
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre - Cyril Concolato
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2010-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / 3GPP/MPEG Media Presentation Description input module
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef _MPD_H_
#define _MPD_H_

#include <gpac/constants.h>
#include <gpac/xml.h>
#include <gpac/media_tools.h>


typedef struct
        u32 dummy;
} GF_MPD_Metrics;

typedef struct
        u32 dummy;
} GF_MPD_ContentComponent;

//some elments are typically overloaded in XML, we keep the attributes / childrne nodes here. The attributes list is NULL if no extensions were found, otherwise it is a list of @GF_XMLAttribute.
//The children list is NULL if no extensions were found, otherwise it is a list of @GF_XMLNode
        GF_List *attributes;    \
        GF_List *children;      \
typedef struct
} GF_MPD_ExtensibleVirtual;

typedef struct

        char *scheme_id_uri; /*MANDATORY*/
        char *value;
        char *id;

} GF_MPD_Descriptor;

typedef struct
        u32 dummy;
} GF_MPD_Subset;

typedef struct
        u64 start_time;
        u32 duration; /*MANDATORY*/
        //may be -1 (FIXME this needs further testing)
        u32 repeat_count;
} GF_MPD_SegmentTimelineEntry;

typedef struct
        GF_List *entries;
} GF_MPD_SegmentTimeline;

typedef struct
        u64 start_range, end_range;
} GF_MPD_ByteRange;

typedef struct
        char *URL;
        char *service_location;
        GF_MPD_ByteRange *byte_range;

typedef struct
        char *sourceURL;
        GF_MPD_ByteRange *byte_range;

        //GPAC internal - indicates the URL has already been solved
        Bool is_resolved;

typedef struct
        u32 num, den;
} GF_MPD_Fractional;

typedef struct
        u32 trackID;
        char *stsd;
        s64 mediaOffset;

#define GF_MPD_SEGMENT_BASE     \
        u32 timescale;  \
        u64 presentation_time_offset;   \
        u32 time_shift_buffer_depth; /* expressed in milliseconds */    \
        GF_MPD_ByteRange *index_range;  \
        Bool index_range_exact; \
        Double availability_time_offset;        \
        GF_MPD_URL *initialization_segment;     \
        GF_MPD_URL *representation_index;       \

typedef struct
} GF_MPD_SegmentBase;

/*WARNING: duration is expressed in GF_MPD_SEGMENT_BASE@timescale unit*/
        GF_MPD_SEGMENT_BASE     \
        u64 duration;   \
        u32 start_number;       \
        GF_MPD_SegmentTimeline *segment_timeline;       \
        GF_MPD_URL *bitstream_switching_url;    \
typedef struct
} GF_MPD_MultipleSegmentBase;

typedef struct
        char *media;
        GF_MPD_ByteRange *media_range;
        char *index;
        GF_MPD_ByteRange *index_range;
        u64 duration;
        /*HLS only*/
        char *key_url;
        bin128 key_iv;
        u64 hls_utc_start_time;
} GF_MPD_SegmentURL;

typedef struct
        /*list of segments - can be NULL if no segment*/
        GF_List *segment_URLs;

        char *xlink_href;
        Bool xlink_actuate_on_load;

        u32 consecutive_xlink_count;
} GF_MPD_SegmentList;

typedef struct
        char *media;
        char *index;
        char *initialization;
        char *bitstream_switching;
} GF_MPD_SegmentTemplate;

typedef enum
} GF_MPD_ScanType;

        char *profiles; \
        u32 width;      \
        u32 height;     \
        GF_MPD_Fractional *sar; \
        GF_MPD_Fractional *framerate;   \
        u32 samplerate; \
        char *mime_type;        \
        char *segmentProfiles;  \
        char *codecs;   \
        u32 maximum_sap_period; \
        u32 starts_with_sap;    \
        Double max_playout_rate;        \
        Bool coding_dependency; \
        GF_MPD_ScanType scan_type;      \
        GF_List *frame_packing; \
        GF_List *audio_channels;        \
        GF_List *content_protection;    \
        GF_List *essential_properties;  \
        GF_List *supplemental_properties;       \
        GF_List *isobmf_tracks; \
typedef struct {
} GF_MPD_CommonAttributes;

typedef struct {

        u32 level;
        char *dependecy_level;
        u32 bandwidth; /*MANDATORY if level set*/
        char *content_components;
} GF_MPD_SubRepresentation;

typedef struct
        Bool disabled;
        char *cached_init_segment_url;
        Bool owned_gmem;
        u64 init_start_range, init_end_range;
        u32 probe_switch_count;
        char *init_segment_data;
        u32 init_segment_size;
        char *key_url;
        bin128 key_IV;
        /*previous maximum speed that this representation can be played, or 0 if it has never been played*/
        Double prev_max_available_speed;
        /*after switch we may have some buffered segments of the previous representation; so codec stats at this moment is unreliable. we should wait after the codec reset*/
        Bool waiting_codec_reset;
} GF_DASH_RepresentationPlayback;

typedef struct {

        char *id; /*MANDATORY*/
        u32 bandwidth; /*MANDATORY*/
        u32 quality_ranking;
        char *dependency_id;
        char *media_stream_structure_id;

        GF_List *base_URLs;
        GF_MPD_SegmentBase *segment_base;
        GF_MPD_SegmentList *segment_list;
        GF_MPD_SegmentTemplate *segment_template;

        GF_List *sub_representations;

        /*index of the next enhancement representation plus 1, 0 is reserved in case of the highest representation*/
        u32 enhancement_rep_index_plus_one;

        /*GPAC playback implementation*/
        GF_DASH_RepresentationPlayback playback;
        u32 m3u8_media_seq_min, m3u8_media_seq_max;
} GF_MPD_Representation;

typedef struct

        u32 id;
        /*default value is -1: not set in MPD*/
        s32 group;

        char *lang;
        char *content_type;
        GF_MPD_Fractional *par;
        u32 min_bandwidth;
        u32 max_bandwidth;
        u32 min_width;
        u32 max_width;
        u32 min_height;
        u32 max_height;
        u32 min_framerate;
        u32 max_framerate;
        Bool segment_alignment;
        Bool bitstream_switching;
        Bool subsegment_alignment;
        Bool subsegment_starts_with_sap;

        GF_List *accessibility;
        GF_List *role;
        GF_List *rating;
        GF_List *viewpoint;
        GF_List *content_component;

        GF_List *base_URLs;
        GF_MPD_SegmentBase *segment_base;
        GF_MPD_SegmentList *segment_list;
        GF_MPD_SegmentTemplate *segment_template;

        GF_List *representations;

        char *xlink_href;
        Bool xlink_actuate_on_load;
} GF_MPD_AdaptationSet;

typedef struct
        char *ID;
        u64 start; /* expressed in ms, relative to the start of the MPD */
        u64 duration; /* expressed in ms*/
        Bool bitstream_switching;

        GF_List *base_URLs;
        GF_MPD_SegmentBase *segment_base;
        GF_MPD_SegmentList *segment_list;
        GF_MPD_SegmentTemplate *segment_template;

        GF_List *adaptation_sets;
        GF_List *subsets;
        char *xlink_href;
        Bool xlink_actuate_on_load;
} GF_MPD_Period;

typedef struct
        char *lang;
        char *title;
        char *source;
        char *copyright;
        char *more_info_url;
} GF_MPD_ProgramInfo;

typedef enum {
} GF_MPD_Type;

typedef struct {

        char *ID;
        char *profiles; /*MANDATORY*/
        GF_MPD_Type type;
        u64 availabilityStartTime; /* expressed in milliseconds */      /*MANDATORY if type=dynamic*/
        u64 availabilityEndTime;/* expressed in milliseconds */
        u64 publishTime;/* expressed in milliseconds */
        u64 media_presentation_duration; /* expressed in milliseconds */        /*MANDATORY if type=static*/
        u32 minimum_update_period; /* expressed in milliseconds */
        u32 min_buffer_time; /* expressed in milliseconds */    /*MANDATORY*/

        u32 time_shift_buffer_depth; /* expressed in milliseconds */
        u32 suggested_presentation_delay; /* expressed in milliseconds */

        u32 max_segment_duration; /* expressed in milliseconds */
        u32 max_subsegment_duration; /* expressed in milliseconds */

        /*list of GF_MPD_ProgramInfo */
        GF_List *program_infos;
        /*list of GF_MPD_BaseURL */
        GF_List *base_URLs;
        /*list of strings */
        GF_List *locations;
        /*list of Metrics */
        GF_List *metrics;
        /*list of GF_MPD_Period */
        GF_List *periods;

        /*set during parsing*/
        const char *xml_namespace; /*won't be freed by GPAC*/

GF_Err gf_mpd_init_from_dom(GF_XMLNode *root, GF_MPD *mpd, const char *base_url);
GF_Err gf_mpd_complete_from_dom(GF_XMLNode *root, GF_MPD *mpd, const char *base_url);

GF_MPD *gf_mpd_new();
void gf_mpd_del(GF_MPD *mpd);
/*frees a GF_MPD_SegmentURL structure (type-casted to void *)*/
void gf_mpd_segment_url_free(void *ptr);
void gf_mpd_segment_base_free(void *ptr);

void gf_mpd_period_free(void *_item);

GF_Err gf_mpd_write_file(GF_MPD const * const mpd, const char *file_name);

typedef struct _gf_file_get GF_FileDownload;
struct _gf_file_get
        GF_Err (*new_session)(GF_FileDownload *getter, char *url);
        void (*del_session)(GF_FileDownload *getter);
        const char *(*get_cache_name)(GF_FileDownload *getter);

        void *udta;
        /*created by udta after new_session*/
        void *session;

/*converts M3U8 to MPD - getter is optional (download will still be processed if NULL)*/
GF_Err gf_m3u8_to_mpd(const char *m3u8_file, const char *base_url, const char *mpd_file, u32 reload_count, char *mimeTypeForM3U8Segments, Bool do_import, Bool use_mpd_templates,
                      GF_FileDownload *getter, GF_MPD *mpd, Bool parse_sub_playlist);

GF_Err gf_m3u8_solve_representation_xlink(GF_MPD_Representation *rep, GF_FileDownload *getter, Bool *is_static, u64 *duration);

GF_MPD_SegmentList *gf_mpd_solve_segment_list_xlink(GF_MPD *mpd, GF_XMLNode *root);

GF_Err gf_mpd_init_smooth_from_dom(GF_XMLNode *root, GF_MPD *mpd, const char *default_base_url);

void gf_mpd_delete_segment_list(GF_MPD_SegmentList *segment_list);

void gf_mpd_getter_del_session(GF_FileDownload *getter);

/*get the number of base URLs for the given representation. This cumuluates all base URLs at MPD, period, AdaptationSet and Representation levels*/
u32 gf_mpd_get_base_url_count(GF_MPD *mpd, GF_MPD_Period *period, GF_MPD_AdaptationSet *set, GF_MPD_Representation *rep);

typedef enum
        //same as GF_MPD_RESOLVE_URL_MEDIA but does not replace $Time$ and $Number$
} GF_MPD_URLResolveType;

/*resolves a URL based for a given segment, based on the MPD url, the type of resolution
        base_url_index: 0-based index of the baseURL to use
        item_index: current downloading index of the segment
        nb_segments_removed: number of segments removed when purging the MPD after updates (can be 0). The start number will be offset by this value
GF_Err gf_mpd_resolve_url(GF_MPD *mpd, GF_MPD_Representation *rep, GF_MPD_AdaptationSet *set, GF_MPD_Period *period, const char *mpd_url, u32 base_url_index, GF_MPD_URLResolveType resolve_type, u32 item_index, u32 nb_segments_removed,
                          char **out_url, u64 *out_range_start, u64 *out_range_end, u64 *segment_duration, Bool *is_in_base_url, char **out_key_url, bin128 *key_iv);

/*get duration of the presentation*/
Double gf_mpd_get_duration(GF_MPD *mpd);

/*get the duration of media segments*/
void gf_mpd_resolve_segment_duration(GF_MPD_Representation *rep, GF_MPD_AdaptationSet *set, GF_MPD_Period *period, u64 *out_duration, u32 *out_timescale, u64 *out_pts_offset, GF_MPD_SegmentTimeline **out_segment_timeline);

/*get the start_time from the segment index of a period/set/rep*/
GF_Err gf_mpd_get_segment_start_time_with_timescale(s32 in_segment_index,
        GF_MPD_Period const * const in_period, GF_MPD_AdaptationSet const * const in_set, GF_MPD_Representation const * const in_rep,
        u64 *out_segment_start_time, u64 *out_opt_segment_duration, u32 *out_opt_scale);

typedef enum {
        MPD_SEEK_PREV,    /*will return the segment containing the requested time*/
        MPD_SEEK_NEAREST, /*the nearest segment start time, may be the previous or the next one*/
} MPDSeekMode;

/*returns the segment index in the given period for the given time*/
GF_Err gf_mpd_seek_in_period(Double seek_time, MPDSeekMode seek_mode,
        GF_MPD_Period const * const in_period, GF_MPD_AdaptationSet const * const in_set, GF_MPD_Representation const * const in_rep,
        u32 *out_segment_index, Double *out_opt_seek_time);

/*get the index and the period for a given time in the MPD*/
GF_Err gf_mpd_seek_to_time(Double seek_time, MPDSeekMode seek_mode,
        GF_MPD const * const in_mpd, GF_MPD_AdaptationSet const * const in_set, GF_MPD_Representation const * const in_rep,
        GF_MPD_Period **out_period, u32 *out_segment_index, Double *out_opt_seek_time);

/*get duration of the presentation*/
Double gf_mpd_get_duration(GF_MPD *mpd);

/*get the duration of media segments in seconds*/
void gf_mpd_resolve_segment_duration(GF_MPD_Representation *rep, GF_MPD_AdaptationSet *set, GF_MPD_Period *period, u64 *out_duration, u32 *out_timescale, u64 *out_pts_offset, GF_MPD_SegmentTimeline **out_segment_timeline);


#endif // _MPD_H_

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