
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. create_encoder
  2. get_create_encoder
  3. schema_load_file
  4. load_schema
  5. schema_simpleType
  6. schema_list
  7. schema_union
  8. schema_simpleContent
  9. schema_restriction_simpleContent
  10. schema_restriction_complexContent
  11. schema_restriction_var_int
  12. schema_restriction_var_char
  13. schema_extension_simpleContent
  14. schema_extension_complexContent
  15. schema_min_max
  16. schema_all
  17. schema_group
  18. schema_choice
  19. schema_sequence
  20. schema_any
  21. schema_complexContent
  22. schema_complexType
  23. schema_element
  24. schema_attribute
  25. schema_attributeGroup
  26. copy_extra_attribute
  27. schema_attribute_fixup
  28. schema_attributegroup_fixup
  29. schema_content_model_fixup
  30. schema_type_fixup
  31. schema_pass2
  32. delete_model
  33. delete_model_persistent
  34. delete_type
  35. delete_type_persistent
  36. delete_extra_attribute
  37. delete_extra_attribute_persistent
  38. delete_attribute
  39. delete_attribute_persistent
  40. delete_restriction_var_int
  41. delete_restriction_var_int_persistent
  42. delete_restriction_var_char
  43. delete_restriction_var_char_persistent

  | PHP Version 5                                                        |
  | Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group                                |
  | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
  | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
  |                                  |
  | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
  | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
  | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
  | Authors: Brad Lafountain <>                        |
  |          Shane Caraveo <>                           |
  |          Dmitry Stogov <>                             |
/* $Id: php_schema.c,v 2007/12/31 07:20:11 sebastian Exp $ */

#include "php_soap.h"
#include "libxml/uri.h"

static int schema_simpleType(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr simpleType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
static int schema_complexType(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr compType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
static int schema_list(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr listType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
static int schema_union(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr unionType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
static int schema_simpleContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr simpCompType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
static int schema_restriction_simpleContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, int simpleType);
static int schema_restriction_complexContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
static int schema_extension_simpleContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
static int schema_extension_complexContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
static int schema_sequence(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr seqType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model);
static int schema_all(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model);
static int schema_choice(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr choiceType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model);
static int schema_group(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr groupType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model);
static int schema_any(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model);
static int schema_element(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr element, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model);
static int schema_attribute(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr attrType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlCtx *ctx);
static int schema_attributeGroup(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr attrType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlCtx *ctx);

static int schema_restriction_var_int(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionIntPtr *valptr);

static int schema_restriction_var_char(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionCharPtr *valptr);

static void schema_type_fixup(sdlCtx *ctx, sdlTypePtr type);

static encodePtr create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, const xmlChar *ns, const xmlChar *type)
        smart_str nscat = {0};
        encodePtr enc, *enc_ptr;

        if (sdl->encoders == NULL) {
                sdl->encoders = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                zend_hash_init(sdl->encoders, 0, NULL, delete_encoder, 0);
        smart_str_appends(&nscat, (char*)ns);
        smart_str_appendc(&nscat, ':');
        smart_str_appends(&nscat, (char*)type);
        if (zend_hash_find(sdl->encoders, nscat.c, nscat.len + 1, (void**)&enc_ptr) == SUCCESS) {
                enc = *enc_ptr;
                if (enc->details.ns) {
                if (enc->details.type_str) {
        } else {
                enc_ptr = NULL;
                enc = emalloc(sizeof(encode));
        memset(enc, 0, sizeof(encode));

        enc->details.ns = estrdup((char*)ns);
        enc->details.type_str = estrdup((char*)type);
        enc->details.sdl_type = cur_type;
        enc->to_xml = sdl_guess_convert_xml;
        enc->to_zval = sdl_guess_convert_zval;

        if (enc_ptr == NULL) {
                zend_hash_update(sdl->encoders, nscat.c, nscat.len + 1, &enc, sizeof(encodePtr), NULL);
        return enc;

static encodePtr get_create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, const xmlChar *ns, const xmlChar *type)
        encodePtr enc = get_encoder(sdl, (char*)ns, (char*)type);
        if (enc == NULL) {
                enc = create_encoder(sdl, cur_type, ns, type);
        return enc;

static void schema_load_file(sdlCtx *ctx, xmlAttrPtr ns, xmlChar *location, xmlAttrPtr tns, int import TSRMLS_DC) {
        if (location != NULL &&
            !zend_hash_exists(&ctx->docs, (char*)location, xmlStrlen(location)+1)) {
                xmlDocPtr doc;
                xmlNodePtr schema;
                xmlAttrPtr new_tns;

                doc = soap_xmlParseFile((char*)location TSRMLS_CC);
                if (doc == NULL) {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: can't import schema from '%s'", location);
                schema = get_node(doc->children, "schema");
                if (schema == NULL) {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: can't import schema from '%s'", location);
                new_tns = get_attribute(schema->properties, "targetNamespace");
                if (import) {
                        if (ns != NULL && (new_tns == NULL || xmlStrcmp(ns->children->content, new_tns->children->content) != 0)) {
                                soap_error2(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: can't import schema from '%s', unexpected 'targetNamespace'='%s'", location, ns->children->content);
                        if (ns == NULL && new_tns != NULL) {
                                soap_error2(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: can't import schema from '%s', unexpected 'targetNamespace'='%s'", location, new_tns->children->content);
                } else {
                        new_tns = get_attribute(schema->properties, "targetNamespace");
                        if (new_tns == NULL) {
                                if (tns != NULL) {
                                        xmlSetProp(schema, BAD_CAST("targetNamespace"), tns->children->content);
                        } else if (tns != NULL && xmlStrcmp(tns->children->content, new_tns->children->content) != 0) {
                                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: can't include schema from '%s', different 'targetNamespace'", location);
                zend_hash_add(&ctx->docs, (char*)location, xmlStrlen(location)+1, (void**)&doc, sizeof(xmlDocPtr), NULL);
                load_schema(ctx, schema TSRMLS_CC);

2.6.1 xsi:type
2.6.2 xsi:nil
2.6.3 xsi:schemaLocation, xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation

  attributeFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
  blockDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))  : ''
  elementFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
  finalDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))  : ''
  id = ID
  targetNamespace = anyURI
  version = token
  xml:lang = language
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*, (((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup) | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*)
int load_schema(sdlCtx *ctx, xmlNodePtr schema TSRMLS_DC)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr tns;

        if (!ctx->sdl->types) {
                ctx->sdl->types = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                zend_hash_init(ctx->sdl->types, 0, NULL, delete_type, 0);
        if (!ctx->attributes) {
                ctx->attributes = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                zend_hash_init(ctx->attributes, 0, NULL, delete_attribute, 0);
        if (!ctx->attributeGroups) {
                ctx->attributeGroups = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                zend_hash_init(ctx->attributeGroups, 0, NULL, delete_type, 0);

        tns = get_attribute(schema->properties, "targetNamespace");
        if (tns == NULL) {
                tns = xmlSetProp(schema, BAD_CAST("targetNamespace"), BAD_CAST(""));
                xmlNewNs(schema, BAD_CAST(""), NULL);

        trav = schema->children;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"include")) {
                        xmlAttrPtr location;

                        location = get_attribute(trav->properties, "schemaLocation");
                        if (location == NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: include has no 'schemaLocation' attribute");
                        } else {
                                xmlChar *uri;
                                xmlChar *base = xmlNodeGetBase(trav->doc, trav);

                                if (base == NULL) {
                            uri = xmlBuildURI(location->children->content, trav->doc->URL);
                                } else {
                        uri = xmlBuildURI(location->children->content, base);
                                schema_load_file(ctx, NULL, uri, tns, 0 TSRMLS_CC);

                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"redefine")) {
                        xmlAttrPtr location;

                        location = get_attribute(trav->properties, "schemaLocation");
                        if (location == NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: redefine has no 'schemaLocation' attribute");
                        } else {
                          xmlChar *uri;
                                xmlChar *base = xmlNodeGetBase(trav->doc, trav);

                                if (base == NULL) {
                            uri = xmlBuildURI(location->children->content, trav->doc->URL);
                                } else {
                        uri = xmlBuildURI(location->children->content, base);
                                schema_load_file(ctx, NULL, uri, tns, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
                                /* TODO: <redefine> support */

                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"import")) {
                        xmlAttrPtr ns, location;
                        xmlChar *uri = NULL;

                        ns = get_attribute(trav->properties, "namespace");
                        location = get_attribute(trav->properties, "schemaLocation");

                        if (ns != NULL && tns != NULL && xmlStrcmp(ns->children->content, tns->children->content) == 0) {
                                if (location) {
                                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: can't import schema from '%s', namespace must not match the enclosing schema 'targetNamespace'", location->children->content);
                                } else {
                                        soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: can't import schema. Namespace must not match the enclosing schema 'targetNamespace'");
                        if (location) {
                                xmlChar *base = xmlNodeGetBase(trav->doc, trav);

                                if (base == NULL) {
                            uri = xmlBuildURI(location->children->content, trav->doc->URL);
                                } else {
                        uri = xmlBuildURI(location->children->content, base);
                        schema_load_file(ctx, ns, uri, tns, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
                        if (uri != NULL) {xmlFree(uri);}
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                        /* TODO: <annotation> support */
/* annotation cleanup
                        xmlNodePtr tmp = trav;
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else {
                trav = trav->next;

        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"simpleType")) {
                        schema_simpleType(ctx->sdl, tns, trav, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"complexType")) {
                        schema_complexType(ctx->sdl, tns, trav, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"group")) {
                        schema_group(ctx->sdl, tns, trav, NULL, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"attributeGroup")) {
                        schema_attributeGroup(ctx->sdl, tns, trav, NULL, ctx);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"element")) {
                        schema_element(ctx->sdl, tns, trav, NULL, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"attribute")) {
                        schema_attribute(ctx->sdl, tns, trav, NULL, ctx);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"notation")) {
                        /* TODO: <notation> support */
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                        /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in schema", trav->name);
                trav = trav->next;
        return TRUE;

  final = (#all | (list | union | restriction))
  id = ID
  name = NCName
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (restriction | list | union))
static int schema_simpleType(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr simpleType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr name, ns;

        ns = get_attribute(simpleType->properties, "targetNamespace");
        if (ns == NULL) {
                ns = tns;

        name = get_attribute(simpleType->properties, "name");
        if (cur_type != NULL) {
                /* Anonymous type inside <element> or <restriction> */
                sdlTypePtr newType, *ptr;

                newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));
                newType->kind = XSD_TYPEKIND_SIMPLE;
                if (name != NULL) {
                        newType->name = estrdup((char*)name->children->content);
                        newType->namens = estrdup((char*)ns->children->content);
                } else {
                        newType->name = estrdup(cur_type->name);
                        newType->namens = estrdup(cur_type->namens);

                zend_hash_next_index_insert(sdl->types,  &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), (void **)&ptr);

                if (sdl->encoders == NULL) {
                        sdl->encoders = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                        zend_hash_init(sdl->encoders, 0, NULL, delete_encoder, 0);
                cur_type->encode = emalloc(sizeof(encode));
                memset(cur_type->encode, 0, sizeof(encode));
                cur_type->encode->details.ns = estrdup(newType->namens);
                cur_type->encode->details.type_str = estrdup(newType->name);
                cur_type->encode->details.sdl_type = *ptr;
                cur_type->encode->to_xml = sdl_guess_convert_xml;
                cur_type->encode->to_zval = sdl_guess_convert_zval;
                zend_hash_next_index_insert(sdl->encoders,  &cur_type->encode, sizeof(encodePtr), NULL);

                cur_type =*ptr;

        } else if (name != NULL) {
                sdlTypePtr newType, *ptr;

                newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));
                newType->kind = XSD_TYPEKIND_SIMPLE;
                newType->name = estrdup((char*)name->children->content);
                newType->namens = estrdup((char*)ns->children->content);

                if (cur_type == NULL) {
                        zend_hash_next_index_insert(sdl->types,  &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), (void **)&ptr);
                } else {
                        if (cur_type->elements == NULL) {
                                cur_type->elements = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                zend_hash_init(cur_type->elements, 0, NULL, delete_type, 0);
                        zend_hash_update(cur_type->elements, newType->name, strlen(newType->name)+1, &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), (void **)&ptr);
                cur_type = (*ptr);

                create_encoder(sdl, cur_type, ns->children->content, name->children->content);
        } else {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: simpleType has no 'name' attribute");

        trav = simpleType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"restriction")) {
                        schema_restriction_simpleContent(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, 1);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"list")) {
                        cur_type->kind = XSD_TYPEKIND_LIST;
                        schema_list(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"union")) {
                        cur_type->kind = XSD_TYPEKIND_UNION;
                        schema_union(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in simpleType", trav->name);
        } else {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: expected <restriction>, <list> or <union> in simpleType");
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in simpleType", trav->name);

        return TRUE;

  id = ID
  itemType = QName
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?))
static int schema_list(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr listType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr itemType;

        itemType = get_attribute(listType->properties, "itemType");
        if (itemType != NULL) {
                char *type, *ns;
                xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                parse_namespace(itemType->children->content, &type, &ns);
                nsptr = xmlSearchNs(listType->doc, listType, BAD_CAST(ns));
                if (nsptr != NULL) {
                        sdlTypePtr newType, *tmp;

                        newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                        memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));

                        newType->name = estrdup(type);
                        newType->namens = estrdup((char*)nsptr->href);

                        newType->encode = get_create_encoder(sdl, newType, nsptr->href, BAD_CAST(type));

                        if (cur_type->elements == NULL) {
                                cur_type->elements = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                zend_hash_init(cur_type->elements, 0, NULL, delete_type, 0);
                        zend_hash_next_index_insert(cur_type->elements, &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), (void **)&tmp);
                if (type) {efree(type);}
                if (ns) {efree(ns);}

        trav = listType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"simpleType")) {
                sdlTypePtr newType, *tmp;

                if (itemType != NULL) {
                        soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'itemType' attribute and subtype");

                newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));

                        smart_str anonymous = {0};
                        smart_str_appendl(&anonymous, "anonymous", sizeof("anonymous")-1);
                        smart_str_append_long(&anonymous, zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->types));
                        newType->name = anonymous.c;
                newType->namens = estrdup((char*)tns->children->content);

                if (cur_type->elements == NULL) {
                        cur_type->elements = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                        zend_hash_init(cur_type->elements, 0, NULL, delete_type, 0);
                zend_hash_next_index_insert(cur_type->elements, &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), (void **)&tmp);

                schema_simpleType(sdl, tns, trav, newType);

                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in list", trav->name);
        return TRUE;

  id = ID
  memberTypes = List of QName
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (simpleType*))
static int schema_union(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr unionType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr memberTypes;

        memberTypes = get_attribute(unionType->properties, "memberTypes");
        if (memberTypes != NULL) {
                char *str, *start, *end, *next;
                char *type, *ns;
                xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                str = estrdup((char*)memberTypes->children->content);
                start = str;
                while (start != NULL && *start != '\0') {
                        end = strchr(start,' ');
                        if (end == NULL) {
                                next = NULL;
                        } else {
                                *end = '\0';
                                next = end+1;

                        parse_namespace(BAD_CAST(start), &type, &ns);
                        nsptr = xmlSearchNs(unionType->doc, unionType, BAD_CAST(ns));
                        if (nsptr != NULL) {
                                sdlTypePtr newType, *tmp;

                                newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                                memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));

                                newType->name = estrdup(type);
                                newType->namens = estrdup((char*)nsptr->href);

                                newType->encode = get_create_encoder(sdl, newType, nsptr->href, BAD_CAST(type));

                                if (cur_type->elements == NULL) {
                                        cur_type->elements = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                        zend_hash_init(cur_type->elements, 0, NULL, delete_type, 0);
                                zend_hash_next_index_insert(cur_type->elements, &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), (void **)&tmp);
                        if (type) {efree(type);}
                        if (ns) {efree(ns);}

                        start = next;

        trav = unionType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"simpleType")) {
                        sdlTypePtr newType, *tmp;

                        newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                        memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));

                                smart_str anonymous = {0};
                                smart_str_appendl(&anonymous, "anonymous", sizeof("anonymous")-1);
                                smart_str_append_long(&anonymous, zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->types));
                                newType->name = anonymous.c;
                        newType->namens = estrdup((char*)tns->children->content);

                        if (cur_type->elements == NULL) {
                                cur_type->elements = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                zend_hash_init(cur_type->elements, 0, NULL, delete_type, 0);
                        zend_hash_next_index_insert(cur_type->elements, &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), (void **)&tmp);

                        schema_simpleType(sdl, tns, trav, newType);

                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in union", trav->name);
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in union", trav->name);
        return TRUE;

  id = ID
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
static int schema_simpleContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr simpCompType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
        xmlNodePtr trav;

        trav = simpCompType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav, "restriction")) {
                        cur_type->kind = XSD_TYPEKIND_RESTRICTION;
                        schema_restriction_simpleContent(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, 0);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "extension")) {
                        cur_type->kind = XSD_TYPEKIND_EXTENSION;
                        schema_extension_simpleContent(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in simpleContent", trav->name);
        } else {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: expected <restriction> or <extension> in simpleContent");
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in simpleContent", trav->name);

        return TRUE;

  base = QName
  id = ID
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*)?)
  base = QName
  id = ID
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
static int schema_restriction_simpleContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, int simpleType)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr base;

        base = get_attribute(restType->properties, "base");
        if (base != NULL) {
                char *type, *ns;
                xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                parse_namespace(base->children->content, &type, &ns);
                nsptr = xmlSearchNs(restType->doc, restType, BAD_CAST(ns));
                if (nsptr != NULL) {
                        cur_type->encode = get_create_encoder(sdl, cur_type, nsptr->href, BAD_CAST(type));
                if (type) {efree(type);}
                if (ns) {efree(ns);}
        } else if (!simpleType) {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: restriction has no 'base' attribute");

        if (cur_type->restrictions == NULL) {
                cur_type->restrictions = emalloc(sizeof(sdlRestrictions));
                memset(cur_type->restrictions, 0, sizeof(sdlRestrictions));

        trav = restType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav, "annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav, "simpleType")) {
                schema_simpleType(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type);
                trav = trav->next;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav, "minExclusive")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_int(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->minExclusive);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "minInclusive")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_int(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->minInclusive);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "maxExclusive")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_int(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->maxExclusive);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "maxInclusive")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_int(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->maxInclusive);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "totalDigits")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_int(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->totalDigits);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "fractionDigits")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_int(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->fractionDigits);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "length")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_int(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->length);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "minLength")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_int(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->minLength);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "maxLength")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_int(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->maxLength);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "whiteSpace")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_char(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->whiteSpace);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "pattern")) {
                        schema_restriction_var_char(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->pattern);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "enumeration")) {
                        sdlRestrictionCharPtr enumval = NULL;

                        schema_restriction_var_char(trav, &enumval);
                        if (cur_type->restrictions->enumeration == NULL) {
                                cur_type->restrictions->enumeration = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                zend_hash_init(cur_type->restrictions->enumeration, 0, NULL, delete_restriction_var_char, 0);
                        if (zend_hash_add(cur_type->restrictions->enumeration, enumval->value, strlen(enumval->value)+1, &enumval, sizeof(sdlRestrictionCharPtr), NULL) == FAILURE) {
                } else {
                trav = trav->next;
        if (!simpleType) {
                while (trav != NULL) {
                        if (node_is_equal(trav,"attribute")) {
                                schema_attribute(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                        } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"attributeGroup")) {
                                schema_attributeGroup(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                        } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"anyAttribute")) {
                                /* TODO: <anyAttribute> support */
                                trav = trav->next;
                        } else {
                                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in restriction", trav->name);
                        trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in restriction", trav->name);

        return TRUE;

  base = QName
  id = ID
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
static int schema_restriction_complexContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
        xmlAttrPtr base;
        xmlNodePtr trav;

        base = get_attribute(restType->properties, "base");
        if (base != NULL) {
                char *type, *ns;
                xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                parse_namespace(base->children->content, &type, &ns);
                nsptr = xmlSearchNs(restType->doc, restType, BAD_CAST(ns));
                if (nsptr != NULL) {
                        cur_type->encode = get_create_encoder(sdl, cur_type, nsptr->href, BAD_CAST(type));
                if (type) {efree(type);}
                if (ns) {efree(ns);}
        } else {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: restriction has no 'base' attribute");

        trav = restType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"group")) {
                        schema_group(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"all")) {
                        schema_all(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"choice")) {
                        schema_choice(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"sequence")) {
                        schema_sequence(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                        trav = trav->next;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"attribute")) {
                        schema_attribute(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"attributeGroup")) {
                        schema_attributeGroup(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"anyAttribute")) {
                        /* TODO: <anyAttribute> support */
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in restriction", trav->name);
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in restriction", trav->name);

        return TRUE;

static int schema_restriction_var_int(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionIntPtr *valptr)
        xmlAttrPtr fixed, value;

        if ((*valptr) == NULL) {
                (*valptr) = emalloc(sizeof(sdlRestrictionInt));
        memset((*valptr), 0, sizeof(sdlRestrictionInt));

        fixed = get_attribute(val->properties, "fixed");
        (*valptr)->fixed = FALSE;
        if (fixed != NULL) {
                if (!strncmp((char*)fixed->children->content, "true", sizeof("true")) ||
                        !strncmp((char*)fixed->children->content, "1", sizeof("1")))
                        (*valptr)->fixed = TRUE;

        value = get_attribute(val->properties, "value");
        if (value == NULL) {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: missing restriction value");

        (*valptr)->value = atoi((char*)value->children->content);

        return TRUE;

static int schema_restriction_var_char(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionCharPtr *valptr)
        xmlAttrPtr fixed, value;

        if ((*valptr) == NULL) {
                (*valptr) = emalloc(sizeof(sdlRestrictionChar));
        memset((*valptr), 0, sizeof(sdlRestrictionChar));

        fixed = get_attribute(val->properties, "fixed");
        (*valptr)->fixed = FALSE;
        if (fixed != NULL) {
                if (!strncmp((char*)fixed->children->content, "true", sizeof("true")) ||
                    !strncmp((char*)fixed->children->content, "1", sizeof("1"))) {
                        (*valptr)->fixed = TRUE;

        value = get_attribute(val->properties, "value");
        if (value == NULL) {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: missing restriction value");

        (*valptr)->value = estrdup((char*)value->children->content);
        return TRUE;

From simpleContent (not supported):
  base = QName
  id = ID
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
static int schema_extension_simpleContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr base;

        base = get_attribute(extType->properties, "base");
        if (base != NULL) {
                char *type, *ns;
                xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                parse_namespace(base->children->content, &type, &ns);
                nsptr = xmlSearchNs(extType->doc, extType, BAD_CAST(ns));
                if (nsptr != NULL) {
                        cur_type->encode = get_create_encoder(sdl, cur_type, nsptr->href, BAD_CAST(type));
                if (type) {efree(type);}
                if (ns) {efree(ns);}
        } else {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: extension has no 'base' attribute");

        trav = extType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"attribute")) {
                        schema_attribute(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"attributeGroup")) {
                        schema_attributeGroup(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"anyAttribute")) {
                        /* TODO: <anyAttribute> support */
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in extension", trav->name);
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in extension", trav->name);
        return TRUE;

From complexContent:
  base = QName
  id = ID
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)))
static int schema_extension_complexContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr base;

        base = get_attribute(extType->properties, "base");
        if (base != NULL) {
                char *type, *ns;
                xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                parse_namespace(base->children->content, &type, &ns);
                nsptr = xmlSearchNs(extType->doc, extType, BAD_CAST(ns));
                if (nsptr != NULL) {
                        cur_type->encode = get_create_encoder(sdl, cur_type, nsptr->href, BAD_CAST(type));
                if (type) {efree(type);}
                if (ns) {efree(ns);}
        } else {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: extension has no 'base' attribute");

        trav = extType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"group")) {
                        schema_group(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"all")) {
                        schema_all(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"choice")) {
                        schema_choice(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"sequence")) {
                        schema_sequence(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                        trav = trav->next;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"attribute")) {
                        schema_attribute(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"attributeGroup")) {
                        schema_attributeGroup(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"anyAttribute")) {
                        /* TODO: <anyAttribute> support */
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in extension", trav->name);
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in extension", trav->name);
        return TRUE;

void schema_min_max(xmlNodePtr node, sdlContentModelPtr model)
        xmlAttrPtr attr = get_attribute(node->properties, "minOccurs");

        if (attr) {
                model->min_occurs = atoi((char*)attr->children->content);
        } else {
                model->min_occurs = 1;

        attr = get_attribute(node->properties, "maxOccurs");
        if (attr) {
                if (!strncmp((char*)attr->children->content, "unbounded", sizeof("unbounded"))) {
                        model->max_occurs = -1;
                } else {
                        model->max_occurs = atoi((char*)attr->children->content);
        } else {
                model->max_occurs = 1;

  id = ID
  maxOccurs = 1 : 1
  minOccurs = (0 | 1) : 1
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, element*)
static int schema_all(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr all, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        sdlContentModelPtr newModel;

        newModel = emalloc(sizeof(sdlContentModel));
        newModel->kind = XSD_CONTENT_ALL;
        newModel->u.content = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
        zend_hash_init(newModel->u.content, 0, NULL, delete_model, 0);
        if (model == NULL) {
                cur_type->model = newModel;
        } else {
                zend_hash_next_index_insert(model->u.content,&newModel,sizeof(sdlContentModelPtr), NULL);

        schema_min_max(all, newModel);

        trav = all->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"element")) {
                        schema_element(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in all", trav->name);
                trav = trav->next;
        return TRUE;

  name = NCName
  Content: (annotation?, (all | choice | sequence))
  name = NCName
  ref = QName>
  Content: (annotation?)
static int schema_group(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr groupType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr ns, name, ref = NULL;
        sdlContentModelPtr newModel;

        ns = get_attribute(groupType->properties, "targetNamespace");
        if (ns == NULL) {
                ns = tns;

        name = get_attribute(groupType->properties, "name");
        if (name == NULL) {
                name = ref = get_attribute(groupType->properties, "ref");

        if (name) {
                smart_str key = {0};

                if (ref) {
                        char *type, *ns;
                        xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                        parse_namespace(ref->children->content, &type, &ns);
                        nsptr = xmlSearchNs(groupType->doc, groupType, BAD_CAST(ns));
                        if (nsptr != NULL) {
                                smart_str_appends(&key, (char*)nsptr->href);
                                smart_str_appendc(&key, ':');
                        smart_str_appends(&key, type);

                        newModel = emalloc(sizeof(sdlContentModel));
                        newModel->kind = XSD_CONTENT_GROUP_REF;
                        newModel->u.group_ref = estrdup(key.c);

                        if (type) {efree(type);}
                        if (ns) {efree(ns);}
                } else {
                        newModel = emalloc(sizeof(sdlContentModel));
                        newModel->kind = XSD_CONTENT_SEQUENCE; /* will be redefined */
                        newModel->u.content = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                        zend_hash_init(newModel->u.content, 0, NULL, delete_model, 0);

                        smart_str_appends(&key, (char*)ns->children->content);
                        smart_str_appendc(&key, ':');
                        smart_str_appends(&key, (char*)name->children->content);

                if (cur_type == NULL) {
                        sdlTypePtr newType;

                        newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                        memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));

                        if (sdl->groups == NULL) {
                                sdl->groups = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                zend_hash_init(sdl->groups, 0, NULL, delete_type, 0);
                        if (zend_hash_add(sdl->groups, key.c, key.len+1, (void**)&newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), NULL) != SUCCESS) {
                                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: group '%s' already defined", key.c);

                        cur_type = newType;

                if (model == NULL) {
                        cur_type->model = newModel;
                } else {
                        zend_hash_next_index_insert(model->u.content, &newModel, sizeof(sdlContentModelPtr), NULL);
        } else {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: group has no 'name' nor 'ref' attributes");

        schema_min_max(groupType, newModel);

        trav = groupType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"choice")) {
                        if (ref != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: group has both 'ref' attribute and subcontent");
                        newModel->kind = XSD_CONTENT_CHOICE;
                        schema_choice(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"sequence")) {
                        if (ref != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: group has both 'ref' attribute and subcontent");
                        newModel->kind = XSD_CONTENT_SEQUENCE;
                        schema_sequence(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"all")) {
                        if (ref != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: group has both 'ref' attribute and subcontent");
                        newModel->kind = XSD_CONTENT_ALL;
                        schema_all(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in group", trav->name);
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in group", trav->name);
        return TRUE;
  id = ID
  maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
  minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
static int schema_choice(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr choiceType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        sdlContentModelPtr newModel;

        newModel = emalloc(sizeof(sdlContentModel));
        newModel->kind = XSD_CONTENT_CHOICE;
        newModel->u.content = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
        zend_hash_init(newModel->u.content, 0, NULL, delete_model, 0);
        if (model == NULL) {
                cur_type->model = newModel;
        } else {
                zend_hash_next_index_insert(model->u.content,&newModel,sizeof(sdlContentModelPtr), NULL);

        schema_min_max(choiceType, newModel);

        trav = choiceType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"element")) {
                        schema_element(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"group")) {
                        schema_group(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"choice")) {
                        schema_choice(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"sequence")) {
                        schema_sequence(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"any")) {
                        schema_any(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in choice", trav->name);
                trav = trav->next;
        return TRUE;

  id = ID
  maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
  minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
static int schema_sequence(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr seqType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        sdlContentModelPtr newModel;

        newModel = emalloc(sizeof(sdlContentModel));
        newModel->kind = XSD_CONTENT_SEQUENCE;
        newModel->u.content = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
        zend_hash_init(newModel->u.content, 0, NULL, delete_model, 0);
        if (model == NULL) {
                cur_type->model = newModel;
        } else {
                zend_hash_next_index_insert(model->u.content,&newModel,sizeof(sdlContentModelPtr), NULL);

        schema_min_max(seqType, newModel);

        trav = seqType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"element")) {
                        schema_element(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"group")) {
                        schema_group(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"choice")) {
                        schema_choice(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"sequence")) {
                        schema_sequence(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"any")) {
                        schema_any(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, newModel);
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in sequence", trav->name);
                trav = trav->next;
        return TRUE;

  id = ID 
  maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
  minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
  namespace = ((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)) )  : ##any
  processContents = (lax | skip | strict) : strict
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?)
static int schema_any(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr anyType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model)
        if (model != NULL) {
                sdlContentModelPtr newModel;

                newModel = emalloc(sizeof(sdlContentModel));
                newModel->kind = XSD_CONTENT_ANY;

                schema_min_max(anyType, newModel);

                zend_hash_next_index_insert(model->u.content, &newModel, sizeof(sdlContentModelPtr), NULL);
        return TRUE;

  id = ID
  mixed = boolean
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
static int schema_complexContent(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr compCont, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
        xmlNodePtr trav;

        trav = compCont->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav,"annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav, "restriction")) {
                        cur_type->kind = XSD_TYPEKIND_RESTRICTION;
                        schema_restriction_complexContent(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav, "extension")) {
                        cur_type->kind = XSD_TYPEKIND_EXTENSION;
                        schema_extension_complexContent(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in complexContent", trav->name);
        } else {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: <restriction> or <extension> expected in complexContent");
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in complexContent", trav->name);

        return TRUE;

  abstract = boolean : false
  block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
  final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
  id = ID
  mixed = boolean : false
  name = NCName
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))))
static int schema_complexType(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr compType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr attrs, name, ns;

        attrs = compType->properties;
        ns = get_attribute(attrs, "targetNamespace");
        if (ns == NULL) {
                ns = tns;

        name = get_attribute(attrs, "name");
        if (cur_type != NULL) {
                /* Anonymous type inside <element> */
                sdlTypePtr newType, *ptr;

                newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));
                newType->kind = XSD_TYPEKIND_COMPLEX;
                if (name != NULL) {
                        newType->name = estrdup((char*)name->children->content);
                        newType->namens = estrdup((char*)ns->children->content);
                } else {
                        newType->name = estrdup(cur_type->name);
                        newType->namens = estrdup(cur_type->namens);

                zend_hash_next_index_insert(sdl->types,  &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), (void **)&ptr);

                if (sdl->encoders == NULL) {
                        sdl->encoders = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                        zend_hash_init(sdl->encoders, 0, NULL, delete_encoder, 0);
                cur_type->encode = emalloc(sizeof(encode));
                memset(cur_type->encode, 0, sizeof(encode));
                cur_type->encode->details.ns = estrdup(newType->namens);
                cur_type->encode->details.type_str = estrdup(newType->name);
                cur_type->encode->details.sdl_type = *ptr;
                cur_type->encode->to_xml = sdl_guess_convert_xml;
                cur_type->encode->to_zval = sdl_guess_convert_zval;
                zend_hash_next_index_insert(sdl->encoders,  &cur_type->encode, sizeof(encodePtr), NULL);

                cur_type =*ptr;

        } else if (name) {
                sdlTypePtr newType, *ptr;

                newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));
                newType->kind = XSD_TYPEKIND_COMPLEX;
                newType->name = estrdup((char*)name->children->content);
                newType->namens = estrdup((char*)ns->children->content);

                zend_hash_next_index_insert(sdl->types,  &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), (void **)&ptr);

                cur_type = (*ptr);
                create_encoder(sdl, cur_type, ns->children->content, name->children->content);
        } else {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: complexType has no 'name' attribute");
                return FALSE;

        trav = compType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav, "annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"simpleContent")) {
                        schema_simpleContent(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"complexContent")) {
                        schema_complexContent(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else {
                        if (node_is_equal(trav,"group")) {
                                schema_group(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                                trav = trav->next;
                        } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"all")) {
                                schema_all(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                                trav = trav->next;
                        } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"choice")) {
                                schema_choice(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                                trav = trav->next;
                        } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"sequence")) {
                                schema_sequence(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                                trav = trav->next;
                        while (trav != NULL) {
                                if (node_is_equal(trav,"attribute")) {
                                        schema_attribute(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"attributeGroup")) {
                                        schema_attributeGroup(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"anyAttribute")) {
                                        /* TODO: <anyAttribute> support */
                                        trav = trav->next;
                                } else {
                                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in complexType", trav->name);
                                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in complexType", trav->name);
        return TRUE;
  abstract = boolean : false
  block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
  default = string
  final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
  fixed = string
  form = (qualified | unqualified)
  id = ID
  maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
  minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
  name = NCName
  nillable = boolean : false
  ref = QName
  substitutionGroup = QName
  type = QName
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
static int schema_element(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr element, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlContentModelPtr model)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr attrs, attr, ns, name, type, ref = NULL;

        attrs = element->properties;
        ns = get_attribute(attrs, "targetNamespace");
        if (ns == NULL) {
                ns = tns;

        name = get_attribute(attrs, "name");
        if (name == NULL) {
                name = ref = get_attribute(attrs, "ref");

        if (name) {
                HashTable *addHash;
                sdlTypePtr newType;
                smart_str key = {0};

                newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));

                if (ref) {
                        smart_str nscat = {0};
                        char *type, *ns;
                        xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                        parse_namespace(ref->children->content, &type, &ns);
                        nsptr = xmlSearchNs(element->doc, element, BAD_CAST(ns));
                        if (nsptr != NULL) {
                                smart_str_appends(&nscat, (char*)nsptr->href);
                                smart_str_appendc(&nscat, ':');
                                newType->namens = estrdup((char*)nsptr->href);
                        smart_str_appends(&nscat, type);
                        newType->name = estrdup(type);
                        if (type) {efree(type);}
                        if (ns) {efree(ns);}
                        newType->ref = estrdup(nscat.c);
                } else {
                        newType->name = estrdup((char*)name->children->content);
                        newType->namens = estrdup((char*)ns->children->content);

                newType->nillable = FALSE;

                if (cur_type == NULL) {
                        if (sdl->elements == NULL) {
                                sdl->elements = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                zend_hash_init(sdl->elements, 0, NULL, delete_type, 0);
                        addHash = sdl->elements;
                        smart_str_appends(&key, newType->namens);
                        smart_str_appendc(&key, ':');
                        smart_str_appends(&key, newType->name);
                } else {
                        if (cur_type->elements == NULL) {
                                cur_type->elements = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                zend_hash_init(cur_type->elements, 0, NULL, delete_type, 0);
                        addHash = cur_type->elements;
                        smart_str_appends(&key, newType->name);

                if (zend_hash_add(addHash, key.c, key.len + 1, &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), NULL) != SUCCESS) {
                        if (cur_type == NULL) {
                                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element '%s' already defined", key.c);
                        } else {
                                zend_hash_next_index_insert(addHash, &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), NULL);

                if (model != NULL) {
                        sdlContentModelPtr newModel = emalloc(sizeof(sdlContentModel));

                        newModel->kind = XSD_CONTENT_ELEMENT;
                        newModel->u.element = newType;

                        schema_min_max(element, newModel);

                        zend_hash_next_index_insert(model->u.content, &newModel, sizeof(sdlContentModelPtr), NULL);
                cur_type = newType;
        } else {
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has no 'name' nor 'ref' attributes");

        /* nillable = boolean : false */
        attrs = element->properties;
        attr = get_attribute(attrs, "nillable");
        if (attr) {
                if (ref != NULL) {
                        soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' and 'nillable' attributes");
                if (!stricmp((char*)attr->children->content, "true") ||
                        !stricmp((char*)attr->children->content, "1")) {
                        cur_type->nillable = TRUE;
                } else {
                        cur_type->nillable = FALSE;
        } else {
                cur_type->nillable = FALSE;

        attr = get_attribute(attrs, "fixed");
        if (attr) {
                if (ref != NULL) {
                        soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' and 'fixed' attributes");
                cur_type->fixed = estrdup((char*)attr->children->content);

        attr = get_attribute(attrs, "default");
        if (attr) {
                if (ref != NULL) {
                        soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' and 'fixed' attributes");
                } else if (ref != NULL) {
                        soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'default' and 'fixed' attributes");
                cur_type->def = estrdup((char*)attr->children->content);

        /* form */
        attr = get_attribute(attrs, "form");
        if (attr) {
                if (strncmp((char*)attr->children->content, "qualified", sizeof("qualified")) == 0) {
                  cur_type->form = XSD_FORM_QUALIFIED;
                } else if (strncmp((char*)attr->children->content, "unqualified", sizeof("unqualified")) == 0) {
                  cur_type->form = XSD_FORM_UNQUALIFIED;
                } else {
                  cur_type->form = XSD_FORM_DEFAULT;
        } else {
          cur_type->form = XSD_FORM_DEFAULT;
        if (cur_type->form == XSD_FORM_DEFAULT) {
                xmlNodePtr parent = element->parent;
                while (parent) {
                        if (node_is_equal_ex(parent, "schema", SCHEMA_NAMESPACE)) {
                                xmlAttrPtr def;
                                def = get_attribute(parent->properties, "elementFormDefault");
                                if(def == NULL || strncmp((char*)def->children->content, "qualified", sizeof("qualified"))) {
                                        cur_type->form = XSD_FORM_UNQUALIFIED;
                                } else {
                                        cur_type->form = XSD_FORM_QUALIFIED;
                        parent = parent->parent;
                if (parent == NULL) {
                        cur_type->form = XSD_FORM_UNQUALIFIED;

        /* type = QName */
        type = get_attribute(attrs, "type");
        if (type) {
                char *cptype, *str_ns;
                xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                if (ref != NULL) {
                        soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' and 'type' attributes");
                parse_namespace(type->children->content, &cptype, &str_ns);
                nsptr = xmlSearchNs(element->doc, element, BAD_CAST(str_ns));
                if (nsptr != NULL) {
                        cur_type->encode = get_create_encoder(sdl, cur_type, nsptr->href, BAD_CAST(cptype));
                if (str_ns) {efree(str_ns);}
                if (cptype) {efree(cptype);}

        trav = element->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav, "annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"simpleType")) {
                        if (ref != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' attribute and subtype");
                        } else if (type != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'type' attribute and subtype");
                        schema_simpleType(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type);
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"complexType")) {
                        if (ref != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' attribute and subtype");
                        } else if (type != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'type' attribute and subtype");
                        schema_complexType(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type);
                        trav = trav->next;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"unique")) {
                        /* TODO: <unique> support */
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"key")) {
                        /* TODO: <key> support */
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"keyref")) {
                        /* TODO: <keyref> support */
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in element", trav->name);
                trav = trav->next;

        return TRUE;

  default = string
  fixed = string
  form = (qualified | unqualified)
  id = ID
  name = NCName
  ref = QName
  type = QName
  use = (optional | prohibited | required) : optional
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?))
static int schema_attribute(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr attrType, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlCtx *ctx)
        sdlAttributePtr newAttr;
        xmlAttrPtr attr, name, ref = NULL, type = NULL;
        xmlNodePtr trav;

        name = get_attribute(attrType->properties, "name");
        if (name == NULL) {
                name = ref = get_attribute(attrType->properties, "ref");
        if (name) {
                HashTable *addHash;
                smart_str key = {0};

                newAttr = emalloc(sizeof(sdlAttribute));
                memset(newAttr, 0, sizeof(sdlAttribute));

                if (ref) {
                        char *attr_name, *ns;
                        xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                        parse_namespace(ref->children->content, &attr_name, &ns);
                        nsptr = xmlSearchNs(attrType->doc, attrType, BAD_CAST(ns));
                        if (nsptr != NULL) {
                                smart_str_appends(&key, (char*)nsptr->href);
                                smart_str_appendc(&key, ':');
                                newAttr->namens = estrdup((char*)nsptr->href);
                        smart_str_appends(&key, attr_name);
                        newAttr->ref = estrdup(key.c);
                        if (attr_name) {efree(attr_name);}
                        if (ns) {efree(ns);}
                } else {
                        xmlAttrPtr ns;

                        ns = get_attribute(attrType->properties, "targetNamespace");
                        if (ns == NULL) {
                                ns = tns;
                        if (ns != NULL) {
                                smart_str_appends(&key, (char*)ns->children->content);
                                smart_str_appendc(&key, ':');
                                newAttr->namens = estrdup((char*)ns->children->content);
                        smart_str_appends(&key, (char*)name->children->content);

                if (cur_type == NULL) {
                        addHash = ctx->attributes;
                } else {
                        if (cur_type->attributes == NULL) {
                                cur_type->attributes = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                zend_hash_init(cur_type->attributes, 0, NULL, delete_attribute, 0);
                        addHash = cur_type->attributes;

                if (zend_hash_add(addHash, key.c, key.len + 1, &newAttr, sizeof(sdlAttributePtr), NULL) != SUCCESS) {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attribute '%s' already defined", key.c);
        } else{
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attribute has no 'name' nor 'ref' attributes");

        /* type = QName */
        type = get_attribute(attrType->properties, "type");
        if (type) {
                char *cptype, *str_ns;
                xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                if (ref != NULL) {
                        soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attribute has both 'ref' and 'type' attributes");
                parse_namespace(type->children->content, &cptype, &str_ns);
                nsptr = xmlSearchNs(attrType->doc, attrType, BAD_CAST(str_ns));
                if (nsptr != NULL) {
                        newAttr->encode = get_create_encoder(sdl, cur_type, nsptr->href, BAD_CAST(cptype));
                if (str_ns) {efree(str_ns);}
                if (cptype) {efree(cptype);}

        attr = attrType->properties;
        while (attr != NULL) {
                if (attr_is_equal_ex(attr, "default", SCHEMA_NAMESPACE)) {
                        newAttr->def = estrdup((char*)attr->children->content);
                } else if (attr_is_equal_ex(attr, "fixed", SCHEMA_NAMESPACE)) {
                        newAttr->fixed = estrdup((char*)attr->children->content);
                } else if (attr_is_equal_ex(attr, "form", SCHEMA_NAMESPACE)) {
                        if (strncmp((char*)attr->children->content, "qualified", sizeof("qualified")) == 0) {
                          newAttr->form = XSD_FORM_QUALIFIED;
                        } else if (strncmp((char*)attr->children->content, "unqualified", sizeof("unqualified")) == 0) {
                          newAttr->form = XSD_FORM_UNQUALIFIED;
                        } else {
                          newAttr->form = XSD_FORM_DEFAULT;
                } else if (attr_is_equal_ex(attr, "id", SCHEMA_NAMESPACE)) {
                        /* skip */
                } else if (attr_is_equal_ex(attr, "name", SCHEMA_NAMESPACE)) {
                        newAttr->name = estrdup((char*)attr->children->content);
                } else if (attr_is_equal_ex(attr, "ref", SCHEMA_NAMESPACE)) {
                        /* already processed */
                } else if (attr_is_equal_ex(attr, "type", SCHEMA_NAMESPACE)) {
                        /* already processed */
                } else if (attr_is_equal_ex(attr, "use", SCHEMA_NAMESPACE)) {
                        if (strncmp((char*)attr->children->content, "prohibited", sizeof("prohibited")) == 0) {
                          newAttr->use = XSD_USE_PROHIBITED;
                        } else if (strncmp((char*)attr->children->content, "required", sizeof("required")) == 0) {
                          newAttr->use = XSD_USE_REQUIRED;
                        } else if (strncmp((char*)attr->children->content, "optional", sizeof("optional")) == 0) {
                          newAttr->use = XSD_USE_OPTIONAL;
                        } else {
                          newAttr->use = XSD_USE_DEFAULT;
                } else {
                        xmlNsPtr nsPtr = attr_find_ns(attr);

                        if (strncmp((char*)nsPtr->href, SCHEMA_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SCHEMA_NAMESPACE))) {
                                smart_str key2 = {0};
                                sdlExtraAttributePtr ext;
                                xmlNsPtr nsptr;
                                char *value, *ns;

                                ext = emalloc(sizeof(sdlExtraAttribute));
                                memset(ext, 0, sizeof(sdlExtraAttribute));
                                parse_namespace(attr->children->content, &value, &ns);
                                nsptr = xmlSearchNs(attr->doc, attr->parent, BAD_CAST(ns));
                                if (nsptr) {
                                        ext->ns = estrdup((char*)nsptr->href);
                                        ext->val = estrdup(value);
                                } else {
                                        ext->val = estrdup((char*)attr->children->content);
                                if (ns) {efree(ns);}

                                if (!newAttr->extraAttributes) {
                                        newAttr->extraAttributes = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                        zend_hash_init(newAttr->extraAttributes, 0, NULL, delete_extra_attribute, 0);

                                smart_str_appends(&key2, (char*)nsPtr->href);
                                smart_str_appendc(&key2, ':');
                                smart_str_appends(&key2, (char*)attr->name);
                                zend_hash_add(newAttr->extraAttributes, key2.c, key2.len + 1, &ext, sizeof(sdlExtraAttributePtr), NULL);
                attr = attr->next;
        if (newAttr->form == XSD_FORM_DEFAULT) {
                xmlNodePtr parent = attrType->parent;
                while (parent) {
                        if (node_is_equal_ex(parent, "schema", SCHEMA_NAMESPACE)) {
                                xmlAttrPtr def;
                                def = get_attribute(parent->properties, "attributeFormDefault");
                                if(def == NULL || strncmp((char*)def->children->content, "qualified", sizeof("qualified"))) {
                                        newAttr->form = XSD_FORM_UNQUALIFIED;
                                } else {
                                        newAttr->form = XSD_FORM_QUALIFIED;
                        parent = parent->parent;
                if (parent == NULL) {
                        newAttr->form = XSD_FORM_UNQUALIFIED;
        trav = attrType->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav, "annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"simpleType")) {
                        sdlTypePtr dummy_type;
                        if (ref != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attribute has both 'ref' attribute and subtype");
                        } else if (type != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attribute has both 'type' attribute and subtype");
                        dummy_type = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                        memset(dummy_type, 0, sizeof(sdlType));
                                smart_str anonymous = {0};
                                smart_str_appendl(&anonymous, "anonymous", sizeof("anonymous")-1);
                                smart_str_append_long(&anonymous, zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->types));
                                dummy_type->name = anonymous.c;
                        dummy_type->namens = estrdup((char*)tns->children->content);
                        schema_simpleType(sdl, tns, trav, dummy_type);
                        newAttr->encode = dummy_type->encode;
                        trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in attribute", trav->name);
        return TRUE;

static int schema_attributeGroup(sdlPtr sdl, xmlAttrPtr tns, xmlNodePtr attrGroup, sdlTypePtr cur_type, sdlCtx *ctx)
        xmlNodePtr trav;
        xmlAttrPtr name, ref = NULL;

        name = get_attribute(attrGroup->properties, "name");
        if (name == NULL) {
                name = ref = get_attribute(attrGroup->properties, "ref");
        if (name) {
                if (cur_type == NULL) {
                        xmlAttrPtr ns;
                        sdlTypePtr newType;
                        smart_str key = {0};

                        ns = get_attribute(attrGroup->properties, "targetNamespace");
                        if (ns == NULL) {
                                ns = tns;
                        newType = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType));
                        memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));
                        newType->name = estrdup((char*)name->children->content);
                        newType->namens = estrdup((char*)ns->children->content);

                        smart_str_appends(&key, newType->namens);
                        smart_str_appendc(&key, ':');
                        smart_str_appends(&key, newType->name);

                        if (zend_hash_add(ctx->attributeGroups, key.c, key.len + 1, &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), NULL) != SUCCESS) {
                                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attributeGroup '%s' already defined", key.c);
                        cur_type = newType;
                } else if (ref) {
                        sdlAttributePtr newAttr;
                        char *group_name, *ns;
                        smart_str key = {0};
                        xmlNsPtr nsptr;

                        if (cur_type->attributes == NULL) {
                                cur_type->attributes = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                zend_hash_init(cur_type->attributes, 0, NULL, delete_attribute, 0);
                        newAttr = emalloc(sizeof(sdlAttribute));
                        memset(newAttr, 0, sizeof(sdlAttribute));

                        parse_namespace(ref->children->content, &group_name, &ns);
                        nsptr = xmlSearchNs(attrGroup->doc, attrGroup, BAD_CAST(ns));
                        if (nsptr != NULL) {
                                smart_str_appends(&key, (char*)nsptr->href);
                                smart_str_appendc(&key, ':');
                        smart_str_appends(&key, group_name);
                        newAttr->ref = estrdup(key.c);
                        if (group_name) {efree(group_name);}
                        if (ns) {efree(ns);}

                        zend_hash_next_index_insert(cur_type->attributes, &newAttr, sizeof(sdlAttributePtr), NULL);
                        cur_type = NULL;
        } else{
                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attributeGroup has no 'name' nor 'ref' attributes");

        trav = attrGroup->children;
        if (trav != NULL && node_is_equal(trav, "annotation")) {
                /* TODO: <annotation> support */
                trav = trav->next;
        while (trav != NULL) {
                if (node_is_equal(trav,"attribute")) {
                        if (ref != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attributeGroup has both 'ref' attribute and subattribute");
                        schema_attribute(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"attributeGroup")) {
                        if (ref != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attributeGroup has both 'ref' attribute and subattribute");
                        schema_attributeGroup(sdl, tns, trav, cur_type, NULL);
                } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"anyAttribute")) {
                        if (ref != NULL) {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attributeGroup has both 'ref' attribute and subattribute");
                        /* TODO: <anyAttribute> support */
                        trav = trav->next;
                } else {
                        soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in attributeGroup", trav->name);
                trav = trav->next;
        if (trav != NULL) {
                soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unexpected <%s> in attributeGroup", trav->name);
        return TRUE;

static void copy_extra_attribute(void *attribute)
        sdlExtraAttributePtr *attr = (sdlExtraAttributePtr*)attribute;
        sdlExtraAttributePtr new_attr;

        new_attr = emalloc(sizeof(sdlExtraAttribute));
        memcpy(new_attr, *attr, sizeof(sdlExtraAttribute));
        *attr = new_attr;
        if (new_attr->ns) {
                new_attr->ns = estrdup(new_attr->ns);
        if (new_attr->val) {
                new_attr->val = estrdup(new_attr->val);

static void schema_attribute_fixup(sdlCtx *ctx, sdlAttributePtr attr)
        sdlAttributePtr *tmp;

        if (attr->ref != NULL) {
                if (ctx->attributes != NULL) {
                        if (zend_hash_find(ctx->attributes, attr->ref, strlen(attr->ref)+1, (void**)&tmp) == SUCCESS) {
                                schema_attribute_fixup(ctx, *tmp);
                                if ((*tmp)->name != NULL && attr->name == NULL) {
                                        attr->name = estrdup((*tmp)->name);
                                if ((*tmp)->namens != NULL && attr->namens == NULL) {
                                        attr->namens = estrdup((*tmp)->namens);
                                if ((*tmp)->def != NULL && attr->def == NULL) {
                                        attr->def = estrdup((*tmp)->def);
                                if ((*tmp)->fixed != NULL && attr->fixed == NULL) {
                                        attr->fixed = estrdup((*tmp)->fixed);
                                if (attr->form == XSD_FORM_DEFAULT) {
                                        attr->form = (*tmp)->form;
                                if (attr->use == XSD_USE_DEFAULT) {
                                        attr->use  = (*tmp)->use;
                                if ((*tmp)->extraAttributes != NULL) {
                                  xmlNodePtr node;

                                        attr->extraAttributes = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                        zend_hash_init(attr->extraAttributes, zend_hash_num_elements((*tmp)->extraAttributes), NULL, delete_extra_attribute, 0);
                                        zend_hash_copy(attr->extraAttributes, (*tmp)->extraAttributes, copy_extra_attribute, &node, sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
                                attr->encode = (*tmp)->encode;
                if (attr->name == NULL && attr->ref != NULL) {
                        char *name = strrchr(attr->ref, ':');
                        if (name) {
                                attr->name = estrdup(name+1);
                        } else{
                                attr->name = estrdup(attr->ref);
                attr->ref = NULL;

static void schema_attributegroup_fixup(sdlCtx *ctx, sdlAttributePtr attr, HashTable *ht)
        sdlTypePtr *tmp;
        sdlAttributePtr *tmp_attr;

        if (attr->ref != NULL) {
                if (ctx->attributeGroups != NULL) {
                        if (zend_hash_find(ctx->attributeGroups, attr->ref, strlen(attr->ref)+1, (void**)&tmp) == SUCCESS) {
                                if ((*tmp)->attributes) {
                                        while (zend_hash_get_current_data((*tmp)->attributes,(void**)&tmp_attr) == SUCCESS) {
                                                if (zend_hash_get_current_key_type((*tmp)->attributes) == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING) {
                                                        char* key;
                                                        uint key_len;
                                                        sdlAttributePtr newAttr;


                                                        newAttr = emalloc(sizeof(sdlAttribute));
                                                        memcpy(newAttr, *tmp_attr, sizeof(sdlAttribute));
                                                        if (newAttr->def) {newAttr->def = estrdup(newAttr->def);}
                                                        if (newAttr->fixed) {newAttr->fixed = estrdup(newAttr->fixed);}
                                                        if (newAttr->namens) {newAttr->namens = estrdup(newAttr->namens);}
                                                        if (newAttr->name) {newAttr->name = estrdup(newAttr->name);}
                                                        if (newAttr->extraAttributes) {
                                                          xmlNodePtr node;
                                                                HashTable *ht = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
                                                                zend_hash_init(ht, zend_hash_num_elements(newAttr->extraAttributes), NULL, delete_extra_attribute, 0);
                                                                zend_hash_copy(ht, newAttr->extraAttributes, copy_extra_attribute, &node, sizeof(xmlNodePtr));
                                                                newAttr->extraAttributes = ht;

                                                        zend_hash_get_current_key_ex((*tmp)->attributes, &key, &key_len, NULL, 0, NULL);
                                                        zend_hash_add(ht, key, key_len, &newAttr, sizeof(sdlAttributePtr), NULL);

                                                } else {
                                                        ulong index;

                                                        schema_attributegroup_fixup(ctx,*tmp_attr, ht);
                                                        zend_hash_get_current_key((*tmp)->attributes, NULL, &index, 0);
                                                        zend_hash_index_del((*tmp)->attributes, index);
                attr->ref = NULL;

static void schema_content_model_fixup(sdlCtx *ctx, sdlContentModelPtr model)
        switch (model->kind) {
                case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP_REF: {
                        sdlTypePtr *tmp;

                        if (ctx->sdl->groups && zend_hash_find(ctx->sdl->groups, model->u.group_ref, strlen(model->u.group_ref)+1, (void**)&tmp) == SUCCESS) {
                                model->kind = XSD_CONTENT_GROUP;
                                model-> = (*tmp);
                        } else {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unresolved group 'ref' attribute");
                case XSD_CONTENT_CHOICE: {
                        if (model->max_occurs != 1) {
                                HashPosition pos;
                                sdlContentModelPtr *tmp;

                                zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(model->u.content, &pos);
                                while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(model->u.content, (void**)&tmp, &pos) == SUCCESS) {
                                        (*tmp)->min_occurs = 0;
                                        (*tmp)->max_occurs = model->max_occurs;
                                        zend_hash_move_forward_ex(model->u.content, &pos);

                                model->kind = XSD_CONTENT_ALL;
                                model->min_occurs = 1;
                                model->max_occurs = 1;
                case XSD_CONTENT_SEQUENCE:
                case XSD_CONTENT_ALL: {
                        sdlContentModelPtr *tmp;

                        while (zend_hash_get_current_data(model->u.content, (void**)&tmp) == SUCCESS) {
                                schema_content_model_fixup(ctx, *tmp);

static void schema_type_fixup(sdlCtx *ctx, sdlTypePtr type)
        sdlTypePtr *tmp;
        sdlAttributePtr *attr;

        if (type->ref != NULL) {
                if (ctx->sdl->elements != NULL) {
                        if (zend_hash_find(ctx->sdl->elements, type->ref, strlen(type->ref)+1, (void**)&tmp) == SUCCESS) {
                                type->kind = (*tmp)->kind;
                                type->encode = (*tmp)->encode;
                                if ((*tmp)->nillable) {
                                  type->nillable = 1;
                                if ((*tmp)->fixed) {
                                  type->fixed = estrdup((*tmp)->fixed);
                                if ((*tmp)->def) {
                                  type->def = estrdup((*tmp)->def);
                                type->form = (*tmp)->form;
                        } else if (strcmp(type->ref, SCHEMA_NAMESPACE ":schema") == 0) {
                                type->encode = get_conversion(XSD_ANYXML);
                        } else {
                                soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unresolved element 'ref' attribute");
                type->ref = NULL;
        if (type->elements) {
                while (zend_hash_get_current_data(type->elements,(void**)&tmp) == SUCCESS) {
        if (type->model) {
                schema_content_model_fixup(ctx, type->model);
        if (type->attributes) {
                while (zend_hash_get_current_data(type->attributes,(void**)&attr) == SUCCESS) {
                        if (zend_hash_get_current_key_type(type->attributes) == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING) {
                        } else {
                                ulong index;

                                zend_hash_get_current_key(type->attributes, NULL, &index, 0);
                                zend_hash_index_del(type->attributes, index);

void schema_pass2(sdlCtx *ctx)
        sdlPtr sdl = ctx->sdl;
        sdlAttributePtr *attr;
        sdlTypePtr *type;

        if (ctx->attributes) {
                while (zend_hash_get_current_data(ctx->attributes,(void**)&attr) == SUCCESS) {
        if (ctx->attributeGroups) {
                while (zend_hash_get_current_data(ctx->attributeGroups,(void**)&type) == SUCCESS) {
        if (sdl->elements) {
                while (zend_hash_get_current_data(sdl->elements,(void**)&type) == SUCCESS) {
        if (sdl->groups) {
                while (zend_hash_get_current_data(sdl->groups,(void**)&type) == SUCCESS) {
        if (sdl->types) {
                while (zend_hash_get_current_data(sdl->types,(void**)&type) == SUCCESS) {
        if (ctx->attributes) {
        if (ctx->attributeGroups) {

void delete_model(void *handle)
        sdlContentModelPtr tmp = *((sdlContentModelPtr*)handle);
        switch (tmp->kind) {
                case XSD_CONTENT_ELEMENT:
                case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP:
                case XSD_CONTENT_SEQUENCE:
                case XSD_CONTENT_ALL:
                case XSD_CONTENT_CHOICE:
                case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP_REF:

void delete_model_persistent(void *handle)
        sdlContentModelPtr tmp = *((sdlContentModelPtr*)handle);
        switch (tmp->kind) {
                case XSD_CONTENT_ELEMENT:
                case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP:
                case XSD_CONTENT_SEQUENCE:
                case XSD_CONTENT_ALL:
                case XSD_CONTENT_CHOICE:
                case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP_REF:

void delete_type(void *data)
        sdlTypePtr type = *((sdlTypePtr*)data);

        if (type->name) {
        if (type->namens) {
        if (type->def) {
        if (type->fixed) {
        if (type->elements) {
        if (type->attributes) {
        if (type->model) {
        if (type->restrictions) {
                if (type->restrictions->enumeration) {

void delete_type_persistent(void *data)
        sdlTypePtr type = *((sdlTypePtr*)data);
        if (type->name) {
        if (type->namens) {
        if (type->def) {
        if (type->fixed) {
        if (type->elements) {
        if (type->attributes) {
        if (type->model) {
        if (type->restrictions) {
                if (type->restrictions->enumeration) {

void delete_extra_attribute(void *attribute)
        sdlExtraAttributePtr attr = *((sdlExtraAttributePtr*)attribute);

        if (attr->ns) {
        if (attr->val) {

void delete_extra_attribute_persistent(void *attribute)
        sdlExtraAttributePtr attr = *((sdlExtraAttributePtr*)attribute);

        if (attr->ns) {
        if (attr->val) {

void delete_attribute(void *attribute)
        sdlAttributePtr attr = *((sdlAttributePtr*)attribute);

        if (attr->def) {
        if (attr->fixed) {
        if (attr->name) {
        if (attr->namens) {
        if (attr->ref) {
        if (attr->extraAttributes) {

void delete_attribute_persistent(void *attribute)
        sdlAttributePtr attr = *((sdlAttributePtr*)attribute);

        if (attr->def) {
        if (attr->fixed) {
        if (attr->name) {
        if (attr->namens) {
        if (attr->ref) {
        if (attr->extraAttributes) {

void delete_restriction_var_int(void *rvi)
        sdlRestrictionIntPtr ptr = *((sdlRestrictionIntPtr*)rvi);
        if (ptr) {

void delete_restriction_var_int_persistent(void *rvi)
        sdlRestrictionIntPtr ptr = *((sdlRestrictionIntPtr*)rvi);
        if (ptr) {

void delete_restriction_var_char(void *srvc)
        sdlRestrictionCharPtr ptr = *((sdlRestrictionCharPtr*)srvc);
        if (ptr) {
                if (ptr->value) {

void delete_restriction_var_char_persistent(void *srvc)
        sdlRestrictionCharPtr ptr = *((sdlRestrictionCharPtr*)srvc);
        if (ptr) {
                if (ptr->value) {

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