
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  3. ISMA_Setup
  4. ISMA_Access
  5. ISMA_ProcessData
  6. OMA_DRM_Setup
  7. CENC_Setup
  8. CENC_Access
  9. CENC_ProcessData
  10. IPMP_Process
  11. DeleteIPMPTool
  12. NewIPMPTool
  13. QueryInterfaces
  14. LoadInterface
  15. ShutdownInterface

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2005-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / LASeR decoder module
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gpac/ismacryp.h>
#include <gpac/crypt.h>
#include <gpac/base_coding.h>
#include <gpac/download.h>
#include <gpac/internal/terminal_dev.h>
#include <gpac/modules/ipmp.h>


#define OMA_DRM_MP4MC


typedef struct
        GF_Crypt *crypt;
        char key[16], salt[8];
        u64 last_IV;
        u32 state;
        u32 nb_allow_play;
        Bool is_oma;
        u32 preview_range;
        /*for Common Encryption*/
        Bool is_cenc;
        Bool is_cbc;
        Bool first_crypted_samp;
        u32 KID_count;
        bin128 *KIDs;
        bin128 *keys;

static void ISMA_KMS_NetIO(void *cbck, GF_NETIO_Parameter *par)

static GF_Err ISMA_GetGPAC_KMS(ISMAEAPriv *priv, GF_Channel *ch, const char *kms_url)
        GF_Err e;
        FILE *t;
        GF_DownloadSession * sess;
        if (!strnicmp(kms_url, "(ipmp)", 6)) return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        else if (!strnicmp(kms_url, "(uri)", 5)) kms_url += 5;
        else if (!strnicmp(kms_url, "file://", 7)) kms_url += 7;

        /*try local*/
        t = (strstr(kms_url, "://") == NULL) ? gf_fopen(kms_url, "r") : NULL;
        if (t) {
                return gf_ismacryp_gpac_get_info(ch->esd->ESID, (char *)kms_url, priv->key, priv->salt);
        /*note that gpac doesn't have TLS support -> not really usefull. As a general remark, ISMACryp
        is supported as a proof of concept, crypto and IPMP being the last priority on gpac...*/
        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_MEDIA, ("[CENC/ISMA] Fetching ISMACryp key for channel %d\n", ch->esd->ESID) );

        sess = gf_service_download_new(ch->service, kms_url, 0, ISMA_KMS_NetIO, ch);
        if (!sess) return GF_IO_ERR;
        /*start our download (threaded)*/

        while (1) {
                e = gf_dm_sess_get_stats(sess, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                if (e) break;
        if (e==GF_EOS) {
                e = gf_ismacryp_gpac_get_info(ch->esd->ESID, (char *) gf_dm_sess_get_cache_name(sess), priv->key, priv->salt);
        return e;

static GF_Err ISMA_Setup(ISMAEAPriv *priv, GF_IPMPEvent *evt)
        GF_Err e;
        GF_ISMACrypConfig *cfg = (GF_ISMACrypConfig*)evt->config_data;

        priv->state = ISMAEA_STATE_ERROR;

        if (cfg->scheme_type != GF_4CC('i','A','E','C')) return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        if (cfg->scheme_version != 1) return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;

        if (!cfg->kms_uri) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM;

        /*try to fetch the keys*/
        /*base64 inband encoding*/
        if (!strnicmp(cfg->kms_uri, "(key)", 5)) {
                char data[100];
                gf_base64_decode((char*)cfg->kms_uri+5, (u32)strlen(cfg->kms_uri)-5, data, 100);
                memcpy(priv->key, data, sizeof(char)*16);
                memcpy(priv->salt, data+16, sizeof(char)*8);
        /*hexadecimal inband encoding*/
        else if (!strnicmp(cfg->kms_uri, "(key-hexa)", 10)) {
                u32 v;
                char szT[3], *k;
                u32 i;
                szT[2] = 0;
                if (strlen(cfg->kms_uri) < 10+32+16) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM;

                k = (char *)cfg->kms_uri + 10;
                for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
                        szT[0] = k[2*i];
                        szT[1] = k[2*i + 1];
                        sscanf(szT, "%X", &v);
                        priv->key[i] = v;

                k = (char *)cfg->kms_uri + 10 + 32;
                for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
                        szT[0] = k[2*i];
                        szT[1] = k[2*i + 1];
                        sscanf(szT, "%X", &v);
                        priv->salt[i] = v;
        /*MPEG4-IP KMS*/
        else if (!stricmp(cfg->kms_uri, "AudioKey") || !stricmp(cfg->kms_uri, "VideoKey")) {
                if (!gf_ismacryp_mpeg4ip_get_info((char *) cfg->kms_uri, priv->key, priv->salt)) {
                        return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        /*gpac default scheme is used, fetch file from KMS and load keys*/
        else if (cfg->scheme_uri && !stricmp(cfg->scheme_uri, "urn:gpac:isma:encryption_scheme")) {
                e = ISMA_GetGPAC_KMS(priv, evt->channel, cfg->kms_uri);
                if (e) return e;
        /*hardcoded keys*/
        else {
                static u8 mysalt[] = { 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
                static u8 mykey[][16]  = {
                        {       0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08,
                                0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08
                memcpy(priv->salt, mysalt, sizeof(char)*8);
                memcpy(priv->key, mykey, sizeof(char)*16);
        priv->state = ISMAEA_STATE_SETUP;
        //priv->nb_allow_play = 1;
        return GF_OK;

static GF_Err ISMA_Access(ISMAEAPriv *priv, GF_IPMPEvent *evt)
        GF_Err e;
        char IV[16];

        if (evt->event_type==GF_IPMP_TOOL_GRANT_ACCESS) {
                if (priv->state != ISMAEA_STATE_SETUP) return GF_SERVICE_ERROR;

                //if (!priv->nb_allow_play) return GF_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE;

                /*init decrypter*/
                priv->crypt = gf_crypt_open("AES-128", "CTR");
                if (!priv->crypt) return GF_IO_ERR;

                memset(IV, 0, sizeof(char)*16);
                memcpy(IV, priv->salt, sizeof(char)*8);
                e = gf_crypt_init(priv->crypt, priv->key, 16, IV);
                if (e) return e;

                priv->state = ISMAEA_STATE_PLAY;
                return GF_OK;
        if (evt->event_type==GF_IPMP_TOOL_RELEASE_ACCESS) {
                if (priv->state != ISMAEA_STATE_PLAY) return GF_SERVICE_ERROR;
                if (priv->crypt) gf_crypt_close(priv->crypt);
                priv->crypt = NULL;
                priv->state = ISMAEA_STATE_SETUP;
                return GF_OK;
        return GF_BAD_PARAM;

static GF_Err ISMA_ProcessData(ISMAEAPriv *priv, GF_IPMPEvent *evt)
        if (!priv->crypt) return GF_SERVICE_ERROR;

        if (!evt->is_encrypted) return GF_OK;

        /*resync IV*/
        if (!priv->last_IV || (priv->last_IV != evt->isma_BSO)) {
                char IV[17];
                u64 count;
                u32 remain;
                GF_BitStream *bs;
                count = evt->isma_BSO / 16;
                remain = (u32) (evt->isma_BSO % 16);

                /*format IV to begin of counter*/
                bs = gf_bs_new(IV, 17, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE);
                gf_bs_write_u8(bs, 0);  /*begin of counter*/
                gf_bs_write_data(bs, priv->salt, 8);
                gf_bs_write_u64(bs, (s64) count);
                gf_crypt_set_state(priv->crypt, IV, 17);

                /*decrypt remain bytes*/
                if (remain) {
                        char dummy[20];
                        gf_crypt_decrypt(priv->crypt, dummy, remain);
                priv->last_IV = evt->isma_BSO;
        gf_crypt_decrypt(priv->crypt, evt->data, evt->data_size);
        priv->last_IV += evt->data_size;
        return GF_OK;

#ifdef OMA_DRM_MP4MC
static GF_Err OMA_DRM_Setup(ISMAEAPriv *priv, GF_IPMPEvent *evt)
        u32 hdr_pos;
        GF_OMADRM2Config *cfg = (GF_OMADRM2Config*)evt->config_data;

        priv->state = ISMAEA_STATE_ERROR;

        if (cfg->scheme_type != GF_4CC('o','d','k','m')) return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        if (cfg->scheme_version != 0x00000200) return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;

        hdr_pos = 0;
        while (hdr_pos<cfg->oma_drm_textual_headers_len) {
                u32 len;
                char *sep;
                if (!strncmp(cfg->oma_drm_textual_headers + hdr_pos, "PreviewRange", 12)) {
                        sep = strchr(cfg->oma_drm_textual_headers + hdr_pos, ':');
                        if (sep) priv->preview_range = atoi(sep+1);
                len = (u32) strlen(cfg->oma_drm_textual_headers + hdr_pos);
                hdr_pos += len+1;
        priv->is_oma = GF_TRUE;

        /*TODO: call DRM agent, fetch keys*/
        if (!cfg->kms_uri) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM;
        priv->state = ISMAEA_STATE_SETUP;
        //priv->nb_allow_play = 1;

        /*we have preview*/
        if (priv->preview_range) return GF_OK;
        return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;

static GF_Err CENC_Setup(ISMAEAPriv *priv, GF_IPMPEvent *evt)
        GF_CENCConfig *cfg = (GF_CENCConfig*)evt->config_data;
        u32 i;
        Bool is_playing = (priv->state == ISMAEA_STATE_PLAY) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE;

        priv->state = ISMAEA_STATE_ERROR;

        if ((cfg->scheme_type != GF_4CC('c', 'e', 'n', 'c')) && (cfg->scheme_type != GF_4CC('c','b','c','1')) && (cfg->scheme_type != GF_4CC('c', 'e', 'n', 's')) && (cfg->scheme_type != GF_4CC('c','b','c','s'))) 
                return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        if (cfg->scheme_version != 0x00010000) return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;

        for (i = 0; i < cfg->PSSH_count; i++) {
                GF_NetComDRMConfigPSSH *pssh = &cfg->PSSHs[i];
                char szSystemID[33];
                u32 j;

                memset(szSystemID, 0, 33);
                for (j=0; j<16; j++) {
                        sprintf(szSystemID+j*2, "%02X", (unsigned char) pssh->SystemID[j]);

                /*SystemID for GPAC Player: 67706163-6365-6E63-6472-6D746F6F6C31*/
                if (strcmp(szSystemID, "6770616363656E6364726D746F6F6C31")) {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_AUTHOR, ("[CENC/ISMA] System ID %s not supported\n", szSystemID));
                else {
                        u8 cypherOffset;
                        bin128 cypherKey, cypherIV;
                        GF_Crypt *mc;

                        /*GPAC DRM TEST system info, used to validate cypher offset in CENC packager
                                keyIDs as usual (before private data)
                                URL len on 8 bits
                                keys, cyphered with our magic key :)
                        cypherOffset = pssh->private_data[0] + 1;
                        gf_bin128_parse("0x6770616363656E6364726D746F6F6C31", cypherKey);
                        gf_bin128_parse("0x00000000000000000000000000000001", cypherIV);

                        mc = gf_crypt_open("AES-128", "CTR");
                        if (!mc) {
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_AUTHOR, ("[CENC/ISMA] Cannot open AES-128 CTR\n"));
                                return GF_IO_ERR;
                        gf_crypt_init(mc, cypherKey, 16, cypherIV);
                        gf_crypt_decrypt(mc, pssh->private_data+cypherOffset, pssh->private_data_size-cypherOffset);

                        /*now we search a key*/
                        priv->KID_count = pssh->KID_count;
                        if (priv->KIDs) {
                                priv->KIDs = NULL;
                        priv->KIDs = (bin128 *)gf_malloc(pssh->KID_count*sizeof(bin128));
                        if (priv->keys) {
                                priv->keys = NULL;
                        priv->keys = (bin128 *)gf_malloc(pssh->KID_count*sizeof(bin128));

                        memmove(priv->KIDs, pssh->KIDs, pssh->KID_count*sizeof(bin128));
                        memmove(priv->keys, pssh->private_data + cypherOffset, pssh->KID_count*sizeof(bin128));

        if ((cfg->scheme_type == GF_4CC('c', 'e', 'n', 'c')) || (cfg->scheme_type == GF_4CC('c', 'e', 'n', 's')))
                priv->is_cenc = GF_TRUE;
                priv->is_cbc = GF_TRUE;

        priv->state = is_playing ? ISMAEA_STATE_PLAY : ISMAEA_STATE_SETUP;
        //priv->nb_allow_play = 1;
        return GF_OK;

static GF_Err CENC_Access(ISMAEAPriv *priv, GF_IPMPEvent *evt)
        if (evt->event_type==GF_IPMP_TOOL_GRANT_ACCESS) {
                if (priv->state != ISMAEA_STATE_SETUP) return GF_SERVICE_ERROR;

                //if (!priv->nb_allow_play) return GF_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE;

                /*open decrypter - we do NOT initialize decrypter; it wil be done when we decrypt the first crypted sample*/
                if (priv->is_cenc)
                        priv->crypt = gf_crypt_open("AES-128", "CTR");
                        priv->crypt = gf_crypt_open("AES-128", "CBC");
                if (!priv->crypt) return GF_IO_ERR;

                priv->first_crypted_samp = GF_TRUE;

                priv->state = ISMAEA_STATE_PLAY;
                return GF_OK;
        if (evt->event_type==GF_IPMP_TOOL_RELEASE_ACCESS) {
                if (priv->state != ISMAEA_STATE_PLAY) return GF_SERVICE_ERROR;
                if (priv->crypt) gf_crypt_close(priv->crypt);
                priv->crypt = NULL;
                priv->state = ISMAEA_STATE_SETUP;
                return GF_OK;
        return GF_BAD_PARAM;

static GF_Err CENC_ProcessData(ISMAEAPriv *priv, GF_IPMPEvent *evt)
        GF_Err e;
        GF_BitStream *pleintext_bs, *cyphertext_bs, *sai_bs;
        char IV[17];
        bin128 KID;
        char *buffer;
        u32 max_size, i, subsample_count;
        GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo *sai;

        pleintext_bs = cyphertext_bs = sai_bs = NULL;
        buffer = NULL;
        max_size = 4096;

        if (!priv->crypt) return GF_SERVICE_ERROR;

        if (!evt->is_encrypted) return GF_OK;

        cyphertext_bs = gf_bs_new(evt->data, evt->data_size, GF_BITSTREAM_READ);
        sai_bs = gf_bs_new(evt->sai, evt->saiz, GF_BITSTREAM_READ);
        pleintext_bs = gf_bs_new(NULL, 0, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE);
        buffer = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * max_size);

        sai = (GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo *)gf_malloc(sizeof(GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo));
        if (!sai) {
                e = GF_IO_ERR;
                goto exit;
        memset(sai, 0, sizeof(GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo));
        sai->IV_size = evt->IV_size;
        /*read sample auxiliary information from bitstream*/
        gf_bs_read_data(sai_bs,  (char *)KID, 16);
        gf_bs_read_data(sai_bs, (char *)sai->IV, sai->IV_size);
        sai->subsample_count = gf_bs_read_u16(sai_bs);
        if (sai->subsample_count) {
                sai->subsamples = (GF_CENCSubSampleEntry *)gf_malloc(sai->subsample_count*sizeof(GF_CENCSubSampleEntry));
                for (i = 0; i < sai->subsample_count; i++) {
                        sai->subsamples[i].bytes_clear_data = gf_bs_read_u16(sai_bs);
                        sai->subsamples[i].bytes_encrypted_data = gf_bs_read_u32(sai_bs);

        for (i = 0; i < priv->KID_count; i++) {
                if (!strncmp((const char *)KID, (const char *)priv->KIDs[i], 16)) {
                        memmove(priv->key, priv->keys[i], 16);

        if (priv->first_crypted_samp) {
                if (evt->IV_size) {
                        memmove(IV, sai->IV, sai->IV_size);
                        if (sai->IV_size == 8)
                                memset(IV+8, 0, sizeof(char)*8);
                } else {
                        memmove(IV, evt->constant_IV, evt->constant_IV_size);
                        if (evt->constant_IV_size == 8)
                                memset(IV+8, 0, sizeof(char)*8);
                e = gf_crypt_init(priv->crypt, priv->key, 16, IV);
                if (e) {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_AUTHOR, ("[CENC] Cannot initialize AES-128 AES-128 %s (%s)\n", priv->is_cenc ? "CTR" : "CBC", gf_error_to_string(e)) );
                        e = GF_IO_ERR;
                        goto exit;
                priv->first_crypted_samp = GF_FALSE;
        } else {
                if (priv->is_cenc) {
                        GF_BitStream *bs;
                        bs = gf_bs_new(IV, 17, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE);
                        gf_bs_write_u8(bs, 0);  /*begin of counter*/
                        gf_bs_write_data(bs,(char *)sai->IV, sai->IV_size);
                        if (sai->IV_size == 8)
                                gf_bs_write_u64(bs, 0); /*0-padded if IV_size == 8*/
                        gf_crypt_set_state(priv->crypt, IV, 17);
                e = gf_crypt_set_key(priv->crypt, priv->key, 16, IV);
                if (e) {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_AUTHOR, ("[CENC] Cannot set key AES-128 %s (%s)\n", priv->is_cenc ? "CTR" : "CBC", gf_error_to_string(e)) );
                        e = GF_IO_ERR;
                        goto exit;

        //sub-sample encryption
        if (sai->subsample_count) {
                subsample_count = 0;
                while (gf_bs_available(cyphertext_bs)) {
                        if (subsample_count >= sai->subsample_count)
                        if (!evt->IV_size) {
                                memmove(IV, evt->constant_IV, evt->constant_IV_size);
                                if (evt->constant_IV_size == 8)
                                        memset(IV+8, 0, sizeof(char)*8);
                                gf_crypt_set_state(priv->crypt, IV, 16);

                        /*read clear data and write it to pleintext bitstream*/
                        if (max_size < sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_clear_data) {
                                buffer = (char*)gf_realloc(buffer, sizeof(char)*sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_clear_data);
                                max_size = sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_clear_data;
                        gf_bs_read_data(cyphertext_bs, buffer, sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_clear_data);
                        gf_bs_write_data(pleintext_bs, buffer, sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_clear_data);

                        /*now read encrypted data, decrypted it and write to pleintext bitstream*/
                        if (max_size < sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_encrypted_data) {
                                buffer = (char*)gf_realloc(buffer, sizeof(char)*sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_encrypted_data);
                                max_size = sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_encrypted_data;
                        gf_bs_read_data(cyphertext_bs, buffer, sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_encrypted_data);
                        //pattern decryption
                        if (evt->crypt_byte_block && evt->skip_byte_block) {
                                u32 pos = 0;
                                u32 res = sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_encrypted_data;
                                while (res) {
                                        gf_crypt_decrypt(priv->crypt, buffer+pos, res >= (u32) (16*evt->crypt_byte_block) ? 16*evt->crypt_byte_block : res);
                                        if (res >= (u32) (16 * (evt->crypt_byte_block + evt->skip_byte_block))) {
                                                pos += 16 * (evt->crypt_byte_block + evt->skip_byte_block);
                                                res -= 16 * (evt->crypt_byte_block + evt->skip_byte_block);
                                        } else {
                                                res = 0;
                        } else {
                                gf_crypt_decrypt(priv->crypt, buffer, sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_encrypted_data);
                        gf_bs_write_data(pleintext_bs, buffer, sai->subsamples[subsample_count].bytes_encrypted_data);

                if (buffer) gf_free(buffer);
                gf_bs_get_content(pleintext_bs, &buffer, &evt->data_size);
        //full sample encryption
        else {
                if (max_size < evt->data_size) {
                        buffer = (char*)gf_realloc(buffer, sizeof(char)*evt->data_size);
                gf_bs_read_data(cyphertext_bs, buffer, evt->data_size);
                if (priv->is_cenc) {                    
                        gf_crypt_decrypt(priv->crypt, buffer, evt->data_size);
                } else {
                        u32 ret = evt->data_size % 16;
                        if (evt->data_size >= 16) {
                                gf_crypt_decrypt(priv->crypt, buffer, evt->data_size-ret);
        memmove(evt->data, buffer, evt->data_size);

        if (pleintext_bs) gf_bs_del(pleintext_bs);
        if (sai_bs) gf_bs_del(sai_bs);
        if (cyphertext_bs) gf_bs_del(cyphertext_bs);
        if (buffer) gf_free(buffer);
        if (sai && sai->subsamples) gf_free(sai->subsamples);
        if (sai) gf_free(sai);
        return e;

static GF_Err IPMP_Process(GF_IPMPTool *plug, GF_IPMPEvent *evt)
        ISMAEAPriv *priv = (ISMAEAPriv *)plug->udta;

        switch (evt->event_type) {
        case GF_IPMP_TOOL_SETUP:
                if (evt->config_data_code == GF_4CC('i','s','m','a')) return ISMA_Setup(priv, evt);
#ifdef OMA_DRM_MP4MC
                if (evt->config_data_code == GF_4CC('o','d','r','m')) return OMA_DRM_Setup(priv, evt);
                if((evt->config_data_code == GF_4CC('c', 'e', 'n', 'c')) || (evt->config_data_code == GF_4CC('c','b','c','1')) || (evt->config_data_code == GF_4CC('c', 'e', 'n', 's')) || (evt->config_data_code == GF_4CC('c','b','c','s'))) 
                        return CENC_Setup(priv, evt);
                return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;

                if (priv->is_cenc || priv->is_cbc) {
                        return CENC_Access(priv, evt);
                } else if (priv->is_oma) {
                } else {
                        return ISMA_Access(priv, evt);
                if (priv->is_cenc || priv->is_cbc) {
                        return CENC_ProcessData(priv, evt);
                } else if (priv->is_oma) {
                        if (evt->is_encrypted) {
                                evt->restart_requested = GF_TRUE;
                                return GF_EOS;
                        return GF_OK;
                return ISMA_ProcessData(priv, evt);
        return GF_OK;

void DeleteIPMPTool(GF_IPMPTool *plug)
        ISMAEAPriv *priv = (ISMAEAPriv *)plug->udta;
        /*in case something went wrong*/
        if (priv->crypt) gf_crypt_close(priv->crypt);
        if (priv->KIDs) gf_free(priv->KIDs);
        if (priv->keys) gf_free(priv->keys);

GF_IPMPTool *NewIPMPTool()
        ISMAEAPriv *priv;
        GF_IPMPTool *tmp;

        GF_SAFEALLOC(tmp, GF_IPMPTool);
        if (!tmp) return NULL;
        GF_SAFEALLOC(priv, ISMAEAPriv);
        tmp->udta = priv;
        tmp->process = IPMP_Process;
        GF_REGISTER_MODULE_INTERFACE(tmp, GF_IPMP_TOOL_INTERFACE, "GPAC ISMACryp tool", "gpac distribution")
        return (GF_IPMPTool *) tmp;


const u32 *QueryInterfaces()
        static u32 si [] = {
        return si;

GF_BaseInterface *LoadInterface(u32 InterfaceType)
        switch (InterfaceType) {
                return (GF_BaseInterface *)NewIPMPTool();
                return NULL;

void ShutdownInterface(GF_BaseInterface *ifce)
        switch (ifce->InterfaceType) {
                DeleteIPMPTool((GF_IPMPTool *)ifce);


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */