
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. getSubVector
  2. getLayout
  3. getNSamples
  4. getNTrainSamples
  5. getNTestSamples
  6. getNVars
  7. getNAllVars
  8. getSamples
  9. getResponses
  10. getMissing
  11. getVarIdx
  12. getVarType
  13. getResponseType
  14. getTrainSampleIdx
  15. getTestSampleIdx
  16. getSampleWeights
  17. getTrainSampleWeights
  18. getTestSampleWeights
  19. getTrainResponses
  20. getTrainNormCatResponses
  21. getTestResponses
  22. getTestNormCatResponses
  23. getNormCatResponses
  24. getClassLabels
  25. getClassCounters
  26. getCatCount
  27. getCatOfs
  28. getCatMap
  29. getDefaultSubstValues
  30. closeFile
  31. clear
  32. setData
  33. convertMaskToIdx
  34. preprocessCategorical
  35. loadCSV
  36. decodeElem
  37. setVarTypes
  38. setTrainTestSplitRatio
  39. setTrainTestSplit
  40. shuffleTrainTest
  41. getTrainSamples
  42. getValues
  43. getNormCatValues
  44. getSample
  45. loadFromCSV
  46. create

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#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

namespace cv { namespace ml {

static const float MISSED_VAL = TrainData::missingValue();
static const int VAR_MISSED = VAR_ORDERED;

TrainData::~TrainData() {}

Mat TrainData::getSubVector(const Mat& vec, const Mat& idx)
    if( idx.empty() )
        return vec;
    int i, j, n = idx.checkVector(1, CV_32S);
    int type = vec.type();
    CV_Assert( type == CV_32S || type == CV_32F || type == CV_64F );
    int dims = 1, m;

    if( vec.cols == 1 || vec.rows == 1 )
        dims = 1;
        m = vec.cols + vec.rows - 1;
        dims = vec.cols;
        m = vec.rows;

    Mat subvec;

    if( vec.cols == m )
        subvec.create(dims, n, type);
        subvec.create(n, dims, type);
    if( type == CV_32S )
        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            int k =<int>(i);
            CV_Assert( 0 <= k && k < m );
            if( dims == 1 )
      <int>(i) =<int>(k);
                for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
          <int>(i, j) =<int>(k, j);
    else if( type == CV_32F )
        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            int k =<int>(i);
            CV_Assert( 0 <= k && k < m );
            if( dims == 1 )
      <float>(i) =<float>(k);
                for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
          <float>(i, j) =<float>(k, j);
        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            int k =<int>(i);
            CV_Assert( 0 <= k && k < m );
            if( dims == 1 )
      <double>(i) =<double>(k);
                for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
          <double>(i, j) =<double>(k, j);
    return subvec;

class TrainDataImpl : public TrainData
    typedef std::map<String, int> MapType;

        file = 0;

    virtual ~TrainDataImpl() { closeFile(); }

    int getLayout() const { return layout; }
    int getNSamples() const
        return !sampleIdx.empty() ? (int) :
               layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? samples.rows : samples.cols;
    int getNTrainSamples() const
        return !trainSampleIdx.empty() ? (int) : getNSamples();
    int getNTestSamples() const
        return !testSampleIdx.empty() ? (int) : 0;
    int getNVars() const
        return !varIdx.empty() ? (int) : getNAllVars();
    int getNAllVars() const
        return layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? samples.cols : samples.rows;

    Mat getSamples() const { return samples; }
    Mat getResponses() const { return responses; }
    Mat getMissing() const { return missing; }
    Mat getVarIdx() const { return varIdx; }
    Mat getVarType() const { return varType; }
    int getResponseType() const
        return classLabels.empty() ? VAR_ORDERED : VAR_CATEGORICAL;
    Mat getTrainSampleIdx() const { return !trainSampleIdx.empty() ? trainSampleIdx : sampleIdx; }
    Mat getTestSampleIdx() const { return testSampleIdx; }
    Mat getSampleWeights() const
        return sampleWeights;
    Mat getTrainSampleWeights() const
        return getSubVector(sampleWeights, getTrainSampleIdx());
    Mat getTestSampleWeights() const
        Mat idx = getTestSampleIdx();
        return idx.empty() ? Mat() : getSubVector(sampleWeights, idx);
    Mat getTrainResponses() const
        return getSubVector(responses, getTrainSampleIdx());
    Mat getTrainNormCatResponses() const
        return getSubVector(normCatResponses, getTrainSampleIdx());
    Mat getTestResponses() const
        Mat idx = getTestSampleIdx();
        return idx.empty() ? Mat() : getSubVector(responses, idx);
    Mat getTestNormCatResponses() const
        Mat idx = getTestSampleIdx();
        return idx.empty() ? Mat() : getSubVector(normCatResponses, idx);
    Mat getNormCatResponses() const { return normCatResponses; }
    Mat getClassLabels() const { return classLabels; }
    Mat getClassCounters() const { return classCounters; }
    int getCatCount(int vi) const
        int n = (int);
        CV_Assert( 0 <= vi && vi < n );
        Vec2i ofs =<Vec2i>(vi);
        return ofs[1] - ofs[0];

    Mat getCatOfs() const { return catOfs; }
    Mat getCatMap() const { return catMap; }

    Mat getDefaultSubstValues() const { return missingSubst; }

    void closeFile() { if(file) fclose(file); file=0; }
    void clear()
        nameMap = MapType();
        layout = ROW_SAMPLE;

    typedef std::map<int, int> CatMapHash;

    void setData(InputArray _samples, int _layout, InputArray _responses,
                 InputArray _varIdx, InputArray _sampleIdx, InputArray _sampleWeights,
                 InputArray _varType, InputArray _missing)

        CV_Assert(_layout == ROW_SAMPLE || _layout == COL_SAMPLE );
        samples = _samples.getMat();
        layout = _layout;
        responses = _responses.getMat();
        varIdx = _varIdx.getMat();
        sampleIdx = _sampleIdx.getMat();
        sampleWeights = _sampleWeights.getMat();
        varType = _varType.getMat();
        missing = _missing.getMat();

        int nsamples = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? samples.rows : samples.cols;
        int ninputvars = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? samples.cols : samples.rows;
        int i, noutputvars = 0;

        CV_Assert( samples.type() == CV_32F || samples.type() == CV_32S );

        if( !sampleIdx.empty() )
            CV_Assert( (sampleIdx.checkVector(1, CV_32S, true) > 0 &&
                       checkRange(sampleIdx, true, 0, 0, nsamples-1)) ||
                       sampleIdx.checkVector(1, CV_8U, true) == nsamples );
            if( sampleIdx.type() == CV_8U )
                sampleIdx = convertMaskToIdx(sampleIdx);

        if( !sampleWeights.empty() )
            CV_Assert( sampleWeights.checkVector(1, CV_32F, true) == nsamples );
            sampleWeights = Mat::ones(nsamples, 1, CV_32F);

        if( !varIdx.empty() )
            CV_Assert( (varIdx.checkVector(1, CV_32S, true) > 0 &&
                       checkRange(varIdx, true, 0, 0, ninputvars)) ||
                       varIdx.checkVector(1, CV_8U, true) == ninputvars );
            if( varIdx.type() == CV_8U )
                varIdx = convertMaskToIdx(varIdx);
            varIdx = varIdx.clone();
            std::sort(varIdx.ptr<int>(), varIdx.ptr<int>() +;

        if( !responses.empty() )
            CV_Assert( responses.type() == CV_32F || responses.type() == CV_32S );
            if( (responses.cols == 1 || responses.rows == 1) && (int) == nsamples )
                noutputvars = 1;
                CV_Assert( (layout == ROW_SAMPLE && responses.rows == nsamples) ||
                           (layout == COL_SAMPLE && responses.cols == nsamples) );
                noutputvars = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? responses.cols : responses.rows;
            if( !responses.isContinuous() || (layout == COL_SAMPLE && noutputvars > 1) )
                Mat temp;
                transpose(responses, temp);
                responses = temp;

        int nvars = ninputvars + noutputvars;

        if( !varType.empty() )
            CV_Assert( varType.checkVector(1, CV_8U, true) == nvars &&
                       checkRange(varType, true, 0, VAR_ORDERED, VAR_CATEGORICAL+1) );
            varType.create(1, nvars, CV_8U);
            varType = Scalar::all(VAR_ORDERED);
            if( noutputvars == 1 )
      <uchar>(ninputvars) = (uchar)(responses.type() < CV_32F ? VAR_CATEGORICAL : VAR_ORDERED);

        if( noutputvars > 1 )
            for( i = 0; i < noutputvars; i++ )
                CV_Assert(<uchar>(ninputvars + i) == VAR_ORDERED );

        catOfs = Mat::zeros(1, nvars, CV_32SC2);
        missingSubst = Mat::zeros(1, nvars, CV_32F);

        vector<int> labels, counters, sortbuf, tempCatMap;
        vector<Vec2i> tempCatOfs;
        CatMapHash ofshash;

        AutoBuffer<uchar> buf(nsamples);
        Mat non_missing(layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? Size(1, nsamples) : Size(nsamples, 1), CV_8U, (uchar*)buf);
        bool haveMissing = !missing.empty();
        if( haveMissing )
            CV_Assert( missing.size() == samples.size() && missing.type() == CV_8U );

        // we iterate through all the variables. For each categorical variable we build a map
        // in order to convert input values of the variable into normalized values (0..catcount_vi-1)
        // often many categorical variables are similar, so we compress the map - try to re-use
        // maps for different variables if they are identical
        for( i = 0; i < ninputvars; i++ )
            Mat values_i = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? samples.col(i) : samples.row(i);

            if(<uchar>(i) == VAR_CATEGORICAL )
                preprocessCategorical(values_i, 0, labels, 0, sortbuf);
      <float>(i) = -1.f;
                int j, m = (int)labels.size();
                CV_Assert( m > 0 );
                int a = labels.front(), b = labels.back();
                const int* currmap = &labels[0];
                int hashval = ((unsigned)a*127 + (unsigned)b)*127 + m;
                CatMapHash::iterator it = ofshash.find(hashval);
                if( it != ofshash.end() )
                    int vi = it->second;
                    Vec2i ofs0 = tempCatOfs[vi];
                    int m0 = ofs0[1] - ofs0[0];
                    const int* map0 = &tempCatMap[ofs0[0]];
                    if( m0 == m && map0[0] == a && map0[m0-1] == b )
                        for( j = 0; j < m; j++ )
                            if( map0[j] != currmap[j] )
                        if( j == m )
                            // re-use the map
                    ofshash[hashval] = i;
                Vec2i ofs;
                ofs[0] = (int)tempCatMap.size();
                ofs[1] = ofs[0] + m;
                std::copy(labels.begin(), labels.end(), std::back_inserter(tempCatMap));
                tempCatOfs.push_back(Vec2i(0, 0));
                /*Mat missing_i = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? missing.col(i) : missing.row(i);
                compare(missing_i, Scalar::all(0), non_missing, CMP_EQ);
      <float>(i) = (float)(mean(values_i, non_missing)[0]);*/
      <float>(i) = 0.f;

        if( !tempCatOfs.empty() )

        if(<uchar>(ninputvars) == VAR_CATEGORICAL )
            preprocessCategorical(responses, &normCatResponses, labels, &counters, sortbuf);

    Mat convertMaskToIdx(const Mat& mask)
        int i, j, nz = countNonZero(mask), n = mask.cols + mask.rows - 1;
        Mat idx(1, nz, CV_32S);
        for( i = j = 0; i < n; i++ )
            if(<uchar>(i) )
      <int>(j++) = i;
        return idx;

    struct CmpByIdx
        CmpByIdx(const int* _data, int _step) : data(_data), step(_step) {}
        bool operator ()(int i, int j) const { return data[i*step] < data[j*step]; }
        const int* data;
        int step;

    void preprocessCategorical(const Mat& data, Mat* normdata, vector<int>& labels,
                               vector<int>* counters, vector<int>& sortbuf)
        CV_Assert((data.cols == 1 || data.rows == 1) && (data.type() == CV_32S || data.type() == CV_32F));
        int* odata = 0;
        int ostep = 0;

            normdata->create(data.size(), CV_32S);
            odata = normdata->ptr<int>();
            ostep = normdata->isContinuous() ? 1 : (int)normdata->step1();

        int i, n = data.cols + data.rows - 1;
        int* idx = &sortbuf[0];
        int* idata = (int*)data.ptr<int>();
        int istep = data.isContinuous() ? 1 : (int)data.step1();

        if( data.type() == CV_32F )
            idata = idx + n;
            const float* fdata = data.ptr<float>();
            for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                if( fdata[i*istep] == MISSED_VAL )
                    idata[i] = -1;
                    idata[i] = cvRound(fdata[i*istep]);
                    CV_Assert( (float)idata[i] == fdata[i*istep] );
            istep = 1;

        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            idx[i] = i;

        std::sort(idx, idx + n, CmpByIdx(idata, istep));

        int clscount = 1;
        for( i = 1; i < n; i++ )
            clscount += idata[idx[i]*istep] != idata[idx[i-1]*istep];

        int clslabel = -1;
        int prev = ~idata[idx[0]*istep];
        int previdx = 0;


        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            int l = idata[idx[i]*istep];
            if( l != prev )
                labels[clslabel] = l;
                int k = i - previdx;
                if( clslabel > 0 && counters )
                    counters->at(clslabel-1) = k;
                prev = l;
                previdx = i;
                odata[idx[i]*ostep] = clslabel;
            counters->at(clslabel) = i - previdx;

    bool loadCSV(const String& filename, int headerLines,
                 int responseStartIdx, int responseEndIdx,
                 const String& varTypeSpec, char delimiter, char missch)
        const int M = 1000000;
        const char delimiters[3] = { ' ', delimiter, '\0' };
        int nvars = 0;
        bool varTypesSet = false;


        file = fopen( filename.c_str(), "rt" );

        if( !file )
            return false;

        std::vector<char> _buf(M);
        std::vector<float> allresponses;
        std::vector<float> rowvals;
        std::vector<uchar> vtypes, rowtypes;
        bool haveMissed = false;
        char* buf = &_buf[0];

        int i, ridx0 = responseStartIdx, ridx1 = responseEndIdx;
        int ninputvars = 0, noutputvars = 0;

        Mat tempSamples, tempMissing, tempResponses;
        MapType tempNameMap;
        int catCounter = 1;

        // skip header lines
        int lineno = 0;
            if( !fgets(buf, M, file) )
            if(lineno < headerLines )
            // trim trailing spaces
            int idx = (int)strlen(buf)-1;
            while( idx >= 0 && isspace(buf[idx]) )
                buf[idx--] = '\0';
            // skip spaces in the beginning
            char* ptr = buf;
            while( *ptr != '\0' && isspace(*ptr) )
            // skip commented off lines
            if(*ptr == '#')

            char* token = strtok(buf, delimiters);
            if (!token)

                float val=0.f; int tp = 0;
                decodeElem( token, val, tp, missch, tempNameMap, catCounter );
                if( tp == VAR_MISSED )
                    haveMissed = true;
                token = strtok(NULL, delimiters);
                if (!token)

            if( nvars == 0 )
                if( rowvals.empty() )
                    CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "invalid CSV format; no data found");
                nvars = (int)rowvals.size();
                if( !varTypeSpec.empty() && varTypeSpec.size() > 0 )
                    setVarTypes(varTypeSpec, nvars, vtypes);
                    varTypesSet = true;
                    vtypes = rowtypes;

                ridx0 = ridx0 >= 0 ? ridx0 : ridx0 == -1 ? nvars - 1 : -1;
                ridx1 = ridx1 >= 0 ? ridx1 : ridx0 >= 0 ? ridx0+1 : -1;
                CV_Assert(ridx1 > ridx0);
                noutputvars = ridx0 >= 0 ? ridx1 - ridx0 : 0;
                ninputvars = nvars - noutputvars;
                CV_Assert( nvars == (int)rowvals.size() );

