/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- swapBytes
- encodeNumber
- encodeBoolean
- encodeObject
- encodeObjectEnd
- encodeUndefined
- encodeUnsupported
- encodeDate
- encodeNull
- encodeXMLObject
- encodeTypedObject
- encodeReference
- encodeMovieClip
- encodeECMAArray
- encodeLongString
- encodeRecordSet
- encodeStrictArray
- encodeString
- encodeString
- encodeNullString
- encodeElement
- encodeElement
- encodeProperty
- extractAMF
- extractAMF
- extractProperty
- extractProperty
// amf.cpp: AMF (Action Message Format) rpc marshalling, for Gnash.
// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
// 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "GnashSystemNetHeaders.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "GnashException.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "amf.h"
#include "element.h"
#include "amfutf8.h"
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
namespace cygnal
/// \define ENSUREBYTES
/// @param from The base address to check.
/// @param tooFar The ending address that is one byte too many.
/// @param size The number of bytes to check for: from to tooFar.
/// @remarks May throw an Exception
#define ENSUREBYTES(from, toofar, size) { \
if ( from+size >= toofar ) \
throw ParserException("Premature end of AMF stream"); \
/// \brief String representations of AMF0 data types.
/// These are used to print more intelligent debug messages.
const char *amftype_str[] = {
"AMF3 Data"
/// \brief Create a new AMF class.
/// As most of the methods in the AMF class a static, this
/// is primarily only used when encoding complex objects
/// where the byte count is accumulated.
: _totalsize(0)
/// Delete the alloczted AMF class
/// \brief Swap bytes in raw data.
/// This only swaps bytes if the host byte order is little endian.
/// @param word The address of the data to byte swap.
/// @param size The number of bytes in the data.
/// @return A pointer to the raw data.
void *
swapBytes(void *word, size_t size)
union {
boost::uint16_t s;
struct {
boost::uint8_t c0;
boost::uint8_t c1;
} c;
} u;
u.s = 1;
if (u.c.c0 == 0) {
// Big-endian machine: do nothing
return word;
// Little-endian machine: byte-swap the word
// A conveniently-typed pointer to the source data
boost::uint8_t *x = static_cast<boost::uint8_t *>(word);
/// Handle odd as well as even counts of bytes
std::reverse(x, x+size);
return word;
// Methods for encoding data into big endian formatted raw AMF data.
/// \brief Encode a 64 bit number to it's serialized representation.
/// @param num A double value to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeNumber(double indata)
double num;
// Encode the data as a 64 bit, big-endian, numeric value
// only one additional byte for the type
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE + 1));
*buf = Element::NUMBER_AMF0;
num = indata;
swapBytes(&num, AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
*buf += num;
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a Boolean object to it's serialized representation.
/// @param flag The boolean value to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeBoolean(bool flag)
// Encode a boolean value. 0 for false, 1 for true
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(2));
*buf = Element::BOOLEAN_AMF0;
*buf += static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(flag);
return buf;
/// \brief Encode the end of an object to it's serialized representation.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeObject(const cygnal::Element &data)
boost::uint32_t length;
length = data.propertySize();
gnash::log_debug("Encoded data size has %d properties", length);
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buf;
if (length) {
buf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer);
} else {
return buf;
*buf = Element::OBJECT_AMF0;
if (data.propertySize() > 0) {
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> >::const_iterator ait;
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> > props = data.getProperties();
for (ait = props.begin(); ait != props.end(); ait++) {
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el = (*(ait));
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> item = AMF::encodeElement(el);
if (item) {
*buf += item;
} else {
// el->dump();
// Terminate the object
*buf += '\0';
*buf += '\0';
return buf;
/// \brief Encode the end of an object to it's serialized representation.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(1));
return buf;
/// \brief Encode an "Undefined" object to it's serialized representation.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(1));
*buf = Element::UNDEFINED_AMF0;
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a "Unsupported" object to it's serialized representation.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(1));
*buf = Element::UNSUPPORTED_AMF0;
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a Date to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeDate(const boost::uint8_t *date)
// boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
if (date != 0) {
buf.reset(new Buffer(AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE+1));
*buf = Element::DATE_AMF0;
double num = *(reinterpret_cast<const double*>(date));
swapBytes(&num, AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
*buf += num;
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a NULL object to it's serialized representation.
/// A NULL object is often used as a placeholder in RTMP.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(1));
*buf = Element::NULL_AMF0;
return buf;
/// \brief Encode an XML object to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the XML data.
/// @param nbytes The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeXMLObject(const boost::uint8_t * /*data */, size_t /* size */)
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
gnash::log_unimpl("XML AMF objects not supported yet");
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a Typed Object to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeTypedObject(const cygnal::Element &data)
size_t size = 0;
boost::uint32_t props;
props = data.propertySize();
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buf;
// log_debug("Encoded data size has %d properties", props);
if (props) {
// Calculate the total size of the output buffer
// needed to hold the encoded properties
for (size_t i=0; i<data.propertySize(); i++) {
size += data.getProperty(i)->getDataSize();
size += data.getProperty(i)->getNameSize();
size += data.getNameSize();
buf.reset(new Buffer(size+24)); // FIXME: why are we several words off ?
*buf = Element::TYPED_OBJECT_AMF0;
size_t length = data.getNameSize();
boost::uint16_t enclength = length;
swapBytes(&enclength, 2);
*buf += enclength;
if (data.getName()) {
std::string name = data.getName();
if (name.size() > 0) {
*buf += name;
if (data.propertySize() > 0) {
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> >::const_iterator ait;
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> > props = data.getProperties();
for (ait = props.begin(); ait != props.end(); ait++) {
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el = (*(ait));
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> item = AMF::encodeElement(el);
if (item) {
*buf += item;
} else {
// el->dump();
// Terminate the object
*buf += '\0';
*buf += '\0';
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a Reference to an object to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format (header,data)
AMF::encodeReference(boost::uint16_t index)
boost::uint16_t num = index;
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buf(new Buffer(3));
*buf = Element::REFERENCE_AMF0;
swapBytes(&num, sizeof(boost::uint16_t));
*buf += num;
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a Movie Clip (swf data) to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format (header,data)
AMF::encodeMovieClip(const boost::uint8_t * /*data */, size_t /* size */)
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
gnash::log_unimpl("Movie Clip AMF objects not supported yet");
return buf;
/// \brief Encode an ECMA Array to it's serialized representation.
/// An ECMA Array, also called a Mixed Array, contains any
/// AMF data type as an item in the array.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeECMAArray(const cygnal::Element &data)
boost::uint32_t length;
bool sparse = false;
//size_t counter = 0;
length = data.propertySize();
// log_debug("Encoded data size has %d properties", length);
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buf(new cygnal::Buffer);
if (length == 0) {
// an undefined array is only 5 bytes, 1 for the type and
// 4 for the length.
buf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer(5));
*buf = Element::ECMA_ARRAY_AMF0;
length = 0;
swapBytes(&length, sizeof(boost::uint32_t));
*buf += length;
// At lest for red5, it seems to encode from the last item to the
// first, so we do the same for now.
if (data.propertySize() > 0) {
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> item;
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> >::const_iterator ait;
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> > props = data.getProperties();
for (ait = props.begin(); ait != props.end(); ait++) {
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el = (*(ait));
if (sparse) {
sparse = false;
// char num[12];
// sprintf(num, "%d", counter);
// cygnal::Element elnum(num, el->to_number());
// *buf += AMF::encodeElement(elnum);
// double nodes = items;
cygnal::Element ellen("length");
*buf += AMF::encodeElement(ellen);
} else {
item = AMF::encodeElement(el);
if (item) {
*buf += item;
} else {
#if 0
double count = data.propertySize();
cygnal::Element ellen("length", count);
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buflen = ellen.encode();
*buf += buflen;
// Terminate the object
*buf += '\0';
*buf += '\0';
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a Long String to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeLongString(const boost::uint8_t * /* data */, size_t /* size */)
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
gnash::log_unimpl("Long String AMF objects not supported yet");
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a Record Set to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeRecordSet(const boost::uint8_t * /* data */, size_t /* size */)
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
gnash::log_unimpl("Reecord Set AMF objects not supported yet");
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a Strict Array to it's serialized represenicttation.
/// A Strict Array is one where all the items are the same
/// data type, commonly either a number or a string.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes that becomes the data.
/// @param size The number of bytes to serialize.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format (header,data)
AMF::encodeStrictArray(const cygnal::Element &data)
boost::uint32_t items;
items = data.propertySize();
// log_debug("Encoded data size has %d properties", items);
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> buf(new cygnal::Buffer);
if (items) {
buf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer);
} else {
// an undefined array is only 5 bytes, 1 for the type and
// 4 for the length.
// buf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer(5));
*buf = Element::STRICT_ARRAY_AMF0;
swapBytes(&items, sizeof(boost::uint32_t));
*buf += items;
if (data.propertySize() > 0) {
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> >::const_iterator ait;
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> > props = data.getProperties();
bool sparse = false;
size_t counter = 0;
for (ait = props.begin(); ait != props.end(); ait++) {
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el = (*(ait));
#if 0
// FIXME: Red5's echo tests like to turn strict array's into ecma
// arrays, but we shouldn't do that in the core.
// If we see an undefined data item, then switch to an ECMA
// array which is more compact. At least this is what Red5 does.
if (el->getType() == Element::UNDEFINED_AMF0) {
if (!sparse) {
gnash::log_debug("Encoding a strict array as an ecma array");
*buf->reference() = Element::ECMA_ARRAY_AMF0;
// When returning an ECMA array for a sparsely populated
// array, Red5 adds one more to the count to be 1 based,
// instead of zero based.
boost::uint32_t moreitems = data.propertySize() + 1;
swapBytes(&moreitems, sizeof(boost::uint32_t));
boost::uint8_t *ptr = buf->reference() + 1;
memcpy(ptr, &moreitems, sizeof(boost::uint32_t));
sparse = true;
} else {
if (sparse) {
sparse = false;
std::ostringstream os;
os << counter;
cygnal::Element elnum(os.str().c_str(), el->to_number());
*buf += AMF::encodeElement(elnum);
double nodes = items;
cygnal::Element ellen("length", nodes);
*buf += AMF::encodeElement(ellen);
} else {
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> item = AMF::encodeElement(el);
if (item) {
*buf += item;
} else {
// }
// el->dump();
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a string to it's serialized representation.
/// @param str a string value
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeString(const std::string &str)
boost::uint8_t *ptr = const_cast<boost::uint8_t *>(reinterpret_cast<const boost::uint8_t *>(str.c_str()));
return encodeString(ptr, str.size());
/// \brief Encode a string to it's serialized representation.
/// @param data The data to serialize into big endian format
/// @param size The size of the data in bytes
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeString(boost::uint8_t *data, size_t size)
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer>buf(new Buffer(size + AMF_HEADER_SIZE));
*buf = Element::STRING_AMF0;
// when a string is stored in an element, we add a NULL terminator so
// it can be printed by to_string() efficiently. The NULL terminator
// doesn't get written when encoding a string as it has a byte count
// instead.
boost::uint16_t length = size;
// log_debug("Encoded data size is going to be %d", length);
swapBytes(&length, 2);
*buf += length;
buf->append(data, size);
return buf;
/// \brief Encode a String object to it's serialized representation.
/// A NULL String is a string with no associated data.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
boost::uint16_t length;
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(AMF_HEADER_SIZE));
*buf = Element::STRING_AMF0;
// when a string is stored in an element, we add a NULL terminator so
// it can be printed by to_string() efficiently. The NULL terminator
// doesn't get written when encoding a string as it has a byte count
// instead.
length = 0;
*buf += length;
return buf;
/// \brief Write an AMF element
/// This encodes the data supplied to an AMF formatted one. As the
/// memory is allocatd within this function, you *must* free the
/// memory used for each element or you'll leak memory.
/// A "packet" (or element) in AMF is a byte code, followed by the
/// data. Sometimes the data is prefixed by a count, and sometimes
/// it's terminated with a 0x09. Ya gotta love these flaky ad-hoc
/// formats.
/// All Numbers are 64 bit, big-endian (network byte order) entities.
/// All strings are in multibyte format, which is to say, probably
/// normal ASCII. It may be that these need to be converted to wide
/// characters, but for now we just leave them as standard multibyte
/// characters.
/// \brief Encode an Element to it's serialized representation.
/// @param el A smart pointer to the Element to encode.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeElement(boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el)
return encodeElement(*el);
AMF::encodeElement(const cygnal::Element& el)
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf;
// Encode the element's data
switch (el.getType()) {
case Element::NOTYPE:
return buf;
case Element::NUMBER_AMF0:
// boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> encnum = AMF::encodeNumber(el.to_number());
// *buf += encnum;
buf = AMF::encodeNumber(el.to_number());
case Element::BOOLEAN_AMF0:
// boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> encbool = AMF::encodeBoolean(el.to_bool());
// *buf += encodeBoolean(el.to_bool());
// *buf += encbool;
buf = AMF::encodeBoolean(el.to_bool());
case Element::STRING_AMF0:
// boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> encstr = AMF::encodeString(el.to_string());
// *buf += encstr;
if (el.getDataSize() == 0) {
buf = encodeNullString();
} else {
buf = encodeString(el.to_string());
case Element::OBJECT_AMF0:
buf = encodeObject(el);
case Element::MOVIECLIP_AMF0:
buf = encodeMovieClip(el.to_reference(), el.getDataSize());
case Element::NULL_AMF0:
// *buf += Element::NULL_AMF0;
buf = encodeNull();
case Element::UNDEFINED_AMF0:
// *buf += Element::UNDEFINED_AMF0;
buf = encodeUndefined();
case Element::REFERENCE_AMF0:
buf = encodeReference(el.to_short());
case Element::ECMA_ARRAY_AMF0:
buf = encodeECMAArray(el);
// The Object End gets added when creating the object, so we can just ignore it here.
case Element::OBJECT_END_AMF0:
buf = encodeObjectEnd();
case Element::STRICT_ARRAY_AMF0:
buf = AMF::encodeStrictArray(el);
case Element::DATE_AMF0:
// boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> encdate = AMF::encodeNumber(el.to_number());
buf = AMF::encodeDate(el.to_reference());
case Element::LONG_STRING_AMF0:
buf = encodeLongString(el.to_reference(), el.getDataSize());
case Element::UNSUPPORTED_AMF0:
buf = encodeUnsupported();
case Element::RECORD_SET_AMF0:
buf = encodeRecordSet(el.to_reference(), el.getDataSize());
case Element::XML_OBJECT_AMF0:
buf = encodeXMLObject(el.to_reference(), el.getDataSize());
// Encode an XML object. The data follows a 4 byte length
// field. (which must be big-endian)
case Element::TYPED_OBJECT_AMF0:
buf = encodeTypedObject(el);
// // This is a Gnash specific value
// case Element::VARIABLE:
// case Element::FUNCTION:
// break;
case Element::AMF3_DATA:
gnash::log_error("FIXME: got AMF3 data type");
// If the name field is set, it's a property, followed by the data
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> bigbuf;
if (el.getName() && (el.getType() != Element::TYPED_OBJECT_AMF0)) {
if (buf) {
bigbuf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer(el.getNameSize() + sizeof(boost::uint16_t) + buf->size()));
} else {
bigbuf.reset(new cygnal::Buffer(el.getNameSize() + sizeof(boost::uint16_t)));
// Add the length of the string for the name of the variable
size_t length = el.getNameSize();
boost::uint16_t enclength = length;
swapBytes(&enclength, 2);
*bigbuf = enclength;
// Now the name itself
std::string name = el.getName();
if (name.size() > 0) {
*bigbuf += name;
if (buf) {
*bigbuf += buf;
return bigbuf;
return buf;
/// Encode a variable to it's serialized representation.
/// @param el A smart pointer to the Element to encode.
/// @return a binary AMF packet in big endian format
AMF::encodeProperty(boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el)
size_t outsize;
outsize = el->getNameSize() + el->getDataSize() + AMF_PROP_HEADER_SIZE;
boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf(new Buffer(outsize));
_totalsize += outsize;
// Add the length of the string for the name of the property
size_t length = el->getNameSize();
boost::uint16_t enclength = length;
swapBytes(&enclength, 2);
*buf = enclength;
if (el->getName()) {
std::string name = el->getName();
if (name.size() > 0) {
*buf += name;
// Add the type of the property's data
*buf += el->getType();
// Booleans appear to be encoded weird. Just a short after
// the type byte that's the value.
switch (el->getType()) {
case Element::BOOLEAN_AMF0:
// enclength = el->to_bool();
// buf->append(enclength);
*buf += el->to_bool();
case Element::NUMBER_AMF0:
if (el->to_reference()) {
swapBytes(el->to_reference(), AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
buf->append(el->to_reference(), AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
enclength = el->getDataSize();
swapBytes(&enclength, 2);
*buf += enclength;
// Now the data for the property
buf->append(el->to_reference(), el->getDataSize());
return buf;
/// \brief Extract an AMF object from an array of raw bytes.
/// @param buf A smart pointer to a Buffer to parse the data from.
/// @return A smart ptr to an Element.
/// @remarks May throw a ParserException
AMF::extractAMF(boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf)
boost::uint8_t* start = buf->reference();
boost::uint8_t* tooFar = start+buf->size();
return extractAMF(start, tooFar);
/// \brief Extract an AMF object from an array of raw bytes.
/// An AMF object is one of the support data types.
/// @param in A real pointer to the raw data to start parsing from.
/// @param tooFar A pointer to one-byte-past the last valid memory
/// address within the buffer.
/// @return A smart ptr to an Element.
/// @remarks May throw a ParserException
AMF::extractAMF(boost::uint8_t *in, boost::uint8_t* tooFar)
boost::uint8_t *tmpptr = in;
boost::uint16_t length;
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el(new Element);
if (in == 0) {
gnash::log_error(_("AMF body input data is NULL"));
return el;
std::map<boost::uint16_t, cygnal::Element> references;
// All elements look like this:
// the first two bytes is the length of name of the element
// Then the next bytes are the element name
// After the element name there is a type byte. If it's a Number type, then
// 8 bytes are read If it's a String type, then there is a count of
// characters, then the string value
// Get the type of the element, which is a single byte.
// This type casting looks like a stupid mistake, but it's
// mostly to make valgrind shut up, as it has a tendency to
// complain about legit code when it comes to all this byte
// manipulation stuff.
AMF amf_obj;
// Jump through hoops to get the type so valgrind stays happy
// char c = *(reinterpret_cast<char *>(tmpptr));
if (tooFar - tmpptr < 1) {
gnash::log_error(_("AMF data too short to contain type field"));
return el;
Element::amf0_type_e type = static_cast<Element::amf0_type_e>(*tmpptr);
// skip past the header type field byte
switch (type) {
case Element::NOTYPE:
gnash::log_error("Element has no type!");
case Element::NUMBER_AMF0:
// Make sure this isn't less than 0. We check this above at
// the moment.
assert(tooFar >= tmpptr);
if (static_cast<size_t>(tooFar - tmpptr) < sizeof(const double)) {
gnash::log_error(_("AMF data segment too short to contain"
"type NUMBER"));
return el;
double swapped = *(reinterpret_cast<const double*>(tmpptr));
swapBytes(&swapped, cygnal::AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
tmpptr += AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE; // all numbers are 8 bit big endian
case Element::BOOLEAN_AMF0:
tmpptr += 1; // sizeof(bool) isn't always 1 for all compilers
case Element::STRING_AMF0:
// get the length of the name
length = ntohs((*(boost::uint16_t *)tmpptr) & 0xffff);
tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint16_t);
if (length >= SANE_STR_SIZE) {
gnash::log_error("%d bytes for a string is over the safe "
"limit of %d, line %d", length,
return el;
//log_debug(_("AMF String length is: %d"), length);
if (length > 0) {
// get the name of the element
el->makeString(tmpptr, length);
//log_debug(_("AMF String is: %s"), el->to_string());
tmpptr += length;
} else {
case Element::OBJECT_AMF0:
while (tmpptr < tooFar) {
// FIXME: was tooFar - AMF_HEADER_SIZE)
if (*tmpptr+3 == TERMINATOR) {
//log_debug("No data associated with Property "
//"in object");
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> child =
amf_obj.extractProperty(tmpptr, tooFar);
if (child == 0) {
// skip past zero length string (2 bytes), null
// (1 byte) and end object (1 byte)
//tmpptr += 3;
tmpptr += amf_obj.totalsize();
tmpptr += AMF_HEADER_SIZE; // skip past the terminator bytes
case Element::MOVIECLIP_AMF0:
gnash::log_debug("AMF0 MovieClip frame");
case Element::NULL_AMF0:
case Element::UNDEFINED_AMF0:
case Element::REFERENCE_AMF0:
length = ntohs((*(boost::uint16_t *)tmpptr) & 0xffff);
tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint16_t);
// FIXME: connect reference Element to the object
// pointed to by the index.
tmpptr += 3;
// An ECMA array is composed of any of the data types. Much
// like an Object, the ECMA array is terminated by the
// end of object bytes, so parse till then.
case Element::ECMA_ARRAY_AMF0:
tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint32_t);
#if 1
while (tmpptr < tooFar) { // FIXME: was tooFar - AMF_HEADER_SIZE)
if (*tmpptr+3 == TERMINATOR) {
// log_debug("No data associated with Property in object");
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> child =
amf_obj.extractProperty(tmpptr, tooFar);
if (child == 0) {
// skip past zero length string (2 bytes),
// null (1 byte) and end object (1 byte)
//tmpptr += 3;
// child->dump();
tmpptr += amf_obj.totalsize();
tmpptr += AMF_HEADER_SIZE; // skip past the terminator bytes
// get the number of elements in the array
boost::uint32_t items =
ntohl((*(boost::uint32_t *)tmpptr) & 0xffffffff);
tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint32_t);
while (items--) {
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> child =
amf_obj.extractProperty(tmpptr, tooFar);
if (child == 0) {
tmpptr += amf_obj.totalsize();
tmpptr += AMF_HEADER_SIZE; // skip past the terminator bytes
case Element::OBJECT_END_AMF0:
// A strict array is only numbers
case Element::STRICT_ARRAY_AMF0:
// get the number of numbers in the array
boost::uint32_t items = ntohl((*(boost::uint32_t *)tmpptr));
// Skip past the length field to get to the start of the data
tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint32_t);
while (items) {
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> child =
amf_obj.extractAMF(tmpptr, tooFar);
if (child == 0) {
} else {
tmpptr += amf_obj.totalsize();
case Element::DATE_AMF0:
double swapped = *reinterpret_cast<const double*>(tmpptr);
swapBytes(&swapped, cygnal::AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
tmpptr += AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE; // all dates are 8 bit big endian numbers
case Element::LONG_STRING_AMF0:
case Element::UNSUPPORTED_AMF0:
tmpptr += 1;
case Element::RECORD_SET_AMF0:
case Element::XML_OBJECT_AMF0:
case Element::TYPED_OBJECT_AMF0:
length = ntohs((*(boost::uint16_t *)tmpptr) & 0xffff);
tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint16_t);
if (length > 0) {
std::string name(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(tmpptr), length);
//log_debug("Typed object name is: %s", el->getName());
el->setName(name.c_str(), name.size());
// Don't read past the end
if (tmpptr + length < tooFar) {
tmpptr += length;
while (tmpptr < tooFar - length) {
// FIXME: was tooFar - AMF_HEADER_SIZE)
if (*(tmpptr +3) == TERMINATOR) {
gnash::log_debug("Found object terminator byte");
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> child =
amf_obj.extractProperty(tmpptr, tooFar);
if (child == 0) {
tmpptr += amf_obj.totalsize();
// el->dump();
tmpptr += AMF_HEADER_SIZE; // skip past the terminator bytes
case Element::AMF3_DATA:
gnash::log_unimpl("%s: type %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, (int)type);
return el;
// Calculate the offset for the next read
_totalsize = (tmpptr - in);
return el;
/// \brief Extract a Property.
/// A Property is a standard AMF object preceeded by a
/// length and an ASCII name field. These are only used
/// with higher level ActionScript objects.
/// @param buf A smart pointer to an Buffer to parse the data from.
/// @return A smart ptr to an Element.
/// @remarks May throw a ParserException
AMF::extractProperty(boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buf)
boost::uint8_t* start = buf->reference();
boost::uint8_t* tooFar = start+buf->size();
return extractProperty(start, tooFar);
/// \brief Extract a Property.
/// A Property is a standard AMF object preceeded by a
/// length and an ASCII name field. These are onicly used
/// with higher level ActionScript objects.
/// @param in A real pointer to the raw data to start parsing from.
/// @param tooFar A pointer to one-byte-past the last valid memory
/// address within the buffer.
/// @return A smart ptr to an Element.
/// @remarks May throw a ParserException
AMF::extractProperty(boost::uint8_t *in, boost::uint8_t* tooFar)
boost::uint8_t *tmpptr = in;
boost::uint16_t length;
boost::shared_ptr<cygnal::Element> el;
length = ntohs((*(boost::uint16_t *)tmpptr) & 0xffff);
// go past the length bytes, which leaves us pointing at the raw data
tmpptr += sizeof(boost::uint16_t);
// sanity check the length of the data. The length is usually only zero if
// we've gone all the way to the end of the object.
// valgrind complains if length is unintialized, which as we just set
// length to a value, this is tottaly bogus, and I'm tired of
// braindamaging code to keep valgrind happy.
if (length <= 0) {
// log_debug("No Property name, object done %x, %x", (void *)in, (void *)tooFar);
return el;
#if 0
if (length + tmpptr > tooFar) {
log_error("%d bytes for a string is over the safe limit of %d. Putting the rest of the buffer into the string, line %d", length, SANE_STR_SIZE, __LINE__);
length = tooFar - tmpptr;
if (length >= SANE_STR_SIZE) {
gnash::log_error("%d bytes for a string is over the safe limit of %d. Putting the rest of the buffer into the string, line %d", length, SANE_STR_SIZE, __LINE__);
// name is just debugging help to print cleaner, and should be removed later
// log_debug(_("AMF property name length is: %d"), length);
std::string name(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(tmpptr), length);
// log_debug(_("AMF property name is: %s"), name);
// Don't read past the end
if (tmpptr + length < tooFar) {
tmpptr += length;
char c = *(reinterpret_cast<char *>(tmpptr));
Element::amf0_type_e type = static_cast<Element::amf0_type_e>(c);
// If we get a NULL object, there is no data. In that case, we only return
// the name of the property.
if (type == Element::NULL_AMF0) {
gnash::log_debug("No data associated with Property \"%s\"", name);
el.reset(new Element);
el->setName(name.c_str(), name.size());
tmpptr += 1;
// Calculate the offset for the next read
} else {
// process the data with associated with the property.
// Go past the data to the start of the next AMF object, which
// should be a type byte.
// tmpptr += length;
el = extractAMF(tmpptr, tooFar);
if (el) {
el->setName(name.c_str(), name.size()); // FIXME: arg, overwrites the name for TypedObjects
tmpptr += totalsize();
//delete name;
// Calculate the offset for the next read
_totalsize = (tmpptr - in);
return el;
} // end of amf namespace
// local Variables:
// mode: C++
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// End: