
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. gf_font_manager_new
  2. gf_font_predestroy
  3. gf_font_del
  4. gf_font_manager_del
  5. gf_font_manager_register_font
  6. gf_font_manager_unregister_font
  7. gf_font_manager_set_font_ex
  8. gf_font_manager_set_font
  9. gf_font_get_glyph
  10. gf_font_manager_create_span
  11. gf_font_manager_delete_span
  12. gf_font_manager_refresh_span_bounds
  13. gf_font_span_create_path
  14. span_alloc_extensions
  15. span_build_mesh
  16. span_setup_texture
  17. span_fill_3d
  18. span_strike_3d
  19. gf_font_spans_draw_3d
  20. gf_font_span_draw_2d
  21. gf_font_underline_span
  22. col_reverse_video
  23. font_get_sel_rect
  24. gf_font_spans_select
  25. gf_font_spans_get_selection
  26. gf_font_spans_draw_2d
  27. gf_font_spans_pick

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / Scene Rendering sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gpac/internal/compositor_dev.h>
#include <gpac/modules/font.h>
#include <gpac/options.h>
#include "visual_manager.h"
#include "nodes_stacks.h"
#include "texturing.h"

struct _gf_ft_mgr
        GF_FontReader *reader;

        GF_Font *font, *default_font;
        GF_Path *line_path;

        u32 *id_buffer;
        u32 id_buffer_size;

        Bool wait_font_load;

GF_FontManager *gf_font_manager_new(GF_User *user)
        char *def_font = "SERIF";
        u32 i, count;
        GF_FontManager *font_mgr;
        GF_FontReader *ifce;
        const char *opt;

        ifce = NULL;
        opt = gf_cfg_get_key(user->config, "FontEngine", "FontReader");
        if (opt) {
                ifce = (GF_FontReader *) gf_modules_load_interface_by_name(user->modules, opt, GF_FONT_READER_INTERFACE);
                if (ifce && ifce->init_font_engine(ifce) != GF_OK) {
                        gf_modules_close_interface((GF_BaseInterface *)ifce);
                        ifce = NULL;

        if (!ifce) {
                count = gf_modules_get_count(user->modules);
                for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                        ifce = (GF_FontReader *) gf_modules_load_interface(user->modules, i, GF_FONT_READER_INTERFACE);
                        if (!ifce) continue;

                        if (ifce->init_font_engine(ifce) != GF_OK) {
                                gf_modules_close_interface((GF_BaseInterface *)ifce);
                                ifce = NULL;

                        gf_cfg_set_key(user->config, "FontEngine", "FontReader", ifce->module_name);
        GF_SAFEALLOC(font_mgr, GF_FontManager);
        if (!font_mgr) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to allocate font manager\n"));
                return NULL;
        font_mgr->reader = ifce;
        font_mgr->id_buffer_size = 20;
        font_mgr->id_buffer = gf_malloc(sizeof(u32)*font_mgr->id_buffer_size);
        gf_font_manager_set_font(font_mgr, &def_font, 1, 0);
        font_mgr->default_font = font_mgr->font;

        font_mgr->line_path= gf_path_new();
        gf_path_add_move_to(font_mgr->line_path, -FIX_ONE/2, FIX_ONE/2);
        gf_path_add_line_to(font_mgr->line_path, FIX_ONE/2, FIX_ONE/2);
        gf_path_add_line_to(font_mgr->line_path, FIX_ONE/2, -FIX_ONE/2);
        gf_path_add_line_to(font_mgr->line_path, -FIX_ONE/2, -FIX_ONE/2);

        opt = gf_cfg_get_key(user->config, "FontEngine", "WaitForFontLoad");
        if (!opt) gf_cfg_set_key(user->config, "FontEngine", "WaitForFontLoad", "no");
        if (opt && !strcmp(opt, "yes")) font_mgr->wait_font_load = 1;

        return font_mgr;

void gf_font_predestroy(GF_Font *font)
        if (font->spans) {
                while (gf_list_count(font->spans)) {
                        GF_TextSpan *ts = gf_list_get(font->spans, 0);
                        gf_list_rem(font->spans, 0);
                        gf_node_dirty_set(ts->user, 0, 0);
                font->spans = NULL;

void gf_font_del(GF_Font *font)
        if (!font->get_glyphs) {
                GF_Glyph *glyph;
                glyph = font->glyph;
                while (glyph) {
                        GF_Glyph *next = glyph->next;
                        glyph = next;

void gf_font_manager_del(GF_FontManager *fm)
        GF_Font *font;
        if (fm->reader) {
                gf_modules_close_interface((GF_BaseInterface *)fm->reader);

        font = fm->font;
        while (font) {
                GF_Font *next = font->next;
                font = next;

GF_Err gf_font_manager_register_font(GF_FontManager *fm, GF_Font *font)
        if (fm->font) {
                GF_Font *a_font = fm->font;
                while (a_font->next) a_font = a_font->next;
                a_font->next = font;
        } else {
                fm->font = font;
        font->ft_mgr = fm;
        if (!font->spans) font->spans = gf_list_new();
        return GF_OK;

GF_Err gf_font_manager_unregister_font(GF_FontManager *fm, GF_Font *font)
        GF_Font *prev_font, *a_font;

        prev_font = NULL;
        a_font = fm->font;
        while (a_font) {
                if (a_font==font) break;
                prev_font = a_font;
                a_font = a_font->next;
        if (prev_font) {
                prev_font->next = font->next;
        } else {
                fm->font = font->next;
        return GF_OK;

GF_Font *gf_font_manager_set_font_ex(GF_FontManager *fm, char **alt_fonts, u32 nb_fonts, u32 styles, Bool check_only)
        u32 i;
        GF_Err e;
        Bool has_italic = (styles & GF_FONT_ITALIC) ? 1 : 0;
        Bool has_smallcaps = (styles & GF_FONT_SMALLCAPS) ? 1 : 0;
        GF_Font *the_font = NULL;

        for (i=0; i<nb_fonts; i++) {
                char *font_name;
                const char *opt;
                u32 weight_diff = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                GF_Font *best_font = NULL;
                GF_Font *font = fm->font;
                font_name = alt_fonts[i];

                if (!stricmp(font_name, "SERIF")) {
                        opt = gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *)fm->reader, "FontEngine", "FontSerif");
                        if (opt) font_name = (char*)opt;
                else if (!stricmp(font_name, "SANS") || !stricmp(font_name, "sans-serif")) {
                        opt = gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *)fm->reader, "FontEngine", "FontSans");
                        if (opt) font_name = (char*)opt;
                else if (!stricmp(font_name, "TYPEWRITER") || !stricmp(font_name, "monospace")) {
                        opt = gf_modules_get_option((GF_BaseInterface *)fm->reader, "FontEngine", "FontFixed");
                        if (opt) font_name = (char*)opt;

                while (font) {
                        if (fm->wait_font_load && font->not_loaded && !check_only && !stricmp(font->name, font_name)) {
                                GF_Font *a_font = NULL;
                                if (font->get_alias) a_font = font->get_alias(font->udta);
                                if (!a_font || a_font->not_loaded)
                                        return font;
                        if ((check_only || !font->not_loaded) && font->name && !stricmp(font->name, font_name)) {
                                s32 fw;
                                s32 w;
                                u32 diff;
                                Bool ft_has_smallcaps;
                                Bool ft_has_weight;

                                if (check_only) return font;

                                ft_has_weight = (font->styles & GF_FONT_WEIGHT_MASK) ? 1 : 0;
                                if (font->styles == styles) {
                                        the_font = font;
                                /*check we have the same font variant*/
                                ft_has_smallcaps = (font->styles & GF_FONT_SMALLCAPS) ? 1 : 0;
                                if (ft_has_smallcaps != has_smallcaps) {
                                        font = font->next;
                                /*check if we have an oblique/italic match*/
                                if (has_italic) {
                                        if (! (font->styles & (GF_FONT_OBLIQUE|GF_FONT_ITALIC))) {
                                                font = font->next;
                                        /*if italic force it*/
                                        if (font->styles & GF_FONT_ITALIC) best_font = font;
                                        /*if oblic use it if no italic found*/
                                        else if (!best_font) best_font  = font;
                                        else {
                                                font = font->next;

                                /*compute min weight diff*/
                                fw = font->styles>>10;
                                w = styles>>10;
                                diff = ABS(fw - w);
                                if (ft_has_weight) {
                                        if (diff<weight_diff) {
                                                weight_diff = diff;
                                                best_font = font;
                                /*no weight means "all"*/
                                else {
                                        if ((font->styles & GF_FONT_STYLE_MASK) == (styles & GF_FONT_STYLE_MASK) ) {
                                                weight_diff = diff;
                                                best_font = font;
                                                font = font->next;
                        font = font->next;
                if (the_font) break;
                if (fm->reader) {
                        e = fm->reader->set_font(fm->reader, font_name, styles);
                        if (!e) {
                                GF_SAFEALLOC(the_font, GF_Font);
                                if (!the_font) {
                                        return NULL;
                                fm->reader->get_font_info(fm->reader, &the_font->name, &the_font->em_size, &the_font->ascent, &the_font->descent, &the_font->underline, &the_font->line_spacing, &the_font->max_advance_h, &the_font->max_advance_v);
                                the_font->styles = styles;
                                if (!the_font->name) the_font->name = gf_strdup(font_name);

                                if (fm->font) {
                                        font = fm->font;
                                        while (font->next) font = font->next;
                                        font->next = the_font;
                                } else {
                                        fm->font = the_font;
                                the_font->ft_mgr = fm;
                                return the_font;
                if (best_font) {
                        the_font = best_font;

        /*check for font alias*/
        if (the_font && the_font->get_alias) {
                return the_font->get_alias(the_font->udta);


        if (!the_font) {
                if (check_only) return NULL;
                the_font = fm->default_font;
        /*embeded font*/
        if (fm->reader && the_font && !the_font->get_glyphs)
                fm->reader->set_font(fm->reader, the_font->name, the_font->styles);

        return the_font;
GF_Font *gf_font_manager_set_font(GF_FontManager *fm, char **alt_fonts, u32 nb_fonts, u32 styles)
        return gf_font_manager_set_font_ex(fm, alt_fonts, nb_fonts, styles, 0);

static GF_Glyph *gf_font_get_glyph(GF_FontManager *fm, GF_Font *font, u32 name)
        GF_Glyph *glyph = font->glyph;
        while (glyph) {
                if (glyph->ID==name) return glyph;
                glyph = glyph->next;

        if (name==GF_CARET_CHAR) {
                GF_SAFEALLOC(glyph, GF_Glyph);
                if (!glyph) return NULL;
                glyph->height = font->ascent;
                glyph->horiz_advance = 0;
                glyph->width = 0;
                glyph->ID = GF_CARET_CHAR;
                glyph->path = gf_path_new();
                gf_path_add_move_to(glyph->path, 0, INT2FIX(font->descent));
                gf_path_add_line_to(glyph->path, 0, INT2FIX(font->ascent));
                gf_path_add_line_to(glyph->path, 1, INT2FIX(font->ascent));
                gf_path_add_line_to(glyph->path, 1, INT2FIX(font->descent));
        } else if (name==(u32) '\n') {
                GF_SAFEALLOC(glyph, GF_Glyph);
                if (!glyph) return NULL;
                glyph->height = font->ascent;
                glyph->horiz_advance = 0;
                glyph->width = 0;
                glyph->ID = name;
        } else if (name==(u32) '\t') {
                return NULL;
        } else {
                /*load glyph*/
                if (font->load_glyph) {
                        glyph = font->load_glyph(font->udta, name);
                } else {
                        if (!fm->reader) return NULL;
                        //              fm->reader->set_font(fm->reader, font->name, font->styles);
                        glyph = fm->reader->load_glyph(fm->reader, name);
        if (!glyph) return NULL;

        if (!font->glyph) font->glyph = glyph;
        else {
                GF_Glyph *a_glyph = font->glyph;
                while (a_glyph->next) a_glyph = a_glyph->next;
                a_glyph->next = glyph;
        /*space character - this may need adjustment for other empty glyphs*/
        if (glyph->path && !glyph->path->n_points) {
                glyph->path->bbox.x = 0;
                glyph->path->bbox.width = INT2FIX(font->max_advance_h);
                glyph->path->bbox.y = INT2FIX(font->ascent);
                glyph->path->bbox.height = INT2FIX(font->ascent - font->descent);
        return glyph;

GF_TextSpan *gf_font_manager_create_span(GF_FontManager *fm, GF_Font *font, char *text, Fixed font_size, Bool needs_x_offset, Bool needs_y_offset, Bool needs_rotate, const char *xml_lang, Bool fliped_text, u32 styles, GF_Node *user)
        GF_Err e;
        Bool is_rtl;
        u32 len, i;
        GF_TextSpan *span;

        if (!strlen(text)) return NULL;

        len = fm->id_buffer_size;
        if (font->get_glyphs)
                e = font->get_glyphs(font->udta, text, fm->id_buffer, &len, xml_lang, &is_rtl);
                e = fm->reader->get_glyphs(fm->reader, text, fm->id_buffer, &len, xml_lang, &is_rtl);

        if (e==GF_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
                fm->id_buffer_size = len;
                fm->id_buffer = gf_realloc(fm->id_buffer, sizeof(u32) * len);
                if (!fm->id_buffer) return NULL;

                if (font->get_glyphs)
                        e = font->get_glyphs(font->udta, text, fm->id_buffer, &len, xml_lang, &is_rtl);
                        e = fm->reader->get_glyphs(fm->reader, text, fm->id_buffer, &len, xml_lang, &is_rtl);
        if (e) return NULL;

        GF_SAFEALLOC(span, GF_TextSpan);
        if (!span) return NULL;
        span->font = font;
        span->font_size = font_size;
        if (font->em_size)
                span->font_scale = font_size / font->em_size;
        span->x_scale = span->y_scale = FIX_ONE;
//      span->lang = xml_lang;
        if (fliped_text) span->flags |= GF_TEXT_SPAN_FLIP;
        if (styles & GF_FONT_UNDERLINED) span->flags |= GF_TEXT_SPAN_UNDERLINE;
        span->nb_glyphs = len;
        span->glyphs = gf_malloc(sizeof(void *)*len);
        if (needs_x_offset) {
                span->dx = gf_malloc(sizeof(Fixed)*len);
                memset(span->dx, 0, sizeof(Fixed)*len);
        if (needs_y_offset) {
                span->dy = gf_malloc(sizeof(Fixed)*len);
                memset(span->dy, 0, sizeof(Fixed)*len);
        if (needs_rotate) {
                span->rot = gf_malloc(sizeof(Fixed)*len);
                memset(span->rot, 0, sizeof(Fixed)*len);

        for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                span->glyphs[i] = gf_font_get_glyph(fm, font, fm->id_buffer[i]);
        span->user = user;
        if (span->font->spans)
                gf_list_add(font->spans, span);
        if (is_rtl) span->flags |= GF_TEXT_SPAN_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
        return span;

typedef struct _span_internal
        /*zoom when texture was computed*/
        Fixed last_zoom;
        /*texture handler for bitmap text*/
        GF_TextureHandler *txh;
        /*texture path (rectangle)*/
        GF_Path *path;

        /*span mesh (built out of the # glyphs)*/
        GF_Mesh *mesh;
        /*span texture mesh (rectangle)*/
        GF_Mesh *tx_mesh;
        /*span outline*/
        GF_Mesh *outline;
} GF_SpanExtensions;

void gf_font_manager_delete_span(GF_FontManager *fm, GF_TextSpan *span)
        if (span->user && span->font->spans) gf_list_del_item(span->font->spans, span);

        if (span->dx) gf_free(span->dx);
        if (span->dy) gf_free(span->dy);
        if (span->rot) gf_free(span->rot);

        if (span->ext) {
                if (span->ext->path) gf_path_del(span->ext->path);
                if (span->ext->mesh) mesh_free(span->ext->mesh);
                if (span->ext->tx_mesh) mesh_free(span->ext->tx_mesh);
                if (span->ext->outline) mesh_free(span->ext->outline);
                if (span->ext->txh) {
                        if (span->ext->txh->data) gf_free(span->ext->txh->data);

void gf_font_manager_refresh_span_bounds(GF_TextSpan *span)
        u32 i;
        Fixed descent, ascent, bline;
        Fixed min_x, min_y, max_y;

        if (!span->nb_glyphs) {
                span->bounds.width = span->bounds.height = 0;
        descent = 0;
        if (span->font->descent<0) descent = -span->font_scale * span->font->descent;
        ascent = span->font->ascent * span->font_scale;

        /*if fliped text (SVG), the min_y is at the ascent side*/
        if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_FLIP) {
                Fixed tmp = ascent;
                ascent = descent;
                descent = tmp;

        bline = span->font->baseline * span->font_scale;

        min_x = span->dx ? FIX_MAX : span->off_x;
        min_y = span->dy ? FIX_MAX : span->off_y - descent;
        max_y = span->dy ? -FIX_MAX : span->off_y + ascent;

        /*adjust start_x for first glyph*/
        if (span->glyphs[0] && span->glyphs[0]->path) {
                min_x += gf_mulfix(span->glyphs[0]->path->bbox.x, span->font_scale);
        span->bounds = gf_rect_center(0, 0);

        for (i=0; i<span->nb_glyphs; i++) {
                Fixed g_width;
                GF_Rect rc;

                /*compute glyph size*/
                if (!span->glyphs[i]) g_width = span->font->max_advance_h * span->font_scale;
                /*if last glyph of the span, increase by width only*/
//              else if (i+1==span->nb_glyphs) g_width = span->glyphs[i]->width * span->font_scale;
                /*otherwise increase by the horizontal advance*/
                else g_width = span->glyphs[i]->horiz_advance * span->font_scale;

                if (span->dy) {
                        if (span->dy[i] - descent < min_y) min_y = span->dy[i] - descent;
                        if (span->dy[i] + ascent > max_y) max_y = span->dy[i] + ascent;
                else if (span->glyphs[i]) {
                        Fixed size = span->glyphs[i]->height * span->font_scale;
                        if (size > max_y-min_y) max_y = size + min_y;

                if (span->dx) {
                        rc.x = span->dx[i];
                } else {
                        rc.x = min_x;
                        if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_HORIZONTAL)
                                min_x += g_width;
                rc.y = span->dy ? span->dy[i] + ascent : max_y;
                rc.width = g_width;
                rc.height = max_y - min_y;

                if (span->rot) {
                        GF_Matrix2D tr;
                        gf_mx2d_add_rotation(&tr, rc.x, rc.y - ascent - bline, span->rot[i]);
                        gf_mx2d_apply_rect(&tr, &rc);
                gf_rect_union(&span->bounds, &rc);

GF_Path *gf_font_span_create_path(GF_TextSpan *span)
        u32 i;
        GF_Matrix2D mat;
        Fixed dx, dy;
        GF_Path *path = gf_path_new();

        mat.m[0] = gf_mulfix(span->font_scale, span->x_scale);
        mat.m[4] = gf_mulfix(span->font_scale, span->y_scale);
        if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_FLIP) gf_mx2d_add_scale(&mat, FIX_ONE, -FIX_ONE);

        dx = gf_divfix(span->off_x, mat.m[0]);
        dy = gf_divfix(span->off_y, mat.m[4]);

        for (i=0; i<span->nb_glyphs; i++) {
                if (!span->glyphs[i]) {
                        if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_HORIZONTAL) {
                                dx += INT2FIX(span->font->max_advance_h);
                        } else {
                                dy -= INT2FIX(span->font->max_advance_v);
                } else {
                        if (span->dx) dx = gf_divfix(span->dx[i], mat.m[0]);
                        if (span->dy) dy = gf_divfix(span->dy[i], mat.m[4]);

                        if (span->glyphs[i]->utf_name != ' ') {
                                GF_Matrix2D mx;
                                if (span->rot) {
                                        gf_mx2d_add_rotation(&mx, 0, 0, -span->rot[i]);
                                if (span->glyphs[i]->ID==GF_CARET_CHAR) {
                                        gf_mx2d_add_scale(&mx, mat.m[0], FIX_ONE);
                                gf_mx2d_add_translation(&mx, dx, dy);
                                gf_path_add_subpath(path, span->glyphs[i]->path, &mx);

                        if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_HORIZONTAL) {
                                dx += INT2FIX(span->glyphs[i]->horiz_advance);
                        } else {
                                dy -= INT2FIX(span->glyphs[i]->vert_advance);

        for (i=0; i<path->n_points; i++) {
                gf_mx2d_apply_point(&mat, &path->points[i]);
        return path;

static void span_alloc_extensions(GF_TextSpan *span)
        if (span->ext) return;
        GF_SAFEALLOC(span->ext, GF_SpanExtensions);

static void span_build_mesh(GF_TextSpan *span)
        span->ext->tx_mesh = new_mesh();
        mesh_set_vertex(span->ext->tx_mesh, span->bounds.x, span->bounds.y-span->bounds.height, 0, 0, 0, FIX_ONE, 0, FIX_ONE);
        mesh_set_vertex(span->ext->tx_mesh, span->bounds.x+span->bounds.width, span->bounds.y-span->bounds.height, 0, 0, 0, FIX_ONE, FIX_ONE, FIX_ONE);
        mesh_set_vertex(span->ext->tx_mesh, span->bounds.x+span->bounds.width, span->bounds.y, 0, 0, 0, FIX_ONE, FIX_ONE, 0);
        mesh_set_vertex(span->ext->tx_mesh, span->bounds.x, span->bounds.y, 0, 0, 0, FIX_ONE, 0, 0);
        mesh_set_triangle(span->ext->tx_mesh, 0, 1, 2);
        mesh_set_triangle(span->ext->tx_mesh, 0, 2, 3);
        span->ext->tx_mesh->flags |= MESH_IS_2D;
        span->ext->tx_mesh->mesh_type = MESH_TRIANGLES;

/*don't build too large textures*/
#define MAX_TX_SIZE             512
/*and don't build too small ones otherwise result is as crap as non-textured*/
#define MIN_TX_SIZE             32

static Bool span_setup_texture(GF_Compositor *compositor, GF_TextSpan *span, Bool for_3d, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        GF_Path *span_path;
        GF_Rect bounds;
        Fixed cx, cy, sx, sy, max, min;
        u32 tw, th;
        GF_Matrix2D mx;
        GF_STENCIL stencil, brush;
        GF_SURFACE surface;
        u32 width, height;
        Fixed scale;
        GF_Raster2D *raster = compositor->rasterizer;


        /*something failed*/
        if (span->ext->txh && !span->ext->txh->data) return 0;

        if (span->ext->txh && span->ext->txh->data) {
                if (span->ext->last_zoom == compositor->zoom) {

                        if (for_3d && !span->ext->tx_mesh) span_build_mesh(span);
                        return 1;
        span->ext->last_zoom = compositor->zoom;

        bounds = span->bounds;

        /*check not too big, but also not really small (meter metrics)*/
        max = INT2FIX(MAX_TX_SIZE);
        min = INT2FIX(MIN_TX_SIZE);
        scale = compositor->zoom;
        if (!tr_state->pixel_metrics) {
                scale = gf_mulfix(scale, tr_state->min_hsize);
        if ((gf_mulfix(scale, bounds.width)>max) || (gf_mulfix(scale, bounds.height)>max)) {
                scale = MIN(gf_divfix(max, bounds.width), gf_divfix(max, bounds.height));
        else if ((gf_mulfix(scale, bounds.width)<min) || (gf_mulfix(scale, bounds.height)<min)) {
                scale = MAX(gf_divfix(min, bounds.width), gf_divfix(min, bounds.height));
        if (scale<FIX_ONE) scale = FIX_ONE;

        /*get closest pow2 sizes*/
        tw = FIX2INT( gf_ceil(gf_mulfix(scale, bounds.width)) );
        width = MIN_TX_SIZE;
        while (width <tw) {
                if (width >=MAX_TX_SIZE) break;
                width *=2;
        th = FIX2INT( gf_ceil(gf_mulfix(scale, bounds.height)) );
        height = MIN_TX_SIZE;
        while (height<th) {
                if (height>=MAX_TX_SIZE) break;
        /*and get scaling*/
        sx = gf_divfix( INT2FIX(width), bounds.width);
        sy = gf_divfix( INT2FIX(height), bounds.height);

        if (span->ext->txh && (width == span->ext->txh->width) && (height==span->ext->txh->height)) return 1;

        if (span->ext->path) gf_path_del(span->ext->path);
        span->ext->path = NULL;
        if (span->ext->tx_mesh) mesh_free(span->ext->tx_mesh);
        span->ext->tx_mesh = NULL;

        if (span->ext->txh) {
                if (span->ext->txh->data) gf_free(span->ext->txh->data);
        GF_SAFEALLOC(span->ext->txh, GF_TextureHandler);
        if (!span->ext->txh) return 0;
        gf_sc_texture_setup(span->ext->txh, compositor, NULL);
        stencil = gf_sc_texture_get_stencil(span->ext->txh);
        if (!stencil) stencil = raster->stencil_new(raster, GF_STENCIL_TEXTURE);

        /*FIXME - make it work with alphagrey...*/
        span->ext->txh->width = width;
        span->ext->txh->height = height;
        span->ext->txh->stride = 4*width;
        span->ext->txh->pixelformat = GF_PIXEL_RGBA;
        span->ext->txh->transparent = 1;
        span->ext->txh->flags |= GF_SR_TEXTURE_NO_GL_FLIP;

        surface = raster->surface_new(raster, 1);
        if (!surface) {
                return 0;
        span->ext->txh->data = (char *) gf_malloc(sizeof(char)*span->ext->txh->stride*span->ext->txh->height);
        memset(span->ext->txh->data, 0, sizeof(char)*span->ext->txh->stride*span->ext->txh->height);

        raster->stencil_set_texture(stencil, span->ext->txh->data, span->ext->txh->width, span->ext->txh->height, span->ext->txh->stride, span->ext->txh->pixelformat, span->ext->txh->pixelformat, 1);
        raster->surface_attach_to_texture(surface, stencil);

        brush = raster->stencil_new(raster, GF_STENCIL_SOLID);
        raster->stencil_set_brush_color(brush, 0xFF000000);

        cx = bounds.x + bounds.width/2;
        cy = bounds.y - bounds.height/2;

        gf_mx2d_add_translation(&mx, -cx, -cy);
        gf_mx2d_add_scale(&mx, sx, sy);
//      gf_mx2d_add_scale(&mx, 99*FIX_ONE/100, 99*FIX_ONE/100);

        raster->surface_set_matrix(surface, &mx);
        raster->surface_set_raster_level(surface, GF_RASTER_HIGH_QUALITY);
        span_path = gf_font_span_create_path(span);
        raster->surface_set_path(surface, span_path);

        raster->surface_fill(surface, brush);

        if (span->font->baseline) {
                Fixed dy = gf_mulfix(span->font->baseline, span->font_scale);
                bounds.y += dy;
                span->bounds.y += dy;
        span->ext->path = gf_path_new();
        gf_path_add_move_to(span->ext->path, bounds.x, bounds.y-bounds.height);
        gf_path_add_line_to(span->ext->path, bounds.x+bounds.width, bounds.y-bounds.height);
        gf_path_add_line_to(span->ext->path, bounds.x+bounds.width, bounds.y);
        gf_path_add_line_to(span->ext->path, bounds.x, bounds.y);

        gf_sc_texture_set_stencil(span->ext->txh, stencil);

        gf_sc_texture_set_blend_mode(span->ext->txh, TX_BLEND);
        if (for_3d) span_build_mesh(span);
        return 1;


static void span_fill_3d(GF_TextSpan *span, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        if (!span->ext->mesh) {
                GF_Path *path = gf_font_span_create_path(span);
                span->ext->mesh = new_mesh();
                mesh_from_path(span->ext->mesh, path);

        visual_3d_mesh_paint(tr_state, span->ext->mesh);

static void span_strike_3d(GF_TextSpan *span, GF_TraverseState *tr_state, DrawAspect2D *asp, Bool vect_outline)
        if (!span->ext->outline) {
                GF_Path *path = gf_font_span_create_path(span);
                span->ext->outline = new_mesh();
                if (vect_outline) {
                        GF_Path *outline = gf_path_get_outline(path, asp->pen_props);
                        gf_mesh_tesselate_path(span->ext->outline, outline, asp->line_texture ? 2 : 1);
                } else {
                        mesh_get_outline(span->ext->outline, path);
                vect_outline = 0;
                mesh_get_outline(span->ext->outline, path);
        if (vect_outline) {
                visual_3d_mesh_paint(tr_state, span->ext->outline);
        } else {
                visual_3d_mesh_strike(tr_state, span->ext->outline, asp->pen_props.width, asp->line_scale, asp->pen_props.dash);

void gf_font_spans_draw_3d(GF_List *spans, GF_TraverseState *tr_state, DrawAspect2D *asp, u32 text_hl, Bool force_texturing)
        u32 i;
        SFColorRGBA hl_color;
        GF_TextSpan *span;
        Bool fill_2d, vect_outline, can_texture_text;
        GF_Compositor *compositor = (GF_Compositor*)tr_state->visual->compositor;

        vect_outline = !compositor->raster_outlines;

        visual_3d_set_state(tr_state->visual, V3D_STATE_BLEND, 0);

        fill_2d = 0;
        if (!asp) {
                if (!visual_3d_setup_appearance(tr_state)) return;
        } else {
                fill_2d = (asp->fill_color) ? 1 : 0;
        memset(&hl_color, 0, sizeof(SFColorRGBA));

        if (text_hl && (fill_2d || !asp) ) {
                /*reverse video: highlighting uses the text color, and text color is inverted (except alpha channel)
                the ideal impl would be to use the background color for the text, but since the text may be
                displayed over anything non uniform this would require clipping the highlight rect with the text
                which is too onerous (and not supported anyway) */
                if (text_hl == 0x00FFFFFF) {
                        if (!asp) {
                                if (tr_state->appear) {
                                        SFColor c, rc;
                                        c = ((M_Material *) ((M_Appearance *)  tr_state->appear)->material)->diffuseColor;
                                        hl_color = gf_sg_sfcolor_to_rgba(c);
                                        hl_color.alpha = ((M_Material *) ((M_Appearance *)  tr_state->appear)->material)->transparency;
                                        /*invert diffuse color and resetup*/
                               = FIX_ONE -;
                               = FIX_ONE -;
                               = FIX_ONE -;
                                        ((M_Material *) ((M_Appearance *)  tr_state->appear)->material)->diffuseColor = rc;
                                        ((M_Material *) ((M_Appearance *)  tr_state->appear)->material)->diffuseColor = c;
                                } else
                               = = = 0;
                                        hl_color.alpha = FIX_ONE;
                        } else {
                                hl_color.alpha = FIX_ONE;
                       = INT2FIX( GF_COL_R(asp->fill_color) ) / 255;
                       = INT2FIX( GF_COL_G(asp->fill_color) ) / 255;
                       = INT2FIX( GF_COL_B(asp->fill_color) ) / 255;
                                if (GF_COL_A(asp->fill_color) ) {
                                        u8 r = GF_COL_R(asp->fill_color);
                                        u8 g = GF_COL_G(asp->fill_color);
                                        u8 b = GF_COL_B(asp->fill_color);
                                        asp->fill_color = GF_COL_ARGB(GF_COL_A(asp->fill_color), 255-r, 255-g, 255-b);
                } else {
               = INT2FIX(GF_COL_R(text_hl)) / 255;
               = INT2FIX(GF_COL_G(text_hl)) / 255;
               = INT2FIX(GF_COL_B(text_hl)) / 255;
                        hl_color.alpha = INT2FIX(GF_COL_A(text_hl)) / 255;
                if (asp && !asp->fill_color) text_hl = 0;

        /*setup texture*/
        visual_3d_setup_texture(tr_state, FIX_ONE);
        can_texture_text = 0;
        if (fill_2d || !asp) {
                /*check if we can use text texturing*/
                if (force_texturing || (compositor->texture_text_mode != GF_TEXTURE_TEXT_NEVER) ) {
                        if (fill_2d && asp->pen_props.width) {
                                can_texture_text = 0;
                        } else {
                                can_texture_text = tr_state->mesh_num_textures ? 0 : 1;

        visual_3d_enable_antialias(tr_state->visual, compositor->antiAlias);
        if (fill_2d || !asp || tr_state->mesh_num_textures) {
                if (fill_2d) visual_3d_set_material_2d_argb(tr_state->visual, asp->fill_color);

                i = tr_state->text_split_idx ? tr_state->text_split_idx-1 : 0;
                while ((span = (GF_TextSpan *)gf_list_enum(spans, &i))) {
                        if (text_hl) {
                                visual_3d_fill_rect(tr_state->visual, span->bounds, hl_color);

                                if (fill_2d)
                                        visual_3d_set_material_2d_argb(tr_state->visual, asp->fill_color);

                        if (can_texture_text && span_setup_texture(tr_state->visual->compositor, span, 1, tr_state)) {
                                tr_state->mesh_num_textures = gf_sc_texture_enable(span->ext->txh, NULL);
                                if (tr_state->mesh_num_textures) {
                                        Bool has_mat_2d = tr_state->visual->compositor->visual->has_material_2d;
                                        visual_3d_mesh_paint(tr_state, span->ext->tx_mesh);
                                        tr_state->mesh_num_textures = 0;
                                        tr_state->visual->has_material_2d = has_mat_2d;
                        } else {
                                span_fill_3d(span, tr_state);

                        if (tr_state->text_split_idx) break;
                tr_state->visual->has_material_2d = 0;

                /*reset texturing in case of line texture*/
                if (!asp) visual_3d_disable_texture(tr_state);
        visual_3d_set_state(tr_state->visual, V3D_STATE_BLEND, 0);

        if (asp && asp->pen_props.width) {
                if (!asp->line_scale) {
                        drawable_compute_line_scale(tr_state, asp);
                asp->pen_props.width = gf_divfix(asp->pen_props.width, asp->line_scale);
                visual_3d_set_2d_strike(tr_state, asp);

                if (tr_state->text_split_idx) {
                        span = (GF_TextSpan *)gf_list_get(spans, tr_state->text_split_idx-1);
                        span_strike_3d(span, tr_state, asp, vect_outline);
                } else {
                        while ((span = (GF_TextSpan *)gf_list_enum(spans, &i))) {
                                span_strike_3d(span, tr_state, asp, vect_outline);


static void gf_font_span_draw_2d(GF_TraverseState *tr_state, GF_TextSpan *span, DrawableContext *ctx, GF_Rect *bounds)
        u32 flags, i;
        Bool flip_text;
        Fixed dx, dy, sx, sy, lscale, bline;
        Bool needs_texture = (ctx->aspect.fill_texture || ctx->aspect.line_texture) ? 1 : 0;
        GF_Matrix2D mx, tx;

        gf_mx2d_copy(mx, ctx->transform);

        flags = ctx->flags;
        dx = span->off_x;
        dy = span->off_y;
        sx = gf_mulfix(span->font_scale, span->x_scale);
        sy = gf_mulfix(span->font_scale, span->y_scale);

        flip_text = (ctx->flags & CTX_FLIPED_COORDS) ? tr_state->visual->center_coords : !tr_state->visual->center_coords;

        bline = span->font->baseline*span->font_scale;
        lscale = ctx->aspect.line_scale;
        ctx->aspect.line_scale = gf_divfix(ctx->aspect.line_scale, span->font_scale);

        for (i=0; i<span->nb_glyphs; i++) {
                if (!span->glyphs[i]) {
                        if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_HORIZONTAL) {
                                dx += sx * span->font->max_advance_h;
                        } else {
                                dy -= sy * span->font->max_advance_v;
                if (span->glyphs[i]->ID==GF_CARET_CHAR) {
                        if (tr_state->visual->compositor->show_caret) {
                                ctx->transform.m[0] = FIX_ONE;
                        } else {
                } else {
                        ctx->transform.m[0] = sx;
                ctx->transform.m[4] = flip_text  ? -sy : sy;
                ctx->transform.m[1] = ctx->transform.m[3] = 0;
                ctx->transform.m[2] = span->dx ? span->dx[i] : dx;
                ctx->transform.m[5] = span->dy ? span->dy[i] : dy;
                ctx->transform.m[5] += bline;
                if (span->rot) {
                        gf_mx2d_add_rotation(&ctx->transform, ctx->transform.m[2], ctx->transform.m[5], span->rot[i]);

                gf_mx2d_add_matrix(&ctx->transform, &mx);

                if (needs_texture) {
                        tx.m[0] = sx;
                        tx.m[4] = sy;
                        tx.m[1] = tx.m[3] = 0;
                        tx.m[2] = span->dx ? span->dx[i] : dx;
                        tx.m[5] = span->dy ? span->dy[i] : dy;
                        tx.m[5] += bline;
                        if (span->rot) {
                                gf_mx2d_add_rotation(&tx, tx.m[2], tx.m[5], span->rot[i]);

                        visual_2d_texture_path_extended(tr_state->visual, span->glyphs[i]->path, ctx->aspect.fill_texture, ctx, bounds ? bounds : &span->bounds, &tx, tr_state);
                        visual_2d_draw_path_extended(tr_state->visual, span->glyphs[i]->path, ctx, NULL, NULL, tr_state, bounds ? bounds : &span->bounds, &tx, GF_FALSE);
                } else {
                        visual_2d_draw_path(tr_state->visual, span->glyphs[i]->path, ctx, NULL, NULL, tr_state);
                ctx->flags = flags;

                if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_HORIZONTAL) {
                        dx += sx * span->glyphs[i]->horiz_advance;
                } else {
                        dy -= sy * span->glyphs[i]->vert_advance;
        gf_mx2d_copy(ctx->transform, mx);
        ctx->aspect.line_scale = lscale;

void gf_font_underline_span(GF_TraverseState *tr_state, GF_TextSpan *span, DrawableContext *ctx)
        GF_Matrix2D mx, m;
        u32 col;
        Fixed sx, width, diff;
        if (span->dx || span->dy) return;

        gf_mx2d_copy(mx, ctx->transform);
        sx = gf_mulfix(span->font_scale, span->x_scale);

        if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_FLIP)
                diff = sx * (span->font->descent - span->font->underline);
                diff = sx * (- span->font->ascent + span->font->underline);

        gf_mx2d_add_scale(&m, span->bounds.width, FIX_ONE);
        gf_mx2d_add_translation(&m, span->bounds.x + span->bounds.width / 2, span->bounds.y+diff);
        gf_mx2d_pre_multiply(&ctx->transform, &m);

        col = ctx->aspect.fill_color;
        width = ctx->aspect.pen_props.width;
        ctx->aspect.pen_props.width = 0;
        ctx->flags &= ~CTX_PATH_FILLED;
        if (span->anchor) ctx->aspect.fill_color = 0xFF0000FF;

        visual_2d_draw_path(tr_state->visual, span->font->ft_mgr->line_path, ctx, NULL, NULL, tr_state);
        ctx->aspect.fill_color = col;

        gf_mx2d_copy(ctx->transform, mx);
        ctx->aspect.pen_props.width = width;

#if 0
static u32 col_reverse_video(u32 col)
        u32 a, r, g, b;
        a = GF_COL_A(col);
        r = GF_COL_R(col);
        g = GF_COL_G(col);
        b = GF_COL_B(col);
        return GF_COL_ARGB(a, 255-r, 255-g, 255-b);

static GF_Rect font_get_sel_rect(GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        GF_Vec s, e;
        GF_Rect rc;
        GF_Compositor *compositor = tr_state->visual->compositor;

        e.x = compositor->end_sel.x;
        e.y = compositor->end_sel.y;
        e.z = 0;
        gf_mx_apply_vec(&compositor->hit_local_to_world, &e);

        s.x = compositor->start_sel.x;
        s.y = compositor->start_sel.y;
        s.z = 0;
        gf_mx_apply_vec(&compositor->hit_local_to_world, &s);

        if (s.x > e.x) {
                rc.x = e.x;
                rc.width = s.x - e.x;
        } else {
                rc.x = s.x;
                rc.width = e.x - s.x;
        if (s.y > e.y) {
                rc.y = s.y;
                rc.height = s.y - e.y;
        } else {
                rc.y = e.y;
                rc.height = e.y - s.y;
        if (!rc.height) rc.height = FIX_ONE;
        return rc;

static void gf_font_spans_select(GF_TextSpan *span, GF_TraverseState *tr_state, DrawableContext *ctx, Bool has_more_spans, Bool first_span, GF_Rect *rc)
        GF_Matrix2D mx;
        u32 flags, i, color;
        Bool has_selection = 0;
        Fixed dx, dy, sx, sy, width, ascent, descent;
        GF_Compositor *compositor = tr_state->visual->compositor;

        if (first_span) rc->width = 0;

        if (!(span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_SELECTED) ) return;

        dx = gf_mulfix(span->off_x, span->x_scale);
        dy = gf_mulfix(span->off_y, span->y_scale);
        sx = gf_mulfix(span->font_scale, span->x_scale);
        sy = gf_mulfix(span->font_scale, span->y_scale);
        ascent = span->font->ascent*sy;
        descent = span->font->descent*sy;

        width = 0;
        flags = 0;
        if (ctx) {
                width = ctx->aspect.pen_props.width;
                ctx->aspect.pen_props.width = 0;
                flags = ctx->flags;
                gf_mx2d_copy(mx, ctx->transform);

        /*compute sel rectangle*/
        if (!rc->width) {
                *rc = font_get_sel_rect(tr_state);

        color = compositor->text_sel_color;

        for (i=0; i<span->nb_glyphs; i++) {
                GF_Rect g_rc;
                Bool end_of_line = 0;
                Fixed advance;
                if (!span->glyphs[i]) continue;
                advance = sx * span->glyphs[i]->horiz_advance;
                if (span->dx) dx = span->dx[i];
                if (span->dy) dy = span->dy[i];
                if (dx + advance/2 < rc->x) {
                        dx += advance;

                g_rc.height = ascent-descent;

                if (dx + advance/2 > rc->x + rc->width) {
                        u32 j;
                        Bool has_several_lines = 0;
                        if (!span->dy) break;
                        if (!has_selection) continue;

                        for (j=i+1; j<span->nb_glyphs; j++) {
                                if (span->dy[j] > span->dy[i]) {
                                        if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_FLIP)
                                                g_rc.y = span->dy[j]-descent;
                                                g_rc.y = span->dy[j]+ascent;
                                        g_rc.x = span->bounds.x;
                                        g_rc.width = span->bounds.width;
                                        if (gf_rect_overlaps(g_rc, *rc)) {
                                                has_several_lines =1;
                        if (has_more_spans && dy<rc->y) has_several_lines =1;

                        if (!has_several_lines) break;
                        end_of_line = 1;
                        /*move selection rect to include start of line - FIXME this depends on ltr/rtl*/
                        rc->width = rc->width+rc->x - span->bounds.x;
                        rc->x = span->bounds.x;

                if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_FLIP)
                        g_rc.y = dy-descent;
                        g_rc.y = dy+ascent;
                g_rc.x = dx;
                g_rc.width = advance;

                if (!end_of_line && !gf_rect_overlaps(g_rc, *rc))
                                if (dy < rc.y-rc.height) {
                                        if (!span->dx) break;
                has_selection = 1;
                if (ctx) {
                        if (span->rot) {
                                gf_mx2d_add_rotation(&ctx->transform, g_rc.x , g_rc.y, span->rot[i]);
                                gf_mx2d_add_matrix(&ctx->transform, &mx);
                        visual_2d_fill_rect(tr_state->visual, ctx, &g_rc, color, 0, tr_state);
                        ctx->flags = flags;
                        compositor->store_text_state = GF_SC_TSEL_ACTIVE;
                } else {
                        if (!compositor->sel_buffer_alloc || compositor->sel_buffer_len == compositor->sel_buffer_alloc) {
                                if (!compositor->sel_buffer_alloc) compositor->sel_buffer_alloc ++;
                                compositor->sel_buffer_alloc = 2*compositor->sel_buffer_alloc;
                                compositor->sel_buffer = gf_realloc(compositor->sel_buffer, sizeof(u16)*compositor->sel_buffer_alloc);
                        compositor->sel_buffer[compositor->sel_buffer_len] = (u16) span->glyphs[i]->utf_name;

                dx += advance;
        if (ctx) {
                gf_mx2d_copy(ctx->transform, mx);
                ctx->aspect.pen_props.width = width;
        if (has_selection && has_more_spans && dy<rc->y) {
                rc->width = rc->width+rc->x - span->bounds.x;
                rc->x = span->bounds.x;

void gf_font_spans_get_selection(GF_Node *node, GF_List *spans, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        GF_TextSpan *span;
        u32 i, count;
        GF_Rect rc;
        count = gf_list_count(spans);
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                span = (GF_TextSpan *)gf_list_get(spans, i);
                gf_font_spans_select(span, tr_state, NULL, (i+1<count) ? 1 : 0, (i==0) ? 1 : 0, &rc);

void gf_font_spans_draw_2d(GF_List *spans, GF_TraverseState *tr_state, u32 hl_color, Bool force_texture_text, GF_Rect *bounds)
        Bool use_texture_text, is_rv;
        GF_Compositor *compositor = tr_state->visual->compositor;
        u32 i, count;
        GF_TextSpan *span;
        DrawableContext *ctx = tr_state->ctx;
        GF_Rect rc;

        use_texture_text = 0;
        if (force_texture_text || (compositor->texture_text_mode==GF_TEXTURE_TEXT_ALWAYS) ) {
                use_texture_text = !ctx->aspect.fill_texture && !ctx->aspect.pen_props.width;

        is_rv = 0;
        if (hl_color) {
                /*reverse video: highlighting uses the text color, and text color is inverted (except alpha channel)
                the ideal impl would be to use the background color for the text, but since the text may be
                displayed over anything non uniform this would require clipping the highlight rect with the text
                which is too onerous (and not supported anyway) */
                if (hl_color==0x00FFFFFF) {
                        u32 a, r, g, b;
                        hl_color = tr_state->ctx->aspect.fill_color;

                        a = GF_COL_A(tr_state->ctx->aspect.fill_color);
                        if (a) {
                                r = GF_COL_R(tr_state->ctx->aspect.fill_color);
                                g = GF_COL_G(tr_state->ctx->aspect.fill_color);
                                b = GF_COL_B(tr_state->ctx->aspect.fill_color);
                                tr_state->ctx->aspect.fill_color = GF_COL_ARGB(a, 255-r, 255-g, 255-b);
                        is_rv = 1;
                if (GF_COL_A(hl_color) == 0) hl_color = 0;

        count = gf_list_count(spans);
        i=ctx->sub_path_index ? ctx->sub_path_index-1 : 0;
        for(; i<count; i++) {
                span = (GF_TextSpan *)gf_list_get(spans, i);
                if (compositor->text_selection)
                        gf_font_spans_select(span, tr_state, ctx, (i+1<count) ? 1 : 0, (i==0)? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE, &rc);
                else if (hl_color)
                        visual_2d_fill_rect(tr_state->visual, ctx, &span->bounds, hl_color, 0, tr_state);

                if (use_texture_text && span_setup_texture(compositor, span, 0, tr_state)) {
                        visual_2d_texture_path_text(tr_state->visual, ctx, span->ext->path, &span->bounds, span->ext->txh, tr_state);
                } else {
                        gf_font_span_draw_2d(tr_state, span, ctx, bounds);
                if (span->anchor || (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_UNDERLINE) ) gf_font_underline_span(tr_state, span, ctx);
                if (ctx->sub_path_index) break;
        if (is_rv) tr_state->ctx->aspect.fill_color = hl_color;

void gf_font_spans_pick(GF_Node *node, GF_List *spans, GF_TraverseState *tr_state, GF_Rect *node_bounds, Bool use_dom_events, Drawable *drawable)
        u32 i, count, j, glyph_idx;
        Fixed dx, dy;
        GF_Matrix inv_mx;
        GF_TextSpan *span;
        DrawAspect2D asp;
        GF_Matrix2D inv_2d;
        Fixed x, y;
        GF_Compositor *compositor = tr_state->visual->compositor;

        if (compositor->text_selection) {
                if (compositor->text_selection != tr_state->text_parent) return;
                if (compositor->store_text_state==GF_SC_TSEL_FROZEN) return;

        /*TODO: pick the real glyph and not just the bounds of the text span*/
        count = gf_list_count(spans);

        if (tr_state->visual->type_3d) {
                GF_Ray r;
                SFVec3f local_pt;

                r = tr_state->ray;
                gf_mx_copy(inv_mx, tr_state->model_matrix);
                gf_mx_apply_ray(&inv_mx, &r);

                if (!compositor_get_2d_plane_intersection(&r, &local_pt)) return;

                x = local_pt.x;
                y = local_pt.y;
        } else
                gf_mx2d_copy(inv_2d, tr_state->transform);
                x = tr_state->ray.orig.x;
                y = tr_state->ray.orig.y;
                gf_mx2d_apply_coords(&inv_2d, &x, &y);

        if (use_dom_events) {
                memset(&asp, 0, sizeof(DrawAspect2D));
                drawable_get_aspect_2d_svg(node, &asp, tr_state);

        span = NULL;
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                Fixed loc_x, loc_y;
                span = (GF_TextSpan*)gf_list_get(spans, i);

                if ((x>=span->bounds.x)
                        && (y<=span->bounds.y)
                        && (x<=span->bounds.x+span->bounds.width)
                        && (y>=span->bounds.y-span->bounds.height)) {
                } else {

                glyph_idx = 0;
                dx = span->off_x;
                dy = span->off_y;
                for (j=0; j<span->nb_glyphs; j++) {
                        GF_Rect rc;
                        if (!span->glyphs[j]) {
                                if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_HORIZONTAL) {
                                        dx += span->font_scale * span->font->max_advance_h;
                                } else {
                                        dy -= span->font_scale * span->font->max_advance_v;
                        else if (span->glyphs[j]->ID==GF_CARET_CHAR) {

                        loc_x = x - (span->dx ? span->dx[j] : dx);
                        loc_y = y - (span->dy ? span->dy[j] : dy);
                        loc_x = gf_divfix(loc_x, span->font_scale);
                        loc_y = gf_divfix(loc_y, span->font_scale) + span->font->baseline;
                        if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_FLIP) loc_y = - loc_y;

                        gf_path_get_bounds(span->glyphs[j]->path, &rc);
                        rc.height = INT2FIX(span->font->ascent + span->font->descent);

                        if (0&&span->rot) {
                                GF_Matrix2D r;
                                gf_mx2d_add_rotation(&r, 0, 0, span->rot[i]);
                                gf_mx2d_apply_coords(&r, &loc_x, &loc_y);

                        if (use_dom_events && !compositor->sel_buffer) {
                                if (svg_drawable_is_over(drawable, loc_x, loc_y, &asp, tr_state, &rc))
                                        goto picked;
                        } else {
                                if ( (loc_x >= rc.x) && (loc_y <= rc.y) && (loc_x <= rc.x + rc.width) && (loc_y >= rc.y - rc.height) ) {
                                        goto picked;
//                              if (gf_path_point_over(span->glyphs[j]->path, loc_x, loc_y)) goto picked;

                        if (span->flags & GF_TEXT_SPAN_HORIZONTAL) {
                                dx += span->font_scale * span->glyphs[j]->horiz_advance;
                        } else {
                                dy -= span->font_scale * span->glyphs[j]->vert_advance;

        compositor->hit_local_point.x = x;
        compositor->hit_local_point.y = y;
        compositor->hit_local_point.z = 0;

        if (tr_state->visual->type_3d) {
                gf_mx_copy(compositor->hit_world_to_local, tr_state->model_matrix);
                gf_mx_copy(compositor->hit_local_to_world, inv_mx);
        } else
                gf_mx_from_mx2d(&compositor->hit_world_to_local, &tr_state->transform);
                gf_mx_from_mx2d(&compositor->hit_local_to_world, &inv_2d);

        compositor->hit_node = node;
        if (span->anchor) compositor->hit_node = span->anchor;

        compositor->end_sel.x = compositor->hit_world_point.x;
        compositor->end_sel.y = compositor->hit_world_point.y;
        if (compositor->text_selection) {
                gf_sc_next_frame_state(compositor, GF_SC_DRAW_FRAME);
                if (tr_state->visual->offscreen) gf_node_dirty_set(tr_state->visual->offscreen, GF_SG_CHILD_DIRTY, 0);
                span->flags |= GF_TEXT_SPAN_SELECTED;
        } else {
                compositor->start_sel = compositor->end_sel;
        compositor->picked_span_idx = i;
        compositor->picked_glyph_idx = glyph_idx;

        compositor->hit_text = tr_state->text_parent;
        compositor->hit_use_dom_events = use_dom_events;
        compositor->hit_normal.x = compositor->hit_normal.y = 0;
        compositor->hit_normal.z = FIX_ONE;
        compositor->hit_texcoords.x = gf_divfix(x, node_bounds->width) + FIX_ONE/2;
        compositor->hit_texcoords.y = gf_divfix(y, node_bounds->height) + FIX_ONE/2;

        if (compositor_is_composite_texture(tr_state->appear)) {
                compositor->hit_appear = tr_state->appear;
        } else
                compositor->hit_appear = NULL;

        count = gf_list_count(tr_state->vrml_sensors);
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                gf_list_add(tr_state->visual->compositor->sensors, gf_list_get(tr_state->vrml_sensors, i));

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */