
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. gf_sg_sfrotation_interpolate
  2. Interpolate
  3. GetInterpolateFraction
  4. CI2D_SetFraction
  5. InitCoordinateInterpolator2D
  6. CI_SetFraction
  7. CoordInt_SetFraction
  8. InitCoordinateInterpolator
  9. NormInt_SetFraction
  10. InitNormalInterpolator
  11. ColorInt_SetFraction
  12. InitColorInterpolator
  13. PosInt2D_SetFraction
  14. InitPositionInterpolator2D
  15. PosInt_SetFraction
  16. InitPositionInterpolator
  17. ScalarInt_SetFraction
  18. InitScalarInterpolator
  19. OrientInt_SetFraction
  20. InitOrientationInterpolator
  21. CI4D_SetFraction
  22. InitCoordinateInterpolator4D
  23. PI4D_SetFraction
  24. InitPositionInterpolator4D
  25. BooleanFilter_setValue
  26. InitBooleanFilter
  27. BooleanSequencer_setFraction
  28. BooleanSequencer_setNext
  29. BooleanSequencer_setPrevious
  30. DestroyBooleanSequencer
  31. InitBooleanSequencer
  32. BooleanToggle_setValue
  33. InitBooleanToggle
  34. BooleanTrigger_setTime
  35. InitBooleanTrigger
  36. IntegerSequencer_setFraction
  37. IntegerSequencer_setNext
  38. IntegerSequencer_setPrevious
  39. DestroyIntegerSequencer
  40. InitIntegerSequencer
  41. IntegerTrigger_setTrigger
  42. InitIntegerTrigger
  43. TimeTrigger_setTrigger
  44. InitTimeTrigger

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / Scene Graph sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gpac/internal/scenegraph_dev.h>
#include <gpac/nodes_mpeg4.h>
#include <gpac/nodes_x3d.h>

SFRotation gf_sg_sfrotation_interpolate(SFRotation kv1, SFRotation kv2, Fixed fraction)
        SFRotation res;
        Fixed newa, olda;
        Bool stzero = ( ABS(kv1.q) < FIX_EPSILON) ? 1 : 0;
        Bool endzero = ( ABS(kv2.q) < FIX_EPSILON) ? 1 : 0;
        Fixed testa = gf_mulfix(kv1.x, kv2.x) + gf_mulfix(kv1.y, kv2.y) + gf_mulfix(kv1.y, kv2.y);

        if (testa>= 0) {
                res.x = kv1.x + gf_mulfix(fraction, kv2.x-kv1.x);
                res.y = kv1.y + gf_mulfix(fraction, kv2.y-kv1.y);
                res.z = kv1.z + gf_mulfix(fraction, kv2.z-kv1.z);
                newa = kv2.q;
        } else {
                res.x = kv1.x + gf_mulfix(fraction, -kv2.x -kv1.x);
                res.y = kv1.y + gf_mulfix(fraction, -kv2.y-kv1.y);
                res.z = kv1.z + gf_mulfix(fraction, -kv2.z-kv1.z);
                newa = -kv2.q;
        olda = kv1.q;
        if (stzero || endzero) {
                res.x = stzero ? kv2.x : kv1.x;
                res.y = stzero ? kv2.y : kv1.y;
                res.z = stzero ? kv2.z : kv1.z;
        res.q = olda + gf_mulfix(fraction, newa - olda);
        if (res.q > GF_2PI) {
                res.q -= GF_2PI;
        } else if (res.q < GF_2PI) {
                res.q += GF_2PI;
        return res;


static Fixed Interpolate(Fixed keyValue1, Fixed keyValue2, Fixed fraction)
        return gf_mulfix(keyValue2 - keyValue1, fraction) + keyValue1;

static Fixed GetInterpolateFraction(Fixed key1, Fixed key2, Fixed fraction)
        Fixed keyDiff = key2 - key1;
        assert((fraction >= key1) && (fraction <= key2));
        if (ABS(keyDiff) < FIX_EPSILON) return 0;
        return gf_divfix(fraction - key1, keyDiff);

static void CI2D_SetFraction(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        Fixed frac;
        u32 numElemPerKey, i, j;
        M_CoordinateInterpolator2D *_this = (M_CoordinateInterpolator2D *) n;

        if (! _this->key.count) return;
        if (_this->keyValue.count % _this->key.count) return;

        numElemPerKey = _this->keyValue.count / _this->key.count;
        //set size
        if (_this->value_changed.count != numElemPerKey)
                gf_sg_vrml_mf_alloc(&_this->value_changed, GF_SG_VRML_MFVEC2F, numElemPerKey);

        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[0]) {
                for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++)
                        _this->value_changed.vals[i] = _this->keyValue.vals[i];
        } else if (_this->set_fraction > _this->key.vals[_this->key.count - 1]) {
                for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++)
                        _this->value_changed.vals[i] = _this->keyValue.vals[(_this->keyValue.count) - numElemPerKey + i];
        } else {
                for (j = 1; j < _this->key.count; j++) {
                        // Find the key values the fraction lies between
                        if ( _this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[j-1]) continue;
                        if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[j]) continue;

                        frac = GetInterpolateFraction(_this->key.vals[j-1], _this->key.vals[j], _this->set_fraction);
                        for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++) {
                                _this->value_changed.vals[i].x = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[(j-1)*numElemPerKey + i].x,
                                                                 _this->keyValue.vals[(j)*numElemPerKey + i].x,
                                _this->value_changed.vals[i].y = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[(j-1)*numElemPerKey + i].y,
                                                                 _this->keyValue.vals[(j)*numElemPerKey + i].y,
        gf_node_event_out(n, 3);//"value_changed"

Bool InitCoordinateInterpolator2D(M_CoordinateInterpolator2D *node)
        node->on_set_fraction = CI2D_SetFraction;

        if (node->key.count && !(node->keyValue.count % node->key.count) ) {
                u32 numElemPerKey, i;
                numElemPerKey = node->keyValue.count / node->key.count;
                gf_sg_vrml_mf_alloc(&node->value_changed, GF_SG_VRML_MFVEC2F, numElemPerKey);
                for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++)
                        node->value_changed.vals[i] = node->keyValue.vals[i];
        return 1;

static Bool CI_SetFraction(Fixed fraction, MFVec3f *vals, MFFloat *key, MFVec3f *keyValue)
        Fixed frac;
        u32 numElemPerKey, i, j;

        if (! key->count) return 0;
        if (keyValue->count % key->count) return 0;

        numElemPerKey = keyValue->count / key->count;

        if (vals->count != numElemPerKey) gf_sg_vrml_mf_alloc(vals, GF_SG_VRML_MFVEC3F, numElemPerKey);

        if (fraction < key->vals[0]) {
                for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++)
                        vals->vals[i] = keyValue->vals[i];
        } else if (fraction > key->vals[key->count - 1]) {
                for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++)
                        vals->vals[i] = keyValue->vals[(keyValue->count) - numElemPerKey + i];
        } else {
                for (j = 1; j < key->count; j++) {
                        // Find the key values the fraction lies between
                        if (fraction < key->vals[j-1]) continue;
                        if (fraction >= key->vals[j]) continue;

                        frac = GetInterpolateFraction(key->vals[j-1], key->vals[j], fraction);
                        for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++) {
                                vals->vals[i].x = Interpolate(keyValue->vals[(j-1)*numElemPerKey + i].x,
                                                              keyValue->vals[(j)*numElemPerKey + i].x,
                                vals->vals[i].y = Interpolate(keyValue->vals[(j-1)*numElemPerKey + i].y,
                                                              keyValue->vals[(j)*numElemPerKey + i].y,
                                vals->vals[i].z = Interpolate(keyValue->vals[(j-1)*numElemPerKey + i].z,
                                                              keyValue->vals[(j)*numElemPerKey + i].z,
        return 1;

static void CoordInt_SetFraction(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        M_CoordinateInterpolator *_this = (M_CoordinateInterpolator *) n;

        if (CI_SetFraction(_this->set_fraction, &_this->value_changed, &_this->key, &_this->keyValue))
                gf_node_event_out(n, 3);//"value_changed"

Bool InitCoordinateInterpolator(M_CoordinateInterpolator *n)
        n->on_set_fraction = CoordInt_SetFraction;
        CI_SetFraction(0, &n->value_changed, &n->key, &n->keyValue);
        return 1;

static void NormInt_SetFraction(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        u32 i;
        M_NormalInterpolator *_this = (M_NormalInterpolator *) n;

        if (!CI_SetFraction(_this->set_fraction, &_this->value_changed, &_this->key, &_this->keyValue)) return;
        for (i=0; i<_this->value_changed.count; i++) {
        gf_node_event_out(n, 3);//"value_changed"

Bool InitNormalInterpolator(M_NormalInterpolator *n)
        n->on_set_fraction = NormInt_SetFraction;
        CI_SetFraction(0, &n->value_changed, &n->key, &n->keyValue);
        return 1;

static void ColorInt_SetFraction(GF_Node *node, GF_Route *route)
        u32 i;
        Fixed frac;
        M_ColorInterpolator *_this = (M_ColorInterpolator *)node;

        if (! _this->key.count) return;
        if (_this->keyValue.count != _this->key.count) return;

        // The given fraction is less than the specified range
        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[0]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[0];
        } else if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[_this->key.count-1]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[_this->keyValue.count-1];
        } else {
                for (i=1; i<_this->key.count; i++) {
                        // Find the key values the fraction lies between
                        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[i-1]) continue;
                        if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[i]) continue;

                        frac = GetInterpolateFraction(_this->key.vals[i-1], _this->key.vals[i], _this->set_fraction);
                        _this-> = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].red,
                        _this-> = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].green,
                        _this-> = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].blue,
        gf_node_event_out(node, 3);//"value_changed"

Bool InitColorInterpolator(M_ColorInterpolator *node)
        node->on_set_fraction = ColorInt_SetFraction;
        if (node->keyValue.count) node->value_changed = node->keyValue.vals[0];
        return 1;

static void PosInt2D_SetFraction(GF_Node *node, GF_Route *route)
        M_PositionInterpolator2D *_this = (M_PositionInterpolator2D *)node;
        u32 i;
        Fixed frac;

        if (! _this->key.count) return;
        if (_this->keyValue.count != _this->key.count) return;

        // The given fraction is less than the specified range
        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[0]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[0];
        } else if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[_this->key.count-1]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[_this->keyValue.count-1];
        } else {
                for (i=1; i<_this->key.count; i++) {
                        // Find the key values the fraction lies between
                        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[i-1]) continue;
                        if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[i]) continue;

                        frac = GetInterpolateFraction(_this->key.vals[i-1], _this->key.vals[i], _this->set_fraction);
                        _this->value_changed.x = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].x, _this->keyValue.vals[i].x, frac);
                        _this->value_changed.y = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].y, _this->keyValue.vals[i].y, frac);
        gf_node_event_out(node, 3);//"value_changed"

Bool InitPositionInterpolator2D(M_PositionInterpolator2D *node)
        node->on_set_fraction = PosInt2D_SetFraction;
        if (node->keyValue.count) node->value_changed = node->keyValue.vals[0];
        return 1;

static void PosInt_SetFraction(GF_Node *node, GF_Route *route)
        u32 i;
        Fixed frac;
        M_PositionInterpolator *_this = (M_PositionInterpolator *)node;

        if (! _this->key.count) return;
        if (_this->keyValue.count != _this->key.count) return;

        // The given fraction is less than the specified range
        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[0]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[0];
        } else if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[_this->key.count-1]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[_this->keyValue.count-1];
        } else {
                for (i=1; i<_this->key.count; i++) {
                        // Find the key values the fraction lies between
                        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[i-1]) continue;
                        if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[i]) continue;

                        frac = GetInterpolateFraction(_this->key.vals[i-1], _this->key.vals[i], _this->set_fraction);
                        _this->value_changed.x = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].x, _this->keyValue.vals[i].x, frac);
                        _this->value_changed.y = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].y, _this->keyValue.vals[i].y, frac);
                        _this->value_changed.z = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].z, _this->keyValue.vals[i].z, frac);
        gf_node_event_out(node, 3);//"value_changed"

Bool InitPositionInterpolator(M_PositionInterpolator *node)
        node->on_set_fraction = PosInt_SetFraction;
        if (node->keyValue.count) node->value_changed = node->keyValue.vals[0];
        return 1;

static void ScalarInt_SetFraction(GF_Node *node, GF_Route *route)
        M_ScalarInterpolator *_this = (M_ScalarInterpolator *)node;
        u32 i;
        Fixed frac;

        if (! _this->key.count) return;
        if (_this->keyValue.count != _this->key.count) return;

        // The given fraction is less than the specified range
        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[0]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[0];
        } else if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[_this->key.count-1]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[_this->keyValue.count-1];
        } else {
                for (i=1; i<_this->key.count; i++) {
                        // Find the key values the fraction lies between
                        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[i-1]) continue;
                        if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[i]) continue;

                        frac = GetInterpolateFraction(_this->key.vals[i-1], _this->key.vals[i], _this->set_fraction);
                        _this->value_changed = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1], _this->keyValue.vals[i], frac);
        gf_node_event_out(node, 3);//"value_changed"
Bool InitScalarInterpolator(M_ScalarInterpolator *node)
        node->on_set_fraction = ScalarInt_SetFraction;
        if (node->keyValue.count) node->value_changed = node->keyValue.vals[0];
        return 1;

static void OrientInt_SetFraction(GF_Node *node, GF_Route *route)
        u32 i;
        Fixed frac;
        M_OrientationInterpolator *_this = (M_OrientationInterpolator *)node;

        if (! _this->key.count) return;
        if (_this->keyValue.count != _this->key.count) return;

        // The given fraction is less than the specified range
        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[0]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[0];
        } else if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[_this->key.count-1]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[_this->keyValue.count-1];
        } else {
                for (i=1; i<_this->key.count; i++) {
                        // Find the key values the fraction lies between
                        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[i-1]) continue;
                        if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[i]) continue;

                        frac = GetInterpolateFraction(_this->key.vals[i-1], _this->key.vals[i], _this->set_fraction);
                        _this->value_changed = gf_sg_sfrotation_interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1], _this->keyValue.vals[i], frac);
        gf_node_event_out(node, 3);//"value_changed"

Bool InitOrientationInterpolator(M_OrientationInterpolator *node)
        node->on_set_fraction = OrientInt_SetFraction;
        if (node->keyValue.count) node->value_changed = node->keyValue.vals[0];
        return 1;

static void CI4D_SetFraction(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        Fixed frac;
        u32 numElemPerKey, i, j;
        M_CoordinateInterpolator4D *_this = (M_CoordinateInterpolator4D *) n;

        if (! _this->key.count) return;
        if (_this->keyValue.count % _this->key.count) return;

        numElemPerKey = _this->keyValue.count / _this->key.count;
        //set size
        if (_this->value_changed.count != numElemPerKey)
                gf_sg_vrml_mf_alloc(&_this->value_changed, GF_SG_VRML_MFVEC4F, numElemPerKey);

        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[0]) {
                for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++)
                        _this->value_changed.vals[i] = _this->keyValue.vals[i];
        } else if (_this->set_fraction > _this->key.vals[_this->key.count - 1]) {
                for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++)
                        _this->value_changed.vals[i] = _this->keyValue.vals[(_this->keyValue.count) - numElemPerKey + i];
        } else {
                for (j = 1; j < _this->key.count; j++) {
                        // Find the key values the fraction lies between
                        if ( _this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[j-1]) continue;
                        if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[j]) continue;

                        frac = GetInterpolateFraction(_this->key.vals[j-1], _this->key.vals[j], _this->set_fraction);
                        for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++) {
                                _this->value_changed.vals[i].x = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[(j-1)*numElemPerKey + i].x,
                                                                 _this->keyValue.vals[(j)*numElemPerKey + i].x,
                                _this->value_changed.vals[i].y = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[(j-1)*numElemPerKey + i].y,
                                                                 _this->keyValue.vals[(j)*numElemPerKey + i].y,
                                _this->value_changed.vals[i].z = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[(j-1)*numElemPerKey + i].z,
                                                                 _this->keyValue.vals[(j)*numElemPerKey + i].z,
                                _this->value_changed.vals[i].q = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[(j-1)*numElemPerKey + i].q,
                                                                 _this->keyValue.vals[(j)*numElemPerKey + i].q,
        gf_node_event_out(n, 3);//"value_changed"

Bool InitCoordinateInterpolator4D(M_CoordinateInterpolator4D *node)
        node->on_set_fraction = CI4D_SetFraction;

        if (node->key.count && !(node->keyValue.count % node->key.count)) {
                u32 i, numElemPerKey = node->keyValue.count / node->key.count;
                gf_sg_vrml_mf_alloc(&node->value_changed, GF_SG_VRML_MFVEC4F, numElemPerKey);
                for (i=0; i<numElemPerKey; i++)
                        node->value_changed.vals[i] = node->keyValue.vals[i];
        return 1;

static void PI4D_SetFraction(GF_Node *node, GF_Route *route)
        u32 i;
        Fixed frac;
        M_PositionInterpolator4D *_this = (M_PositionInterpolator4D *)node;

        if (! _this->key.count) return;
        if (_this->keyValue.count != _this->key.count) return;

        // The given fraction is less than the specified range
        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[0]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[0];
        } else if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[_this->key.count-1]) {
                _this->value_changed = _this->keyValue.vals[_this->keyValue.count-1];
        } else {
                for (i=1; i<_this->key.count; i++) {
                        // Find the key values the fraction lies between
                        if (_this->set_fraction < _this->key.vals[i-1]) continue;
                        if (_this->set_fraction >= _this->key.vals[i]) continue;

                        frac = GetInterpolateFraction(_this->key.vals[i-1], _this->key.vals[i], _this->set_fraction);
                        _this->value_changed.x = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].x, _this->keyValue.vals[i].x, frac);
                        _this->value_changed.y = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].y, _this->keyValue.vals[i].y, frac);
                        _this->value_changed.z = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].z, _this->keyValue.vals[i].z, frac);
                        _this->value_changed.q = Interpolate(_this->keyValue.vals[i-1].q, _this->keyValue.vals[i].q, frac);
        gf_node_event_out(node, 3);//"value_changed"

Bool InitPositionInterpolator4D(M_PositionInterpolator4D *node)
        node->on_set_fraction = PI4D_SetFraction;
        if (node->keyValue.count) node->value_changed = node->keyValue.vals[0];
        return 1;


static void BooleanFilter_setValue(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        X_BooleanFilter *bf = (X_BooleanFilter *)n;
        if (!bf->set_boolean) {
                bf->inputFalse = 1;
                gf_node_event_out(n, 1/*"inputFalse"*/);
        if (bf->set_boolean) {
                bf->inputTrue = 1;
                gf_node_event_out(n, 3/*"inputTrue"*/);
        bf->inputNegate = bf->set_boolean ? 0 : 1;
        gf_node_event_out(n, 2/*"inputNegate"*/);

void InitBooleanFilter(GF_Node *n)
        X_BooleanFilter *bf = (X_BooleanFilter *)n;
        bf->on_set_boolean = BooleanFilter_setValue;

static void BooleanSequencer_setFraction(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        u32 i;
        X_BooleanSequencer *bs = (X_BooleanSequencer*)n;
        if (! bs->key.count) return;
        if (bs->keyValue.count != bs->key.count) return;

        if (bs->set_fraction < bs->key.vals[0]) {
                bs->value_changed = bs->keyValue.vals[0];
        } else if (bs->set_fraction >= bs->key.vals[bs->key.count-1]) {
                bs->value_changed = bs->keyValue.vals[bs->keyValue.count-1];
        } else {
                for (i=1; i<bs->key.count; i++) {
                        if (bs->set_fraction < bs->key.vals[i-1]) continue;
                        if (bs->set_fraction >= bs->key.vals[i]) continue;
                        bs->value_changed = bs->keyValue.vals[i-1];
        gf_node_event_out(n, 3);//"value_changed"

static void BooleanSequencer_setNext(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        s32 *prev_val, val;
        X_BooleanSequencer *bs = (X_BooleanSequencer*)n;
        if (!bs->next) return;

        prev_val = (s32 *)n->sgprivate->UserPrivate;
        val = (*prev_val + 1) % bs->keyValue.count;
        *prev_val = val;
        bs->value_changed = bs->keyValue.vals[val];
        gf_node_event_out(n, 3);//"value_changed"

static void BooleanSequencer_setPrevious(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        s32 *prev_val, val;
        X_BooleanSequencer *bs = (X_BooleanSequencer*)n;
        if (!bs->previous) return;

        prev_val = (s32 *)n->sgprivate->UserPrivate;
        val = (*prev_val - 1);
        if (val<0) val += bs->keyValue.count;
        val %= bs->keyValue.count;
        *prev_val = val;
        bs->value_changed = bs->keyValue.vals[val];
        gf_node_event_out(n, 3);//"value_changed"
static void DestroyBooleanSequencer(GF_Node *n, void *eff, Bool is_destroy)
        if (is_destroy) {
                s32 *st = (s32 *) gf_node_get_private(n);
void InitBooleanSequencer(GF_Node *n)
        X_BooleanSequencer *bs = (X_BooleanSequencer*)n;
        bs->on_next = BooleanSequencer_setNext;
        bs->on_previous = BooleanSequencer_setPrevious;
        bs->on_set_fraction = BooleanSequencer_setFraction;
        n->sgprivate->UserPrivate = gf_malloc(sizeof(s32));
        *(s32 *)n->sgprivate->UserPrivate = 0;
        n->sgprivate->UserCallback = DestroyBooleanSequencer;

static void BooleanToggle_setValue(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        X_BooleanToggle *bt = (X_BooleanToggle *)n;
        if (bt->set_boolean) {
                bt->toggle = !bt->toggle;
                gf_node_event_out(n, 1/*"toggle"*/);
void InitBooleanToggle(GF_Node *n)
        X_BooleanToggle *bt = (X_BooleanToggle *)n;
        bt->on_set_boolean = BooleanToggle_setValue;

static void BooleanTrigger_setTime(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        X_BooleanTrigger *bt = (X_BooleanTrigger *)n;
        bt->triggerTrue = 1;
        gf_node_event_out(n, 1/*"triggerTrue"*/);
void InitBooleanTrigger(GF_Node *n)
        X_BooleanTrigger *bt = (X_BooleanTrigger *)n;
        bt->on_set_triggerTime = BooleanTrigger_setTime;

static void IntegerSequencer_setFraction(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        u32 i;
        X_IntegerSequencer *is = (X_IntegerSequencer *)n;
        if (! is->key.count) return;
        if (is->keyValue.count != is->key.count) return;

        if (is->set_fraction < is->key.vals[0]) {
                is->value_changed = is->keyValue.vals[0];
        } else if (is->set_fraction >= is->key.vals[is->key.count-1]) {
                is->value_changed = is->keyValue.vals[is->keyValue.count-1];
        } else {
                for (i=1; i<is->key.count; i++) {
                        if (is->set_fraction < is->key.vals[i-1]) continue;
                        if (is->set_fraction >= is->key.vals[i]) continue;
                        is->value_changed = is->keyValue.vals[i-1];
        gf_node_event_out(n, 3);//"value_changed"

static void IntegerSequencer_setNext(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        s32 *prev_val, val;
        X_IntegerSequencer *is = (X_IntegerSequencer*)n;
        if (!is->next) return;

        prev_val = (s32 *)n->sgprivate->UserPrivate;
        val = (*prev_val + 1) % is->keyValue.count;
        *prev_val = val;
        is->value_changed = is->keyValue.vals[val];
        gf_node_event_out(n, 3);//"value_changed"

static void IntegerSequencer_setPrevious(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        s32 *prev_val, val;
        X_IntegerSequencer *is = (X_IntegerSequencer *)n;
        if (!is->previous) return;

        prev_val = (s32 *)n->sgprivate->UserPrivate;
        val = (*prev_val - 1);
        if (val<0) val += is->keyValue.count;
        val %= is->keyValue.count;
        *prev_val = val;
        is->value_changed = is->keyValue.vals[val];
        gf_node_event_out(n, 3);//"value_changed"
static void DestroyIntegerSequencer(GF_Node *n, void *eff, Bool is_destroy)
        if (is_destroy) {
                s32 *st = (s32 *)gf_node_get_private(n);
void InitIntegerSequencer(GF_Node *n)
        X_IntegerSequencer *bs = (X_IntegerSequencer *)n;
        bs->on_next = IntegerSequencer_setNext;
        bs->on_previous = IntegerSequencer_setPrevious;
        bs->on_set_fraction = IntegerSequencer_setFraction;
        n->sgprivate->UserPrivate = gf_malloc(sizeof(s32));
        *(s32 *)n->sgprivate->UserPrivate = 0;
        n->sgprivate->UserCallback = DestroyIntegerSequencer;

static void IntegerTrigger_setTrigger(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        X_IntegerTrigger *it = (X_IntegerTrigger *)n;
        if (it->set_boolean) {
                it->triggerValue = it->integerKey;
                gf_node_event_out(n, 2/*"triggerValue"*/);
void InitIntegerTrigger(GF_Node *n)
        X_IntegerTrigger *it = (X_IntegerTrigger *)n;
        it->on_set_boolean = IntegerTrigger_setTrigger;

static void TimeTrigger_setTrigger(GF_Node *n, GF_Route *route)
        X_TimeTrigger *tt = (X_TimeTrigger *)n;
        tt->triggerTime = gf_node_get_scene_time(n);
        gf_node_event_out(n, 1/*"triggerTime"*/);
void InitTimeTrigger(GF_Node *n)
        X_TimeTrigger *tt = (X_TimeTrigger*)n;
        tt->on_set_boolean = TimeTrigger_setTrigger;

#endif /*GPAC_DISABLE_X3D*/


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