
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. TraverseSound2D
  2. SND2D_GetChannelVolume
  3. SND2D_GetPriority
  4. compositor_init_sound2d
  5. snd_compute_gain
  6. TraverseSound
  7. SND_GetChannelVolume
  8. SND_GetPriority
  9. compositor_init_sound

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / Scene Compositor sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "nodes_stacks.h"
#include "visual_manager.h"


typedef struct
        GF_SoundInterface snd_ifce;
        SFVec3f pos;
} Sound2DStack;

/*sound2D wraper - spacialization is not supported yet*/
static void TraverseSound2D(GF_Node *node, void *rs, Bool is_destroy)
        GF_TraverseState *tr_state = (GF_TraverseState*) rs;
        M_Sound2D *snd = (M_Sound2D *)node;
        Sound2DStack *st = (Sound2DStack *)gf_node_get_private(node);

        if (is_destroy) {
        if (!snd->source) return;

        /*this implies no DEF/USE for real location...*/
        st->pos.x = snd->location.x;
        st->pos.y = snd->location.y;
        st->pos.z = 0;
        if (tr_state->visual->type_3d)
                gf_mx_apply_vec(&tr_state->model_matrix, &st->pos);
                gf_mx2d_apply_coords(&tr_state->transform, &st->pos.x, &st->pos.y);

        tr_state->sound_holder = &st->snd_ifce;
        gf_node_traverse((GF_Node *) snd->source, tr_state);
        tr_state->sound_holder = NULL;
        /*never cull Sound2d*/
        tr_state->disable_cull = 1;
static Bool SND2D_GetChannelVolume(GF_Node *node, Fixed *vol)
        Fixed volume = ((M_Sound2D *)node)->intensity;
        vol[0] = vol[1] = vol[2] = vol[3] = vol[4] = vol[5] = volume;
        return (volume==FIX_ONE) ? 0 : 1;

static u8 SND2D_GetPriority(GF_Node *node)
        return 255;

void compositor_init_sound2d(GF_Compositor *compositor, GF_Node *node)
        Sound2DStack *snd;
        GF_SAFEALLOC(snd, Sound2DStack);
        if (!snd) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to allocate sound 2d stack\n"));
        snd->snd_ifce.GetPriority = SND2D_GetPriority;
        snd->snd_ifce.GetChannelVolume = SND2D_GetChannelVolume;
        snd->snd_ifce.owner = node;
        gf_node_set_private(node, snd);
        gf_node_set_callback_function(node, TraverseSound2D);


static Fixed snd_compute_gain(Fixed min_b, Fixed min_f, Fixed max_b, Fixed max_f, SFVec3f pos)
        Fixed sqpos_x, sqpos_z;
        Fixed y_pos, x_pos, dist_ellip, viewp_dist, dist_from_foci_min, dist_from_foci_max, d_min, d_max, sqb_min, sqb_max;
        Fixed a_in = (min_f+min_b)/2;
        Fixed b_in = gf_sqrt(gf_mulfix(min_b, min_f));
        Fixed alpha_min = (min_f-min_b)/2;
        Fixed dist_foci_min = (min_f-min_b);
        Fixed a_out = (max_f+max_b)/2;  //first ellipse axis
        Fixed b_out = gf_sqrt(gf_mulfix(max_b, max_f));
        Fixed alpha_max = (max_f-max_b)/2; //origo from focus
        Fixed dist_foci_max = (max_f-max_b);
        Fixed x_min = 0;
        Fixed x_max = 0;
        Fixed y_min = 0;
        Fixed y_max = 0;
        Fixed k = (ABS(pos.z) >= FIX_EPSILON) ? gf_divfix(pos.x, pos.z) : 0;

        sqpos_x = gf_mulfix(pos.x, pos.x);
        sqpos_z = gf_mulfix(pos.z, pos.z);

        dist_from_foci_min = gf_sqrt(sqpos_z + sqpos_x) + gf_sqrt( gf_mulfix(pos.z - dist_foci_min, pos.z - dist_foci_min) + sqpos_x);
        dist_from_foci_max = gf_sqrt(sqpos_z + sqpos_x) + gf_sqrt( gf_mulfix(pos.z - dist_foci_max, pos.z - dist_foci_max) + sqpos_x);
        d_min = min_f+min_b;
        d_max = max_f+max_b;
        if(dist_from_foci_max > d_max) return 0;
        else if (dist_from_foci_min <= d_min) return FIX_ONE;

        sqb_min = gf_mulfix(b_in, b_in);
        sqb_max = gf_mulfix(b_out, b_out);

        if (ABS(pos.z) > FIX_ONE/10000) {
                s32 sign = (pos.z>0) ? 1 : -1;
                Fixed a_in_k_sq, a_out_k_sq;
                a_in_k_sq = gf_mulfix(a_in, k);
                a_in_k_sq = gf_mulfix(a_in_k_sq, a_in_k_sq);

                x_min = gf_mulfix(alpha_min, sqb_min) + sign*gf_mulfix( gf_mulfix(a_in, b_in), gf_sqrt(a_in_k_sq + sqb_min - gf_mulfix( gf_mulfix(alpha_min, k), gf_mulfix(alpha_min, k))));
                x_min = gf_divfix(x_min, sqb_min + a_in_k_sq);
                y_min = gf_mulfix(k, x_min);

                a_out_k_sq = gf_mulfix(a_out, k);
                a_out_k_sq = gf_mulfix(a_out_k_sq, a_out_k_sq);

                x_max = gf_mulfix(alpha_max, sqb_max) + sign*gf_mulfix( gf_mulfix(a_out, b_out), gf_sqrt( a_out_k_sq + sqb_max - gf_mulfix( gf_mulfix(alpha_max, k), gf_mulfix(alpha_max, k))));
                x_max = gf_divfix(x_max, sqb_max + a_out_k_sq);
                y_max = gf_mulfix(k, x_max);
        } else {
                x_min = x_max = 0;
                y_min = gf_mulfix(b_in, gf_sqrt(FIX_ONE - gf_mulfix( gf_divfix(alpha_min,a_in), gf_divfix(alpha_min,a_in)) ) );
                y_max = gf_mulfix(b_out, gf_sqrt(FIX_ONE - gf_mulfix( gf_divfix(alpha_max,a_out), gf_divfix(alpha_max,a_out)) ) );

        y_pos = gf_sqrt(sqpos_x) - y_min;
        x_pos = pos.z - x_min;
        x_max -= x_min;
        y_max -= y_min;
        dist_ellip = gf_sqrt( gf_mulfix(y_max, y_max) + gf_mulfix(x_max, x_max));
        viewp_dist = gf_sqrt( gf_mulfix(y_pos, y_pos) + gf_mulfix(x_pos, x_pos));
        viewp_dist = gf_divfix(viewp_dist, dist_ellip);

        return FLT2FIX ( (Float) pow(10.0,- FIX2FLT(viewp_dist)));

typedef struct
        GF_SoundInterface snd_ifce;
        GF_Matrix mx;
        SFVec3f last_pos;
        Bool identity;
        /*local system*/
        Fixed intensity;
        Fixed lgain, rgain;
} SoundStack;

static void TraverseSound(GF_Node *node, void *rs, Bool is_destroy)
        GF_TraverseState *tr_state = (GF_TraverseState*) rs;
        M_Sound *snd = (M_Sound *)node;
        SoundStack *st = (SoundStack *)gf_node_get_private(node);

        if (is_destroy) {
        if (!snd->source) return;

        tr_state->sound_holder = &st->snd_ifce;

        /*forward in case we're switched off*/
        if (tr_state->switched_off) {
                gf_node_traverse((GF_Node *) snd->source, tr_state);
        else if (tr_state->traversing_mode==TRAVERSE_GET_BOUNDS) {
                /*we can't cull sound since*/
                tr_state->disable_cull = 1;
        } else if (tr_state->traversing_mode==TRAVERSE_SORT) {
                GF_Matrix mx;
                SFVec3f usr, snd_dir, pos;
                Fixed mag, ang;
                /*this implies no DEF/USE for real location...*/
                gf_mx_copy(st->mx, tr_state->model_matrix);
                gf_mx_copy(mx, tr_state->model_matrix);

                snd_dir = snd->direction;

                /*get user location*/
                usr = tr_state->camera->position;
                gf_mx_apply_vec(&mx, &usr);

                /*recenter to ellipse focal*/
                gf_vec_diff(usr, usr, snd->location);
                mag = gf_vec_len(usr);
                if (!mag) mag = FIX_ONE/10;
                ang = gf_divfix(gf_vec_dot(snd_dir, usr), mag);

                usr.z = gf_mulfix(ang, mag);
                usr.x = gf_sqrt(gf_mulfix(mag, mag) - gf_mulfix(usr.z, usr.z));
                usr.y = 0;
                if (!gf_vec_equal(usr, st->last_pos)) {
                        st->intensity = snd_compute_gain(snd->minBack, snd->minFront, snd->maxBack, snd->maxFront, usr);
                        st->intensity = gf_mulfix(st->intensity, snd->intensity);
                        st->last_pos = usr;
                st->identity = (st->intensity==FIX_ONE) ? 1 : 0;

                if (snd->spatialize) {
                        Fixed ang, sign;
                        SFVec3f cross;
                        pos = snd->location;
                        gf_mx_apply_vec(&tr_state->model_matrix, &pos);
                        gf_vec_diff(pos, pos, tr_state->camera->position);
                        gf_vec_diff(usr, tr_state->camera->target, tr_state->camera->position);

                        ang = gf_acos(gf_vec_dot(usr, pos));
                        /*get orientation*/
                        cross = gf_vec_cross(usr, pos);
                        sign = gf_vec_dot(cross, tr_state->camera->up);
                        if (sign>0) ang *= -1;
                        ang = (FIX_ONE + gf_sin(ang)) / 2;
                        st->lgain = (FIX_ONE - gf_mulfix(ang, ang));
                        st->rgain = FIX_ONE - gf_mulfix(FIX_ONE - ang, FIX_ONE - ang);
                        /*renorm between 0 and 1*/
                        st->lgain = gf_mulfix(st->lgain, 4*st->intensity/3);
                        st->rgain = gf_mulfix(st->rgain, 4*st->intensity/3);

                        if (st->identity && ((st->lgain!=FIX_ONE) || (st->rgain!=FIX_ONE))) st->identity = 0;
                } else {
                        st->lgain = st->rgain = FIX_ONE;
                gf_node_traverse((GF_Node *) snd->source, tr_state);

        tr_state->sound_holder = NULL;
static Bool SND_GetChannelVolume(GF_Node *node, Fixed *vol)
        M_Sound *snd = (M_Sound *)node;
        SoundStack *st = (SoundStack *)gf_node_get_private(node);

        vol[2] = vol[3] = vol[4] = vol[5] = st->intensity;
        if (snd->spatialize) {
                vol[0] = st->lgain;
                vol[1] = st->rgain;
        } else {
                vol[0] = vol[1] = st->intensity;
        return !st->identity;
static u8 SND_GetPriority(GF_Node *node)
        return (u8) ((M_Sound *)node)->priority*255;

void compositor_init_sound(GF_Compositor *compositor, GF_Node *node)
        SoundStack *snd;
        GF_SAFEALLOC(snd, SoundStack);
        if (!snd) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to allocate sound stack\n"));
        snd->snd_ifce.GetChannelVolume = SND_GetChannelVolume;
        snd->snd_ifce.GetPriority = SND_GetPriority;
        snd->snd_ifce.owner = node;
        gf_node_set_private(node, snd);
        gf_node_set_callback_function(node, TraverseSound);

#endif /*GPAC_DISABLE_3D*/


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */