
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. swapBytes
  2. encodeNumber
  3. encodeBoolean
  4. encodeObject
  5. encodeObjectEnd
  6. encodeUndefined
  7. encodeUnsupported
  8. encodeDate
  9. encodeNull
  10. encodeXMLObject
  11. encodeTypedObject
  12. encodeReference
  13. encodeMovieClip
  14. encodeECMAArray
  15. encodeLongString
  16. encodeRecordSet
  17. encodeStrictArray
  18. encodeString
  19. encodeString
  20. encodeNullString
  21. encodeElement
  22. encodeElement
  23. encodeProperty
  24. extractAMF
  25. extractAMF
  26. extractProperty
  27. extractProperty

// amf.cpp:  AMF (Action Message Format) rpc marshalling, for Gnash.
//   Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
//   2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include "GnashSystemNetHeaders.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "GnashException.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "amf.h"
#include "element.h"
#include "amfutf8.h"

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>

namespace cygnal

/// \define ENSUREBYTES
/// @param from The base address to check.
/// @param tooFar The ending address that is one byte too many.
/// @param size The number of bytes to check for: from to tooFar.
/// @remarks May throw an Exception
#define ENSUREBYTES(from, toofar, size) { \
        if ( from+size >= toofar ) \
                throw ParserException("Premature end of AMF stream"); \

/// \brief String representations of AMF0 data types.
///     These are used to print more intelligent debug messages.
const char *amftype_str[] = {
    "AMF3 Data"

/// \brief Create a new AMF class.
///     As most of the methods in the AMF class a static, this
///     is primarily only used when encoding complex objects
///     where the byte count is accumulated.
    : _totalsize(0)

/// Delete the alloczted AMF class

/// \brief Swap bytes in raw data.
///     This only swaps bytes if the host byte order is little endian.
/// @param word The address of the data to byte swap.
/// @param size The number of bytes in the data.
/// @return A pointer to the raw data.
void *
swapBytes(void *word, size_t size)
    union {
        boost::uint16_t s;
        struct {
            boost::uint8_t c0;
            boost::uint8_t c1;
        } c;
    } u;
    u.s = 1;
    if (u.c.c0 == 0) {
        // Big-endian machine: do nothing
        return word;

    // Little-endian machine: byte-swap the word

    // A conveniently-typed pointer to the source data
    boost::uint8_t *x = static_cast<boost::uint8_t *>(word);

    /// Handle odd as well as even counts of bytes
    std::reverse(x, x+size);
    return word;

// Methods for encoding data into big endian formatted raw AMF data.

/// \brief Encode a 64 bit number to it's serialized representation.
/// @param num A double value to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeNumber(double indata)
    double num;
    // Encode the data as a 64 bit, big-endian, numeric value
    // only one additional byte for the type
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE + 1));
    *buf = Element::NUMBER_AMF0;
    num = indata;
    swapBytes(&num, AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
    *buf += num;
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a Boolean object to it's serialized representation.
/// @param flag The boolean value to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeBoolean(bool flag)
    // Encode a boolean value. 0 for false, 1 for true
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(2));
    *buf = Element::BOOLEAN_AMF0; 
    *buf += static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(flag);
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode the end of an object to it's serialized representation.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeObject(const cygnal::Element &data)
    boost::uint32_t length;
    length = data.propertySize();
    gnash::log_debug("Encoded data size has %d properties", length);
    boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buf;
    if (length) {
        buf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer);
    } else {
        return buf;
    *buf = Element::OBJECT_AMF0;
    if (data.propertySize() > 0) {
        std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> >::const_iterator ait;
        std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> > props = data.getProperties();
        for (ait = props.begin(); ait != props.end(); ait++) {
            boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el = (*(ait));
            boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> item = AMF::encodeElement(el);
            if (item) {
                *buf += item;
            } else {
            //      el->dump();

    // Terminate the object
    *buf += '\0';
    *buf += '\0';
    *buf += TERMINATOR;

    return buf;

/// \brief Encode the end of an object to it's serialized representation.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(1));
    *buf += TERMINATOR;

    return buf;

/// \brief Encode an "Undefined" object to it's serialized representation.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(1));
    *buf = Element::UNDEFINED_AMF0;
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a "Unsupported" object to it's serialized representation.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(1));
    *buf = Element::UNSUPPORTED_AMF0;
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a Date to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeDate(const boost::uint8_t *date)
//    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
    if (date != 0) {
        buf.reset(new Buffer(AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE+1));
        *buf = Element::DATE_AMF0;
        double num = *(reinterpret_cast<const double*>(date));
        swapBytes(&num, AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
        *buf += num;
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a NULL object to it's serialized representation.
///             A NULL object is often used as a placeholder in RTMP.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format

    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(1));
    *buf = Element::NULL_AMF0;
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode an XML object to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the XML data.
/// @param nbytes The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeXMLObject(const boost::uint8_t * /*data */, size_t /* size */)
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
    gnash::log_unimpl("XML AMF objects not supported yet");
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a Typed Object to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeTypedObject(const cygnal::Element &data)

    size_t size = 0;
    boost::uint32_t props;
    props = data.propertySize();
    boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buf;
    //    log_debug("Encoded data size has %d properties", props);
    if (props) {
        // Calculate the total size of the output buffer
        // needed to hold the encoded properties
        for (size_t i=0; i<data.propertySize(); i++) {
            size += data.getProperty(i)->getDataSize();
            size += data.getProperty(i)->getNameSize();
            size += AMF_PROP_HEADER_SIZE;
        size += data.getNameSize();
        buf.reset(new Buffer(size+24)); // FIXME: why are we several words off ?

    *buf = Element::TYPED_OBJECT_AMF0;

    size_t length = data.getNameSize();
    boost::uint16_t enclength = length;
    swapBytes(&enclength, 2);
    *buf += enclength;

    if (data.getName()) {
        std::string name = data.getName();
        if (name.size() > 0) {
            *buf += name;
    if (data.propertySize() > 0) {
        std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> >::const_iterator ait;
        std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> > props = data.getProperties();
        for (ait = props.begin(); ait != props.end(); ait++) {
            boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el = (*(ait));
            boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> item = AMF::encodeElement(el);
            if (item) {
                *buf += item;
            } else {
            //      el->dump();

    // Terminate the object
    *buf += '\0';
    *buf += '\0';
    *buf += TERMINATOR;

    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a Reference to an object to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format (header,data)
AMF::encodeReference(boost::uint16_t index)
    boost::uint16_t num = index;
    boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buf(new Buffer(3));
    *buf = Element::REFERENCE_AMF0;
    swapBytes(&num, sizeof(boost::uint16_t));
    *buf += num;
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a Movie Clip (swf data) to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format (header,data)
AMF::encodeMovieClip(const boost::uint8_t * /*data */, size_t /* size */)
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
    gnash::log_unimpl("Movie Clip AMF objects not supported yet");
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode an ECMA Array to it's serialized representation.
///             An ECMA Array, also called a Mixed Array, contains any
///             AMF data type as an item in the array.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeECMAArray(const cygnal::Element &data)
    boost::uint32_t length;
    bool sparse = false;
    //size_t counter = 0;

    length = data.propertySize();
    //    log_debug("Encoded data size has %d properties", length);
    boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buf(new cygnal::Buffer);
    if (length == 0) {
        // an undefined array is only 5 bytes, 1 for the type and
        // 4 for the length.
        buf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer(5));
    *buf = Element::ECMA_ARRAY_AMF0;
    length = 0;
    swapBytes(&length, sizeof(boost::uint32_t));
    *buf += length;

    // At lest for red5, it seems to encode from the last item to the
    // first, so we do the same for now.
    if (data.propertySize() > 0) {
        boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> item;
        std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> >::const_iterator ait;    
        std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> > props = data.getProperties();
        for (ait = props.begin(); ait != props.end(); ait++) {
            boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el = (*(ait));
            if (sparse) {
                sparse = false;
//              char num[12];
//              sprintf(num, "%d", counter);
//              cygnal::Element elnum(num, el->to_number());
//              *buf += AMF::encodeElement(elnum);
//              double nodes = items;
                cygnal::Element ellen("length");
                *buf += AMF::encodeElement(ellen);
            } else {
                item = AMF::encodeElement(el);
                if (item) {
                    *buf += item;
                } else {
#if 0
    double count = data.propertySize();
    cygnal::Element ellen("length", count);
    boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buflen = ellen.encode();
    *buf += buflen;
    // Terminate the object
    *buf += '\0';
    *buf += '\0';
    *buf += TERMINATOR;

    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a Long String to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeLongString(const boost::uint8_t * /* data */, size_t /* size */)
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
    gnash::log_unimpl("Long String AMF objects not supported yet");
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a Record Set to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeRecordSet(const boost::uint8_t * /* data */, size_t /* size */)
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
    gnash::log_unimpl("Reecord Set AMF objects not supported yet");
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a Strict Array to it's serialized represenicttation.
///     A Strict Array is one where all the items are the same
///     data type, commonly either a number or a string.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format (header,data)
AMF::encodeStrictArray(const cygnal::Element &data)
    boost::uint32_t items;
    items = data.propertySize();
    //    log_debug("Encoded data size has %d properties", items);
    boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buf(new cygnal::Buffer);
    if (items) {
        buf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer);
    } else {
        // an undefined array is only 5 bytes, 1 for the type and
        // 4 for the length.
        //      buf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer(5));
    *buf = Element::STRICT_ARRAY_AMF0;
    swapBytes(&items, sizeof(boost::uint32_t));
    *buf += items;

    if (data.propertySize() > 0) {
        std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> >::const_iterator ait;    
        std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> > props = data.getProperties();
        bool sparse = false;
        size_t counter = 0;
        for (ait = props.begin(); ait != props.end(); ait++) {
            boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el = (*(ait));
#if 0
            // FIXME: Red5's echo tests like to turn strict array's into ecma
            // arrays, but we shouldn't do that in the core.
            // If we see an undefined data item, then switch to an ECMA
            // array which is more compact. At least this is what Red5 does.
            if (el->getType() == Element::UNDEFINED_AMF0) {
                if (!sparse) {
                    gnash::log_debug("Encoding a strict array as an ecma array");
                    *buf->reference() = Element::ECMA_ARRAY_AMF0;
                    // When returning an ECMA array for a sparsely populated
                    // array, Red5 adds one more to the count to be 1 based,
                    // instead of zero based.
                    boost::uint32_t moreitems = data.propertySize() + 1;
                    swapBytes(&moreitems, sizeof(boost::uint32_t));
                    boost::uint8_t *ptr = buf->reference() + 1;
                    memcpy(ptr, &moreitems, sizeof(boost::uint32_t));
                    sparse = true;
            } else {
                if (sparse) {
                    sparse = false;
                    std::ostringstream os;
                    os << counter;
                    cygnal::Element elnum(os.str().c_str(), el->to_number());
                    *buf += AMF::encodeElement(elnum);
                    double nodes = items;
                    cygnal::Element ellen("length", nodes);
                    *buf += AMF::encodeElement(ellen);
                } else {
                    boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> item = AMF::encodeElement(el);
                    if (item) {
                        *buf += item;
                    } else {
//          }
//          el->dump();
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a string to it's serialized representation.
/// @param str a string value
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeString(const std::string &str)
    boost::uint8_t *ptr = const_cast<boost::uint8_t *>(reinterpret_cast<const boost::uint8_t *>(str.c_str()));
    return encodeString(ptr, str.size());

/// \brief Encode a string to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data The data to serialize into big endian format
/// @param size The size of the data in bytes
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeString(boost::uint8_t *data, size_t size)
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer>buf(new Buffer(size + AMF_HEADER_SIZE));
    *buf = Element::STRING_AMF0;
    // when a string is stored in an element, we add a NULL terminator so
    // it can be printed by to_string() efficiently. The NULL terminator
    // doesn't get written when encoding a string as it has a byte count
    // instead.
    boost::uint16_t length = size;
//    log_debug("Encoded data size is going to be %d", length);
    swapBytes(&length, 2);
    *buf += length;
    buf->append(data, size);
    return buf;

/// \brief Encode a String object to it's serialized representation.
///     A NULL String is a string with no associated data.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
    boost::uint16_t length;
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(AMF_HEADER_SIZE));
    *buf = Element::STRING_AMF0;
    // when a string is stored in an element, we add a NULL terminator so
    // it can be printed by to_string() efficiently. The NULL terminator
    // doesn't get written when encoding a string as it has a byte count
    // instead.
    length = 0;
    *buf += length;
    return buf;

/// \brief Write an AMF element
/// This encodes the data supplied to an AMF formatted one. As the
/// memory is allocatd within this function, you *must* free the
/// memory used for each element or you'll leak memory.
/// A "packet" (or element) in AMF is a byte code, followed by the
/// data. Sometimes the data is prefixed by a count, and sometimes
/// it's terminated with a 0x09. Ya gotta love these flaky ad-hoc
/// formats.
/// All Numbers are 64 bit, big-endian (network byte order) entities.
/// All strings are in multibyte format, which is to say, probably
/// normal ASCII. It may be that these need to be converted to wide
/// characters, but for now we just leave them as standard multibyte
/// characters.

/// \brief Encode an Element to it's serialized representation.
/// @param el A smart pointer to the Element to encode.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeElement(boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el)
    return encodeElement(*el);

AMF::encodeElement(const cygnal::Element& el)
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
    // Encode the element's data
    switch (el.getType()) {
      case Element::NOTYPE:
          return buf;
      case Element::NUMBER_AMF0:
  //      boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> encnum = AMF::encodeNumber(el.to_number());
  //      *buf += encnum;
          buf = AMF::encodeNumber(el.to_number());
      case Element::BOOLEAN_AMF0:
//        boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> encbool = AMF::encodeBoolean(el.to_bool());
//        *buf += encodeBoolean(el.to_bool());
//        *buf += encbool;
          buf = AMF::encodeBoolean(el.to_bool());
      case Element::STRING_AMF0:
  //      boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> encstr = AMF::encodeString(el.to_string());
          //      *buf += encstr;
          if (el.getDataSize() == 0) {
              buf = encodeNullString();
          } else {
              buf = encodeString(el.to_string());
      case Element::OBJECT_AMF0:
          buf = encodeObject(el);
      case Element::MOVIECLIP_AMF0:
          buf = encodeMovieClip(el.to_reference(), el.getDataSize());
      case Element::NULL_AMF0:
          //      *buf += Element::NULL_AMF0;
          buf = encodeNull();
      case Element::UNDEFINED_AMF0:
          //      *buf += Element::UNDEFINED_AMF0;
          buf = encodeUndefined();
      case Element::REFERENCE_AMF0:
          buf = encodeReference(el.to_short());
      case Element::ECMA_ARRAY_AMF0:
          buf = encodeECMAArray(el);
          // The Object End gets added when creating the object, so we can just ignore it here.
      case Element::OBJECT_END_AMF0:
          buf = encodeObjectEnd();
      case Element::STRICT_ARRAY_AMF0:
          buf = AMF::encodeStrictArray(el);
      case Element::DATE_AMF0:
  //      boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> encdate = AMF::encodeNumber(el.to_number());
          buf = AMF::encodeDate(el.to_reference());
      case Element::LONG_STRING_AMF0:
          buf = encodeLongString(el.to_reference(), el.getDataSize());
      case Element::UNSUPPORTED_AMF0:
          buf = encodeUnsupported();
      case Element::RECORD_SET_AMF0:
          buf = encodeRecordSet(el.to_reference(), el.getDataSize());
      case Element::XML_OBJECT_AMF0:
          buf = encodeXMLObject(el.to_reference(), el.getDataSize());
          // Encode an XML object. The data follows a 4 byte length
          // field. (which must be big-endian)
      case Element::TYPED_OBJECT_AMF0:
          buf = encodeTypedObject(el);
//        // This is a Gnash specific value
//       case Element::VARIABLE:
//       case Element::FUNCTION:
//          break;
      case Element::AMF3_DATA:
          gnash::log_error("FIXME: got AMF3 data type");

    // If the name field is set, it's a property, followed by the data
    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> bigbuf;
    if (el.getName() && (el.getType() != Element::TYPED_OBJECT_AMF0)) {
        if (buf) {
            bigbuf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer(el.getNameSize() + sizeof(boost::uint16_t) + buf->size()));
        } else {
            bigbuf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer(el.getNameSize() + sizeof(boost::uint16_t)));
        // Add the length of the string for the name of the variable
        size_t length = el.getNameSize();
        boost::uint16_t enclength = length;
        swapBytes(&enclength, 2);
        *bigbuf = enclength;
        // Now the name itself
        std::string name = el.getName();
        if (name.size() > 0) {
            *bigbuf += name;
        if (buf) {
            *bigbuf += buf;
        return bigbuf;
    return buf;

/// Encode a variable to it's serialized representation.
/// @param el A smart pointer to the Element to encode.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeProperty(boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el)
    size_t outsize;
    outsize = el->getNameSize() + el->getDataSize() + AMF_PROP_HEADER_SIZE;

    boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(outsize));
    _totalsize += outsize;

    // Add the length of the string for the name of the property
    size_t length = el->getNameSize();
    boost::uint16_t enclength = length;
    swapBytes(&enclength, 2);
    *buf = enclength;

    if (el->getName()) {
        std::string name = el->getName();
        if (name.size() > 0) {
            *buf += name;

    // Add the type of the property's data
    *buf += el->getType();
    // Booleans appear to be encoded weird. Just a short after
    // the type byte that's the value.
    switch (el->getType()) {
      case Element::BOOLEAN_AMF0:
//        enclength = el->to_bool();
//        buf->append(enclength);
          *buf += el->to_bool();
      case Element::NUMBER_AMF0:
          if (el->to_reference()) {
              swapBytes(el->to_reference(), AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
              buf->append(el->to_reference(), AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
          enclength = el->getDataSize();
          swapBytes(&enclength, 2);
          *buf += enclength;
          // Now the data for the property
          buf->append(el->to_reference(), el->getDataSize());
    return buf;

/// \brief Extract an AMF object from an array of raw bytes.
/// @param buf A smart pointer to a Buffer to parse the data from.
/// @return A smart ptr to an Element.
/// @remarks May throw a ParserException
AMF::extractAMF(boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf)
    boost::uint8_t* start = buf->reference();
    boost::uint8_t* tooFar = start+buf->size();
    return extractAMF(start, tooFar);

/// \brief Extract an AMF object from an array of raw bytes.
///     An AMF object is one of the support data types.
/// @param in A real pointer to the raw data to start parsing from.
/// @param tooFar A pointer to one-byte-past the last valid memory
///     address within the buffer.
/// @return A smart ptr to an Element.
/// @remarks May throw a ParserException
AMF::extractAMF(boost::uint8_t *in, boost::uint8_t* tooFar)

    boost::uint8_t *tmpptr = in;
    boost::uint16_t length;
    boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el(new Element);

    if (in == 0) {
        gnash::log_error(_("AMF body input data is NULL"));
        return el;

    std::map<boost::uint16_t, cygnal::Element> references;
    // All elements look like this:
    // the first two bytes is the length of name of the element
    // Then the next bytes are the element name
    // After the element name there is a type byte. If it's a Number type, then
    // 8 bytes are read If it's a String type, then there is a count of
    // characters, then the string value    
    // Get the type of the element, which is a single byte.
    // This type casting looks like a stupid mistake, but it's
    // mostly to make valgrind shut up, as it has a tendency to
    // complain about legit code when it comes to all this byte
    // manipulation stuff.
    AMF amf_obj;

    // Jump through hoops to get the type so valgrind stays happy
    //    char c = *(reinterpret_cast<char *>(tmpptr));

    if (tooFar - tmpptr < 1) {
        gnash::log_error(_("AMF data too short to contain type field"));
        return el;

    Element::amf0_type_e type = static_cast<Element::amf0_type_e>(*tmpptr);
    // skip past the header type field byte 

    switch (type) {
        case Element::NOTYPE:
            gnash::log_error("Element has no type!");
        case Element::NUMBER_AMF0:
            // Make sure this isn't less than 0. We check this above at
            // the moment.
            assert(tooFar >= tmpptr);
            if (static_cast<size_t>(tooFar - tmpptr) < sizeof(const double)) {
                gnash::log_error(_("AMF data segment too short to contain"
                            "type NUMBER"));
                return el;
            double swapped = *(reinterpret_cast<const double*>(tmpptr));
            swapBytes(&swapped, cygnal::AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
            tmpptr += AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE; // all numbers are 8 bit big endian
        case Element::BOOLEAN_AMF0:
            tmpptr += 1;                // sizeof(bool) isn't always 1 for all compilers 
        case Element::STRING_AMF0:
            // get the length of the name
            length = ntohs((*(boost::uint16_t *)tmpptr) & 0xffff);
            tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint16_t);
            if (length >= SANE_STR_SIZE) {
                gnash::log_error("%d bytes for a string is over the safe "
                        "limit of %d, line %d", length,
                        SANE_STR_SIZE, __LINE__);
                return el;
            //log_debug(_("AMF String length is: %d"), length);
            if (length > 0) {
                // get the name of the element
                el->makeString(tmpptr, length);
                //log_debug(_("AMF String is: %s"), el->to_string());
                tmpptr += length;
            } else {
        case Element::OBJECT_AMF0:
            while (tmpptr < tooFar) { 
                // FIXME: was tooFar - AMF_HEADER_SIZE) 
                if (*tmpptr+3 == TERMINATOR) {
                    //log_debug("No data associated with Property "
                    //"in object");
                boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> child =
                    amf_obj.extractProperty(tmpptr, tooFar); 
                if (child == 0) {
                    // skip past zero length string (2 bytes), null
                    // (1 byte) and end object (1 byte)
                    //tmpptr += 3;
                tmpptr += amf_obj.totalsize();
            tmpptr += AMF_HEADER_SIZE;          // skip past the terminator bytes
        case Element::MOVIECLIP_AMF0:
            gnash::log_debug("AMF0 MovieClip frame");
        case Element::NULL_AMF0:
        case Element::UNDEFINED_AMF0:
        case Element::REFERENCE_AMF0:
            length = ntohs((*(boost::uint16_t *)tmpptr) & 0xffff);
            tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint16_t);
            // FIXME: connect reference Element to the object
            // pointed to by the index.
            tmpptr += 3;
        // An ECMA array is composed of any of the data types. Much
        // like an Object, the ECMA array is terminated by the
        // end of object bytes, so parse till then.
        case Element::ECMA_ARRAY_AMF0:
            tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint32_t);
#if 1
            while (tmpptr < tooFar) { // FIXME: was tooFar - AMF_HEADER_SIZE)
                if (*tmpptr+3 == TERMINATOR) {
          //              log_debug("No data associated with Property in object");
                boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> child =
                    amf_obj.extractProperty(tmpptr, tooFar); 
                if (child == 0) {
                    // skip past zero length string (2 bytes),
                    // null (1 byte) and end object (1 byte)
                    //tmpptr += 3;
      //              child->dump();
                tmpptr += amf_obj.totalsize();
            tmpptr += AMF_HEADER_SIZE;          // skip past the terminator bytes
            // get the number of elements in the array
            boost::uint32_t items = 
                ntohl((*(boost::uint32_t *)tmpptr) & 0xffffffff);
            tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint32_t);
            while (items--) {
                boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> child =
                    amf_obj.extractProperty(tmpptr, tooFar); 
                if (child == 0) {
                tmpptr += amf_obj.totalsize();
            tmpptr += AMF_HEADER_SIZE;          // skip past the terminator bytes
        case Element::OBJECT_END_AMF0:
            // A strict array is only numbers
        case Element::STRICT_ARRAY_AMF0:
            // get the number of numbers in the array
            boost::uint32_t items = ntohl((*(boost::uint32_t *)tmpptr));
            // Skip past the length field to get to the start of the data
            tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint32_t);
            while (items) {
                boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> child =
                    amf_obj.extractAMF(tmpptr, tooFar); 
                if (child == 0) {
                } else {
                    tmpptr += amf_obj.totalsize();
        case Element::DATE_AMF0:
            double swapped = *reinterpret_cast<const double*>(tmpptr);
            swapBytes(&swapped, cygnal::AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
            tmpptr += AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE; // all dates are 8 bit big endian numbers
        case Element::LONG_STRING_AMF0:
        case Element::UNSUPPORTED_AMF0:
            tmpptr += 1;
        case Element::RECORD_SET_AMF0:
        case Element::XML_OBJECT_AMF0:
        case Element::TYPED_OBJECT_AMF0:
            length = ntohs((*(boost::uint16_t *)tmpptr) & 0xffff);
            tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint16_t);
            if (length > 0) {
                std::string name(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(tmpptr), length);
                //log_debug("Typed object name is: %s", el->getName());
                el->setName(name.c_str(), name.size());
            // Don't read past the end
            if (tmpptr + length < tooFar) {
                tmpptr += length;
            while (tmpptr < tooFar - length) { 
                // FIXME: was tooFar - AMF_HEADER_SIZE)
                if (*(tmpptr +3) == TERMINATOR) {
                    gnash::log_debug("Found object terminator byte");
                boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> child =
                    amf_obj.extractProperty(tmpptr, tooFar); 
                if (child == 0) {
                tmpptr += amf_obj.totalsize();
            //    el->dump();
            tmpptr += AMF_HEADER_SIZE;          // skip past the terminator bytes
        case Element::AMF3_DATA:
            gnash::log_unimpl("%s: type %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, (int)type);
            return el;
    // Calculate the offset for the next read
    _totalsize = (tmpptr - in);

    return el;

/// \brief Extract a Property.
///     A Property is a standard AMF object preceeded by a
///     length and an ASCII name field. These are only used
///     with higher level ActionScript objects.
/// @param buf A smart pointer to an Buffer to parse the data from.
/// @return A smart ptr to an Element.
/// @remarks May throw a ParserException
AMF::extractProperty(boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf)

    boost::uint8_t* start = buf->reference();
    boost::uint8_t* tooFar = start+buf->size();
    return extractProperty(start, tooFar);

/// \brief Extract a Property.
///     A Property is a standard AMF object preceeded by a
///     length and an ASCII name field. These are onicly used
///     with higher level ActionScript objects.
/// @param in A real pointer to the raw data to start parsing from.
/// @param tooFar A pointer to one-byte-past the last valid memory
///     address within the buffer.
/// @return A smart ptr to an Element.
/// @remarks May throw a ParserException
AMF::extractProperty(boost::uint8_t *in, boost::uint8_t* tooFar)
    boost::uint8_t *tmpptr = in;
    boost::uint16_t length;
    boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el;

    length = ntohs((*(boost::uint16_t *)tmpptr) & 0xffff);
    // go past the length bytes, which leaves us pointing at the raw data
    tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint16_t);

    // sanity check the length of the data. The length is usually only zero if
    // we've gone all the way to the end of the object.

    // valgrind complains if length is unintialized, which as we just set
    // length to a value, this is tottaly bogus, and I'm tired of
    // braindamaging code to keep valgrind happy.
    if (length <= 0) {
//      log_debug("No Property name, object done %x, %x", (void *)in, (void *)tooFar);
        return el;

#if 0    
    if (length + tmpptr > tooFar) {
        log_error("%d bytes for a string is over the safe limit of %d. Putting the rest of the buffer into the string, line %d", length, SANE_STR_SIZE, __LINE__);
        length = tooFar - tmpptr;
    if (length >= SANE_STR_SIZE) {
        gnash::log_error("%d bytes for a string is over the safe limit of %d. Putting the rest of the buffer into the string, line %d", length, SANE_STR_SIZE, __LINE__);
    // name is just debugging help to print cleaner, and should be removed later
//    log_debug(_("AMF property name length is: %d"), length);
    std::string name(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(tmpptr), length);
//    log_debug(_("AMF property name is: %s"), name);
    // Don't read past the end
    if (tmpptr + length < tooFar) {
        tmpptr += length;
    char c = *(reinterpret_cast<char *>(tmpptr));
    Element::amf0_type_e type = static_cast<Element::amf0_type_e>(c);
    // If we get a NULL object, there is no data. In that case, we only return
    // the name of the property.
    if (type == Element::NULL_AMF0) {
        gnash::log_debug("No data associated with Property \"%s\"", name);
        el.reset(new Element);
        el->setName(name.c_str(), name.size());
        tmpptr += 1;
        // Calculate the offset for the next read
    } else {
        // process the data with associated with the property.
        // Go past the data to the start of the next AMF object, which
        // should be a type byte.
//      tmpptr += length;
        el = extractAMF(tmpptr, tooFar);
        if (el) {
            el->setName(name.c_str(), name.size()); // FIXME: arg, overwrites the name for TypedObjects
        tmpptr += totalsize();

    //delete name;
    // Calculate the offset for the next read
    _totalsize = (tmpptr - in);

    return el;    

} // end of amf namespace

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