
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. svg_font_get_glyphs
  2. svg_font_load_glyph
  3. svg_traverse_font
  4. svg_font_on_load
  5. compositor_init_svg_font
  6. svg_traverse_glyph
  7. compositor_init_svg_glyph
  8. svg_font_uri_check
  9. svg_font_uri_get_alias
  10. svg_font_uri_get_glyphs
  11. svg_font_uri_load_glyph
  12. svg_traverse_font_face_uri
  13. compositor_init_svg_font_face_uri

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2007-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / Scene Compositor sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gpac/utf.h>


#include "visual_manager.h"
#include "nodes_stacks.h"

typedef struct
        u16 *unicode;
        u16 uni_len;

        GF_Glyph glyph;
        GF_Font *font;
} SVG_GlyphStack;

/*translate string to glyph sequence*/
static GF_Err svg_font_get_glyphs(void *udta, const char *utf_string, u32 *glyph_buffer, u32 *io_glyph_buffer_size, const char *lang, Bool *is_rtl)
        u32 prev_c;
        size_t len;
        u32 i, gl_idx;
        u16 *utf_res;
        GF_Node *node = (GF_Node *)udta;
        GF_ChildNodeItem *child;
        char *utf8 = (char*) utf_string;

        /*FIXME - use glyphs unicode attributes for glyph substitution*/
        len = utf_string ? (u32) strlen(utf_string) : 0;
        if (!len) {
                *io_glyph_buffer_size = 0;
                return GF_OK;

        if (*io_glyph_buffer_size < len+1) {
                *io_glyph_buffer_size = (u32) len+1;
                return GF_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

        len = gf_utf8_mbstowcs((u16*) glyph_buffer, *io_glyph_buffer_size, (const char**)&utf8);
        if (len == (size_t) -1) return GF_IO_ERR;
        /*should not happen*/
        if (utf8) return GF_IO_ERR;

        /*perform bidi relayout*/
        utf_res = (u16 *) glyph_buffer;
        *is_rtl = gf_utf8_reorder_bidi(utf_res, (u32) len);

        /*move 16bit buffer to 32bit*/
        for (i=(u32)len; i>0; i--) {
                glyph_buffer[i-1] = utf_res[i-1];

        gl_idx = 0;
        prev_c = 0;
        for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                SVG_GlyphStack *missing_glyph = NULL;
                SVG_GlyphStack *st = NULL;
                child = ((GF_ParentNode *) node)->children;
                while (child) {
                        u32 tag = gf_node_get_tag(child->node);
                        if (tag==TAG_SVG_missing_glyph) {
                                missing_glyph = gf_node_get_private(child->node);
                        } else if (tag ==TAG_SVG_glyph) {
                                Bool glyph_ok = 0;
                                SVGAllAttributes atts;

                                st = gf_node_get_private(child->node);
                                if (!st) {
                                        child = child->next;

                                if (st->glyph.utf_name==glyph_buffer[i]) {
                                        u32 j, count;
                                        gf_svg_flatten_attributes((SVG_Element*)child->node, &atts);
                                        if (!lang) {
                                                glyph_ok = 1;
                                        } else {
                                                if (!atts.lang) {
                                                        glyph_ok = 1;
                                                } else {
                                                        count = gf_list_count(*atts.lang);
                                                        for (j=0; j<count; j++) {
                                                                char *name = gf_list_get(*atts.lang, j);
                                                                if (!stricmp(name, lang) || strstr(lang, name)) {
                                                                        glyph_ok = 1;
                                        if (atts.arabic_form) {
                                                Bool first = (!prev_c || (prev_c==' ')) ? 1 : 0;
                                                Bool last = ((i+1==len) || (glyph_buffer[i+1]==' ') ) ? 1 : 0;
                                                if (!strcmp(*atts.arabic_form, "isolated")) {
                                                        if (!first || !last) glyph_ok = 0;
                                                if (!strcmp(*atts.arabic_form, "initial")) {
                                                        if (!first) glyph_ok = 0;
                                                if (!strcmp(*atts.arabic_form, "medial")) {
                                                        if (first || last) glyph_ok = 0;
                                                if (!strcmp(*atts.arabic_form, "terminal")) {
                                                        if (!last) glyph_ok = 0;
                                        if (glyph_ok) break;
                                /*perform glyph substitution*/
                                else if (st->uni_len>1) {
                                        u32 j;
                                        for (j=0; j<st->uni_len; j++) {
                                                if (i+j>=len) break;
                                                if (glyph_buffer[i+j] != st->unicode[j]) break;
                                        if (j==st->uni_len)
                                st = NULL;
                        child = child->next;
                prev_c = glyph_buffer[i];

                if (!st)
                        st = missing_glyph;
                glyph_buffer[gl_idx] = st ? st->glyph.ID : 0;
                if (st && st->uni_len>1) i++;

        *io_glyph_buffer_size = /* len = */ gl_idx;

        return GF_OK;

/*loads glyph by name - returns NULL if glyph cannot be found*/
static GF_Glyph *svg_font_load_glyph(void *udta, u32 glyph_name)
        GF_ChildNodeItem *child = ((GF_ParentNode *) udta)->children;

        while (child) {
                if (gf_node_get_tag(child->node)==TAG_SVG_glyph) {
                        SVG_GlyphStack *st = gf_node_get_private(child->node);
                        if (st->glyph.ID==glyph_name) {
                                return &st->glyph;
                child = child->next;

        return NULL;

static void svg_traverse_font(GF_Node *node, void *rs, Bool is_destroy)
        if (is_destroy) {
                GF_Font *font = gf_node_get_private(node);
                if (font) {
                        gf_font_manager_unregister_font(font->ft_mgr, font);
                        if (font->name) gf_free(font->name);

static void svg_font_on_load(GF_Node *handler, GF_DOM_Event *event, GF_Node *observer)
        GF_Compositor *compositor;
        GF_Font *font;
        font = gf_node_get_private((GF_Node*)event->currentTarget->ptr);
        font->not_loaded = 0;
        compositor = (GF_Compositor *)gf_node_get_private((GF_Node *)handler);

        /*brute-force signaling that all fonts have changed and texts must be recomputed*/
        compositor->reset_fonts = 1;
        gf_sc_next_frame_state(compositor, GF_SC_DRAW_FRAME);

void compositor_init_svg_font(GF_Compositor *compositor, GF_Node *node)
        SVG_handlerElement *handler;
        GF_Err e;
        SVGAllAttributes atts;
        GF_Font *font;
        GF_Node *node_font = gf_node_get_parent(node, 0);
        if (!node_font) return;

        if (gf_node_get_tag(node_font)!=TAG_SVG_font) return;

        gf_svg_flatten_attributes((SVG_Element*)node, &atts);
        if (!atts.font_family) return;

        /*register font to font manager*/
        GF_SAFEALLOC(font, GF_Font);
        if (!font) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to allocate svg font\n"));
        e = gf_font_manager_register_font(compositor->font_manager, font);
        if (e) {
        font->ft_mgr = compositor->font_manager;

        font->get_glyphs = svg_font_get_glyphs;
        font->load_glyph = svg_font_load_glyph;
        font->udta = node_font;
        gf_node_set_private(node_font, font);
        gf_node_set_callback_function(node_font, svg_traverse_font);
        font->name = gf_strdup(atts.font_family->value);

        font->em_size = atts.units_per_em ? FIX2INT( gf_ceil(atts.units_per_em->value) ) : 1000;
        /*Inconsistency between SVG 1.2 and 1.1
                when not specify, ascent and descent are computed based on font.vert-origin-y, WHICH DOES NOT EXIST
        IN Tiny 1.2 !!! We assume it to be 0.
        font->ascent = atts.ascent ? FIX2INT( gf_ceil(atts.ascent->value) ) : 0;
        if (!font->ascent) font->ascent = font->em_size;
        font->descent = atts.descent ? FIX2INT( gf_ceil(atts.descent->value) ) : 0;
        font->baseline = atts.alphabetic ? FIX2INT( gf_ceil(atts.alphabetic->value) ) : 0;
        font->line_spacing = font->em_size;
        font->styles = 0;
        if (atts.font_style) {
                switch (*atts.font_style) {
                case SVG_FONTSTYLE_ITALIC:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_ITALIC;
                case SVG_FONTSTYLE_OBLIQUE:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_OBLIQUE;
        if (atts.font_variant && (*atts.font_variant ==SVG_FONTVARIANT_SMALLCAPS))
                font->styles |= GF_FONT_SMALLCAPS;

        if (atts.font_weight) {
                switch(*atts.font_weight) {
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_100:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_100;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_LIGHTER:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_LIGHTER;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_200:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_200;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_300:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_300;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_400:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_400;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_500:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_500;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_600:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_600;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_700:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_700;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_BOLD:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_800:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_800;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_900:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_900;
                case SVG_FONTWEIGHT_BOLDER:
                        font->styles |= GF_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLDER;

        gf_svg_flatten_attributes((SVG_Element*)node_font, &atts);
        font->max_advance_h = atts.horiz_adv_x ? FIX2INT( gf_ceil(atts.horiz_adv_x->value) ) : 0;

        font->not_loaded = 1;

        /*wait for onLoad event before activating the font, otherwise we may not have all the glyphs*/
        handler = gf_dom_listener_build(node_font, GF_EVENT_LOAD, 0);
        handler->handle_event = svg_font_on_load;
        gf_node_set_private((GF_Node *)handler, compositor);

static void svg_traverse_glyph(GF_Node *node, void *rs, Bool is_destroy)
        if (is_destroy) {
                GF_Font *font;
                GF_Glyph *prev_glyph, *a_glyph;
                SVG_GlyphStack *st = gf_node_get_private(node);
                if (st->unicode) gf_free(st->unicode);

                font = st->font;
                prev_glyph = NULL;
                a_glyph = font->glyph;
                while (a_glyph) {
                        if (a_glyph == &st->glyph) break;
                        prev_glyph = a_glyph;
                        a_glyph = a_glyph->next;
                if (prev_glyph) {
                        prev_glyph->next = st->;
                } else {
                        font->glyph = st->;

void compositor_init_svg_glyph(GF_Compositor *compositor, GF_Node *node)
        u16 utf_name[20];
        u8 *utf8;
        size_t len;
        GF_Rect rc;
        GF_Glyph *glyph;
        GF_Font *font;
        SVG_GlyphStack *st;
        SVGAllAttributes atts;
        GF_Node *node_font = gf_node_get_parent(node, 0);

        /*locate the font node*/
        if (node_font) node_font = gf_node_get_parent(node, 0);
        if (!node_font || (gf_node_get_tag(node_font)!=TAG_SVG_font) ) return;
        font = gf_node_get_private(node_font);
        if (!font) return;

        gf_svg_flatten_attributes((SVG_Element*)node, &atts);

        if (gf_node_get_tag(node)==TAG_SVG_missing_glyph) {
                GF_SAFEALLOC(st, SVG_GlyphStack);
                if (!st) return;
                goto reg_common;
        /*we must have unicode specified*/
        if (!atts.unicode) return;

        GF_SAFEALLOC(st, SVG_GlyphStack);
        if (!st) return;
        utf8 = (u8 *) *atts.unicode;
        len = gf_utf8_mbstowcs(utf_name, 200, (const char **) &utf8);
        /*this is a single glyph*/
        if (len==1) {
                st->glyph.utf_name = utf_name[0];
                st->uni_len = 1;
        } else {
                st->glyph.utf_name = (u32) (PTR_TO_U_CAST st);
                st->unicode = gf_malloc(sizeof(u16)*len);
                st->uni_len = (u16) len;
                memcpy(st->unicode, utf_name, sizeof(u16)*len);

        st->glyph.ID = (u32)(PTR_TO_U_CAST st);
        st->font = font;
        st->glyph.horiz_advance = font->max_advance_h;
        if (atts.horiz_adv_x) st->glyph.horiz_advance = FIX2INT( gf_ceil(atts.horiz_adv_x->value) );
        if (atts.d) {
                st->glyph.path = atts.d;
                gf_path_get_bounds(atts.d, &rc);
                st->glyph.width = FIX2INT( gf_ceil(rc.width) );
                st->glyph.height = FIX2INT( gf_ceil(rc.height) );
        st->glyph.vert_advance = st->glyph.height;
        if (!st->glyph.vert_advance)
                st->glyph.vert_advance = font->max_advance_v;

        /*register glyph*/
        if (!font->glyph) {
                font->glyph = &st->glyph;
        } else {
                glyph = font->glyph;
                while (glyph->next) glyph = glyph->next;
                glyph->next = &st->glyph;

        gf_node_set_private(node, st);
        gf_node_set_callback_function(node, svg_traverse_glyph);

typedef struct
        GF_Font *font;
        GF_Font *alias;
        GF_Compositor *compositor;
        GF_MediaObject *mo;
} FontURIStack;

static Bool svg_font_uri_check(GF_Node *node, FontURIStack *st)
        GF_Font *font;
        GF_Node *font_elt;
        SVGAllAttributes atts;
        gf_svg_flatten_attributes((SVG_Element*)node, &atts);
        if (!atts.xlink_href) return 0;

        if (atts.xlink_href->type == XMLRI_ELEMENTID) {
                if (!atts.xlink_href->target) atts.xlink_href->target = gf_sg_find_node_by_name(gf_node_get_graph(node), atts.xlink_href->string+1);
        } else {
                GF_SceneGraph *ext_sg;
                char *font_name = strchr(atts.xlink_href->string, '#');
                if (!font_name) return 0;
                if (!st->mo) {
                        st->mo = gf_mo_load_xlink_resource(node, 0, 0, -1);
                        if (!st->mo) return 0;
                ext_sg = gf_mo_get_scenegraph(st->mo);
                if (!ext_sg) return 0;
                atts.xlink_href->target = gf_sg_find_node_by_name(ext_sg, font_name+1);
                if (!atts.xlink_href->target) return 0;
        font_elt = atts.xlink_href->target;
        if (gf_node_get_tag(font_elt) != TAG_SVG_font) return 0;
        font = gf_node_get_private(font_elt);
        if (!font) return 0;
        st->alias = font;

        font->not_loaded = 0;
        return 1;

GF_Font *svg_font_uri_get_alias(void *udta)
        GF_Node *node = (GF_Node *)udta;
        FontURIStack *st = gf_node_get_private(node);
        if (!st->alias && !svg_font_uri_check(node, st)) {
                return NULL;
        return st->alias;

static GF_Err svg_font_uri_get_glyphs(void *udta, const char *utf_string, u32 *glyph_buffer, u32 *io_glyph_buffer_size, const char *lang, Bool *is_rtl)
        return GF_URL_ERROR;

static GF_Glyph *svg_font_uri_load_glyph(void *udta, u32 glyph_name)
        return NULL;

static void svg_traverse_font_face_uri(GF_Node *node, void *rs, Bool is_destroy)
        if (is_destroy) {
                FontURIStack *st = gf_node_get_private(node);
                if (st) {
                        gf_font_manager_unregister_font(st->font->ft_mgr, st->font);
                        if (st->font->name) gf_free(st->font->name);
                        if (st->mo) gf_mo_unload_xlink_resource(node, st->mo);

void compositor_init_svg_font_face_uri(GF_Compositor *compositor, GF_Node *node)
        GF_Node *par;
        GF_Font *font;
        FontURIStack *stack;
        GF_Err e;
        SVGAllAttributes atts;

        /*check parent is a font-face-src*/
        par = gf_node_get_parent(node, 0);
        if (!par || (gf_node_get_tag(par)!=TAG_SVG_font_face_src)) return;
        /*check parent's parent is a font-face*/
        par = gf_node_get_parent(par, 0);
        if (!par || (gf_node_get_tag(par)!=TAG_SVG_font_face)) return;

        gf_svg_flatten_attributes((SVG_Element*)node, &atts);
        if (!atts.xlink_href) return;

        /*get font familly*/
        gf_svg_flatten_attributes((SVG_Element*)par, &atts);
        if (!atts.font_family) return;

        /*if font with the same name exists, don't load*/
        if (gf_compositor_svg_set_font(compositor->font_manager, atts.font_family->value, 0, 1) != NULL)

        /*register font to font manager*/
        GF_SAFEALLOC(font, GF_Font);
        if (!font) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to allocate font for svg font face URI\n"));
        e = gf_font_manager_register_font(compositor->font_manager, font);
        if (e) {
        GF_SAFEALLOC(stack, FontURIStack);
        if (!stack) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to allocate svg font face URI stack\n"));
        stack->font = font;
        stack->compositor = compositor;

        font->ft_mgr = compositor->font_manager;

        font->get_glyphs = svg_font_uri_get_glyphs;
        font->load_glyph = svg_font_uri_load_glyph;
        font->get_alias = svg_font_uri_get_alias;
        font->udta = node;
        font->name = gf_strdup(atts.font_family->value);
        gf_node_set_private(node, stack);
        gf_node_set_callback_function(node, svg_traverse_font_face_uri);

        font->not_loaded = 1;
        svg_font_uri_check(node, stack);


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */