
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. setfmode
  2. Lconv
  3. Oconv
  4. Jconv
  5. Vconv
  6. Zconv
  7. Econv
  8. symfmt
  9. typefmt
  10. stmtwithinit
  11. stmtfmt
  12. exprfmt
  13. nodefmt
  14. indent
  15. nodedump
  16. Sconv
  17. Tconv
  18. Nconv
  19. Hconv
  20. fmtinstallgo
  21. dumplist
  22. dump

// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

#include        <u.h>
#include        <libc.h>
#include        "go.h"
#include        "opnames.h"

// Format conversions
//      %L int          Line numbers
//      %E int          etype values (aka 'Kind')
//      %O int          Node Opcodes
//              Flags: "%#O": print go syntax. (automatic unless fmtmode == FDbg)
//      %J Node*        Node details
//              Flags: "%hJ" suppresses things not relevant until walk.
//      %V Val*         Constant values
//      %S Sym*         Symbols
//              Flags: +,- #: mode (see below)
//                      "%hS"   unqualified identifier in any mode
//                      "%hhS"  in export mode: unqualified identifier if exported, qualified if not
//      %T Type*        Types
//              Flags: +,- #: mode (see below)
//                      'l' definition instead of name.
//                      'h' omit "func" and receiver in function types
//                      'u' (only in -/Sym mode) print type identifiers wit package name instead of prefix.
//      %N Node*        Nodes
//              Flags: +,- #: mode (see below)
//                      'h' (only in +/debug mode) suppress recursion
//                      'l' (only in Error mode) print "foo (type Bar)"
//      %H NodeList*    NodeLists
//              Flags: those of %N
//                      ','  separate items with ',' instead of ';'
//      %Z Strlit*      String literals
//   In mparith1.c:
//      %B Mpint*       Big integers
//      %F Mpflt*       Big floats
//   %S, %T and %N obey use the following flags to set the format mode:
enum {
        FErr,   //     error mode (default)
        FDbg,   //     "%+N" debug mode
        FExp,   //     "%#N" export mode
        FTypeId,  //   "%-N" turning-types-into-symbols-mode: identical types give identical strings
static int fmtmode;
static int fmtpkgpfx;   // %uT stickyness
// E.g. for %S: %+S %#S %-S     print an identifier properly qualified for debug/export/internal mode.
// The mode flags  +, - and # are sticky, meaning they persist through
// recursions of %N, %T and %S, but not the h and l flags.  The u flag is
// sticky only on %T recursions and only used in %-/Sym mode.

// Useful format combinations:
//      %+N   %+H       multiline recursive debug dump of node/nodelist
//      %+hN  %+hH      non recursive debug dump
//      %#N   %#T       export format
//      %#lT            type definition instead of name
//      %#hT            omit"func" and receiver in function signature
//      %lN             "foo (type Bar)" for error messages
//      %-T             type identifiers
//      %-hT            type identifiers without "func" and arg names in type signatures (methodsym)
//      %-uT            type identifiers with package name instead of prefix (typesym, dcommontype, typehash)

static int
setfmode(unsigned long *flags)
        int fm;

        fm = fmtmode;
        if(*flags & FmtSign)
                fmtmode = FDbg;
        else if(*flags & FmtSharp)
                fmtmode = FExp;
        else if(*flags & FmtLeft)
                fmtmode = FTypeId;

        *flags &= ~(FmtSharp|FmtLeft|FmtSign);
        return fm;

// Fmt "%L": Linenumbers
static int
Lconv(Fmt *fp)
        return linklinefmt(ctxt, fp);

static char*
goopnames[] =
        [OADDR]         = "&",
        [OADD]          = "+",
        [OADDSTR]       = "+",
        [OANDAND]       = "&&",
        [OANDNOT]       = "&^",
        [OAND]          = "&",
        [OAPPEND]       = "append",
        [OAS]           = "=",
        [OAS2]          = "=",
        [OBREAK]        = "break",
        [OCALL]         = "function call",      // not actual syntax
        [OCAP]          = "cap",
        [OCASE]         = "case",
        [OCLOSE]        = "close",
        [OCOMPLEX]      = "complex",
        [OCOM]          = "^",
        [OCONTINUE]     = "continue",
        [OCOPY]         = "copy",
        [ODEC]          = "--",
        [ODELETE]       = "delete",
        [ODEFER]        = "defer",
        [ODIV]          = "/",
        [OEQ]           = "==",
        [OFALL]         = "fallthrough",
        [OFOR]          = "for",
        [OGE]           = ">=",
        [OGOTO]         = "goto",
        [OGT]           = ">",
        [OIF]           = "if",
        [OIMAG]         = "imag",
        [OINC]          = "++",
        [OIND]          = "*",
        [OLEN]          = "len",
        [OLE]           = "<=",
        [OLSH]          = "<<",
        [OLT]           = "<",
        [OMAKE]         = "make",
        [OMINUS]        = "-",
        [OMOD]          = "%",
        [OMUL]          = "*",
        [ONEW]          = "new",
        [ONE]           = "!=",
        [ONOT]          = "!",
        [OOROR]         = "||",
        [OOR]           = "|",
        [OPANIC]        = "panic",
        [OPLUS]         = "+",
        [OPRINTN]       = "println",
        [OPRINT]        = "print",
        [ORANGE]        = "range",
        [OREAL]         = "real",
        [ORECV]         = "<-",
        [ORECOVER]      = "recover",
        [ORETURN]       = "return",
        [ORSH]          = ">>",
        [OSELECT]       = "select",
        [OSEND]         = "<-",
        [OSUB]          = "-",
        [OSWITCH]       = "switch",
        [OXOR]          = "^",

// Fmt "%O":  Node opcodes
static int
Oconv(Fmt *fp)
        int o;

        o = va_arg(fp->args, int);
        if((fp->flags & FmtSharp) || fmtmode != FDbg)
                if(o >= 0 && o < nelem(goopnames) && goopnames[o] != nil)
                        return fmtstrcpy(fp, goopnames[o]);

        if(o >= 0 && o < nelem(opnames) && opnames[o] != nil)
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, opnames[o]);

        return fmtprint(fp, "O-%d", o);

static const char* classnames[] = {

// Fmt "%J": Node details.
static int
Jconv(Fmt *fp)
        Node *n;
        char *s;
        int c;

        n = va_arg(fp->args, Node*);

        c = fp->flags&FmtShort;

        if(!c && n->ullman != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " u(%d)", n->ullman);

        if(!c && n->addable != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " a(%d)", n->addable);

        if(!c && n->vargen != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " g(%d)", n->vargen);

        if(n->lineno != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " l(%d)", n->lineno);

        if(!c && n->xoffset != BADWIDTH)
                fmtprint(fp, " x(%lld%+lld)", n->xoffset, n->stkdelta);

        if(n->class != 0) {
                s = "";
                if(n->class & PHEAP) s = ",heap";
                if((n->class & ~PHEAP) < nelem(classnames))
                        fmtprint(fp, " class(%s%s)", classnames[n->class&~PHEAP], s);
                        fmtprint(fp, " class(%d?%s)", n->class&~PHEAP, s);

        if(n->colas != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " colas(%d)", n->colas);

        if(n->funcdepth != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " f(%d)", n->funcdepth);

        switch(n->esc) {
        case EscUnknown:
        case EscHeap:
                fmtprint(fp, " esc(h)");
        case EscScope:
                fmtprint(fp, " esc(s)");
        case EscNone:
                fmtprint(fp, " esc(no)");
        case EscNever:
                        fmtprint(fp, " esc(N)");
                fmtprint(fp, " esc(%d)", n->esc);

                fmtprint(fp, " ld(%d)", n->escloopdepth);

        if(!c && n->typecheck != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " tc(%d)", n->typecheck);

        if(!c && n->dodata != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " dd(%d)", n->dodata);

        if(n->isddd != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " isddd(%d)", n->isddd);

        if(n->implicit != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " implicit(%d)", n->implicit);

        if(n->embedded != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " embedded(%d)", n->embedded);

        if(!c && n->used != 0)
                fmtprint(fp, " used(%d)", n->used);
        return 0;

// Fmt "%V": Values
static int
Vconv(Fmt *fp)
        Val *v;
        vlong x;

        v = va_arg(fp->args, Val*);

        switch(v->ctype) {
        case CTINT:
                if((fp->flags & FmtSharp) || fmtmode == FExp)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "%#B", v->u.xval);
                return fmtprint(fp, "%B", v->u.xval);
        case CTRUNE:
                x = mpgetfix(v->u.xval);
                if(' ' <= x && x < 0x80 && x != '\\' && x != '\'')
                        return fmtprint(fp, "'%c'", (int)x);
                if(0 <= x && x < (1<<16))
                        return fmtprint(fp, "'\\u%04ux'", (int)x);
                if(0 <= x && x <= Runemax)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "'\\U%08llux'", x);
                return fmtprint(fp, "('\\x00' + %B)", v->u.xval);
        case CTFLT:
                if((fp->flags & FmtSharp) || fmtmode == FExp)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "%F", v->u.fval);
                return fmtprint(fp, "%#F", v->u.fval);
        case CTCPLX:
                if((fp->flags & FmtSharp) || fmtmode == FExp)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "(%F+%Fi)", &v->u.cval->real, &v->u.cval->imag);
                if(mpcmpfltc(&v->u.cval->real, 0) == 0)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "%#Fi", &v->u.cval->imag);
                if(mpcmpfltc(&v->u.cval->imag, 0) == 0)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "%#F", &v->u.cval->real);
                if(mpcmpfltc(&v->u.cval->imag, 0) < 0)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "(%#F%#Fi)", &v->u.cval->real, &v->u.cval->imag);
                return fmtprint(fp, "(%#F+%#Fi)", &v->u.cval->real, &v->u.cval->imag);
        case CTSTR:
                return fmtprint(fp, "\"%Z\"", v->u.sval);
        case CTBOOL:
                if( v->u.bval)
                        return fmtstrcpy(fp, "true");
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "false");
        case CTNIL:
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "nil");
        return fmtprint(fp, "<ctype=%d>", v->ctype);

// Fmt "%Z": escaped string literals
static int
Zconv(Fmt *fp)
        Rune r;
        Strlit *sp;
        char *s, *se;
        int n;

        sp = va_arg(fp->args, Strlit*);
        if(sp == nil)
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<nil>");

        s = sp->s;
        se = s + sp->len;

        // NOTE: Keep in sync with ../ld/go.c:/^Zconv.
        while(s < se) {
                n = chartorune(&r, s);
                s += n;
                switch(r) {
                case Runeerror:
                        if(n == 1) {
                                fmtprint(fp, "\\x%02x", (uchar)*(s-1));
                        // fall through
                        if(r < ' ') {
                                fmtprint(fp, "\\x%02x", r);
                        fmtrune(fp, r);
                case '\t':
                        fmtstrcpy(fp, "\\t");
                case '\n':
                        fmtstrcpy(fp, "\\n");
                case '\"':
                case '\\':
                        fmtrune(fp, '\\');
                        fmtrune(fp, r);
                case 0xFEFF: // BOM, basically disallowed in source code
                        fmtstrcpy(fp, "\\uFEFF");
        return 0;

s%^[    ]*T%%g
s%.+%   [T&]            = "&",%g
s%^     ........*\]%&~%g
s%~     %%g

static char*
etnames[] =
        [TINT]          = "INT",
        [TUINT]         = "UINT",
        [TINT8]         = "INT8",
        [TUINT8]        = "UINT8",
        [TINT16]        = "INT16",
        [TUINT16]       = "UINT16",
        [TINT32]        = "INT32",
        [TUINT32]       = "UINT32",
        [TINT64]        = "INT64",
        [TUINT64]       = "UINT64",
        [TUINTPTR]      = "UINTPTR",
        [TFLOAT32]      = "FLOAT32",
        [TFLOAT64]      = "FLOAT64",
        [TCOMPLEX64]    = "COMPLEX64",
        [TCOMPLEX128]   = "COMPLEX128",
        [TBOOL]         = "BOOL",
        [TPTR32]        = "PTR32",
        [TPTR64]        = "PTR64",
        [TFUNC]         = "FUNC",
        [TARRAY]        = "ARRAY",
        [TSTRUCT]       = "STRUCT",
        [TCHAN]         = "CHAN",
        [TMAP]          = "MAP",
        [TINTER]        = "INTER",
        [TFORW]         = "FORW",
        [TFIELD]        = "FIELD",
        [TSTRING]       = "STRING",
        [TANY]          = "ANY",

// Fmt "%E": etype
static int
Econv(Fmt *fp)
        int et;

        et = va_arg(fp->args, int);
        if(et >= 0 && et < nelem(etnames) && etnames[et] != nil)
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, etnames[et]);
        return fmtprint(fp, "E-%d", et);

// Fmt "%S": syms
static int
symfmt(Fmt *fp, Sym *s)
        char *p;

        if(s->pkg && !(fp->flags&FmtShort)) {
                switch(fmtmode) {
                case FErr:      // This is for the user
                        if(s->pkg == localpkg)
                                return fmtstrcpy(fp, s->name);
                        // If the name was used by multiple packages, display the full path,
                        if(s->pkg->name && pkglookup(s->pkg->name, nil)->npkg > 1)
                                return fmtprint(fp, "\"%Z\".%s", s->pkg->path, s->name);
                        return fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->name, s->name);
                case FDbg:
                        return fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->name, s->name);
                case FTypeId:
                                return fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->name, s->name);    // dcommontype, typehash
                        return fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->prefix, s->name);  // (methodsym), typesym, weaksym
                case FExp:
                        if(s->name && s->name[0] == '.')
                                fatal("exporting synthetic symbol %s", s->name);
                        if(s->pkg != builtinpkg)
                                return fmtprint(fp, "@\"%Z\".%s", s->pkg->path, s->name);

        if(fp->flags&FmtByte) {  // FmtByte (hh) implies FmtShort (h)
                // skip leading "type." in method name
                p = utfrrune(s->name, '.');
                        p = s->name;

                // exportname needs to see the name without the prefix too.
                if((fmtmode == FExp && !exportname(p)) || fmtmode == FDbg)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "@\"%Z\".%s", s->pkg->path, p);

                return fmtstrcpy(fp, p);

        return fmtstrcpy(fp, s->name);

static char*
basicnames[] =
        [TINT]          = "int",
        [TUINT]         = "uint",
        [TINT8]         = "int8",
        [TUINT8]        = "uint8",
        [TINT16]        = "int16",
        [TUINT16]       = "uint16",
        [TINT32]        = "int32",
        [TUINT32]       = "uint32",
        [TINT64]        = "int64",
        [TUINT64]       = "uint64",
        [TUINTPTR]      = "uintptr",
        [TFLOAT32]      = "float32",
        [TFLOAT64]      = "float64",
        [TCOMPLEX64]    = "complex64",
        [TCOMPLEX128]   = "complex128",
        [TBOOL]         = "bool",
        [TANY]          = "any",
        [TSTRING]       = "string",
        [TNIL]          = "nil",
        [TIDEAL]        = "untyped number",
        [TBLANK]        = "blank",

static int
typefmt(Fmt *fp, Type *t)
        Type *t1;
        Sym *s;

        if(t == T)
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<T>");

        if (t == bytetype || t == runetype) {
                // in %-T mode collapse rune and byte with their originals.
                if(fmtmode != FTypeId)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "%hS", t->sym);
                t = types[t->etype];

        if(t == errortype)
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "error");

        // Unless the 'l' flag was specified, if the type has a name, just print that name.
        if(!(fp->flags&FmtLong) && t->sym && t->etype != TFIELD && t != types[t->etype]) {
                switch(fmtmode) {
                case FTypeId:
                        if(fp->flags&FmtShort) {
                                        return fmtprint(fp, "%hS·%d", t->sym, t->vargen);
                                return fmtprint(fp, "%hS", t->sym);
                                return fmtprint(fp, "%uS", t->sym);
                        // fallthrough
                case FExp:
                        if(t->sym->pkg == localpkg && t->vargen)
                                return fmtprint(fp, "%S·%d", t->sym, t->vargen);
                return fmtprint(fp, "%S", t->sym);

        if(t->etype < nelem(basicnames) && basicnames[t->etype] != nil) {
                if(fmtmode == FErr && (t == idealbool || t == idealstring))
                        fmtstrcpy(fp, "untyped ");
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, basicnames[t->etype]);

        if(fmtmode == FDbg)
                fmtprint(fp, "%E-", t->etype);

        switch(t->etype) {
        case TPTR32:
        case TPTR64:
                if(fmtmode == FTypeId && (fp->flags&FmtShort))
                        return fmtprint(fp, "*%hT", t->type);
                return fmtprint(fp, "*%T", t->type);

        case TARRAY:
                if(t->bound >= 0)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "[%lld]%T", t->bound, t->type);
                if(t->bound == -100)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "[...]%T", t->type);
                return fmtprint(fp, "[]%T", t->type);

        case TCHAN:
                switch(t->chan) {
                case Crecv:
                        return fmtprint(fp, "<-chan %T", t->type);
                case Csend:
                        return fmtprint(fp, "chan<- %T", t->type);

                if(t->type != T && t->type->etype == TCHAN && t->type->sym == S && t->type->chan == Crecv)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "chan (%T)", t->type);
                return fmtprint(fp, "chan %T", t->type);

        case TMAP:
                return fmtprint(fp, "map[%T]%T", t->down, t->type);

        case TINTER:
                fmtstrcpy(fp, "interface {");
                for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down)
                        if(exportname(t1->sym->name)) {
                                        fmtprint(fp, " %hS%hT;", t1->sym, t1->type);
                                        fmtprint(fp, " %hS%hT ", t1->sym, t1->type);
                        } else {
                                // non-exported method names must be qualified
                                        fmtprint(fp, " %uS%hT;", t1->sym, t1->type);
                                        fmtprint(fp, " %uS%hT ", t1->sym, t1->type);
                fmtstrcpy(fp, "}");
                return 0;

        case TFUNC:
                if(fp->flags & FmtShort) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%T", getinargx(t));
                } else {
                                fmtprint(fp, "method%T func%T", getthisx(t), getinargx(t));
                                fmtprint(fp, "func%T", getinargx(t));
                switch(t->outtuple) {
                case 0:
                case 1:
                        if(fmtmode != FExp) {
                                fmtprint(fp, " %T", getoutargx(t)->type->type);  // struct->field->field's type
                        fmtprint(fp, " %T", getoutargx(t));
                return 0;

        case TSTRUCT:
                // Format the bucket struct for map[x]y as map.bucket[x]y.
                // This avoids a recursive print that generates very long names.
                if(t->map != T) {
                        if(t->map->bucket == t) {
                                return fmtprint(fp, "map.bucket[%T]%T", t->map->down, t->map->type);
                        if(t->map->hmap == t) {
                                return fmtprint(fp, "map.hdr[%T]%T", t->map->down, t->map->type);
                        if(t->map->hiter == t) {
                                return fmtprint(fp, "map.iter[%T]%T", t->map->down, t->map->type);
                        yyerror("unknown internal map type");

                if(t->funarg) {
                        fmtstrcpy(fp, "(");
                        if(fmtmode == FTypeId || fmtmode == FErr) {     // no argument names on function signature, and no "noescape" tags
                                for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down)
                                                fmtprint(fp, "%hT, ", t1);
                                                fmtprint(fp, "%hT", t1);
                        } else {
                                for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down)
                                                fmtprint(fp, "%T, ", t1);
                                                fmtprint(fp, "%T", t1);
                        fmtstrcpy(fp, ")");
                } else {
                        fmtstrcpy(fp, "struct {");
                        for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down)
                                        fmtprint(fp, " %lT;", t1);
                                        fmtprint(fp, " %lT ", t1);
                        fmtstrcpy(fp, "}");
                return 0;

        case TFIELD:
                if(!(fp->flags&FmtShort)) {
                        s = t->sym;

                        // Take the name from the original, lest we substituted it with ~r%d or ~b%d.
                        // ~r%d is a (formerly) unnamed result.
                        if ((fmtmode == FErr || fmtmode == FExp) && t->nname != N) {
                                if(t->nname->orig != N) {
                                        s = t->nname->orig->sym;
                                        if(s != S && s->name[0] == '~') {
                                                if(s->name[1] == 'r') // originally an unnamed result
                                                        s = S;
                                                else if(s->name[1] == 'b') // originally the blank identifier _
                                                        s = lookup("_");
                                } else 
                                        s = S;
                        if(s != S && !t->embedded) {
                                        fmtprint(fp, "%N ", t->nname);
                                else if(fp->flags&FmtLong)
                                        fmtprint(fp, "%hhS ", s);  // qualify non-exported names (used on structs, not on funarg)
                                        fmtprint(fp, "%S ", s);
                        } else if(fmtmode == FExp) {
                                // TODO(rsc) this breaks on the eliding of unused arguments in the backend
                                // when this is fixed, the special case in dcl.c checkarglist can go.
                                //      fmtstrcpy(fp, "_ ");
                                if(t->embedded && s->pkg != nil && s->pkg->path->len > 0)
                                        fmtprint(fp, "@\"%Z\".? ", s->pkg->path);
                                        fmtstrcpy(fp, "? ");

                        fmtprint(fp, "...%T", t->type->type);
                        fmtprint(fp, "%T", t->type);

                if(!(fp->flags&FmtShort) && t->note)
                        fmtprint(fp, " \"%Z\"", t->note);
                return 0;

        case TFORW:
                        return fmtprint(fp, "undefined %S", t->sym);
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "undefined");

        case TUNSAFEPTR:
                if(fmtmode == FExp)
                        return fmtprint(fp, "@\"unsafe\".Pointer");
                return fmtprint(fp, "unsafe.Pointer");

        if(fmtmode == FExp)
                fatal("missing %E case during export", t->etype);
        // Don't know how to handle - fall back to detailed prints.
        return fmtprint(fp, "%E <%S> %T", t->etype, t->sym, t->type);

// Statements which may be rendered with a simplestmt as init.
static int
stmtwithinit(int op)
        switch(op) {
        case OIF:
        case OFOR:
        case OSWITCH:
                return 1;
        return 0;

static int
stmtfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n)
        int complexinit, simpleinit, extrablock;

        // some statements allow for an init, but at most one,
        // but we may have an arbitrary number added, eg by typecheck
        // and inlining.  If it doesn't fit the syntax, emit an enclosing
        // block starting with the init statements.

        // if we can just say "for" n->ninit; ... then do so
        simpleinit = n->ninit && !n->ninit->next && !n->ninit->n->ninit && stmtwithinit(n->op);
        // otherwise, print the inits as separate statements
        complexinit = n->ninit && !simpleinit && (fmtmode != FErr);
        // but if it was for if/for/switch, put in an extra surrounding block to limit the scope
        extrablock = complexinit && stmtwithinit(n->op);

                fmtstrcpy(f, "{");

                fmtprint(f, " %H; ", n->ninit);

        case ODCL:
                if(fmtmode == FExp) {
                        switch(n->left->class&~PHEAP) {
                        case PPARAM:
                        case PPARAMOUT:
                        case PAUTO:
                                fmtprint(f, "var %N %T", n->left, n->left->type);
                                goto ret;
                fmtprint(f, "var %S %T", n->left->sym, n->left->type);

        case ODCLFIELD:
                        fmtprint(f, "%N %N", n->left, n->right);
                        fmtprint(f, "%N", n->right);

        case OAS:
                // Don't export "v = <N>" initializing statements, hope they're always 
                // preceded by the DCL which will be re-parsed and typecheck to reproduce
                // the "v = <N>" again.
                if(fmtmode == FExp && n->right == N)

                if(n->colas && !complexinit)
                        fmtprint(f, "%N := %N", n->left, n->right);
                        fmtprint(f, "%N = %N", n->left, n->right);

        case OASOP:
                fmtprint(f, "%N %#O= %N", n->left, n->etype, n->right);

        case OAS2:
                if(n->colas && !complexinit) {
                        fmtprint(f, "%,H := %,H", n->list, n->rlist);
                // fallthrough
        case OAS2DOTTYPE:
        case OAS2FUNC:
        case OAS2MAPR:
        case OAS2RECV:
                fmtprint(f, "%,H = %,H", n->list, n->rlist);

        case ORETURN:
                fmtprint(f, "return %,H", n->list);

        case ORETJMP:
                fmtprint(f, "retjmp %S", n->sym);
        case OPROC:
                fmtprint(f, "go %N", n->left);

        case ODEFER:
                fmtprint(f, "defer %N", n->left);

        case OIF:
                        fmtprint(f, "if %N; %N { %H }", n->ninit->n, n->ntest, n->nbody);
                        fmtprint(f, "if %N { %H }", n->ntest, n->nbody);
                        fmtprint(f, " else { %H }", n->nelse);

        case OFOR:
                if(fmtmode == FErr) {   // TODO maybe only if FmtShort, same below
                        fmtstrcpy(f, "for loop");

                fmtstrcpy(f, "for");
                        fmtprint(f, " %N;", n->ninit->n);
                else if(n->nincr)
                        fmtstrcpy(f, " ;");

                        fmtprint(f, " %N", n->ntest);

                        fmtprint(f, "; %N", n->nincr);
                else if(simpleinit)
                        fmtstrcpy(f, ";");

                fmtprint(f, " { %H }", n->nbody);

        case ORANGE:
                if(fmtmode == FErr) {
                        fmtstrcpy(f, "for loop");

                fmtprint(f, "for %,H = range %N { %H }", n->list, n->right, n->nbody);

        case OSELECT:
        case OSWITCH:
                if(fmtmode == FErr) {
                        fmtprint(f, "%O statement", n->op);

                fmtprint(f, "%#O", n->op);
                        fmtprint(f, " %N;", n->ninit->n);
                        fmtprint(f, "%N", n->ntest);

                fmtprint(f, " { %H }", n->list);

        case OCASE:
        case OXCASE:
                        fmtprint(f, "case %,H: %H", n->list, n->nbody);
                        fmtprint(f, "default: %H", n->nbody);

        case OBREAK:
        case OCONTINUE:
        case OGOTO:
        case OFALL:
        case OXFALL:
                        fmtprint(f, "%#O %N", n->op, n->left);
                        fmtprint(f, "%#O", n->op);

        case OEMPTY:

        case OLABEL:
                fmtprint(f, "%N: ", n->left);

                fmtstrcpy(f, "}");

        return 0;

static int opprec[] = {
        [OAPPEND] = 8,
        [OARRAYBYTESTR] = 8,
        [OARRAYLIT] = 8,
        [OARRAYRUNESTR] = 8,
        [OCALLFUNC] = 8,
        [OCALLINTER] = 8,
        [OCALLMETH] = 8,
        [OCALL] = 8,
        [OCAP] = 8,
        [OCLOSE] = 8,
        [OCONVIFACE] = 8,
        [OCONVNOP] = 8,
        [OCONV] = 8,
        [OCOPY] = 8,
        [ODELETE] = 8,
        [OLEN] = 8,
        [OLITERAL] = 8,
        [OMAKESLICE] = 8,
        [OMAKE] = 8,
        [OMAPLIT] = 8,
        [ONAME] = 8,
        [ONEW] = 8,
        [ONONAME] = 8,
        [OPACK] = 8,
        [OPANIC] = 8,
        [OPAREN] = 8,
        [OPRINTN] = 8,
        [OPRINT] = 8,
        [ORUNESTR] = 8,
        [OSTRARRAYBYTE] = 8,
        [OSTRARRAYRUNE] = 8,
        [OSTRUCTLIT] = 8,
        [OTARRAY] = 8,
        [OTCHAN] = 8,
        [OTFUNC] = 8,
        [OTINTER] = 8,
        [OTMAP] = 8,
        [OTPAREN] = 8,
        [OTSTRUCT] = 8,

        [OINDEXMAP] = 8,
        [OINDEX] = 8,
        [OSLICE] = 8,
        [OSLICESTR] = 8,
        [OSLICEARR] = 8,
        [OSLICE3] = 8,
        [OSLICE3ARR] = 8,
        [ODOTINTER] = 8,
        [ODOTMETH] = 8,
        [ODOTPTR] = 8,
        [ODOTTYPE2] = 8,
        [ODOTTYPE] = 8,
        [ODOT] = 8,
        [OXDOT] = 8,
        [OCALLPART] = 8,

        [OPLUS] = 7,
        [ONOT] = 7,
        [OCOM] = 7,
        [OMINUS] = 7,
        [OADDR] = 7,
        [OIND] = 7,
        [ORECV] = 7,

        [OMUL] = 6,
        [ODIV] = 6,
        [OMOD] = 6,
        [OLSH] = 6,
        [ORSH] = 6,
        [OAND] = 6,
        [OANDNOT] = 6,

        [OADD] = 5,
        [OSUB] = 5,
        [OOR] = 5,
        [OXOR] = 5,

        [OEQ] = 4,
        [OLT] = 4,
        [OLE] = 4,
        [OGE] = 4,
        [OGT] = 4,
        [ONE] = 4,
        [OCMPSTR] = 4,
        [OCMPIFACE] = 4,

        [OSEND] = 3,
        [OANDAND] = 2,
        [OOROR] = 1,

        // Statements handled by stmtfmt
        [OAS] = -1,
        [OAS2] = -1,
        [OAS2DOTTYPE] = -1,
        [OAS2FUNC] = -1,
        [OAS2MAPR] = -1,
        [OAS2RECV] = -1,
        [OASOP] = -1,
        [OBREAK] = -1,
        [OCASE] = -1,
        [OCONTINUE] = -1,
        [ODCL] = -1,
        [ODCLFIELD] = -1,
        [ODEFER] = -1,
        [OEMPTY] = -1,
        [OFALL] = -1,
        [OFOR] = -1,
        [OGOTO] = -1,
        [OIF] = -1,
        [OLABEL] = -1,
        [OPROC] = -1,
        [ORANGE] = -1,
        [ORETURN] = -1,
        [OSELECT] = -1,
        [OSWITCH] = -1,
        [OXCASE] = -1,
        [OXFALL] = -1,

        [OEND] = 0

static int
exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec)
        int nprec;
        int ptrlit;
        NodeList *l;

        while(n && n->implicit && (n->op == OIND || n->op == OADDR))
                n = n->left;

        if(n == N)
                return fmtstrcpy(f, "<N>");

        nprec = opprec[n->op];
        if(n->op == OTYPE && n->sym != S)
                nprec = 8;

        if(prec > nprec)
                return fmtprint(f, "(%N)", n);

        switch(n->op) {
        case OPAREN:
                return fmtprint(f, "(%N)", n->left);

        case ODDDARG:
                return fmtprint(f, "... argument");

        case OREGISTER:
                return fmtprint(f, "%R", n->val.u.reg);

        case OLITERAL:  // this is a bit of a mess
                if(fmtmode == FErr && n->sym != S)
                        return fmtprint(f, "%S", n->sym);
                if(n->val.ctype == CTNIL && n->orig != N && n->orig != n)
                        return exprfmt(f, n->orig, prec);
                if(n->type != T && n->type != types[n->type->etype] && n->type != idealbool && n->type != idealstring) {
                        // Need parens when type begins with what might
                        // be misinterpreted as a unary operator: * or <-.
                        if(isptr[n->type->etype] || (n->type->etype == TCHAN && n->type->chan == Crecv))
                                return fmtprint(f, "(%T)(%V)", n->type, &n->val);
                                return fmtprint(f, "%T(%V)", n->type, &n->val);
                return fmtprint(f, "%V", &n->val);

        case ONAME:
                // Special case: name used as local variable in export.
                case PAUTO:
                case PPARAM:
                case PPARAMOUT:
                        // _ becomes ~b%d internally; print as _ for export
                        if(fmtmode == FExp && n->sym && n->sym->name[0] == '~' && n->sym->name[1] == 'b')
                                return fmtprint(f, "_");
                        if(fmtmode == FExp && n->sym && !isblank(n) && n->vargen > 0)
                                return fmtprint(f, "%S·%d", n->sym, n->vargen);

                // Special case: explicit name of func (*T) method(...) is turned into pkg.(*T).method,
                // but for export, this should be rendered as (*pkg.T).meth.
                // These nodes have the special property that they are names with a left OTYPE and a right ONAME.
                if(fmtmode == FExp && n->left && n->left->op == OTYPE && n->right && n->right->op == ONAME) {
                                return fmtprint(f, "(%T).%hhS", n->left->type, n->right->sym);
                                return fmtprint(f, "%T.%hhS", n->left->type, n->right->sym);
        case OPACK:
        case ONONAME:
                return fmtprint(f, "%S", n->sym);

        case OTYPE:
                if(n->type == T && n->sym != S)
                        return fmtprint(f, "%S", n->sym);
                return fmtprint(f, "%T", n->type);

        case OTARRAY:
                        return fmtprint(f, "[]%N", n->left);
                return fmtprint(f, "[]%N", n->right);  // happens before typecheck

        case OTPAREN:
                return fmtprint(f, "(%N)", n->left);

        case OTMAP:
                return fmtprint(f, "map[%N]%N", n->left, n->right);

        case OTCHAN:
                switch(n->etype) {
                case Crecv:
                        return fmtprint(f, "<-chan %N", n->left);
                case Csend:
                        return fmtprint(f, "chan<- %N", n->left);
                        if(n->left != N && n->left->op == TCHAN && n->left->sym == S && n->left->etype == Crecv)
                                return fmtprint(f, "chan (%N)", n->left);
                                return fmtprint(f, "chan %N", n->left);

        case OTSTRUCT:
                return fmtprint(f, "<struct>");

        case OTINTER:
                return fmtprint(f, "<inter>");

        case OTFUNC:
                return fmtprint(f, "<func>");

        case OCLOSURE:
                if(fmtmode == FErr)
                        return fmtstrcpy(f, "func literal");
                        return fmtprint(f, "%T { %H }", n->type, n->nbody);
                return fmtprint(f, "%T { %H }", n->type, n->closure->nbody);

        case OCOMPLIT:
                ptrlit = n->right != N && n->right->implicit && n->right->type && isptr[n->right->type->etype];
                if(fmtmode == FErr) {
                        if(n->right != N && n->right->type != T && !n->implicit) {
                                        return fmtprint(f, "&%T literal", n->right->type->type);
                                        return fmtprint(f, "%T literal", n->right->type);
                        return fmtstrcpy(f, "composite literal");
                if(fmtmode == FExp && ptrlit)
                        // typecheck has overwritten OIND by OTYPE with pointer type.
                        return fmtprint(f, "(&%T{ %,H })", n->right->type->type, n->list);
                return fmtprint(f, "(%N{ %,H })", n->right, n->list);

        case OPTRLIT:
                if(fmtmode == FExp && n->left->implicit)
                        return fmtprint(f, "%N", n->left);
                return fmtprint(f, "&%N", n->left);

        case OSTRUCTLIT:
                if(fmtmode == FExp) {   // requires special handling of field names
                                fmtstrcpy(f, "{");
                                fmtprint(f, "(%T{", n->type);
                        for(l=n->list; l; l=l->next) {
                                fmtprint(f, " %hhS:%N", l->n->left->sym, l->n->right);

                                        fmtstrcpy(f, ",");
                                        fmtstrcpy(f, " ");
                                return fmtstrcpy(f, "})");
                        return fmtstrcpy(f, "}");
                // fallthrough

        case OARRAYLIT:
        case OMAPLIT:
                if(fmtmode == FErr)
                        return fmtprint(f, "%T literal", n->type);
                if(fmtmode == FExp && n->implicit)
                        return fmtprint(f, "{ %,H }", n->list);
                return fmtprint(f, "(%T{ %,H })", n->type, n->list);

        case OKEY:
                if(n->left && n->right) {
                        if(fmtmode == FExp && n->left->type && n->left->type->etype == TFIELD) {
                                // requires special handling of field names
                                return fmtprint(f, "%hhS:%N", n->left->sym, n->right);
                        } else
                                return fmtprint(f, "%N:%N", n->left, n->right);
                if(!n->left && n->right)
                        return fmtprint(f, ":%N", n->right);
                if(n->left && !n->right)
                        return fmtprint(f, "%N:", n->left);
                return fmtstrcpy(f, ":");

        case OXDOT:
        case ODOT:
        case ODOTPTR:
        case ODOTINTER:
        case ODOTMETH:
        case OCALLPART:
                exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec);
                if(n->right == N || n->right->sym == S)
                        return fmtstrcpy(f, ".<nil>");
                return fmtprint(f, ".%hhS", n->right->sym);

        case ODOTTYPE:
        case ODOTTYPE2:
                exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec);
                if(n->right != N)
                        return fmtprint(f, ".(%N)", n->right);
                return fmtprint(f, ".(%T)", n->type);

        case OINDEX:
        case OINDEXMAP:
        case OSLICE:
        case OSLICESTR:
        case OSLICEARR:
        case OSLICE3:
        case OSLICE3ARR:
                exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec);
                return fmtprint(f, "[%N]", n->right);

        case OCOPY:
        case OCOMPLEX:
                return fmtprint(f, "%#O(%N, %N)", n->op, n->left, n->right);

        case OCONV:
        case OCONVIFACE:
        case OCONVNOP:
        case OARRAYBYTESTR:
        case OARRAYRUNESTR:
        case OSTRARRAYBYTE:
        case OSTRARRAYRUNE:
        case ORUNESTR:
                if(n->type == T || n->type->sym == S)
                        return fmtprint(f, "(%T)(%N)", n->type, n->left);
                        return fmtprint(f, "%T(%N)", n->type, n->left);
                return fmtprint(f, "%T(%,H)", n->type, n->list);

        case OREAL:
        case OIMAG:
        case OAPPEND:
        case OCAP:
        case OCLOSE:
        case ODELETE:
        case OLEN:
        case OMAKE:
        case ONEW:
        case OPANIC:
        case ORECOVER:
        case OPRINT:
        case OPRINTN:
                        return fmtprint(f, "%#O(%N)", n->op, n->left);
                        return fmtprint(f, "%#O(%,H...)", n->op, n->list);
                return fmtprint(f, "%#O(%,H)", n->op, n->list);

        case OCALL:
        case OCALLFUNC:
        case OCALLINTER:
        case OCALLMETH:
                exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec);
                        return fmtprint(f, "(%,H...)", n->list);
                return fmtprint(f, "(%,H)", n->list);

        case OMAKEMAP:
        case OMAKECHAN:
        case OMAKESLICE:
                if(n->list) // pre-typecheck
                        return fmtprint(f, "make(%T, %,H)", n->type, n->list);
                        return fmtprint(f, "make(%T, %N, %N)", n->type, n->left, n->right);
                        return fmtprint(f, "make(%T, %N)", n->type, n->left);
                return fmtprint(f, "make(%T)", n->type);

        // Unary
        case OPLUS:
        case OMINUS:
        case OADDR:
        case OCOM:
        case OIND:
        case ONOT:
        case ORECV:
                if(n->left->op == n->op)
                        fmtprint(f, "%#O ", n->op);
                        fmtprint(f, "%#O", n->op);
                return exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec+1);

        // Binary
        case OADD:
        case OAND:
        case OANDAND:
        case OANDNOT:
        case ODIV:
        case OEQ:
        case OGE:
        case OGT:
        case OLE:
        case OLT:
        case OLSH:
        case OMOD:
        case OMUL:
        case ONE:
        case OOR:
        case OOROR:
        case ORSH:
        case OSEND:
        case OSUB:
        case OXOR:
                exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec);
                fmtprint(f, " %#O ", n->op);
                exprfmt(f, n->right, nprec+1);
                return 0;

        case OADDSTR:
                for(l=n->list; l; l=l->next) {
                        if(l != n->list)
                                fmtprint(f, " + ");
                        exprfmt(f, l->n, nprec);
                return 0;

        case OCMPSTR:
        case OCMPIFACE:
                exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec);
                fmtprint(f, " %#O ", n->etype);
                exprfmt(f, n->right, nprec+1);
                return 0;

        return fmtprint(f, "<node %O>", n->op);

static int
nodefmt(Fmt *f, Node *n)
        Type *t;

        t = n->type;

        // we almost always want the original, except in export mode for literals
        // this saves the importer some work, and avoids us having to redo some
        // special casing for package unsafe
        if((fmtmode != FExp || n->op != OLITERAL) && n->orig != N)
                n = n->orig;

        if(f->flags&FmtLong && t != T) {
                if(t->etype == TNIL)
                        return fmtprint(f, "nil");
                        return fmtprint(f, "%N (type %T)", n, t);

        // TODO inlining produces expressions with ninits. we can't print these yet.

        if(opprec[n->op] < 0)
                return stmtfmt(f, n);

        return exprfmt(f, n, 0);

static int dumpdepth;

static void
indent(Fmt *fp)
        int i;

        fmtstrcpy(fp, "\n");
        for(i = 0; i < dumpdepth; ++i)
                fmtstrcpy(fp, ".   ");

static int
nodedump(Fmt *fp, Node *n)
        int recur;

        if(n == N)
                return 0;

        recur = !(fp->flags&FmtShort);

        if(recur) {
                if(dumpdepth > 10)
                        return fmtstrcpy(fp, "...");

                if(n->ninit != nil) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O-init%H", n->op, n->ninit);

//      fmtprint(fp, "[%p]", n);

        switch(n->op) {
                fmtprint(fp, "%O%J", n->op, n);
        case OREGISTER:
        case OINDREG:
                fmtprint(fp, "%O-%R%J", n->op, n->val.u.reg, n);
        case OLITERAL:
                fmtprint(fp, "%O-%V%J", n->op, &n->val, n);
        case ONAME:
        case ONONAME:
                if(n->sym != S)
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O-%S%J", n->op, n->sym, n);
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O%J", n->op, n);
                if(recur && n->type == T && n->ntype) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O-ntype%N", n->op, n->ntype);
        case OASOP:
                fmtprint(fp, "%O-%O%J", n->op, n->etype, n);
        case OTYPE:
                fmtprint(fp, "%O %S%J type=%T", n->op, n->sym, n, n->type);
                if(recur && n->type == T && n->ntype) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O-ntype%N", n->op, n->ntype);

        if(n->sym != S && n->op != ONAME)
                fmtprint(fp, " %S G%d", n->sym, n->vargen);

        if(n->type != T)
                fmtprint(fp, " %T", n->type);

        if(recur) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%N", n->left);
                        fmtprint(fp, "%N", n->right);
                if(n->list) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O-list%H", n->op, n->list);
                if(n->rlist) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O-rlist%H", n->op, n->rlist);
                if(n->ntest) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O-test%N", n->op, n->ntest);
                if(n->nbody) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O-body%H", n->op, n->nbody);
                if(n->nelse) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O-else%H", n->op, n->nelse);
                if(n->nincr) {
                        fmtprint(fp, "%O-incr%N", n->op, n->nincr);

        return 0;

// Fmt "%S": syms
// Flags:  "%hS" suppresses qualifying with package
static int
Sconv(Fmt *fp)
        Sym *s;
        int r, sm;
        unsigned long sf;

                return linksymfmt(fp);

        s = va_arg(fp->args, Sym*);
        if(s == S)
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<S>");

        if(s->name && s->name[0] == '_' && s->name[1] == '\0')
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "_");

        sf = fp->flags;
        sm = setfmode(&fp->flags);
        r = symfmt(fp, s);
        fp->flags = sf;
        fmtmode = sm;
        return r;

// Fmt "%T": types.
// Flags: 'l' print definition, not name
//        'h' omit 'func' and receiver from function types, short type names
//        'u' package name, not prefix (FTypeId mode, sticky)
static int
Tconv(Fmt *fp)
        Type *t;
        int r, sm;
        unsigned long sf;

        t = va_arg(fp->args, Type*);
        if(t == T)
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<T>");

        if(t->trecur > 4)
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<...>");

        sf = fp->flags;
        sm = setfmode(&fp->flags);

        if(fmtmode == FTypeId && (sf&FmtUnsigned))
                fp->flags |= FmtUnsigned;

        r = typefmt(fp, t);

        if(fmtmode == FTypeId && (sf&FmtUnsigned))

        fp->flags = sf;
        fmtmode = sm;
        return r;

// Fmt '%N': Nodes.
// Flags: 'l' suffix with "(type %T)" where possible
//        '+h' in debug mode, don't recurse, no multiline output
static int
Nconv(Fmt *fp)
        Node *n;
        int r, sm;
        unsigned long sf;

        n = va_arg(fp->args, Node*);
        if(n == N)
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<N>");
        sf = fp->flags;
        sm = setfmode(&fp->flags);

        r = -1;
        switch(fmtmode) {
        case FErr:
        case FExp:
                r = nodefmt(fp, n);
        case FDbg:
                r = nodedump(fp, n);
                fatal("unhandled %%N mode");

        fp->flags = sf;
        fmtmode = sm;
        return r;

// Fmt '%H': NodeList.
// Flags: all those of %N plus ',': separate with comma's instead of semicolons.
static int
Hconv(Fmt *fp)
        NodeList *l;
        int r, sm;
        unsigned long sf;
        char *sep;

        l = va_arg(fp->args, NodeList*);

        if(l == nil && fmtmode == FDbg)
                return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<nil>");

        sf = fp->flags;
        sm = setfmode(&fp->flags);
        r = 0;
        sep = "; ";
        if(fmtmode == FDbg)
                sep = "\n";
        else if(fp->flags & FmtComma)
                sep = ", ";

        for(;l; l=l->next) {
                r += fmtprint(fp, "%N", l->n);
                        r += fmtstrcpy(fp, sep);

        fp->flags = sf;
        fmtmode = sm;
        return r;

        fmtmode = FErr;
        fmtinstall('E', Econv);         // etype opcodes
        fmtinstall('J', Jconv);         // all the node flags
        fmtinstall('H', Hconv);         // node lists
        fmtinstall('L', Lconv);         // line number
        fmtinstall('N', Nconv);         // node pointer
        fmtinstall('O', Oconv);         // node opcodes
        fmtinstall('S', Sconv);         // sym pointer
        fmtinstall('T', Tconv);         // type pointer
        fmtinstall('V', Vconv);         // val pointer
        fmtinstall('Z', Zconv);         // escaped string

        // These are in mparith1.c
        fmtinstall('B', Bconv); // big numbers
        fmtinstall('F', Fconv); // big float numbers


dumplist(char *s, NodeList *l)
        print("%s%+H\n", s, l);

dump(char *s, Node *n)
        print("%s [%p]%+N\n", s, n, n);

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */