
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

#include        <bio.h>
#include        <link.h>

#undef OAPPEND

// avoid <ctype.h>
#undef isblank
#define isblank goisblank

#ifndef EXTERN
#define EXTERN  extern

#undef  BUFSIZ

// The parser's maximum stack size.
// We have to use a #define macro here since yacc
// or bison will check for its definition and use
// a potentially smaller value if it is undefined.
#define YYMAXDEPTH 500

        NHUNK           = 50000,
        BUFSIZ          = 8192,
        NSYMB           = 500,
        NHASH           = 1024,
        STRINGSZ        = 200,
        MAXALIGN        = 7,
        UINF            = 100,

        PRIME1          = 3,

        AUNK            = 100,

        // These values are known by runtime.
        // The MEMx and NOEQx values must run in parallel.  See algtype.
        AMEM            = 0,

        BADWIDTH        = -1000000000,
        MaxStackVarSize = 10*1024*1024,

extern vlong    MAXWIDTH;

 * note this is the representation
 * of the compilers string literals,
 * it is not the runtime representation
typedef struct  Strlit  Strlit;
struct  Strlit
        int32   len;
        char    s[1]; // variable

        Mpscale = 29,           // safely smaller than bits in a long
        Mpprec  = 16,           // Mpscale*Mpprec is max number of bits
        Mpnorm  = Mpprec - 1,   // significant words in a normalized float
        Mpbase  = 1L << Mpscale,
        Mpsign  = Mpbase >> 1,
        Mpmask  = Mpbase - 1,
        Mpdebug = 0,

typedef struct  Mpint   Mpint;
struct  Mpint
        long    a[Mpprec];
        uchar   neg;
        uchar   ovf;

typedef struct  Mpflt   Mpflt;
struct  Mpflt
        Mpint   val;
        short   exp;

typedef struct  Mpcplx  Mpcplx;
struct  Mpcplx
        Mpflt   real;
        Mpflt   imag;

typedef struct  Val     Val;
struct  Val
        short   ctype;
                short   reg;            // OREGISTER
                short   bval;           // bool value CTBOOL
                Mpint*  xval;           // int CTINT, rune CTRUNE
                Mpflt*  fval;           // float CTFLT
                Mpcplx* cval;           // float CTCPLX
                Strlit* sval;           // string CTSTR
        } u;

// prevent incompatible type signatures between libgc and 8g on Plan 9
#pragma incomplete struct Array

typedef struct  Array   Array;
typedef struct  Bvec    Bvec;
typedef struct  Pkg Pkg;
typedef struct  Sym     Sym;
typedef struct  Node    Node;
typedef struct  NodeList        NodeList;
typedef struct  Type    Type;
typedef struct  Label   Label;

struct  Type
        uchar   etype;
        uchar   nointerface;
        uchar   noalg;
        uchar   chan;
        uchar   trecur;         // to detect loops
        uchar   printed;
        uchar   embedded;       // TFIELD embedded type
        uchar   siggen;
        uchar   funarg;         // on TSTRUCT and TFIELD
        uchar   copyany;
        uchar   local;          // created in this file
        uchar   deferwidth;
        uchar   broke;          // broken type definition.
        uchar   isddd;          // TFIELD is ... argument
        uchar   align;
        uchar   haspointers;    // 0 unknown, 1 no, 2 yes

        Node*   nod;            // canonical OTYPE node
        Type*   orig;           // original type (type literal or predefined type)
        int             lineno;

        // TFUNC
        int     thistuple;
        int     outtuple;
        int     intuple;
        uchar   outnamed;

        Type*   method;
        Type*   xmethod;

        Sym*    sym;
        int32   vargen;         // unique name for OTYPE/ONAME

        Node*   nname;
        vlong   argwid;

        // most nodes
        Type*   type;           // actual type for TFIELD, element type for TARRAY, TCHAN, TMAP, TPTRxx
        vlong   width;          // offset in TFIELD, width in all others

        // TFIELD
        Type*   down;           // next struct field, also key type in TMAP
        Type*   outer;          // outer struct
        Strlit* note;           // literal string annotation

        // TARRAY
        vlong   bound;          // negative is dynamic array

        // TMAP
        Type*   bucket;         // internal type representing a hash bucket
        Type*   hmap;           // internal type representing a Hmap (map header object)
        Type*   hiter;          // internal type representing hash iterator state
        Type*   map;            // link from the above 3 internal types back to the map type.

        int32   maplineno;      // first use of TFORW as map key
        int32   embedlineno;    // first use of TFORW as embedded type
        // for TFORW, where to copy the eventual value to
        NodeList        *copyto;
        Node    *lastfn;        // for usefield
#define T       ((Type*)0)

typedef struct InitEntry InitEntry;
typedef struct InitPlan InitPlan;

struct InitEntry
        vlong xoffset;  // struct, array only
        Node *key;  // map only
        Node *expr;

struct InitPlan
        vlong lit;  // bytes of initialized non-zero literals
        vlong zero;  // bytes of zeros
        vlong expr;  // bytes of run-time computed expressions

        InitEntry *e;
        int len;
        int cap;

        EscBits = 3,
        EscMask = (1<<EscBits) - 1,
        EscContentEscapes = 1<<EscBits, // value obtained by indirect of parameter escapes to some returned result
        EscReturnBits = EscBits+1,

struct  Node
        // Tree structure.
        // Generic recursive walks should follow these fields.
        Node*   left;
        Node*   right;
        Node*   ntest;
        Node*   nincr;
        NodeList*       ninit;
        NodeList*       nbody;
        NodeList*       nelse;
        NodeList*       list;
        NodeList*       rlist;

        uchar   op;
        uchar   nointerface;
        uchar   ullman;         // sethi/ullman number
        uchar   addable;        // type of addressability - 0 is not addressable
        uchar   trecur;         // to detect loops
        uchar   etype;          // op for OASOP, etype for OTYPE, exclam for export
        uchar   bounded;        // bounds check unnecessary
        uchar   class;          // PPARAM, PAUTO, PEXTERN, etc
        uchar   method;         // OCALLMETH name
        uchar   embedded;       // ODCLFIELD embedded type
        uchar   colas;          // OAS resulting from :=
        uchar   diag;           // already printed error about this
        uchar   noescape;       // func arguments do not escape
        uchar   builtin;        // built-in name, like len or close
        uchar   walkdef;
        uchar   typecheck;
        uchar   local;
        uchar   dodata;
        uchar   initorder;
        uchar   used;
        uchar   isddd;
        uchar   readonly;
        uchar   implicit;
        uchar   addrtaken;      // address taken, even if not moved to heap
        uchar   dupok;  // duplicate definitions ok (for func)
        uchar   wrapper;        // is method wrapper (for func)
        schar   likely; // likeliness of if statement
        uchar   hasbreak;       // has break statement
        uchar   needzero; // if it contains pointers, needs to be zeroed on function entry
        uchar   needctxt;       // function uses context register (has closure variables)
        uint    esc;            // EscXXX
        int     funcdepth;

        // most nodes
        Type*   type;
        Node*   orig;           // original form, for printing, and tracking copies of ONAMEs

        // func
        Node*   nname;
        Node*   shortname;
        NodeList*       enter;
        NodeList*       exit;
        NodeList*       cvars;  // closure params
        NodeList*       dcl;    // autodcl for this func/closure
        NodeList*       inl;    // copy of the body for use in inlining
        NodeList*       inldcl; // copy of dcl for use in inlining

        Val     val;

        // ONAME
        Node*   ntype;
        Node*   defn;   // ONAME: initializing assignment; OLABEL: labeled statement
        Node*   pack;   // real package for import . names
        Node*   curfn;  // function for local variables
        Type*   paramfld; // TFIELD for this PPARAM; also for ODOT, curfn

        // ONAME func param with PHEAP
        Node*   heapaddr;       // temp holding heap address of param
        Node*   stackparam;     // OPARAM node referring to stack copy of param
        Node*   alloc;  // allocation call

        // ONAME closure param with PPARAMREF
        Node*   outer;  // outer PPARAMREF in nested closure
        Node*   closure;        // ONAME/PHEAP <-> ONAME/PPARAMREF

        // ONAME substitute while inlining
        Node* inlvar;

        // OPACK
        Pkg*    pkg;
        InitPlan*       initplan;

        // Escape analysis.
        NodeList* escflowsrc;   // flow(this, src)
        NodeList* escretval;    // on OCALLxxx, list of dummy return values
        int     escloopdepth;   // -1: global, 0: return variables, 1:function top level, increased inside function for every loop or label to mark scopes

        Sym*    sym;            // various
        int32   vargen;         // unique name for OTYPE/ONAME
        int32   lineno;
        int32   endlineno;
        vlong   xoffset;
        vlong   stkdelta;       // offset added by stack frame compaction phase.
        int32   ostk;
        int32   iota;
        uint32  walkgen;
        int32   esclevel;
        void*   opt;    // for optimization passes
#define N       ((Node*)0)

 * Every node has a walkgen field.
 * If you want to do a traversal of a node graph that
 * might contain duplicates and want to avoid
 * visiting the same nodes twice, increment walkgen
 * before starting.  Then before processing a node, do
 *      if(n->walkgen == walkgen)
 *              return;
 *      n->walkgen = walkgen;
 * Such a walk cannot call another such walk recursively,
 * because of the use of the global walkgen.
EXTERN  uint32  walkgen;

struct  NodeList
        Node*   n;
        NodeList*       next;
        NodeList*       end;

        SymExport       = 1<<0, // to be exported
        SymPackage      = 1<<1,
        SymExported     = 1<<2, // already written out by export
        SymUniq         = 1<<3,
        SymSiggen       = 1<<4,
        SymGcgen        = 1<<5,

struct  Sym
        ushort  lexical;
        uchar   flags;
        uchar   sym;            // huffman encoding in object file
        Sym*    link;
        int32   npkg;   // number of imported packages with this name
        uint32  uniqgen;
        Pkg*    importdef;      // where imported definition was found

        // saved and restored by dcopy
        Pkg*    pkg;
        char*   name;           // variable name
        Node*   def;            // definition: ONAME OTYPE OPACK or OLITERAL
        Label*  label;  // corresponding label (ephemeral)
        int32   block;          // blocknumber to catch redeclaration
        int32   lastlineno;     // last declaration for diagnostic
        Pkg*    origpkg;        // original package for . import
        LSym*   lsym;
#define S       ((Sym*)0)

EXTERN  Sym*    dclstack;

struct  Pkg
        char*   name;           // package name
        Strlit* path;           // string literal used in import statement
        Sym*    pathsym;
        char*   prefix;         // escaped path for use in symbol table
        Pkg*    link;
        uchar   imported;       // export data of this package was parsed
        char    exported;       // import line written in export data
        char    direct; // imported directly
        char    safe;   // whether the package is marked as safe

typedef struct  Iter    Iter;
struct  Iter
        int     done;
        Type*   tfunc;
        Type*   t;
        Node**  an;
        Node*   n;

// Node ops.

        // names
        ONAME,  // var, const or func name
        ONONAME,        // unnamed arg or return value: f(int, string) (int, error) { etc }
        OTYPE,  // type name
        OPACK,  // import
        OLITERAL, // literal

        // expressions
        OADD,   // x + y
        OSUB,   // x - y
        OOR,    // x | y
        OXOR,   // x ^ y
        OADDPTR,        // ptr + uintptr, inserted by compiler only, used to avoid unsafe type changes during codegen
        OADDSTR,        // s + "foo"
        OADDR,  // &x
        OANDAND,        // b0 && b1
        OAPPEND,        // append
        OARRAYBYTESTR,  // string(bytes)
        OARRAYBYTESTRTMP, // string(bytes) ephemeral
        OARRAYRUNESTR,  // string(runes)
        OSTRARRAYBYTE,  // []byte(s)
        OSTRARRAYRUNE,  // []rune(s)
        OAS,    // x = y or x := y
        OAS2,   // x, y, z = xx, yy, zz
        OAS2FUNC,       // x, y = f()
        OAS2RECV,       // x, ok = <-c
        OAS2MAPR,       // x, ok = m["foo"]
        OAS2DOTTYPE,    // x, ok = I.(int)
        OASOP,  // x += y
        OCALL,  // function call, method call or type conversion, possibly preceded by defer or go.
        OCALLFUNC,      // f()
        OCALLMETH,      // t.Method()
        OCALLINTER,     // err.Error()
        OCALLPART,      // t.Method (without ())
        OCAP,   // cap
        OCLOSE, // close
        OCLOSURE,       // f = func() { etc }
        OCMPIFACE,      // err1 == err2
        OCMPSTR,        // s1 == s2
        OCOMPLIT,       // composite literal, typechecking may convert to a more specific OXXXLIT.
        OMAPLIT,        // M{"foo":3, "bar":4}
        OSTRUCTLIT,     // T{x:3, y:4}
        OARRAYLIT,      // [2]int{3, 4}
        OPTRLIT,        // &T{x:3, y:4}
        OCONV,  // var i int; var u uint; i = int(u)
        OCONVIFACE,     // I(t)
        OCONVNOP,       // type Int int; var i int; var j Int; i = int(j)
        OCOPY,  // copy
        ODCL,   // var x int
        ODCLFUNC,       // func f() or func (r) f()
        ODCLFIELD,      // struct field, interface field, or func/method argument/return value.
        ODCLCONST,      // const pi = 3.14
        ODCLTYPE,       // type Int int
        ODELETE,        // delete
        ODOT,   // t.x
        ODOTPTR,        // p.x that is implicitly (*p).x
        ODOTMETH,       // t.Method
        ODOTINTER,      // err.Error
        OXDOT,  // t.x, typechecking may convert to a more specific ODOTXXX.
        ODOTTYPE,       // e = err.(MyErr)
        ODOTTYPE2,      // e, ok = err.(MyErr)
        OEQ,    // x == y
        ONE,    // x != y
        OLT,    // x < y
        OLE,    // x <= y
        OGE,    // x >= y
        OGT,    // x > y
        OIND,   // *p
        OINDEX, // a[i]
        OINDEXMAP,      // m[s]
        OKEY,   // The x:3 in t{x:3, y:4}, the 1:2 in a[1:2], the 2:20 in [3]int{2:20}, etc.
        OPARAM, // The on-stack copy of a parameter or return value that escapes.
        OLEN,   // len
        OMAKE,  // make, typechecking may convert to a more specific OMAKEXXX.
        OMAKECHAN,      // make(chan int)
        OMAKEMAP,       // make(map[string]int)
        OMAKESLICE,     // make([]int, 0)
        OMUL,   // x * y
        ODIV,   // x / y
        OMOD,   // x % y
        OLSH,   // x << u
        ORSH,   // x >> u
        OAND,   // x & y
        OANDNOT,        // x &^ y
        ONEW,   // new
        ONOT,   // !b
        OCOM,   // ^x
        OPLUS,  // +x
        OMINUS, // -y
        OOROR,  // b1 || b2
        OPANIC, // panic
        OPRINT, // print
        OPRINTN,        // println
        OPAREN, // (x)
        OSEND,  // c <- x
        OSLICE, // v[1:2], typechecking may convert to a more specific OSLICEXXX.
        OSLICEARR,      // a[1:2]
        OSLICESTR,      // s[1:2]
        OSLICE3,        // v[1:2:3], typechecking may convert to OSLICE3ARR.
        OSLICE3ARR,     // a[1:2:3]
        ORECOVER,       // recover
        ORECV,  // <-c
        ORUNESTR,       // string(i)
        OSELRECV,       // case x = <-c:
        OSELRECV2,      // case x, ok = <-c:
        OIOTA,  // iota
        OREAL,  // real
        OIMAG,  // imag
        OCOMPLEX,       // complex

        // statements
        OBLOCK, // block of code
        OBREAK, // break
        OCASE,  // case, after being verified by swt.c's casebody.
        OXCASE, // case, before verification.
        OCONTINUE,      // continue
        ODEFER, // defer
        OEMPTY, // no-op
        OFALL,  // fallthrough, after being verified by swt.c's casebody.
        OXFALL, // fallthrough, before verification.
        OFOR,   // for
        OGOTO,  // goto
        OIF,    // if
        OLABEL, // label:
        OPROC,  // go
        ORANGE, // range
        ORETURN,        // return
        OSELECT,        // select
        OSWITCH,        // switch x
        OTYPESW,        // switch err.(type)

        // types
        OTCHAN, // chan int
        OTMAP,  // map[string]int
        OTSTRUCT,       // struct{}
        OTINTER,        // interface{}
        OTFUNC, // func()
        OTARRAY,        // []int, [8]int, [N]int or [...]int
        OTPAREN,        // (T)

        // misc
        ODDD,   // func f(args or f(l...) or var a = [...]int{0, 1, 2}.
        ODDDARG,        // func f(args, introduced by escape analysis.
        OINLCALL,       // intermediary representation of an inlined call.
        OEFACE, // itable and data words of an empty-interface value.
        OITAB,  // itable word of an interface value.
        OSPTR,  // base pointer of a slice or string.
        OCLOSUREVAR, // variable reference at beginning of closure function
        OCFUNC, // reference to c function pointer (not go func value)
        OCHECKNIL, // emit code to ensure pointer/interface not nil
        OVARKILL, // variable is dead

        // arch-specific registers
        OREGISTER,      // a register, such as AX.
        OINDREG,        // offset plus indirect of a register, such as 8(SP).

