
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. settings2array
  2. settings2params
  3. generate_diff
  4. mkpath
  5. copyfiles
  6. post_result_data
  7. execute
  8. executeCode
  9. HTTPRequest
  10. doRequest
  11. _validateUrl
  12. _parseResponse
  13. _getRequest
  14. _sendHTTP
  15. testHarness
  16. getExecutableIniSettings
  17. getExecutableInfo
  18. getInstalledExtensions
  19. runscript
  20. writemsg
  21. showstatus
  22. help
  23. parseArgs
  24. removeSensitiveEnvVars
  25. setEnvConfigVar
  26. initializeConfiguration
  27. setTestPaths
  28. test_sort
  29. checkRequirements
  30. contextHeader
  31. loadFileList
  32. moveTestFiles
  33. findFilesInDir
  34. runHeader
  35. run
  36. summarizeResults
  37. getINISettings
  38. getINIParams
  39. calculateDocumentRoot
  40. evalSettings
  41. getENVSettings
  42. getEvalTestSettings
  43. getSectionText
  44. getSkipReason
  45. run_test
  46. error_report
  47. error

   | PHP Version 5                                                        |
   | Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group                                |
   | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
   | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
   | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
   |                                  |
   | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
   | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
   | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
   | Authors: Ilia Alshanetsky <>                             |
   |          Preston L. Bannister <>                   |
   |          Marcus Boerger <>                              |
   |          Shane Caraveo <>                               |
   |          Derick Rethans <>                             |
   |          Sander Roobol <>                              |
   | (based on version by: Stig Bakken <>)                     |
   | (based on the PHP 3 test framework by Rasmus Lerdorf)                |

if (ob_get_level()) echo "Not all buffers were deleted.\n";

 * QA configuration

define('PHP_QA_EMAIL', '');
define('QA_SUBMISSION_PAGE', '');

 * error messages

|                       ! ERROR !                           |
| The test-suite requires that you have pcre extension      |
| enabled. To enable this extension either compile your PHP |
| with --with-pcre-regex or if you have compiled pcre as a  |
| shared module load it via php.ini.                        |
|                       ! WARNING !                         |
| You are running the test-suite with "safe_mode" ENABLED ! |
|                                                           |
| Chances are high that no test will work at all,           |
| depending on how you configured "safe_mode" !             |
|                       ! ERROR   !                         |
| You must create /tmp for session tests to work!           |
|                                                           |
|                       ! ERROR !                           |
| The test-suite requires that proc_open() is available.    |
| Please check if you disabled it in php.ini.               |
|                       ! ERROR !                           |
| The test-suite must be run with PHP 5 or later.           |
| You can still test older extecutables by setting          |
| TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE and running this script with PHP 5.   |
 * information scripts
define('PHP_INFO_SCRIPT','<?php echo "
PHP_VERSION=" . phpversion() . "
ZEND_VERSION=" . zend_version() . "
PHP_OS=" . PHP_OS . "
INCLUDE_PATH=" . get_cfg_var("include_path") . "
INI=" . realpath(get_cfg_var("cfg_file_path")) . "
SCANNED_INI=" . (function_exists(\'php_ini_scanned_files\') ?
                                        str_replace("\n","", php_ini_scanned_files()) :
                                        "** not determined **") . "

define('PHP_EXTENSIONS_SCRIPT','<?php print join(get_loaded_extensions(),":"); ?>');
define('PHP_INI_SETTINGS_SCRIPT','<?php echo serialize(ini_get_all()); ?>');

 * various utility functions

function settings2array($settings, &$ini_settings)
        foreach($settings as $setting) {
                if (strpos($setting, '=')!==false) {
                        $setting = explode("=", $setting, 2);
                        $name = trim($setting[0]);
                        $value = trim($setting[1]);
                        $ini_settings[$name] = $value;

function settings2params(&$ini_settings)
        $settings = '';
        if (count($ini_settings)) {
                foreach($ini_settings as $name => $value) {
                        $value = addslashes($value);
                        $settings .= " -d \"".strtolower($name)."=$value\"";
        return $settings;

function generate_diff($wanted,$output)
        $w = explode("\n", $wanted);
        $o = explode("\n", $output);
        $w1 = array_diff_assoc($w,$o);
        $o1 = array_diff_assoc($o,$w);
        $w2 = array();
        $o2 = array();
        foreach($w1 as $idx => $val) $w2[sprintf("%03d<",$idx)] = sprintf("%03d- ", $idx+1).$val;
        foreach($o1 as $idx => $val) $o2[sprintf("%03d>",$idx)] = sprintf("%03d+ ", $idx+1).$val;
        $diff = array_merge($w2, $o2);
        return implode("\r\n", $diff);

function mkpath($path,$mode = 0777) {
        $dirs = preg_split('/[\\/]/',$path);
        $path = $dirs[0];
        for($i = 1;$i < count($dirs);$i++) {
                $path .= '/'.$dirs[$i];

function copyfiles($src,$new) {
        $d = dir($src);
        while (($entry = $d->read())) {
                if (is_file("$src/$entry")) {
                        copy("$src/$entry", "$new/$entry");

function post_result_data($query,$data)
        $url = QA_SUBMISSION_PAGE.'?'.$query;
        $post = "php_test_data=" . urlencode(base64_encode(preg_replace("/[\\x00]/", "[0x0]", $data)));
        $r = new HTTPRequest($url,NULL,NULL,$post);
        return $this->response_headers['Status']=='200';

function execute($command, $args=NULL, $input=NULL, $cwd=NULL, $env=NULL)
        $data = "";
        if (gettype($args)=='array') {
                $args = join($args,' ');
        $commandline = "$command $args";
        $proc = proc_open($commandline, array(
                                0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
                                1 => array('pipe', 'w')),
                                $pipes, $cwd, $env);

        if (!$proc)
                return false;

        if ($input) {
                $out = fwrite($pipes[0],$input);
                if ($out != strlen($input)) {
                        return NULL;

        while (true) {
                /* hide errors from interrupted syscalls */
                $r = $pipes;
                $w = null;
                $e = null;
                $n = @stream_select($r, $w, $e, 60);

                if ($n === 0) {
                        /* timed out */
                        $data .= "\n ** ERROR: process timed out **\n";
                        return $data;
                } else if ($n) {
                        $line = fread($pipes[1], 8192);
                        if (strlen($line) == 0) {
                                /* EOF */
                        $data .= $line;
        $code = proc_close($proc);
        return $data;

function executeCode($php, $ini_overwrites, $code, $remove_headers=true, $cwd=NULL, $env=NULL)
        $params = NULL;
        if ($ini_overwrites) {
                $info_params = array();
                $params = settings2params($info_params);
        $out = execute($php, $params, $code, $cwd, $env);
        // kill the headers
        if ($remove_headers && preg_match("/^(.*?)\r?\n\r?\n(.*)/s", $out, $match)) {
                $out = $match[2];
        return $out;

 * a simple request class that lets us handle http based tests

class HTTPRequest
    public $headers = array();
    public $timeout = 4;
    public $urlparts = NULL;
    public $url = '';
    public $userAgent = 'PHP-Test-Harness';
    public $options = array();
    public $postdata = NULL;
    public $errmsg = '';
    public $errno = 0;
    public $response;
    public $response_headers;
    public $outgoing_payload;
    public $incoming_payload = '';

    URL is the full url
    headers is assoc array of outgoing http headers
    options may include
    method (GET|POST)
    post data is, well, post data.  It is not processed so
        multipart stuff must be prepared before calling this
        (or add it to class)
    function HTTPRequest($URL, $headers=array(), $options=array(), $postdata=NULL)
        $this->urlparts = @parse_url($URL);
        $this->url = $URL;
        $this->options = $options;
        $this->headers = $headers;
        $this->postdata = &$postdata;
    function doRequest()
        if (!$this->_validateUrl()) return;
        if (isset($this->options['timeout'])) 
            $this->timeout = (int)$this->options['timeout'];

    function _validateUrl()
        if ( ! is_array($this->urlparts) ) {
            return FALSE;
        if (!isset($this->urlparts['host'])) {
        if (!isset($this->urlparts['port'])) {
            $this->urlparts['port'] = 80;
        if (!isset($this->urlparts['path']) || !$this->urlparts['path'])
            $this->urlparts['path'] = '/';
        return TRUE;
    function _parseResponse()
        if (preg_match("/^(.*?)\r?\n\r?\n(.*)/s", $this->incoming_payload, $match)) {
            $this->response = $match[2];
            if (preg_match("/^HTTP\/1\.. (\d+).*/s",$match[1],$status) && !$status[1]) {
                    $this->errmsg = "HTTP Response $status[1] Not Found";
                    return FALSE;
            $rh = preg_split("/[\n\r]+/",$match[1]);
            $this->response_headers = array();
            foreach ($rh as $line) {
                if (strpos($line, ':')!==false) {
                    $line = explode(":", $line, 2);
                    $this->response_headers[trim($line[0])] = trim($line[1]);
            // if no content, return false
            if(strlen($this->response) > 0) return TRUE;
        $this->errmsg = 'Invalid HTTP Response';
        return FALSE;
    function &_getRequest()
        $fullpath = $this->urlparts['path'].
        if (isset($this->options['proxy_host'])) {
            $fullpath = 'http://'.$this->urlparts['host'].':'.$this->urlparts['port'].$fullpath;
        if (isset($this->options['proxy_user'])) {
            $headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->options['proxy_user'].":".$this->options['proxy_pass']);
        $headers['User-Agent'] = $this->userAgent;
        $headers['Host'] = $this->urlparts['host'];
        $headers['Content-Length'] = strlen($this->postdata);
        $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
        if (isset($this->headers)) {
            $headers = array_merge($headers, $this->headers);
        $headertext = '';
        foreach ($headers as $k => $v) {
            $headertext .= "$k: $v\r\n";
        $method = trim($this->options['method'])?strtoupper(trim($this->options['method'])):'GET';
        $this->outgoing_payload = 
                "$method $fullpath HTTP/1.0\r\n".
        return $this->outgoing_payload;
    function _sendHTTP()
        $host = $this->urlparts['host'];
        $port = $this->urlparts['port'];
        if (isset($this->options['proxy_host'])) {
            $host = $this->options['proxy_host'];
            $port = isset($this->options['proxy_port'])?$this->options['proxy_port']:8080;
        // send
        if ($this->timeout > 0) {
            $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $this->errno, $this->errmsg, $this->timeout);
        } else {
            $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $this->errno, $this->errmsg);
        if (!$fp) {
            $this->errmsg = "Connect Error to $host:$port";
            return NULL;
        if ($this->timeout > 0) {
            // some builds of php do not support this, silence
            // the warning
            @socket_set_timeout($fp, $this->timeout);
        if (!fputs($fp, $this->outgoing_payload, strlen($this->outgoing_payload))) {
            $this->errmsg = "Error Sending Request Data to $host";
            return NULL;
        while ($data = fread($fp, 32768)) {
            $this->incoming_payload .= $data;



# a simple test case
#$r = new HTTPRequest('http://localhost:81/info.php/path/info');
#print $r->response;

} // end HTTPRequest

 * main test harness

class testHarness {
        public $cwd;
        public $xargs = array(
                #arg         env var                value        default   description
                'c' => array(''                    ,'file'       ,NULL    ,'configuration file, see server-tests-config.php for example'),
                'd' => array('TEST_PATHS'          ,'paths'      ,NULL    ,'colon separate path list'),
                'e' => array('TEST_PHP_ERROR_STYLE','EMACS|MSVC' ,'EMACS' ,'editor error style'),
                'h' => array(''                    ,''           ,NULL    ,'this help'),
                'i' => array('PHPRC'               ,'path|file'  ,NULL    ,'ini file to use for tests (sets PHPRC)'),
                'l' => array('TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT' ,'string'     ,'LEODC' ,'any combination of CDELO'),
                'm' => array('TEST_BASE_PATH'      ,'path'       ,NULL    ,'copy tests to this path before testing'),
                'n' => array('NO_PHPTEST_SUMMARY'  ,''           ,0       ,'do not print test summary'),
                'p' => array('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE' ,'path'       ,NULL    ,'php executable to be tested'),
                'q' => array('NO_INTERACTION'      ,''           ,0       ,'no console interaction (ie dont contact QA)'),
                'r' => array('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS'  ,''           ,0       ,'exit with status at end of execution'),
                's' => array('TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'     ,'path'       ,NULL    ,'path to php source code'),
                't' => array('TEST_PHP_DETAILED'   ,'number'     ,0       ,'level of detail output to dump'),
                'u' => array('TEST_WEB_BASE_URL'   ,'url'        ,''      ,'base url for http testing'),
                'v' => array('TEST_CONTEXT_INFO'   ,''           ,0       ,'view text executable context info'),
                'w' => array('TEST_WEB'            ,''           ,0       ,'run tests via http'),
                'x' => array('TEST_WEB_EXT'        ,'file ext'   ,'php'   ,'http file extension to use')
        public $conf = array();
        public $test_to_run = array();
        public $test_files = array();
        public $test_results = array();
        public $failed_tests = array();
        public $exts_to_test;
        public $exts_tested = 0;
        public $exts_skipped = 0;
        public $ignored_by_ext = 0;
        public $test_dirs = array('tests', 'pear', 'ext', 'sapi');
        public $start_time;
        public $end_time;
        public $exec_info;
        public $test_executable_iscgi = false;
        public $inisettings; // the test executables settings, used for web tests
        public $iswin32 = false;
        public $ddash = "=====================================================================";
        public $sdash = "---------------------------------------------------------------------";

        // Default ini settings
        public $ini_overwrites = array(
        public $env = array();
        public $info_params = array();

        function testHarness() {
                $this->iswin32 = substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN";
                $this->env = $_ENV;
                # change to working directory
                if ($this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR']) {
                $this->cwd = getcwd();

                if (!$this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'])
                        $this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'] = $this->cwd;
                if (!$this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'] && $this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'])
                        $this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'] = $this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'];
                if ($this->iswin32) {
                        $this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'] = str_replace('/','\\',$this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR']);
                        $this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'] = str_replace('/','\\',$this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH']);
                if (!$this->conf['TEST_WEB'] && !is_executable($this->conf['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'])) {
                        $this->error("invalid PHP executable specified by TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE  = " .
                        return false;
                $this->test_executable_iscgi = strncmp($this->exec_info['PHP_SAPI'],'cgi',3)==0;

                // add TEST_PHP_SRCDIR to the include path, this facilitates
                // tests including files from src/tests
                //$this->ini_overwrites['include_path'] = $this->cwd.($this->iswin32?';.;':':.:').$this->exec_info['INCLUDE_PATH'];
                $params = array();
                $this->info_params = settings2params($params);
                if ($this->conf['TEST_CONTEXT_INFO']) return;

        function getExecutableIniSettings()
                $out = $this->runscript(PHP_INI_SETTINGS_SCRIPT,true);
                $this->inisettings = unserialize($out);
        function getExecutableInfo()
                $out = $this->runscript(PHP_INFO_SCRIPT,true);
                $out = preg_split("/[\n\r]+/",$out);
                $info = array();
                foreach ($out as $line) {
                        if (strpos($line, '=')!==false) {
                                $line = explode("=", $line, 2);
                                $name = trim($line[0]);
                                $value = trim($line[1]);
                                $info[$name] = $value;
                $this->exec_info = $info;
        function getInstalledExtensions()
                // get the list of installed extensions
                $out = $this->runscript(PHP_EXTENSIONS_SCRIPT,true);
                $this->exts_to_test = explode(":",$out);
                $this->exts_tested = count($this->exts_to_test);

        // if running local, calls executeCode,
        // otherwise does an http request
        function runscript($script,$removeheaders=false,$cwd=NULL)
                if ($this->conf['TEST_WEB']) {
                        $pi = '/testscript.' . $this->conf['TEST_WEB_EXT'];
                        if (!$cwd) $cwd = $this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'];
                        $tmp_file = "$cwd$pi";
                        $pi = substr($cwd,strlen($this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'])) . $pi;
                        $url = $this->conf['TEST_WEB_BASE_URL'] . $pi;
                        $fd = fopen($url, "rb");
                        $out = '';
                        if ($fd) {
                                while (!feof($fd))
                                        $out .= fread($fd, 8192);
                        if (0 && $removeheaders &&
                                preg_match("/^(.*?)\r?\n\r?\n(.*)/s", $out, $match)) {
                                        return $match[2];
                        return $out;
                } else {
                        return executeCode($this->conf['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'],$this->ini_overwrites, $script,$removeheaders,$cwd,$this->env);

        // Use this function to do any displaying of text, so that
        // things can be over-written as necessary.
        function writemsg($msg) {
            echo $msg;
        // Another wrapper function, this one should be used any time
        // a particular test passes or fails
        function showstatus($item, $status, $reason = '') {
            switch($status) {
                case 'PASSED':
                    $this->writemsg("PASSED: $item ($reason)\n");
                case 'FAILED':
                    $this->writemsg("FAILED: $item ($reason)\n");
                case 'SKIPPED':
                    $this->writemsg("SKIPPED: $item ($reason)\n");
        function help()
                $usage = "usage: php run-tests.php [options]\n";
                foreach ($this->xargs as $arg=>$arg_info) {
                        $usage .= sprintf(" -%s  %-12s %s\n",$arg,$arg_info[1],$arg_info[3]);
                return $usage;
        function parseArgs() {
                global $argc;
                global $argv;
                global $_SERVER;
                if (!isset($argv)) {
                        $argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
                        $argc = $_SERVER['argc'];
                $conf = NULL;
                for ($i=1; $i<$argc;) {
                        if ($argv[$i][0] != '-') continue;
                        $opt = $argv[$i++][1];
                        if (isset($value)) unset($value);
                        if (@$argv[$i][0] != '-') {
                                @$value = $argv[$i++];
                        switch($opt) {
                        case 'c':
                                /* TODO: Implement configuraiton file */
                                if (!isset($conf)) {
                                        $this->writemsg("Invalid configuration file\n");
                                $this->conf = array_merge($this->conf,$conf);
                        case 'e':
                                $this->conf['TEST_PHP_ERROR_STYLE'] = strtoupper($value);
                        case 'h':
                                print $this->help();
                                if ($this->xargs[$opt][1] && isset($value))
                                        $this->conf[$this->xargs[$opt][0]] = $value;
                                else if (!$this->xargs[$opt][1])
                                        $this->conf[$this->xargs[$opt][0]] = isset($value)?$value:1;
                                        $this->error("Invalid argument setting for argument $opt, should be [{$this->xargs[$opt][1]}]\n");
                // set config into environment, this allows
                // executed tests to find out about the test
                // configurations.  config file or args overwrite
                // env var config settings
                $this->env = array_merge($this->env,$this->conf);
                if (!$this->conf['TEST_WEB'] && !$this->conf['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE']) {

        function removeSensitiveEnvVars()
                # delete sensitive env vars
        function setEnvConfigVar($name)
                if (isset($this->env[$name])) {
                        $this->conf[$name] = $this->env[$name];
        function initializeConfiguration()
                foreach ($this->xargs as $arg=>$arg_info) {
                        if ($arg_info[0]) {
                                # initialize the default setting
                                # get config from environment

        function setTestPaths()
                // configure test paths from config file or command line
                if (@$this->conf['TEST_PATHS']) {
                        $this->test_dirs = array();
                        if ($this->iswin32) {
                                $paths = explode(';',$this->conf['TEST_PATHS']);
                        } else {
                                $paths = explode(':|;',$this->conf['TEST_PATHS']);
                        foreach($paths as $path) {
                                $this->test_dirs[] = realpath($path);
        function test_sort($a, $b) {
                $ta = strpos($a, "{$this->cwd}/tests")===0 ? 1 + (strpos($a, "{$this->cwd}/tests/run-test")===0 ? 1 : 0) : 0;
                $tb = strpos($b, "{$this->cwd}/tests")===0 ? 1 + (strpos($b, "{$this->cwd}/tests/run-test")===0 ? 1 : 0) : 0;
                if ($ta == $tb) {
                        return strcmp($a, $b);
                } else {
                        return $tb - $ta;

        function checkRequirements() {
                if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.0") < 0) {
// We might want to check another server so we won't see that server's /tmp
//              if (!file_exists("/tmp")) {
//                      $this->writemsg(TMP_MISSING);
//                      exit;
//              }
                if (!function_exists("proc_open")) {
                if (!extension_loaded("pcre")) {
                if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
        // Write test context information.
        function contextHeader()
                $info = '';
                foreach ($this->exec_info as $k=>$v) {
                        $info .= sprintf("%-20.s: %s\n",$k,$v);
                $exts = '';
                foreach ($this->exts_to_test as $ext) {
                        $exts .="$ext\n              ";
                $dirs = '';
                foreach ($this->test_dirs as $test_dir) {
                        $dirs .= "$test_dir\n              ";
                $conf = '';
                foreach ($this->conf as $k=>$v) {
                        $conf .= sprintf("%-20.s: %s\n",$k,$v);
                $exeinfo = '';
                if (!$this->conf['TEST_WEB'])
                        $exeinfo = "CWD                 : {$this->cwd}\n".
                                        "PHP                 : {$this->conf['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE']}\n";
                        "Test Harness Configuration:\n$conf\n".
                        "Extensions  : $exts\n".
                        "Test Dirs   : $dirs\n".
        function loadFileList()
                foreach ($this->test_dirs as $dir) {
                        if (is_dir($dir)) {
                                $this->findFilesInDir($dir, ($dir == 'ext'));
                        } else {
                                $this->test_files[] = $dir;
                $this->writemsg("found ".count($this->test_files)." files\n");
        function moveTestFiles()
                if (!$this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'] ||
                        $this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'] == $this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR']) return;
                $this->writemsg("moving files from {$this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR']} to {$this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH']}\n");
                $l = strlen($this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR']);
                $files = array();
                $dirs = array();
                foreach ($this->test_files as $file) {
                        if (strpos($file,$this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'])==0) {
                                $newlocation = $this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'].substr($file,$l);
                                $files[] = $newlocation;
                                $dirs[dirname($file)] = dirname($newlocation);
                        } else {
                                // XXX what to do with test files outside the
                                // php source directory?  Need to map them into
                                // the new directory somehow.
                foreach ($dirs as $src=>$new) {
                $this->test_files = $files;
        function findFilesInDir($dir,$is_ext_dir=FALSE,$ignore=FALSE)
                $skip = array('.', '..', 'CVS');
                $o = opendir($dir) or $this->error("cannot open directory: $dir");
                while (($name = readdir($o)) !== FALSE) {
                        if (in_array($name, $skip)) continue;
                        if (is_dir("$dir/$name")) {
                                $skip_ext = ($is_ext_dir && !in_array($name, $this->exts_to_test));
                                if ($skip_ext) {
                                $this->findFilesInDir("$dir/$name", FALSE, $ignore || $skip_ext);
                        // Cleanup any left-over tmp files from last run.
                        if (substr($name, -4) == '.tmp') {
                        // Otherwise we're only interested in *.phpt files.
                        if (substr($name, -5) == '.phpt') {
                                if ($ignore) {
                                } else {
                                        $testfile = realpath("$dir/$name");
                                        $this->test_files[] = $testfile;
        function runHeader()
                $this->writemsg("TIME START " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->start_time) . "\n".$this->ddash."\n");
                if (count($this->test_to_run)) {
                        $this->writemsg("Running selected tests.\n");
                } else {
                        $this->writemsg("Running all test files.\n");
        function run()
                $this->start_time = time();
                // Run selected tests.
                if (count($this->test_to_run)) {
                        foreach($this->test_to_run as $name=>$runnable) {
                                if(!preg_match("/\.phpt$/", $name))
                                if ($runnable) {
                                        $this->test_results[$name] = $this->run_test($name);
                } else {
                        foreach ($this->test_files as $name) {
                                $this->test_results[$name] = $this->run_test($name);
                $this->end_time = time();

        function summarizeResults()
                if (count($this->test_results) == 0) {
                        $this->writemsg("No tests were run.\n");
                $n_total = count($this->test_results);
                $n_total += $this->ignored_by_ext;
                $sum_results = array('PASSED'=>0, 'SKIPPED'=>0, 'FAILED'=>0);
                foreach ($this->test_results as $v) {
                $sum_results['SKIPPED'] += $this->ignored_by_ext;
                $percent_results = array();
                while (list($v,$n) = each($sum_results)) {
                        $percent_results[$v] = (100.0 * $n) / $n_total;
                        "TIME END " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->end_time) . "\n".
                        "TEST RESULT SUMMARY\n".
                        "Exts skipped    : " . sprintf("%4d",$this->exts_skipped) . "\n".
                        "Exts tested     : " . sprintf("%4d",$this->exts_tested) . "\n".
                        "Number of tests : " . sprintf("%4d",$n_total) . "\n".
                        "Tests skipped   : " . sprintf("%4d (%2.1f%%)",$sum_results['SKIPPED'],$percent_results['SKIPPED']) . "\n".
                        "Tests failed    : " . sprintf("%4d (%2.1f%%)",$sum_results['FAILED'],$percent_results['FAILED']) . "\n".
                        "Tests passed    : " . sprintf("%4d (%2.1f%%)",$sum_results['PASSED'],$percent_results['PASSED']) . "\n".
                        "Time taken      : " . sprintf("%4d seconds", $this->end_time - $this->start_time) . "\n".
                $failed_test_summary = '';
                if ($this->failed_tests) {
                        $failed_test_summary .= "\n".$this->ddash."\n".
                                "FAILED TEST SUMMARY\n".$this->sdash."\n";
                        foreach ($this->failed_tests as $failed_test_data) {
                                $failed_test_summary .=  $failed_test_data['test_name'] . "\n";
                        $failed_test_summary .=  $this->ddash."\n";
                if ($failed_test_summary && !$this->conf['NO_PHPTEST_SUMMARY']) {

                /* We got failed Tests, offer the user to send and e-mail to QA team, unless NO_INTERACTION is set */
                if ($sum_results['FAILED'] && !$this->conf['NO_INTERACTION']) {
                        $fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r+");
                        $this->writemsg("\nPlease allow this report to be send to the PHP QA\nteam. This will give us a better understanding in how\n");
                        $this->writemsg("PHP's test cases are doing.\n");
                        $this->writemsg("(choose \"s\" to just save the results to a file)? [Yns]: ");
                        $user_input = fgets($fp, 10);
                        $just_save_results = (strtolower($user_input[0]) == 's');
                        if ($just_save_results || strlen(trim($user_input)) == 0 || strtolower($user_input[0]) == 'y') {
                                 * Collect information about the host system for our report
                                 * Fetch phpinfo() output so that we can see the PHP environment
                                 * Make an archive of all the failed tests
                                 * Send an email

                                /* Ask the user to provide an email address, so that QA team can contact the user */
                                if (!strncasecmp($user_input, 'y', 1) || strlen(trim($user_input)) == 0) {
                                        echo "\nPlease enter your email address.\n(Your address will be mangled so that it will not go out on any\nmailinglist in plain text): ";
                                        $fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r+");
                                        $user_email = trim(fgets($fp, 1024));
                                        $user_email = str_replace("@", " at ", str_replace(".", " dot ", $user_email));
                                $failed_tests_data = '';
                                $sep = "\n" . str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n";
                                $failed_tests_data .= $failed_test_summary . "\n";
                                if (array_sum($this->failed_tests)) {
                                        foreach ($this->failed_tests as $test_info) {
                                                $failed_tests_data .= $sep . $test_info['name'];
                                                $failed_tests_data .= $sep . file_get_contents(realpath($test_info['output']));
                                                $failed_tests_data .= $sep . file_get_contents(realpath($test_info['diff']));
                                                $failed_tests_data .= $sep . "\n\n";
                                        $status = "failed";
                                } else {
                                        $status = "success";
                                $failed_tests_data .= "\n" . $sep . 'BUILD ENVIRONMENT' . $sep;
                                $failed_tests_data .= "OS:\n". PHP_OS. "\n\n";
                                $automake = $autoconf = $libtool = $compiler = 'N/A';

                                if (!$this->iswin32) {
                                        $automake = shell_exec('automake --version');
                                        $autoconf = shell_exec('autoconf --version');
                                        /* Always use the generated libtool - Mac OSX uses 'glibtool' */
                                        $libtool = shell_exec('./libtool --version');
                                        /* Try the most common flags for 'version' */
                                        $flags = array('-v', '-V', '--version');
                                        foreach($flags AS $flag) {
                                                system($this->env['CC']." $flag >/dev/null 2>&1", $cc_status);
                                                if($cc_status == 0) {
                                                        $compiler = shell_exec($this->env['CC']." $flag 2>&1");
                                $failed_tests_data .= "Automake:\n$automake\n";
                                $failed_tests_data .= "Autoconf:\n$autoconf\n";
                                $failed_tests_data .= "Libtool:\n$libtool\n";
                                $failed_tests_data .= "Compiler:\n$compiler\n";
                                $failed_tests_data .= "Bison:\n". @shell_exec('bison --version'). "\n";
                                $failed_tests_data .= "\n\n";

                                if (isset($user_email)) {
                                        $failed_tests_data .= "User's E-mail: ".$user_email."\n\n";

                                $failed_tests_data .= $sep . "PHPINFO" . $sep;
                                $failed_tests_data .= shell_exec($this->conf['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'].' -dhtml_errors=0 -i');
                                $compression = 0;

                                if ($just_save_results ||
                                        !post_result_data("status=$status&version=".urlencode(TESTED_PHP_VERSION),$failed_tests_data)) {
                                        $output_file = 'php_test_results_' . date('Ymd_Hi') . ( $compression ? '.txt.gz' : '.txt' );
                                        $fp = fopen($output_file, "w");
                                        fwrite($fp, $failed_tests_data);
                                        if (!$just_save_results)
                                                echo "\nThe test script was unable to automatically send the report to PHP's QA Team\n";
                                        echo "Please send ".$output_file." to ".PHP_QA_EMAIL." manually, thank you.\n";
                                } else {
                                        fwrite($fp, "\nThank you for helping to make PHP better.\n");
                if($this->conf['REPORT_EXIT_STATUS'] and $sum_results['FAILED']) {

        function getINISettings(&$section_text)
                $ini_settings = $this->ini_overwrites;
                // Any special ini settings 
                // these may overwrite the test defaults...
                if (array_key_exists('INI', $section_text)) {
                        settings2array(preg_split( "/[\n\r]+/", $section_text['INI']), $ini_settings);
                return $ini_settings;

        function getINIParams(&$section_text)
                if (!$section_text) return '';
                // XXX php5 current has a problem doing this in one line
                // it fails with Only variables can be passed by reference
                // on test ext\calendar\tests\jdtojewish.phpt
                // return settings2params($this->getINISettings($section_text));
                $ini = $this->getINISettings($section_text);
                return settings2params($ini);

        function calculateDocumentRoot()
                if ($this->conf['TEST_WEB'] || $this->test_executable_iscgi) {
                        // configure DOCUMENT_ROOT for web tests
                        // this assumes that directories from the base url
                        // matches directory depth from the base path
                        $parts = parse_url($this->conf['TEST_WEB_BASE_URL']);
                        $depth = substr_count($parts['path'],'/');
                        $docroot = $this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'];
                        for ($i=0 ; $i < $depth; $i++) $docroot = dirname($docroot);
                } else {

        function evalSettings($filename,$data) {
                // we eval the section so we can allow dynamic env vars
                // for cgi testing
                $filename = str_replace('\\','/',$filename);
                $cwd = str_replace('\\','/',$this->cwd);
                $filepath = dirname($filename);
                $scriptname = substr($filename,strlen($this->conf['TEST_DOCUMENT_ROOT']));
                // eval fails if no newline
                return eval("$data\n");
        function getENVSettings(&$section_text,$testfile)
                $env = $this->env;
                // Any special environment settings 
                // these may overwrite the test defaults...
                if (array_key_exists('ENV', $section_text)) {
                        $sect = $this->evalSettings($testfile,$section_text['ENV']);
                        //print "data evaled:\n$sect\n";
                        settings2array(preg_split( "/[\n\r]+/", $sect), $env);
                return $env;

        function getEvalTestSettings($section_text,$testfile)
                $rq = array();
                // Any special environment settings 
                // these may overwrite the test defaults...
                if ($section_text) {
                        $sect = $this->evalSettings($testfile,$section_text);
                        //print "data evaled:\n$sect\n";
                        settings2array(preg_split( "/[\n\r]+/", $sect), $rq);
                return $rq;
        // Load the sections of the test file.
        function getSectionText($file)
                // Load the sections of the test file.
                $section_text = array(
                        'TEST'   => '(unnamed test)',
                        'SKIPIF' => '',
                        'GET'    => '',
                        'ARGS'   => '',
                        '_FILE'   => $file,
                        '_DIR'    => realpath(dirname($file)),
                $fp = @fopen($file, "r")
                                or $this->error("Cannot open test file: $file");
                $section = '';
                while (!feof($fp)) {
                        $line = fgets($fp);
                        // Match the beginning of a section.
                        if (preg_match('/^--([A-Z]+)--/',$line,$r)) {
                                $section = $r[1];
                                $section_text[$section] = '';
                        // Add to the section text.
                        $section_text[$section] .= $line;
                foreach ($section_text as $k=>$v) {
                        // for POST data ,we only want to trim the last new line!
                        if ($k == 'POST' && preg_match('/^(.*?)\r?\n$/Ds',$v,$matches)) {
                        } else {
                return $section_text;

        // Check if test should be skipped.
        function getSkipReason($file,&$section_text,$docgi=false)
                // if the test uses POST or GET, and it's not the cgi
                // executable, skip
                if ($docgi && !$this->conf['TEST_WEB'] && !$this->test_executable_iscgi) {
                        $this->showstatus($section_text['TEST'], 'SKIPPED', 'CGI Test needs CGI Binary');
                        return "SKIPPED";
                // if we're doing web testing, then we wont be able to set
                // ini setting on the command line.  be sure the executables
                // ini settings are compatible with the test, or skip
                if (($docgi || $this->conf['TEST_WEB']) &&
                        isset($section_text['INI']) && $section_text['INI']) {
                        $settings = $this->getINISettings($section_text);
                        foreach ($settings as $k=>$v) {
                                if (strcasecmp($v,'off')==0 || !$v) $v='';
                                $haveval = isset($this->inisettings[$k]['local_value']);
                                if ($k == 'include_path') {
                                        // we only want to know that src directory
                                        // is in the include path
                                        if (strpos($this->inisettings[$k]['local_value'],$this->cwd))
                                if (($haveval && $this->inisettings[$k]['local_value'] != $v) || (!$haveval && $v)) {
                                        $this->showstatus($section_text['TEST'], 'SKIPPED', "Test requires ini setting $k=[$v], not [".($haveval?$this->inisettings[$k]['local_value']:'')."]");
                                        return "SKIPPED";
                // now handle a SKIPIF section
                if ($section_text['SKIPIF']) {
                        $output = trim($this->runscript($section_text['SKIPIF'],$this->test_executable_iscgi,realpath(dirname($file))),true);
                        if (!$output) return NULL;
                        if ($this->conf['TEST_PHP_DETAILED'] > 2)
                                print "SKIPIF: [$output]\n";
                        if (preg_match("/^skip/i", $output)){
                                $reason = (preg_match("/^skip\s*(.+)\$/", $output)) ? preg_replace("/^skip\s*(.+)\$/", "\\1", $output) : FALSE;
                                $this->showstatus($section_text['TEST'], 'SKIPPED', $reason);
                                return 'SKIPPED';
                        if (preg_match("/^info/i", $output)) {
                                $reason = (preg_match("/^info\s*(.+)\$/", $output)) ? preg_replace("/^info\s*(.+)\$/", "\\1", $output) : FALSE;
                                if ($reason) {
                                        $tested .= " (info: $reason)";
                return NULL;

        //  Run an individual test case.
        function run_test($file)
                if ($this->conf['TEST_PHP_DETAILED'])
                        $this->writemsg("\n=================\nTEST $file\n");
                $section_text = $this->getSectionText($file);
                if ($this->iswin32)
                        $shortname = str_replace($this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'].'\\', '', $file);
                        $shortname = str_replace($this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'].'/', '', $file);
                $tested = $section_text['TEST']." [$shortname]";
                if ($this->conf['TEST_WEB']) {
                        $tmp_file   = preg_replace('/\.phpt$/','.'.$this->conf['TEST_WEB_EXT'],$file);
                        $uri = $this->conf['TEST_BASE_SCRIPT_NAME'].str_replace($this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'], '', $tmp_file);
                        $uri = str_replace('\\', '/', $uri);
                } else {
                        $tmp_file   = preg_replace('/\.phpt$/','.php',$file);
                // unlink old test results      
                if (!$this->conf['TEST_WEB']) {
                        // Reset environment from any previous test.
                        $env = $this->getENVSettings($section_text,$tmp_file);
                        $ini_overwrites = $this->getINIParams($section_text);
                // if this is a cgi test, prepare for it
                $query_string = '';
                $havepost = array_key_exists('POST', $section_text) && !empty($section_text['POST']);
                // allow empty query_string requests
                $haveget = array_key_exists('GET', $section_text) && !empty($section_text['GET']);
                $do_cgi = array_key_exists('CGI', $section_text) || $haveget || $havepost;

                $skipreason = $this->getSkipReason($file,$section_text,$do_cgi);
                if ($skipreason == 'SKIPPED') {
                        return $skipreason;

                // We've satisfied the preconditions - run the test!

                $post = NULL;
                $args = "";

                $headers = array();
                if ($this->conf['TEST_WEB']) {
                        $request = $this->getEvalTestSettings(@$section_text['REQUEST'],$tmp_file);
                        $headers = $this->getEvalTestSettings(@$section_text['HEADERS'],$tmp_file);

                        $method = isset($request['method'])?$request['method']:$havepost?'POST':'GET';
                        $query_string = $haveget?$section_text['GET']:'';
                        $options = array();
                        if (isset($this->conf['timeout']))    $options['timeout']    = $this->conf['timeout'];
                        if (isset($this->conf['proxy_host'])) $options['proxy_host'] = $this->conf['proxy_host'];
                        if (isset($this->conf['proxy_port'])) $options['proxy_port'] = $this->conf['proxy_port'];
                        if (isset($this->conf['proxy_user'])) $options['proxy_user'] = $this->conf['proxy_user'];
                        if (isset($this->conf['proxy_pass'])) $options['proxy_pass'] = $this->conf['proxy_pass'];
                        $post = $havepost?$section_text['POST']:NULL;
                        $url = $this->conf['TEST_SERVER_URL'];
                        if (isset($request['SCRIPT_NAME']))
                                $url .= $request['SCRIPT_NAME'];
                                $url .= $uri;
                        if (isset($request['PATH_INFO']))
                                $url .= $request['PATH_INFO'];
                        if (isset($request['FRAGMENT']))
                                $url .= '#'.$request['FRAGMENT'];
                        if (isset($request['QUERY_STRING']))
                                $query_string = $request['QUERY_STRING'];
                        if ($query_string)
                                $url .= '?'.$query_string;
                        if ($this->conf['TEST_PHP_DETAILED'])
                                $this->writemsg("\nURL  = $url\n");
                } else if ($do_cgi) {
                        $query_string = $haveget?$section_text['GET']:'';
                        if (!array_key_exists('GATEWAY_INTERFACE', $env))
                        if (!array_key_exists('SERVER_SOFTWARE', $env))
                                $env['SERVER_SOFTWARE']='PHP Test Harness';
                        if (!array_key_exists('SERVER_SOFTWARE', $env))
                        if (!array_key_exists('REDIRECT_STATUS', $env))
                        if (!array_key_exists('SERVER_NAME', $env))
                        if (!array_key_exists('PATH_TRANSLATED', $env) &&
                                !array_key_exists('SCRIPT_FILENAME', $env)) {
                        if (!array_key_exists('PATH_TRANSLATED', $env))
                        if (!array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $env))
                        if (!array_key_exists('SCRIPT_NAME', $env))
                        if (!array_key_exists('SCRIPT_FILENAME', $env))
                        if (array_key_exists('POST', $section_text) && (!$haveget || !empty($section_text['POST']))) {
                                $post = $section_text['POST'];
                                $content_length = strlen($post);
                                if (!array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD', $env))
                                if (!array_key_exists('CONTENT_TYPE', $env))
                                if (!array_key_exists('CONTENT_LENGTH', $env))
                        } else {
                                if (!array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD', $env))
                                if (!array_key_exists('CONTENT_TYPE', $env))
                                if (!array_key_exists('CONTENT_LENGTH', $env))
                        if ($this->conf['TEST_PHP_DETAILED'] > 1)
                                $this->writemsg("\nCONTENT_LENGTH  = " . $env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] . 
                                                "\nCONTENT_TYPE    = " . $env['CONTENT_TYPE'] . 
                                                "\nPATH_TRANSLATED = " . $env['PATH_TRANSLATED'] . 
                                                "\nPATH_INFO       = " . $env['PATH_INFO'] . 
                                                "\nQUERY_STRING    = " . $env['QUERY_STRING'] . 
                                                "\nREDIRECT_STATUS = " . $env['REDIRECT_STATUS'] . 
                                                "\nREQUEST_METHOD  = " . $env['REQUEST_METHOD'] . 
                                                "\nSCRIPT_NAME     = " . $env['SCRIPT_NAME'] . 
                                                "\nSCRIPT_FILENAME = " . $env['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] . "\n");
                        /* not cgi spec to put query string on command line,
                           but used by a couple tests to catch a security hole
                           in older php versions.  At least IIS can be configured
                           to do this. */
                        $args = $env['QUERY_STRING'];
                        $args = "$ini_overwrites $tmp_file \"$args\" 2>&1";
                } else {
                        $args = $section_text['ARGS'] ? $section_text['ARGS'] : '';
                        $args = "$ini_overwrites $tmp_file $args 2>&1";

                if ($this->conf['TEST_WEB']) {
                        // we want headers also, so fopen
                        $r = new HTTPRequest($url,$headers,$options,$post);
                        //$out = preg_replace("/\r\n/","\n",$r->response);
                        $out = $r->response;
                        $headers = $r->response_headers;
                        //print $r->outgoing_payload."\n";
                        //print $r->incoming_payload."\n";
                } else {
                        $out = execute($this->conf['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'],$args,$post,$this->cwd,$env);
                        // if this is a cgi, remove the headers first
                        if ($this->test_executable_iscgi
                                 && preg_match("/^(.*?)\r?\n\r?\n(.*)/s", $out, $match)) {
                                $out = $match[2];
                                $rh = preg_split("/[\n\r]+/",$match[1]);
                                $headers = array();
                                foreach ($rh as $line) {
                                        if (strpos($line, ':')!==false) {
                                                $line = explode(":", $line, 2);
                                                $headers[trim($line[0])] = trim($line[1]);
                if ($this->conf['TEST_PHP_DETAILED'] > 2) {
                        echo "HEADERS: ";
                        echo "OUTPUT: \n$out\n";
                // Does the output match what is expected?
                $output = trim($out);
                $output = preg_replace('/\r\n/',"\n",$output);

                $failed = FALSE;

                if (isset($section_text['EXPECTF']) || isset($section_text['EXPECTREGEX'])) {
                        if (isset($section_text['EXPECTF'])) {
                                $wanted = $section_text['EXPECTF'];
                        } else {
                                $wanted = $section_text['EXPECTREGEX'];
                        $wanted_re = preg_replace('/\r\n/',"\n",$wanted);
                        if (isset($section_text['EXPECTF'])) {
                                // do preg_quote, but miss out any %r delimited sections
                                $temp = "";
                                $r = "%r";
                                $startOffset = 0;
                                $length = strlen($wanted_re);
                                while($startOffset < $length) {
                                        $start = strpos($wanted_re, $r, $startOffset);
                                        if ($start !== false) {
                                                // we have found a start tag
                                                $end = strpos($wanted_re, $r, $start+2);
                                                if ($end === false) {
                                                        // unbalanced tag, ignore it.
                                                        $end = $start = $length;
                                        } else {
                                                // no more %r sections
                                                $start = $end = $length;
                                        // quote a non re portion of the string
                                        $temp = $temp . preg_quote(substr($wanted_re, $startOffset, ($start - $startOffset)),  '/');
                                        // add the re unquoted.
                                        if ($end > $start) {
                                                $temp = $temp . '(' . substr($wanted_re, $start+2, ($end - $start-2)). ')';
                                        $startOffset = $end + 2;
                                $wanted_re = $temp;

                                $wanted_re = str_replace(
                                $wanted_re = str_replace(
                                $wanted_re = str_replace(
                                        array('%unicode\|string%', '%string\|unicode%'),
                                $wanted_re = str_replace(
                                        array('%u\|b%', '%b\|u%'),
                                // Stick to basics
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%e', '\\' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $wanted_re);
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%s', '[^\r\n]+', $wanted_re);
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%S', '[^\r\n]*', $wanted_re);
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%a', '.+', $wanted_re);
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%A', '.*', $wanted_re);
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%w', '\s*', $wanted_re);
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%i', '[+-]?\d+', $wanted_re);
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%d', '\d+', $wanted_re);
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%x', '[0-9a-fA-F]+', $wanted_re);
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%f', '[+-]?\.?\d+\.?\d*(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?', $wanted_re);
                                $wanted_re = str_replace('%c', '.', $wanted_re);
                                // %f allows two points "-.0.0" but that is the best *simple* expression
                        print(str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n");
                        $failed = !preg_match("/^$wanted_re\$/s", $output);
                $skipexpect = false;
                if (!$failed && $this->conf['TEST_WEB'] && isset($section_text['EXPECTHEADERS'])) {
                        $want = array();
                        $lines = preg_split("/[\n\r]+/",$section_text['EXPECTHEADERS']);
            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                if (strpos($line, ':')!==false) {
                    $line = explode(":", $line, 2);
                    $want[trim($line[0])] = trim($line[1]);
                                        $wanted .= trim($line[0]).': '.trim($line[1])."\n";
                        foreach ($want as $k=>$v) {
                                $output .= "$k: {$headers[$k]}\n";
                                if (!isset($headers[$k]) || $headers[$k] != $v) {
                                        $failed = TRUE;
                        // different servers may do different things on non-200 results
                        // for instance, IIS will deliver it's own error pages, so we
                        // cannot expect to match up the EXPECT section.  We may however,
                        // want to match EXPECT on more than 200 results, so this may
                        // need to change later.
                        $skipexpect = isset($headers['Status']) && $headers['Status'] != 200;
                if (!$failed && !$skipexpect && isset($section_text['EXPECT'])) {
                        $wanted = $section_text['EXPECT'];
                        $wanted = preg_replace('/\r\n/',"\n",$wanted);
                        $failed = (0 != strcmp($output,$wanted));
                if (!$failed) {
                        $this->showstatus($tested, 'PASSED');
                        return 'PASSED';
                // Test failed so we need to report details.
                $this->showstatus($tested, 'FAILED');
                $this->failed_tests[] = array(
                                                        'name' => $file,
                                                        'test_name' => $tested,
                                                        'output' => preg_replace('/\.phpt$/','.log', $file),
                                                        'diff'   => preg_replace('/\.phpt$/','.diff', $file)
                if ($this->conf['TEST_PHP_DETAILED'])
                // write .exp
                if (strpos($this->conf['TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT'],'E') !== FALSE) {
                        $logname = preg_replace('/\.phpt$/','.exp',$file);
                // write .out
                if (strpos($this->conf['TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT'],'O') !== FALSE) {
                        $logname = preg_replace('/\.phpt$/','.out',$file);
                // write .diff
                if (strpos($this->conf['TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT'],'D') !== FALSE) {
                        $logname = preg_replace('/\.phpt$/','.diff',$file);
                // write .log
                if (strpos($this->conf['TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT'],'L') !== FALSE) {
                        $logname = preg_replace('/\.phpt$/','.log',$file);
                                                "\n---- EXPECTED OUTPUT\n$wanted\n".
                                                "---- ACTUAL OUTPUT\n$output\n".
                                                "---- FAILED\n");
                        // display emacs/msvc error output
                        if (strpos($this->conf['TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT'],'C') !== FALSE) {
                return 'FAILED';

        //  Write an error in a format recognizable to Emacs or MSVC.
        function error_report($testname,$logname,$tested) 
                $testname = realpath($testname);
                $logname  = realpath($logname);
                switch ($this->conf['TEST_PHP_ERROR_STYLE']) {
                case 'MSVC':
                        $this->writemsg($testname . "(1) : $tested\n");
                        $this->writemsg($logname . "(1) :  $tested\n");
                case 'EMACS':
                        $this->writemsg($testname . ":1: $tested\n");
                        $this->writemsg($logname . ":1:  $tested\n");

        function error($message)
                $this->writemsg("ERROR: {$message}\n");

$test = new testHarness();
 * Local variables:
 * tab-width: 4
 * c-basic-offset: 4
 * End:
 * vim600: fdm=marker
 * vim: noet sw=4 ts=4

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