/// Get the filedescriptor to use for host application requests
/// (for browser communication mostly)
/// @return -1 if no filedescriptor is provided by host app.
int getHostFD() const {
return _hostfd;
int getControlFD() const {
return _controlfd;
/// ActionScript embedded in a movie can use the built-in
/// fscommand() function to send data back to the host
/// application. If you are interested in this data, register
/// a handler, which will be called when the embedded scripts
/// call fscommand().
/// The handler gets the MovieClip* that the script is
/// embedded in, and the two string arguments passed by the
/// script to fscommand().
DSOEXPORT void registerFSCommandCallback(FsCallback* handler) {
_fsCommandHandler = handler;
/// Call this to notify FS commands
DSOEXPORT void handleFsCommand(const std::string& cmd,
const std::string& arg) const;
/// A callback to the GUI (or whatever is listening) for sending
/// events and receiving replies. Used for ActionScript interface
/// with the gui (Mouse visibility, Stage alignment etc and System
/// information, for instance).
/// See callInterface method
DSOEXPORT void registerEventCallback(HostInterface* handler) {
_interfaceHandler = handler;
/// Call the hosting application without expecting a reply.
/// @param e The message to send to the interface.
void callInterface(const HostInterface::Message& e) const;
/// Call the hosting application, ensuring a return of the requested type.
/// If the return type is other than the requested type, this represents
/// a bug in the hosting application. An error is logged and the default
/// constructed type T is returned. This may cause unexpected
/// ActionScript behaviour, but is otherwise safe.
/// @tparam T The return type expected.
/// @param e The message to send to the interface.
template<typename T> T callInterface(const HostInterface::Message& e) const;
/// Called from the ScriptLimits tag parser to set the
/// global script limits. It is expected behaviour that
/// each new loaded movie should override this.
/// Can be overridden from gnashrc.
/// @param recursion the maximum number of recursions when
/// finding 'super'.
/// The default value for this (i.e. when no
/// ScriptLimits tag is present) is documented to be
/// 256, but this may change and appears not to be
/// crucial for (backward) compatibility.
/// @param timeout the timeout in seconds for script execution.
/// The default value for this (i.e. when no
/// ScriptLimits tag is present) is documented to be
/// 15 to 20 seconds, depending on platform.
void setScriptLimits(boost::uint16_t recursion, boost::uint16_t timeout);
/// Get the current global recursion limit for this movie: it can
/// be changed by loaded movies.
boost::uint16_t getRecursionLimit() const {
return _recursionLimit;
/// Get the current global script timeout limit for this movie: it
/// can be changed by loaded movies.
boost::uint16_t getTimeoutLimit() const
return _timeoutLimit;
typedef tree<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > InfoTree;
void getMovieInfo(InfoTree& tr, InfoTree::iterator it);
void getCharacterTree(InfoTree& tr, InfoTree::iterator it);
const RunResources& runResources() const { return _runResources; }
/// Add an ExternalInterface callback object with an associated name.
void addExternalCallback(const std::string& name, as_object* callback);
bool processInvoke(ExternalInterface::invoke_t *);
std::string callExternalCallback(const std::string &name,
const std::vector<as_value>& args);
std::string callExternalJavascript(const std::string &name,
const std::vector<as_value>& args);
/// Removes a queued constructor from the execution queue
/// This is used to prevent construction of targets that are placed and
/// then removed in skipped frames. Callers are responsible for determining
/// whether it should be removed, for instance by checking for an
/// onUnload handler.
void removeQueuedConstructor(DisplayObject* target);
GC& gc() {
return _gc;
/// Set the root movie, replacing the current one if any.
/// This is needed for the cases in which the top-level movie
/// is replaced by another movie by effect of a loadMovie call
/// or similar.
/// TODO: inspect what happens about VM version
/// (should the *new* movie drive VM operations?
/// -- hope not ! )
/// Make sure to call this method before using the movie_root,
/// as most operations are delegated to the associated/wrapped
/// Movie.
/// Note that the display viewport will be updated to match
/// the size of given movie.
/// A call to this method is equivalent to a call to setLevel(0, movie).
/// @param movie
/// The Movie to wrap.
/// Must have a depth of 0.
void setRootMovie(Movie* movie);
/// Handle mouse events.
bool notify_mouse_listeners(const event_id& event);
/// This function should return TRUE iff any action triggered
/// by the event requires redraw, see \ref events_handling for
/// more info.
bool fire_mouse_event();
/// Take care of dragging, if needed
void doMouseDrag();
/// Execute expired timers
void executeAdvanceCallbacks();
/// Execute expired timers
void executeTimers();
/// Cleanup references to unloaded DisplayObjects and run the GC.
void cleanupAndCollect();
/// \brief
/// Return the topmost entity covering the given point
/// and enabled to receive mouse events.
/// Return NULL if no "active" entity is found under the pointer.
/// Coordinates of the point are given in world coordinate space.
/// (twips)
/// @param x
/// X ordinate of the pointer, in world coordinate space (twips)
/// @param y
/// Y ordinate of the pointer, in world coordiante space (twips).
InteractiveObject* getTopmostMouseEntity(boost::int32_t x,
boost::int32_t y) const;
/// Delete DisplayObjects removed from the stage
/// from the display lists
void cleanupDisplayList();
/// Advance all non-unloaded live chars
void advanceLiveChars();
/// Boundaries of the Stage are always world boundaries
/// and are only invalidated by changes in the background
/// color.
void setInvalidated() { _invalidated = true; }
/// Every ::display call clears the invalidated flag
/// See setInvalidated();
void clearInvalidated() { _invalidated = false; }
/// An invalidated stage will trigger complete redraw
/// So, this method should return true everytime a complete
/// redraw is needed. This is typically only needed when
/// the background changes.
/// See setInvalidated() and clearInvalidated().
bool isInvalidated() { return _invalidated; }
/// Return the priority level of first action queue containing actions.
/// Scanned in proprity order (lower first)
size_t minPopulatedPriorityQueue() const;
/// Process all actions in the the given queue, till more actions
/// are found in lower levels, in which case we have an earlier
/// return.
size_t processActionQueue(size_t lvl);
bool processingActions() const {
return (_processingActionLevel < PRIORITY_SIZE);
const DisplayObject* findDropTarget(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y,
DisplayObject* dragging) const;
void handleActionLimitHit(const std::string& ref);
/// Buttons listening for key events
/// Note that Buttons (the only key listeners left) deregister themselves
/// on destruction. This isn't correct behaviour and also requires that
/// _keyListeners be alive longer than _gc so that deregistration doesn't
/// access a destroyed object.
/// TODO: fix it.
Listeners _keyListeners;
GC _gc;
const RunResources& _runResources;
/// This initializes a SharedObjectLibrary, which requires
/// _baseURL, so that must be initialized first.
VM _vm;
/// Registered Interface command handler, if any
HostInterface* _interfaceHandler;
/// Registered FsCommand handler, if any
FsCallback* _fsCommandHandler;
/// A list of AdvanceableCharacters
/// This is a list (not a vector) as we want to allow
/// ::advance of each element to insert new DisplayObjects before
/// the start w/out invalidating iterators scanning the
/// list forward for proper movie advancement
typedef std::list<MovieClip*> LiveChars;
/// The list of advanceable DisplayObject, in placement order
LiveChars _liveChars;
ActionQueue _actionQueue;
/// Process all actions in the queue
void processActionQueue();
/// Width and height of viewport, in pixels
size_t _stageWidth;
size_t _stageHeight;
rgba m_background_color;
bool m_background_color_set;
boost::int32_t _mouseX;
boost::int32_t _mouseY;
MouseButtonState _mouseButtonState;
/// Objects requesting a callback on every movie_root::advance()
typedef std::set<ActiveRelay*> ObjectCallbacks;
ObjectCallbacks _objectCallbacks;
LoadCallbacks _loadCallbacks;
typedef std::map<boost::uint32_t, boost::shared_ptr<Timer> > TimerMap;
TimerMap _intervalTimers;
size_t _lastTimerId;
/// bit-array for recording the unreleased keys
Keys _unreleasedKeys;
key::code _lastKeyEvent;
/// The DisplayObject currently holding focus, or 0 if no focus.
DisplayObject* _currentFocus;
/// @todo fold this into m_mouse_button_state?
DragState _dragState;
typedef std::map<int, MovieClip*> Levels;
/// The movie instance wrapped by this movie_root
/// We keep a pointer to the base MovieClip class
/// to avoid having to replicate all of the base class
/// interface to the Movie class definition
Levels _movies;
/// The root movie. This is initially the same as getLevel(0) but might
/// change during the run. It will be used to setup and retrive initial
/// stage size
Movie* _rootMovie;
/// See setInvalidated
bool _invalidated;
/// This is set to true if execution of scripts
/// aborted due to action limit set or whatever else
bool _disableScripts;
int _processingActionLevel;
/// filedescriptor to write to for host application requests
/// -1 if none
int _hostfd;
int _controlfd;
/// The display quality of the entire movie.
/// This is here, not just in the Renderer, so that AS compatibility
/// does not rely on the presence of a renderer.
Quality _quality;
/// The alignment of the Stage
std::bitset<4u> _alignMode;
AllowScriptAccessMode _allowScriptAccess;
/// Whether to show the menu or not.
bool _showMenu;
/// The current scaling mode of the Stage.
ScaleMode _scaleMode;
/// The current state of the Stage (fullscreen or not).
DisplayState _displayState;
// Maximum number of recursions set in the ScriptLimits tag.
boost::uint16_t _recursionLimit;
// Timeout in seconds for script execution, set in the ScriptLimits tag.
boost::uint16_t _timeoutLimit;
// delay between movie advancement, in milliseconds
size_t _movieAdvancementDelay;
// time of last movie advancement, in milliseconds
size_t _lastMovieAdvancement;
/// The number of the last unnamed instance, used to name instances.
size_t _unnamedInstance;
MovieLoader _movieLoader;
/// Return true if the given string can be interpreted as a _level name
/// @param name
/// The target string.
/// Will be considered case-insensitive if VM version is < 7.
/// @param levelno
/// Output parameter, will be set to the level number, if true is
/// returned
bool isLevelTarget(int version, const std::string& name, unsigned int& levelno);
DSOEXPORT short stringToStageAlign(const std::string& s);
template<typename T>
movie_root::callInterface(const HostInterface::Message& e) const
if (!_interfaceHandler) {
log_error("Hosting application registered no callback for "
"messages, can't call %s(%s)");
return T();
try {
return boost::any_cast<T>(_interfaceHandler->call(e));
catch (const boost::bad_any_cast&) {
log_error(_("Unexpected type from host interface when requesting "
"%1%"), e);
return T();
} // namespace gnash
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