        // 386/amd64-specific opcodes
        OCMP,   // compare: ACMP.
        ODEC,   // decrement: ADEC.
        OINC,   // increment: AINC.
        OEXTEND,        // extend: ACWD/ACDQ/ACQO.
        OHMUL, // high mul: AMUL/AIMUL for unsigned/signed (OMUL uses AIMUL for both).
        OLROT,  // left rotate: AROL.
        ORROTC, // right rotate-carry: ARCR.
        ORETJMP,        // return to other function


        Txxx,                   // 0

        TINT8,  TUINT8,         // 1
        TINT16, TUINT16,
        TINT32, TUINT32,
        TINT64, TUINT64,

        TCOMPLEX64,             // 12

        TFLOAT32,               // 14

        TBOOL,                  // 16

        TPTR32, TPTR64,         // 17

        TFUNC,                  // 19
        TSTRUCT,                // 22
        TINTER,                 // 25

        // pseudo-types for literals
        TIDEAL,                 // 31

        // pseudo-type for frame layout




        /* types of channel */
        /* must match ../../pkg/nreflect/type.go:/Chandir */
        Crecv = 1<<0,
        Csend = 1<<1,
        Cboth = Crecv | Csend,

// declaration context

        PEXTERN,        // global variable
        PAUTO,          // local variables
        PPARAM,         // input arguments
        PPARAMOUT,      // output results
        PPARAMREF,      // closure variable reference
        PFUNC,          // global function

        PDISCARD,       // discard during parse of duplicate import

        PHEAP = 1<<7,   // an extra bit to identify an escaped variable

        Etop = 1<<1,            // evaluated at statement level
        Erv = 1<<2,             // evaluated in value context
        Etype = 1<<3,
        Ecall = 1<<4,           // call-only expressions are ok
        Efnstruct = 1<<5,       // multivalue function returns are ok
        Eiota = 1<<6,           // iota is ok
        Easgn = 1<<7,           // assigning to expression
        Eindir = 1<<8,          // indirecting through expression
        Eaddr = 1<<9,           // taking address of expression
        Eproc = 1<<10,          // inside a go statement
        Ecomplit = 1<<11,       // type in composite literal

#define BITS    5
#define NVAR    (BITS*sizeof(uint32)*8)

typedef struct  Bits    Bits;
struct  Bits
        uint32  b[BITS];

EXTERN  Bits    zbits;

struct Bvec
        int32   n;      // number of bits
        uint32  b[];

typedef struct  Var     Var;
struct  Var
        vlong   offset;
        Node*   node;
        Var*    nextinnode;
        int     width;
        char    name;
        char    etype;
        char    addr;

EXTERN  Var     var[NVAR];

typedef struct  Typedef Typedef;
struct  Typedef
        char*   name;
        int     etype;
        int     sameas;

extern  Typedef typedefs[];

typedef struct  Sig     Sig;
struct  Sig
        char*   name;
        Pkg*    pkg;
        Sym*    isym;
        Sym*    tsym;
        Type*   type;
        Type*   mtype;
        int32   offset;
        Sig*    link;

typedef struct  Io      Io;
struct  Io
        char*   infile;
        Biobuf* bin;
        int32   ilineno;
        int     nlsemi;
        int     eofnl;
        int     last;
        int     peekc;
        int     peekc1; // second peekc for ...
        char*   cp;     // used for content when bin==nil
        int     importsafe;

typedef struct  Dlist   Dlist;
struct  Dlist
        Type*   field;

typedef struct  Idir    Idir;
struct Idir
        Idir*   link;
        char*   dir;

 * argument passing to/from
 * smagic and umagic
typedef struct  Magic Magic;
struct  Magic
        int     w;      // input for both - width
        int     s;      // output for both - shift
        int     bad;    // output for both - unexpected failure

        // magic multiplier for signed literal divisors
        int64   sd;     // input - literal divisor
        int64   sm;     // output - multiplier

        // magic multiplier for unsigned literal divisors
        uint64  ud;     // input - literal divisor
        uint64  um;     // output - multiplier
        int     ua;     // output - adder

struct  Label
        uchar   used;
        Sym*    sym;
        Node*   def;
        NodeList*       use;
        Label*  link;
        // for use during gen
        Prog*   gotopc; // pointer to unresolved gotos
        Prog*   labelpc;        // pointer to code
        Prog*   breakpc;        // pointer to code
        Prog*   continpc;       // pointer to code
#define L       ((Label*)0)

 * note this is the runtime representation
 * of the compilers arrays.
 * typedef      struct
 * {                            // must not move anything
 *      uchar   array[8];       // pointer to data
 *      uchar   nel[4];         // number of elements
 *      uchar   cap[4];         // allocated number of elements
 * } Array;
EXTERN  int     Array_array;    // runtime offsetof(Array,array) - same for String
EXTERN  int     Array_nel;      // runtime offsetof(Array,nel) - same for String
EXTERN  int     Array_cap;      // runtime offsetof(Array,cap)
EXTERN  int     sizeof_Array;   // runtime sizeof(Array)

 * note this is the runtime representation
 * of the compilers strings.
 * typedef      struct
 * {                            // must not move anything
 *      uchar   array[8];       // pointer to data
 *      uchar   nel[4];         // number of elements
 * } String;
EXTERN  int     sizeof_String;  // runtime sizeof(String)

EXTERN  Dlist   dotlist[10];    // size is max depth of embeddeds

EXTERN  Io      curio;
EXTERN  Io      pushedio;
EXTERN  int32   lexlineno;
EXTERN  int32   lineno;
EXTERN  int32   prevlineno;

EXTERN  char*   infile;
EXTERN  char*   outfile;
EXTERN  Biobuf* bout;
EXTERN  int     nerrors;
EXTERN  int     nsavederrors;
EXTERN  int     nsyntaxerrors;
EXTERN  int     safemode;
EXTERN  int     nolocalimports;
EXTERN  char    namebuf[NSYMB];
EXTERN  char    lexbuf[NSYMB];
EXTERN  char    litbuf[NSYMB];
EXTERN  int     debug[256];
EXTERN  char*   debugstr;
EXTERN  int     debug_checknil;
EXTERN  Sym*    hash[NHASH];
EXTERN  Sym*    importmyname;   // my name for package
EXTERN  Pkg*    localpkg;       // package being compiled
EXTERN  Pkg*    importpkg;      // package being imported
EXTERN  Pkg*    structpkg;      // package that declared struct, during import
EXTERN  Pkg*    builtinpkg;     // fake package for builtins
EXTERN  Pkg*    gostringpkg;    // fake pkg for Go strings
EXTERN  Pkg*    itabpkg;        // fake pkg for itab cache
EXTERN  Pkg*    runtimepkg;     // package runtime
EXTERN  Pkg*    racepkg;        // package runtime/race
EXTERN  Pkg*    stringpkg;      // fake package for C strings
EXTERN  Pkg*    typepkg;        // fake package for runtime type info (headers)
EXTERN  Pkg*    typelinkpkg;    // fake package for runtime type info (data)
EXTERN  Pkg*    weaktypepkg;    // weak references to runtime type info
EXTERN  Pkg*    unsafepkg;      // package unsafe
EXTERN  Pkg*    trackpkg;       // fake package for field tracking
EXTERN  Pkg*    phash[128];
EXTERN  int     tptr;           // either TPTR32 or TPTR64
extern  char*   runtimeimport;
extern  char*   unsafeimport;
EXTERN  char*   myimportpath;
EXTERN  Idir*   idirs;
EXTERN  char*   localimport;

EXTERN  Type*   types[NTYPE];
EXTERN  Type*   idealstring;
EXTERN  Type*   idealbool;
EXTERN  Type*   bytetype;
EXTERN  Type*   runetype;
EXTERN  Type*   errortype;
EXTERN  uchar   simtype[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   isptr[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   isforw[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   isint[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   isfloat[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   iscomplex[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   issigned[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   issimple[NTYPE];

EXTERN  uchar   okforeq[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   okforadd[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   okforand[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   okfornone[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   okforcmp[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   okforbool[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   okforcap[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   okforlen[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   okforarith[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar   okforconst[NTYPE];
EXTERN  uchar*  okfor[OEND];
EXTERN  uchar   iscmp[OEND];

EXTERN  Mpint*  minintval[NTYPE];
EXTERN  Mpint*  maxintval[NTYPE];
EXTERN  Mpflt*  minfltval[NTYPE];
EXTERN  Mpflt*  maxfltval[NTYPE];

EXTERN  NodeList*       xtop;
EXTERN  NodeList*       externdcl;
EXTERN  NodeList*       closures;
EXTERN  NodeList*       exportlist;
EXTERN  NodeList*       importlist;     // imported functions and methods with inlinable bodies
EXTERN  NodeList*       funcsyms;
EXTERN  int     dclcontext;             // PEXTERN/PAUTO
EXTERN  int     incannedimport;
EXTERN  int     statuniqgen;            // name generator for static temps
EXTERN  int     loophack;

EXTERN  int32   iota;
EXTERN  NodeList*       lastconst;
EXTERN  Node*   lasttype;
EXTERN  vlong   maxarg;
EXTERN  vlong   stksize;                // stack size for current frame
EXTERN  vlong   stkptrsize;             // prefix of stack containing pointers
EXTERN  int32   blockgen;               // max block number
EXTERN  int32   block;                  // current block number
EXTERN  int     hasdefer;               // flag that curfn has defer statetment

EXTERN  Node*   curfn;

EXTERN  int     widthptr;
EXTERN  int     widthint;
EXTERN  int     widthreg;

EXTERN  Node*   typesw;
EXTERN  Node*   nblank;

extern  int     thechar;
extern  char*   thestring;
extern  LinkArch*       thelinkarch;
EXTERN  int     use_sse;

EXTERN  char*   hunk;
EXTERN  int32   nhunk;
EXTERN  int32   thunk;

EXTERN  int     funcdepth;
EXTERN  int     typecheckok;
EXTERN  int     compiling_runtime;
EXTERN  int     compiling_wrappers;
EXTERN  int     pure_go;
EXTERN  char*   flag_installsuffix;
EXTERN  int     flag_race;
EXTERN  int     flag_largemodel;
EXTERN  int     noescape;
EXTERN  int     debuglive;
EXTERN  Link*   ctxt;

EXTERN  int     nointerface;
EXTERN  int     fieldtrack_enabled;
EXTERN  int     precisestack_enabled;
EXTERN  int     writearchive;

EXTERN  Biobuf  bstdout;

EXTERN  int     nacl;

int     yyparse(void);

 *      align.c
int     argsize(Type *t);
void    checkwidth(Type *t);
void    defercheckwidth(void);
void    dowidth(Type *t);
void    resumecheckwidth(void);
vlong   rnd(vlong o, vlong r);
void    typeinit(void);

 *      array.c
Array*  arraynew(int32 capacity, int32 size);
void    arrayfree(Array *array);
int32   arraylength(Array *array);
void*   arrayget(Array *array, int32 index);
void    arrayset(Array *array, int32 index, void *element);
void    arrayadd(Array *array, void *element);
int32   arrayindexof(Array* array, void *element);
void    arraysort(Array* array, int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*));

 *      bits.c
int     Qconv(Fmt *fp);
Bits    band(Bits a, Bits b);
int     bany(Bits *a);
int     beq(Bits a, Bits b);
int     bitno(int32 b);
Bits    blsh(uint n);
Bits    bnot(Bits a);
int     bnum(Bits a);
Bits    bor(Bits a, Bits b);
int     bset(Bits a, uint n);

