
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ft_conic_split
  2. ft_conic_is_small_enough
  3. ft_cubic_split
  4. ft_cubic_is_small_enough
  5. ft_stroke_border_grow
  6. ft_stroke_border_close
  7. ft_stroke_border_lineto
  8. ft_stroke_border_conicto
  9. ft_stroke_border_cubicto
  10. ft_stroke_border_arcto
  11. ft_stroke_border_moveto
  12. ft_stroke_border_get_counts
  13. ft_stroke_border_export
  14. ft_stroker_arcto
  15. ft_stroker_cap
  16. ft_stroker_inside
  17. ft_stroker_outside
  18. ft_stroker_process_corner
  19. ft_stroker_subpath_start
  20. FT_Stroker_LineTo
  21. FT_Stroker_ConicTo
  22. FT_Stroker_CubicTo
  23. FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath
  24. ft_stroker_add_reverse_left
  25. FT_Stroker_EndSubPath
  26. FT_Stroker_GetCounts
  27. FT_Stroker_ParseOutline
  28. gf_path_get_dash
  29. gf_path_mergedashes
  30. evg_dash_subpath
  31. gf_path_dash
  32. gf_path_get_outline

/*                                                                         */
/*  ftstroke.c                                                             */
/*                                                                         */
/*    FreeType path stroker (body).                                        */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 by                                          */
/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

#include <gpac/path2d.h>

/*****                                                                 *****/
/*****                       BEZIER COMPUTATIONS                       *****/
/*****                                                                 *****/


#define FT_IS_SMALL( x )  ( (x) > -FIX_EPSILON && (x) < FIX_EPSILON )

static void ft_conic_split(GF_Point2D*  base )
        Fixed  a, b;

        base[4].x = base[2].x;
        b = base[1].x;
        a = base[3].x = ( base[2].x + b ) / 2;
        b = base[1].x = ( base[0].x + b ) / 2;
        base[2].x = ( a + b ) / 2;

        base[4].y = base[2].y;
        b = base[1].y;
        a = base[3].y = ( base[2].y + b ) / 2;
        b = base[1].y = ( base[0].y + b ) / 2;
        base[2].y = ( a + b ) / 2;

static Bool ft_conic_is_small_enough( GF_Point2D*  base, Fixed *angle_in, Fixed *angle_out)
        GF_Point2D  d1, d2;
        Fixed theta;
        s32 close1, close2;
        d1.x = base[1].x - base[2].x;
        d1.y = base[1].y - base[2].y;
        d2.x = base[0].x - base[1].x;
        d2.y = base[0].y - base[1].y;
        close1 = FT_IS_SMALL( d1.x ) && FT_IS_SMALL( d1.y );
        close2 = FT_IS_SMALL( d2.x ) && FT_IS_SMALL( d2.y );

        if ( close1 ) {
                if ( close2 )
                        *angle_in = *angle_out = 0;
                        *angle_in = *angle_out = gf_atan2(d2.y, d2.x);
        else if ( close2 ) {
                *angle_in = *angle_out = gf_atan2(d1.y, d1.x);
        } else {
                *angle_in  = gf_atan2(d1.y, d1.x);
                *angle_out = gf_atan2(d2.y, d2.x);
        theta = ABS( gf_angle_diff(*angle_in, *angle_out));
        return ( theta < FT_SMALL_CONIC_THRESHOLD ) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE;

static void ft_cubic_split( GF_Point2D*  base )
        Fixed  a, b, c, d;
        base[6].x = base[3].x;
        c = base[1].x;
        d = base[2].x;
        base[1].x = a = ( base[0].x + c ) / 2;
        base[5].x = b = ( base[3].x + d ) / 2;
        c = ( c + d ) / 2;
        base[2].x = a = ( a + c ) / 2;
        base[4].x = b = ( b + c ) / 2;
        base[3].x = ( a + b ) / 2;

        base[6].y = base[3].y;
        c = base[1].y;
        d = base[2].y;
        base[1].y = a = ( base[0].y + c ) / 2;
        base[5].y = b = ( base[3].y + d ) / 2;
        c = ( c + d ) / 2;
        base[2].y = a = ( a + c ) / 2;
        base[4].y = b = ( b + c ) / 2;
        base[3].y = ( a + b ) / 2;

static Bool ft_cubic_is_small_enough(GF_Point2D *base, Fixed *angle_in, Fixed *angle_mid, Fixed *angle_out)
        GF_Point2D  d1, d2, d3;
        Fixed theta1, theta2;
        s32 close1, close2, close3;
        d1.x = base[2].x - base[3].x;
        d1.y = base[2].y - base[3].y;
        d2.x = base[1].x - base[2].x;
        d2.y = base[1].y - base[2].y;
        d3.x = base[0].x - base[1].x;
        d3.y = base[0].y - base[1].y;

        close1 = FT_IS_SMALL( d1.x ) && FT_IS_SMALL( d1.y );
        close2 = FT_IS_SMALL( d2.x ) && FT_IS_SMALL( d2.y );
        close3 = FT_IS_SMALL( d3.x ) && FT_IS_SMALL( d3.y );

        if ( close1 || close3 ) {
                if ( close2 ) {
                        /* basically a point */
                        *angle_in = *angle_out = *angle_mid = 0;
                } else if ( close1 ) {
                        *angle_in  = *angle_mid = gf_atan2( d2.y, d2.x);
                        *angle_out = gf_atan2( d3.y, d3.x);
                /* close2 */
                else {
                        *angle_in  = gf_atan2(d1.y, d1.x);
                        *angle_mid = *angle_out = gf_atan2(d2.y, d2.x);
        else if ( close2 ) {
                *angle_in  = *angle_mid = gf_atan2(d1.y, d1.x);
                *angle_out = gf_atan2(d3.y, d3.x);
        } else {
                *angle_in  = gf_atan2(d1.y, d1.x);
                *angle_mid = gf_atan2(d2.y, d2.x);
                *angle_out = gf_atan2(d3.y, d3.x);
        theta1 = ABS( gf_angle_diff( *angle_in,  *angle_mid ) );
        theta2 = ABS( gf_angle_diff( *angle_mid, *angle_out ) );
        return ((theta1 < FT_SMALL_CUBIC_THRESHOLD) && (theta2 < FT_SMALL_CUBIC_THRESHOLD )) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE;

/*****                                                                 *****/
/*****                       STROKE BORDERS                            *****/
/*****                                                                 *****/

typedef enum
        FT_STROKE_TAG_ON    = 1,   /* on-curve point  */
        FT_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC = 2,   /* cubic off-point */
        FT_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN = 4,   /* sub-path start  */
        FT_STROKE_TAG_END   = 8    /* sub-path end    */
} FT_StrokeTags;

typedef struct  FT_StrokeBorderRec_
        u32 num_points;
        u32 max_points;
        GF_Point2D*  points;
        u8 *tags;
        Bool movable;
        /* index of current sub-path start point */
        s32 start;
        Bool valid;
} FT_StrokeBorderRec, *FT_StrokeBorder;

static s32 ft_stroke_border_grow(FT_StrokeBorder  border, u32 new_points)
        u32 new_max = border->num_points + new_points;
        if (new_max > border->max_points) {
                u32 cur_max = new_max*2;
                border->points = (GF_Point2D *) gf_realloc(border->points, sizeof(GF_Point2D)*cur_max);
                border->tags = (u8 *) gf_realloc(border->tags, sizeof(u8)*cur_max);
                if (!border->points || !border->tags) return -1;
                border->max_points = cur_max;
        return 0;

static void ft_stroke_border_close( FT_StrokeBorder  border )
        /* don't record empty paths! */
        if ((border->start <0) || !border->num_points ) return;
        if ( border->num_points > (u32)border->start ) {
                border->tags[border->start] |= FT_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN;
                border->tags[border->num_points - 1] |= FT_STROKE_TAG_END;
        border->start   = -1;
        border->movable = GF_FALSE;

static s32 ft_stroke_border_lineto( FT_StrokeBorder  border, GF_Point2D*       to, Bool movable )
        assert(border->start >= 0);

        if ( border->movable ) {
                /* move last point */
                border->points[border->num_points - 1] = *to;
        } else {
                /* add one point */
                if (ft_stroke_border_grow( border, 1 )==0) {
                        GF_Point2D*  vec = border->points + border->num_points;
                        u8 *tag = border->tags   + border->num_points;

                        vec[0] = *to;
                        tag[0] = FT_STROKE_TAG_ON;
                        border->num_points += 1;
                } else {
                        return -1;
        border->movable = movable;
        return 0;

static s32 ft_stroke_border_conicto( FT_StrokeBorder  border, GF_Point2D*       control, GF_Point2D*       to )
        assert( border->start >= 0 );
        if (ft_stroke_border_grow( border, 2 )==0) {
                GF_Point2D*  vec = border->points + border->num_points;
                u8 *tag = border->tags   + border->num_points;

                vec[0] = *control;
                vec[1] = *to;

                tag[0] = 0;
                tag[1] = FT_STROKE_TAG_ON;

                border->num_points += 2;
        } else {
                return -1;
        border->movable = GF_FALSE;
        return 0;

static s32 ft_stroke_border_cubicto( FT_StrokeBorder  border,
                                     GF_Point2D*       control1,
                                     GF_Point2D*       control2,
                                     GF_Point2D*       to )
        assert( border->start >= 0 );

        if (!ft_stroke_border_grow( border, 3 )) {
                GF_Point2D*  vec = border->points + border->num_points;
                u8*    tag = border->tags   + border->num_points;
                vec[0] = *control1;
                vec[1] = *control2;
                vec[2] = *to;

                tag[0] = FT_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC;
                tag[1] = FT_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC;
                tag[2] = FT_STROKE_TAG_ON;

                border->num_points += 3;
        } else {
                return -1;
        border->movable = GF_FALSE;
        return 0;

#define FT_ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE  ( GF_PI / 2 )

static s32 ft_stroke_border_arcto( FT_StrokeBorder  border,
                                   GF_Point2D*       center,
                                   Fixed         radius,
                                   Fixed angle_start,
                                   Fixed angle_diff )
        Fixed total, angle, step, rotate, next, theta;
        GF_Point2D  a, b, a2, b2;
        Fixed length;
        /* compute start point */
        a = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, angle_start );
        a.x += center->x;
        a.y += center->y;

        total  = angle_diff;
        angle  = angle_start;
        rotate = ( angle_diff >= 0 ) ? GF_PI2 : -GF_PI2;

        while ( total != 0 ) {
                step = total;
                if ( step > FT_ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE )
                        step = FT_ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE;
                else if ( step < -FT_ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE )
                        step = -FT_ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE;

                next  = angle + step;
                theta = step;
                if ( theta < 0 )
                        theta = -theta;

                theta >>= 1;
                theta /= 2;

                /* compute end point */
                b = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, next );
                b.x += center->x;
                b.y += center->y;

                /* compute first and second control points */
                length = gf_muldiv( radius, gf_sin( theta ) * 4, ( FIX_ONE + gf_cos( theta ) ) * 3 );

                a2 = gf_v2d_from_polar(length, angle + rotate );
                a2.x += a.x;
                a2.y += a.y;

                b2 = gf_v2d_from_polar(length, next - rotate );
                b2.x += b.x;
                b2.y += b.y;

                /* add cubic arc */
                if (ft_stroke_border_cubicto( border, &a2, &b2, &b ) != 0) return -1;

                /* process the rest of the arc ?? */
                a      = b;
                total -= step;
                angle  = next;
        return 0;

static s32 ft_stroke_border_moveto(FT_StrokeBorder  border, GF_Point2D*       to )
        /* close current open path if any ? */
        if ( border->start >= 0 )
                ft_stroke_border_close( border );

        border->start   = border->num_points;
        border->movable = GF_FALSE;
        return ft_stroke_border_lineto(border, to, GF_FALSE);

static s32 ft_stroke_border_get_counts(FT_StrokeBorder  border,
                                       u32 *anum_points,
                                       u32 *anum_contours )
        s32 error        = 0;
        u32 num_points   = 0;
        u32 num_contours = 0;
        u32 count      = border->num_points;
        GF_Point2D *point      = border->points;
        u8 *tags       = border->tags;
        s32 in_contour = 0;

        for ( ; count > 0; count--, num_points++, point++, tags++ ) {
                if ( tags[0] & FT_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN ) {
                        if ( in_contour != 0 ) goto Fail;

                        in_contour = 1;
                } else if ( in_contour == 0 )
                        goto Fail;

                if ( tags[0] & FT_STROKE_TAG_END ) {
                        if ( in_contour == 0 )
                                goto Fail;
                        in_contour = 0;

        if ( in_contour != 0 )
                goto Fail;

        border->valid = GF_TRUE;

        *anum_points   = num_points;
        *anum_contours = num_contours;
        return error;

        num_points   = 0;
        num_contours = 0;
        error = -1;
        goto Exit;

static void ft_stroke_border_export( FT_StrokeBorder  border, GF_Path*      outline )
        if (!border->num_points) return;

        /* copy point locations */
        memcpy(outline->points + outline->n_points, border->points, sizeof(GF_Point2D)*border->num_points);

        /* copy tags */
                u32 count = border->num_points;
                u8*  read  = border->tags;
                u8*  write = (u8*)outline->tags + outline->n_points;

                for ( ; count > 0; count--, read++, write++ ) {
                        if ( *read & FT_STROKE_TAG_ON )
                                *write = GF_PATH_CURVE_ON;
                        else if ( *read & FT_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC )
                                *write = GF_PATH_CURVE_CUBIC;
                                *write = GF_PATH_CURVE_CONIC;

        /* copy contours */
                u32 count = border->num_points;
                u8 *tags  = border->tags;
                u32 *write = outline->contours + outline->n_contours;
                u32 idx = outline->n_points;

                for ( ; count > 0; count--, tags++, idx++ ) {
                        if ( *tags & FT_STROKE_TAG_END ) {
                                *write++ = idx;
        outline->n_points = outline->n_points + border->num_points;

/*****                                                                 *****/
/*****                           STROKER                               *****/
/*****                                                                 *****/

#define FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE( s )   ( GF_PI2 - (s) * GF_PI )

typedef struct  FT_StrokerRec_
        Fixed angle_in;
        Fixed angle_out;
        GF_Point2D            center;
        Bool              first_point;
        Fixed subpath_angle;
        GF_Point2D            subpath_start;

        u32 line_cap;
        u32 line_join;
        Fixed miter_limit;
        Fixed radius;
        Bool              valid;
        Bool              closing;
        FT_StrokeBorderRec   borders[2];
} FT_StrokerRec, FT_Stroker;

/* creates a circular arc at a corner or cap */
static s32 ft_stroker_arcto( FT_Stroker  *stroker, s32 side )
        Fixed total, rotate;
        Fixed         radius = stroker->radius;
        s32 error  = 0;
        FT_StrokeBorder  border = stroker->borders + side;
        rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE( side );
        total = gf_angle_diff( stroker->angle_in, stroker->angle_out);
        if ( total == GF_PI ) total = -rotate * 2;
        error = ft_stroke_border_arcto( border,
                                        stroker->angle_in + rotate,
                                        total );
        border->movable = GF_FALSE;
        return error;

/* adds a cap at the end of an opened path */
static s32 ft_stroker_cap(FT_Stroker  *stroker, Fixed angle, s32 side)
        s32 error  = 0;
        if ( stroker->line_cap == GF_LINE_CAP_ROUND) {
                /* OK we cheat a bit here compared to FT original code, and use a rough cubic cap instead of
                a circle to deal with arbitrary orientation of regular paths where arc cap is not always properly oriented.
                Rather than computing orientation we simply approximate to conic - btw this takes less memory than
                exact circle cap since cubics are natively supported - we don't use conic since result is not so good looking*/
                GF_Point2D delta, delta2, ctl1, ctl2, end;
                Fixed rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE( side );
                Fixed radius = stroker->radius;
                FT_StrokeBorder  border = stroker->borders + side;

                delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, angle);
                delta.x = 4*delta.x/3;
                delta.y = 4*delta.y/3;

                delta2 = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, angle + rotate);
                ctl1.x = delta.x + stroker->center.x + delta2.x;
                ctl1.y = delta.y + stroker->center.y + delta2.y;

                delta2 = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, angle - rotate);
                ctl2.x = delta.x + delta2.x + stroker->center.x;
                ctl2.y = delta.y + delta2.y + stroker->center.y;

                end.x = delta2.x + stroker->center.x;
                end.y = delta2.y + stroker->center.y;

                error = ft_stroke_border_cubicto( border, &ctl1, &ctl2, &end);
        } else if ( stroker->line_cap == GF_LINE_CAP_SQUARE) {
                /* add a square cap */
                GF_Point2D        delta, delta2;
                Fixed rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE( side );
                Fixed radius = stroker->radius;
                FT_StrokeBorder  border = stroker->borders + side;

                delta2 = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, angle + rotate);
                delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, angle);

                delta.x += stroker->center.x + delta2.x;
                delta.y += stroker->center.y + delta2.y;

                error = ft_stroke_border_lineto(border, &delta, GF_FALSE);
                if ( error )
                        goto Exit;

                delta2 = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, angle - rotate);
                delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, angle);

                delta.x += delta2.x + stroker->center.x;
                delta.y += delta2.y + stroker->center.y;

                error = ft_stroke_border_lineto(border, &delta, GF_FALSE);
        } else if ( stroker->line_cap == GF_LINE_CAP_TRIANGLE) {
                /* add a triangle cap */
                GF_Point2D delta;
                Fixed radius = stroker->radius;
                FT_StrokeBorder  border = stroker->borders + side;
                border->movable = GF_FALSE;
                delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, angle);
                delta.x += stroker->center.x;
                delta.y += stroker->center.y;
                error = ft_stroke_border_lineto(border, &delta, GF_FALSE);

        return error;

/* process an inside corner, i.e. compute intersection */
static s32 ft_stroker_inside(FT_Stroker *stroker, s32 side)
        FT_StrokeBorder  border = stroker->borders + side;
        Fixed phi, theta, rotate;
        Fixed length, thcos, sigma;
        GF_Point2D        delta;
        s32 error = 0;

        rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE( side );

        /* compute median angle */
        theta = gf_angle_diff( stroker->angle_in, stroker->angle_out );
        if ( theta == GF_PI )
                theta = rotate;
                theta = theta / 2;

        phi = stroker->angle_in + theta;

        thcos  = gf_cos( theta );
        sigma  = gf_mulfix( stroker->miter_limit, thcos );

        if ( sigma < FIX_ONE ) {
                delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(stroker->radius, stroker->angle_out + rotate );
                delta.x += stroker->center.x;
                delta.y += stroker->center.y;
                if (!stroker->closing) border->movable = GF_FALSE;
        } else {
                length = gf_divfix( stroker->radius, thcos );
                delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(length, phi + rotate );
                delta.x += stroker->center.x;
                delta.y += stroker->center.y;
        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto(border, &delta, GF_FALSE);
        return error;

/* process an outside corner, i.e. compute bevel/miter/round */
static s32 ft_stroker_outside( FT_Stroker *stroker, s32 side )
        FT_StrokeBorder  border = stroker->borders + side;
        s32 error;
        Fixed rotate;
        u32 join = stroker->line_join;

        if ( join == GF_LINE_JOIN_MITER_SVG ) {
                Fixed sin_theta, inv_sin_theta;
                join = GF_LINE_JOIN_MITER;
                sin_theta = gf_sin(gf_angle_diff( stroker->angle_out - GF_PI, stroker->angle_in) / 2 );
                if (sin_theta) {
                        inv_sin_theta = gf_invfix(sin_theta);
                        if (inv_sin_theta > stroker->miter_limit) join = GF_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL;
                } else {
                        join = GF_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL;

        if ( join == GF_LINE_JOIN_ROUND ) {
                error = ft_stroker_arcto( stroker, side );
        } else if (join == GF_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL) {
                GF_Point2D  delta;
                rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE( side );
                delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(stroker->radius, stroker->angle_out + rotate );
                delta.x += stroker->center.x;
                delta.y += stroker->center.y;
                /*prevent moving current point*/
                border->movable = GF_FALSE;
                /*and add un-movable end point*/
                error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, GF_FALSE);
        } else {
                /* this is a mitered or beveled corner */
                Fixed  sigma, radius = stroker->radius;
                Fixed theta, phi;
                Fixed thcos;
                Bool  miter = GF_TRUE;

                rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE( side );

                theta  = gf_angle_diff( stroker->angle_in, stroker->angle_out );
                if ( theta == GF_PI ) {
                        theta = rotate;
                        phi   = stroker->angle_in;
                } else {
                        theta = theta / 2;
                        phi   = stroker->angle_in + theta + rotate;

                thcos = gf_cos( theta );
                sigma = gf_mulfix( stroker->miter_limit, thcos );

                if ( sigma >= FIX_ONE ) {
                        miter = GF_FALSE;

                /* this is a miter (broken angle) */
                if ( miter ) {
                        GF_Point2D  middle, delta;
                        Fixed   length;

                        /* compute middle point */
                        middle = gf_v2d_from_polar(gf_mulfix(radius, stroker->miter_limit), phi);
                        middle.x += stroker->center.x;
                        middle.y += stroker->center.y;

                        /* compute first angle point */
                        length = gf_mulfix(radius, gf_divfix( FIX_ONE - sigma, ABS( gf_sin( theta ) ) ) );

                        delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(length, phi + rotate );
                        delta.x += middle.x;
                        delta.y += middle.y;

                        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, GF_FALSE );
                        if ( error )
                                goto Exit;

                        /* compute second angle point */
                        delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(length, phi - rotate);
                        delta.x += middle.x;
                        delta.y += middle.y;

                        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, GF_FALSE );
                        if ( error )
                                goto Exit;

                        /* finally, add a movable end point */
                        delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(radius, stroker->angle_out + rotate );
                        delta.x += stroker->center.x;
                        delta.y += stroker->center.y;

                        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, GF_TRUE);
                /* this is a bevel (intersection) */
                else {
                        Fixed   length;
                        GF_Point2D  delta;

                        length = gf_divfix( stroker->radius, thcos );

                        delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(length, phi );
                        delta.x += stroker->center.x;
                        delta.y += stroker->center.y;

                        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, GF_FALSE );
                        if (error) goto Exit;

                        /* now add end point */
                        delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(stroker->radius, stroker->angle_out + rotate );
                        delta.x += stroker->center.x;
                        delta.y += stroker->center.y;

                        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, GF_TRUE );
        return error;

static s32 ft_stroker_process_corner(FT_Stroker *stroker )
        s32 error = 0;
        Fixed turn;
        s32 inside_side;
        turn = gf_angle_diff( stroker->angle_in, stroker->angle_out );

        /* no specific corner processing is required if the turn is 0 */
        if ( turn == 0 )
                goto Exit;

        /* when we turn to the right, the inside side is 0 */
        inside_side = 0;
        /* otherwise, the inside side is 1 */
        if (turn < 0 )
                inside_side = 1;

        /* process the inside side */
        error = ft_stroker_inside( stroker, inside_side );
        if ( error ) goto Exit;

        /* process the outside side */
        error = ft_stroker_outside( stroker, 1 - inside_side );

        return error;

/* add two points to the left and right borders corresponding to the */
/* start of the subpath..                                            */
static s32 ft_stroker_subpath_start( FT_Stroker *stroker, Fixed start_angle )
        GF_Point2D        delta;
        GF_Point2D        point;
        s32 error;
        FT_StrokeBorder  border;

        delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(stroker->radius, start_angle + GF_PI2 );

        point.x = stroker->center.x + delta.x;
        point.y = stroker->center.y + delta.y;

        border = stroker->borders;
        error = ft_stroke_border_moveto( border, &point );
        if ( error )
                goto Exit;

        point.x = stroker->center.x - delta.x;
        point.y = stroker->center.y - delta.y;

        error = ft_stroke_border_moveto( border, &point );

        /* save angle for last cap */
        stroker->subpath_angle = start_angle;
        stroker->first_point   = GF_FALSE;

        return error;

static s32 FT_Stroker_LineTo( FT_Stroker *stroker, GF_Point2D*  to, Bool is_last)
        s32 error = 0;
        FT_StrokeBorder  border;
        GF_Point2D        delta;
        Fixed angle;
        s32 side;

        delta.x = to->x - stroker->center.x;
        delta.y = to->y - stroker->center.y;
        if (!is_last && !delta.x && !delta.y) return 0;

        angle = gf_atan2( delta.y, delta.x);
        delta = gf_v2d_from_polar(stroker->radius, angle + GF_PI2 );

        /* process corner if necessary */
        if ( stroker->first_point ) {
                /* This is the first segment of a subpath.  We need to     */
                /* add a point to each border at their respective starting */
                /* point locations.                                        */
                error = ft_stroker_subpath_start( stroker, angle );
                if ( error )
                        goto Exit;
        } else {
                /* process the current corner */
                stroker->angle_out = angle;
                error = ft_stroker_process_corner( stroker );
                if ( error )
                        goto Exit;

        /* now add a line segment to both the "inside" and "outside" paths */
        for ( border = stroker->borders, side = 1; side >= 0; side--, border++ ) {
                GF_Point2D  point;
                point.x = to->x + delta.x;
                point.y = to->y + delta.y;

                error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &point, GF_TRUE );
                if ( error )
                        goto Exit;

                delta.x = -delta.x;
                delta.y = -delta.y;
        stroker->angle_in = angle;
        stroker->center   = *to;

        return error;

static s32 FT_Stroker_ConicTo(FT_Stroker *stroker, GF_Point2D*  control, GF_Point2D * to)
        s32 error = 0;
        GF_Point2D   bez_stack[34];
        GF_Point2D*  arc;
        GF_Point2D*  limit = bez_stack + 30;
        Fixed start_angle;
        Bool first_arc = GF_TRUE;

        arc    = bez_stack;
        arc[0] = *to;
        arc[1] = *control;
        arc[2] = stroker->center;

        while ( arc >= bez_stack ) {
                Fixed angle_in, angle_out;
                angle_in = angle_out = 0;  /* remove compiler warnings */

                if ( arc < limit                                             &&
                        !ft_conic_is_small_enough( arc, &angle_in, &angle_out ) )
                        ft_conic_split( arc );
                        arc += 2;

                if ( first_arc ) {
                        first_arc = GF_FALSE;

                        start_angle = angle_in;

                        /* process corner if necessary */
                        if ( stroker->first_point )
                                error = ft_stroker_subpath_start( stroker, start_angle );
                        else {
                                stroker->angle_out = start_angle;
                                error = ft_stroker_process_corner( stroker );

                /* the arc's angle is small enough; we can add it directly to each */
                /* border                                                          */
                        GF_Point2D  ctrl, end;
                        Fixed theta, phi, rotate;
                        Fixed length;
                        s32 side;

                        theta  = gf_angle_diff( angle_in, angle_out ) / 2;
                        phi    = angle_in + theta;
                        length = gf_divfix( stroker->radius, gf_cos( theta ) );

                        for ( side = 0; side <= 1; side++ ) {
                                rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE( side );

                                /* compute control point */
                                ctrl = gf_v2d_from_polar(length, phi + rotate );
                                ctrl.x += arc[1].x;
                                ctrl.y += arc[1].y;

                                /* compute end point */
                                end = gf_v2d_from_polar(stroker->radius, angle_out + rotate );
                                end.x += arc[0].x;
                                end.y += arc[0].y;

                                error = ft_stroke_border_conicto( stroker->borders + side, &ctrl, &end );
                                if ( error )
                                        goto Exit;

                arc -= 2;

                if ( arc < bez_stack )
                        stroker->angle_in = angle_out;

        stroker->center = *to;
        return error;

static s32 FT_Stroker_CubicTo(FT_Stroker *stroker,
                              GF_Point2D*  control1,
                              GF_Point2D*  control2,
                              GF_Point2D*  to )
        s32 error = 0;
        GF_Point2D   bez_stack[37];
        GF_Point2D*  arc;
        GF_Point2D*  limit = bez_stack + 32;
        Fixed start_angle;
        Bool     first_arc = GF_TRUE;

        arc    = bez_stack;
        arc[0] = *to;
        arc[1] = *control2;
        arc[2] = *control1;
        arc[3] = stroker->center;

        while ( arc >= bez_stack ) {
                Fixed angle_in, angle_mid, angle_out;
                /* remove compiler warnings */
                angle_in = angle_out = angle_mid = 0;

                if (arc < limit &&
                        !ft_cubic_is_small_enough( arc, &angle_in, &angle_mid, &angle_out ) )
                        ft_cubic_split( arc );
                        arc += 3;

                if ( first_arc ) {
                        first_arc = GF_FALSE;

                        /* process corner if necessary */
                        start_angle = angle_in;

                        if ( stroker->first_point )
                                error = ft_stroker_subpath_start( stroker, start_angle );
                        else {
                                stroker->angle_out = start_angle;
                                error = ft_stroker_process_corner( stroker );
                        if ( error )
                                goto Exit;

                /* the arc's angle is small enough; we can add it directly to each */
                /* border                                                          */
                        GF_Point2D  ctrl1, ctrl2, end;
                        Fixed theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2, rotate;
                        Fixed length1, length2;
                        s32 side;

                        theta1  = ABS( angle_mid - angle_in ) / 2;
                        theta2  = ABS( angle_out - angle_mid ) / 2;
                        phi1    = (angle_mid + angle_in ) / 2;
                        phi2    = (angle_mid + angle_out ) / 2;
                        length1 = gf_divfix( stroker->radius, gf_cos( theta1 ) );
                        length2 = gf_divfix( stroker->radius, gf_cos(theta2) );

                        for ( side = 0; side <= 1; side++ ) {
                                rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE( side );

                                /* compute control points */
                                ctrl1 = gf_v2d_from_polar(length1, phi1 + rotate );
                                ctrl1.x += arc[2].x;
                                ctrl1.y += arc[2].y;

                                ctrl2 = gf_v2d_from_polar(length2, phi2 + rotate );
                                ctrl2.x += arc[1].x;
                                ctrl2.y += arc[1].y;

                                /* compute end point */
                                end = gf_v2d_from_polar(stroker->radius, angle_out + rotate );
                                end.x += arc[0].x;
                                end.y += arc[0].y;

                                error = ft_stroke_border_cubicto( stroker->borders + side,
                                                                  &ctrl1, &ctrl2, &end );
                                if ( error )
                                        goto Exit;

                arc -= 3;
                if ( arc < bez_stack )
                        stroker->angle_in = angle_out;

        stroker->center = *to;

        return error;

static s32 FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath(FT_Stroker *stroker, GF_Point2D*  to)
        /* We cannot process the first point, because there is not enough      */
        /* information regarding its corner/cap.  The latter will be processed */
        /* in the "end_subpath" routine.                                       */
        /*                                                                     */
        stroker->first_point   = GF_TRUE;
        stroker->center        = *to;

        /* record the subpath start point index for each border */
        stroker->subpath_start = *to;
        return 0;

static s32 ft_stroker_add_reverse_left( FT_Stroker *stroker, Bool     open )
        FT_StrokeBorder  right  = stroker->borders + 0;
        FT_StrokeBorder  left   = stroker->borders + 1;
        s32 new_points;
        s32 error  = 0;

        if (!left->num_points) return 0;

        assert( left->start >= 0 );
        new_points = left->num_points - left->start;
        if ( new_points > 0 ) {
                error = ft_stroke_border_grow( right, (u32)new_points );
                if ( error )
                        goto Exit;

                        GF_Point2D*  dst_point = right->points + right->num_points;
                        u8*    dst_tag   = right->tags   + right->num_points;
                        GF_Point2D*  src_point = left->points  + left->num_points - 1;
                        u8*    src_tag   = left->tags    + left->num_points - 1;

                        while ( src_point >= left->points + left->start ) {
                                *dst_point = *src_point;
                                *dst_tag   = *src_tag;

                                if ( open )
                                        dst_tag[0] &= ~( FT_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN | FT_STROKE_TAG_END );
                                else {
                                        /* switch begin/end tags if necessary.. */
                                        if ( dst_tag[0] & ( FT_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN | FT_STROKE_TAG_END ) )
                                                dst_tag[0] ^= ( FT_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN | FT_STROKE_TAG_END );


                left->num_points   = left->start;
                right->num_points += new_points;

                right->movable = GF_FALSE;
                left->movable  = GF_FALSE;

        return error;

/* there's a lot of magic in this function! */
static s32 FT_Stroker_EndSubPath( FT_Stroker *stroker, Bool do_close)
        s32  error  = 0;
        FT_StrokeBorder  right = stroker->borders;
        if (do_close) {
                Fixed turn;
                s32 inside_side;

                /* process the corner */
                stroker->angle_out = stroker->subpath_angle;
                turn               = gf_angle_diff(stroker->angle_in, stroker->angle_out );

                /* no specific corner processing is required if the turn is 0 */
                if ( turn != 0 ) {
                        /* when we turn to the right, the inside side is 0 */
                        inside_side = 0;

                        /* otherwise, the inside side is 1 */
                        if ( turn < 0 ) inside_side = 1;

                        /* process the inside side                              */
                        /* error = ft_stroker_inside( stroker, inside_side );   */
                        /* if ( error )                                         */
                        /*   goto Exit;                                         */

                        /* process the outside side */
                        error = ft_stroker_outside( stroker, 1 - inside_side );
                        if ( error )
                                goto Exit;

                ft_stroker_add_reverse_left(stroker, GF_FALSE);
                /* then end our two subpaths */
                ft_stroke_border_close( stroker->borders + 0 );
                ft_stroke_border_close( stroker->borders + 1 );
        } else {
                /* All right, this is an opened path, we need to add a cap between */
                /* right & left, add the reverse of left, then add a final cap     */
                /* between left & right.                                           */
                error = ft_stroker_cap( stroker, stroker->angle_in, 0 );
                if ( error ) goto Exit;

                /* add reversed points from "left" to "right" */
                error = ft_stroker_add_reverse_left( stroker, GF_TRUE );
                if ( error ) goto Exit;

                /* now add the final cap */
                stroker->center = stroker->subpath_start;
                error = ft_stroker_cap( stroker,
                                        stroker->subpath_angle + GF_PI, 0 );
                if ( error )
                        goto Exit;

                /* Now end the right subpath accordingly.  The left one is */
                /* rewind and doesn't need further processing.             */
                ft_stroke_border_close( right );

        return error;

static s32 FT_Stroker_GetCounts( FT_Stroker *stroker, u32 *anum_points, u32 *anum_contours )
        u32 count1, count2, num_points   = 0;
        u32 count3, count4, num_contours = 0;
        s32 error;

        error = ft_stroke_border_get_counts( stroker->borders + 0, &count1, &count2 );
        if ( error ) goto Exit;
        error = ft_stroke_border_get_counts( stroker->borders + 1, &count3, &count4 );
        if ( error ) goto Exit;
        num_points   = count1 + count3;
        num_contours = count2 + count4;

        *anum_points   = num_points;
        *anum_contours = num_contours;
        return error;

*  The following is very similar to FT_Outline_Decompose, except
*  that we do support opened paths, and do not scale the outline.
static s32 FT_Stroker_ParseOutline(FT_Stroker *stroker, GF_Path*  outline)
        GF_Point2D   v_last;
        GF_Point2D   v_control;
        GF_Point2D   v_start;
        GF_Point2D*  point;
        GF_Point2D*  limit;
        u8 *tags;
        s32 error;
        u32 n;         /* index of contour in outline     */
        u32 first;     /* index of first point in contour */
        s32 tag;       /* current point's state           */

        if ( !outline || !stroker )
                return -1;

        first = 0;

        for ( n = 0; n < outline->n_contours; n++ ) {
                s32 closed_subpath;
                s32 last;  /* index of last point in contour */

                last  = outline->contours[n];
                limit = outline->points + last;

                v_start = outline->points[first];
                v_last  = outline->points[last];

                v_control = v_start;

                point = outline->points + first;
                tags  = outline->tags  + first;
                tag = tags[0];

                /* A contour cannot start with a cubic control point! */
                if ( tag == GF_PATH_CURVE_CUBIC )
                        goto Invalid_Outline;

                /* check first point to determine origin */
                if ( tag == GF_PATH_CURVE_CONIC ) {
                        /* First point is conic control.  Yes, this happens. */
                        if ( outline->tags[last] & GF_PATH_CURVE_ON ) {
                                /* start at last point if it is on the curve */
                                v_start = v_last;
                        } else {
                                /* if both first and last points are conic,         */
                                /* start at their middle and record its position    */
                                /* for closure                                      */
                                v_start.x = ( v_start.x + v_last.x ) / 2;
                                v_start.y = ( v_start.y + v_last.y ) / 2;
                closed_subpath = (outline->tags[outline->contours[n]]==GF_PATH_CLOSE) ? 1 : 0;

                error = FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath(stroker, &v_start);
                if ( error )
                        goto Exit;

                /*subpath is a single point, force a lineTo to start for the stroker to compute lineCap*/
                if (point==limit) {
                        error = FT_Stroker_LineTo(stroker, &v_start, GF_TRUE);
                        closed_subpath = 0;
                        goto Close;

                while ( point < limit ) {

                        tag = tags[0];
                        switch ( tag ) {
                        case GF_PATH_CURVE_ON:  /* emit a single line_to */
                        case GF_PATH_CLOSE:  /* emit a single line_to */
                                GF_Point2D  vec;
                                vec.x = point->x;
                                vec.y = point->y;

                                error = FT_Stroker_LineTo( stroker, &vec, (point == limit) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE );
                                if ( error )
                                        goto Exit;

                        case GF_PATH_CURVE_CONIC:  /* consume conic arcs */
                                v_control.x = point->x;
                                v_control.y = point->y;

                                if ( point < limit ) {
                                        GF_Point2D  vec;
                                        GF_Point2D  v_middle;

                                        tag = tags[0];

                                        vec = point[0];

                                        if ( tag & GF_PATH_CURVE_ON) {

                                                error = FT_Stroker_ConicTo( stroker, &v_control, &vec );
                                                if ( error )
                                                        goto Exit;

                                        if ( tag != GF_PATH_CURVE_CONIC )
                                                goto Invalid_Outline;

                                        v_middle.x = ( v_control.x + vec.x ) / 2;
                                        v_middle.y = ( v_control.y + vec.y ) / 2;

                                        error = FT_Stroker_ConicTo( stroker, &v_control, &v_middle );
                                        if ( error )
                                                goto Exit;

                                        v_control = vec;
                                        goto Do_Conic;
                                error = FT_Stroker_ConicTo( stroker, &v_control, &v_start );
                                goto Close;

                        default:  /* GF_PATH_CURVE_CUBIC */
                                GF_Point2D  vec1, vec2;

                                if ( point + 1 > limit                             ||
                                        tags[1] != GF_PATH_CURVE_CUBIC )
                                        goto Invalid_Outline;

                                point += 2;
                                tags  += 2;

                                vec1 = point[-2];
                                vec2 = point[-1];

                                if ( point <= limit ) {
                                        GF_Point2D  vec;
                                        vec = point[0];

                                        error = FT_Stroker_CubicTo( stroker, &vec1, &vec2, &vec );
                                        if ( error )
                                                goto Exit;
                                error = FT_Stroker_CubicTo( stroker, &vec1, &vec2, &v_start );
                                goto Close;

                if ( error ) goto Exit;

                error = FT_Stroker_EndSubPath(stroker, closed_subpath);
                if ( error )
                        goto Exit;

                first = last + 1;
        return 0;

        return error;

        return -1;

#define GF_PATH_DOT_LEN         1
#define GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE       2
#define GF_PATH_DASH_LEN        3

static Fixed gf_path_get_dash(GF_PenSettings *pen, u32 dash_slot, u32 *next_slot)
        Fixed ret = 0;
        switch (pen->dash) {
        case GF_DASH_STYLE_DOT:
                if (dash_slot==0) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_LEN;
                else if (dash_slot==1) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE;
                *next_slot = (dash_slot + 1) % 2;
                return ret * pen->width;
        case GF_DASH_STYLE_DASH:
                if (dash_slot==0) ret = GF_PATH_DASH_LEN;
                else if (dash_slot==1) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE;
                *next_slot = (dash_slot + 1) % 2;
                return ret * pen->width;
        case GF_DASH_STYLE_DASH_DOT:
                if (dash_slot==0) ret = GF_PATH_DASH_LEN;
                else if (dash_slot==1) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE;
                else if (dash_slot==2) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_LEN;
                else if (dash_slot==3) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE;
                *next_slot = (dash_slot + 1) % 4;
                return ret * pen->width;
                if (dash_slot==0) ret = GF_PATH_DASH_LEN;
                else if (dash_slot==1) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE;
                else if (dash_slot==2) ret = GF_PATH_DASH_LEN;
                else if (dash_slot==3) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE;
                else if (dash_slot==4) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_LEN;
                else if (dash_slot==5) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE;
                *next_slot = (dash_slot + 1) % 6;
                return ret * pen->width;
                if (dash_slot==0) ret = GF_PATH_DASH_LEN;
                else if (dash_slot==1) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE;
                else if (dash_slot==2) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_LEN;
                else if (dash_slot==3) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE;
                else if (dash_slot==4) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_LEN;
                else if (dash_slot==5) ret = GF_PATH_DOT_SPACE;
                *next_slot = (dash_slot + 1) % 6;
                return ret * pen->width;
        case GF_DASH_STYLE_CUSTOM:
        case GF_DASH_STYLE_SVG:
                if (!pen->dash_set || !pen->dash_set->num_dash) return 0;
                if (dash_slot>=pen->dash_set->num_dash) dash_slot = 0;
                ret = pen->dash_set->dashes[dash_slot];
                *next_slot = (1 + dash_slot) % pen->dash_set->num_dash;
                if (pen->dash==GF_DASH_STYLE_SVG) return ret;
                /*custom dashes are of type Fixed !!*/
                return gf_mulfix(ret, pen->width);

        case GF_DASH_STYLE_PLAIN:
                *next_slot = 0;
                return 0;

/* Credits go to Raph Levien for libart / art_vpath_dash */

/* FIXEME - NOT DONE - Merge first and last subpaths when first and last dash segment are joined a closepath. */
static GF_Err gf_path_mergedashes(GF_Path *gp, u32 start_contour_index)
        u32 i, dash_first_pt, dash_nb_pts;
        if (start_contour_index) {
                dash_nb_pts = gp->contours[start_contour_index] - gp->contours[start_contour_index-1];
                dash_first_pt = gp->contours[start_contour_index-1]+1;
        } else {
                dash_nb_pts = gp->contours[start_contour_index]+1;
                dash_first_pt = 0;
        /*skip first point of first dash in subpath (same as last point of last dash)*/
        for (i=1; i<dash_nb_pts; i++) {
                GF_Err e = gf_path_add_line_to_vec(gp, &gp->points[dash_first_pt + i]);
                if (e) return e;
        /*remove initial dash*/
        gp->n_points -= dash_nb_pts;
        memmove(gp->points + dash_first_pt, gp->points + dash_first_pt + dash_nb_pts, sizeof(GF_Point2D)*(gp->n_points - dash_first_pt));
        memmove(gp->tags + dash_first_pt, gp->tags + dash_first_pt + dash_nb_pts, sizeof(u8)*(gp->n_points - dash_first_pt));

        for (i=start_contour_index; i<gp->n_contours-1; i++) {
                gp->contours[i] = gp->contours[i+1] - dash_nb_pts;
        gp->contours = (u32 *)gf_realloc(gp->contours, sizeof(u32)*gp->n_contours);

                gp->points = gf_realloc(gp->points, sizeof(GF_Point2D)*gp->n_points);
                gp->tags = gf_realloc(gp->tags, sizeof(u8)*gp->n_points);
                gp->n_alloc_points = gp->n_points;
        return GF_OK;

static GF_Err evg_dash_subpath(GF_Path *dashed, GF_Point2D *pts, u32 nb_pts, GF_PenSettings *pen, Fixed length_scale)
        Fixed *dists;
        Fixed totaldist;
        Fixed dash;
        Fixed dist;
        Fixed dash_dist;
        s32 offsetinit;
        u32 next_offset;
        s32 toggleinit;
        s32 firstindex;
        Bool toggle_check;
        GF_Err e;
        u32 i, start_ind;
        Fixed phase;
        s32 offset, toggle;

        dists = (Fixed *)gf_malloc(sizeof (Fixed) * nb_pts);
        if (dists == NULL) return GF_OUT_OF_MEM;

        /* initial values */
        toggleinit = 1;
        offsetinit = 0;
        dash_dist = 0;

        dash = gf_path_get_dash(pen, offsetinit, &next_offset);
        if (length_scale) dash = gf_mulfix(dash, length_scale);
        firstindex = -1;
        toggle_check = GF_FALSE;

        start_ind = 0;
        dist = 0;

        /*SVG dashing is different from BIFS one*/
        if (pen->dash==GF_DASH_STYLE_SVG) {
                while (pen->dash_offset>0) {
                        if (pen->dash_offset - dash < 0) {
                                dash -= pen->dash_offset;
                                pen->dash_offset = 0;
                        pen->dash_offset -= dash;
                        offsetinit = next_offset;
                        toggleinit = !toggleinit;
                        dash = gf_path_get_dash(pen, offsetinit, &next_offset);
                        if (length_scale) dash = gf_mulfix(dash, length_scale);
                if (pen->dash_offset<0) {
                        offsetinit = pen->dash_set->num_dash-1;
                        dash = gf_path_get_dash(pen, offsetinit, &next_offset);
                        if (length_scale) dash = gf_mulfix(dash, length_scale);
                        while (pen->dash_offset<0) {
                                toggleinit = !toggleinit;
                                if (pen->dash_offset + dash > 0) {
                                        dash_dist = dash+pen->dash_offset;
                                        pen->dash_offset = 0;
                                pen->dash_offset += dash;
                                if (offsetinit) offsetinit --;
                                else offsetinit = pen->dash_set->num_dash-1;
                                dash = gf_path_get_dash(pen, offsetinit, &next_offset);
                                if (length_scale) dash = gf_mulfix(dash, length_scale);

        /* calculate line lengths and update offset*/
        totaldist = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < nb_pts - 1; i++) {
                GF_Point2D diff;
                diff.x = pts[i+1].x - pts[i].x;
                diff.y = pts[i+1].y - pts[i].y;
                dists[i] = gf_v2d_len(&diff);

                if (pen->dash_offset > dists[i]) {
                        pen->dash_offset -= dists[i];
                        dists[i] = 0;
                else if (pen->dash_offset) {
                        Fixed a, x, y, dx, dy;

                        a = gf_divfix(pen->dash_offset, dists[i]);
                        dx = pts[i + 1].x - pts[i].x;
                        dy = pts[i + 1].y - pts[i].y;
                        x = pts[i].x + gf_mulfix(a, dx);
                        y = pts[i].y + gf_mulfix(a, dy);
                        e = gf_path_add_move_to(dashed, x, y);
                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                        totaldist += dists[i];
                        dist = pen->dash_offset;
                        pen->dash_offset = 0;
                        start_ind = i;
                } else {
                        totaldist += dists[i];
        dash -= dash_dist;

        /* subpath fits within first dash and no offset*/
        if (!dist && totaldist <= dash) {
                if (toggleinit) {
                        gf_path_add_move_to_vec(dashed, &pts[0]);
                        for (i=1; i<nb_pts; i++) {
                                gf_path_add_line_to_vec(dashed, &pts[i]);
                return GF_OK;

        /* subpath is composed of at least one dash */
        phase = 0;
        toggle = toggleinit;
        i = start_ind;

        if (toggle && !dist) {
                e = gf_path_add_move_to_vec(dashed, &pts[i]);
                if (e) goto err_exit;
                firstindex = dashed->n_contours - 1;

        while (i < nb_pts - 1) {
                /* dash boundary is next */
                if (dists[i] - dist > dash - phase) {
                        Fixed a, x, y, dx, dy;
                        dist += dash - phase;
                        a = gf_divfix(dist, dists[i]);
                        dx = pts[i + 1].x - pts[i].x;
                        dy = pts[i + 1].y - pts[i].y;
                        x = pts[i].x + gf_mulfix(a, dx);
                        y = pts[i].y + gf_mulfix(a, dy);

                        if (!toggle_check || ((x != pts[i].x) || (y != pts[i].y))) {
                                if (toggle) {
                                        e = gf_path_add_line_to(dashed, x, y);
                                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                                else {
                                        e = gf_path_add_move_to(dashed, x, y);
                                        if (e) goto err_exit;

                        /* advance to next dash */
                        toggle = !toggle;
                        phase = 0;
                        offset = next_offset;
                        dash = gf_path_get_dash(pen, offset, &next_offset);
                        if (length_scale) dash = gf_mulfix(dash, length_scale);
                /* end of line in subpath is next */
                else {
                        phase += dists[i] - dist;
                        i ++;
                        toggle_check = GF_FALSE;
                        dist = 0;
                        if (toggle) {
                                e = gf_path_add_line_to_vec(dashed, &pts[i]);
                                if (e) goto err_exit;
                                toggle_check = GF_TRUE;

                                if ( (firstindex>=0) && (i == (nb_pts - 1) && ((firstindex + 1) != (s32) start_ind ) ))  {
                                        /*merge if closed path*/
                                        if ((pts[0].x==pts[nb_pts-1].x) && (pts[0].y==pts[nb_pts-1].y)) {
                                                e = gf_path_mergedashes(dashed, firstindex);
                                                if (e) goto err_exit;

//      pen->dash_offset = dist;
        return GF_OK;

static GF_Path *gf_path_dash(GF_Path *path, GF_PenSettings *pen)
        u32 i, j, nb_pts;
        GF_Point2D *pts;
        Fixed length_scale = 0;
        Fixed dash_off = pen->dash_offset;
        GF_Path *dashed = gf_path_new();

        /* calculate line lengths and update offset*/
        if (pen->path_length) {
                Fixed totaldist = 0;
                nb_pts = 0;
                for (i=0; i<path->n_contours; i++) {
                        pts = &path->points[nb_pts];
                        nb_pts = 1+path->contours[i] - nb_pts;

                        for (j=0; j<nb_pts-1; j++) {
                                GF_Point2D diff;
                                diff.x = pts[j+1].x - pts[j].x;
                                diff.y = pts[j+1].y - pts[j].y;
                                totaldist += gf_v2d_len(&diff);
                        nb_pts = 1+path->contours[i];
                length_scale = gf_divfix(totaldist, pen->path_length);
                pen->dash_offset = gf_mulfix(pen->dash_offset, length_scale);

        nb_pts = 0;
        for (i=0; i<path->n_contours; i++) {
                pts = &path->points[nb_pts];
                nb_pts = 1+path->contours[i] - nb_pts;
                evg_dash_subpath(dashed, pts, nb_pts, pen, length_scale);
                nb_pts = 1+path->contours[i];
//              if (length_scale) pen->dash_offset = gf_mulfix(pen->dash_offset, length_scale);
        pen->dash_offset = dash_off;
        dashed->flags |= GF_PATH_FILL_ZERO_NONZERO;
        return dashed;

GF_Path *gf_path_get_outline(GF_Path *path, GF_PenSettings pen)
        s32 error;
        GF_Path *outline;
        GF_Path *dashed;
        GF_Path *scaled;
        FT_Stroker stroker;
        if (!path || !pen.width) return NULL;

        memset(&stroker, 0, sizeof(stroker));
        stroker.borders[0].start = -1;
        stroker.borders[1].start = -1;
        stroker.line_cap = pen.cap;
        stroker.line_join = pen.join;
        stroker.miter_limit = pen.miterLimit;
        stroker.radius = pen.width/2;


        scaled = NULL;
        /*if not centered, simply scale path...*/
        if (pen.align) {
                Fixed sx, sy;
                GF_Rect bounds;
                gf_path_get_bounds(path, &bounds);
                if (pen.align==GF_PATH_LINE_OUTSIDE) {
                        sx = gf_divfix(bounds.width+pen.width, bounds.width);
                        sy = gf_divfix(bounds.height+pen.width, bounds.height);
                } else {
                        /*note: this may result in negative scaling, not our pb but the author's one*/
                        sx = gf_divfix(bounds.width-pen.width, bounds.width);
                        sy = gf_divfix(bounds.height-pen.width, bounds.height);
                if (sx && sy) {
                        u32 i;
                        scaled = gf_path_clone(path);
                        for (i=0; i<scaled->n_points; i++) {
                                scaled->points[i].x = gf_mulfix(scaled->points[i].x, sx);
                                scaled->points[i].y = gf_mulfix(scaled->points[i].y, sy);
                        path = scaled;

        /*if dashing, first flatten path then dash all segments*/
        dashed = NULL;
        /*security, seen in some SVG files*/
        if (pen.dash_set && (pen.dash_set->num_dash==1) && (pen.dash_set->dashes[0]==0)) pen.dash = GF_DASH_STYLE_PLAIN;
        if (pen.dash) {
                GF_Path *flat;
                flat = gf_path_get_flatten(path);
                if (!flat) return NULL;
                dashed = gf_path_dash(flat, &pen);
                if (!dashed) return NULL;
                path = dashed;

        outline = NULL;
        error = FT_Stroker_ParseOutline(&stroker, path);
        if (!error) {
                u32 nb_pt, nb_cnt;
                error = FT_Stroker_GetCounts(&stroker, &nb_pt, &nb_cnt);
                if (!error) {
                        FT_StrokeBorder sborder;
                        outline = gf_path_new();
                        if (nb_pt) {
                                outline->points = (GF_Point2D *) gf_malloc(sizeof(GF_Point2D)*nb_pt);
                                outline->tags = (u8 *) gf_malloc(sizeof(u8)*nb_pt);
                                outline->contours = (u32 *) gf_malloc(sizeof(u32)*nb_cnt);
                                outline->n_alloc_points = nb_pt;
                                sborder = &stroker.borders[0];
                                if (sborder->valid ) ft_stroke_border_export(sborder, outline);
                                sborder = &stroker.borders[1];
                                /*if left border is valid this is a closed path, used odd/even rule - we will have issues at recovering
                                if (sborder->valid && sborder->num_points) {
                                        ft_stroke_border_export(sborder, outline);
                                /*otherwise this is an open path, use zero/non-zero*/
                                else {
                                        outline->flags |= GF_PATH_FILL_ZERO_NONZERO;
                        outline->flags |= GF_PATH_BBOX_DIRTY;

                        /*our caps are cubic bezier!!*/
                        if ( (path->flags & GF_PATH_FLATTENED) && (pen.cap!=GF_LINE_CAP_ROUND) && (pen.join!=GF_LINE_JOIN_ROUND) )
                                outline->flags |= GF_PATH_FLATTENED;

        if (stroker.borders[0].points) gf_free(stroker.borders[0].points);
        if (stroker.borders[0].tags) gf_free(stroker.borders[0].tags);
        if (stroker.borders[1].points) gf_free(stroker.borders[1].points);
        if (stroker.borders[1].tags) gf_free(stroker.borders[1].tags);

        if (dashed) gf_path_del(dashed);
        if (scaled) gf_path_del(scaled);

        return outline;

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