
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. toString
  2. getTestCase
  3. ConstructCommonHeaders
  4. ConstructCommonClosing
  5. fileOpening
  6. constructorArgInit
  7. constructorCreateInstance
  8. argInit
  9. fileClosing
  10. addSkipif
  11. addIni
  12. addClean
  13. addDone
  14. addExpectf
  15. getOpt


 * Class for all test cases
abstract class gtTestCase {

   * The subject of the test, may be either a function (gtFunction) or a method (gtMethod)
   * @var gtMethod or gtFunction
  protected $subject;

   * Arry of strings containing the test case
   * @var array
  protected $testCase;

   * Object containing the optional sections that may be added to the test case
   * @var gtOptionalSections
  protected $optionalSections;

   * Convert test case from array to string
   * @return string
  public function toString() {
    $testCaseString = "";
    foreach($this->testCase as $line) {
      $testCaseString .= $line."\n";
    return $testCaseString;

   * Returns test case as a array
   * @return array
  public function getTestCase() {
    return $this->testCase;

   * Construct the common headers (title, file section..) of the test case
  public function ConstructCommonHeaders() {

    if($this->optionalSections->hasSkipif()) {

    if($this->optionalSections->hasIni()) {


   * Construct the common closing statements (clean, done, EXPECTF...)
  public function ConstructCommonClosing() {
    if ($this->optionalSections->hasDone()) {
    if ($this->optionalSections->hasClean()) {


   * Start the FILE section of the test
  public function fileOpening() {
    $this->testCase[] = "--FILE--";
    $this->testCase[] = "<?php";
    $this->testCase = gtCodeSnippet::appendBlankLines(2, $this->testCase );

   * Add constructor argument initialisation to test case
  public function constructorArgInit() {
    $conStatements = $this->subject->getConstructorInitStatements();
    foreach($conStatements as $statement) {
      $this->testCase[] = $statement;

   * Create instance of class in the test case
  public function constructorCreateInstance() {
    $constructorList = $this->subject->getConstructorArgumentList();
    $this->testCase[] = "\$class = new ".$this->subject->getClassName()."( ".$constructorList." );";
    $this->testCase = gtCodeSnippet::appendBlankLines(2, $this->testCase );

   * Add function or method initilaisation statements to the test case
  public function argInit() {
    $statements = $this->subject->getInitialisationStatements();
    foreach($statements as $statement) {
      $this->testCase[] = $statement;
    $this->testCase = gtCodeSnippet::appendBlankLines(2, $this->testCase );

   * Add FILE section closing tag to the test case
  public function fileClosing() {
    $this->testCase[] = "?>";

   * Add a skipif section to the test case
  public function addSkipif() {
    $this->testCase[] = "--SKIPIF--";
    $this->testCase[] = "<?php";
    if($this->optionalSections->hasSkipifKey()) {
      $key = $this->optionalSections->getSkipifKey();
      //test standard skipif sections
      if($key == 'win') {
        $this->testCase = gtCodeSnippet::append('skipifwin', $this->testCase);
      if($key == 'notwin' ) {
        $this->testCase = gtCodeSnippet::append('skipifnotwin', $this->testCase);

      if($key == '64b' ) {
        $this->testCase = gtCodeSnippet::append('skipif64b', $this->testCase);

      if($key == 'not64b' ) {
        $this->testCase = gtCodeSnippet::append('skipifnot64b', $this->testCase);

    if($this->optionalSections->hasSkipifExt()) {
      $ext = $this->optionalSections->getSkipifExt();
      $this->testCase[] = "if (!extension_loaded('$ext')) die ('skip $ext extension not available in this build');";
    $this->testCase[] = "?>";

   * Add an INI section to the test case
  public function addIni() {
    $this->testCase[] = "--INI--";
    $this->testCase[] = "";

   * Add a clean section to the test case
  public function addClean() {
    $this->testCase[] = "--CLEAN--";
    $this->testCase[] = "<?php";
    $this->testCase[] = "?>";

   * Add a ===DONE=== statement to the test case
  public function addDone() {
    $this->testCase[] = "===DONE===";

   * Add an EXPECTF section
  public function addExpectf() {
    $this->testCase[] = "--EXPECTF--";
    if ($this->optionalSections->hasDone() ){
      $this->testCase[] = '===DONE===';

  public function getOpt() {
    return $this->optionalSections;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */