/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- main
- test_resize
- test_copy
- test_find
- test_append
- test_remove
- test_construct
- test_destruct
- test_operators
- usage
- main
// Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "gnashconfig.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <regex.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cerrno>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include "dejagnu.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "rc.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "gmemory.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "arg_parser.h"
#include "GnashException.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace amf;
using namespace gnash;
using namespace boost;
static void usage();
// Prototypes for test cases
static void test_resize();
static void test_construct();
static void test_copy();
static void test_find();
static void test_append();
static void test_remove();
static void test_destruct();
static void test_operators();
// Enable the display of memory allocation and timing data
static bool memdebug = false;
// We use the Memory profiling class to check the malloc buffers
// in the kernel to make sure the allocations and frees happen
// the way we expect them too. There is no real other way to tell.
Memory *mem = 0;
TestState runtest;
LogFile& dbglogfile = LogFile::getDefaultInstance();
RcInitFile& rcfile = RcInitFile::getDefaultInstance();
main (int argc, char** argv)
const Arg_parser::Option opts[] =
{ 'h', "help", Arg_parser::no },
{ 'v', "verbose", Arg_parser::no },
{ 'w', "write", Arg_parser::no },
// Unless you have support for memory debugging turned on, and
// you have support for the Linux mallinfo() system call,
// this option is totally useless. This doesn't really matter
// as the memory testing is primarily used only during
// debugging or development.
{ 'm', "memstats", Arg_parser::no },
{ 'd', "dump", Arg_parser::no },
Arg_parser parser(argc, argv, opts);
if( ! parser.error().empty() ) {
cout << parser.error() << endl;
for( int i = 0; i < parser.arguments(); ++i ) {
const int code = parser.code(i);
try {
switch( code ) {
case 'h':
usage ();
case 'v':
log_debug(_("Verbose output turned on"));
case 'm':
log_debug(_("Enabling memory statistics"));
memdebug = true;
case 'w':
log_debug(_("Logging to disk enabled"));
catch (Arg_parser::ArgParserException &e) {
cerr << _("Error parsing command line options: ") << e.what() << endl;
cerr << _("This is a Gnash bug.") << endl;
if (memdebug) {
mem = new Memory;
// these tests are bogus unless you have both mallinfo()
// and also have memory statistics gathering turned on.
#if defined(HAVE_MALLINFO) && defined(USE_STATS_MEMORY)
// test creating Buffers
// test destroying Buffers
// amf::Buffer::resize(unsigned int)
#if defined(HAVE_MALLINFO) && defined(USE_STATS_MEMORY)
if (memdebug) {
if (mem->analyze()) {
runtest.pass("Buffer doesn't leak memory");
} else {
runtest.fail("Buffer leaks memory!");
// cleanup
if (mem) {
delete mem;
Buffer buf;
if (memdebug) {
mem->addStats(__LINE__); // take a sample
if (buf.size() == amf::NETBUFSIZE) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::size(NETBUFSIZE)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::size(NETBUFSIZE)");
if (memdebug) {
mem->addStats(__LINE__); // take a sample
if (memdebug) {
mem->addStats(__LINE__); // take a sample
if (buf.size() == 112) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::resize(112)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::resize(112)");
if (memdebug) {
mem->addStats(__LINE__); // take a sample
string str = "Hello World";
buf = str;
if (memcmp(buf.begin(), str.c_str(), 5) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer resize(5)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer resize(5)");
// Make some data for the buffers
Network::byte_t *data = 0;
data = new Network::byte_t[10];
memset(data, 0, 10);
for (size_t i=1; i<10; i++) {
*(data + i) = i + '0';
Buffer buf1;
Network::byte_t *ptr1 = 0;
ptr1 = buf1.reference();
buf1.copy(data, 10);
if (memcmp(ptr1, data, 10) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::copy(Network::byte_t *, size_t)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::copy(Network::byte_t *, size_t)");
const char *str = "I'm bored";
string str1 = str;
buf1 = str1;
if (memcmp(ptr1, str, 9) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator=(std::string &)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator=(std::string &)");
Buffer buf2;
buf2 = str;
Network::byte_t *ptr2 = buf2.reference();
if (memcmp(ptr2, str, 9) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator=(const char *)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator=(const char *)");
boost::uint16_t length = 12;
Buffer buf3;
buf3 = length;
Network::byte_t *ptr3 = buf3.reference();
boost::uint16_t newlen = *(reinterpret_cast<boost::uint16_t *>(ptr3));
if (length == newlen) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator=(boost::uint16_t)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator=(boost::uint16_t)");
double num = 1.2345;
Buffer buf4;
buf4 = num;
// Copy the raw bytes used for the number into the temporary
// data pointer, so we can do a comparison
memcpy(data, &num, amf::AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE);
if (memcmp(data, buf4.reference(), amf::AMF0_NUMBER_SIZE) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator=(double)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator=(double)");
Network::byte_t byte = 67;
Buffer buf5;
buf5 = byte;
if (*buf5.reference() == 67) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator=(Network::byte_t)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator=(Network::byte_t)");
amf::Element::amf0_type_e type = Element::NUMBER_AMF0;
Buffer buf6;
buf6 = type;
if (*buf6.reference() == type) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator=(amf::Element::amf0_type_e)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator=(amf::Element::amf0_type_e)");
bool flag = true;
Buffer buf7;
buf7 = flag;
if (*buf7.reference() == flag) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator=(bool)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator=(bool)");
// cleanup the temporary data
delete[] data;
// Make some data for the buffers
Network::byte_t *data = new Network::byte_t[10];
for (size_t i=0; i<10; i++) {
data[i] = i + 'a';
Buffer buf1, buf2, buf3;
Network::byte_t *ptr1 = buf1.reference();
// populate the buffer
buf1.copy(data, 10);
delete[] data;
// See if we can find a character
Network::byte_t *fptr = std::find(buf1.begin(), buf1.end(), 'c');
if (fptr == (ptr1 + 2)) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::find(Network::byte_t)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::find(Network::byte_t)");
const char *sub = "fgh";
#if 0
Network::byte_t *ptr2 = const_cast<Network::byte_t *>(reinterpret_cast<const Network::byte_t *>(sub));
fptr = std::search(buf1.begin(), buf1.end(), sub, sub+3);
if (fptr == (ptr1 + 5)) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::find(Network::byte_t *, size_t)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::find(Network::byte_t *, size_t)");
// amf::Buffer::init(unsigned int)
Buffer buf1;
// Network::byte_t *ptr1 = buf1.reference();
Network::byte_t *data1 = new Network::byte_t[10];
memset(data1, 0, 10);
for (size_t i=0; i< 10; i++) {
data1[i] = i + 'a';
Network::byte_t *data2 = new Network::byte_t[10];
memset(data2, 0, 10);
for (size_t i=0; i< 10; i++) {
data2[i] = i + 'A';
// append a string of bytes
Network::byte_t *data3 = new Network::byte_t[20];
memcpy(data3, data1, 10);
memcpy(data3+10, data2, 10);
buf1.copy(data1, 10);
buf1.append(data2, 10);
if (memcmp(data3, buf1.reference(), 20) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::append(Network::byte_t *, size_t)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::append(Network::byte_t *, size_t)");
// append an unsigned byte
Buffer buf2(30);
buf2.copy(data1, 10);
Network::byte_t byte = '@';
buf2 += byte;
memset(data3, 0, 20);
memcpy(data3, data1, 10);
*(data3 + 10) = '@';
if (memcmp(data3, buf2.reference(), 11) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator+=(Network::byte_t)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator+=(Network::byte_t)");
// Append a number
double num = 1.2345;
Buffer buf3;
buf3.copy(data1, 10);
buf3 += num;
memset(data3, 0, 20);
memcpy(data3, data1, 10);
memcpy(data3 + 10, &num, sizeof(double));
if (memcmp(data3, buf3.reference(), 10+sizeof(double)) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator+=(double)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator+=(double)");
string str1 = "Writing test cases";
const char *str2 = "is so tedious";
string str3 = str1 + str2;
Buffer buf6(50);
buf6 = str1;
buf6 += str2;
if (memcmp(buf6.reference(), str3.c_str(), str3.size()) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator+=(const string &)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator+=(const string &)");
boost::uint16_t length = 1047;
Buffer buf7(70);
buf7.copy(data1, 10);
buf7 += length;
if (memcmp(buf7.reference() + 10, &length, sizeof(boost::uint16_t)) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator+=(boost::uint16_t)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator+=(boost::uint16_t)");
buf7 += buf6;
// Network::byte_t *ptr1 = buf7.reference() + 10 + sizeof(boost::uint16_t);
// Network::byte_t *ptr2 = buf6.reference();
if (memcmp(buf7.reference() + 10 + sizeof(boost::uint16_t), buf6.reference(), 30) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator+=(Buffer &)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator+=(Buffer &)");
bool flag = true;
Buffer buf8;
buf8.copy(data1, 10);
buf8 += flag;
if (*(buf8.reference() + 10) == 1) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator+=(bool)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator+=(bool)");
// Clean up temporary data
delete[] data1;
delete[] data2;
delete[] data3;
Network::byte_t *data1 = new Network::byte_t[20];
memset(data1, 0, 20);
Network::byte_t *data2 = new Network::byte_t[20];
memset(data2, 0, 20);
Network::byte_t *data3 = new Network::byte_t[20];
memset(data3, 0, 20);
// populate a buffer with some data
for (size_t i=0; i< 19; i++) {
data1[i] = i + 'a';
// Build identical buffer nissing one character
memcpy(data2, data1, 6);
memcpy(data2 + 6, data1 + 7, 20-7);
// Remove a single byte
Network::byte_t byte = 'g';
Buffer buf1(20);
buf1.copy(data1, 20);
if (memcmp(data2, buf1.reference(), 19) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::remove(Network::byte_t)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::remove(Network::byte_t)");
Buffer buf2(20);
buf2.copy(data1, 20);
if (memcmp(data2, buf2.reference(), 18) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::remove(int)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::remove(int)");
// Remove a range of bytes
memcpy(data3, data1, 6);
memcpy(data3 + 6, data1 + 9, 1);
Buffer buf3(20);
buf3.copy(data1, 20);
buf3.remove(6, 8);
if (memcmp(data3, buf3.reference(), 6) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::remove(int, int)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::remove(int, int)");
delete[] data1;
delete[] data2;
delete[] data3;
// these tests are bogus unless you have both mallinfo()
// and also have memory statistics gathering turned on.
#if defined(HAVE_MALLINFO) && defined(USE_STATS_MEMORY)
bool valgrind = false;
size_t fudge = sizeof(long *)*5;
Memory mem(5);
mem.addStats(__LINE__); // take a sample
Buffer buf1;
mem.addStats(__LINE__); // take a sample
size_t diff = mem.diffStats() - sizeof(buf1);
if (diff > NETBUFSIZE) {
valgrind = true;
log_debug("Running this test case under valgrind screws up mallinfo(), so the results get skewed");
// Different systems allocate memory slightly differently, so about all we can do to see
// if it worked is check to make sure it's within a tight range of possible values.
if ((buf1.size() == NETBUFSIZE) && (diff >= (NETBUFSIZE - fudge)) && diff <= (NETBUFSIZE + fudge)) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::Buffer()");
} else {
if (valgrind) {
runtest.unresolved("Buffer::Buffer()) under valgrind");
} else {
mem.addStats(__LINE__); // take a sample
Buffer buf2(124);
mem.addStats(__LINE__); // take a sample
diff = mem.diffStats() - sizeof(long *);
if ((buf2.size() == 124) && (124 - fudge) && diff <= (124 + fudge)) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::Buffer(size_t)");
} else {
if (valgrind) {
runtest.unresolved("Buffer::Buffer(size_t) under valgrind");
} else {
// make sure when we delete a Buffer, *all* the allocated
// memory goes away. As the only way to do this is to examine
// the malloc buffers in the kernel, this will only work on
// POSIX conforming systems, and probabably only Linux & BSD.
// these tests are bogus unless you have both mallinfo()
// and also have memory statistics gathering turned on.
#if defined(HAVE_MALLINFO) && defined(USE_STATS_MEMORY)
Memory mem(5);
mem.addStats(__LINE__); // take a sample
Buffer *buf1, *buf2;
buf1 = new Buffer(NETBUFSIZE);
delete buf1;
if (mem.endCheckpoint()) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::~Buffer()");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::~Buffer()");
buf2 = new Buffer(124);
delete buf2;
if (mem.endCheckpoint()) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::~Buffer(size_t)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::~Buffer(size_t)");
// Make some data for the buffers
Buffer buf1, buf2;
// valgrind gets pissed unless we zero the memory. Constructing
// a buffer doesn't clear the memory to save speed, and it's
// also unnecessary normally, but makes debugging easier.
boost::uint8_t *ptr1 = buf1.reference();
for (size_t i=1; i< buf1.size(); i++) {
ptr1[i] = i;
// buf1 has data, but buf2 doesn't, so if the
// equivalance test fails, then this passed.
if (buf2 == buf1) {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator==(Buffer &)");
} else {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator==(Buffer &)");
// This makes the new buffer be identical to the
// the source buffer, including copying all the data.
buf2 = buf1;
if (buf1 == buf2) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator=(Buffer &)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator=(Buffer &)");
Buffer *buf3, *buf4;
buf3 = new Buffer;
boost::uint8_t *ptr2 = buf3->reference();
for (size_t i=1; i< buf3->size(); i++) {
ptr2[i] = i + 'a';
buf4 = new Buffer;
if (buf3 == buf4) {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator==(Buffer *)");
} else {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator==(Buffer *)");
delete buf4;
// This makes the new buffer be identical to the
// the source buffer, including copying all the data.
buf4 = buf3;
if (buf3 == buf4) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator=(Buffer *)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator=(Buffer *)");
delete buf3;
Buffer buf5(10);
boost::uint8_t *ptr3 = buf5.reference();
buf5 += 'a';
buf5 += 'b';
buf5 += 'c';
if (memcmp(ptr3, "abc", 3) == 0) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator+=(char)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator+=(char)");
Buffer buf6(6);
buf6 += 'D';
buf6 += 'E';
buf6 += 'F';
buf5 += buf6;
ptr3 = buf5.reference(); // refresh the pointer, as it changes
// on a resize()
// when appending Buffers, this destination has enough space to hold
// the allocated bytes from the source.
if ((memcmp(ptr3, "abcDEF", 6) == 0) && (buf5.size() == 10)) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator+=(Buffer &)");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator+=(Buffer &)");
bool caught = false;
// make the source Buffer have more data
buf6 += 'A';
buf6 += 'B';
buf6 += 'C';
try {
buf5 += buf6;
catch (GnashException& ge) {
caught = true;
// log_debug("Got exeception from operator+=: %s", ge.what());
// when appending Buffers, this destination doesn't have enough space to
// hold the allocated bytes from the source, so is supposed to throw an
if (caught) {
runtest.pass ("Buffer::operator+=(Buffer &) error");
} else {
runtest.fail ("Buffer::operator+=(Buffer &) error");
static void
cout << _("test_buffer - test Buffer class") << endl
<< endl
<< _("Usage: test_buffer [options...]") << endl
<< _(" -h, --help Print this help and exit") << endl
<< _(" -v, --verbose Output verbose debug info") << endl
<< _(" -m, --memdebug Output memory statistics") << endl
<< endl;
main(int /*argc*/, char /* *argv[]*/)
// nop
return 0;