/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- _indexingCompleted
- seek
- parseNextChunk
- indexAudioTag
- indexVideoTag
- parseAudioTag
- parseVideoTag
- parseNextTag
- parseHeader
- getUInt24
- getBytesLoaded
- readAudioFrame
- readVideoFrame
- fetchMetaTags
// FLVParser.cpp: Flash Video file parser, for Gnash.
// Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "FLVParser.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "GnashException.h"
#include "IOChannel.h"
#include "SimpleBuffer.h"
#include "GnashAlgorithm.h"
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
// Define the following macro the have seek() operations printed
//#define GNASH_DEBUG_SEEK 1
namespace gnash {
namespace media {
const size_t FLVParser::paddingBytes;
const boost::uint16_t FLVParser::FLVAudioTag::flv_audio_rates [] =
{ 5500, 11000, 22050, 44100 };
FLVParser::FLVParser(std::auto_ptr<IOChannel> lt)
if (!parseHeader()) {
throw MediaException("FLVParser couldn't parse header from input");
// would be called by main thread
FLVParser::seek(boost::uint32_t& time)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock streamLock(_streamMutex);
// we might obtain this lock while the parser is pushing the last
// encoded frame on the queue, or while it is waiting on the wakeup
// condition
// Setting _seekRequest to true will make the parser thread
// take care of cleaning up the buffers before going on with
// parsing, thus fixing the case in which streamLock was obtained
// while the parser was pushing to queue
_seekRequest = true;
if ( _cuePoints.empty() )
log_debug("No known cue points yet, can't seek");
return false;
CuePointsMap::iterator it = _cuePoints.lower_bound(time);
if ( it == _cuePoints.end() )
log_debug("No cue points greater or equal requested time %d", time);
return false;
long lowerBoundPosition = it->second;
log_debug("Seek requested to time %d triggered seek to cue point at "
"position %d and time %d", time, it->second, it->first);
time = it->first;
_parsingComplete=false; // or NetStream will send the Play.Stop event...
// Finally, clear the buffers.
// The call will also wake the parse up if it was sleeping.
// WARNING: a race condition might be pending here:
// If we handled to do all the seek work in the *small*
// time that the parser runs w/out mutex locked (ie:
// after it unlocked the stream mutex and before it locked
// the queue mutex), it will still push an old encoded frame
// to the queue; if the pushed frame alone makes it block
// again (bufferFull) we'll have a problem.
// Note though, that a single frame can't reach a bufferFull
// condition, as it takes at least two for anything != 0.
return true;
// would be called by parser thread
bool indexOnly = bufferFull(); // won't lock, but our caller locked...
return parseNextTag(indexOnly);
// would be called by parser thread
FLVParser::indexAudioTag(const FLVTag& tag, boost::uint32_t thisTagPos)
if ( _videoInfo.get()) {
// if we have video we let that drive cue points
// we can theoretically seek anywhere, but
// let's just keep 5 seconds of distance
CuePointsMap::iterator it = _cuePoints.lower_bound(tag.timestamp);
if ( it == _cuePoints.end() || it->first - tag.timestamp >= 5000)
//log_debug("Added cue point at timestamp %d and position %d "
//"(audio frame)", tag.timestamp, thisTagPos);
_cuePoints[tag.timestamp] = thisTagPos;
FLVParser::indexVideoTag(const FLVTag& tag, const FLVVideoTag& videotag, boost::uint32_t thisTagPos)
if ( videotag.frametype != FLV_VIDEO_KEYFRAME ) {
//log_debug("Added cue point at timestamp %d and position %d "
//"(key video frame)", tag.timestamp, thisTagPos);
_cuePoints[tag.timestamp] = thisTagPos;
FLVParser::parseAudioTag(const FLVTag& flvtag, const FLVAudioTag& audiotag, boost::uint32_t thisTagPos)
std::auto_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame> frame;
if ( ! _audio ) {
log_error(_("Unexpected audio tag found at offset %d FLV stream "
"advertising no audio in header. We'll warn only once for "
"each FLV, expecting any further audio tag."), thisTagPos);
_audio = true; // TOCHECK: is this safe ?
bool header = false;
boost::uint32_t bodyLength = flvtag.body_size;
if (audiotag.codec == AUDIO_CODEC_AAC) {
boost::uint8_t packettype = _stream->read_byte();
header = (packettype == 0);
frame = readAudioFrame(bodyLength-1, flvtag.timestamp);
if ( ! frame.get() ) {
log_error("could not read audio frame?");
// If this is the first audioframe no info about the
// audio format has been noted, so we do that now
if (!_audioInfo.get()) {
_audioInfo.reset(new AudioInfo(audiotag.codec, audiotag.samplerate,
audiotag.samplesize, audiotag.stereo, 0,
if (header) {
// The frame is 0-padded up to the end. It may be larger than
// this if fewer bytes were read than requested, but it is
// never smaller.
const size_t bufSize = frame->dataSize + paddingBytes;
boost::uint8_t* data = new boost::uint8_t[bufSize];
std::copy(frame->data.get(), frame->data.get() + bufSize, data);
new ExtraAudioInfoFlv(data, frame->dataSize)
// The FAAD decoder will reject us if we pass the header buffer.
// It will receive the header via the extra audio info anyway.
return frame;
FLVParser::parseVideoTag(const FLVTag& flvtag, const FLVVideoTag& videotag, boost::uint32_t thisTagPos)
if ( ! _video ) {
log_error(_("Unexpected video tag found at offset %d of FLV stream "
"advertising no video in header. We'll warn only once per "
"FLV, expecting any further video tag."), thisTagPos);
_video = true; // TOCHECK: is this safe ?
bool header = false;
boost::uint32_t bodyLength = flvtag.body_size;
switch(videotag.codec) {
case VIDEO_CODEC_H264:
boost::uint8_t packettype = _stream->read_byte();
IF_VERBOSE_PARSE( log_debug(_("AVC packet type: %d"),
(unsigned)packettype) );
header = (packettype == 0);
// 24-bits value for composition time offset ignored for now.
boost::uint8_t tmp[3];
_stream->read(tmp, 3);
bodyLength -= 4;
std::auto_ptr<EncodedVideoFrame> frame = readVideoFrame(bodyLength-1,
if ( ! frame.get() ) {
log_error("could not read video frame?");
// If this is the first videoframe no info about the
// video format has been noted, so we do that now
if ( ! _videoInfo.get() ) {
_videoInfo.reset(new VideoInfo(videotag.codec, 0, 0, 0, 0,
if (header) {
// The frame is 0-padded up to the end. It may be larger than
// this if fewer bytes were read than requested, but it is
// never smaller.
const size_t bufSize = frame->dataSize() + paddingBytes;
boost::uint8_t* data = new boost::uint8_t[bufSize];
std::copy(frame->data(), frame->data() + bufSize, data);
new ExtraVideoInfoFlv(data, frame->dataSize())
// Don't bother emitting the header buffer.
return frame;
// would be called by parser thread
FLVParser::parseNextTag(bool index_only)
// lock the stream while reading from it, so actionscript
// won't mess with the parser on seek or on getBytesLoaded
boost::mutex::scoped_lock streamLock(_streamMutex);
if ( index_only && _indexingCompleted ) return false;
if ( _parsingComplete ) return false;
if ( _seekRequest )
_seekRequest = false;
boost::uint64_t& position = index_only ? _nextPosToIndex : _lastParsedPosition;
bool& completed = index_only ? _indexingCompleted : _parsingComplete;
//log_debug("parseNextTag: _lastParsedPosition:%d, _nextPosToIndex:%d, index_only:%d", _lastParsedPosition, _nextPosToIndex, index_only);
unsigned long thisTagPos = position;
// Seek to next frame and skip the tag size
//log_debug("FLVParser::parseNextTag seeking to %d", thisTagPos+4);
if (!_stream->seek(thisTagPos+4))
log_error("FLVParser::parseNextTag: can't seek to %d", thisTagPos+4);
completed = true;
return false;
//log_debug("FLVParser::parseNextTag seeked to %d", thisTagPos+4);
// Read the tag info
boost::uint8_t chunk[12];
int actuallyRead = _stream->read(chunk, 12);
if ( actuallyRead < 12 )
if ( actuallyRead )
log_error("FLVParser::parseNextTag: can't read tag info "
"(needed 12 bytes, only got %d)", actuallyRead);
// else { assert(_stream->eof(); } ?
completed = true;
// update bytes loaded
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(_bytesLoadedMutex);
_bytesLoaded = _stream->tell();
return false;
FLVTag flvtag(chunk);
// May be _lastParsedPosition OR _nextPosToIndex
position += 15 + flvtag.body_size;
bool doIndex = (_lastParsedPosition+4 > _nextPosToIndex) || index_only;
if ( _lastParsedPosition > _nextPosToIndex )
//log_debug("::parseNextTag setting _nextPosToIndex=%d", _lastParsedPosition+4);
_nextPosToIndex = _lastParsedPosition;
if ( position > _bytesLoaded ) {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(_bytesLoadedMutex);
_bytesLoaded = position;
// check for empty tag
if (flvtag.body_size == 0) return true;
if (flvtag.type == FLV_AUDIO_TAG)
FLVAudioTag audiotag(chunk[11]);
if (doIndex) {
indexAudioTag(flvtag, thisTagPos);
if (index_only) {
return true;
std::auto_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame> frame =
parseAudioTag(flvtag, audiotag, thisTagPos);
if (!frame.get()) {
return false;
// Release the stream lock
// *before* pushing the frame as that
// might block us waiting for buffers flush
// the _qMutex...
// We've done using the stream for this tag parsing anyway
else if (flvtag.type == FLV_VIDEO_TAG)
FLVVideoTag videotag(chunk[11]);
if (doIndex) {
indexVideoTag(flvtag, videotag, thisTagPos);
if (index_only) {
return true;
std::auto_ptr<EncodedVideoFrame> frame =
parseVideoTag(flvtag, videotag, thisTagPos);
if (!frame.get()) {
return false;
// Release the stream lock
// *before* pushing the frame as that
// might block us waiting for buffers flush
// the _qMutex...
else if (flvtag.type == FLV_META_TAG)
if ( chunk[11] != 2 )
// ::processTags relies on the first AMF0 value being a string...
log_unimpl(_("First byte of FLV_META_TAG is %d, expected "
"0x02 (STRING AMF0 type)"),
// Extract information from the meta tag
std::auto_ptr<SimpleBuffer> metaTag(new SimpleBuffer(
size_t actuallyRead = _stream->read(metaTag->data(),
flvtag.body_size - 1);
if ( actuallyRead < flvtag.body_size-1 )
log_error("FLVParser::parseNextTag: can't read metaTag (%d) "
"body (needed %d bytes, only got %d)",
FLV_META_TAG, flvtag.body_size, actuallyRead);
return false;
boost::uint32_t terminus = getUInt24(metaTag->data() +
actuallyRead - 3);
if (terminus != 9) {
log_error(_("Corrupt FLV: Meta tag unterminated!"));
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(_metaTagsMutex);
_metaTags.insert(std::make_pair(flvtag.timestamp, metaTag.release()));
log_error(_("FLVParser::parseNextTag: unknown FLV tag type %d"),
return false;
_stream->read(chunk, 4);
boost::uint32_t prevtagsize = chunk[0] << 24 | chunk[1] << 16 |
chunk[2] << 8 | chunk[3];
if (prevtagsize != flvtag.body_size + 11) {
log_error(_("Corrupt FLV: previous tag size record (%1%) unexpected "
"(actual size: %2%)"), prevtagsize, flvtag.body_size + 11);
return true;
// would be called by MAIN thread
assert(_stream->tell() == static_cast<std::streampos>(0));
// We only use 5 bytes of the header, because the last 4 bytes represent
// an integer which is always 1.
boost::uint8_t header[9];
if ( _stream->read(header, 9) != 9 )
log_error("FLVParser::parseHeader: couldn't read 9 bytes of header");
return false;
_lastParsedPosition = _bytesLoaded = _nextPosToIndex = 9;
if (!std::equal(header, header + 3, "FLV")) {
return false;
const boost::uint8_t version = header[3];
// Parse the audio+video bitmask
_audio = header[4]&(1<<2);
_video = header[4]&(1<<0);
log_debug("Parsing FLV version %d, audio:%d, video:%d",
(int)version, _audio, _video);
return true;
inline boost::uint32_t
FLVParser::getUInt24(boost::uint8_t* in)
// The bits are in big endian order
return (in[0] << 16) | (in[1] << 8) | in[2];
FLVParser::getBytesLoaded() const
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(_bytesLoadedMutex);
return _bytesLoaded;
// would be called by parser thread
FLVParser::readAudioFrame(boost::uint32_t dataSize, boost::uint32_t timestamp)
std::auto_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame> frame(new EncodedAudioFrame);
const size_t bufSize = dataSize + paddingBytes;
boost::uint8_t* data = new boost::uint8_t[bufSize];
const size_t bytesRead = _stream->read(data, dataSize);
std::fill(data + bytesRead, data + bufSize, 0);
if (bytesRead < dataSize) {
log_error("FLVParser::readAudioFrame: could only read %d/%d bytes",
bytesRead, dataSize);
frame->dataSize = bytesRead;
frame->timestamp = timestamp;
return frame;
// would be called by parser thread
FLVParser::readVideoFrame(boost::uint32_t dataSize, boost::uint32_t timestamp)
std::auto_ptr<EncodedVideoFrame> frame;
const size_t bufSize = dataSize + paddingBytes;
boost::uint8_t* data = new boost::uint8_t[bufSize];
const size_t bytesRead = _stream->read(data, dataSize);
std::fill(data + bytesRead, data + bufSize, 0);
// We won't need frameNum, so will set to zero...
// TODO: fix this ?
// NOTE: ownership of 'data' is transferred here
frame.reset(new EncodedVideoFrame(data, bytesRead, 0, timestamp));
return frame;
FLVParser::fetchMetaTags(OrderedMetaTags& tags, boost::uint64_t ts)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(_metaTagsMutex);
if (!_metaTags.empty())
MetaTags::iterator it = _metaTags.upper_bound(ts);
std::transform(_metaTags.begin(), it, std::back_inserter(tags),
_metaTags.erase(_metaTags.begin(), it);
} // end of gnash::media namespace
} // end of gnash namespace