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This source file includes following definitions.
  1. minMaxLoc_pass_1
  2. minMaxLoc_pass_2
  3. getLaunchCfg
  4. minMaxLoc

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//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
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#pragma once


#include "../../common.hpp"
#include "../../util/vec_traits.hpp"
#include "../../util/type_traits.hpp"
#include "../../util/limits.hpp"
#include "../../block/reduce.hpp"

namespace cv { namespace cudev {

namespace grid_minmaxloc_detail
    template <int BLOCK_SIZE, class SrcPtr, typename ResType, class MaskPtr>
    __global__ void minMaxLoc_pass_1(const SrcPtr src, ResType* minVal, ResType* maxVal, int* minLoc, int* maxLoc, const MaskPtr mask, const int rows, const int cols, const int patch_y, const int patch_x)
        __shared__ ResType sMinVal[BLOCK_SIZE];
        __shared__ ResType sMaxVal[BLOCK_SIZE];
        __shared__ uint sMinLoc[BLOCK_SIZE];
        __shared__ uint sMaxLoc[BLOCK_SIZE];

        const int x0 = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x * patch_x + threadIdx.x;
        const int y0 = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y * patch_y + threadIdx.y;

        ResType myMin = numeric_limits<ResType>::max();
        ResType myMax = -numeric_limits<ResType>::max();
        int myMinLoc = -1;
        int myMaxLoc = -1;

        for (int i = 0, y = y0; i < patch_y && y < rows; ++i, y += blockDim.y)
            for (int j = 0, x = x0; j < patch_x && x < cols; ++j, x += blockDim.x)
                if (mask(y, x))
                    const ResType srcVal = src(y, x);

                    if (srcVal < myMin)
                        myMin = srcVal;
                        myMinLoc = y * cols + x;

                    if (srcVal > myMax)
                        myMax = srcVal;
                        myMaxLoc = y * cols + x;

        const int tid = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

        blockReduceKeyVal<BLOCK_SIZE>(smem_tuple(sMinVal, sMaxVal), tie(myMin, myMax),
                                      smem_tuple(sMinLoc, sMaxLoc), tie(myMinLoc, myMaxLoc),
                                      make_tuple(less<ResType>(), greater<ResType>()));

        const int bid = blockIdx.y * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x;

        if (tid == 0)
            minVal[bid] = myMin;
            maxVal[bid] = myMax;
            minLoc[bid] = myMinLoc;
            maxLoc[bid] = myMaxLoc;

    template <int BLOCK_SIZE, typename T>
    __global__ void minMaxLoc_pass_2(T* minMal, T* maxVal, int* minLoc, int* maxLoc, int count)
        __shared__ T sMinVal[BLOCK_SIZE];
        __shared__ T sMaxVal[BLOCK_SIZE];
        __shared__ int sMinLoc[BLOCK_SIZE];
        __shared__ int sMaxLoc[BLOCK_SIZE];

        const int idx = ::min(threadIdx.x, count - 1);

        T myMin = minMal[idx];
        T myMax = maxVal[idx];
        int myMinLoc = minLoc[idx];
        int myMaxLoc = maxLoc[idx];

        blockReduceKeyVal<BLOCK_SIZE>(smem_tuple(sMinVal, sMaxVal), tie(myMin, myMax),
                                      smem_tuple(sMinLoc, sMaxLoc), tie(myMinLoc, myMaxLoc),
                                      make_tuple(less<T>(), greater<T>()));

        if (threadIdx.x == 0)
            minMal[0] = myMin;
            maxVal[0] = myMax;
            minLoc[0] = myMinLoc;
            maxLoc[0] = myMaxLoc;

    template <class Policy>
    void getLaunchCfg(int rows, int cols, dim3& block, dim3& grid)
        block = dim3(Policy::block_size_x, Policy::block_size_y);
        grid = dim3(divUp(cols, block.x * Policy::patch_size_x), divUp(rows, block.y * Policy::patch_size_y));

        grid.x = ::min(grid.x, block.x);
        grid.y = ::min(grid.y, block.y);

    template <class Policy, class SrcPtr, typename ResType, class MaskPtr>
    __host__ void minMaxLoc(const SrcPtr& src, ResType* minVal, ResType* maxVal, int* minLoc, int* maxLoc, const MaskPtr& mask, int rows, int cols, cudaStream_t stream)
        dim3 block, grid;
        getLaunchCfg<Policy>(rows, cols, block, grid);

        const int patch_x = divUp(divUp(cols, grid.x), block.x);
        const int patch_y = divUp(divUp(rows, grid.y), block.y);

        minMaxLoc_pass_1<Policy::block_size_x * Policy::block_size_y><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(src, minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc, mask, rows, cols, patch_y, patch_x);
        CV_CUDEV_SAFE_CALL( cudaGetLastError() );

        minMaxLoc_pass_2<Policy::block_size_x * Policy::block_size_y><<<1, Policy::block_size_x * Policy::block_size_y, 0, stream>>>(minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc, grid.x * grid.y);
        CV_CUDEV_SAFE_CALL( cudaGetLastError() );

        if (stream == 0)
            CV_CUDEV_SAFE_CALL( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );



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