
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// dlist.h:  Display list definitions, for Gnash.
//   Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
//   2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


#include "snappingrange.h"
#include "DisplayObject.h"

#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <iosfwd>
#if GNASH_PARANOIA_LEVEL > 1 && !defined(NDEBUG)
#include <set>  // for testInvariant
#include <algorithm>
#include "log.h"

// 0 : (not unimplemented)
// 1 : quick assertions
// 2 : add testInvariant

namespace gnash {
        class SWFCxForm;
        class Renderer;
        struct ObjectURI;

namespace gnash {

/// A list of on-stage DisplayObjects, ordered by depth
/// Any MovieClip has an associated DisplayList
/// that may change from frame to frame due to control
/// tags instructing when to add or remove DisplayObjects
/// from the stage.
class DisplayList


        typedef std::list<DisplayObject*> container_type;
        typedef container_type::iterator iterator;
        typedef container_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
        typedef container_type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
        typedef container_type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;

    DisplayList() {}
    ~DisplayList() {}

    /// Output operator
        friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const DisplayList&);

        /// \brief
        /// Place a new DisplayObject at the specified depth,
        /// replacing any existing DisplayObject at the same depth.
        /// If a DisplayObject is replaced, it's unload() method
        /// is invoked.
        /// If applicable, the event_id::LOAD event
        /// associated with the given DisplayObject
        /// is called as last step of addition. 
        /// @param ch 
        ///     the new DisplayObject to be added into the list.
        /// @param depth 
        ///     depth at which the new DisplayObject is placed.
    void placeDisplayObject(DisplayObject* ch, int depth);

        /// \brief
        /// Replace the old DisplayObject at the specified depth with
        /// the given new DisplayObject.
        /// Calls unload on the removed DisplayObject.
        /// @param ch 
        ///     the new DisplayObject to be put
        /// @param depth 
        ///     depth to be replaced
        /// @param use_old_cxform
        /// true:  set the new DisplayObject's SWFCxForm to the old one.
        /// false: keep the new DisplayObject's SWFCxForm.
        /// @param use_old_matrix
        /// true:  set the new DisplayObject's transformation SWFMatrix to the old one.
        /// false: keep the new DisplayObject's transformation SWFMatrix.
        void replaceDisplayObject(DisplayObject* ch, int depth, bool use_old_cxform,
                bool use_old_matrix);

        /// \brief
        /// Change depth of the given DisplayObjects in the list,
        /// swapping with any existing DisplayObject at target depth.
        /// List ordering will be maintained by this function.
        /// Any DisplayObject affected by this operation (none on invalid call,
        /// 1 if new depth is not occupied, 2 otherwise) will be:
        ///     - bounds invalidated (see DisplayObject::set_invalidated)
        ///     - marked as script-transformed (see DisplayObject::transformedByScript)
        /// @param ch
        ///     The DisplayObject to apply depth swapping to.
        ///     If not found in the list, an error is raised
        ///     and no other action is taken.
        /// @param depth
        ///     The new depth to assign to the given DisplayObject.
        ///     If occupied by another DisplayObject, the target DisplayObject
        ///     will get the current depth of the first.
        ///     If target depth equals the current depth of DisplayObject, an
        ///     assertion fails, as I think the caller should check this instead.
        void swapDepths(DisplayObject* ch, int depth);

        /// \brief
        /// Updates the transform properties of the object at the
        /// specified depth, unless its get_accept_anim_moves() returns false.
        ///  See DisplayObject::get_accept_anim_moves()
        /// @param color_xform
        ///     The color tranform to assign to the DisplayObject at the given depth.
        ///     If NULL the orignial color transform will be kept.
        /// @param mat
        ///     The SWFMatrix tranform to assign to the DisplayObject at the given depth.
        ///     If NULL the orignial SWFMatrix will be kept.
        /// @param ratio
        /// The new ratio value to assign to the DisplayObject at the given depth.
        /// If NULL the original ratio will be kept.
        void moveDisplayObject(int depth, const SWFCxForm* color_xform,
            const SWFMatrix* mat, boost::uint16_t* ratio);

        /// Removes the object at the specified depth.
        /// Calls unload on the removed DisplayObject.
        void removeDisplayObject(int depth);

        /// Remove all unloaded DisplayObject from the list
        /// Removed DisplayObjects still in the list are those
        /// on which onUnload event handlers were defined..
        /// NOTE: we don't call the function recursively in the 
        ///       contained elements, as that should not be needed
        ///       (ie: any inned thing will not be accessible anyway)
        void removeUnloaded();

        /// Unload the DisplayObjects in this DisplayList removing
        /// all but the ones with on onUnload event defined
        /// (checked by calling ::unload on them) and keeping
        /// the others, w/out depth-shifting them.
        /// Return true if any child was kept (as they had onUnload defined)
        bool unload();

        /// destroy all DisplayObjects in this DisplayList
        void destroy();

        /// Add a DisplayObject in the list, maintaining depth-order
        /// @param ch
        ///     The DisplayObject to add
        /// @param replace
        ///     If true the given DisplayObject would replace any
        ///     pre-existing DisplayObject at the same depth.
        void add(DisplayObject* ch, bool replace);

    /// Inserts a DisplayObject at the specified index (depth)
    /// If a DisplayObject is already at that index, it is moved up.
    /// This implements AS3 DisplayObjectContainer.addChildAt().
    /// @param obj      The DisplayObject to insert. This should already be
    ///                 removed from any other DisplayLists. It should not be
    ///                 the owner of this DisplayList or any parent of that
    ///                 owner.
    /// @param index    The index at which to insert the DisplayObject.
    void insertDisplayObject(DisplayObject* obj, int index);

        /// Display the list's DisplayObjects.
        /// Lower depths are obscured by higher depths.
        void display(Renderer& renderer, const Transform& xform);
        void omit_display();

        /// May return NULL.
        DisplayObject* getDisplayObjectAtDepth(int depth) const;

        /// If there are multiples, returns the *first* match only!
        /// @param st
        ///     The string_table to use for finding
        ///     lowercase equivalent of names if
        ///     `caseless' parameter is true.
        /// @param uri
        ///     Object identifier
        /// @param caseless
        ///     Wheter comparison must be case-insensitive.
        DisplayObject* getDisplayObjectByName(string_table& st,
            const ObjectURI& uri, bool caseless) const;

        /// \brief 
        /// Visit each DisplayObject in the list in reverse depth
        /// order (higher depth first).
        /// The visitor functor
        /// will receive a DisplayObject pointer; must return true if
        /// it wants next item or false
        /// to exit the loop.
        /// NOTE: all elements in the list are visited, even
        ///       the removed ones (unloaded)
        /// TODO: inspect if worth providing an arg to skip removed
        template <class V> inline void visitBackward(V& visitor);
    template <class V> inline void visitBackward(V& visitor) const;

        /// \brief 
        /// Visit each and all DisplayObject in the list.
        /// Scan happens in arbitrary order, if order is
        /// important use visitBackward or visitForward
        /// The visitor functor will receive a DisplayObject pointer,
        /// it's return value is not used so can return void.
        /// NOTE: all elements in the list are visited, even
        ///       the removed ones (unloaded)
        /// TODO: inspect if worth providing an arg to skip removed
        template <class V> inline void visitAll(V& visitor);
        template <class V> inline void visitAll(V& visitor) const;

    /// Like DisplayObject_instance::add_invalidated_bounds() this method calls the
    /// method with the same name of all childs.        
        void add_invalidated_bounds(InvalidatedRanges& ranges, bool force);     
        /// Return number of elements in the list
        size_t size() const { 
                return _charsByDepth.size();

        /// Return true if the list contains no elements 
        bool empty() const {
                return _charsByDepth.empty();

        /// Return the next highest available depth
        /// Placing an object at the depth returned by
        /// this function should result in a DisplayObject
        /// that is displayd above all others
        int getNextHighestDepth() const;
        /// \brief
        /// merge the given display list
        void mergeDisplayList(DisplayList& newList);

        bool operator==(const DisplayList& other) const {
        return _charsByDepth == other._charsByDepth;

        bool operator!=(const DisplayList& other) const {
        return _charsByDepth != other._charsByDepth;
#if GNASH_PARANOIA_LEVEL > 1 && !defined(NDEBUG)
    DisplayList::const_iterator nonRemoved() const;

    void testInvariant() const
                DisplayList sorted = *this;

        // check no duplicated depths above non-removed zone.
                std::set<int> depths;
                for (const_iterator it = nonRemoved(),
                itEnd = _charsByDepth.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {

                        DisplayObject* ch = *it;
                        int depth = ch->get_depth();
                        if (!depths.insert(depth).second) {
                                log_debug("Depth %d is duplicated in DisplayList %p",
                        depth, (const void*)this);
        if (_charsByDepth.empty()) return;
                // check we didn't screw up ordering
        assert(std::adjacent_find(_charsByDepth.begin(), _charsByDepth.end(),
            DepthGreaterThan()) == _charsByDepth.end());
    void testInvariant() const {}


        /// Re-insert a removed-from-stage DisplayObject after appropriately
        /// shifting its depth based on the DisplayObject::removedDepthOffset
        /// value.
        /// PRE-CONDITIONS 
        ///     - ch::isUnloaded() returns true (assertion fails otherwise)
        ///     - ch is not already in the list (assertion fails otherwise)
        /// TODO: inspect what should happen if the target depth is already
    /// occupied
        void reinsertRemovedCharacter(DisplayObject* ch);

        container_type _charsByDepth;

template <class V>
DisplayList::visitBackward(V& visitor)
        for (reverse_iterator it = _charsByDepth.rbegin(),
                        itEnd = _charsByDepth.rend(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
                if (!visitor(*it)) break;

template <class V>
DisplayList::visitBackward(V& visitor) const
        for (const_reverse_iterator it = _charsByDepth.rbegin(),
                        itEnd = _charsByDepth.rend(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
                if (!visitor(*it)) break;

template <class V>
DisplayList::visitAll(V& visitor)
        for (iterator it = _charsByDepth.begin(), itEnd = _charsByDepth.end();
                it != itEnd; ++it) {


template <class V>
DisplayList::visitAll(V& visitor) const
        for (const_iterator it = _charsByDepth.begin(),
            itEnd = _charsByDepth.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {


std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const DisplayList&);

} // namespace gnash

#endif // GNASH_DLIST_H

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/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */