
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. nextEdge
  2. rotateEdge
  3. symEdge
  4. getEdge
  5. edgeOrg
  6. edgeDst
  7. getVertex
  8. isfree
  9. isvirtual
  10. isfree
  11. splice
  12. setEdgePoints
  13. connectEdges
  14. swapEdges
  15. triangleArea
  16. isRightOf
  17. newEdge
  18. deleteEdge
  19. newPoint
  20. deletePoint
  21. locate
  22. isPtInCircle3
  23. insert
  24. insert
  25. initDelaunay
  26. clearVoronoi
  27. computeVoronoiPoint
  28. calcVoronoi
  29. isRightOf2
  30. findNearest
  31. getEdgeList
  32. getTriangleList
  33. getVoronoiFacetList
  34. checkSubdiv

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#include "precomp.hpp"

namespace cv

int Subdiv2D::nextEdge(int edge) const
    CV_DbgAssert((size_t)(edge >> 2) < qedges.size());
    return qedges[edge >> 2].next[edge & 3];

int Subdiv2D::rotateEdge(int edge, int rotate) const
    return (edge & ~3) + ((edge + rotate) & 3);

int Subdiv2D::symEdge(int edge) const
    return edge ^ 2;

int Subdiv2D::getEdge(int edge, int nextEdgeType) const
    CV_DbgAssert((size_t)(edge >> 2) < qedges.size());
    edge = qedges[edge >> 2].next[(edge + nextEdgeType) & 3];
    return (edge & ~3) + ((edge + (nextEdgeType >> 4)) & 3);

int Subdiv2D::edgeOrg(int edge, CV_OUT Point2f* orgpt) const
    CV_DbgAssert((size_t)(edge >> 2) < qedges.size());
    int vidx = qedges[edge >> 2].pt[edge & 3];
    if( orgpt )
        CV_DbgAssert((size_t)vidx < vtx.size());
        *orgpt = vtx[vidx].pt;
    return vidx;

int Subdiv2D::edgeDst(int edge, CV_OUT Point2f* dstpt) const
    CV_DbgAssert((size_t)(edge >> 2) < qedges.size());
    int vidx = qedges[edge >> 2].pt[(edge + 2) & 3];
    if( dstpt )
        CV_DbgAssert((size_t)vidx < vtx.size());
        *dstpt = vtx[vidx].pt;
    return vidx;

Point2f Subdiv2D::getVertex(int vertex, CV_OUT int* firstEdge) const
    CV_DbgAssert((size_t)vertex < vtx.size());
    if( firstEdge )
        *firstEdge = vtx[vertex].firstEdge;
    return vtx[vertex].pt;

    validGeometry = false;
    freeQEdge = 0;
    freePoint = 0;
    recentEdge = 0;

Subdiv2D::Subdiv2D(Rect rect)
    validGeometry = false;
    freeQEdge = 0;
    freePoint = 0;
    recentEdge = 0;


    next[0] = next[1] = next[2] = next[3] = 0;
    pt[0] = pt[1] = pt[2] = pt[3] = 0;

Subdiv2D::QuadEdge::QuadEdge(int edgeidx)
    CV_DbgAssert((edgeidx & 3) == 0);
    next[0] = edgeidx;
    next[1] = edgeidx+3;
    next[2] = edgeidx+2;
    next[3] = edgeidx+1;

    pt[0] = pt[1] = pt[2] = pt[3] = 0;

bool Subdiv2D::QuadEdge::isfree() const
    return next[0] <= 0;

    firstEdge = 0;
    type = -1;

Subdiv2D::Vertex::Vertex(Point2f _pt, bool _isvirtual, int _firstEdge)
    firstEdge = _firstEdge;
    type = (int)_isvirtual;
    pt = _pt;

bool Subdiv2D::Vertex::isvirtual() const
    return type > 0;

bool Subdiv2D::Vertex::isfree() const
    return type < 0;

void Subdiv2D::splice( int edgeA, int edgeB )
    int& a_next = qedges[edgeA >> 2].next[edgeA & 3];
    int& b_next = qedges[edgeB >> 2].next[edgeB & 3];
    int a_rot = rotateEdge(a_next, 1);
    int b_rot = rotateEdge(b_next, 1);
    int& a_rot_next = qedges[a_rot >> 2].next[a_rot & 3];
    int& b_rot_next = qedges[b_rot >> 2].next[b_rot & 3];
    std::swap(a_next, b_next);
    std::swap(a_rot_next, b_rot_next);

void Subdiv2D::setEdgePoints(int edge, int orgPt, int dstPt)
    qedges[edge >> 2].pt[edge & 3] = orgPt;
    qedges[edge >> 2].pt[(edge + 2) & 3] = dstPt;
    vtx[orgPt].firstEdge = edge;
    vtx[dstPt].firstEdge = edge ^ 2;

int Subdiv2D::connectEdges( int edgeA, int edgeB )
    int edge = newEdge();

    splice(edge, getEdge(edgeA, NEXT_AROUND_LEFT));
    splice(symEdge(edge), edgeB);

    setEdgePoints(edge, edgeDst(edgeA), edgeOrg(edgeB));
    return edge;

void Subdiv2D::swapEdges( int edge )
    int sedge = symEdge(edge);
    int a = getEdge(edge, PREV_AROUND_ORG);
    int b = getEdge(sedge, PREV_AROUND_ORG);

    splice(edge, a);
    splice(sedge, b);

    setEdgePoints(edge, edgeDst(a), edgeDst(b));

    splice(edge, getEdge(a, NEXT_AROUND_LEFT));
    splice(sedge, getEdge(b, NEXT_AROUND_LEFT));

static double triangleArea( Point2f a, Point2f b, Point2f c )
    return ((double)b.x - a.x) * ((double)c.y - a.y) - ((double)b.y - a.y) * ((double)c.x - a.x);

int Subdiv2D::isRightOf(Point2f pt, int edge) const
    Point2f org, dst;
    edgeOrg(edge, &org);
    edgeDst(edge, &dst);
    double cw_area = triangleArea( pt, dst, org );

    return (cw_area > 0) - (cw_area < 0);

int Subdiv2D::newEdge()
    if( freeQEdge <= 0 )
        freeQEdge = (int)(qedges.size()-1);
    int edge = freeQEdge*4;
    freeQEdge = qedges[edge >> 2].next[1];
    qedges[edge >> 2] = QuadEdge(edge);
    return edge;

void Subdiv2D::deleteEdge(int edge)
    CV_DbgAssert((size_t)(edge >> 2) < (size_t)qedges.size());
    splice( edge, getEdge(edge, PREV_AROUND_ORG) );
    int sedge = symEdge(edge);
    splice(sedge, getEdge(sedge, PREV_AROUND_ORG) );

    edge >>= 2;
    qedges[edge].next[0] = 0;
    qedges[edge].next[1] = freeQEdge;
    freeQEdge = edge;

int Subdiv2D::newPoint(Point2f pt, bool isvirtual, int firstEdge)
    if( freePoint == 0 )
        freePoint = (int)(vtx.size()-1);
    int vidx = freePoint;
    freePoint = vtx[vidx].firstEdge;
    vtx[vidx] = Vertex(pt, isvirtual, firstEdge);

    return vidx;

void Subdiv2D::deletePoint(int vidx)
    CV_DbgAssert( (size_t)vidx < vtx.size() );
    vtx[vidx].firstEdge = freePoint;
    vtx[vidx].type = -1;
    freePoint = vidx;

int Subdiv2D::locate(Point2f pt, int& _edge, int& _vertex)
    int vertex = 0;

    int i, maxEdges = (int)(qedges.size() * 4);

    if( qedges.size() < (size_t)4 )
        CV_Error( CV_StsError, "Subdivision is empty" );

    if( pt.x < topLeft.x || pt.y < topLeft.y || pt.x >= bottomRight.x || pt.y >= bottomRight.y )
        CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "" );

    int edge = recentEdge;
    CV_Assert(edge > 0);

    int location = PTLOC_ERROR;

    int right_of_curr = isRightOf(pt, edge);
    if( right_of_curr > 0 )
        edge = symEdge(edge);
        right_of_curr = -right_of_curr;

    for( i = 0; i < maxEdges; i++ )
        int onext_edge = nextEdge( edge );
        int dprev_edge = getEdge( edge, PREV_AROUND_DST );

        int right_of_onext = isRightOf( pt, onext_edge );
        int right_of_dprev = isRightOf( pt, dprev_edge );

        if( right_of_dprev > 0 )
            if( right_of_onext > 0 || (right_of_onext == 0 && right_of_curr == 0) )
                location = PTLOC_INSIDE;
                right_of_curr = right_of_onext;
                edge = onext_edge;
            if( right_of_onext > 0 )
                if( right_of_dprev == 0 && right_of_curr == 0 )
                    location = PTLOC_INSIDE;
                    right_of_curr = right_of_dprev;
                    edge = dprev_edge;
            else if( right_of_curr == 0 &&
                    isRightOf( vtx[edgeDst(onext_edge)].pt, edge ) >= 0 )
                edge = symEdge( edge );
                right_of_curr = right_of_onext;
                edge = onext_edge;

    recentEdge = edge;

    if( location == PTLOC_INSIDE )
        Point2f org_pt, dst_pt;
        edgeOrg(edge, &org_pt);
        edgeDst(edge, &dst_pt);

        double t1 = fabs( pt.x - org_pt.x );
        t1 += fabs( pt.y - org_pt.y );
        double t2 = fabs( pt.x - dst_pt.x );
        t2 += fabs( pt.y - dst_pt.y );
        double t3 = fabs( org_pt.x - dst_pt.x );
        t3 += fabs( org_pt.y - dst_pt.y );

        if( t1 < FLT_EPSILON )
            location = PTLOC_VERTEX;
            vertex = edgeOrg( edge );
            edge = 0;
        else if( t2 < FLT_EPSILON )
            location = PTLOC_VERTEX;
            vertex = edgeDst( edge );
            edge = 0;
        else if( (t1 < t3 || t2 < t3) &&
                fabs( triangleArea( pt, org_pt, dst_pt )) < FLT_EPSILON )
            location = PTLOC_ON_EDGE;
            vertex = 0;

    if( location == PTLOC_ERROR )
        edge = 0;
        vertex = 0;

    _edge = edge;
    _vertex = vertex;

    return location;

inline int
isPtInCircle3( Point2f pt, Point2f a, Point2f b, Point2f c)
    const double eps = FLT_EPSILON*0.125;
    double val = ((double)a.x * a.x + (double)a.y * a.y) * triangleArea( b, c, pt );
    val -= ((double)b.x * b.x + (double)b.y * b.y) * triangleArea( a, c, pt );
    val += ((double)c.x * c.x + (double)c.y * c.y) * triangleArea( a, b, pt );
    val -= ((double)pt.x * pt.x + (double)pt.y * pt.y) * triangleArea( a, b, c );

    return val > eps ? 1 : val < -eps ? -1 : 0;

int Subdiv2D::insert(Point2f pt)
    int curr_point = 0, curr_edge = 0, deleted_edge = 0;
    int location = locate( pt, curr_edge, curr_point );

    if( location == PTLOC_ERROR )
        CV_Error( CV_StsBadSize, "" );

    if( location == PTLOC_OUTSIDE_RECT )
        CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "" );

    if( location == PTLOC_VERTEX )
        return curr_point;

    if( location == PTLOC_ON_EDGE )
        deleted_edge = curr_edge;
        recentEdge = curr_edge = getEdge( curr_edge, PREV_AROUND_ORG );
    else if( location == PTLOC_INSIDE )
        CV_Error_(CV_StsError, ("Subdiv2D::locate returned invalid location = %d", location) );

    assert( curr_edge != 0 );
    validGeometry = false;

    curr_point = newPoint(pt, false);
    int base_edge = newEdge();
    int first_point = edgeOrg(curr_edge);
    setEdgePoints(base_edge, first_point, curr_point);
    splice(base_edge, curr_edge);

        base_edge = connectEdges( curr_edge, symEdge(base_edge) );
        curr_edge = getEdge(base_edge, PREV_AROUND_ORG);
    while( edgeDst(curr_edge) != first_point );

    curr_edge = getEdge( base_edge, PREV_AROUND_ORG );

    int i, max_edges = (int)(qedges.size()*4);

    for( i = 0; i < max_edges; i++ )
        int temp_dst = 0, curr_org = 0, curr_dst = 0;
        int temp_edge = getEdge( curr_edge, PREV_AROUND_ORG );

        temp_dst = edgeDst( temp_edge );
        curr_org = edgeOrg( curr_edge );
        curr_dst = edgeDst( curr_edge );

        if( isRightOf( vtx[temp_dst].pt, curr_edge ) > 0 &&
           isPtInCircle3( vtx[curr_org].pt, vtx[temp_dst].pt,
                         vtx[curr_dst].pt, vtx[curr_point].pt ) < 0 )
            swapEdges( curr_edge );
            curr_edge = getEdge( curr_edge, PREV_AROUND_ORG );
        else if( curr_org == first_point )
            curr_edge = getEdge( nextEdge( curr_edge ), PREV_AROUND_LEFT );

    return curr_point;

void Subdiv2D::insert(const std::vector<Point2f>& ptvec)
    for( size_t i = 0; i < ptvec.size(); i++ )

void Subdiv2D::initDelaunay( Rect rect )
    float big_coord = 3.f * MAX( rect.width, rect.height );
    float rx = (float)rect.x;
    float ry = (float)rect.y;


    recentEdge = 0;
    validGeometry = false;

    topLeft = Point2f( rx, ry );
    bottomRight = Point2f( rx + rect.width, ry + rect.height );

    Point2f ppA( rx + big_coord, ry );
    Point2f ppB( rx, ry + big_coord );
    Point2f ppC( rx - big_coord, ry - big_coord );


    freeQEdge = 0;
    freePoint = 0;

    int pA = newPoint(ppA, false);
    int pB = newPoint(ppB, false);
    int pC = newPoint(ppC, false);

    int edge_AB = newEdge();
    int edge_BC = newEdge();
    int edge_CA = newEdge();

    setEdgePoints( edge_AB, pA, pB );
    setEdgePoints( edge_BC, pB, pC );
    setEdgePoints( edge_CA, pC, pA );

    splice( edge_AB, symEdge( edge_CA ));
    splice( edge_BC, symEdge( edge_AB ));
    splice( edge_CA, symEdge( edge_BC ));

    recentEdge = edge_AB;

void Subdiv2D::clearVoronoi()
    size_t i, total = qedges.size();

    for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
        qedges[i].pt[1] = qedges[i].pt[3] = 0;

    total = vtx.size();
    for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
        if( vtx[i].isvirtual() )

    validGeometry = false;

static Point2f computeVoronoiPoint(Point2f org0, Point2f dst0, Point2f org1, Point2f dst1)
    double a0 = dst0.x - org0.x;
    double b0 = dst0.y - org0.y;
    double c0 = -0.5*(a0 * (dst0.x + org0.x) + b0 * (dst0.y + org0.y));

    double a1 = dst1.x - org1.x;
    double b1 = dst1.y - org1.y;
    double c1 = -0.5*(a1 * (dst1.x + org1.x) + b1 * (dst1.y + org1.y));

    double det = a0 * b1 - a1 * b0;

    if( det != 0 )
        det = 1. / det;
        return Point2f((float) ((b0 * c1 - b1 * c0) * det),
                       (float) ((a1 * c0 - a0 * c1) * det));

    return Point2f(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);

void Subdiv2D::calcVoronoi()
    // check if it is already calculated
    if( validGeometry )

    int i, total = (int)qedges.size();

    // loop through all quad-edges, except for the first 3 (#1, #2, #3 - 0 is reserved for "NULL" pointer)
    for( i = 4; i < total; i++ )
        QuadEdge& quadedge = qedges[i];

        if( quadedge.isfree() )

        int edge0 = (int)(i*4);
        Point2f org0, dst0, org1, dst1;

        if( ![3] )
            int edge1 = getEdge( edge0, NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
            int edge2 = getEdge( edge1, NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );

            edgeOrg(edge0, &org0);
            edgeDst(edge0, &dst0);
            edgeOrg(edge1, &org1);
            edgeDst(edge1, &dst1);

            Point2f virt_point = computeVoronoiPoint(org0, dst0, org1, dst1);

            if( fabs( virt_point.x ) < FLT_MAX * 0.5 &&
               fabs( virt_point.y ) < FLT_MAX * 0.5 )
      [3] = qedges[edge1 >> 2].pt[3 - (edge1 & 2)] =
                qedges[edge2 >> 2].pt[3 - (edge2 & 2)] = newPoint(virt_point, true);

        if( ![1] )
            int edge1 = getEdge( edge0, NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT );
            int edge2 = getEdge( edge1, NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT );

            edgeOrg(edge0, &org0);
            edgeDst(edge0, &dst0);
            edgeOrg(edge1, &org1);
            edgeDst(edge1, &dst1);

            Point2f virt_point = computeVoronoiPoint(org0, dst0, org1, dst1);

            if( fabs( virt_point.x ) < FLT_MAX * 0.5 &&
               fabs( virt_point.y ) < FLT_MAX * 0.5 )
      [1] = qedges[edge1 >> 2].pt[1 + (edge1 & 2)] =
                qedges[edge2 >> 2].pt[1 + (edge2 & 2)] = newPoint(virt_point, true);

    validGeometry = true;

static int
isRightOf2( const Point2f& pt, const Point2f& org, const Point2f& diff )
    double cw_area = ((double)org.x - pt.x)*diff.y - ((double)org.y - pt.y)*diff.x;
    return (cw_area > 0) - (cw_area < 0);

int Subdiv2D::findNearest(Point2f pt, Point2f* nearestPt)
    if( !validGeometry )

    int vertex = 0, edge = 0;
    int loc = locate( pt, edge, vertex );

    if( loc != PTLOC_ON_EDGE && loc != PTLOC_INSIDE )
        return vertex;

    vertex = 0;

    Point2f start;
    edgeOrg(edge, &start);
    Point2f diff = pt - start;

    edge = rotateEdge(edge, 1);

    int i, total = (int)vtx.size();

    for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
        Point2f t;

            CV_Assert( edgeDst(edge, &t) > 0 );
            if( isRightOf2( t, start, diff ) >= 0 )

            edge = getEdge( edge, NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );

            CV_Assert( edgeOrg( edge, &t ) > 0 );

            if( isRightOf2( t, start, diff ) < 0 )

            edge = getEdge( edge, PREV_AROUND_LEFT );

        Point2f tempDiff;
        edgeDst(edge, &tempDiff);
        edgeOrg(edge, &t);
        tempDiff -= t;

        if( isRightOf2( pt, t, tempDiff ) >= 0 )
            vertex = edgeOrg(rotateEdge( edge, 3 ));

        edge = symEdge( edge );

    if( nearestPt && vertex > 0 )
        *nearestPt = vtx[vertex].pt;

    return vertex;

void Subdiv2D::getEdgeList(std::vector<Vec4f>& edgeList) const

    for( size_t i = 4; i < qedges.size(); i++ )
        if( qedges[i].isfree() )
        if( qedges[i].pt[0] > 0 && qedges[i].pt[2] > 0 )
            Point2f org = vtx[qedges[i].pt[0]].pt;
            Point2f dst = vtx[qedges[i].pt[2]].pt;
            edgeList.push_back(Vec4f(org.x, org.y, dst.x, dst.y));

void Subdiv2D::getTriangleList(std::vector<Vec6f>& triangleList) const
    int i, total = (int)(qedges.size()*4);
    std::vector<bool> edgemask(total, false);

    for( i = 4; i < total; i += 2 )
        if( edgemask[i] )
        Point2f a, b, c;
        int edge = i;
        edgeOrg(edge, &a);
        edgemask[edge] = true;
        edge = getEdge(edge, NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
        edgeOrg(edge, &b);
        edgemask[edge] = true;
        edge = getEdge(edge, NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
        edgeOrg(edge, &c);
        edgemask[edge] = true;
        triangleList.push_back(Vec6f(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y));

void Subdiv2D::getVoronoiFacetList(const std::vector<int>& idx,
                                   CV_OUT std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> >& facetList,
                                   CV_OUT std::vector<Point2f>& facetCenters)

    std::vector<Point2f> buf;

    size_t i, total;
    if( idx.empty() )
        i = 4, total = vtx.size();
        i = 0, total = idx.size();

    for( ; i < total; i++ )
        int k = idx.empty() ? (int)i : idx[i];

        if( vtx[k].isfree() || vtx[k].isvirtual() )
        int edge = rotateEdge(vtx[k].firstEdge, 1), t = edge;

        // gather points
            t = getEdge( t, NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
        while( t != edge );


void Subdiv2D::checkSubdiv() const
    int i, j, total = (int)qedges.size();

    for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
        const QuadEdge& qe = qedges[i];

        if( qe.isfree() )

        for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
            int e = (int)(i*4 + j);
            int o_next = nextEdge(e);
            int o_prev = getEdge(e, PREV_AROUND_ORG );
            int d_prev = getEdge(e, PREV_AROUND_DST );
            int d_next = getEdge(e, NEXT_AROUND_DST );

            // check points
            CV_Assert( edgeOrg(e) == edgeOrg(o_next));
            CV_Assert( edgeOrg(e) == edgeOrg(o_prev));
            CV_Assert( edgeDst(e) == edgeDst(d_next));
            CV_Assert( edgeDst(e) == edgeDst(d_prev));

            if( j % 2 == 0 )
                CV_Assert( edgeDst(o_next) == edgeOrg(d_prev));
                CV_Assert( edgeDst(o_prev) == edgeOrg(d_next));
                CV_Assert( getEdge(getEdge(getEdge(e,NEXT_AROUND_LEFT),NEXT_AROUND_LEFT),NEXT_AROUND_LEFT) == e );
                CV_Assert( getEdge(getEdge(getEdge(e,NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT),NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT),NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT) == e);


/* End of file. */

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */