
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / RTP input module
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#ifndef RTP_IN_H
#define RTP_IN_H

/*module interface*/
#include <gpac/modules/service.h>

#include <gpac/thread.h>
#include <gpac/constants.h>
#include <gpac/base_coding.h>
/*IETF lib*/
#include <gpac/ietf.h>

#define RTP_BUFFER_SIZE                 0x100000ul
#define RTSP_BUFFER_SIZE                5000
#define RTSP_TCP_BUFFER_SIZE    0x100000ul
#define RTSP_LANGUAGE           "English"

/*the rtsp/rtp client*/
typedef struct
        /*the service we're responsible for*/
        GF_ClientService *service;

        /*the one and only IOD*/
        GF_Descriptor *session_desc;

        /*RTSP sessions*/
        GF_List *sessions;
        /*RTP/RTCP media channels*/
        GF_List *channels;

        /*sdp downloader*/
        GF_DownloadSession * dnload;
        /*initial sdp download if any (temp storage)*/
        struct _sdp_fetch *sdp_temp;

        /*RTSP communication/deinterleaver thread*/
        GF_Mutex *mx;
        GF_Thread *th;
        u32 th_state;

        /*RTSP config*/
        /*transport mode. 0 is udp, 1 is tcp, 3 is tcp if unreliable media */
        u32 transport_mode;
        /*default RTSP port*/
        u16 default_port;
        /*signaling timeout in msec*/
        u32 time_out;
        /*udp timeout in msec*/
        u32 udp_time_out;

        /*packet drop emulation*/
        u32 first_packet_drop;
        u32 frequency_drop;

        /*for single-object control*/
        u32 media_type;

        /*session state data, formatyed as "data:application/sdp;SDPDATA"*/
        char *session_state_data;

        /*if set ANNOUNCE (sent by server) will be handled*/
//      Bool handle_announce;

        Double last_ntp;

        Bool session_migration;

        Bool is_scalable;

        u32 cur_mid;
} RTPClient;

        RTSP_AGG_CONTROL = 1,
        RTSP_TCP_FLUSH = 1<<1,
        RTSP_FORCE_INTER = 1<<2,
        RTSP_WAIT_REPLY = 1<<3,
        RTSP_DSS_SERVER = 1<<4,
        RTSP_AGG_ONLY = 1<<5,

/*rtsp session*/
typedef struct _rtp_session
        u32 flags;

        RTPClient *owner;

        /*RTSP session object*/
        GF_RTSPSession *session;
        /*session ID for aggregated stream control*/
        char *session_id;

        /*session control string*/
        char *control;

        /*response object*/
        GF_RTSPResponse *rtsp_rsp;

        Double last_range;
        u32 command_time;
        GF_List *rtsp_commands;
        GF_Err connect_error;

        /*SAT>IP uses a non-conformant version of RTSP*/
        Bool satip;
        char *satip_server;
} RTSPSession;

/*creates new RTSP session handler*/
RTSPSession *RP_NewSession(RTPClient *rtp, char *session_control);
/*disconnects and destroy RTSP session handler - if immediate_shutdown do not wait for response*/
void RP_DelSession(RTSPSession *sess);
/*check session by control string*/
RTSPSession *RP_CheckSession(RTPClient *rtp, char *control);

void RP_SetupObjects(RTPClient *rtp);

void RP_ProcessCommands(RTSPSession *sess);

void RP_SendMessage(GF_ClientService *service, GF_Err e, const char *message);

/*RTP channel state*/
        /*channel is setup and waits for connection request*/
        /*waiting for server reply*/
        /*connection OK*/
        /*data exchange on this service/channel*/
        /*deconnection OK - a download channel can automatically disconnect when download is done*/
        /*service/channel is not (no longer) available/found and should be removed*/



/*rtp channel flags*/
        /*static RTP channel flags*/

        /*set if sending RTCP reports is enabled (default)*/
        RTP_ENABLE_RTCP = 1,
        /*set if stream control possible*/
        RTP_HAS_RANGE = (1<<1),
        /*set if RTP over RTSP*/
        RTP_INTERLEAVED = (1<<2),
        /*broadcast emultaion is on (no time control for stream)*/
        RTP_FORCE_BROADCAST = (1<<3),

        /*RTP channel runtime flags*/

        /*set if next command (PLAY/PAUSE) is to be skipped (aggregation control)*/
        RTP_SKIP_NEXT_COM = (1<<4),
        /*indicates whether channel creation has been acknowledged or not
        this is needed to filter real channel_connect calls from RTSP re-setup (after STOP) ones*/
        RTP_CONNECTED = (1<<5),
        /*EOS signaled (RTCP or range-based)*/
        RTP_EOS = (1<<6),

        /*RTP stream is using mobileIP - this will disable RTP over RTSP*/
        RTP_MOBILEIP = (1<<7),


        RTP_SET_TIME_NONE = 0,


/*rtp channel*/
typedef struct
        RTPClient *owner;

        /*channel flags*/
        u32 flags;

        /*control session (may be null)*/
        RTSPSession *rtsp;
        /*session ID for independent stream control*/
        char *session_id;

        /*RTP channel*/
        GF_RTPChannel *rtp_ch;

        GF_RTPDepacketizer *depacketizer;

        /*logical app channel*/
        LPNETCHANNEL channel;
        u32 status;

        u32 ES_ID, OD_ID;
        char *control;

        /*rtp receive buffer*/
        char buffer[RTP_BUFFER_SIZE];
        /*set at play/seek stages to sync app NPT to RTP time (RTSP) or NTP to RTP (RTCP)
        u32 check_rtp_time;

        /*can we control the stream ?*/
        Double range_start, range_end;
        /*current start time in npt (for pause/resume)*/
        Double current_start;

        Bool paused;
        Bool rtcp_init;
        /*UDP time-out detection*/
        u32 last_udp_time;
        /*RTP stats*/
        u32 rtp_bytes, rtcp_bytes, stat_start_time, stat_stop_time;
        u32 ts_res;

        /*stream id*/
        u32 mid;

        u32 prev_stream;
        u32 next_stream;
        u32 base_stream;

        u32 rtcp_check_start;

        u64 ts_offset;
        /*SAT>IP M2TS demux*/
        GF_InputService *satip_m2ts_ifce;
        Bool satip_m2ts_service_connected;
} RTPStream;

GF_Err RP_ConnectServiceEx(GF_InputService *plug, GF_ClientService *serv, const char *url, Bool skip_migration);

/*creates new RTP stream from SDP info*/
RTPStream *RP_NewStream(RTPClient *rtp, GF_SDPMedia *media, GF_SDPInfo *sdp, RTPStream *input_stream);
/*creates new SAT>IP stream*/
RTPStream *RP_NewSatipStream(RTPClient *rtp, const char *server_ip);
/*destroys RTP stream */
void RP_DeleteStream(RTPStream *ch);
/*resets stream state and inits RTP sockets if ResetOnly is false*/
GF_Err RP_InitStream(RTPStream *ch, Bool ResetOnly);

/*RTSP -> RTP de-interleaving callback*/
GF_Err RP_DataOnTCP(GF_RTSPSession *sess, void *cbck, char *buffer, u32 bufferSize, Bool IsRTCP);
/*send confirmation of connection - if no error, also setup SL based on payload*/
void RP_ConfirmChannelConnect(RTPStream *ch, GF_Err e);

/*fetch sdp file - stream is the RTP channel this sdp describes, or NULL if session sdp*/
void RP_FetchSDP(RTPClient *rtp, char *url, RTPStream *stream, char *original_url);

/*locate RTP stream by channel or ES_ID or control*/
RTPStream *RP_FindChannel(RTPClient *rtp, LPNETCHANNEL ch, u32 ES_ID, char *es_control, Bool remove_stream);
/*adds channel to session identified by session_control. If no session exists, the session is created if needed*/
GF_Err RP_AddStream(RTPClient *rtp, RTPStream *stream, char *session_control);
/*removes stream from session*/
void RP_RemoveStream(RTPClient *rtp, RTPStream *ch);
/*reads input socket and process*/
void RP_ReadStream(RTPStream *ch);

/*parse RTP payload for MPEG4*/
void RP_ParsePayloadMPEG4(RTPStream *ch, GF_RTPHeader *hdr, char *payload, u32 size);
/*parse RTP payload for MPEG12*/
void RP_ParsePayloadMPEG12(RTPStream *ch, GF_RTPHeader *hdr, char *payload, u32 size);
/*parse RTP payload for AMR*/
void RP_ParsePayloadAMR(RTPStream *ch, GF_RTPHeader *hdr, char *payload, u32 size);
/*parse RTP payload for H263+*/
void RP_ParsePayloadH263(RTPStream *ch, GF_RTPHeader *hdr, char *payload, u32 size);
/*parse RTP payload for 3GPP Text*/
void RP_ParsePayloadText(RTPStream *ch, GF_RTPHeader *hdr, char *payload, u32 size);
/*parse RTP payload for H264/AVC*/
void RP_ParsePayloadH264(RTPStream *ch, GF_RTPHeader *hdr, char *payload, u32 size);
/*parse RTP payload for LATM audio*/
void RP_ParsePayloadLATM(RTPStream *ch, GF_RTPHeader *hdr, char *payload, u32 size);

/*load SDP and setup described media in SDP. If stream is null this is the root
SDP and IOD will be extracted, otherwise this a channel SDP*/
void RP_LoadSDP(RTPClient *rtp, char *sdp, u32 sdp_len, RTPStream *stream);

/*returns 1 if payload type is supported*/
u32 payt_get_type(RTPClient *rtp, GF_RTPMap *map, GF_SDPMedia *media);
/*setup payload type, returns 1 if success, 0 otherwise (in which case the stream will be deleted)*/
Bool payt_setup(RTPStream *st, GF_RTPMap *map, GF_SDPMedia *media);

/*RTSP signaling is handled by stacking commands and processing them
in the main session thread. Each RTSP command has an associated private stack as follows*/

/*describe stack for single channel (not for session)*/
typedef struct
        u32 ES_ID;
        LPNETCHANNEL channel;
        char *esd_url;
} ChannelDescribe;

typedef struct
        RTPStream *ch;
        GF_NetworkCommand com;
} ChannelControl;

/*RTSP signaling */
Bool RP_PreprocessDescribe(RTSPSession *sess, GF_RTSPCommand *com);
GF_Err RP_ProcessDescribe(RTSPSession *sess, GF_RTSPCommand *com, GF_Err e);
void RP_ProcessSetup(RTSPSession *sess, GF_RTSPCommand *com, GF_Err e);
void RP_ProcessTeardown(RTSPSession *sess, GF_RTSPCommand *com, GF_Err e);
Bool RP_PreprocessUserCom(RTSPSession *sess, GF_RTSPCommand *com);
void RP_ProcessUserCommand(RTSPSession *sess, GF_RTSPCommand *com, GF_Err e);

/*send describe - if esd_url is given, this is a describe on es*/
void RP_Describe(RTSPSession *sess, char *esd_url, LPNETCHANNEL channel);
/*send setup for stream*/
void RP_Setup(RTPStream *ch);
/*filter setup if no session (rtp only), otherwise setup channel - ch_desc may be NULL
if channel association is already done*/
GF_Err RP_SetupChannel(RTPStream *ch, ChannelDescribe *ch_desc);
/*send command for stream - handles aggregation*/
void RP_UserCommand(RTSPSession *sess, RTPStream *ch, GF_NetworkCommand *command);
/*disconnect the session - if @ch, only the channel is teardown*/
void RP_Teardown(RTSPSession *sess, RTPStream *ch);

/*emulate IOD*/
GF_Descriptor *RP_EmulateIOD(RTPClient *rtp, const char *sub_url);

/*sdp file downloader*/
typedef struct _sdp_fetch
        RTPClient *client;
        /*when loading a channel from SDP*/
        RTPStream *chan;

        char *remote_url;
        char *original_url;
} SDPFetch;

void RP_SaveSessionState(RTPClient *rtp);



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