
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. collator_regular_compare_function
  2. collator_numeric_compare_function
  3. collator_icu_compare_function
  4. collator_compare_func
  5. collator_cmp_sort_keys
  6. collator_get_compare_function
  7. collator_sort_internal

   | PHP Version 5                                                        |
   | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
   | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
   | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
   |                                  |
   | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
   | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
   | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
   | Authors: Vadim Savchuk <>                  |
   |          Dmitry Lakhtyuk <>               |

#include "config.h"

#include "php_intl.h"
#include "collator.h"
#include "collator_class.h"
#include "collator_sort.h"
#include "collator_convert.h"
#include "intl_convert.h"

#if !defined(HAVE_PTRDIFF_T) && !defined(_PTRDIFF_T_DEFINED)
typedef long ptrdiff_t;

 * Declare 'index' which will point to sort key in sort key
 * buffer.
typedef struct _collator_sort_key_index {
        char* key;       /* pointer to sort key */
        zval** zstr;     /* pointer to original string(hash-item) */
} collator_sort_key_index_t;


static const size_t DEF_SORT_KEYS_BUF_SIZE = 1048576;
static const size_t DEF_SORT_KEYS_BUF_INCREMENT = 1048576;

static const size_t DEF_SORT_KEYS_INDX_BUF_SIZE = 1048576;
static const size_t DEF_SORT_KEYS_INDX_BUF_INCREMENT = 1048576;

static const size_t DEF_UTF16_BUF_SIZE = 1024;

/* {{{ collator_regular_compare_function */
static int collator_regular_compare_function(zval *result, zval *op1, zval *op2 TSRMLS_DC)
        Collator_object* co = NULL;

        int rc      = SUCCESS;

        zval* str1  = collator_convert_object_to_string( op1 TSRMLS_CC );
        zval* str2  = collator_convert_object_to_string( op2 TSRMLS_CC );

        zval* num1  = NULL;
        zval* num2  = NULL;
        zval* norm1 = NULL;
        zval* norm2 = NULL;

        /* If both args are strings AND either of args is not numeric string
         * then use ICU-compare. Otherwise PHP-compare. */
        if( Z_TYPE_P(str1) == IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(str2) == IS_STRING &&
                ( str1 == ( num1 = collator_convert_string_to_number_if_possible( str1 ) ) ||
                  str2 == ( num2 = collator_convert_string_to_number_if_possible( str2 ) ) ) )
                /* Fetch collator object. */
                co = (Collator_object *) zend_object_store_get_object( INTL_G(current_collator) TSRMLS_CC );

                if (!co || !co->ucoll) {
                        intl_error_set_code( NULL, COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE( co ) TSRMLS_CC );
                        intl_errors_set_custom_msg( COLLATOR_ERROR_P( co ),
                                "Object not initialized", 0 TSRMLS_CC );
                        php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Object not initialized");

                /* Compare the strings using ICU. */
                result->value.lval = ucol_strcoll(
                                INTL_Z_STRVAL_P(str1), INTL_Z_STRLEN_P(str1),
                                INTL_Z_STRVAL_P(str2), INTL_Z_STRLEN_P(str2) );
                result->type = IS_LONG;
                /* num1 is set if str1 and str2 are strings. */
                if( num1 )
                        if( num1 == str1 )
                                /* str1 is string but not numeric string
                                 * just convert it to utf8. 
                                norm1 = collator_convert_zstr_utf16_to_utf8( str1 );

                                /* num2 is not set but str2 is string => do normalization. */
                                norm2 = collator_normalize_sort_argument( str2 );
                                /* str1 is numeric strings => passthru to PHP-compare. */
                                zval_add_ref( &num1 );
                                norm1 = num1;

                                /* str2 is numeric strings => passthru to PHP-compare. */
                                zval_add_ref( &num2 );
                                norm2 = num2;
                        /* num1 is not set if str1 or str2 is not a string => do normalization. */
                        norm1 = collator_normalize_sort_argument( str1 );

                        /* if num1 is not set then num2 is not set as well => do normalization. */
                        norm2 = collator_normalize_sort_argument( str2 );

                rc = compare_function( result, norm1, norm2 TSRMLS_CC );

                zval_ptr_dtor( &norm1 );
                zval_ptr_dtor( &norm2 );

        if( num1 )
                zval_ptr_dtor( &num1 );

        if( num2 )
                zval_ptr_dtor( &num2 );

        zval_ptr_dtor( &str1 );
        zval_ptr_dtor( &str2 );

        return rc;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ collator_numeric_compare_function
 * Convert input args to double and compare it.
static int collator_numeric_compare_function(zval *result, zval *op1, zval *op2 TSRMLS_DC)
        int rc     = SUCCESS;
        zval* num1 = NULL;
        zval* num2 = NULL;

        if( Z_TYPE_P(op1) == IS_STRING )
                num1 = collator_convert_string_to_double( op1 );
                op1 = num1;

        if( Z_TYPE_P(op2) == IS_STRING )
                num2 = collator_convert_string_to_double( op2 );
                op2 = num2;

        rc = numeric_compare_function( result, op1, op2 TSRMLS_CC);

        if( num1 )
                zval_ptr_dtor( &num1 );
        if( num2 )
                zval_ptr_dtor( &num2 );

        return rc;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ collator_icu_compare_function
 * Direct use of ucol_strcoll.
static int collator_icu_compare_function(zval *result, zval *op1, zval *op2 TSRMLS_DC)
        int rc              = SUCCESS;
        Collator_object* co = NULL;
        zval* str1          = NULL;
        zval* str2          = NULL;

        str1 = collator_make_printable_zval( op1 );
        str2 = collator_make_printable_zval( op2 );

        /* Fetch collator object. */
        co = (Collator_object *) zend_object_store_get_object( INTL_G(current_collator) TSRMLS_CC );

        /* Compare the strings using ICU. */
        result->value.lval = ucol_strcoll(
                        INTL_Z_STRVAL_P(str1), INTL_Z_STRLEN_P(str1),
                        INTL_Z_STRVAL_P(str2), INTL_Z_STRLEN_P(str2) );
        result->type = IS_LONG;

        zval_ptr_dtor( &str1 );
        zval_ptr_dtor( &str2 );

        return rc;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ collator_compare_func
 * Taken from PHP5 source (array_data_compare).
static int collator_compare_func( const void* a, const void* b TSRMLS_DC )
        Bucket *f;
        Bucket *s;
        zval result;
        zval *first;
        zval *second;

        f = *((Bucket **) a);
        s = *((Bucket **) b);

        first = *((zval **) f->pData);
        second = *((zval **) s->pData);

        if( INTL_G(compare_func)( &result, first, second TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE )
                return 0;

        if( Z_TYPE(result) == IS_DOUBLE )
                if( Z_DVAL(result) < 0 )
                        return -1;
                else if( Z_DVAL(result) > 0 )
                        return 1;
                        return 0;


        if( Z_LVAL(result) < 0 )
                return -1;
        else if( Z_LVAL(result) > 0 )
                return 1;

        return 0;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ collator_cmp_sort_keys
 * Compare sort keys
static int collator_cmp_sort_keys( const void *p1, const void *p2 TSRMLS_DC )
        char* key1 = ((collator_sort_key_index_t*)p1)->key;
        char* key2 = ((collator_sort_key_index_t*)p2)->key;

        return strcmp( key1, key2 );
/* }}} */

/* {{{ collator_get_compare_function
 * Choose compare function according to sort flags.
static collator_compare_func_t collator_get_compare_function( const long sort_flags )
        collator_compare_func_t func;

        switch( sort_flags )
                case COLLATOR_SORT_NUMERIC:
                        func = collator_numeric_compare_function;

                case COLLATOR_SORT_STRING:
                        func = collator_icu_compare_function;

                case COLLATOR_SORT_REGULAR:
                        func = collator_regular_compare_function;

        return func;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ collator_sort_internal
 * Common code shared by collator_sort() and collator_asort() API functions.
static void collator_sort_internal( int renumber, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS )
        zval*          array            = NULL;
        HashTable*     hash             = NULL;
        zval*          saved_collator   = NULL;
        long           sort_flags       = COLLATOR_SORT_REGULAR;


        /* Parse parameters. */
        if( zend_parse_method_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, getThis(), "Oa|l",
                &object, Collator_ce_ptr, &array, &sort_flags ) == FAILURE )
                intl_error_set( NULL, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR,
                        "collator_sort_internal: unable to parse input params", 0 TSRMLS_CC );


        /* Fetch the object. */

        /* Set 'compare function' according to sort flags. */
        INTL_G(compare_func) = collator_get_compare_function( sort_flags );

        hash = HASH_OF( array );

        /* Convert strings in the specified array from UTF-8 to UTF-16. */
        collator_convert_hash_from_utf8_to_utf16( hash, COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE_P( co ) );
        COLLATOR_CHECK_STATUS( co, "Error converting hash from UTF-8 to UTF-16" );

        /* Save specified collator in the request-global (?) variable. */
        saved_collator = INTL_G( current_collator );
        INTL_G( current_collator ) = object;

        /* Sort specified array. */
        zend_hash_sort( hash, zend_qsort, collator_compare_func, renumber TSRMLS_CC );

        /* Restore saved collator. */
        INTL_G( current_collator ) = saved_collator;

        /* Convert strings in the specified array back to UTF-8. */
        collator_convert_hash_from_utf16_to_utf8( hash, COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE_P( co ) );
        COLLATOR_CHECK_STATUS( co, "Error converting hash from UTF-16 to UTF-8" );

/* }}} */

/* {{{ proto bool Collator::sort( Collator $coll, array(string) $arr [, int $sort_flags] )
 * Sort array using specified collator. }}} */
/* {{{ proto bool collator_sort(  Collator $coll, array(string) $arr [, int $sort_flags] )
 * Sort array using specified collator.
PHP_FUNCTION( collator_sort )
        collator_sort_internal( TRUE, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU );
/* }}} */

/* {{{ proto bool Collator::sortWithSortKeys( Collator $coll, array(string) $arr )
 * Equivalent to standard PHP sort using Collator.
 * Uses ICU ucol_getSortKey for performance. }}} */
/* {{{ proto bool collator_sort_with_sort_keys( Collator $coll, array(string) $arr )
 * Equivalent to standard PHP sort using Collator.
 * Uses ICU ucol_getSortKey for performance.
PHP_FUNCTION( collator_sort_with_sort_keys )
        zval*       array                = NULL;
        HashTable*  hash                 = NULL;
        zval**      hashData             = NULL;                     /* currently processed item of input hash */

        char*       sortKeyBuf           = NULL;                     /* buffer to store sort keys */
        uint32_t    sortKeyBufSize       = DEF_SORT_KEYS_BUF_SIZE;   /* buffer size */
        ptrdiff_t   sortKeyBufOffset     = 0;                        /* pos in buffer to store sort key */
        int32_t     sortKeyLen           = 0;                        /* the length of currently processing key */
        uint32_t    bufLeft              = 0;
        uint32_t    bufIncrement         = 0;

        collator_sort_key_index_t* sortKeyIndxBuf = NULL;            /* buffer to store 'indexes' which will be passed to 'qsort' */
        uint32_t    sortKeyIndxBufSize   = DEF_SORT_KEYS_INDX_BUF_SIZE;
        uint32_t    sortKeyIndxSize      = sizeof( collator_sort_key_index_t );

        uint32_t    sortKeyCount         = 0;
        uint32_t    j                    = 0;

        UChar*      utf16_buf            = NULL;                     /* tmp buffer to hold current processing string in utf-16 */
        int         utf16_buf_size       = DEF_UTF16_BUF_SIZE;       /* the length of utf16_buf */
        int         utf16_len            = 0;                        /* length of converted string */

        HashTable* sortedHash            = NULL;


