
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. solveQuadratic
  2. applyHomography
  3. linearizeHomographyAt
  4. getSecondMomentsMatrix
  5. getSecondMomentsMatrix
  6. calcProjection
  7. convert
  8. convert
  9. calcProjection
  10. filterEllipticKeyPointsByImageSize
  11. ellipse2
  12. join
  13. i2
  14. computeOneToOneMatchedOverlaps
  15. calculateRepeatability
  16. evaluateFeatureDetector
  17. recall
  18. precision
  19. computeRecallPrecisionCurve
  20. getRecall
  21. getNearestPoint

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//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <limits>

using namespace cv;

template<typename _Tp> static int solveQuadratic(_Tp a, _Tp b, _Tp c, _Tp& x1, _Tp& x2)
    if( a == 0 )
        if( b == 0 )
            x1 = x2 = 0;
            return c == 0;
        x1 = x2 = -c/b;
        return 1;

    _Tp d = b*b - 4*a*c;
    if( d < 0 )
        x1 = x2 = 0;
        return 0;
    if( d > 0 )
        d = std::sqrt(d);
        double s = 1/(2*a);
        x1 = (-b - d)*s;
        x2 = (-b + d)*s;
        if( x1 > x2 )
            std::swap(x1, x2);
        return 2;
    x1 = x2 = -b/(2*a);
    return 1;

//for android ndk
#undef _S
static inline Point2f applyHomography( const Mat_<double>& H, const Point2f& pt )
    double z = H(2,0)*pt.x + H(2,1)*pt.y + H(2,2);
    if( z )
        double w = 1./z;
        return Point2f( (float)((H(0,0)*pt.x + H(0,1)*pt.y + H(0,2))*w), (float)((H(1,0)*pt.x + H(1,1)*pt.y + H(1,2))*w) );
    return Point2f( std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max() );

static inline void linearizeHomographyAt( const Mat_<double>& H, const Point2f& pt, Mat_<double>& A )
    double p1 = H(0,0)*pt.x + H(0,1)*pt.y + H(0,2),
           p2 = H(1,0)*pt.x + H(1,1)*pt.y + H(1,2),
           p3 = H(2,0)*pt.x + H(2,1)*pt.y + H(2,2),
           p3_2 = p3*p3;
    if( p3 )
        A(0,0) = H(0,0)/p3 - p1*H(2,0)/p3_2; // fxdx
        A(0,1) = H(0,1)/p3 - p1*H(2,1)/p3_2; // fxdy

        A(1,0) = H(1,0)/p3 - p2*H(2,0)/p3_2; // fydx
        A(1,1) = H(1,1)/p3 - p2*H(2,1)/p3_2; // fydx

class EllipticKeyPoint
    EllipticKeyPoint( const Point2f& _center, const Scalar& _ellipse );

    static void convert( const std::vector<KeyPoint>& src, std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& dst );
    static void convert( const std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& src, std::vector<KeyPoint>& dst );

    static Mat_<double> getSecondMomentsMatrix( const Scalar& _ellipse );
    Mat_<double> getSecondMomentsMatrix() const;

    void calcProjection( const Mat_<double>& H, EllipticKeyPoint& projection ) const;
    static void calcProjection( const std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& src, const Mat_<double>& H, std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& dst );

    Point2f center;
    Scalar ellipse; // 3 elements a, b, c: ax^2+2bxy+cy^2=1
    Size_<float> axes; // half length of ellipse axes
    Size_<float> boundingBox; // half sizes of bounding box which sides are parallel to the coordinate axes

    *this = EllipticKeyPoint(Point2f(0,0), Scalar(1, 0, 1) );

EllipticKeyPoint::EllipticKeyPoint( const Point2f& _center, const Scalar& _ellipse )
    center = _center;
    ellipse = _ellipse;

    double a = ellipse[0], b = ellipse[1], c = ellipse[2];
    double ac_b2 = a*c - b*b;
    double x1, x2;
    solveQuadratic(1., -(a+c), ac_b2, x1, x2);
    axes.width = (float)(1/sqrt(x1));
    axes.height = (float)(1/sqrt(x2));

    boundingBox.width = (float)sqrt(ellipse[2]/ac_b2);
    boundingBox.height = (float)sqrt(ellipse[0]/ac_b2);

Mat_<double> EllipticKeyPoint::getSecondMomentsMatrix( const Scalar& _ellipse )
    Mat_<double> M(2, 2);
    M(0,0) = _ellipse[0];
    M(1,0) = M(0,1) = _ellipse[1];
    M(1,1) = _ellipse[2];
    return M;

Mat_<double> EllipticKeyPoint::getSecondMomentsMatrix() const
    return getSecondMomentsMatrix(ellipse);

void EllipticKeyPoint::calcProjection( const Mat_<double>& H, EllipticKeyPoint& projection ) const
    Point2f dstCenter = applyHomography(H, center);

    Mat_<double> invM; invert(getSecondMomentsMatrix(), invM);
    Mat_<double> Aff; linearizeHomographyAt(H, center, Aff);
    Mat_<double> dstM; invert(Aff*invM*Aff.t(), dstM);

    projection = EllipticKeyPoint( dstCenter, Scalar(dstM(0,0), dstM(0,1), dstM(1,1)) );

void EllipticKeyPoint::convert( const std::vector<KeyPoint>& src, std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& dst )
    if( !src.empty() )
        for( size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); i++ )
            float rad = src[i].size/2;
            CV_Assert( rad );
            float fac = 1.f/(rad*rad);
            dst[i] = EllipticKeyPoint( src[i].pt, Scalar(fac, 0, fac) );

void EllipticKeyPoint::convert( const std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& src, std::vector<KeyPoint>& dst )
    if( !src.empty() )
        for( size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); i++ )
            Size_<float> axes = src[i].axes;
            float rad = sqrt(axes.height*axes.width);
            dst[i] = KeyPoint(src[i].center, 2*rad );

void EllipticKeyPoint::calcProjection( const std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& src, const Mat_<double>& H, std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& dst )
    if( !src.empty() )
        CV_Assert( !H.empty() && H.cols == 3 && H.rows == 3);
        std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>::const_iterator srcIt = src.begin();
        std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>::iterator       dstIt = dst.begin();
        for( ; srcIt != src.end(); ++srcIt, ++dstIt )
            srcIt->calcProjection(H, *dstIt);

static void filterEllipticKeyPointsByImageSize( std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& keypoints, const Size& imgSize )
    if( !keypoints.empty() )
        std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint> filtered;
        std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>::const_iterator it = keypoints.begin();
        for( int i = 0; it != keypoints.end(); ++it, i++ )
            if( it->center.x + it->boundingBox.width < imgSize.width &&
                it->center.x - it->boundingBox.width > 0 &&
                it->center.y + it->boundingBox.height < imgSize.height &&
                it->center.y - it->boundingBox.height > 0 )
        keypoints.assign(filtered.begin(), filtered.end());

struct IntersectAreaCounter
    IntersectAreaCounter( float _dr, int _minx,
                          int _miny, int _maxy,
                          const Point2f& _diff,
                          const Scalar& _ellipse1, const Scalar& _ellipse2 ) :
               dr(_dr), bua(0), bna(0), minx(_minx), miny(_miny), maxy(_maxy),
               diff(_diff), ellipse1(_ellipse1), ellipse2(_ellipse2) {}
    IntersectAreaCounter( const IntersectAreaCounter& counter, Split )
        *this = counter;
        bua = 0;
        bna = 0;

    void operator()( const BlockedRange& range )
        CV_Assert( miny < maxy );
        CV_Assert( dr > FLT_EPSILON );

        int temp_bua = bua, temp_bna = bna;
        for( int i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); i++ )
            float rx1 = minx + i*dr;
            float rx2 = rx1 - diff.x;
            for( float ry1 = (float)miny; ry1 <= (float)maxy; ry1 += dr )
                float ry2 = ry1 - diff.y;
                //compute the distance from the ellipse center
                float e1 = (float)(ellipse1[0]*rx1*rx1 + 2*ellipse1[1]*rx1*ry1 + ellipse1[2]*ry1*ry1);
                float e2 = (float)(ellipse2[0]*rx2*rx2 + 2*ellipse2[1]*rx2*ry2 + ellipse2[2]*ry2*ry2);
                //compute the area
                if( e1<1 && e2<1 ) temp_bna++;
                if( e1<1 || e2<1 ) temp_bua++;
        bua = temp_bua;
        bna = temp_bna;

    void join( IntersectAreaCounter& ac )
        bua += ac.bua;
        bna += ac.bna;

    float dr;
    int bua, bna;

    int minx;
    int miny, maxy;

    Point2f diff;
    Scalar ellipse1, ellipse2;


struct SIdx
    SIdx() : S(-1), i1(-1), i2(-1) {}
    SIdx(float _S, int _i1, int _i2) : S(_S), i1(_i1), i2(_i2) {}
    float S;
    int i1;
    int i2;

    bool operator<(const SIdx& v) const { return S > v.S; }

    struct UsedFinder
        UsedFinder(const SIdx& _used) : used(_used) {}
        const SIdx& used;
        bool operator()(const SIdx& v) const { return  (v.i1 == used.i1 || v.i2 == used.i2); }
        UsedFinder& operator=(const UsedFinder&);

static void computeOneToOneMatchedOverlaps( const std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& keypoints1, const std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& keypoints2t,
                                            bool commonPart, std::vector<SIdx>& overlaps, float minOverlap )
    CV_Assert( minOverlap >= 0.f );
    if( keypoints1.empty() || keypoints2t.empty() )

    overlaps.reserve(cvRound(keypoints1.size() * keypoints2t.size() * 0.01));

    for( size_t i1 = 0; i1 < keypoints1.size(); i1++ )
        EllipticKeyPoint kp1 = keypoints1[i1];
        float maxDist = sqrt(kp1.axes.width*kp1.axes.height),
              fac = 30.f/maxDist;
        if( !commonPart )

        maxDist = maxDist*4;
        fac = 1.f/(fac*fac);

        EllipticKeyPoint keypoint1a = EllipticKeyPoint(, Scalar(fac*kp1.ellipse[0], fac*kp1.ellipse[1], fac*kp1.ellipse[2]) );

        for( size_t i2 = 0; i2 < keypoints2t.size(); i2++ )
            EllipticKeyPoint kp2 = keypoints2t[i2];
            Point2f diff = -;

            if( norm(diff) < maxDist )
                EllipticKeyPoint keypoint2a = EllipticKeyPoint(, Scalar(fac*kp2.ellipse[0], fac*kp2.ellipse[1], fac*kp2.ellipse[2]) );
                //find the largest eigenvalue
                int maxx =  (int)ceil(( keypoint1a.boundingBox.width > (diff.x+keypoint2a.boundingBox.width)) ?
                                     keypoint1a.boundingBox.width : (diff.x+keypoint2a.boundingBox.width));
                int minx = (int)floor((-keypoint1a.boundingBox.width < (diff.x-keypoint2a.boundingBox.width)) ?
                                    -keypoint1a.boundingBox.width : (diff.x-keypoint2a.boundingBox.width));

                int maxy =  (int)ceil(( keypoint1a.boundingBox.height > (diff.y+keypoint2a.boundingBox.height)) ?
                                     keypoint1a.boundingBox.height : (diff.y+keypoint2a.boundingBox.height));
                int miny = (int)floor((-keypoint1a.boundingBox.height < (diff.y-keypoint2a.boundingBox.height)) ?
                                    -keypoint1a.boundingBox.height : (diff.y-keypoint2a.boundingBox.height));
                int mina = (maxx-minx) < (maxy-miny) ? (maxx-minx) : (maxy-miny) ;

                //compute the area
                float dr = (float)mina/50.f;
                int N = (int)floor((float)(maxx - minx) / dr);
                IntersectAreaCounter ac( dr, minx, miny, maxy, diff, keypoint1a.ellipse, keypoint2a.ellipse );
                parallel_reduce( BlockedRange(0, N+1), ac );
                if( ac.bna > 0 )
                    float ov =  (float)ac.bna / (float)ac.bua;
                    if( ov >= minOverlap )
                        overlaps.push_back(SIdx(ov, (int)i1, (int)i2));

    std::sort( overlaps.begin(), overlaps.end() );

    typedef std::vector<SIdx>::iterator It;

    It pos = overlaps.begin();
    It end = overlaps.end();

    while(pos != end)
        It prev = pos++;
        end = std::remove_if(pos, end, SIdx::UsedFinder(*prev));
    overlaps.erase(pos, overlaps.end());

static void calculateRepeatability( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2, const Mat& H1to2,
                                    const std::vector<KeyPoint>& _keypoints1, const std::vector<KeyPoint>& _keypoints2,
                                    float& repeatability, int& correspondencesCount,
                                    Mat* thresholdedOverlapMask=0  )
    std::vector<EllipticKeyPoint> keypoints1, keypoints2, keypoints1t, keypoints2t;
    EllipticKeyPoint::convert( _keypoints1, keypoints1 );
    EllipticKeyPoint::convert( _keypoints2, keypoints2 );

    // calculate projections of key points
    EllipticKeyPoint::calcProjection( keypoints1, H1to2, keypoints1t );
    Mat H2to1; invert(H1to2, H2to1);
    EllipticKeyPoint::calcProjection( keypoints2, H2to1, keypoints2t );

    float overlapThreshold;
    bool ifEvaluateDetectors = thresholdedOverlapMask == 0;
    if( ifEvaluateDetectors )
        overlapThreshold = 1.f - 0.4f;

        // remove key points from outside of the common image part
        Size sz1 = img1.size(), sz2 = img2.size();
        filterEllipticKeyPointsByImageSize( keypoints1, sz1 );
        filterEllipticKeyPointsByImageSize( keypoints1t, sz2 );
        filterEllipticKeyPointsByImageSize( keypoints2, sz2 );
        filterEllipticKeyPointsByImageSize( keypoints2t, sz1 );
        overlapThreshold = 1.f - 0.5f;

        thresholdedOverlapMask->create( (int)keypoints1.size(), (int)keypoints2t.size(), CV_8UC1 );
        thresholdedOverlapMask->setTo( Scalar::all(0) );
    size_t size1 = keypoints1.size(), size2 = keypoints2t.size();
    size_t minCount = MIN( size1, size2 );

    // calculate overlap errors
    std::vector<SIdx> overlaps;
    computeOneToOneMatchedOverlaps( keypoints1, keypoints2t, ifEvaluateDetectors, overlaps, overlapThreshold/*min overlap*/ );

    correspondencesCount = -1;
    repeatability = -1.f;
    if( overlaps.empty() )

    if( ifEvaluateDetectors )
        // regions one-to-one matching
        correspondencesCount = (int)overlaps.size();
        repeatability = minCount ? (float)correspondencesCount / minCount : -1;
        for( size_t i = 0; i < overlaps.size(); i++ )
            int y = overlaps[i].i1;
            int x = overlaps[i].i2;
            thresholdedOverlapMask->at<uchar>(y,x) = 1;

void cv::evaluateFeatureDetector( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2, const Mat& H1to2,
                              std::vector<KeyPoint>* _keypoints1, std::vector<KeyPoint>* _keypoints2,
                              float& repeatability, int& correspCount,
                              const Ptr<FeatureDetector>& _fdetector )
    Ptr<FeatureDetector> fdetector(_fdetector);
    std::vector<KeyPoint> *keypoints1, *keypoints2, buf1, buf2;
    keypoints1 = _keypoints1 != 0 ? _keypoints1 : &buf1;
    keypoints2 = _keypoints2 != 0 ? _keypoints2 : &buf2;

    if( (keypoints1->empty() || keypoints2->empty()) && !fdetector )
        CV_Error( Error::StsBadArg, "fdetector must not be empty when keypoints1 or keypoints2 is empty" );

    if( keypoints1->empty() )
        fdetector->detect( img1, *keypoints1 );
    if( keypoints2->empty() )
        fdetector->detect( img2, *keypoints2 );

    calculateRepeatability( img1, img2, H1to2, *keypoints1, *keypoints2, repeatability, correspCount );

struct DMatchForEvaluation : public DMatch
    uchar isCorrect;
    DMatchForEvaluation( const DMatch &dm ) : DMatch( dm ) {}

static inline float recall( int correctMatchCount, int correspondenceCount )
    return correspondenceCount ? (float)correctMatchCount / (float)correspondenceCount : -1;

static inline float precision( int correctMatchCount, int falseMatchCount )
    return correctMatchCount + falseMatchCount ? (float)correctMatchCount / (float)(correctMatchCount + falseMatchCount) : -1;

void cv::computeRecallPrecisionCurve( const std::vector<std::vector<DMatch> >& matches1to2,
                                      const std::vector<std::vector<uchar> >& correctMatches1to2Mask,
                                      std::vector<Point2f>& recallPrecisionCurve )
    CV_Assert( matches1to2.size() == correctMatches1to2Mask.size() );

    std::vector<DMatchForEvaluation> allMatches;
    int correspondenceCount = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < matches1to2.size(); i++ )
        for( size_t j = 0; j < matches1to2[i].size(); j++ )
            DMatchForEvaluation match = matches1to2[i][j];
            match.isCorrect = correctMatches1to2Mask[i][j] ;
            allMatches.push_back( match );
            correspondenceCount += match.isCorrect != 0 ? 1 : 0;

    std::sort( allMatches.begin(), allMatches.end() );

    int correctMatchCount = 0, falseMatchCount = 0;
    recallPrecisionCurve.resize( allMatches.size() );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < allMatches.size(); i++ )
        if( allMatches[i].isCorrect )

        float r = recall( correctMatchCount, correspondenceCount );
        float p =  precision( correctMatchCount, falseMatchCount );
        recallPrecisionCurve[i] = Point2f(1-p, r);

float cv::getRecall( const std::vector<Point2f>& recallPrecisionCurve, float l_precision )
    int nearestPointIndex = getNearestPoint( recallPrecisionCurve, l_precision );

    float recall = -1.f;

    if( nearestPointIndex >= 0 )
        recall = recallPrecisionCurve[nearestPointIndex].y;

    return recall;

int cv::getNearestPoint( const std::vector<Point2f>& recallPrecisionCurve, float l_precision )
    int nearestPointIndex = -1;

    if( l_precision >= 0 && l_precision <= 1 )
        float minDiff = FLT_MAX;
        for( size_t i = 0; i < recallPrecisionCurve.size(); i++ )
            float curDiff = std::fabs(l_precision - recallPrecisionCurve[i].x);
            if( curDiff <= minDiff )
                nearestPointIndex = (int)i;
                minDiff = curDiff;

    return nearestPointIndex;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */