
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. spl_autoload
  2. spl_autoload_call
  3. spl_autoload_extensions
  4. spl_autoload_functions
  5. spl_autoload_register
  6. spl_autoload_unregister
  7. spl_classes
  8. iterator_count
  9. iterator_to_array
  10. __clone
  11. __construct
  12. getMessage
  13. getCode
  14. getFile
  15. getLine
  16. getTrace
  17. getTraceAsString
  18. __toString
  19. offsetSet
  20. offsetGet
  21. offsetUnset
  22. offsetExists
  23. getIterator
  24. rewind
  25. current
  26. key
  27. next
  28. valid
  29. count
  30. serialize
  31. unserialize
  32. __construct
  33. setFlags
  34. getFlags
  35. asort
  36. ksort
  37. uasort
  38. uksort
  39. natsort
  40. natcasesort
  41. exchangeArray
  42. getIterator
  43. offsetExists
  44. offsetGet
  45. offsetSet
  46. offsetUnset
  47. append
  48. getArrayCopy
  49. count
  50. setIteratorClass
  51. getIteratorClass
  52. __construct
  53. setFlags
  54. getFlags
  55. asort
  56. ksort
  57. uasort
  58. uksort
  59. natsort
  60. natcasesort
  61. offsetExists
  62. offsetGet
  63. offsetSet
  64. offsetUnset
  65. append
  66. getArrayCopy
  67. seek
  68. count
  69. rewind
  70. valid
  71. current
  72. key
  73. next
  74. __construct
  75. getPath
  76. getFilename
  77. getFileInfo
  78. getPathname
  79. getPathInfo
  80. getPerms
  81. getInode
  82. getSize
  83. getOwner
  84. getGroup
  85. getATime
  86. getMTime
  87. getCTime
  88. getType
  89. isWritable
  90. isReadable
  91. isExecutable
  92. isFile
  93. isDir
  94. isLink
  95. getLinkTarget
  96. getRealPath
  97. __toString
  98. openFile
  99. setFileClass
  100. setInfoClass
  101. __construct
  102. rewind
  103. valid
  104. key
  105. current
  106. next
  107. isDot
  108. isLink
  109. __toString
  110. __construct
  111. key
  112. current
  113. hasChildren
  114. getChildren
  115. getSubPath
  116. getSubPathname
  117. hasChildren
  118. getChildren
  119. count
  120. rewind
  121. valid
  122. current
  123. key
  124. next
  125. update
  126. attach
  127. detach
  128. notify


/** @file spl.php
 * @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Documentation of internal classes and interfaces
 * SPL - Standard PHP Library
 * (c) Marcus Boerger, 2003 - 2008

/** @mainpage SPL - Standard PHP Library
 * SPL - Standard PHP Library
 * SPL is a collection of interfaces and classes that are meant to solve
 * standard problems and implements some efficient data access interfaces
 * and classes. You'll find the classes documented using php code in the
 * file spl.php or in corresponding .inc files in subdirectories examples
 * and internal. Based on the internal implementations or the files in the
 * examples subdirectory there are also some .php files to experiment with.
 * The .inc files are not included automatically because they are sooner or
 * later integrated into the extension. That means that you either need to
 * put the code of examples/ into your autoprepend file or that
 * you have to point your ini setting auto_prepend_file to that file.
 * Below is a list of interfaces/classes already availabel natively through
 * the SPL extension grouped by category.
 * 1) Iterators
 * SPL offers some advanced iterator algorithms:
 * - interface RecursiveIterator extends Iterator
 * - interface OuterIterator extends Iterator
 * - class RecursiveIteratorIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class RecursiveTreeIterator extends RecursiveIteratorIterator
 * - abstract class FilterIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class ParentIterator extends FilterIterator implements RecursiveIterator
 * - interface SeekableIterator extends Iterator
 * - class LimitIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class CachingIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class RecursiveCachingIterator extends CachingIterator implements RecursiveIterator
 * - class IteratorIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class NoRewindIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class EmptyIterator implements Iterator
 * - class InfiniteIterator extends IteratorIterator
 * - class AppendIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class RegexIterator extends FilterIterator
 * - class RecursiveRegexIterator extends RegexIterator implements RecursiveIterator
 * - class MultipleIterator extends Iterator
 * 2) Directories and Files
 * SPL offers two advanced directory and file handling classes:
 * - class SplFileInfo
 * - class DirectoryIterator extends SplFileInfo implements Iterator
 * - class FilesystemIterator extends DirectoryIterator
 * - class RecursiveDirectoryIterator extends FilesystemIterator implements RecursiveIterator
 * - class GlobIterator extends FilesystemIterator implements Countable
 * - class SplFileObject extends SplFileInfo implements RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator
 * - class SplTempFileObject extends SplFileObject
 * 3) XML
 * SPL offers an advanced XML handling class:
 * - class SimpleXMLIterator extends simplexml_element implements RecursiveIterator
 * 4) Array Overloading
 * SPL offers advanced Array overloading:
 * - class ArrayObject implements IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess, Countable
 * - class ArrayIterator implements Iterator, ArrayAccess, Countable, SeekableIterator
 * - class RecursiveArrayIterator extends ArrayIterator implements RecursiveIterator
 * - class SplFixedArray implements Iterator, ArrayAccess, Countable
 * As the above suggest an ArrayObject creates an ArrayIterator when it comes to
 * iteration (e.g. ArrayObject instance used inside foreach).
 * 5) Counting
 * - interface Countable allows to hook into the standard array function count().
 * 6) Exception%s
 * SPL provides a set of standard Exception classes each meant to indicate a
 * certain problem type.
 * - class LogicException           extends Exception
 * - class BadFunctionCallException extends LogicException
 * - class BadMethodCallException   extends BadFunctionCallException
 * - class DomainException          extends LogicException
 * - class InvalidArgumentException extends LogicException
 * - class LengthException          extends LogicException
 * - class OutOfRangeException      extends LogicException
 * - class RuntimeException         extends Exception
 * - class OutOfBoundsException     extends RuntimeException
 * - class OverflowException        extends RuntimeException
 * - class RangeException           extends RuntimeException
 * - class UnderflowException       extends RuntimeException
 * 7) Observer
 * SPL suggests a standard way of implementing the observer pattern.
 * - interface SplObserver
 * - interface SplSubject
 * - class SplObjectStorage
 * 8) Datastructures
 * SPL proposes a set of datastructures implemented internally.
 * - class SplDoublyLinkedList
 * - class SplStack                 extends SplDoublyLinkedList
 * - class SplQueue                 extends SplDoublyLinkedList
 * 9) @ref Examples
 * The classes and interfaces in this group are contained as PHP code in the
 * examples subdirectory of ext/SPL. Sooner or later they will be moved to
 * c-code.
 * 10) Some articles about SPL:
 * - <a href="">Introduction to Standard PHP Library (SPL)</a>
 * - <a href="">Introducing PHP 5's Standard Library</a>
 * - <a href="">Iterators in PHP5</a>
 * - <a href="">Advanced OOP with SPL in PHP 5</a>
 * - <a href="">The Standard PHP Library, Part 1</a>
 * - <a href="">The Standard PHP Library, Part 2</a>
 * - <a href="">Die Standard PHP Library (SPL) [german]</a>
 * 11) Talks on SPL:
 * - SPL Update <a href="">[pps]</a>, <a href="">[pdf]</a>
 * - Happy SPLing <a href="">[pps]</a>, <a href="">[pdf]</a>
 * - From engine overloading to SPL <a href="">[pps]</a>, <a href="">[pdf]</a>
 * - SPL for the masses <a href="">[pps]</a>, <a href="">[pdf]</a>
 * 12) Debug sessions:
 * - Debug session 1 <a href="200407_oscon_introduction_to_iterators_debug.pps">[pps]</a>, <a href="200407_oscon_introduction_to_iterators_debug.pdf">[pdf]</a>
 * - Debug session 2 <a href="">[pps]</a>, <a href="">[pdf]</a>, <a href="">[swf]</a>
 * - Debug session 3 <a href="">[pps]</a>, <a href="">[pdf]</a>
 * (c) Marcus Boerger, 2003 - 2007

/** @defgroup ZendEngine Zend engine classes
 * The classes and interfaces in this group are contained in the c-code of
 * PHP's Zend engine.

/** @defgroup SPL Internal classes
 * The classes and interfaces in this group are contained in the c-code of
 * ext/SPL.

/** @defgroup Examples Example classes
 * The classes and interfaces in this group are contained as PHP code in the
 * examples subdirectory of ext/SPL. Sooner or later they will be moved to
 * c-code.

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Default implementation for __autoload()
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param class_name        name of class to load
 * @param file_extensions   file extensions (use defaults if NULL)
function spl_autoload(string $class_name, string $file_extensions = NULL) {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Manual invocation of all registerd autoload functions
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param class_name        name of class to load
function spl_autoload_call(string $class_name) {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Register and return default file extensions for spl_autoload
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param file_extensions optional comma separated list of extensions to use in
 *        default autoload function. If not given just return the current list.
 * @return comma separated list of file extensions to use in default autoload
 *        function.
function spl_autoload_extensions($file_extensions) {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Return all registered autoload functionns
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @return array of all registered autoload functions or false
function spl_autoload_functions() {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Register given function as autoload implementation
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param autoload_function  name of function or array of object/class and
 *                           function name to register as autoload function.
 * @param throw              whether to throw or issue an error on failure.
function spl_autoload_register(string $autoload_function = "spl_autoload", $throw = true) {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Unregister given function as autoload implementation
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param autoload_function  name of function or array of object/class and
 *                           function name to unregister as autoload function.
function spl_autoload_unregister(string $autoload_function = "spl_autoload") {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Return an array of classes and interfaces in SPL
 * @return array containing the names of all clsses and interfaces defined in
 *         extension SPL
function spl_classes() {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Count the elements in an iterator
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @return number of elements in an iterator
function iterator_count(Traversable $it) {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Copy iterator elements into an array
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param it  iterator to copy
 * @param use_keys whether touse the keys
 * @return array with elements copied from the iterator
function iterator_to_array(Traversable $it, $use_keys = true) {/**/};

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Basic Exception class.
 * @since PHP 5.0
class Exception
        /** The exception message */
        protected $message;

        /** The string representations as generated during construction */
        private $string;

        /** The code passed to the constructor */
        protected $code;

        /** The file name where the exception was instantiated */
        protected $file;

        /** The line number where the exception was instantiated */
        protected $line;

        /** The stack trace */
        private $trace;

        /** Prevent clone
        final private function __clone() {}

        /** Construct an exception
         * @param $message Some text describing the exception
         * @param $code    Some code describing the exception
        function __construct($message = NULL, $code = 0) {
                if (func_num_args()) {
                        $this->message = $message;
                $this->code = $code;
                $this->file = __FILE__; // of throw clause
                $this->line = __LINE__; // of throw clause
                $this->trace = debug_backtrace();
                $this->string = StringFormat($this);

        /** @return the message passed to the constructor
        final public function getMessage()
                return $this->message;

        /** @return the code passed to the constructor
        final public function getCode()
                return $this->code;

        /** @return the name of the file where the exception was thrown
        final public function getFile()
                return $this->file;

        /** @return the line number where the exception was thrown
        final public function getLine()
                return $this->line;

        /** @return the stack trace as array
        final public function getTrace()
                return $this->trace;

        /** @return the stack trace as string
        final public function getTraceAsString()

        /** @return string representation of exception
        public function __toString()
                return $this->string;

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception that represents error in the program logic.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * This kind of exceptions should directly leed to a fix in your code.
class LogicException extends Exception

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown when a function call was illegal.
 * @since PHP 5.1
class BadFunctionCallException extends LogicException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown when a method call was illegal.
 * @since PHP 5.1
class BadMethodCallException extends BadFunctionCallException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception that denotes a value not in the valid domain was used.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * This kind of exception should be used to inform about domain erors in
 * mathematical sense.
 * @see RangeException
class DomainException extends LogicException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception that denotes invalid arguments were passed.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @see UnexpectedValueException
class InvalidArgumentException extends LogicException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown when a parameter exceeds the allowed length.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * This can be used for strings length, array size, file size, number of
 * elements read from an Iterator and so on.
class LengthException extends LogicException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown when an illegal index was requested.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * This represents errors that should be detected at compile time.
 * @see OutOfBoundsException
class OutOfRangeException extends LogicException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown for errors that are only detectable at runtime.
 * @since PHP 5.1
class RuntimeException extends Exception

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown when an illegal index was requested.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * This represents errors that cannot be detected at compile time.
 * @see OutOfRangeException
class OutOfBoundsException extends RuntimeException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown to indicate arithmetic/buffer overflow.
 * @since PHP 5.1
class OverflowException extends RuntimeException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown to indicate range errors during program execution.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * Normally this means there was an arithmetic error other than under/overflow.
 * This is the runtime version of DomainException.
 * @see DomainException
class RangeException extends RuntimeException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown to indicate arithmetic/buffer underflow.
 * @since PHP 5.1
class UnderflowException extends RuntimeException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown to indicate an unexpected value.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * Typically this happens when a function calls another function and espects
 * the return value to be of a certain type or value not including arithmetic
 * or buffer related errors.
 * @see InvalidArgumentException
class UnexpectedValueException extends RuntimeException

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Interface to override array access of objects.
 * @since PHP 5.0
interface ArrayAccess
        /** @param $offset to modify
         * @param $value new value
        function offsetSet($offset, $value);

        /** @param $offset to retrieve
         * @return value at given offset
        function offsetGet($offset);

        /** @param $offset to delete
        function offsetUnset($offset);

        /** @param $offset to check
         * @return whether the offset exists.
        function offsetExists($offset);

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Interface to detect a class is traversable using foreach.
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * Abstract base interface that cannot be implemented alone. Instead it
 * must be implemented by either IteratorAggregate or Iterator.
 * @note Internal classes that implement this interface can be used in a
 * foreach construct and do not need to implement IteratorAggregate or
 * Iterator.
 * @note This is an engine internal interface which cannot be implemented
 * in PHP scripts. Either IteratorAggregate or Iterator must be used
 * instead.
interface Traversable

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Interface to create an external Iterator.
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * @note This is an engine internal interface.
interface IteratorAggregate extends Traversable
        /** @return an Iterator for the implementing object.
        function getIterator();

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Basic iterator
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * Interface for external iterators or objects that can be iterated
 * themselves internally.
 * @note This is an engine internal interface.
interface Iterator extends Traversable
        /** Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
        function rewind();

        /** Return the current element.
        function current();

        /** Return the key of the current element.
        function key();

        /** Move forward to next element.
        function next();

        /** Check if there is a current element after calls to rewind() or next().
        function valid();

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief This Interface allows to hook into the global count() function.
 * @since PHP 5.1
interface Countable
        /** @return the number the global function count() should show
        function count();

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Interface for customized serializing
 * @since 5.1
 * Classes that implement this interface no longer support __sleep() and
 * __wakeup(). The method serialized is called whenever an instance needs to
 * be serialized. This does not invoke __destruct() or has any other side
 * effect unless programmed inside the method. When the data is unserialized
 * the class is known and the appropriate unserialize() method is called as a
 * constructor instead of calling __construct(). If you need to execute the
 * standard constructor you may do so in the method.
interface Serializable
         * @return string representation of the instance
        function serialize();

         * @note This is a constructor
         * @param $serialized data read from stream to construct the instance
        function unserialize($serialized);

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief An Array wrapper
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * @version 1.2
 * This array wrapper allows to recursively iterate over Arrays and public
 * Object properties.
 * @see ArrayIterator
class ArrayObject implements IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess, Countable
        /** Properties of the object have their normal functionality
         * when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.) */
        const STD_PROP_LIST     = 0x00000001;
        /** Array indices can be accessed as properties in read/write */
        const ARRAY_AS_PROPS    = 0x00000002;

        /** Construct a new array iterator from anything that has a hash table.
         * That is any Array or Object.
         * @param $array the array to use.
         * @param $flags see setFlags().
         * @param $iterator_class class used in getIterator()
        function __construct($array, $flags = 0, $iterator_class = "ArrayIterator") {/**/}

        /** Set behavior flags.
         * @param $flags bitmask as follows:
         *        0 set: properties of the object have their normal functionality
         *               when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.)
         *        1 set: array indices can be accessed as properties in read/write
        function setFlags($flags) {/**/}

        /** @return current flags
        function getFlags() {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by values.
        function asort() {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by key.
        function ksort() {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by values using user defined function.
        function uasort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by key using user defined function.
        function uksort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by values using "natural order" algorithm.
        function natsort() {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by values using case insensitive "natural order" algorithm.
        function natcasesort() {/**/}

        /** @param $array new array or object
        function exchangeArray($array) {/**/}

        /** @return the iterator which is an ArrayIterator object connected to
         * this object.
        function getIterator() {/**/}

        /** @param $index offset to inspect
         * @return whetehr offset $index esists
        function offsetExists($index) {/**/}

        /** @param $index offset to return value for
         * @return value at offset $index
        function offsetGet($index) {/**/}

        /** @param $index index to set
         * @param $newval new value to store at offset $index
        function offsetSet($index, $newval) {/**/}

        /** @param $index offset to unset
        function offsetUnset($index) {/**/}

        /** @param $value is appended as last element
         * @warning this method cannot be called when the ArrayObject refers to
         *          an object.
        function append($value) {/**/}

        /** @return a \b copy of the array
         * @note when the ArrayObject refers to an object then this method
         *       returns an array of the public properties.
        function getArrayCopy() {/**/}

        /** @return the number of elements in the array or the number of public
         * properties in the object.
        function count() {/**/}

        /* @param $iterator_class new class used in getIterator()
        function setIteratorClass($itertor_class) {/**/}

        /* @return class used in getIterator()
        function getIteratorClass() {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief An Array iterator
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * @version 1.2
 * This iterator allows to unset and modify values and keys while iterating
 * over Arrays and Objects.
 * When you want to iterate over the same array multiple times you need to
 * instanciate ArrayObject and let it create ArrayIterator instances that
 * refer to it either by using foreach or by calling its getIterator()
 * method manually.
class ArrayIterator implements SeekableIterator, ArrayAccess, Countable
        /** Properties of the object have their normal functionality
         * when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.) */
        const STD_PROP_LIST  = 0x00000001;
        /** Array indices can be accessed as properties in read/write */
        const ARRAY_AS_PROPS = 0x00000002;

        /** Construct a new array iterator from anything that has a hash table.
         * That is any Array or Object.
         * @param $array the array to use.
         * @param $flags see setFlags().
        function __construct($array, $flags = 0) {/**/}

        /** Set behavior flags.
         * @param $flags bitmask as follows:
         *        0 set: properties of the object have their normal functionality
         *               when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.)
         *        1 set: array indices can be accessed as properties in read/write
        function setFlags($flags) {/**/}

         * @return current flags
        function getFlags() {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by values.
        function asort() {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by key.
        function ksort() {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by values using user defined function.
        function uasort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by key using user defined function.
        function uksort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by values using "natural order" algorithm.
        function natsort() {/**/}

        /** Sort the entries by values using case insensitive "natural order" algorithm.
        function natcasesort() {/**/}

        /** @param $index offset to inspect
         * @return whetehr offset $index esists
        function offsetExists($index) {/**/}

        /** @param $index offset to return value for
         * @return value at offset $index
        function offsetGet($index) {/**/}

        /** @param $index index to set
         * @param $newval new value to store at offset $index
        function offsetSet($index, $newval) {/**/}

        /** @param $index offset to unset
        function offsetUnset($index) {/**/}

        /** @param $value is appended as last element
         * @warning this method cannot be called when the ArrayIterator refers to
         *          an object.
        function append($value) {/**/}

        /** @return a \b copy of the array
         * @note when the ArrayIterator refers to an object then this method
         *       returns an array of the public properties.
        function getArrayCopy() {/**/}

        /** @param $position offset to seek to
         * @throw OutOfBoundsException if $position is invalid
        function seek($position) {/**/}

        /** @return the number of elements in the array or the number of public
         * properties in the object.
        function count() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::rewind */
        function rewind() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::valid */
        function valid() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::current */
        function current() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::key */
        function key() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::next */
        function next() {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief File info class
 * @since PHP 5.1.3
class SplFileInfo
        /** Construct a file info object
         * @param $file_name path or file name
        function __construct($file_name) {/**/}

        /** @return the path part only.
        function getPath() {/**/}

        /** @return the filename only.
        function getFilename() {/**/}

        /** @return SplFileInfo created for the file
         * @param class_name name of class to instantiate
         * @see SplFileInfo::setInfoClass()
        function getFileInfo(string class_name = NULL) {/**/}

        /** @return The current entries path and file name.
        function getPathname() {/**/}

        /** @return SplFileInfo created for the path
         * @param class_name name of class to instantiate
         * @see SplFileInfo::setInfoClass()
        function getPathInfo(string class_name = NULL) {/**/}

        /** @return The current entry's permissions.
        function getPerms() {/**/}

        /** @return The current entry's inode.
        function getInode() {/**/}

        /** @return The current entry's size in bytes .
        function getSize() {/**/}

        /** @return The current entry's owner name.
        function getOwner() {/**/}

        /** @return The current entry's group name.
        function getGroup() {/**/}

        /** @return The current entry's last access time.
        function getATime() {/**/}

        /** @return The current entry's last modification time.
        function getMTime() {/**/}

        /** @return The current entry's last change time.
        function getCTime() {/**/}

        /** @return The current entry's file type.
        function getType() {/**/}

        /** @return Whether the current entry is writeable.
        function isWritable() {/**/}

        /** @return Whether the current entry is readable.
        function isReadable() {/**/}

        /** @return Whether the current entry is executable.
        function isExecutable() {/**/}

        /** @return Whether the current entry is .
        function isFile() {/**/}

        /** @return Whether the current entry is a directory.
        function isDir() {/**/}

        /** @return whether the current entry is a link.
        function isLink() {/**/}

        /** @return target of link.
        function getLinkTarget() {/**/}

        /** @return The resolved path
        function getRealPath() {/**/}

        /** @return getPathname()
        function __toString() {/**/}

        /** Open the current file as a SplFileObject instance
         * @param mode              open mode
         * @param use_include_path  whether to search include paths (don't use)
         * @param context           resource context to passed to open function
         * @throw RuntimeException  if file cannot be opened (e.g. insufficient
         *                          access rights).
         * @return The opened file as a SplFileObject instance
         * @see SplFileObject
         * @see SplFileInfo::setFileClass()
         * @see file()
        function openFile($mode = 'r', $use_include_path = false, $context = NULL) {/**/}

        /** @param class_name name of class used with openFile(). Must be derived
         * from SPLFileObject.
        function setFileClass(string class_name = "SplFileObject") {/**/}

        /** @param class_name name of class used with getFileInfo(), getPathInfo().
         *                     Must be derived from SplFileInfo.
        function setInfoClass(string class_name = "SplFileInfo") {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Directory iterator
 * @version 1.1
 * @since PHP 5.0
class DirectoryIterator extends SplFileInfo implements Iterator
        /** Construct a directory iterator from a path-string.
         * @param $path directory to iterate.
        function __construct($path) {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::rewind */
        function rewind() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::valid */
        function valid() {/**/}

        /** @return index of entry
        function key() {/**/}

        /** @return $this
        function current() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::next */
        function next() {/**/}

        /** @return Whether the current entry is either '.' or '..'.
        function isDot() {/**/}

        /** @return whether the current entry is a link.
        function isLink() {/**/}

        /** @return getFilename()
        function __toString() {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief recursive directory iterator
 * @version 1.1
 * @since PHP 5.0
class RecursiveDirectoryIterator extends DirectoryIterator implements RecursiveIterator
        const CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO   0x00000000; /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return SplFileInfo */
        const CURRENT_AS_SELF       0x00000010; /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return getSelf() */
        const CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME   0x00000020; /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return getPathname() */

        const KEY_AS_PATHNAME       0x00000000; /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::key() return getPathname() */
        const KEY_AS_FILENAME       0x00000100; /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::key() return getFilename() */


        /** Construct a directory iterator from a path-string.
         * @param $path   directory to iterate.
         * @param $flags  open flags
         * - CURRENT_AS_SELF
         * - KEY_AS_PATHNAME
         * - KEY_AS_FILENAME
         * - NEW_CURRENT_AND_KEY
        function __construct($path, $flags = 0) {/**/}

        /** @return getPathname() or getFilename() depending on flags
        function key() {/**/}

        /** @return getFilename() or getFileInfo() depending on flags
        function current() {/**/}

        /** @return whether the current is a directory (not '.' or '..').
        function hasChildren() {/**/}

        /** @return a RecursiveDirectoryIterator for the current entry.
        function getChildren() {/**/}

        /** @return sub path only (without main path)
        function getSubPath() {/**/}

        /** @return the current sub path
        function getSubPathname() {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief recursive SimpleXML_Element iterator
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * The SimpleXMLIterator implements the RecursiveIterator interface. This
 * allows iteration over all elements using foreach or an appropriate while
 * construct, just like SimpleXMLElement does. When using the foreach construct,
 * you will also iterate over the subelements. For every element which
 * has subelements, hasChildren() returns true.  This will trigger a call to
 * getChildren() which returns the iterator for that sub element.
class SimpleXMLIterator extends SimpleXMLElement implements RecursiveIterator, Countable
        /** @return whether the current node has sub nodes.
        function hasChildren() {/**/}

        /** @return a SimpleXMLIterator for the current node.
        function getChildren() {/**/}

        /** @return number of elements/attributes seen with foreach()
        function count() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::rewind */
        function rewind() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::valid */
        function valid() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::current */
        function current() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::key */
        function key() {/**/}

        /** @copydoc Iterator::next */
        function next() {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Observer of the observer pattern
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * For a detailed explanation see Observer pattern in
 * <em>
 * Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides<br />
 * Design Patterns
 * </em>
interface SplObserver
        /** Called from the subject (i.e. when it's value has changed).
         * @param $subject the callee
        function update(SplSubject $subject);

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Subject to the observer pattern
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @see Observer
interface SplSubject
        /** @param $observer new observer to attach
        function attach(SplObserver $observer);

        /** @param $observer existing observer to detach
         * @note a non attached observer shouldn't result in a warning or similar
        function detach(SplObserver $observer);

        /** Notify all observers
        function notify();


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