
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ResetStats
  2. CalcSkipProba
  3. FinalizeSkipProba
  4. ResetTokenStats
  5. Record
  6. RecordCoeffs
  7. CalcTokenProba
  8. BranchCost
  9. FinalizeTokenProbas
  10. GetProba
  11. SetSegmentProbas
  12. InitResidual
  13. SetResidualCoeffs
  14. GetResidualCost
  15. VP8GetCostLuma4
  16. VP8GetCostLuma16
  17. VP8GetCostUV
  18. PutCoeffs
  19. CodeResiduals
  20. RecordResiduals
  21. RecordTokens
  22. SetBlock
  23. ResetSSE
  24. StoreSSE
  25. StoreSideInfo
  26. SetLoopParams
  27. OneStatPass
  28. StatLoop
  29. PreLoopInitialize
  30. PostLoopFinalize
  31. ResetAfterSkip
  32. VP8EncLoop
  33. VP8EncTokenLoop
  34. VP8EncTokenLoop

// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   frame coding and analysis
// Author: Skal (

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "./vp8enci.h"
#include "./cost.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {

#define SEGMENT_VISU 0
#define DEBUG_SEARCH 0    // useful to track search convergence

// On-the-fly info about the current set of residuals. Handy to avoid
// passing zillions of params.
typedef struct {
  int first;
  int last;
  const int16_t* coeffs;

  int coeff_type;
  ProbaArray* prob;
  StatsArray* stats;
  CostArray*  cost;
} VP8Residual;

// Tables for level coding

const uint8_t VP8EncBands[16 + 1] = {
  0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7,
  0  // sentinel

const uint8_t VP8Cat3[] = { 173, 148, 140 };
const uint8_t VP8Cat4[] = { 176, 155, 140, 135 };
const uint8_t VP8Cat5[] = { 180, 157, 141, 134, 130 };
const uint8_t VP8Cat6[] =
    { 254, 254, 243, 230, 196, 177, 153, 140, 133, 130, 129 };

// Reset the statistics about: number of skips, token proba, level cost,...

static void ResetStats(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  VP8Proba* const proba = &enc->proba_;
  proba->nb_skip_ = 0;

// Skip decision probability

#define SKIP_PROBA_THRESHOLD 250  // value below which using skip_proba is OK.

static int CalcSkipProba(uint64_t nb, uint64_t total) {
  return (int)(total ? (total - nb) * 255 / total : 255);

// Returns the bit-cost for coding the skip probability.
static int FinalizeSkipProba(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  VP8Proba* const proba = &enc->proba_;
  const int nb_mbs = enc->mb_w_ * enc->mb_h_;
  const int nb_events = proba->nb_skip_;
  int size;
  proba->skip_proba_ = CalcSkipProba(nb_events, nb_mbs);
  proba->use_skip_proba_ = (proba->skip_proba_ < SKIP_PROBA_THRESHOLD);
  size = 256;   // 'use_skip_proba' bit
  if (proba->use_skip_proba_) {
    size +=  nb_events * VP8BitCost(1, proba->skip_proba_)
         + (nb_mbs - nb_events) * VP8BitCost(0, proba->skip_proba_);
    size += 8 * 256;   // cost of signaling the skip_proba_ itself.
  return size;

// Recording of token probabilities.

static void ResetTokenStats(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  VP8Proba* const proba = &enc->proba_;
  memset(proba->stats_, 0, sizeof(proba->stats_));

// Record proba context used
static int Record(int bit, proba_t* const stats) {
  proba_t p = *stats;
  if (p >= 0xffff0000u) {               // an overflow is inbound.
    p = ((p + 1u) >> 1) & 0x7fff7fffu;  // -> divide the stats by 2.
  // record bit count (lower 16 bits) and increment total count (upper 16 bits).
  p += 0x00010000u + bit;
  *stats = p;
  return bit;

// We keep the table free variant around for reference, in case.

// Simulate block coding, but only record statistics.
// Note: no need to record the fixed probas.
static int RecordCoeffs(int ctx, const VP8Residual* const res) {
  int n = res->first;
  // should be stats[VP8EncBands[n]], but it's equivalent for n=0 or 1
  proba_t* s = res->stats[n][ctx];
  if (res->last  < 0) {
    Record(0, s + 0);
    return 0;
  while (n <= res->last) {
    int v;
    Record(1, s + 0);  // order of record doesn't matter
    while ((v = res->coeffs[n++]) == 0) {
      Record(0, s + 1);
      s = res->stats[VP8EncBands[n]][0];
    Record(1, s + 1);
    if (!Record(2u < (unsigned int)(v + 1), s + 2)) {  // v = -1 or 1
      s = res->stats[VP8EncBands[n]][1];
    } else {
      v = abs(v);
#if !defined(USE_LEVEL_CODE_TABLE)
      if (!Record(v > 4, s + 3)) {
        if (Record(v != 2, s + 4))
          Record(v == 4, s + 5);
      } else if (!Record(v > 10, s + 6)) {
        Record(v > 6, s + 7);
      } else if (!Record((v >= 3 + (8 << 2)), s + 8)) {
        Record((v >= 3 + (8 << 1)), s + 9);
      } else {
        Record((v >= 3 + (8 << 3)), s + 10);
      if (v > MAX_VARIABLE_LEVEL)

        const int bits = VP8LevelCodes[v - 1][1];
        int pattern = VP8LevelCodes[v - 1][0];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; (pattern >>= 1) != 0; ++i) {
          const int mask = 2 << i;
          if (pattern & 1) Record(!!(bits & mask), s + 3 + i);
      s = res->stats[VP8EncBands[n]][2];
  if (n < 16) Record(0, s + 0);
  return 1;

// Collect statistics and deduce probabilities for next coding pass.
// Return the total bit-cost for coding the probability updates.
static int CalcTokenProba(int nb, int total) {
  assert(nb <= total);
  return nb ? (255 - nb * 255 / total) : 255;

// Cost of coding 'nb' 1's and 'total-nb' 0's using 'proba' probability.
static int BranchCost(int nb, int total, int proba) {
  return nb * VP8BitCost(1, proba) + (total - nb) * VP8BitCost(0, proba);

static int FinalizeTokenProbas(VP8Proba* const proba) {
  int has_changed = 0;
  int size = 0;
  int t, b, c, p;
  for (t = 0; t < NUM_TYPES; ++t) {
    for (b = 0; b < NUM_BANDS; ++b) {
      for (c = 0; c < NUM_CTX; ++c) {
        for (p = 0; p < NUM_PROBAS; ++p) {
          const proba_t stats = proba->stats_[t][b][c][p];
          const int nb = (stats >> 0) & 0xffff;
          const int total = (stats >> 16) & 0xffff;
          const int update_proba = VP8CoeffsUpdateProba[t][b][c][p];
          const int old_p = VP8CoeffsProba0[t][b][c][p];
          const int new_p = CalcTokenProba(nb, total);
          const int old_cost = BranchCost(nb, total, old_p)
                             + VP8BitCost(0, update_proba);
          const int new_cost = BranchCost(nb, total, new_p)
                             + VP8BitCost(1, update_proba)
                             + 8 * 256;
          const int use_new_p = (old_cost > new_cost);
          size += VP8BitCost(use_new_p, update_proba);
          if (use_new_p) {  // only use proba that seem meaningful enough.
            proba->coeffs_[t][b][c][p] = new_p;
            has_changed |= (new_p != old_p);
            size += 8 * 256;
          } else {
            proba->coeffs_[t][b][c][p] = old_p;
  proba->dirty_ = has_changed;
  return size;

// Finalize Segment probability based on the coding tree

static int GetProba(int a, int b) {
  const int total = a + b;
  return (total == 0) ? 255     // that's the default probability.
                      : (255 * a + total / 2) / total;  // rounded proba

static void SetSegmentProbas(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  int p[NUM_MB_SEGMENTS] = { 0 };
  int n;

  for (n = 0; n < enc->mb_w_ * enc->mb_h_; ++n) {
    const VP8MBInfo* const mb = &enc->mb_info_[n];
  if (enc->pic_->stats != NULL) {
    for (n = 0; n < NUM_MB_SEGMENTS; ++n) {
      enc->pic_->stats->segment_size[n] = p[n];
  if (enc->segment_hdr_.num_segments_ > 1) {
    uint8_t* const probas = enc->proba_.segments_;
    probas[0] = GetProba(p[0] + p[1], p[2] + p[3]);
    probas[1] = GetProba(p[0], p[1]);
    probas[2] = GetProba(p[2], p[3]);

    enc->segment_hdr_.update_map_ =
        (probas[0] != 255) || (probas[1] != 255) || (probas[2] != 255);
    enc->segment_hdr_.size_ =
        p[0] * (VP8BitCost(0, probas[0]) + VP8BitCost(0, probas[1])) +
        p[1] * (VP8BitCost(0, probas[0]) + VP8BitCost(1, probas[1])) +
        p[2] * (VP8BitCost(1, probas[0]) + VP8BitCost(0, probas[2])) +
        p[3] * (VP8BitCost(1, probas[0]) + VP8BitCost(1, probas[2]));
  } else {
    enc->segment_hdr_.update_map_ = 0;
    enc->segment_hdr_.size_ = 0;

// helper functions for residuals struct VP8Residual.

static void InitResidual(int first, int coeff_type,
                         VP8Encoder* const enc, VP8Residual* const res) {
  res->coeff_type = coeff_type;
  res->prob  = enc->proba_.coeffs_[coeff_type];
  res->stats = enc->proba_.stats_[coeff_type];
  res->cost  = enc->proba_.level_cost_[coeff_type];
  res->first = first;

static void SetResidualCoeffs(const int16_t* const coeffs,
                              VP8Residual* const res) {
  int n;
  res->last = -1;
  for (n = 15; n >= res->first; --n) {
    if (coeffs[n]) {
      res->last = n;
  res->coeffs = coeffs;

// Mode costs

static int GetResidualCost(int ctx0, const VP8Residual* const res) {
  int n = res->first;
  // should be prob[VP8EncBands[n]], but it's equivalent for n=0 or 1
  int p0 = res->prob[n][ctx0][0];
  const uint16_t* t = res->cost[n][ctx0];
  int cost;

  if (res->last < 0) {
    return VP8BitCost(0, p0);
  cost = 0;
  while (n < res->last) {
    int v = res->coeffs[n];
    const int b = VP8EncBands[n + 1];
    if (v == 0) {
      // short-case for VP8LevelCost(t, 0) (note: VP8LevelFixedCosts[0] == 0):
      cost += t[0];
      t = res->cost[b][0];
    v = abs(v);
    cost += VP8BitCost(1, p0);
    cost += VP8LevelCost(t, v);
      const int ctx = (v == 1) ? 1 : 2;
      p0 = res->prob[b][ctx][0];
      t = res->cost[b][ctx];
  // Last coefficient is always non-zero
    const int v = abs(res->coeffs[n]);
    assert(v != 0);
    cost += VP8BitCost(1, p0);
    cost += VP8LevelCost(t, v);
    if (n < 15) {
      const int b = VP8EncBands[n + 1];
      const int ctx = (v == 1) ? 1 : 2;
      const int last_p0 = res->prob[b][ctx][0];
      cost += VP8BitCost(0, last_p0);
  return cost;

int VP8GetCostLuma4(VP8EncIterator* const it, const int16_t levels[16]) {
  const int x = (it->i4_ & 3), y = (it->i4_ >> 2);
  VP8Residual res;
  VP8Encoder* const enc = it->enc_;
  int R = 0;
  int ctx;

  InitResidual(0, 3, enc, &res);
  ctx = it->top_nz_[x] + it->left_nz_[y];
  SetResidualCoeffs(levels, &res);
  R += GetResidualCost(ctx, &res);
  return R;

int VP8GetCostLuma16(VP8EncIterator* const it, const VP8ModeScore* const rd) {
  VP8Residual res;
  VP8Encoder* const enc = it->enc_;
  int x, y;
  int R = 0;

  VP8IteratorNzToBytes(it);   // re-import the non-zero context

  // DC
  InitResidual(0, 1, enc, &res);
  SetResidualCoeffs(rd->y_dc_levels, &res);
  R += GetResidualCost(it->top_nz_[8] + it->left_nz_[8], &res);

  // AC
  InitResidual(1, 0, enc, &res);
  for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
    for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
      const int ctx = it->top_nz_[x] + it->left_nz_[y];
      SetResidualCoeffs(rd->y_ac_levels[x + y * 4], &res);
      R += GetResidualCost(ctx, &res);
      it->top_nz_[x] = it->left_nz_[y] = (res.last >= 0);
  return R;

int VP8GetCostUV(VP8EncIterator* const it, const VP8ModeScore* const rd) {
  VP8Residual res;
  VP8Encoder* const enc = it->enc_;
  int ch, x, y;
  int R = 0;

  VP8IteratorNzToBytes(it);  // re-import the non-zero context

  InitResidual(0, 2, enc, &res);
  for (ch = 0; ch <= 2; ch += 2) {
    for (y = 0; y < 2; ++y) {
      for (x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
        const int ctx = it->top_nz_[4 + ch + x] + it->left_nz_[4 + ch + y];
        SetResidualCoeffs(rd->uv_levels[ch * 2 + x + y * 2], &res);
        R += GetResidualCost(ctx, &res);
        it->top_nz_[4 + ch + x] = it->left_nz_[4 + ch + y] = (res.last >= 0);
  return R;

// Coefficient coding

static int PutCoeffs(VP8BitWriter* const bw, int ctx, const VP8Residual* res) {
  int n = res->first;
  // should be prob[VP8EncBands[n]], but it's equivalent for n=0 or 1
  const uint8_t* p = res->prob[n][ctx];
  if (!VP8PutBit(bw, res->last >= 0, p[0])) {
    return 0;

  while (n < 16) {
    const int c = res->coeffs[n++];
    const int sign = c < 0;
    int v = sign ? -c : c;
    if (!VP8PutBit(bw, v != 0, p[1])) {
      p = res->prob[VP8EncBands[n]][0];
    if (!VP8PutBit(bw, v > 1, p[2])) {
      p = res->prob[VP8EncBands[n]][1];
    } else {
      if (!VP8PutBit(bw, v > 4, p[3])) {
        if (VP8PutBit(bw, v != 2, p[4]))
          VP8PutBit(bw, v == 4, p[5]);
      } else if (!VP8PutBit(bw, v > 10, p[6])) {
        if (!VP8PutBit(bw, v > 6, p[7])) {
          VP8PutBit(bw, v == 6, 159);
        } else {
          VP8PutBit(bw, v >= 9, 165);
          VP8PutBit(bw, !(v & 1), 145);
      } else {
        int mask;
        const uint8_t* tab;
        if (v < 3 + (8 << 1)) {          // VP8Cat3  (3b)
          VP8PutBit(bw, 0, p[8]);
          VP8PutBit(bw, 0, p[9]);
          v -= 3 + (8 << 0);
          mask = 1 << 2;
          tab = VP8Cat3;
        } else if (v < 3 + (8 << 2)) {   // VP8Cat4  (4b)
          VP8PutBit(bw, 0, p[8]);
          VP8PutBit(bw, 1, p[9]);
          v -= 3 + (8 << 1);
          mask = 1 << 3;
          tab = VP8Cat4;
        } else if (v < 3 + (8 << 3)) {   // VP8Cat5  (5b)
          VP8PutBit(bw, 1, p[8]);
          VP8PutBit(bw, 0, p[10]);
          v -= 3 + (8 << 2);
          mask = 1 << 4;
          tab = VP8Cat5;
        } else {                         // VP8Cat6 (11b)
          VP8PutBit(bw, 1, p[8]);
          VP8PutBit(bw, 1, p[10]);
          v -= 3 + (8 << 3);
          mask = 1 << 10;
          tab = VP8Cat6;
        while (mask) {
          VP8PutBit(bw, !!(v & mask), *tab++);
          mask >>= 1;
      p = res->prob[VP8EncBands[n]][2];
    VP8PutBitUniform(bw, sign);
    if (n == 16 || !VP8PutBit(bw, n <= res->last, p[0])) {
      return 1;   // EOB
  return 1;

static void CodeResiduals(VP8BitWriter* const bw, VP8EncIterator* const it,
                          const VP8ModeScore* const rd) {
  int x, y, ch;
  VP8Residual res;
  uint64_t pos1, pos2, pos3;
  const int i16 = (it->mb_->type_ == 1);
  const int segment = it->mb_->segment_;
  VP8Encoder* const enc = it->enc_;


  pos1 = VP8BitWriterPos(bw);
  if (i16) {
    InitResidual(0, 1, enc, &res);
    SetResidualCoeffs(rd->y_dc_levels, &res);
    it->top_nz_[8] = it->left_nz_[8] =
      PutCoeffs(bw, it->top_nz_[8] + it->left_nz_[8], &res);
    InitResidual(1, 0, enc, &res);
  } else {
    InitResidual(0, 3, enc, &res);

  // luma-AC
  for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
    for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
      const int ctx = it->top_nz_[x] + it->left_nz_[y];
      SetResidualCoeffs(rd->y_ac_levels[x + y * 4], &res);
      it->top_nz_[x] = it->left_nz_[y] = PutCoeffs(bw, ctx, &res);
  pos2 = VP8BitWriterPos(bw);

  // U/V
  InitResidual(0, 2, enc, &res);
  for (ch = 0; ch <= 2; ch += 2) {
    for (y = 0; y < 2; ++y) {
      for (x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
        const int ctx = it->top_nz_[4 + ch + x] + it->left_nz_[4 + ch + y];
        SetResidualCoeffs(rd->uv_levels[ch * 2 + x + y * 2], &res);
        it->top_nz_[4 + ch + x] = it->left_nz_[4 + ch + y] =
            PutCoeffs(bw, ctx, &res);
  pos3 = VP8BitWriterPos(bw);
  it->luma_bits_ = pos2 - pos1;
  it->uv_bits_ = pos3 - pos2;
  it->bit_count_[segment][i16] += it->luma_bits_;
  it->bit_count_[segment][2] += it->uv_bits_;

// Same as CodeResiduals, but doesn't actually write anything.
// Instead, it just records the event distribution.
static void RecordResiduals(VP8EncIterator* const it,
                            const VP8ModeScore* const rd) {
  int x, y, ch;
  VP8Residual res;
  VP8Encoder* const enc = it->enc_;


  if (it->mb_->type_ == 1) {   // i16x16
    InitResidual(0, 1, enc, &res);
    SetResidualCoeffs(rd->y_dc_levels, &res);
    it->top_nz_[8] = it->left_nz_[8] =
      RecordCoeffs(it->top_nz_[8] + it->left_nz_[8], &res);
    InitResidual(1, 0, enc, &res);
  } else {
    InitResidual(0, 3, enc, &res);

  // luma-AC
  for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
    for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
      const int ctx = it->top_nz_[x] + it->left_nz_[y];
      SetResidualCoeffs(rd->y_ac_levels[x + y * 4], &res);
      it->top_nz_[x] = it->left_nz_[y] = RecordCoeffs(ctx, &res);

  // U/V
  InitResidual(0, 2, enc, &res);
  for (ch = 0; ch <= 2; ch += 2) {
    for (y = 0; y < 2; ++y) {
      for (x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
        const int ctx = it->top_nz_[4 + ch + x] + it->left_nz_[4 + ch + y];
        SetResidualCoeffs(rd->uv_levels[ch * 2 + x + y * 2], &res);
        it->top_nz_[4 + ch + x] = it->left_nz_[4 + ch + y] =
            RecordCoeffs(ctx, &res);


// Token buffer


static void RecordTokens(VP8EncIterator* const it, const VP8ModeScore* const rd,
                         VP8TBuffer* const tokens) {
  int x, y, ch;
  VP8Residual res;
  VP8Encoder* const enc = it->enc_;

  if (it->mb_->type_ == 1) {   // i16x16
    const int ctx = it->top_nz_[8] + it->left_nz_[8];
    InitResidual(0, 1, enc, &res);
    SetResidualCoeffs(rd->y_dc_levels, &res);
    it->top_nz_[8] = it->left_nz_[8] =
        VP8RecordCoeffTokens(ctx, 1,
                             res.first, res.last, res.coeffs, tokens);
    RecordCoeffs(ctx, &res);
    InitResidual(1, 0, enc, &res);
  } else {
    InitResidual(0, 3, enc, &res);

  // luma-AC
  for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
    for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
      const int ctx = it->top_nz_[x] + it->left_nz_[y];
      SetResidualCoeffs(rd->y_ac_levels[x + y * 4], &res);
      it->top_nz_[x] = it->left_nz_[y] =
          VP8RecordCoeffTokens(ctx, res.coeff_type,
                               res.first, res.last, res.coeffs, tokens);
      RecordCoeffs(ctx, &res);

  // U/V
  InitResidual(0, 2, enc, &res);
  for (ch = 0; ch <= 2; ch += 2) {
    for (y = 0; y < 2; ++y) {
      for (x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
        const int ctx = it->top_nz_[4 + ch + x] + it->left_nz_[4 + ch + y];
        SetResidualCoeffs(rd->uv_levels[ch * 2 + x + y * 2], &res);
        it->top_nz_[4 + ch + x] = it->left_nz_[4 + ch + y] =
            VP8RecordCoeffTokens(ctx, 2,
                                 res.first, res.last, res.coeffs, tokens);
        RecordCoeffs(ctx, &res);


// ExtraInfo map / Debug function

static void SetBlock(uint8_t* p, int value, int size) {
  int y;
  for (y = 0; y < size; ++y) {
    memset(p, value, size);
    p += BPS;

static void ResetSSE(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  enc->sse_[0] = 0;
  enc->sse_[1] = 0;
  enc->sse_[2] = 0;
  // Note: enc->sse_[3] is managed by alpha.c
  enc->sse_count_ = 0;

static void StoreSSE(const VP8EncIterator* const it) {
  VP8Encoder* const enc = it->enc_;
  const uint8_t* const in = it->yuv_in_;
  const uint8_t* const out = it->yuv_out_;
  // Note: not totally accurate at boundary. And doesn't include in-loop filter.
  enc->sse_[0] += VP8SSE16x16(in + Y_OFF, out + Y_OFF);
  enc->sse_[1] += VP8SSE8x8(in + U_OFF, out + U_OFF);
  enc->sse_[2] += VP8SSE8x8(in + V_OFF, out + V_OFF);
  enc->sse_count_ += 16 * 16;

static void StoreSideInfo(const VP8EncIterator* const it) {
  VP8Encoder* const enc = it->enc_;
  const VP8MBInfo* const mb = it->mb_;
  WebPPicture* const pic = enc->pic_;

  if (pic->stats != NULL) {
    enc->block_count_[0] += (mb->type_ == 0);
    enc->block_count_[1] += (mb->type_ == 1);
    enc->block_count_[2] += (mb->skip_ != 0);

  if (pic->extra_info != NULL) {
    uint8_t* const info = &pic->extra_info[it->x_ + it->y_ * enc->mb_w_];
    switch (pic->extra_info_type) {
      case 1: *info = mb->type_; break;
      case 2: *info = mb->segment_; break;
      case 3: *info = enc->dqm_[mb->segment_].quant_; break;
      case 4: *info = (mb->type_ == 1) ? it->preds_[0] : 0xff; break;
      case 5: *info = mb->uv_mode_; break;
      case 6: {
        const int b = (int)((it->luma_bits_ + it->uv_bits_ + 7) >> 3);
        *info = (b > 255) ? 255 : b; break;
      case 7: *info = mb->alpha_; break;
      default: *info = 0; break;
#if SEGMENT_VISU  // visualize segments and prediction modes
  SetBlock(it->yuv_out_ + Y_OFF, mb->segment_ * 64, 16);
  SetBlock(it->yuv_out_ + U_OFF, it->preds_[0] * 64, 8);
  SetBlock(it->yuv_out_ + V_OFF, mb->uv_mode_ * 64, 8);

//  StatLoop(): only collect statistics (number of skips, token usage, ...).
//  This is used for deciding optimal probabilities. It also modifies the
//  quantizer value if some target (size, PNSR) was specified.

#define kHeaderSizeEstimate (15 + 20 + 10)      // TODO: fix better

static void SetLoopParams(VP8Encoder* const enc, float q) {
  // Make sure the quality parameter is inside valid bounds
  if (q < 0.) {
    q = 0;
  } else if (q > 100.) {
    q = 100;

  VP8SetSegmentParams(enc, q);      // setup segment quantizations and filters
  SetSegmentProbas(enc);            // compute segment probabilities



static int OneStatPass(VP8Encoder* const enc, float q, VP8RDLevel rd_opt,
                       int nb_mbs, float* const PSNR, int percent_delta) {
  VP8EncIterator it;
  uint64_t size = 0;
  uint64_t distortion = 0;
  const uint64_t pixel_count = nb_mbs * 384;

  SetLoopParams(enc, q);

  VP8IteratorInit(enc, &it);
  do {
    VP8ModeScore info;
    if (VP8Decimate(&it, &info, rd_opt)) {
      // Just record the number of skips and act like skip_proba is not used.
    RecordResiduals(&it, &info);
    size += info.R;
    distortion += info.D;
    if (percent_delta && !VP8IteratorProgress(&it, percent_delta))
      return 0;
  } while (VP8IteratorNext(&it, it.yuv_out_) && --nb_mbs > 0);
  size += FinalizeSkipProba(enc);
  size += FinalizeTokenProbas(&enc->proba_);
  size += enc->segment_hdr_.size_;
  size = ((size + 1024) >> 11) + kHeaderSizeEstimate;

  if (PSNR) {
    *PSNR = (float)(10.* log10(255. * 255. * pixel_count / distortion));
  return (int)size;

// successive refinement increments.
static const int dqs[] = { 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 0 };

static int StatLoop(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  const int method = enc->method_;
  const int do_search = enc->do_search_;
  const int fast_probe = ((method == 0 || method == 3) && !do_search);
  float q = enc->config_->quality;
  const int max_passes = enc->config_->pass;
  const int task_percent = 20;
  const int percent_per_pass = (task_percent + max_passes / 2) / max_passes;
  const int final_percent = enc->percent_ + task_percent;
  int pass;
  int nb_mbs;

  // Fast mode: quick analysis pass over few mbs. Better than nothing.
  nb_mbs = enc->mb_w_ * enc->mb_h_;
  if (fast_probe) {
    if (method == 3) {  // we need more stats for method 3 to be reliable.
      nb_mbs = (nb_mbs > 200) ? nb_mbs >> 1 : 100;
    } else {
      nb_mbs = (nb_mbs > 200) ? nb_mbs >> 2 : 50;

  // No target size: just do several pass without changing 'q'
  if (!do_search) {
    for (pass = 0; pass < max_passes; ++pass) {
      const VP8RDLevel rd_opt = (method >= 3) ? RD_OPT_BASIC : RD_OPT_NONE;
      if (!OneStatPass(enc, q, rd_opt, nb_mbs, NULL, percent_per_pass)) {
        return 0;
  } else {
    // binary search for a size close to target
    for (pass = 0; pass < max_passes && (dqs[pass] > 0); ++pass) {
      float PSNR;
      int criterion;
      const int size = OneStatPass(enc, q, RD_OPT_BASIC, nb_mbs, &PSNR,
      printf("#%d size=%d PSNR=%.2f q=%.2f\n", pass, size, PSNR, q);
      if (size == 0) return 0;
      if (enc->config_->target_PSNR > 0) {
        criterion = (PSNR < enc->config_->target_PSNR);
      } else {
        criterion = (size < enc->config_->target_size);
      // dichotomize
      if (criterion) {
        q += dqs[pass];
      } else {
        q -= dqs[pass];
  VP8CalculateLevelCosts(&enc->proba_);  // finalize costs
  return WebPReportProgress(enc->pic_, final_percent, &enc->percent_);

// Main loops

static const int kAverageBytesPerMB[8] = { 50, 24, 16, 9, 7, 5, 3, 2 };

static int PreLoopInitialize(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  int p;
  int ok = 1;
  const int average_bytes_per_MB = kAverageBytesPerMB[enc->base_quant_ >> 4];
  const int bytes_per_parts =
      enc->mb_w_ * enc->mb_h_ * average_bytes_per_MB / enc->num_parts_;
  // Initialize the bit-writers
  for (p = 0; ok && p < enc->num_parts_; ++p) {
    ok = VP8BitWriterInit(enc->parts_ + p, bytes_per_parts);
  if (!ok) VP8EncFreeBitWriters(enc);  // malloc error occurred
  return ok;

static int PostLoopFinalize(VP8EncIterator* const it, int ok) {
  VP8Encoder* const enc = it->enc_;
  if (ok) {      // Finalize the partitions, check for extra errors.
    int p;
    for (p = 0; p < enc->num_parts_; ++p) {
      VP8BitWriterFinish(enc->parts_ + p);
      ok &= !enc->parts_[p].error_;

  if (ok) {      // All good. Finish up.
    if (enc->pic_->stats) {           // finalize byte counters...
      int i, s;
      for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) {
        for (s = 0; s < NUM_MB_SEGMENTS; ++s) {
          enc->residual_bytes_[i][s] = (int)((it->bit_count_[s][i] + 7) >> 3);
    VP8AdjustFilterStrength(it);     // ...and store filter stats.
  } else {
    // Something bad happened -> need to do some memory cleanup.
  return ok;

//  VP8EncLoop(): does the final bitstream coding.

static void ResetAfterSkip(VP8EncIterator* const it) {
  if (it->mb_->type_ == 1) {
    *it->nz_ = 0;  // reset all predictors
    it->left_nz_[8] = 0;
  } else {
    *it->nz_ &= (1 << 24);  // preserve the dc_nz bit

int VP8EncLoop(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  VP8EncIterator it;
  int ok = PreLoopInitialize(enc);
  if (!ok) return 0;

  StatLoop(enc);  // stats-collection loop

  VP8IteratorInit(enc, &it);
  do {
    VP8ModeScore info;
    const int dont_use_skip = !enc->proba_.use_skip_proba_;
    const VP8RDLevel rd_opt = enc->rd_opt_level_;

    // Warning! order is important: first call VP8Decimate() and
    // *then* decide how to code the skip decision if there's one.
    if (!VP8Decimate(&it, &info, rd_opt) || dont_use_skip) {
      CodeResiduals(it.bw_, &it, &info);
    } else {   // reset predictors after a skip
    if (enc->use_layer_) {
    ok = VP8IteratorProgress(&it, 20);
  } while (ok && VP8IteratorNext(&it, it.yuv_out_));

  return PostLoopFinalize(&it, ok);

// Single pass using Token Buffer.


#define MIN_COUNT 96   // minimum number of macroblocks before updating stats

int VP8EncTokenLoop(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  int ok;
  // Roughly refresh the proba height times per pass
  int max_count = (enc->mb_w_ * enc->mb_h_) >> 3;
  int cnt;
  VP8EncIterator it;
  VP8Proba* const proba = &enc->proba_;
  const VP8RDLevel rd_opt = enc->rd_opt_level_;

  if (max_count < MIN_COUNT) max_count = MIN_COUNT;
  cnt = max_count;

  assert(enc->num_parts_ == 1);
  assert(proba->use_skip_proba_ == 0);
  assert(rd_opt >= RD_OPT_BASIC);   // otherwise, token-buffer won't be useful
  assert(!enc->do_search_);         // TODO(skal): handle pass and dichotomy

  SetLoopParams(enc, enc->config_->quality);

  ok = PreLoopInitialize(enc);
  if (!ok) return 0;

  VP8IteratorInit(enc, &it);
  do {
    VP8ModeScore info;
    if (--cnt < 0) {
      VP8CalculateLevelCosts(proba);  // refresh cost tables for rd-opt
      cnt = max_count;
    VP8Decimate(&it, &info, rd_opt);
    RecordTokens(&it, &info, &enc->tokens_);
    if (enc->use_layer_) {
    ok = VP8IteratorProgress(&it, 20);
  } while (ok && VP8IteratorNext(&it, it.yuv_out_));

  ok = ok && WebPReportProgress(enc->pic_, enc->percent_ + 20, &enc->percent_);

  if (ok) {
    ok = VP8EmitTokens(&enc->tokens_, enc->parts_ + 0,
                       (const uint8_t*)proba->coeffs_, 1);

  return PostLoopFinalize(&it, ok);


int VP8EncTokenLoop(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  return 0;   // we shouldn't be here.



#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
}    // extern "C"

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