            // check var types
            for( i = 0; i < nvars; i++ )
                CV_Assert( (!varTypesSet && vtypes[i] == rowtypes[i]) ||
                           (varTypesSet && (vtypes[i] == rowtypes[i] || rowtypes[i] == VAR_ORDERED)) );

            if( ridx0 >= 0 )
                for( i = ridx1; i < nvars; i++ )
                    std::swap(rowvals[i], rowvals[i-noutputvars]);
                for( i = ninputvars; i < nvars; i++ )
            Mat rmat(1, ninputvars, CV_32F, &rowvals[0]);


        int nsamples = tempSamples.rows;
        if( nsamples == 0 )
            return false;

        if( haveMissed )
            compare(tempSamples, MISSED_VAL, tempMissing, CMP_EQ);

        if( ridx0 >= 0 )
            for( i = ridx1; i < nvars; i++ )
                std::swap(vtypes[i], vtypes[i-noutputvars]);
            if( noutputvars > 1 )
                for( i = ninputvars; i < nvars; i++ )
                    if( vtypes[i] == VAR_CATEGORICAL )
                                 "If responses are vector values, not scalars, they must be marked as ordered responses");

        if( !varTypesSet && noutputvars == 1 && vtypes[ninputvars] == VAR_ORDERED )
            for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ )
                if( allresponses[i] != cvRound(allresponses[i]) )
            if( i == nsamples )
                vtypes[ninputvars] = VAR_CATEGORICAL;

        Mat(nsamples, noutputvars, CV_32F, &allresponses[0]).copyTo(tempResponses);
        setData(tempSamples, ROW_SAMPLE, tempResponses, noArray(), noArray(),
                noArray(), Mat(vtypes).clone(), tempMissing);
        bool ok = !samples.empty();
            std::swap(tempNameMap, nameMap);
        return ok;

    void decodeElem( const char* token, float& elem, int& type,
                     char missch, MapType& namemap, int& counter ) const
        char* stopstring = NULL;
        elem = (float)strtod( token, &stopstring );
        if( *stopstring == missch && strlen(stopstring) == 1 ) // missed value
            elem = MISSED_VAL;
            type = VAR_MISSED;
        else if( *stopstring != '\0' )
            MapType::iterator it = namemap.find(token);
            if( it == namemap.end() )
                elem = (float)counter;
                namemap[token] = counter++;
                elem = (float)it->second;
            type = VAR_CATEGORICAL;
            type = VAR_ORDERED;

    void setVarTypes( const String& s, int nvars, std::vector<uchar>& vtypes ) const
        const char* errmsg = "type spec is not correct; it should have format \"cat\", \"ord\" or "
          "\"ord[n1,n2-n3,n4-n5,...]cat[m1-m2,m3,m4-m5,...]\", where n's and m's are 0-based variable indices";
        const char* str = s.c_str();
        int specCounter = 0;


        for( int k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
            const char* ptr = strstr(str, k == 0 ? "ord" : "cat");
            int tp = k == 0 ? VAR_ORDERED : VAR_CATEGORICAL;
            if( ptr ) // parse ord/cat str
                char* stopstring = NULL;

                if( ptr[3] == '\0' )
                    for( int i = 0; i < nvars; i++ )
                        vtypes[i] = (uchar)tp;
                    specCounter = nvars;

                if ( ptr[3] != '[')
                    CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, errmsg );

                ptr += 4; // pass "ord["
                    int b1 = (int)strtod( ptr, &stopstring );
                    if( *stopstring == 0 || (*stopstring != ',' && *stopstring != ']' && *stopstring != '-') )
                        CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, errmsg );
                    ptr = stopstring + 1;
                    if( (stopstring[0] == ',') || (stopstring[0] == ']'))
                        CV_Assert( 0 <= b1 && b1 < nvars );
                        vtypes[b1] = (uchar)tp;
                        if( stopstring[0] == '-')
                            int b2 = (int)strtod( ptr, &stopstring);
                            if ( (*stopstring == 0) || (*stopstring != ',' && *stopstring != ']') )
                                CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, errmsg );
                            ptr = stopstring + 1;
                            CV_Assert( 0 <= b1 && b1 <= b2 && b2 < nvars );
                            for (int i = b1; i <= b2; i++)
                                vtypes[i] = (uchar)tp;
                            specCounter += b2 - b1 + 1;
                            CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, errmsg );

                while(*stopstring != ']');

                if( stopstring[1] != '\0' && stopstring[1] != ',')
                    CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, errmsg );

        if( specCounter != nvars )
            CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "type of some variables is not specified" );

    void setTrainTestSplitRatio(double ratio, bool shuffle)
        CV_Assert( 0. <= ratio && ratio <= 1. );
        setTrainTestSplit(cvRound(getNSamples()*ratio), shuffle);

    void setTrainTestSplit(int count, bool shuffle)
        int i, nsamples = getNSamples();
        CV_Assert( 0 <= count && count < nsamples );


        if( count == 0 )
            trainSampleIdx = sampleIdx;
        else if( count == nsamples )
            testSampleIdx = sampleIdx;
            Mat mask(1, nsamples, CV_8U);
            uchar* mptr = mask.ptr();
            for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ )
                mptr[i] = (uchar)(i < count);
            trainSampleIdx.create(1, count, CV_32S);
            testSampleIdx.create(1, nsamples - count, CV_32S);
            int j0 = 0, j1 = 0;
            const int* sptr = !sampleIdx.empty() ? sampleIdx.ptr<int>() : 0;
            int* trainptr = trainSampleIdx.ptr<int>();
            int* testptr = testSampleIdx.ptr<int>();
            for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ )
                int idx = sptr ? sptr[i] : i;
                if( mptr[i] )
                    trainptr[j0++] = idx;
                    testptr[j1++] = idx;
            if( shuffle )

    void shuffleTrainTest()
        if( !trainSampleIdx.empty() && !testSampleIdx.empty() )
            int i, nsamples = getNSamples(), ntrain = getNTrainSamples(), ntest = getNTestSamples();
            int* trainIdx = trainSampleIdx.ptr<int>();
            int* testIdx = testSampleIdx.ptr<int>();
            RNG& rng = theRNG();

            for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++)
                int a = rng.uniform(0, nsamples);
                int b = rng.uniform(0, nsamples);
                int* ptra = trainIdx;
                int* ptrb = trainIdx;
                if( a >= ntrain )
                    ptra = testIdx;
                    a -= ntrain;
                    CV_Assert( a < ntest );
                if( b >= ntrain )
                    ptrb = testIdx;
                    b -= ntrain;
                    CV_Assert( b < ntest );
                std::swap(ptra[a], ptrb[b]);

    Mat getTrainSamples(int _layout,
                        bool compressSamples,
                        bool compressVars) const
        if( samples.empty() )
            return samples;

        if( (!compressSamples || (trainSampleIdx.empty() && sampleIdx.empty())) &&
            (!compressVars || varIdx.empty()) &&
            layout == _layout )
            return samples;

        int drows = getNTrainSamples(), dcols = getNVars();
        Mat sidx = getTrainSampleIdx(), vidx = getVarIdx();
        const float* src0 = samples.ptr<float>();
        const int* sptr = !sidx.empty() ? sidx.ptr<int>() : 0;
        const int* vptr = !vidx.empty() ? vidx.ptr<int>() : 0;
        size_t sstep0 = samples.step/samples.elemSize();
        size_t sstep = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? sstep0 : 1;
        size_t vstep = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? 1 : sstep0;

        if( _layout == COL_SAMPLE )
            std::swap(drows, dcols);
            std::swap(sptr, vptr);
            std::swap(sstep, vstep);

        Mat dsamples(drows, dcols, CV_32F);

        for( int i = 0; i < drows; i++ )
            const float* src = src0 + (sptr ? sptr[i] : i)*sstep;
            float* dst = dsamples.ptr<float>(i);

            for( int j = 0; j < dcols; j++ )
                dst[j] = src[(vptr ? vptr[j] : j)*vstep];

        return dsamples;

    void getValues( int vi, InputArray _sidx, float* values ) const
        Mat sidx = _sidx.getMat();
        int i, n = sidx.checkVector(1, CV_32S), nsamples = getNSamples();
        CV_Assert( 0 <= vi && vi < getNAllVars() );
        CV_Assert( n >= 0 );
        const int* s = n > 0 ? sidx.ptr<int>() : 0;
        if( n == 0 )
            n = nsamples;

        size_t step = samples.step/samples.elemSize();
        size_t sstep = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? step : 1;
        size_t vstep = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? 1 : step;

        const float* src = samples.ptr<float>() + vi*vstep;
        float subst =<float>(vi);
        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            int j = i;
            if( s )
                j = s[i];
                CV_Assert( 0 <= j && j < nsamples );
            values[i] = src[j*sstep];
            if( values[i] == MISSED_VAL )
                values[i] = subst;

    void getNormCatValues( int vi, InputArray _sidx, int* values ) const
        float* fvalues = (float*)values;
        getValues(vi, _sidx, fvalues);
        int i, n = (int);
        Vec2i ofs =<Vec2i>(vi);
        int m = ofs[1] - ofs[0];

        CV_Assert( m > 0 ); // if m==0, vi is an ordered variable
        const int* cmap = &<int>(ofs[0]);
        bool fastMap = (m == cmap[m - 1] - cmap[0] + 1);

        if( fastMap )
            for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                int val = cvRound(fvalues[i]);
                int idx = val - cmap[0];
                CV_Assert(cmap[idx] == val);
                values[i] = idx;
            for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                int val = cvRound(fvalues[i]);
                int a = 0, b = m, c = -1;

                while( a < b )
                    c = (a + b) >> 1;
                    if( val < cmap[c] )
                        b = c;
                    else if( val > cmap[c] )
                        a = c+1;

                CV_DbgAssert( c >= 0 && val == cmap[c] );
                values[i] = c;

    void getSample(InputArray _vidx, int sidx, float* buf) const
        CV_Assert(buf != 0 && 0 <= sidx && sidx < getNSamples());
        Mat vidx = _vidx.getMat();
        int i, n = vidx.checkVector(1, CV_32S), nvars = getNAllVars();
        CV_Assert( n >= 0 );
        const int* vptr = n > 0 ? vidx.ptr<int>() : 0;
        if( n == 0 )
            n = nvars;

        size_t step = samples.step/samples.elemSize();
        size_t sstep = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? step : 1;
        size_t vstep = layout == ROW_SAMPLE ? 1 : step;

        const float* src = samples.ptr<float>() + sidx*sstep;
        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            int j = i;
            if( vptr )
                j = vptr[i];
                CV_Assert( 0 <= j && j < nvars );
            buf[i] = src[j*vstep];

    FILE* file;
    int layout;
    Mat samples, missing, varType, varIdx, responses, missingSubst;
    Mat sampleIdx, trainSampleIdx, testSampleIdx;
    Mat sampleWeights, catMap, catOfs;
    Mat normCatResponses, classLabels, classCounters;
    MapType nameMap;

Ptr<TrainData> TrainData::loadFromCSV(const String& filename,
                                      int headerLines,
                                      int responseStartIdx,
                                      int responseEndIdx,
                                      const String& varTypeSpec,
                                      char delimiter, char missch)
    Ptr<TrainDataImpl> td = makePtr<TrainDataImpl>();
    if(!td->loadCSV(filename, headerLines, responseStartIdx, responseEndIdx, varTypeSpec, delimiter, missch))
    return td;

Ptr<TrainData> TrainData::create(InputArray samples, int layout, InputArray responses,
                                 InputArray varIdx, InputArray sampleIdx, InputArray sampleWeights,
                                 InputArray varType)
    Ptr<TrainDataImpl> td = makePtr<TrainDataImpl>();
    td->setData(samples, layout, responses, varIdx, sampleIdx, sampleWeights, varType, noArray());
    return td;


/* End of file. */

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