        /* Parse parameters. */
        if( zend_parse_method_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, getThis(), "Oa",
                &object, Collator_ce_ptr, &array ) == FAILURE )
                intl_error_set( NULL, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR,
                        "collator_sort_with_sort_keys: unable to parse input params", 0 TSRMLS_CC );


        /* Fetch the object. */

        if (!co || !co->ucoll) {
                intl_error_set_code( NULL, COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE( co ) TSRMLS_CC );
                intl_errors_set_custom_msg( COLLATOR_ERROR_P( co ),
                        "Object not initialized", 0 TSRMLS_CC );
                php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Object not initialized");


         * Sort specified array.
        hash = HASH_OF( array );

        if( !hash || zend_hash_num_elements( hash ) == 0 )

        /* Create bufers */
        sortKeyBuf     = ecalloc( sortKeyBufSize,     sizeof( char    ) );
        sortKeyIndxBuf = ecalloc( sortKeyIndxBufSize, sizeof( uint8_t ) );
        utf16_buf      = eumalloc( utf16_buf_size );

        /* Iterate through input hash and create a sort key for each value. */
        zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset( hash );
        while( zend_hash_get_current_data( hash, (void**) &hashData ) == SUCCESS )
                /* Convert current hash item from UTF-8 to UTF-16LE and save the result to utf16_buf. */

                utf16_len = utf16_buf_size;

                /* Process string values only. */
                if( Z_TYPE_PP( hashData ) == IS_STRING )
                        intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16( &utf16_buf, &utf16_len, Z_STRVAL_PP( hashData ), Z_STRLEN_PP( hashData ), COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE_P( co ) );

                        if( U_FAILURE( COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE( co ) ) )
                                intl_error_set_code( NULL, COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE( co ) TSRMLS_CC );
                                intl_errors_set_custom_msg( COLLATOR_ERROR_P( co ), "Sort with sort keys failed", 0 TSRMLS_CC );

                                if( utf16_buf )
                                        efree( utf16_buf );

                                efree( sortKeyIndxBuf );
                                efree( sortKeyBuf );

                        /* Set empty string */
                        utf16_len = 0;
                        utf16_buf[utf16_len] = 0;

                if( (utf16_len + 1) > utf16_buf_size )
                        utf16_buf_size = utf16_len + 1;

                /* Get sort key, reallocating the buffer if needed. */
                bufLeft = sortKeyBufSize - sortKeyBufOffset;

                sortKeyLen = ucol_getSortKey( co->ucoll,
                                                                          (uint8_t*)sortKeyBuf + sortKeyBufOffset,
                                                                          bufLeft );

                /* check for sortKeyBuf overflow, increasing its size of the buffer if needed */
                if( sortKeyLen > bufLeft )
                        bufIncrement = ( sortKeyLen > DEF_SORT_KEYS_BUF_INCREMENT ) ? sortKeyLen : DEF_SORT_KEYS_BUF_INCREMENT;

                        sortKeyBufSize += bufIncrement;
                        bufLeft += bufIncrement;

                        sortKeyBuf = erealloc( sortKeyBuf, sortKeyBufSize );

                        sortKeyLen = ucol_getSortKey( co->ucoll, utf16_buf, utf16_len, (uint8_t*)sortKeyBuf + sortKeyBufOffset, bufLeft );

                /*  check sortKeyIndxBuf overflow, increasing its size of the buffer if needed */
                if( ( sortKeyCount + 1 ) * sortKeyIndxSize > sortKeyIndxBufSize )
                        bufIncrement = ( sortKeyIndxSize > DEF_SORT_KEYS_INDX_BUF_INCREMENT ) ? sortKeyIndxSize : DEF_SORT_KEYS_INDX_BUF_INCREMENT;

                        sortKeyIndxBufSize += bufIncrement;

                        sortKeyIndxBuf = erealloc( sortKeyIndxBuf, sortKeyIndxBufSize );

                sortKeyIndxBuf[sortKeyCount].key = (char*)sortKeyBufOffset;    /* remeber just offset, cause address */
                                                                               /* of 'sortKeyBuf' may be changed due to realloc. */
                sortKeyIndxBuf[sortKeyCount].zstr = hashData;

                sortKeyBufOffset += sortKeyLen;

                zend_hash_move_forward( hash );

        /* update ptrs to point to valid keys. */
        for( j = 0; j < sortKeyCount; j++ )
                sortKeyIndxBuf[j].key = sortKeyBuf + (ptrdiff_t)sortKeyIndxBuf[j].key;

        /* sort it */
        zend_qsort( sortKeyIndxBuf, sortKeyCount, sortKeyIndxSize, collator_cmp_sort_keys TSRMLS_CC );

        /* for resulting hash we'll assign new hash keys rather then reordering */
        ALLOC_HASHTABLE( sortedHash );
        zend_hash_init( sortedHash, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0 );

        for( j = 0; j < sortKeyCount; j++ )
                zval_add_ref( sortKeyIndxBuf[j].zstr );
                zend_hash_next_index_insert( sortedHash, sortKeyIndxBuf[j].zstr, sizeof(zval **), NULL );

        /* Save sorted hash into return variable. */
        zval_dtor( array );
        (array)-> = sortedHash;
        (array)->type = IS_ARRAY;

        if( utf16_buf )
                efree( utf16_buf );

        efree( sortKeyIndxBuf );
        efree( sortKeyBuf );

/* }}} */

/* {{{ proto bool Collator::asort( Collator $coll, array(string) $arr )
 * Sort array using specified collator, maintaining index association. }}} */
/* {{{ proto bool collator_asort( Collator $coll, array(string) $arr )
 * Sort array using specified collator, maintaining index association.
PHP_FUNCTION( collator_asort )
        collator_sort_internal( FALSE, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU );
/* }}} */

/* {{{ proto bool Collator::getSortKey( Collator $coll, string $str )
 * Get a sort key for a string from a Collator. }}} */
/* {{{ proto bool collator_get_sort_key( Collator $coll, string $str )
 * Get a sort key for a string from a Collator. }}} */
PHP_FUNCTION( collator_get_sort_key )
        char*            str      = NULL;
        int              str_len  = 0;
        UChar*           ustr     = NULL;
        int              ustr_len = 0;
        uint8_t*         key     = NULL;
        int              key_len = 0;


        /* Parse parameters. */
        if( zend_parse_method_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, getThis(), "Os",
                &object, Collator_ce_ptr, &str, &str_len ) == FAILURE )
                intl_error_set( NULL, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR,
                         "collator_get_sort_key: unable to parse input params", 0 TSRMLS_CC );


        /* Fetch the object. */

        if (!co || !co->ucoll) {
                intl_error_set_code( NULL, COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE( co ) TSRMLS_CC );
                intl_errors_set_custom_msg( COLLATOR_ERROR_P( co ),
                        "Object not initialized", 0 TSRMLS_CC );
                php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, "Object not initialized");


         * Compare given strings (converting them to UTF-16 first).

        /* First convert the strings to UTF-16. */
                &ustr, &ustr_len, str, str_len, COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE_P( co ) );
        if( U_FAILURE( COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE( co ) ) )
                /* Set global error code. */
                intl_error_set_code( NULL, COLLATOR_ERROR_CODE( co ) TSRMLS_CC );

                /* Set error messages. */
                intl_errors_set_custom_msg( COLLATOR_ERROR_P( co ),
                        "Error converting first argument to UTF-16", 0 TSRMLS_CC );
                efree( ustr );

        /* ucol_getSortKey is exception in that the key length includes the 
         * NUL terminator*/
        key_len = ucol_getSortKey(co->ucoll, ustr, ustr_len, key, 0);
        if(!key_len) {
                efree( ustr );
        key = emalloc(key_len);
        key_len = ucol_getSortKey(co->ucoll, ustr, ustr_len, key, key_len);
        efree( ustr );
        if(!key_len) {
        RETURN_STRINGL((char *)key, key_len - 1, 0);
/* }}} */

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 * tab-width: 4
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