
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. PrintVersion
  2. PrintUsage
  3. node_init
  4. node_modif
  5. get_scene_time
  6. write_bmp
  7. write_raw
  8. dump_frame
  9. bifs3d_viewpoints_merger
  10. bifs_to_vid
  11. main

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / command-line mp4 toolbox
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gpac/isomedia.h>
#include <gpac/compositor.h>
#include <gpac/scenegraph.h>
#include <gpac/bifs.h>
#include <gpac/options.h>

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#define GPAC_CFG_FILE "GPAC.cfg"
#include <pwd.h>
typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER
        u16     bfType;
        u32     bfSize;
        u16     bfReserved1;
        u16     bfReserved2;
        u32 bfOffBits;

typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER {
        u32     biSize;
        s32     biWidth;
        s32     biHeight;
        u16     biPlanes;
        u16     biBitCount;
        u32     biCompression;
        u32     biSizeImage;
        s32     biXPelsPerMeter;
        s32     biYPelsPerMeter;
        u32     biClrUsed;
        u32     biClrImportant;

#define BI_RGB        0L

#define GPAC_CFG_FILE ".gpacrc"

#include <gpac/internal/avilib.h>
#include <gpac/internal/compositor_dev.h>

void PrintVersion()
        printf ("MP42AVI - GPAC version %s\n", GPAC_FULL_VERSION);

void PrintUsage()
        printf ("MP42AVI [option] input\n"
                "Dumps BIFS media frames as AVI, BMP or raw\n\n"
                "-fps Framerate: specifies extraction framerate - if not set computed from track length\n"
                "-size WxH: forces output BIFS to the given resolution\n"
                "-raw [frame]: uses raw format for output - only dumps one frame if specified\n"
                "-bmp [frame]: uses BMP format for output - only dumps one frame if specified\n"
                "-outpath path: specifies where to dump frames/movie\n"
                "Note: when dumping a frame, either the frame number can be specified or the frame time\n"
                "in the format hh:mm:ss:xFz where hh, mm, ss are hours, minutes, seconds, x the number\n"
                "of the frame in the seconds and z the frame rate used to express the time\n"
                "-cfg: specifies path to GPAC config file (GPAC.cfg)\n"
                "-v: prints version\n"
                "-h: prints this message\n"
                "\nWritten by Jean Le Feuvre - (c) 2000-2005\n");

typedef struct
        GF_Compositor *sr;
        GF_SceneGraph *sg;
        GF_BifsDecoder *bifs;
        GF_ISOFile *file;

        u32 track;
        u64 duration, cts;

void node_init(void *cbk, GF_Node *node)
        BIFSVID *b2v = cbk;
        switch (gf_node_get_tag(node)) {
        case TAG_MPEG4_Conditional:
        case TAG_MPEG4_QuantizationParameter:
                if (b2v->sr) gf_sc_on_node_init(b2v->sr, node);

void node_modif(void *cbk, GF_Node *node)
        BIFSVID *b2v = cbk;
        if (b2v->sr) gf_sc_invalidate(b2v->sr, node);

Double get_scene_time(void *cbk)
        Double res;
        BIFSVID *b2v = cbk;
        res = (Double) (s64) b2v->cts;
        res /= (Double) (s64) b2v->duration;
        return res;

void write_bmp(GF_VideoSurface *fb, char *rad_name, u32 img_num)
        char str[GF_MAX_PATH];
        FILE *fout;
        u32 j, i;
        char *ptr;

        if (img_num<10) {
                sprintf(str, "%s_00%d.bmp", rad_name, img_num);
        } else if (img_num<100) {
                sprintf(str, "%s_0%d.bmp", rad_name, img_num);
        } else {
                sprintf(str, "%s_%d.bmp", rad_name, img_num);

        fout = gf_fopen(str, "wb");
        if (!fout) return;

        memset(&fh, 0, sizeof(fh));
        fh.bfType = 19778;
        fh.bfOffBits = 14 + 40;

        memset(&fi, 0, sizeof(char)*40);
        fi.biSize = sizeof(char)*40;
        fi.biWidth = fb->width;
        fi.biHeight = fb->height;
        fi.biPlanes = 1;
        fi.biBitCount = 24;
        fi.biCompression = BI_RGB;
        fi.biSizeImage = fb->pitch * fb->height;

        /*NOT ALIGNED!!*/
        gf_fwrite(&fh.bfType, 2, 1, fout);
        gf_fwrite(&fh.bfSize, 4, 1, fout);
        gf_fwrite(&fh.bfReserved1, 2, 1, fout);
        gf_fwrite(&fh.bfReserved2, 2, 1, fout);
        gf_fwrite(&fh.bfOffBits, 4, 1, fout);

        gf_fwrite(&fi, 1, 40, fout);

        for (j=fb->height; j>0; j--) {
                ptr = fb->video_buffer + (j-1)*fb->pitch;
                //gf_fwrite(ptr, 1, fb->width  * 3, fout);
                for (i=0; i<fb->width; i++) {
                        fputc(ptr[2], fout);
                        fputc(ptr[1], fout);
                        fputc(ptr[0], fout);


void write_raw(GF_VideoSurface *fb, char *rad_name, u32 img_num)
        char str[GF_MAX_PATH];
        FILE *fout;
        if (img_num<10) {
                sprintf(str, "%s_00%d.raw", rad_name, img_num);
        } else if (img_num<100) {
                sprintf(str, "%s_0%d.raw", rad_name, img_num);
        } else {
                sprintf(str, "%s_%d.raw", rad_name, img_num);

        fout = gf_fopen(str, "wb");
        if (!fout) return;
        gf_fwrite(fb->video_buffer , fb->height*fb->pitch, 1, fout);

void dump_frame(BIFSVID b2v, char *conv_buf, char *out_path, u32 dump_type, avi_t *avi_out, u32 frameNum)
        u32 k;
        GF_VideoSurface fb;

        /*lock it*/
        gf_sc_get_screen_buffer(, &fb);
        /*export frame*/
        switch (dump_type) {
        case 0:
                /*reverse frame*/
                for (k=0; k<fb.height; k++) {
                        memcpy(conv_buf + k*fb.width*3, fb.video_buffer + (fb.height-k-1) * fb.pitch, sizeof(char) * fb.width  * 3);
                if (AVI_write_frame(avi_out, conv_buf, fb.height*fb.width*3, 1) <0)
                        printf("Error writing frame\n");
        case 2:
                write_raw(&fb, out_path, frameNum);
        case 1:
                write_bmp(&fb, out_path, frameNum);
        /*unlock it*/
        gf_sc_release_screen_buffer(, &fb);

/*generates an intertwined bmp from a scene file with 5 different viewpoints*/
void bifs3d_viewpoints_merger(GF_ISOFile *file, char *szConfigFile, u32 width, u32 height, char *rad_name, u32 dump_type, char *out_dir, Double fps, s32 frameID, s32 dump_time)
        GF_User user;
        char out_path[GF_MAX_PATH];
        char old_driv[1024];
        BIFSVID b2v;
        Bool needs_raw;
        GF_Err e;
        GF_VideoSurface fb;
        unsigned char **rendered_frames;
        u32 nb_viewpoints = 5;
        u32 viewpoint_index;

        /* Configuration of the Rendering Capabilities */
                const char *test;
                char config_path[GF_MAX_PATH];
                memset(&user, 0, sizeof(GF_User));
                user.config = gf_cfg_init(szConfigFile, NULL);

                if (!user.config) {
                        fprintf(stdout, "Error: Configuration File \"%s\" not found in %s\n", GPAC_CFG_FILE, config_path);

                test = gf_cfg_get_key(user.config, "General", "ModulesDirectory");
                user.modules = gf_modules_new((const unsigned char *) test, user.config);
                strcpy(old_driv, "raw_out");
                if (!gf_modules_get_count(user.modules)) {
                        printf("Error: no modules found\n");
                        goto err_exit;

                /*switch driver to raw_driver*/
                test = gf_cfg_get_key(user.config, "Video", "DriverName");
                if (test) strcpy(old_driv, test);

                needs_raw = 0;
                test = gf_cfg_get_key(user.config, "Compositor", "RendererName");
                /*since we only support RGB24 for MP42AVI force using RAW out with 2D driver*/
                if (test && strstr(test, "2D")) {
                        gf_cfg_set_key(user.config, "Video", "DriverName", "Raw Video Output");
                        needs_raw = 1;
                if (needs_raw) {
                        test = gf_cfg_get_key(user.config, "Video", "DriverName");
                        if (stricmp(test, "raw_out") && stricmp(test, "Raw Video Output")) {
                                printf("couldn't load raw output driver (%s used)\n", test);
                                goto err_exit;

        memset(&b2v, 0, sizeof(BIFSVID));
        user.init_flags = GF_TERM_NO_AUDIO;
        /* Initialization of the compositor */ = gf_sc_new(&user, 0, NULL);
        gf_sc_set_option(, GF_OPT_VISIBLE, 0);

        /* Initialization of the scene graph */ = gf_sg_new();
        gf_sg_set_scene_time_callback(, get_scene_time, &b2v);
        gf_sg_set_init_callback(, node_init, &b2v);
        gf_sg_set_modified_callback(, node_modif, &b2v);

        /*load config*/
        gf_sc_set_option(, GF_OPT_RELOAD_CONFIG, 1);

                u32 di;
                u32 track_number;
                GF_ESD *esd;
                u16 es_id;
                b2v.bifs = gf_bifs_decoder_new(, 0);

                for (track_number=0; track_number<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); track_number++) {
                        esd = gf_isom_get_esd(file, track_number+1, 1);
                        if (!esd) continue;
                        if (!esd->dependsOnESID && (esd->decoderConfig->streamType == GF_STREAM_SCENE)) break;
                        gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) esd);
                        esd = NULL;
                if (!esd) {
                        printf("no bifs track found\n");
                        goto err_exit;

                es_id = (u16) gf_isom_get_track_id(file, track_number+1);
                e = gf_bifs_decoder_configure_stream(b2v.bifs, es_id, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength, esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication);
                if (e) {
                        printf("BIFS init error %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                        gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) esd);
                        esd = NULL;
                        goto err_exit;

                        GF_ISOSample *samp = gf_isom_get_sample(file, track_number+1, 1, &di);
                        b2v.cts = samp->DTS + samp->CTS_Offset;
                        /*apply command*/
                        gf_bifs_decode_au(b2v.bifs, es_id, samp->data, samp->dataLength, ((Double)(s64)b2v.cts)/1000.0);

                b2v.duration = gf_isom_get_media_duration(file, track_number+1);

                gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) esd);


        if (!width || !height) {
                gf_sg_get_scene_size_info(, &width, &height);
        /*we work in RGB24, and we must make sure the pitch is %4*/
        if ((width*3)%4) {
                printf("Adjusting width (%d) to have a stride multiple of 4\n", width);
                while ((width*3)%4) width--;
        gf_sc_set_size(, width, height);
        gf_sc_get_screen_buffer(, &fb);
        width = fb.width;
        height = fb.height;
        gf_sc_release_screen_buffer(, &fb);

        GF_SAFEALLOC(rendered_frames, nb_viewpoints*sizeof(char *));
        for (viewpoint_index = 1; viewpoint_index <= nb_viewpoints; viewpoint_index++) {
                GF_SAFEALLOC(rendered_frames[viewpoint_index-1], fb.width*fb.height*3);
                gf_sc_set_viewpoint(, viewpoint_index, NULL);
                gf_sc_draw_frame(, 0, NULL);
                /*needed for background2D !!*/
                gf_sc_draw_frame(, 0, NULL);
                strcpy(out_path, "");
                if (out_dir) {
                        strcat(out_path, out_dir);
                        if (out_path[strlen(out_path)-1] != '\\') strcat(out_path, "\\");
                strcat(out_path, rad_name);
                strcat(out_path, "_view");
                gf_sc_get_screen_buffer(, &fb);
                write_bmp(&fb, out_path, viewpoint_index);
                memcpy(rendered_frames[viewpoint_index-1], fb.video_buffer, fb.width*fb.height*3);
                gf_sc_release_screen_buffer(, &fb);

        if (width != 800 || height != 480) {
                printf("Wrong scene dimension, cannot produce output\n");
                goto err_exit;
        } else {
                u32 x, y;
                GF_VideoSurface out_fb;
                u32 bpp = 3;
                out_fb.width = 800;
                out_fb.height = 480;
                out_fb.pitch = 800*bpp;
                out_fb.pixel_format = GF_PIXEL_RGB_24;
                out_fb.is_hardware_memory = 0;
                GF_SAFEALLOC(out_fb.video_buffer, out_fb.pitch*out_fb.height)
#if 1
                for (y=0; y<out_fb.height; y++) {
                        /*starting red pixel is R1, R5, R4, R3, R2, R1, R5, ... when increasing line num*/
                        u32 line_shift = (5-y) % 5;
                        for (x=0; x<out_fb.width; x++) {
                                u32 view_shift = (line_shift+bpp*x)%5;
                                u32 offset = out_fb.pitch*y + x*bpp;
                                /* red */
                                out_fb.video_buffer[offset] = rendered_frames[view_shift][offset];
                                /* green */
                                out_fb.video_buffer[offset+1] = rendered_frames[(view_shift+1)%5][offset+1];
                                /* blue */
                                out_fb.video_buffer[offset+2] = rendered_frames[(view_shift+2)%5][offset+2];
                for (y=0; y<out_fb.height; y++) {
                        u32 line_shift = (5- y%5) % 5;
                        for (x=0; x<out_fb.width; x++) {
                                u32 view_shift = (line_shift+bpp*x)%5;
                                u32 offset = out_fb.pitch*y + x*bpp;
                                out_fb.video_buffer[offset] = ((view_shift)%5 == 2) ? 0xFF : 0;
                                out_fb.video_buffer[offset+1] = ((view_shift+1)%5 == 2) ? 0xFF : 0;
                                out_fb.video_buffer[offset+2] = ((view_shift+2)%5 == 2) ? 0xFF : 0;
                write_bmp(&out_fb, "output", 0);

        /*destroy everything*/
        gf_sc_set_scene(, NULL);

        /*      if (rendered_frames) {
                        for (viewpoint_index = 1; viewpoint_index <= nb_viewpoints; viewpoint_index++) {
                                if (rendered_frames[viewpoint_index-1]) gf_free(rendered_frames[viewpoint_index-1]);
                if (output_merged_frame) gf_free(output_merged_frame);
        if (user.modules) gf_modules_del(user.modules);
        if (needs_raw) gf_cfg_set_key(user.config, "Video", "DriverName", old_driv);

void bifs_to_vid(GF_ISOFile *file, char *szConfigFile, u32 width, u32 height, char *rad_name, u32 dump_type, char *out_dir, Double fps, s32 frameID, s32 dump_time)
        GF_User user;
        BIFSVID b2v;
        u16 es_id;
        Bool first_dump, needs_raw;
        u32 i, j, di, count, timescale, frameNum;
        u32 duration, cur_time;
        GF_VideoSurface fb;
        GF_Err e;
        char old_driv[1024];
        const char *test;
        char config_path[GF_MAX_PATH];
        avi_t *avi_out;
        Bool reset_fps;
        GF_ESD *esd;
        char comp[5];
        char *conv_buf;

        memset(&user, 0, sizeof(GF_User));
        if (szConfigFile && strlen(szConfigFile)) {
                user.config = gf_cfg_init(config_path, NULL);
        } else {
                user.config = gf_cfg_init(NULL, NULL);

        if (!user.config) {
                fprintf(stdout, "Error: Configuration File \"%s\" not found in %s\n", GPAC_CFG_FILE, config_path);
        avi_out = NULL;
        conv_buf = NULL;
        esd = NULL;
        needs_raw = 0;
        test = gf_cfg_get_key(user.config, "General", "ModulesDirectory");
        user.modules = gf_modules_new((const unsigned char *) test, user.config);
        strcpy(old_driv, "raw_out");
        if (!gf_modules_get_count(user.modules)) {
                printf("Error: no modules found\n");
                goto err_exit;

        /*switch driver to raw_driver*/
        test = gf_cfg_get_key(user.config, "Video", "DriverName");
        if (test) strcpy(old_driv, test);

        test = gf_cfg_get_key(user.config, "Compositor", "RendererName");
        /*since we only support RGB24 for MP42AVI force using RAW out with 2D driver*/
        if (test && strstr(test, "2D")) {
                gf_cfg_set_key(user.config, "Video", "DriverName", "Raw Video Output");
                needs_raw = 1;

        needs_raw = 0;
        user.init_flags = GF_TERM_NO_AUDIO | GF_TERM_FORCE_3D; = gf_sc_new(&user, 0, NULL);
        gf_sc_set_option(, GF_OPT_VISIBLE, 0); = gf_sg_new();
        gf_sg_set_scene_time_callback(, get_scene_time, &b2v);
        gf_sg_set_init_callback(, node_init, &b2v);
        gf_sg_set_modified_callback(, node_modif, &b2v);

        /*load config*/
        gf_sc_set_option(, GF_OPT_RELOAD_CONFIG, 1);

        b2v.bifs = gf_bifs_decoder_new(, 0);

        if (needs_raw) {
                test = gf_cfg_get_key(user.config, "Video", "DriverName");
                if (stricmp(test, "raw_out") && stricmp(test, "Raw Video Output")) {
                        printf("couldn't load raw output driver (%s used)\n", test);
                        goto err_exit;

        strcpy(config_path, "");
        if (out_dir) {
                strcat(config_path, out_dir);
                if (config_path[strlen(config_path)-1] != '\\') strcat(config_path, "\\");
        strcat(config_path, rad_name);
        strcat(config_path, "_bifs");
        if (!dump_type) {
                strcat(config_path, ".avi");
                avi_out = AVI_open_output_file(config_path);
                comp[0] = comp[1] = comp[2] = comp[3] = comp[4] = 0;
                if (!avi_out) goto err_exit;

        for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                esd = gf_isom_get_esd(file, i+1, 1);
                if (!esd) continue;
                if (!esd->dependsOnESID && (esd->decoderConfig->streamType == GF_STREAM_SCENE)) break;
                gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) esd);
                esd = NULL;
        if (!esd) {
                printf("no bifs track found\n");
                goto err_exit;

        b2v.duration = gf_isom_get_media_duration(file, i+1);
        timescale = gf_isom_get_media_timescale(file, i+1);
        es_id = (u16) gf_isom_get_track_id(file, i+1);
        e = gf_bifs_decoder_configure_stream(b2v.bifs, es_id, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength, esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication);
        if (e) {
                printf("BIFS init error %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) esd);
                esd = NULL;
                goto err_exit;
        if (dump_time>=0) dump_time = dump_time *1000 / timescale;

        count = gf_isom_get_sample_count(file, i+1);

        reset_fps = 0;
        if (!fps) {
                fps = (Float) (count * timescale);
                fps /= (Double) (s64) b2v.duration;
                printf("Estimated BIFS FrameRate %g\n", fps);
                reset_fps = 1;

        if (!width || !height) {
                gf_sg_get_scene_size_info(, &width, &height);
        /*we work in RGB24, and we must make sure the pitch is %4*/
        if ((width*3)%4) {
                printf("Adjusting width (%d) to have a stride multiple of 4\n", width);
                while ((width*3)%4) width--;

        gf_sc_set_size(, width, height);
        gf_sc_draw_frame(, 0, NULL);

        gf_sc_get_screen_buffer(, &fb);
        width = fb.width;
        height = fb.height;
        if (avi_out) {
                AVI_set_video(avi_out, width, height, fps, comp);
                conv_buf = gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * width * height * 3);
        printf("Dumping at BIFS resolution %d x %d\n\n", width, height);
        gf_sc_release_screen_buffer(, &fb);

        cur_time = 0;

        duration = (u32)(timescale / fps);
        if (reset_fps) fps = 0;

        frameNum = 1;
        first_dump = 1;
        for (j=0; j<count; j++) {
                GF_ISOSample *samp = gf_isom_get_sample(file, i+1, j+1, &di);

                b2v.cts = samp->DTS + samp->CTS_Offset;
                /*apply command*/
                gf_bifs_decode_au(b2v.bifs, es_id, samp->data, samp->dataLength, ((Double)(s64)b2v.cts)/1000.0);

                if ((frameID>=0) && (j<(u32)frameID)) continue;
                if ((dump_time>=0) && ((u32) dump_time>b2v.cts)) continue;
                /*render frame*/
                gf_sc_draw_frame(, 0, NULL);
                /*needed for background2D !!*/
                if (first_dump) {
                        gf_sc_draw_frame(, 0, NULL);
                        first_dump = 0;

                if (fps) {
                        if (cur_time > b2v.cts) continue;

                        while (1) {
                                printf("dumped frame time %f (frame %d - sample %d)\r", ((Float)cur_time)/timescale, frameNum, j+1);
                                dump_frame(b2v, conv_buf, config_path, dump_type, avi_out, frameNum);
                                cur_time += duration;
                                if (cur_time > b2v.cts) break;
                } else {
                        dump_frame(b2v, conv_buf, config_path, dump_type, avi_out, (frameID>=0) ? frameID : frameNum);
                        if (frameID>=0 || dump_time>=0) break;
                        printf("dumped frame %d / %d\r", j+1, count);

        gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) esd);

        /*destroy everything*/
        gf_sc_set_scene(, NULL);

        if (avi_out) AVI_close(avi_out);
        if (conv_buf) gf_free(conv_buf);
        if (user.modules) gf_modules_del(user.modules);
        if (needs_raw) gf_cfg_set_key(user.config, "Video", "DriverName", old_driv);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
        Double fps_dump;
        u32 i;
        char rad[500];
        s32 frameID, h, m, s, f;
        Float fps;
        u32 dump_type;
        s32 dump_time;
        u32 dump_w, dump_h;
        Bool copy;
        char szConfigFile[4096];
        char *dump_out;
        char *inName, *arg;
        GF_ISOFile *file;

        if (argc < 2) {
                return 0;

        dump_type = 0;
        fps_dump = 0.0f;
        dump_w = dump_h = 0;
        dump_out = NULL;
        inName = NULL;
        frameID = -1;
        dump_time = -1;
        szConfigFile[0] = 0;

        for (i = 1; i < (u32) argc ; i++) {
                arg = argv[i];
                if (arg[0] != '-') {
                        inName = arg;
                if (!stricmp(arg, "-h")) {
                        return 0;
                } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-version")) {
                        return 0;
                } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-size")) {
                        sscanf(argv[i+1], "%dx%d", &dump_w, &dump_h);
                } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-raw")) {
                        dump_type = 2;
                        if ((i+1<(u32)argc) && (argv[i+1][0]!='-')) {
                                if (strstr(argv[i+1], "T")) {
                                        if (strstr(argv[i+1], "F")) {
                                                sscanf(argv[i+1], "T%d:%d:%d:%dF%f", &h, &m, &s, &f, &fps);
                                                dump_time = (s32) ((3600*h + 60*m + s)*1000 + 1000*f/fps);
                                        } else {
                                                sscanf(argv[i+1], "T%d:%d:%d", &h, &m, &s);
                                                dump_time = (s32) ((3600*h + 60*m + s)*1000);
                                } else {
                                        frameID = atoi(argv[i+1]);
                } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-bmp")) {
                        dump_type = 1;
                        if ((i+1<(u32)argc) && (argv[i+1][0]!='-')) {
                                if (strstr(argv[i+1], "T")) {
                                        if (strstr(argv[i+1], "F")) {
                                                sscanf(argv[i+1], "T%d:%d:%d:%dF%f", &h, &m, &s, &f, &fps);
                                                dump_time = (s32) ((3600*h + 60*m + s)*1000 + 1000*f/fps);
                                        } else {
                                                sscanf(argv[i+1], "T%d:%d:%d", &h, &m, &s);
                                                dump_time = (s32) ((3600*h + 60*m + s)*1000);
                                } else {
                                        frameID = atoi(argv[i+1]);
                } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-3d")) {
                        dump_type = 3;
                } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-outpath")) {
                        dump_out = argv[i+1];
                } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-fps")) {
                        fps_dump = atof(argv[i+1]);
                } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-copy")) {
                        copy = 1;
                } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-cfg")) {
                        strcpy(szConfigFile, argv[i+1]);
                        i += 1;
                } else {
                        return (0);
        if (!inName) {
                return 0;

        file = gf_isom_open(inName, GF_ISOM_OPEN_READ, NULL);
        if (!file) {
                printf("Error opening file: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(gf_isom_last_error(NULL)));
                return 0;

        if (dump_out) {
                arg = strrchr(inName, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR);
                if (arg) {
                        strcpy(rad, arg + 1);
                } else {
                        strcpy(rad, inName);
        } else {
                strcpy(rad, inName);
        while (rad[strlen(rad)-1] != '.') rad[strlen(rad)-1] = 0;
        rad[strlen(rad)-1] = 0;
        if (dump_type == 3) {
                bifs3d_viewpoints_merger(file, szConfigFile, dump_w, dump_h, rad, dump_type, dump_out, fps_dump, frameID, dump_time);
        else bifs_to_vid(file, szConfigFile, dump_w, dump_h, rad, dump_type, dump_out, fps_dump, frameID, dump_time);
        return 0;


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */