
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. RP_ConfirmChannelConnect
  2. RP_InitStream
  3. RP_DeleteStream
  4. rtp_sl_packet_cbk
  5. RP_NewSatipStream
  6. RP_NewStream
  7. RP_ProcessRTP
  8. RP_ProcessRTCP
  9. RP_DataOnTCP
  10. SendTCPData
  11. RP_ReadStream

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / RTP input module
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "rtp_in.h"
#include <gpac/internal/ietf_dev.h>
#include <gpac/internal/terminal_dev.h> //for SAT>IP: we need to instantiate the M2TS demuxer


void RP_ConfirmChannelConnect(RTPStream *ch, GF_Err e)
        GF_NetworkCommand com;

        /*in case the channel has been disconnected while SETUP was issued&processed. We also could
        clean up the command stack*/
        if (!ch->channel) return;

        gf_service_connect_ack(ch->owner->service, ch->channel, e);
        if (e != GF_OK || !ch->rtp_ch) return;

        /*success, overwrite SL config*/
        memset(&com, 0, sizeof(GF_NetworkCommand));
        com.command_type =      GF_NET_CHAN_RECONFIG;
        com.base.on_channel = ch->channel;

        gf_rtp_depacketizer_get_slconfig(ch->depacketizer, &com.cfg.sl_config);
        gf_service_command(ch->owner->service, &com, GF_OK);

        /*ISMACryp config*/
        if (ch->depacketizer->flags & GF_RTP_HAS_ISMACRYP) {
                memset(&com, 0, sizeof(GF_NetworkCommand));
                com.base.on_channel = ch->channel;
                com.command_type = GF_NET_CHAN_DRM_CFG;
                com.drm_cfg.scheme_type = ch->depacketizer->isma_scheme;
                com.drm_cfg.scheme_version = 1;
                /*not transported in SDP!!!*/
                com.drm_cfg.scheme_uri = NULL;
                com.drm_cfg.kms_uri = ch->depacketizer->key;
                gf_service_command(ch->owner->service, &com, GF_OK);

GF_Err RP_InitStream(RTPStream *ch, Bool ResetOnly)
        gf_rtp_depacketizer_reset(ch->depacketizer, !ResetOnly);

        if (!ResetOnly) {
                const char *ip_ifce = NULL;
                u32 reorder_size = 0;
                if (!ch->owner->transport_mode) {
                        const char *sOpt = gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *) gf_service_get_interface(ch->owner->service), "Streaming", "ReorderSize");
                        if (sOpt) reorder_size = atoi(sOpt);
                        else reorder_size = 10;

                        ip_ifce = gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *) gf_service_get_interface(ch->owner->service), "Network", "DefaultMCastInterface");
                        if (!ip_ifce) {
                                const char *mob_on = gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *) gf_service_get_interface(ch->owner->service), "Network", "MobileIPEnabled");
                                if (mob_on && !strcmp(mob_on, "yes")) {
                                        ip_ifce = gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *) gf_service_get_interface(ch->owner->service), "Network", "MobileIP");
                                        ch->flags |= RTP_MOBILEIP;

                return gf_rtp_initialize(ch->rtp_ch, RTP_BUFFER_SIZE, GF_FALSE, 0, reorder_size, 200, (char *)ip_ifce);
        //just reset the sockets
        return GF_OK;

void RP_DeleteStream(RTPStream *ch)
        if (ch->rtsp) {
                if (ch->status == RTP_Running) {
                        RP_Teardown(ch->rtsp, ch);
                        ch->status = RTP_Disconnected;
                RP_RemoveStream(ch->owner, ch);
        } else {
                RP_FindChannel(ch->owner, ch->channel, 0, NULL, GF_TRUE);

        if (ch->depacketizer) gf_rtp_depacketizer_del(ch->depacketizer);
        if (ch->rtp_ch) gf_rtp_del(ch->rtp_ch);
        if (ch->control) gf_free(ch->control);
        if (ch->session_id) gf_free(ch->session_id);
        if (ch->satip_m2ts_ifce) {
                if (ch->satip_m2ts_service_connected) {
                gf_modules_close_interface((GF_BaseInterface *)ch->satip_m2ts_ifce);

static void rtp_sl_packet_cbk(void *udta, char *payload, u32 size, GF_SLHeader *hdr, GF_Err e)
        u64 cts, dts;
        RTPStream *ch = (RTPStream *)udta;

        if (!ch->rtcp_init) {
                if (!ch->rtcp_check_start) {
                        ch->rtcp_check_start = gf_sys_clock();
                else if (gf_sys_clock() - ch->rtcp_check_start <= RTCP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_RTP, ("[RTP] Timeout for RTCP: no SR recevied after %d ms - forcing playback, sync may be broken\n", RTCP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS));
                ch->rtcp_init = GF_TRUE;

        cts = hdr->compositionTimeStamp;
        dts = hdr->decodingTimeStamp;

        if (hdr->compositionTimeStamp < ch->ts_offset) {
                hdr->compositionTimeStamp = hdr->decodingTimeStamp = 0;
                hdr->seekFlag = 1;
        } else {
                hdr->seekFlag = 0;
                hdr->compositionTimeStamp -= ch->ts_offset;

                if (hdr->decodingTimeStamp) {
                        hdr->decodingTimeStamp -= ch->ts_offset;

        if (ch->rtp_ch->packet_loss) e = GF_REMOTE_SERVICE_ERROR;

        if (ch->owner->first_packet_drop && (hdr->packetSequenceNumber >= ch->owner->first_packet_drop) ) {
                if ( (hdr->packetSequenceNumber - ch->owner->first_packet_drop) % ch->owner->frequency_drop)
                        gf_service_send_packet(ch->owner->service, ch->channel, payload, size, hdr, e);
        } else {
                gf_service_send_packet(ch->owner->service, ch->channel, payload, size, hdr, e);
        hdr->compositionTimeStamp = cts;
        hdr->decodingTimeStamp = dts;

RTPStream *RP_NewSatipStream(RTPClient *rtp, const char *server_ip)
        char *ctrl;
        GF_RTPMap map;
        GF_RTSPTransport trans;
        RTPStream *tmp;
        GF_SAFEALLOC(tmp, RTPStream);
        if (!tmp) return NULL;
        tmp->owner = rtp;

        /*create an RTP channel*/
        tmp->rtp_ch = gf_rtp_new();
        tmp->control = gf_strdup("*");

        memset(&trans, 0, sizeof(GF_RTSPTransport));
        trans.Profile = "RTP/AVP";
        trans.source = gf_strdup(server_ip);
        trans.IsUnicast = GF_TRUE;
        trans.client_port_first = 0;
        trans.client_port_last = 0;
        trans.port_first = 0;
        trans.port_last = 0;

        if (gf_rtp_setup_transport(tmp->rtp_ch, &trans, NULL) != GF_OK) {
                return NULL;

        /*setup channel*/
        memset(&map, 0, sizeof(GF_RTPMap));
        map.PayloadType = 33;
        map.ClockRate = 90000;
        gf_rtp_setup_payload(tmp->rtp_ch, &map);

        ctrl = (char *)gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *)gf_service_get_interface(rtp->service), "Streaming", "DisableRTCP");
        if (!ctrl || stricmp(ctrl, "yes")) tmp->flags |= RTP_ENABLE_RTCP;

        /*setup NAT keep-alive*/
        ctrl = (char *)gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *)gf_service_get_interface(rtp->service), "Streaming", "NATKeepAlive");
        if (ctrl) {
                gf_rtp_enable_nat_keepalive(tmp->rtp_ch, atoi(ctrl));
        } else {
                gf_rtp_enable_nat_keepalive(tmp->rtp_ch, 30000); /*keep-alive every 30s, SAT>IP max is 60s*/

        tmp->range_start = 0;
        tmp->range_end = 0;

        tmp->satip_m2ts_ifce = (GF_InputService*)gf_modules_load_interface_by_name(rtp->service->term->user->modules, "GPAC MPEG-2 TS Reader", GF_NET_CLIENT_INTERFACE);
        if (!tmp->satip_m2ts_ifce) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_RTP, ("[SAT>IP] Couldn't load the M2TS demuxer.\n"));
                return NULL;
        tmp->satip_m2ts_ifce->proxy_udta = rtp;

        return tmp;

RTPStream *RP_NewStream(RTPClient *rtp, GF_SDPMedia *media, GF_SDPInfo *sdp, RTPStream *input_stream)
        GF_RTSPRange *range;
        RTPStream *tmp;
        GF_RTPMap *map;
        u32 i, ESID, ODID, ssrc, rtp_seq, rtp_time;
        Bool force_bcast = GF_FALSE;
        Double Start, End;
        Float CurrentTime;
        u16 rvc_predef = 0;
        char *rvc_config_att = NULL;
        u32 s_port_first, s_port_last;
        GF_X_Attribute *att;
        Bool is_migration = GF_FALSE;
        char *ctrl;
        GF_SDPConnection *conn;
        GF_RTSPTransport trans;
        u32 mid, prev_stream, base_stream;

        //extract all relevant info from the GF_SDPMedia
        Start = 0.0;
        End = -1.0;
        CurrentTime = 0.0f;
        ODID = 0;
        ESID = 0;
        ctrl = NULL;
        range = NULL;
        s_port_first = s_port_last = 0;
        ssrc = rtp_seq = rtp_time = 0;
        mid = prev_stream = base_stream = 0;
        while ((att = (GF_X_Attribute*)gf_list_enum(media->Attributes, &i))) {
                if (!stricmp(att->Name, "control")) ctrl = att->Value;
                else if (!stricmp(att->Name, "gpac-broadcast")) force_bcast = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(att->Name, "mpeg4-esid") && att->Value) ESID = atoi(att->Value);
                else if (!stricmp(att->Name, "mpeg4-odid") && att->Value) ODID = atoi(att->Value);
                else if (!stricmp(att->Name, "range") && !range) range = gf_rtsp_range_parse(att->Value);
                else if (!stricmp(att->Name, "x-stream-state") ) {
                        sscanf(att->Value, "server-port=%u-%u;ssrc=%X;npt=%g;seq=%u;rtptime=%u",
                               &s_port_first, &s_port_last, &ssrc, &CurrentTime, &rtp_seq, &rtp_time);
                        is_migration = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(att->Name, "x-server-port") ) {
                        sscanf(att->Value, "%u-%u", &s_port_first, &s_port_last);
                } else if (!stricmp(att->Name, "rvc-config-predef")) {
                        rvc_predef = atoi(att->Value);
                } else if (!stricmp(att->Name, "rvc-config")) {
                        rvc_config_att = att->Value;
                } else if (!stricmp(att->Name, "mid")) {
                        sscanf(att->Value, "L%d", &mid);
                } else if (!stricmp(att->Name, "depend")) {
                        char buf[3000];
                        memset(buf, 0, 3000);
                        sscanf(att->Value, "%*d lay L%d %*s %s", &base_stream, buf);
                        if (!strlen(buf))
                                sscanf(att->Value, "%*d lay %s", buf);
                        sscanf(buf, "L%d", &prev_stream);

        if (range) {
                Start = range->start;
                End = range->end;

        /*check connection*/
        conn = sdp->c_connection;
        if (conn && (!conn->host || !strcmp(conn->host, ""))) conn = NULL;

        if (!conn) conn = (GF_SDPConnection*)gf_list_get(media->Connections, 0);
        if (conn && (!conn->host || !strcmp(conn->host, ""))) conn = NULL;

        if (!conn) {
                /*RTSP RFC recommends an empty "c= " line but some server don't send it. Use session info (o=)*/
                if (!sdp->o_net_type || !sdp->o_add_type || strcmp(sdp->o_net_type, "IN")) return NULL;
                if (strcmp(sdp->o_add_type, "IP4") && strcmp(sdp->o_add_type, "IP6")) return NULL;
        } else {
                if (strcmp(conn->net_type, "IN")) return NULL;
                if (strcmp(conn->add_type, "IP4") && strcmp(conn->add_type, "IP6")) return NULL;
        /*do we support transport*/
        if (strcmp(media->Profile, "RTP/AVP") && strcmp(media->Profile, "RTP/AVP/TCP")
                && strcmp(media->Profile, "RTP/SAVP") && strcmp(media->Profile, "RTP/SAVP/TCP")
           ) return NULL;

        /*check RTP map. For now we only support 1 RTPMap*/
        if (media->fmt_list || (gf_list_count(media->RTPMaps) > 1)) return NULL;

        /*check payload type*/
        map = (GF_RTPMap*)gf_list_get(media->RTPMaps, 0);

        /*this is an ESD-URL setup, we likely have namespace conflicts so overwrite given ES_ID
        by the app one (client side), but keep control (server side) if provided*/
        if (input_stream) {
                ESID = input_stream->ES_ID;
                if (!ctrl) ctrl = input_stream->control;
                tmp = input_stream;
        } else {
                tmp = RP_FindChannel(rtp, NULL, ESID, NULL, GF_FALSE);
                if (tmp) return NULL;

                GF_SAFEALLOC(tmp, RTPStream);
                if (!tmp) return NULL;
                tmp->owner = rtp;

        /*create an RTP channel*/
        tmp->rtp_ch = gf_rtp_new();
        if (ctrl) tmp->control = gf_strdup(ctrl);
        tmp->ES_ID = ESID;
        tmp->OD_ID = ODID;
        tmp->mid = mid;
        tmp->prev_stream = prev_stream;
        tmp->base_stream = base_stream;

        memset(&trans, 0, sizeof(GF_RTSPTransport));
        trans.Profile = media->Profile;
        trans.source = conn ? conn->host : sdp->o_address;
        trans.IsUnicast = gf_sk_is_multicast_address(trans.source) ? GF_FALSE : GF_TRUE;
        if (!trans.IsUnicast) {
                trans.port_first = media->PortNumber;
                trans.port_last = media->PortNumber + 1;
                trans.TTL = conn ? conn->TTL : 0;
        } else {
                trans.client_port_first = media->PortNumber;
                trans.client_port_last = media->PortNumber + 1;
                trans.port_first = s_port_first ? s_port_first : trans.client_port_first;
                trans.port_last = s_port_last ? s_port_last : trans.client_port_last;

        if (gf_rtp_setup_transport(tmp->rtp_ch, &trans, NULL) != GF_OK) {
                return NULL;
        /*setup depacketizer*/
        tmp->depacketizer = gf_rtp_depacketizer_new(media, rtp_sl_packet_cbk, tmp);
        if (!tmp->depacketizer) {
                return NULL;
        /*setup channel*/
        gf_rtp_setup_payload(tmp->rtp_ch, map);

//      tmp->status = NM_Disconnected;

        ctrl = (char *) gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *) gf_service_get_interface(rtp->service), "Streaming", "DisableRTCP");
        if (!ctrl || stricmp(ctrl, "yes")) tmp->flags |= RTP_ENABLE_RTCP;

        /*setup NAT keep-alive*/
        ctrl = (char *) gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *) gf_service_get_interface(rtp->service), "Streaming", "NATKeepAlive");
        if (ctrl) gf_rtp_enable_nat_keepalive(tmp->rtp_ch, atoi(ctrl));

        tmp->range_start = Start;
        tmp->range_end = End;
        if (End != -1.0) tmp->flags |= RTP_HAS_RANGE;

        if (force_bcast) tmp->flags |= RTP_FORCE_BROADCAST;

        if (is_migration) {
                tmp->current_start = (Double) CurrentTime;
                tmp->check_rtp_time = RTP_SET_TIME_RTP;
                gf_rtp_set_info_rtp(tmp->rtp_ch, rtp_seq, rtp_time, ssrc);
                tmp->status = RTP_SessionResume;

        if (rvc_predef) {
                tmp->depacketizer->sl_map.rvc_predef = rvc_predef ;
        } else if (rvc_config_att) {
                char *rvc_data=NULL;
                u32 rvc_size;
                Bool is_gz = GF_FALSE;
                if (!strncmp(rvc_config_att, "data:application/rvc-config+xml", 32) && strstr(rvc_config_att, "base64") ) {
                        char *data = strchr(rvc_config_att, ',');
                        if (data) {
                                rvc_size = (u32) strlen(data) * 3 / 4 + 1;
                                rvc_data = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * rvc_size);
                                rvc_size = gf_base64_decode(data, (u32) strlen(data), rvc_data, rvc_size);
                                rvc_data[rvc_size] = 0;
                        if (!strncmp(rvc_config_att, "data:application/rvc-config+xml+gz", 35)) is_gz = GF_TRUE;
                } else if (!strnicmp(rvc_config_att, "http://", 7) || !strnicmp(rvc_config_att, "https://", 8) ) {
                        char *mime;
                        if (gf_dm_get_file_memory(rvc_config_att, &rvc_data, &rvc_size, &mime) == GF_OK) {
                                if (mime && strstr(mime, "+gz")) is_gz = GF_TRUE;
                                if (mime) gf_free(mime);
                if (rvc_data) {
                        if (is_gz) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error: no zlib support - RVC not supported in RTP\n");
                                return NULL;
                                gf_gz_decompress_payload(rvc_data, rvc_size, &tmp->depacketizer->sl_map.rvc_config, &tmp->depacketizer->sl_map.rvc_config_size);
                        } else {
                                tmp->depacketizer->sl_map.rvc_config = rvc_data;
                                tmp->depacketizer->sl_map.rvc_config_size = rvc_size;

        return tmp;

static void RP_ProcessRTP(RTPStream *ch, char *pck, u32 size)
        GF_NetworkCommand com;
        GF_Err e;
        GF_RTPHeader hdr;
        u32 PayloadStart;
        ch->rtp_bytes += size;

        /*first decode RTP*/
        e = gf_rtp_decode_rtp(ch->rtp_ch, pck, size, &hdr, &PayloadStart);

        /*corrupted or NULL data*/
        if (e || (PayloadStart >= size)) {
                //gf_service_send_packet(ch->owner->service, ch->channel, NULL, 0, NULL, GF_CORRUPTED_DATA);

        /*if we must notify some timing, do it now. If the channel has no range, this should NEVER be called*/
        if (ch->check_rtp_time /*&& gf_rtp_is_active(ch->rtp_ch)*/) {
                Double ch_time;

                /*it may happen that we still receive packets from a previous "play" request. If this is the case,
                filter until we reach the indicated rtptime*/
                if (ch->rtp_ch->rtp_time
                        && (ch->rtp_ch->rtp_first_SN > hdr.SequenceNumber)
                        && (ch->rtp_ch->rtp_time < hdr.TimeStamp)
                   ) {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_RTP, ("[RTP] Rejecting too early packet (TS %d vs signaled rtp time %d - diff %d ms)\n",
                                                            hdr.TimeStamp, ch->rtp_ch->rtp_time, ((hdr.TimeStamp - ch->rtp_ch->rtp_time)*1000) / ch->rtp_ch->TimeScale));

                ch_time = gf_rtp_get_current_time(ch->rtp_ch);

                /*this is the first packet on the channel (no PAUSE)*/
                if (ch->check_rtp_time == RTP_SET_TIME_RTP) {
                        /*Note: in a SEEK with RTSP, the rtp-info time given by the server is
                        the rtp time of the desired range. But the server may (and should) send from
                        the previous I frame on video, so the time of the first rtp packet after
                        a SEEK can actually be less than CurrentStart. We don't drop these
                        packets in order to see the maximum video. We could drop it, this would mean
                        wait for next RAP...*/

                        memset(&com, 0, sizeof(com));
                        com.command_type = GF_NET_CHAN_MAP_TIME;
                        com.base.on_channel = ch->channel;
                        if (ch->rtsp) {
                                com.map_time.media_time = ch->current_start + ch_time;
                        } else {
                                com.map_time.media_time = 0;

                        com.map_time.timestamp = hdr.TimeStamp;
                        com.map_time.reset_buffers = GF_FALSE;
                        gf_service_command(ch->owner->service, &com, GF_OK);

                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_RTP, ("[RTP] Mapping RTP Time seq %d TS %d Media Time %g - rtp info seq %d TS %d\n",
                                                         hdr.SequenceNumber, hdr.TimeStamp, com.map_time.media_time, ch->rtp_ch->rtp_first_SN, ch->rtp_ch->rtp_time

                        /*skip RTCP clock init when RTSP is used*/
                        if (ch->rtsp) ch->rtcp_init = GF_TRUE;

//                      if (ch->depacketizer->payt==GF_RTP_PAYT_H264_AVC) ch->depacketizer->flags |= GF_RTP_AVC_WAIT_RAP;
                /*this is RESUME on channel, filter packet based on time (darwin seems to send
                couple of packet before)
                do not fetch if we're below 10 ms or <0, because this means we already have
                this packet - as the PAUSE is issued with the RTP currentTime*/
                else if (ch_time <= 0.021) {
                ch->check_rtp_time = RTP_SET_TIME_NONE;

        gf_rtp_depacketizer_process(ch->depacketizer, &hdr, pck + PayloadStart, size - PayloadStart);

        /*last check: signal EOS if we're close to end range in case the server do not send RTCP BYE*/
        if ((ch->flags & RTP_HAS_RANGE) && !(ch->flags & RTP_EOS) ) {
                /*also check last CTS*/
                Double ts = (Double) ((u32) ch->depacketizer->sl_hdr.compositionTimeStamp - hdr.TimeStamp);
                ts /= gf_rtp_get_clockrate(ch->rtp_ch);
                if (ABSDIFF(ch->range_end, (ts + ch->current_start + gf_rtp_get_current_time(ch->rtp_ch)) ) < 0.2) {
                        ch->flags |= RTP_EOS;
                        ch->stat_stop_time = gf_sys_clock();
                        gf_service_send_packet(ch->owner->service, ch->channel, NULL, 0, NULL, GF_EOS);

void RP_ProcessRTCP(RTPStream *ch, char *pck, u32 size)
        Bool has_sr;
        GF_Err e;

        if (ch->status == RTP_Connected) return;

        ch->rtcp_bytes += size;

        e = gf_rtp_decode_rtcp(ch->rtp_ch, pck, size, &has_sr);
        if (e<0) return;

        /*update sync if on pure RTP*/
        if (!ch->rtcp_init && has_sr) {
                Double ntp_clock;

                ntp_clock = ch->rtp_ch->last_SR_NTP_sec;
                ntp_clock += ((Double)ch->rtp_ch->last_SR_NTP_frac)/0xFFFFFFFF;

                if (!ch->owner->last_ntp) {
                        //add safety in case this RTCP report is received before another report
                        //that was supposed to come in earlier (with earlier NTP)
                        //Double safety_offset, time = ch->rtp_ch->last_SR_rtp_time;
                        //time /= ch->rtp_ch->TimeScale;
                        //safety_offset = time/2;
                        ch->owner->last_ntp = ntp_clock;

                if (ntp_clock >= ch->owner->last_ntp) {
                        ntp_clock -= ch->owner->last_ntp;
                } else {
                        ntp_clock = 0;

                //assert(ch->rtp_ch->last_SR_rtp_time >= (u64) (ntp_clock * ch->rtp_ch->TimeScale));
                ch->ts_offset = ch->rtp_ch->last_SR_rtp_time;
                ch->ts_offset -= (s64) (ntp_clock * ch->rtp_ch->TimeScale);

                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_RTP, ("[RTCP] At %d Using Sender Report to map RTP TS %d to NTP clock %g - new TS offset "LLD" \n",
                                                 gf_sys_clock(), ch->rtp_ch->last_SR_rtp_time, ntp_clock, ch->ts_offset

                ch->rtcp_init = GF_TRUE;
                ch->check_rtp_time = RTP_SET_TIME_NONE;

        if (e == GF_EOS) {
                ch->flags |= RTP_EOS;
                ch->stat_stop_time = gf_sys_clock();
                gf_service_send_packet(ch->owner->service, ch->channel, NULL, 0, NULL, GF_EOS);

GF_Err RP_DataOnTCP(GF_RTSPSession *sess, void *cbk, char *buffer, u32 bufferSize, Bool IsRTCP)
        RTPStream *ch = (RTPStream *) cbk;
        if (!ch) return GF_OK;
        if (IsRTCP) {
                RP_ProcessRTCP(ch, buffer, bufferSize);
        } else {
                RP_ProcessRTP(ch, buffer, bufferSize);
        return GF_OK;

static GF_Err SendTCPData(void *par, char *pck, u32 pck_size)
        return GF_OK;

void RP_ReadStream(RTPStream *ch)
        u32 size, tot_size;

        if (!ch->rtp_ch) return;

        /*NOTE: A weird bug on windows wrt to select(): if both RTP and RTCP are in the same loop
        there is a hudge packet drop on RTP. We therefore split RTP and RTCP reading, this is not a big
        deal as the RTCP traffic is far less than RTP, and we should never have more than one RTCP
        packet reading per RTP reading loop
        NOTE2: a better implementation would be to use select() to get woken up...
        tot_size = 0;

        while (1) {
                size = gf_rtp_read_rtcp(ch->rtp_ch, ch->buffer, RTP_BUFFER_SIZE);
                if (!size) break;
                tot_size += size;
                RP_ProcessRTCP(ch, ch->buffer, size);

        while (1) {
                size = gf_rtp_read_rtp(ch->rtp_ch, ch->buffer, RTP_BUFFER_SIZE);
                if (!size) break;
                tot_size += size;
                RP_ProcessRTP(ch, ch->buffer, size);
        /*and send the report*/
        if (ch->flags & RTP_ENABLE_RTCP) gf_rtp_send_rtcp_report(ch->rtp_ch, SendTCPData, ch);

        if (tot_size) ch->owner->udp_time_out = 0;

        /*detect timeout*/
        if (ch->owner->udp_time_out) {
                if (!ch->last_udp_time) {
                        ch->last_udp_time = gf_sys_clock();
                } else if (ch->rtp_ch->net_info.IsUnicast && !(ch->flags & RTP_MOBILEIP) ) {
                        u32 diff = gf_sys_clock() - ch->last_udp_time;
                        if (diff >= ch->owner->udp_time_out) {
                                char szMessage[1024];
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_RTP, ("[RTP] UDP Timeout after %d ms\n", diff));
                                sprintf(szMessage, "No data received in %d ms", diff);
                                RP_SendMessage(ch->owner->service, GF_IP_UDP_TIMEOUT, szMessage);
                                ch->status = RTP_Unavailable;


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