 *      bv.c
Bvec*   bvalloc(int32 n);
void    bvandnot(Bvec *dst, Bvec *src1, Bvec *src2);
int     bvcmp(Bvec *bv1, Bvec *bv2);
void    bvcopy(Bvec *dst, Bvec *src);
Bvec*   bvconcat(Bvec *src1, Bvec *src2);
int     bvget(Bvec *bv, int32 i);
int     bvisempty(Bvec *bv);
void    bvnot(Bvec *bv);
void    bvor(Bvec *dst, Bvec *src1, Bvec *src2);
void    bvand(Bvec *dst, Bvec *src1, Bvec *src2);
void    bvprint(Bvec *bv);
void    bvreset(Bvec *bv, int32 i);
void    bvresetall(Bvec *bv);
void    bvset(Bvec *bv, int32 i);

 *      closure.c
Node*   closurebody(NodeList *body);
void    closurehdr(Node *ntype);
void    typecheckclosure(Node *func, int top);
Node*   walkclosure(Node *func, NodeList **init);
void    typecheckpartialcall(Node*, Node*);
Node*   walkpartialcall(Node*, NodeList**);

 *      const.c
int     cmpslit(Node *l, Node *r);
int     consttype(Node *n);
void    convconst(Node *con, Type *t, Val *val);
void    convlit(Node **np, Type *t);
void    convlit1(Node **np, Type *t, int explicit);
void    defaultlit(Node **np, Type *t);
void    defaultlit2(Node **lp, Node **rp, int force);
void    evconst(Node *n);
int     isconst(Node *n, int ct);
int     isgoconst(Node *n);
Node*   nodcplxlit(Val r, Val i);
Node*   nodlit(Val v);
long    nonnegconst(Node *n);
int     doesoverflow(Val v, Type *t);
void    overflow(Val v, Type *t);
int     smallintconst(Node *n);
Val     toint(Val v);
Mpflt*  truncfltlit(Mpflt *oldv, Type *t);

 *      cplx.c
void    complexadd(int op, Node *nl, Node *nr, Node *res);
void    complexbool(int op, Node *nl, Node *nr, int true, int likely, Prog *to);
void    complexgen(Node *n, Node *res);
void    complexminus(Node *nl, Node *res);
void    complexmove(Node *f, Node *t);
void    complexmul(Node *nl, Node *nr, Node *res);
int     complexop(Node *n, Node *res);
void    nodfconst(Node *n, Type *t, Mpflt* fval);

 *      dcl.c
void    addmethod(Sym *sf, Type *t, int local, int nointerface);
void    addvar(Node *n, Type *t, int ctxt);
NodeList*       checkarglist(NodeList *all, int input);
Node*   colas(NodeList *left, NodeList *right, int32 lno);
void    colasdefn(NodeList *left, Node *defn);
NodeList*       constiter(NodeList *vl, Node *t, NodeList *cl);
Node*   dclname(Sym *s);
void    declare(Node *n, int ctxt);
void    dumpdcl(char *st);
Node*   embedded(Sym *s, Pkg *pkg);
Node*   fakethis(void);
void    funcbody(Node *n);
void    funccompile(Node *n, int isclosure);
void    funchdr(Node *n);
Type*   functype(Node *this, NodeList *in, NodeList *out);
void    ifacedcl(Node *n);
int     isifacemethod(Type *f);
void    markdcl(void);
Node*   methodname(Node *n, Type *t);
Node*   methodname1(Node *n, Node *t);
Sym*    methodsym(Sym *nsym, Type *t0, int iface);
Node*   newname(Sym *s);
Node*   oldname(Sym *s);
void    popdcl(void);
void    poptodcl(void);
void    redeclare(Sym *s, char *where);
void    testdclstack(void);
Type*   tointerface(NodeList *l);
Type*   tostruct(NodeList *l);
Node*   typedcl0(Sym *s);
Node*   typedcl1(Node *n, Node *t, int local);
Node*   typenod(Type *t);
NodeList*       variter(NodeList *vl, Node *t, NodeList *el);
Sym*    funcsym(Sym*);

 *      esc.c
void    escapes(NodeList*);

 *      export.c
void    autoexport(Node *n, int ctxt);
void    dumpexport(void);
int     exportname(char *s);
void    exportsym(Node *n);
void    importconst(Sym *s, Type *t, Node *n);
void    importimport(Sym *s, Strlit *z);
Sym*    importsym(Sym *s, int op);
void    importtype(Type *pt, Type *t);
void    importvar(Sym *s, Type *t);
Type*   pkgtype(Sym *s);

 *      fmt.c
void    fmtinstallgo(void);
void    dump(char *s, Node *n);
void    dumplist(char *s, NodeList *l);

 *      gen.c
void    addrescapes(Node *n);
void    cgen_as(Node *nl, Node *nr);
void    cgen_callmeth(Node *n, int proc);
void    cgen_eface(Node* n, Node* res);
void    cgen_slice(Node* n, Node* res);
void    clearlabels(void);
void    checklabels(void);
int     dotoffset(Node *n, int64 *oary, Node **nn);
void    gen(Node *n);
void    genlist(NodeList *l);
Node*   sysfunc(char *name);
void    tempname(Node *n, Type *t);
Node*   temp(Type*);

 *      init.c
void    fninit(NodeList *n);
Sym*    renameinit(void);

 *      inl.c
void    caninl(Node *fn);
void    inlcalls(Node *fn);
void    typecheckinl(Node *fn);

 *      lex.c
void    cannedimports(char *file, char *cp);
void    importfile(Val *f, int line);
char*   lexname(int lex);
char*   expstring(void);
void    mkpackage(char* pkgname);
void    unimportfile(void);
int32   yylex(void);
extern  int     yylast;
extern  int     yyprev;

 *      mparith1.c
int     Bconv(Fmt *fp);
int     Fconv(Fmt *fp);
void    mpaddcfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void    mpaddcflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void    mpatofix(Mpint *a, char *as);
void    mpatoflt(Mpflt *a, char *as);
int     mpcmpfixc(Mpint *b, vlong c);
int     mpcmpfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
int     mpcmpfixflt(Mpint *a, Mpflt *b);
int     mpcmpfltc(Mpflt *b, double c);
int     mpcmpfltfix(Mpflt *a, Mpint *b);
int     mpcmpfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void    mpcomfix(Mpint *a);
void    mpdivfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpmodfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpmovefixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpmovefixflt(Mpflt *a, Mpint *b);
int     mpmovefltfix(Mpint *a, Mpflt *b);
void    mpmovefltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void    mpmulcfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void    mpmulcflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void    mpsubfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpsubfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);

 *      mparith2.c
void    mpaddfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b, int);
void    mpandfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpandnotfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpdivfract(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpdivmodfixfix(Mpint *q, Mpint *r, Mpint *n, Mpint *d);
vlong   mpgetfix(Mpint *a);
void    mplshfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpmovecfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void    mpmulfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpmulfract(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpnegfix(Mpint *a);
void    mporfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mprshfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void    mpshiftfix(Mpint *a, int s);
int     mptestfix(Mpint *a);
void    mpxorfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);

 *      mparith3.c
void    mpaddfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void    mpdivfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
double  mpgetflt(Mpflt *a);
double  mpgetflt32(Mpflt *a);
void    mpmovecflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void    mpmulfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void    mpnegflt(Mpflt *a);
void    mpnorm(Mpflt *a);
void    mpsetexp(Mpflt *a, int exp);
int     mptestflt(Mpflt *a);
int     sigfig(Mpflt *a);

 *      obj.c
void    Bputname(Biobuf *b, LSym *s);
int     duint16(Sym *s, int off, uint16 v);
int     duint32(Sym *s, int off, uint32 v);
int     duint64(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v);
int     duint8(Sym *s, int off, uint8 v);
int     duintptr(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v);
int     dsname(Sym *s, int off, char *dat, int ndat);
void    dumpobj(void);
Sym*    stringsym(char*, int);
void    slicebytes(Node*, char*, int);
LSym*   linksym(Sym*);

 *      order.c
void    order(Node *fn);

 *      range.c
void    typecheckrange(Node *n);
void    walkrange(Node *n);

 *      reflect.c
void    dumptypestructs(void);
Type*   methodfunc(Type *f, Type*);
Node*   typename(Type *t);
Sym*    typesym(Type *t);
Sym*    typenamesym(Type *t);
Sym*    tracksym(Type *t);
Sym*    typesymprefix(char *prefix, Type *t);
int     haspointers(Type *t);
void    usefield(Node*);
Type*   hiter(Type* t);

 *      select.c
void    typecheckselect(Node *sel);
void    walkselect(Node *sel);

 *      sinit.c
void    anylit(int, Node *n, Node *var, NodeList **init);
int     gen_as_init(Node *n);
NodeList*       initfix(NodeList *l);
int     oaslit(Node *n, NodeList **init);
int     stataddr(Node *nam, Node *n);

 *      subr.c
Node*   adddot(Node *n);
int     adddot1(Sym *s, Type *t, int d, Type **save, int ignorecase);
void    addinit(Node**, NodeList*);
Type*   aindex(Node *b, Type *t);
int     algtype(Type *t);
int     algtype1(Type *t, Type **bad);
void    argtype(Node *on, Type *t);
Node*   assignconv(Node *n, Type *t, char *context);
int     assignop(Type *src, Type *dst, char **why);
void    badtype(int o, Type *tl, Type *tr);
int     brcom(int a);
int     brrev(int a);
NodeList*       concat(NodeList *a, NodeList *b);
int     convertop(Type *src, Type *dst, char **why);
Node*   copyexpr(Node*, Type*, NodeList**);
int     count(NodeList *l);
int     cplxsubtype(int et);
int     eqtype(Type *t1, Type *t2);
int     eqtypenoname(Type *t1, Type *t2);
void    errorexit(void);
void    expandmeth(Type *t);
void    fatal(char *fmt, ...);
void    flusherrors(void);
void    frame(int context);
Type*   funcfirst(Iter *s, Type *t);
Type*   funcnext(Iter *s);
void    genwrapper(Type *rcvr, Type *method, Sym *newnam, int iface);
void    genhash(Sym *sym, Type *t);
void    geneq(Sym *sym, Type *t);
Type**  getinarg(Type *t);
Type*   getinargx(Type *t);
Type**  getoutarg(Type *t);
Type*   getoutargx(Type *t);
Type**  getthis(Type *t);
Type*   getthisx(Type *t);
int     implements(Type *t, Type *iface, Type **missing, Type **have, int *ptr);
void    importdot(Pkg *opkg, Node *pack);
int     is64(Type *t);
int     isbadimport(Strlit *s);
int     isblank(Node *n);
int     isblanksym(Sym *s);
int     isfixedarray(Type *t);
int     isideal(Type *t);
int     isinter(Type *t);
int     isnil(Node *n);
int     isnilinter(Type *t);
int     isptrto(Type *t, int et);
int     isslice(Type *t);
int     istype(Type *t, int et);
void    linehist(char *file, int32 off, int relative);
NodeList*       list(NodeList *l, Node *n);
NodeList*       list1(Node *n);
void    listsort(NodeList**, int(*f)(Node*, Node*));
Node*   liststmt(NodeList *l);
NodeList*       listtreecopy(NodeList *l);
Sym*    lookup(char *name);
void*   mal(int32 n);
Type*   maptype(Type *key, Type *val);
Type*   methtype(Type *t, int mustname);
Pkg*    mkpkg(Strlit *path);
Sym*    ngotype(Node *n);
int     noconv(Type *t1, Type *t2);
Node*   nod(int op, Node *nleft, Node *nright);
Node*   nodbool(int b);
void    nodconst(Node *n, Type *t, int64 v);
Node*   nodintconst(int64 v);
Node*   nodfltconst(Mpflt *v);
Node*   nodnil(void);
int     parserline(void);
Sym*    pkglookup(char *name, Pkg *pkg);
int     powtwo(Node *n);
Type*   ptrto(Type *t);
void*   remal(void *p, int32 on, int32 n);
Sym*    restrictlookup(char *name, Pkg *pkg);
Node*   safeexpr(Node *n, NodeList **init);
void    saveerrors(void);
Node*   cheapexpr(Node *n, NodeList **init);
Node*   localexpr(Node *n, Type *t, NodeList **init);
void    saveorignode(Node *n);
int32   setlineno(Node *n);
void    setmaxarg(Type *t);
Type*   shallow(Type *t);
int     simsimtype(Type *t);
void    smagic(Magic *m);
Type*   sortinter(Type *t);
uint32  stringhash(char *p);
Strlit* strlit(char *s);
int     structcount(Type *t);
Type*   structfirst(Iter *s, Type **nn);
Type*   structnext(Iter *s);
Node*   syslook(char *name, int copy);
Type*   tounsigned(Type *t);
Node*   treecopy(Node *n);
Type*   typ(int et);
uint32  typehash(Type *t);
void    ullmancalc(Node *n);
void    umagic(Magic *m);
void    warn(char *fmt, ...);
void    warnl(int line, char *fmt, ...);
void    yyerror(char *fmt, ...);
void    yyerrorl(int line, char *fmt, ...);

 *      swt.c
void    typecheckswitch(Node *n);
void    walkswitch(Node *sw);

 *      typecheck.c
int     islvalue(Node *n);
Node*   typecheck(Node **np, int top);
void    typechecklist(NodeList *l, int top);
Node*   typecheckdef(Node *n);
void    copytype(Node *n, Type *t);
void    checkreturn(Node*);
void    queuemethod(Node *n);

 *      unsafe.c
int     isunsafebuiltin(Node *n);
Node*   unsafenmagic(Node *n);

 *      walk.c
Node*   callnew(Type *t);
Node*   chanfn(char *name, int n, Type *t);
Node*   mkcall(char *name, Type *t, NodeList **init, ...);
Node*   mkcall1(Node *fn, Type *t, NodeList **init, ...);
int     vmatch1(Node *l, Node *r);
void    walk(Node *fn);
void    walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init);
void    walkexprlist(NodeList *l, NodeList **init);
void    walkexprlistsafe(NodeList *l, NodeList **init);
void    walkstmt(Node **np);
void    walkstmtlist(NodeList *l);
Node*   conv(Node*, Type*);
int     candiscard(Node*);
Node*   outervalue(Node*);

 *      arch-specific ggen.c/gsubr.c/gobj.c/pgen.c/plive.c
#define P       ((Prog*)0)

EXTERN  Prog*   continpc;
EXTERN  Prog*   breakpc;
EXTERN  Prog*   pc;
EXTERN  Prog*   firstpc;

EXTERN  Node*   nodfp;
EXTERN  int     disable_checknil;
EXTERN  vlong   zerosize;

int     anyregalloc(void);
void    betypeinit(void);
void    bgen(Node *n, int true, int likely, Prog *to);
void    checknil(Node*, NodeList**);
void    expandchecks(Prog*);
void    cgen(Node*, Node*);
void    cgen_asop(Node *n);
void    cgen_call(Node *n, int proc);
void    cgen_callinter(Node *n, Node *res, int proc);
void    cgen_checknil(Node*);
void    cgen_ret(Node *n);
void    clearfat(Node *n);
void    compile(Node*);
void    defframe(Prog*);
int     dgostringptr(Sym*, int off, char *str);
int     dgostrlitptr(Sym*, int off, Strlit*);
int     dstringptr(Sym *s, int off, char *str);
int     dsymptr(Sym *s, int off, Sym *x, int xoff);
int     duintxx(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v, int wid);
void    dumpdata(void);
void    fixautoused(Prog*);
void    gdata(Node*, Node*, int);
void    gdatacomplex(Node*, Mpcplx*);
void    gdatastring(Node*, Strlit*);
void    ggloblnod(Node *nam);
void    ggloblsym(Sym *s, int32 width, int dupok, int rodata);
void    gvardef(Node*);
void    gvarkill(Node*);
Prog*   gjmp(Prog*);
void    gused(Node*);
void    movelarge(NodeList*);
int     isfat(Type*);
void    linkarchinit(void);
void    liveness(Node*, Prog*, Sym*, Sym*);
void    markautoused(Prog*);
Plist*  newplist(void);
Node*   nodarg(Type*, int);
void    nopout(Prog*);
void    patch(Prog*, Prog*);
Prog*   unpatch(Prog*);

#pragma varargck        type    "B"     Mpint*
#pragma varargck        type    "E"     int
#pragma varargck        type    "E"     uint
#pragma varargck        type    "F"     Mpflt*
#pragma varargck        type    "H"     NodeList*
#pragma varargck        type    "J"     Node*
#pragma varargck        type    "lL"    int32
#pragma varargck        type    "L"     int32
#pragma varargck        type    "N"     Node*
#pragma varargck        type    "lN"    Node*
#pragma varargck        type    "O"     int
#pragma varargck        type    "O"     uint
#pragma varargck        type    "Q"     Bits
#pragma varargck        type    "S"     Sym*
#pragma varargck        type    "lS"    LSym*
#pragma varargck        type    "T"     Type*
#pragma varargck        type    "lT"    Type*
#pragma varargck        type    "V"     Val*
#pragma varargck        type    "Z"     Strlit*

 *      racewalk.c
void    racewalk(Node *fn);

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */