/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// VM.h: the Virtual Machine class, for Gnash
// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
// 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef GNASH_VM_H
#define GNASH_VM_H
#include "gnashconfig.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <locale>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/random.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include "GC.h"
#include "string_table.h"
#include "SafeStack.h"
#include "CallStack.h"
#include "smart_ptr.h"
#include "as_value.h"
#include "namedStrings.h"
#include "ObjectURI.h"
// Forward declarations
namespace gnash {
class Global_as;
class VM;
class fn_call;
class movie_root;
class NativeFunction;
class SharedObjectLibrary;
class as_value;
class as_object;
class VirtualClock;
class UserFunction;
namespace gnash {
/// The AVM1 virtual machine
/// The VM class has no code for execution, but rather stores the resources
/// needed for execution:
/// 1. The stack
/// 2. Global registers
/// 3. The call stack.
/// Actual execution is done by ActionExec.
/// This header also contains a few utility functions for ActionScript
/// operations.
class DSOEXPORT VM : boost::noncopyable
typedef as_value (*as_c_function_ptr)(const fn_call& fn);
/// Initializes the VM
/// @param version The initial version of the VM
/// @param root The movie_root that owns this VM
/// @param clock The clock to use for advances.
VM(int version, movie_root& root, VirtualClock& clock);
/// Accessor for the VM's stack
/// TODO: drop
SafeStack<as_value>& getStack() {
return _stack;
/// Get the VM clock
/// NOTE: this clock should drive all internal operations
/// but maybe accessing it trough VM isn't the best idea.
/// TODO: consider making this accessible trough RunResources
/// instead.
VirtualClock& getClock() {
return _clock;
/// Get SWF version context for the currently running actions.
/// This information will drive operations of the virtual machine
int getSWFVersion() const {
return _swfversion;
/// Set SWF version of the currently executing code
void setSWFVersion(int v);
/// Get the number of milliseconds since VM was started
unsigned long int getTime() const;
/// Get a reference to the string table used by the VM.
string_table& getStringTable() const { return _stringTable; }
/// Get version of the player, in a compatible representation
/// This information will be used for the System.capabilities.version
/// and $version ActionScript variables.
const std::string& getPlayerVersion() const;
/// Get current OS name. This is used for System.capabilites.os. If
/// defined in gnashrc, that takes precedence. For Linux, the string
/// includes the kernel version (unname -sr). Only works for systems
/// with sys/utsname.h (POSIX 4.4).
std::string getOSName() const;
/// Return the current language of the system. This is used for
/// System.capabilities.language. Only works for systems with
/// a language environment variable.
std::string getSystemLanguage() const;
// The boost Random Number Generator to use.
// http://www.boost.org/libs/random/random-generators.html
// TODO: boost/nondet_random.hpp provides access to a random device,
// which can be used in preference to a pseudo-RNG. It is only
// presently available on some platforms.
// http://www.boost.org/libs/random/nondet_random.html
// Generators have different limits on the size of the seed. Please
// check if replacing the generator.
// The mt11213b provides a pseudo-random number cycle
// of length 2^11213-1 and requires approx 352*sizeof(uint32_t) memory
// once initialized. It is more than adequate for most purposes.
typedef boost::mt11213b RNG;
// Get a pointer to the random number generator for
// use by Math.random() and random().
RNG& randomNumberGenerator();
/// Get a pointer to this VM's Root movie (stage)
movie_root& getRoot() const;
/// Return the Shared Object Library
SharedObjectLibrary& getSharedObjectLibrary() const {
return *_shLib;
/// Get a pointer to this VM's _global Object
Global_as* getGlobal() const;
/// Mark all reachable resources (for GC)
/// - root movie / stage (_rootMovie)
/// - Global object (_global)
/// - Class Hierarchy object
void markReachableResources() const;
void registerNative(as_c_function_ptr fun, unsigned int x, unsigned int y);
/// Return a native function or null
NativeFunction* getNative(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) const;
/// Get value of a register (local or global).
/// When not in a function context the selected register will be
/// global or not at all (if index is not in the valid range
/// of global registers).
/// When in a function context defining no registers,
/// we'll behave the same as for a non-function context.
/// When in a function context defining non-zero number
/// of local registers, the register set will be either local
/// or not at all (if index is not in the valid range of local
/// registers).
/// @param index The index of the register to retrieve.
/// @return A pointer to the as_value at the specified position, or
/// 0 if the index is invalid
const as_value* getRegister(size_t index);
/// Set value of a register (local or global).
/// When not in a function context the set register will be
/// global or not at all (if index is not in the valid range
/// of global registers).
/// When in a function context defining no registers,
/// we'll behave the same as for a non-function context.
/// When in a function context defining non-zero number
/// of local registers, the register set will be either local
/// or not at all (if index is not in the valid range of local
/// registers).
/// @param index The index of the register to set. If the index
/// is invalid, this is a no-op.
/// @param val The value to set the register to.
void setRegister(size_t index, const as_value& val);
/// Add a function call to the call frame.
/// This should be called for all user-defined functions before the
/// function is executed
/// @return The pushed CallFrame. This is identical to currentCall().
CallFrame& pushCallFrame(UserFunction& f);
/// Remove a function call from the call frame.
/// This should be called on return from the function.
void popCallFrame();
/// Return the CallFrame of the currently executing function.
/// Callers must ensure that there is a current function before calling
/// this!
CallFrame& currentCall();
/// Whether a function call is in progress.
bool calling() const {
return !_callStack.empty();
/// Print stack, call stack, and registers to the specified ostream
void dumpState(std::ostream& o, size_t limit = 0);
/// Stage associated with this VM
movie_root& _rootMovie;
/// The _global ActionScript object for AVM1
Global_as* _global;
/// Target SWF version
int _swfversion;
typedef std::map<unsigned int, as_c_function_ptr> FuncMap;
typedef std::map<unsigned int, FuncMap> AsNativeTable;
AsNativeTable _asNativeTable;
/// Mutable since it should not affect how the VM runs.
mutable string_table _stringTable;
VirtualClock& _clock;
SafeStack<as_value> _stack;
typedef boost::array<as_value, 4> GlobalRegisters;
GlobalRegisters _globalRegisters;
CallStack _callStack;
/// Library of SharedObjects. Owned by the VM.
std::auto_ptr<SharedObjectLibrary> _shLib;
RNG _rng;
// @param lowerCaseHint if true the caller guarantees
// that the lowercase equivalent of `str' is `str' again
inline ObjectURI
getURI(const VM& vm, const std::string& str, bool lowerCaseHint=false)
lowerCaseHint=lowerCaseHint; // TODO pass hint to ObjectURI ctor
// Possible optimization here is to directly compute
// noCase value if VM version is < 7
return ObjectURI((NSV::NamedStrings)vm.getStringTable().find(str));
inline ObjectURI
getURI(const VM&, NSV::NamedStrings s)
// Possible optimization here is to directly
// compute noCase values if VM version is < 7
// (using the known information in NSV)
return ObjectURI(s);
inline const std::string&
toString(VM& vm, const ObjectURI& uri)
return uri.toString(vm.getStringTable());
/// A class to wrap frame access. Stack allocating a frame guard
/// will ensure that all CallFrame pushes have a corresponding
/// CallFrame pop, even in the presence of extraordinary returns.
class FrameGuard
FrameGuard(VM& vm, UserFunction& func)
/// Get the CallFrame we've just pushed.
CallFrame& callFrame() {
return _callFrame;
~FrameGuard() {
VM& _vm;
CallFrame& _callFrame;
/// VM ops on as_value.
/// These are currently used in:
/// 1. VM (AVM1)
/// 2. Gnash's C++ implementation of ActionScript.
/// Usage 2 replicates VM behaviour, but does not use the VM's stack or other
/// resources. This can lead to different behaviour, for instance when there
/// are limits on the stack size. Such cases are probably rare.
/// Carry out ActionNewAdd
/// @param op1 The as_value to add to.
/// @param op2 The as_value to add.
/// @param vm The VM executing the operation.
/// TODO: Consider whether it would be better to pass something
/// other than the VM. But it is a VM operation, so it
/// is logically sound.
void newAdd(as_value& op1, const as_value& op2, const VM& vm);
/// Carry out ActionSubtract
/// @param op1 The as_value to subtract from.
/// @param op2 The as_value to subtract.
/// @param vm The VM executing the operation.
void subtract(as_value& op1, const as_value& op2, const VM& vm);
/// Carry out ActionSubtract
/// @param op1 The first comparand.
/// @param op2 The second comparand.
/// @param vm The VM executing the operation.
as_value newLessThan(const as_value& op1, const as_value& op2, const VM& vm);
/// Check if two values are equal
/// Note that conversions are performed as necessary, which can result in
/// function calls, which can have any conceivable side effect. The order of
/// the values affects the order the conversions are performed in, so can
/// under some circumstances change the result of the comparison.
/// Equality comparisons depend strongly on the SWF version.
/// @param a The first value to compare
/// @param b The second value to compare
/// @param vm The VM to use for the comparison.
/// @return Whether the values are considered equal.
bool equals(const as_value& a, const as_value& b, const VM& vm);
/// Convert an as_value to boolean type
/// @param val The value to return as a boolean
/// @param vm The VM to use for the conversion.
/// @return The boolean value of the passed as_value.
bool toBool(const as_value& v, const VM& vm);
/// Convert an as_value to a double
/// @param val The value to return as a double
/// @param vm The VM to use for the conversion.
/// @return The double value of the passed as_value.
double toNumber(const as_value& v, const VM& vm);
/// Convert an as_value to an object
/// @param val The value to return as an object
/// @param vm The VM to use for the conversion.
/// @return The Object representation value of the passed as_value.
as_object* toObject(const as_value& v, VM& vm);
/// AS2-compatible conversion to 32bit integer
/// This truncates large numbers to fit in the 32-bit space. It is not a
/// proper function of as_value because it is simply a further operation on
/// the stored number type.
/// This function calls to_number(), so performs a conversion if necessary.
/// @param val The value to return as an int.
/// @param vm The VM to use for the conversion.
/// @return The integer value of the passed as_value.
boost::int32_t toInt(const as_value& val, const VM& vm);
/// Force type to number.
/// @param v The value to change to a number type.
/// @param vm The VM to use for the conversion.
/// @return The value passed as v.
as_value& convertToNumber(as_value& v, const VM& vm);
/// Force type to string.
/// @param v The value to change to a string type.
/// @param vm The VM to use for the conversion.
/// @return The value passed as v.
as_value& convertToString(as_value& v, const VM& vm);
/// Force type to bool.
/// @param v The value to change to a bool type.
/// @param vm The VM to use for the conversion.
/// @return The value passed as v.
as_value& convertToBoolean(as_value& v, const VM& vm);
/// Convert to the appropriate primitive type
/// @param v The value to change to a primitive type.
/// @param vm The VM to use for the conversion.
/// @return The value passed as v.
as_value& convertToPrimitive(as_value& v, const VM& vm);
} // namespace gnash
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