/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
// 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "dsodefs.h"
#include "CharacterProxy.h"
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <ostream> // for inlined output operator
#include <boost/type_traits/is_floating_point.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include "utility.h" // UNUSED
// Forward declarations
namespace gnash {
class VM;
class as_object;
class Global_as;
class fn_call;
class as_function;
class MovieClip;
class DisplayObject;
namespace amf {
class Writer;
namespace gnash {
// NaN constant for use in as_value implementation
static const double NaN = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
// The following template works just like its C counterpart, with added
// type safety (i.e., they will only compile for floating point arguments).
template <typename T>
inline bool
isNaN(const T& num, typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_floating_point<T> >::
type* dummy = 0)
return num != num;
template <typename T>
inline bool
isInf(const T& num)
return isNaN(num - num);
/// These are the primitive types, see the ECMAScript reference.
enum primitive_types
/// ActionScript value type.
/// The as_value class can store basic ActionScript types.
/// These are the primitive types (Number, Boolean, String, null, and
/// undefined), as well as complex types (Object and DisplayObject).
/// Most type handling is hidden within the class. There are two different
/// types of access to the as_value: converting and non-converting.
/// Non-converting access
/// Non-converting access is available for the complex types, for instance
/// to_function() and toMovieClip(). In these cases, an object pointer is
/// return only if the as_value is currently of the requested type. There
/// are no ActionScript side-effects in such cases.
/// Converting access
/// The primitive types and Objects have converting access. This means that
/// as_values of a different type are converted to the requested type. These
/// functions may have ActionScript side-effects, for instance the calling of
/// toString or valueOf, or construction of an object.
/// It is possible to check the current type of an as_value using is_string(),
/// is_number() etc. These functions have no ActionScript side effects.
class as_value
// The exception type should always be one greater than the normal type.
enum AsType
/// Construct an undefined value
DSOEXPORT as_value()
/// Copy constructor.
DSOEXPORT as_value(const as_value& v)
~as_value() {}
/// Construct a primitive String value
DSOEXPORT as_value(const char* str)
/// Construct a primitive String value
DSOEXPORT as_value(const std::string& str)
/// Construct a primitive Boolean value
template <typename T>
as_value(T val, typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_same<bool, T> >::type*
dummy = 0)
/// Construct a primitive Number value
as_value(double num)
/// Construct a null, Object, or DisplayObject value
as_value(as_object* obj)
/// Assign to an as_value.
DSOEXPORT as_value& operator=(const as_value& v)
_type = v._type;
_value = v._value;
return *this;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const as_value&);
/// Return the primitive type of this value as a string.
const char* typeOf() const;
/// Return true if this value is a function
bool is_function() const;
/// Return true if this value is a string
bool is_string() const {
return _type == STRING;
/// Return true if this value is strictly a number
bool is_number() const {
return _type == NUMBER;
/// Return true if this value is an object
/// Both DisplayObjects and Objects count as Objects
bool is_object() const {
return _type == OBJECT || _type == DISPLAYOBJECT;
/// Return true if this value is a DISPLAYOBJECT
bool is_sprite() const {
return _type == DISPLAYOBJECT;
/// Get a std::string representation for this value.
/// @param version The SWF version to use to transform the string.
/// This only affects undefined values, which trace
/// "undefined" for version 7 and above, nothing
/// for lower versions.
/// TODO: drop the default argument.
std::string to_string(int version = 7) const;
/// Get a number representation for this value
/// This function performs conversion if necessary.
double to_number(int version) const;
/// Conversion to boolean.
/// This function performs conversion if necessary.
bool to_bool(int version) const;
/// Return value as an object, converting primitive values as needed.
/// This function performs conversion where necessary.
/// string values are converted to String objects
/// numeric values are converted to Number objects
/// boolean values are converted to Boolean objects
/// If you want to avoid the conversion, check with is_object() before
/// calling this function.
/// @param global The global object object for the conversion. This
/// contains the prototypes or constructors necessary for
/// conversion.
as_object* to_object(VM& vm) const;
/// Return the value as an as_object only if it is an as_object.
/// Note that this performs no conversion, so returns 0 if the as_value
/// is not an object.
as_object* get_object() const;
/// Returns value as a MovieClip if it is a MovieClip.
/// This function performs no conversion, so returns 0 if the as_value is
/// not a MovieClip.
/// This is just a wrapper around toDisplayObject() performing
/// an additional final cast.
MovieClip* toMovieClip(bool skipRebinding = false) const;
/// Return value as a DisplayObject or NULL if this is not possible.
/// Note that this function performs no conversion, so returns 0 if the
/// as_value is not a DisplayObject.
/// If the value is a DisplayObject value, the stored DisplayObject target
/// is evaluated using the root movie's environment.
/// If the target points to something that doesn't cast to a DisplayObject,
/// 0 is returned.
/// @param skipRebinding If true a reference to a destroyed
/// DisplayObject is still returned, rather than
/// attempting to resolve it as a soft-reference.
/// Main use for this is during paths resolution,
/// to avoid infinite loops. See bug #21647.
DisplayObject* toDisplayObject(bool skipRebinding = false) const;
/// Return the value as a function only if it is a function.
/// Note that this performs no conversion, so returns 0 if the as_value
/// is not a function.
as_function* to_function() const;
AsType defaultPrimitive(int version) const;
/// Return value as a primitive type, with a preference
/// This function performs no conversion.
/// Primitive types are: undefined, null, boolean, string, number.
/// See ECMA-2.6.2 (sections 4.3.2 and
/// @param hint
/// NUMBER or STRING, the preferred representation we're asking for.
/// @throw ActionTypeError if an object can't be converted to a primitive
as_value to_primitive(AsType hint) const;
/// Set to a primitive string.
void set_string(const std::string& str);
/// Set to a primitive number.
void set_double(double val);
/// Set to a primitive boolean.
void set_bool(bool val);
/// Make this value a NULL, OBJECT, DISPLAYOBJECT value
void set_as_object(as_object* obj);
/// Set to undefined.
void set_undefined();
/// Set this value to the NULL value
void set_null();
bool is_undefined() const {
return (_type == UNDEFINED);
bool is_null() const {
return (_type == NULLTYPE);
bool is_bool() const {
return (_type == BOOLEAN);
bool is_exception() const {
return (_type == UNDEFINED_EXCEPT || _type == NULLTYPE_EXCEPT
|| _type == BOOLEAN_EXCEPT || _type == NUMBER_EXCEPT
|| _type == STRING_EXCEPT);
// Flag or unflag an as_value as an exception -- this gets flagged
// when an as_value is 'thrown'.
void flag_exception() {
if (!is_exception()) {
_type = static_cast<AsType>(static_cast<int>(_type) + 1);
void unflag_exception() {
if (is_exception()) {
_type = static_cast<AsType>(static_cast<int>(_type) - 1);
/// Return true if this value is strictly equal to the given one
/// Strict equality is defined as the two values being of the
/// same type and the same value.
bool strictly_equals(const as_value& v) const;
/// Return true if this value is abstractly equal to the given one
/// See ECMA-262 abstract equality comparison (sect 11.9.3)
/// NOTE: these invariants should hold
/// - A != B is equivalent to ! ( A == B )
/// - A == B is equivalent to B == A, except for order of
/// evaluation of A and B.
/// @param v The as_value to compare to
bool equals(const as_value& v, int version) const;
/// Set any object value as reachable (for the GC)
/// Object values are values stored by pointer (objects and functions)
void setReachable() const;
/// Serialize value in AMF0 format.
/// @param buf
/// The buffer to append serialized version of this value to.
/// @param offsetTable
/// A map of already-parsed objects, pass an empty map on first call as
/// it will be used internally.
/// @param vm
/// Virtual machine to use for serialization of property names
/// (string_table)
/// @param allowStrictArray
/// If true strict arrays will be encoded a STRICT_ARRAY types.
bool writeAMF0(amf::Writer& w) const;
/// AsValueType handles the following AS types:
/// 1. undefined / null
/// 2. Number
/// 3. Boolean
/// 4. Object
/// 5. MovieClip
/// 6. String
typedef boost::variant<boost::blank,
/// Use the relevant equality function, not operator==
bool operator==(const as_value& v) const;
/// Use the relevant inequality function, not operator!=
bool operator!=(const as_value& v) const;
/// Compare values of the same type
/// NOTE: will abort if values are not of the same type!
bool equalsSameType(const as_value& v) const;
AsType _type;
AsValueType _value;
/// Get the object pointer variant member.
/// Callers must check that this is an Object (including DisplayObjects).
as_object* getObj() const;
/// Get the DisplayObject variant member.
/// The caller must check that this is a DisplayObject.
DisplayObject* getCharacter(bool skipRebinding = false) const;
/// Get the DisplayObject proxy variant member.
/// The caller must check that this value is a DisplayObject
CharacterProxy getCharacterProxy() const;
/// Get the number variant member.
/// The caller must check that this value is a Number.
double getNum() const {
assert(_type == NUMBER);
return boost::get<double>(_value);
/// Get the boolean variant member.
/// The caller must check that this value is a Boolean.
bool getBool() const {
assert(_type == BOOLEAN);
return boost::get<bool>(_value);
/// Get the boolean variant member.
/// The caller must check that this value is a String.
const std::string& getStr() const {
assert(_type == STRING);
return boost::get<std::string>(_value);
/// Stream operator.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const as_value& v);
/// Convert numeric value to string value, following ECMA-262 specification
// Printing formats:
// If _val > 1, Print up to 15 significant digits, then switch
// to scientific notation, rounding at the last place and
// omitting trailing zeroes.
// For values < 1, print up to 4 leading zeroes after the
// decimal point, then switch to scientific notation with up
// to 15 significant digits, rounding with no trailing zeroes
// If the value is negative, just add a '-' to the start; this
// does not affect the precision of the printed value.
// This almost corresponds to iomanip's std::setprecision(15)
// format, except that iomanip switches to scientific notation
// at e-05 not e-06, and always prints at least two digits for the exponent.
std::string doubleToString(double val, int radix = 10);
/// Try to parse a string into a 32-bit signed int using base 8 or 16. //
/// This function will throw a boost::bad_lexical_cast (or a derived
/// exception) if the passed string cannot be converted.
/// @param s The string to parse
/// @param d The 32-bit int represented as a double. This is only a
/// valid number if the return value is true.
/// @param whole If true, expect the whole string to be valid, i.e.
/// throw if there are any invalid DisplayObjects. If false,
/// returns any valid number up to the first invalid
/// DisplayObject.
/// @return True if the string was non-decimal and successfully
/// parsed.
bool parseNonDecimalInt(const std::string& s, double& d, bool whole = true);
/// Set a value to NaN
inline void
setNaN(as_value& v) {
} // namespace gnash
#endif // GNASH_AS_VALUE_H
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