
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. readBounds
  2. readKernInfo
  3. readKernInfo16
  4. checkShapeHeader
  5. checkShapeStyle
  6. translateShapeRecord
  7. readGlyphShape
  8. readFontLayout
  9. checkFdbHeader
  10. loadSWFFontFromInput
  11. loadSWFFont_fromFdbFile
  12. oprintf
  13. SWFFont_getShape

Ming, an SWF output library
Copyright (C) 2002      Opaque Industries -

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA        02111-1307      USA

/* $Id: fdbfont.c,v 1.8 2008/02/18 15:32:38 krechert Exp $ */

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "font.h"
#include "method.h"
#include "utf8.h"
#include "character.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "movie.h"
#include "libming.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "shape.h"

static void
readBounds(SWFInput input, struct SWFRect_s* bounds)
        int nBits;


        nBits = SWFInput_readBits(input, 5);
        bounds->minX = SWFInput_readSBits(input, nBits);
        bounds->maxX = SWFInput_readSBits(input, nBits);
        bounds->minY = SWFInput_readSBits(input, nBits);
        bounds->maxY = SWFInput_readSBits(input, nBits);

static void
readKernInfo(SWFInput input, struct kernInfo *kern)
        kern->code1 = SWFInput_getChar(input);
        kern->code2 = SWFInput_getChar(input);
        kern->adjustment = SWFInput_getSInt16(input);

static void
readKernInfo16(SWFInput input, struct kernInfo16 *kern)
        kern->code1 = SWFInput_getUInt16(input);
        kern->code2 = SWFInput_getUInt16(input);
        kern->adjustment = SWFInput_getSInt16(input);

static inline void checkShapeHeader(SWFInput input,
                                    int *numFillBits,
                                    int *numLineBits)
        if ( (*numFillBits = SWFInput_readBits(input, 4)) != 1 ) /* fill bits */
                SWF_error("FdbFont read glyph: bad file format (was expecting fill bits = 1)\n");

        if ( (*numLineBits = SWFInput_readBits(input, 4)) > 0 ) /* line bits */
                SWF_error("FdbFont read glyph: bad file format (was expecting line bits = 0)\n");

static inline void checkShapeStyle(SWFInput input, char style,
                             int numFillBits, int numLineBits)
        if ( style & 1 )
                if ( SWFInput_readBits(input, numFillBits) != 0 ) /* fill0 = 0 */
                        SWF_error("SWFFont_getShape: bad file format (was expecting fill0 = 0)");
        if ( style & 2 )
                if ( SWFInput_readBits(input, numFillBits) != 1 ) /* fill1 = 1 */
                        SWF_error("SWFFont_getShape: bad file format (was expecting fill1 = 1)");
        if ( style & 4 )
                if ( SWFInput_readBits(input, numLineBits) != 0 ) /* line = 1 */
                        SWF_error("SWFFont_getShape: bad file format (was expecting line = 0)");

static int translateShapeRecord(SWFInput input, SWFShape shape)
        int moveBits, x = 0, y = 0;
        int straight, numBits;

        if ( SWFInput_readBits(input, 1) == 0 )
                /* it's a moveTo or a shape end */
                if ( SWFInput_readBits(input, 5) == 0 )
                        return 0; /* shape end */

                moveBits = SWFInput_readBits(input, 5);
                x = SWFInput_readSBits(input, moveBits);
                y = SWFInput_readSBits(input, moveBits);
                SWFShape_moveScaledPenTo(shape, x, y);
                return 1;

        straight = SWFInput_readBits(input, 1);
        numBits = SWFInput_readBits(input, 4) + 2;
        if (straight == 1)
                if ( SWFInput_readBits(input, 1) ) /* general line */
                        x = SWFInput_readSBits(input, numBits);
                        y = SWFInput_readSBits(input, numBits);
                        if ( SWFInput_readBits(input, 1) ) /* vert = 1 */
                                y = SWFInput_readSBits(input, numBits);
                                x = SWFInput_readSBits(input, numBits);
                SWFShape_drawScaledLine(shape, x, y);
                int controlX = SWFInput_readSBits(input, numBits);
                int controlY = SWFInput_readSBits(input, numBits);
                int anchorX = SWFInput_readSBits(input, numBits);
                int anchorY = SWFInput_readSBits(input, numBits);

                SWFShape_drawScaledCurve(shape, controlX, controlY,
                        anchorX, anchorY);
        return 1;

static SWFShape readGlyphShape(SWFInput input)
        int numFillBits, numLineBits, moveBits, x, y;
        char style;
        SWFShape shape;

        checkShapeHeader(input, &numFillBits, &numLineBits);

        SWFInput_readBits(input, 2); /* type 0, newstyles */
        style = SWFInput_readBits(input, 3);

        shape = newSWFGlyphShape();
        if (SWFInput_readBits(input, 1))
        {       moveBits = SWFInput_readBits(input, 5);
                x = SWFInput_readSBits(input, moveBits);
                y = SWFInput_readSBits(input, moveBits);
                SWFShape_moveScaledPenTo(shape, x, y);
        else if (style == 0)    /* no style, no move => space character */
                return shape;
        checkShapeStyle(input, style, numFillBits, numLineBits);
        /* translate the glyph's shape records into drawing commands */
        while (translateShapeRecord(input, shape))

        return shape;

static inline int readFontLayout(SWFInput input, SWFFont font)
        int i;
        struct SWFRect_s __rect;

        font->advances = (short *)malloc(
                        font->nGlyphs * sizeof(short));
        font->ascent = SWFInput_getSInt16(input);
        font->descent = SWFInput_getSInt16(input);
        font->leading = SWFInput_getSInt16(input);
        /* get advances */
        for (i = 0; i < font->nGlyphs; ++i )
                font->advances[i] = SWFInput_getSInt16(input);

        // temp hack
        for (i = 0; i < font->nGlyphs; ++i )
                readBounds(input, &__rect);

                /* get kern table */
        font->kernCount = SWFInput_getUInt16(input);

        if ( font->kernCount > 0 )
                if(font->flags & SWF_FONT_WIDECODES)
                        font->kernTable.w = (struct kernInfo16*) malloc(sizeof(struct kernInfo16) * font->kernCount);
                        font->kernTable.k = (struct kernInfo*)malloc(sizeof(struct kernInfo) * font->kernCount);
                font->kernTable.k = NULL;

        if(font->flags & SWF_FONT_WIDECODES)
                for (i = 0; i < font->kernCount; ++i )
                        readKernInfo16(input, &(font->kernTable.w[i]));
                for (i = 0; i < font->kernCount; ++i )
                        readKernInfo(input, &(font->kernTable.k[i]));
        return 0;

static inline int checkFdbHeader(SWFInput input)
        char f, d, b, z;
        f = SWFInput_getChar(input);
        d = SWFInput_getChar(input);
        b = SWFInput_getChar(input);;
        z = SWFInput_getChar(input);

        if(f != 'f' || d != 'd' || b != 'b' || z != '0')
                SWF_warn("loadSWFFont: not a fdb file\n");
                return -1;
        return 0;

SWFFont loadSWFFontFromInput(SWFInput input)
        SWFFont font; 
        int namelen, flags, i, nGlyphs;

        if(input == NULL)
                return NULL;

        if(checkFdbHeader(input) < 0)
                return NULL;

        font = newSWFFont();    
        flags = SWFInput_getChar(input);
        font->flags = flags;
        font->langCode = SWFInput_getChar(input); 
        namelen = SWFInput_getChar(input);
        font->name = (char *) malloc(namelen + 1);
        for ( i=0; i < namelen; ++i )
                font->name[i] = SWFInput_getChar(input);
        font->name[namelen] = '\0';

        nGlyphs = SWFInput_getUInt16(input);

        font->nGlyphs = nGlyphs;
        font->glyphToCode = (unsigned short*)malloc(nGlyphs * sizeof(short));   
        if ( flags & SWF_FONT_WIDEOFFSETS )
                for (i=0; i < nGlyphs; ++i)
                        SWFInput_getUInt32(input); // glyph offset
                SWFInput_getUInt32(input); // code table offset
                for(i=0; i < nGlyphs; ++i)
                        SWFInput_getUInt16(input); // glyph offset
                SWFInput_getUInt16(input); // code table offset

        font->shapes = (SWFShape *)malloc(nGlyphs * sizeof(SWFShape));
        for(i = 0; i < nGlyphs; i++)
                font->shapes[i] = readGlyphShape(input);

        /* read glyph-to-code table */
        if ( flags & SWF_FONT_WIDECODES )
                for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i )
                        font->glyphToCode[i] = SWFInput_getUInt16(input);
                for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i )
                        font->glyphToCode[i] = SWFInput_getChar(input);

        if ( flags & SWF_FONT_HASLAYOUT )
                readFontLayout(input, font);
        return font;

/* pull font definition from fdb (font def block) file */
SWFFont loadSWFFont_fromFdbFile(FILE *file)
        SWFInput input;
        SWFFont font;
        if ( file == NULL )
                return NULL;

        input = newSWFInput_file(file);
        font = loadSWFFontFromInput(input);
        return font;

#if 0
/* retrieve glyph shape of a font */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
/* basic IO */

struct out
{       char *buf, *ptr;
        int len;

static void oprintf(struct out *op, const char *fmt, ...)
{       va_list ap;
        char buf[256];
        int d, l;
        va_start(ap, fmt);
        l = vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
        while((d = op->ptr - op->buf) + l >= op->len-1)
        {       op->buf = (char *) realloc(op->buf, op->len += 100);
                op->ptr = op->buf + d;
        for(d = 0 ; d < l ; d++)
                *op->ptr++ = buf[d];

// return a malloc'ed string describing the glyph shape
char *
SWFFont_getShape(SWFFont font, unsigned short c)
        byte *p = SWFFont_findGlyph(font, c);
        byte **f = &p;
        struct out o;
        int moveBits, x = 0, y = 0;
        int straight, numBits;
        int numFillBits, numLineBits;
        int startX = 0;
        int startY = 0;
        int style;

        o.len = 0;
        o.ptr = o.buf = (char *)malloc(1);
        *o.ptr = 0;


        if ( (numFillBits = readBitsP(f, 4)) != 1 ) /* fill bits */
                SWF_error("SWFFont_getShape: bad file format (was expecting fill bits = 1)");

        if ( (numLineBits = readBitsP(f, 4)) > 1 ) /* line bits */
                SWF_error("SWFFont_getShape: bad file format (was expecting line bits = 0)");

        /* now we get to parse the shape commands.      Oh boy.
                 the first one will be a non-edge block- grab the moveto loc */

        readBitsP(f, 2); /* type 0, newstyles */
        style = readBitsP(f, 3);
        if(readBitsP(f, 1))
        {       moveBits = readBitsP(f, 5);
                x = startX + readSBitsP(f, moveBits);
                y = startY + readSBitsP(f, moveBits);

                oprintf(&o, "moveto %d,%d\n", x, y);
        else if(style == 0)     /* no style, no move => space character */
                return o.buf;

        if ( style & 1 )
                if ( readBitsP(f, numFillBits) != 0 ) /* fill0 = 0 */
                        SWF_error("SWFFont_getShape: bad file format (was expecting fill0 = 0)");
        if ( style & 2 )
                if ( readBitsP(f, numFillBits) != 1 ) /* fill1 = 1 */
                        SWF_error("SWFFont_getShape: bad file format (was expecting fill1 = 1)");
        if ( style & 4 )
                if ( readBitsP(f, numLineBits) != 0 ) /* line = 1 */
                        SWF_error("SWFFont_getShape: bad file format (was expecting line = 0)");

        /* translate the glyph's shape records into drawing commands */

        for ( ;; )
                if ( readBitsP(f, 1) == 0 )
                        /* it's a moveTo or a shape end */

                        if ( readBitsP(f, 5) == 0 )

                        moveBits = readBitsP(f, 5);
                        x = startX + readSBitsP(f, moveBits);
                        y = startY + readSBitsP(f, moveBits);

                        oprintf(&o, "moveto %d,%d\n", x, y);


                straight = readBitsP(f, 1);
                numBits = readBitsP(f, 4)+2;

                if ( straight==1 )
                        if ( readBitsP(f, 1) ) /* general line */
                                x += readSBitsP(f, numBits);
                                y += readSBitsP(f, numBits);
                                if ( readBitsP(f, 1) ) /* vert = 1 */
                                        y += readSBitsP(f, numBits);
                                        x += readSBitsP(f, numBits);

                        oprintf(&o, "lineto %d,%d\n", x, y);
                        int controlX = readSBitsP(f, numBits);
                        int controlY = readSBitsP(f, numBits);
                        int anchorX = readSBitsP(f, numBits);
                        int anchorY = readSBitsP(f, numBits);

                        oprintf(&o, "curveto %d,%d %d,%d\n",
                                 x+controlX, y+controlY,
                                 x+controlX+anchorX, y+controlY+anchorY);

                        x += controlX + anchorX;
                        y += controlY + anchorY;

        *o.ptr = 0;
        return o.buf;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */