U32               558 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	    if((*(U32*)d1^*(U32*)d2)&0xffffff00) { //bits [RGB_] of [RGBA] differ
U32               781 avi2swf/v2swf.c 			*(U32*)d1b = 0;
U32               790 avi2swf/v2swf.c 			*(U32*)d2b = *(U32*)d1b;
U32                66 lib/MD5.c      		U32	md5_state32[4];
U32               394 lib/MD5.c      static const U32 T[65] = {
U32               524 lib/MD5.c      	U32 A = ctxt->md5_sta;
U32               525 lib/MD5.c      	U32 B = ctxt->md5_stb;
U32               526 lib/MD5.c      	U32 C = ctxt->md5_stc;
U32               527 lib/MD5.c      	U32 D = ctxt->md5_std;
U32               529 lib/MD5.c      	U32 *X = (U32 *)b64;
U32               532 lib/MD5.c      	U32 X[16];
U32               738 lib/as3/abc.c          U32 abcflags = swf_GetU32(tag);
U32               743 lib/as3/abc.c      U32 version = swf_GetU32(tag);
U32                76 lib/as3/abc.h      U32 flags;
U32              1105 lib/as3/pool.c         U32 v = swf_GetABCU32(tag);
U32              1219 lib/as3/pool.c         U32 val = *(unsigned int*)array_getkey(pool->x_uints, t);
U32               247 lib/bitio.c        U32 grow;
U32               310 lib/bitio.c    void writer_init_growingmemwriter(writer_t*w, U32 grow)
U32               751 lib/bitio.c    U32 reader_readU32(reader_t*r)
U32               776 lib/bitio.c        U32 w = (b1|b2<<8|b3<<16|b4<<24);
U32                82 lib/bitio.h    U32 reader_readU32(reader_t*r);
U32               115 lib/bitio.h    void writer_init_growingmemwriter(writer_t*r, U32 grow);
U32               810 lib/devices/record.c 		U32 glyph = reader_readU32(r);
U32                54 lib/devices/render.c     U32*data;
U32               268 lib/devices/render.c static void fill_line_solid(RGBA*line, U32*z, int y, int x1, int x2, RGBA col)
U32               272 lib/devices/render.c     U32 bit = 1<<(x1&31);
U32               306 lib/devices/render.c static void fill_line_bitmap(RGBA*line, U32*z, int y, int x1, int x2, fillinfo_t*info)
U32               330 lib/devices/render.c     U32 bit = 1<<(x1&31);
U32               368 lib/devices/render.c static void fill_line_gradient(RGBA*line, U32*z, int y, int x1, int x2, fillinfo_t*info)
U32               387 lib/devices/render.c     U32 bit = 1<<(x1&31);
U32               424 lib/devices/render.c static void fill_line_clip(RGBA*line, U32*z, int y, int x1, int x2)
U32               428 lib/devices/render.c     U32 bit = 1<<(x1&31);
U32               440 lib/devices/render.c void fill_line(gfxdevice_t*dev, RGBA*line, U32*zline, int y, int startx, int endx, fillinfo_t*fill)
U32               456 lib/devices/render.c     U32 clipdepth = 0;
U32               460 lib/devices/render.c         U32*zline = &i->clipbuf->data[i->bitwidth*y];
U32               488 lib/devices/render.c 		U32*line2 = &i->clipbuf->next->data[i->bitwidth*y];
U32               535 lib/devices/render.c     c->data = (U32*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(U32) * i->bitwidth * i->height2);
U32               541 lib/devices/render.c 	memset(c->data, 0, sizeof(U32)*i->bitwidth*i->height2);
U32               940 lib/devices/render.c     memset(i->clipbuf->data, 255, sizeof(U32)*i->bitwidth*i->height2);
U32               974 lib/devices/render.c 		    U32 r=0,g=0,b=0,a=0;
U32               161 lib/devices/swf.c     U32 clipdepths[128];
U32                77 lib/filters/remove_font_transforms.c     return *(U32*)&m1->m00 == *(U32*)&m2->m00 &&
U32                78 lib/filters/remove_font_transforms.c            *(U32*)&m1->m01 == *(U32*)&m2->m01 &&
U32                79 lib/filters/remove_font_transforms.c            *(U32*)&m1->m10 == *(U32*)&m2->m10 &&
U32                80 lib/filters/remove_font_transforms.c            *(U32*)&m1->m11 == *(U32*)&m2->m11 &&
U32               108 lib/gfximage.c     U32* img = (U32*)data;
U32               109 lib/gfximage.c     U32 color1 = img[0];
U32               110 lib/gfximage.c     U32 color2 = 0;
U32               117 lib/gfximage.c     *(U32*)&colors[0] = color1;
U32               118 lib/gfximage.c     *(U32*)&colors[1] = color2;
U32               134 lib/gfximage.c 	U32 m = data[t].r;
U32               238 lib/gfximage.c     U32* img = (U32*)_img;
U32               239 lib/gfximage.c     U32 color1 = img[0];
U32               240 lib/gfximage.c     U32 color2 = 0;
U32              1179 lib/h.263/swfvideo.c     U32 i32;
U32               432 lib/modules/swfaction.c 			  U32 f = value[0]+(value[1]<<8)+
U32               466 lib/modules/swfaction.c 			  U32 offset = value[0]+(value[1]<<8);
U32              1031 lib/modules/swfaction.c     U32 fd = *(U32*)&f;
U32               110 lib/modules/swfbits.c     U32* pal;
U32               113 lib/modules/swfbits.c     U32 lastcol32 = 0;
U32               115 lib/modules/swfbits.c     pal = (U32*)malloc(65536*sizeof(U32));
U32               119 lib/modules/swfbits.c     if(sizeof(RGBA)!=sizeof(U32))
U32               122 lib/modules/swfbits.c     lastcol32 = (*(U32*)&img[0])^0xffffffff; // don't match
U32               126 lib/modules/swfbits.c 	U32 col32 = *(U32*)&img[t];
U32               129 lib/modules/swfbits.c 	U32 hash;
U32               130 lib/modules/swfbits.c 	U32* cpal;
U32               162 lib/modules/swfbits.c 	    U32* cpal = &pal[t*256];
U32               908 lib/modules/swfbits.c 		    if(*(U32*)&col == *(U32*)&palette[r]) {
U32                50 lib/modules/swfbutton.c void swf_SetButtonOffset(TAG * t,U32 offsetpos)
U32                51 lib/modules/swfbutton.c { U32 now = swf_GetTagPos(t);
U32                61 lib/modules/swfbutton.c   { U32 oldTagPos;
U32                62 lib/modules/swfbutton.c     U32 offsetpos;
U32                37 lib/modules/swfrender.c     U32 depth;
U32                70 lib/modules/swfrender.c     U32 pending_clipdepth;
U32               399 lib/modules/swfrender.c void swf_Process(RENDERBUF*dest, U32 clipdepth);
U32               418 lib/modules/swfrender.c     U32 clipdepth;
U32               530 lib/modules/swfrender.c static void fill_clip(RGBA*line, int*z, int y, int x1, int x2, U32 depth)
U32               543 lib/modules/swfrender.c static void fill_solid(RGBA*line, int*z, int y, int x1, int x2, RGBA col, U32 depth)
U32               578 lib/modules/swfrender.c static void fill_bitmap(RGBA*line, int*z, int y, int x1, int x2, MATRIX*m, bitmap_t*b, int clipbitmap, U32 depth, double fmultiply)
U32               631 lib/modules/swfrender.c static void fill_gradient(RGBA*line, int*z, int y, int x1, int x2, MATRIX*m, GRADIENT*g, int type, U32 depth, double fmultiply)
U32               724 lib/modules/swfrender.c static void fill(RENDERBUF*dest, RGBA*line, int*zline, int y, int x1, int x2, state_t*fillstate, U32 clipdepth)
U32               889 lib/modules/swfrender.c void swf_Process(RENDERBUF*dest, U32 clipdepth)
U32              1021 lib/modules/swfrender.c 		    U32 r=0,g=0,b=0,a=0;
U32                60 lib/modules/swfshape.c   U32 pos;
U32              1094 lib/modules/swfshape.c                          U8**destdata, U32*destbitlen, int out_bits_fill, int out_bits_line)
U32                27 lib/modules/swftext.c U32 readUTF8char(U8 ** text)
U32                29 lib/modules/swftext.c     U32 c = 0;
U32               254 lib/modules/swftext.c     U32 offset_start;
U32               255 lib/modules/swftext.c     U32 *offset;
U32               287 lib/modules/swftext.c     offset = (U32*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(U32)*(glyphcount+1));
U32              1411 lib/modules/swftext.c 	    a = swf_CountBits(((((U32) font->glyph[glyph].advance) * scale) / 20) / 100, a);
U32              1452 lib/modules/swftext.c 	    swf_SetBits(t, ((((U32) font->glyph[g].advance) * scale) / 20) / 100, abits);
U32              1490 lib/modules/swftext.c U32 swf_TextGetWidth(SWFFONT * font, U8 * s, int scale)
U32              1492 lib/modules/swftext.c     U32 res = 0;
U32              1737 lib/modules/swftext.c 	U32 c = readUTF8char(&s);
U32                93 lib/modules/swftools.c { U32 oldTagPos;
U32               149 lib/modules/swftools.c   U32 oldTagPos;
U32               193 lib/modules/swftools.c { U32 oldTagPos;
U32               333 lib/modules/swftools.c   U32 oldTagPos;
U32               388 lib/modules/swftools.c     U32 oldTagPos;
U32               683 lib/modules/swftools.c 		U32 len;
U32              1348 lib/modules/swftools.c 	      U32 after_bbox_offset = 0, len;
U32                63 lib/rfxswf.c   U32   swf_GetTagLen(TAG * t) { return t->len; }
U32                65 lib/rfxswf.c   U32   swf_GetTagPos(TAG * t)   { return t->pos; }
U32                67 lib/rfxswf.c   void swf_SetTagPos(TAG * t,U32 pos)
U32               119 lib/rfxswf.c   U32 swf_GetU32(TAG * t)
U32               120 lib/rfxswf.c   { U32 res;
U32               146 lib/rfxswf.c   { U32 newlen = t->len + l;
U32               149 lib/rfxswf.c     { U32  newmem  = MEMSIZE(newlen);  
U32               188 lib/rfxswf.c   int swf_SetU32(TAG * t,U32 v)
U32               204 lib/rfxswf.c   U32 swf_GetBits(TAG * t,int nbits)
U32               205 lib/rfxswf.c   { U32 res = 0;
U32               233 lib/rfxswf.c   { U32 res = swf_GetBits(t,nbits);
U32               238 lib/rfxswf.c   U32 reader_GetBits(reader_t*reader, int nbits)
U32               242 lib/rfxswf.c   { U32 res = reader_readbits(reader, nbits);
U32               247 lib/rfxswf.c   int swf_SetBits(TAG * t,U32 v,int nbits)
U32               248 lib/rfxswf.c   { U32 bm = 1<<(nbits-1);
U32               290 lib/rfxswf.c   U32 swf_GetU30(TAG*tag)
U32               292 lib/rfxswf.c       U32 shift = 0;
U32               293 lib/rfxswf.c       U32 s = 0;
U32               310 lib/rfxswf.c   int swf_SetU30(TAG*tag, U32 u)
U32               322 lib/rfxswf.c   void swf_SetABCU32(TAG*tag, U32 u)
U32               329 lib/rfxswf.c   U32 swf_GetABCU32(TAG*tag)
U32               373 lib/rfxswf.c       U32 shift = 0;
U32               374 lib/rfxswf.c       U32 s = 0;
U32               422 lib/rfxswf.c         U32 u;
U32               447 lib/rfxswf.c         U32 u;
U32               510 lib/rfxswf.c       swf_SetU32(tag, ((U32*)&v)[0]);
U32               511 lib/rfxswf.c       swf_SetU32(tag, ((U32*)&v)[1]);
U32               532 lib/rfxswf.c   int swf_SetU24(TAG*tag, U32 v)
U32               543 lib/rfxswf.c   int swf_SetS24(TAG*tag, U32 v)
U32               655 lib/rfxswf.c   int swf_CountUBits(U32 v,int nbits)
U32               657 lib/rfxswf.c     U32 m = 0x80000000;
U32               667 lib/rfxswf.c   int swf_CountBits(U32 v,int nbits)
U32               669 lib/rfxswf.c     U32 m = 0x80000000;
U32              1178 lib/rfxswf.c     U32 len;
U32              1228 lib/rfxswf.c     U32 len;
U32              1305 lib/rfxswf.c   { U32 len = t->len;
U32              1320 lib/rfxswf.c     U32 len;
U32              1645 lib/rfxswf.c               U32 flags = swf->fileAttributes|FILEATTRIBUTE_AS3; // 16 = has symbolclass tag | 8 = actionscript3 | 1 = usenetwork
U32              1662 lib/rfxswf.c   	      U32 flags = swf_GetU32(tt) | swf->fileAttributes;
U32              1690 lib/rfxswf.c   { U32 len;
U32              1728 lib/rfxswf.c       U32 l;
U32               118 lib/rfxswf.h     U32           memsize;        // to minimize realloc() calls
U32               120 lib/rfxswf.h     U32         len;            // for Set-Access
U32               121 lib/rfxswf.h     U32         pos;            // for Get-Access
U32               139 lib/rfxswf.h       U32 inpoint;
U32               140 lib/rfxswf.h       U32 outpoint;
U32               146 lib/rfxswf.h       U32* pos;
U32               147 lib/rfxswf.h       U32* left;
U32               148 lib/rfxswf.h       U32* right;
U32               160 lib/rfxswf.h     U32           fileSize;       // valid after load and save
U32               165 lib/rfxswf.h     U32           fileAttributes; // for SWFs >= Flash9
U32               211 lib/rfxswf.h   void  swf_SetTagPos(TAG * t,U32 pos);       // resets Bitcount
U32               212 lib/rfxswf.h   U32   swf_GetTagPos(TAG * t);
U32               218 lib/rfxswf.h   U32   swf_GetTagLen(TAG * t);             // ... TagGetTagLen
U32               221 lib/rfxswf.h   U32   swf_GetBits(TAG * t,int nbits);
U32               223 lib/rfxswf.h   int   swf_SetBits(TAG * t,U32 v,int nbits);
U32               224 lib/rfxswf.h   int   swf_CountUBits(U32 v,int nbits);
U32               225 lib/rfxswf.h   int   swf_CountBits(U32 v,int nbits);
U32               233 lib/rfxswf.h   U32   swf_GetU32(TAG * t);
U32               244 lib/rfxswf.h   int   swf_SetU32(TAG * t,U32 v);
U32               252 lib/rfxswf.h   U32 swf_GetU30(TAG*tag);
U32               253 lib/rfxswf.h   int swf_SetU30(TAG*tag, U32 u);
U32               254 lib/rfxswf.h   void swf_SetABCU32(TAG*tag, U32 u);
U32               255 lib/rfxswf.h   U32 swf_GetABCU32(TAG*tag);
U32               263 lib/rfxswf.h   int    swf_SetU24(TAG*tag, U32 v);
U32               264 lib/rfxswf.h   int    swf_SetS24(TAG*tag, U32 v);
U32               420 lib/rfxswf.h     U32           bitlen;         // length of data in bits
U32               499 lib/rfxswf.h                            U8**destdata, U32*destbitlen, int out_bits_fill, int out_bits_line);
U32               673 lib/rfxswf.h   U32 swf_TextGetWidth(SWFFONT * font,U8 * s,int scale);
U32                58 lib/ttf.c      static U32 checksum_block(U8*_data, int len)
U32                60 lib/ttf.c          U32 sum = 0;
U32                97 lib/ttf.c      static U32 readU32(memreader_t*r)
U32               100 lib/ttf.c          U32 val = r->mem[r->pos]<<24|
U32               179 lib/ttf.c      ttf_table_t*ttf_table_new(U32 id)
U32               186 lib/ttf.c      ttf_table_t*ttf_addtable(ttf_t*ttf, U32 id)
U32               214 lib/ttf.c      ttf_table_t*ttf_find_table(ttf_t*ttf, U32 id)
U32               236 lib/ttf.c      U32 ttf_table_checksum(ttf_table_t*t)
U32               238 lib/ttf.c          U32 checksum = checksum_block(t->data, t->len);
U32               242 lib/ttf.c      	U32 adjust = t->data[8]<<24|t->data[9]<<16|t->data[10]<<8|t->data[11];
U32               305 lib/ttf.c          U32 version = readU32(r);
U32               308 lib/ttf.c          U32 revision = readU32(r);
U32               309 lib/ttf.c          U32 checksum2 = readU32(r);
U32               310 lib/ttf.c          U32 magic = readU32(r);
U32               646 lib/ttf.c          U32 version = readU32(r);
U32               745 lib/ttf.c          U32 version = readU32(r);
U32               861 lib/ttf.c      static U32*loca_parse(memreader_t*r, ttf_t*ttf, int size)
U32               865 lib/ttf.c          U32*locations = rfx_calloc(num*sizeof(U32));
U32               866 lib/ttf.c          U32 lastloc = 0;
U32               867 lib/ttf.c          U32 loc = 0;
U32               904 lib/ttf.c      static int loca_write(ttf_t*ttf, ttf_table_t*w, U32*locations)
U32              1034 lib/ttf.c      static void glyf_parse(memreader_t*rr, ttf_t*ttf, U32*loca)
U32              1155 lib/ttf.c      U32* glyf_write(ttf_t* ttf, ttf_table_t*w)
U32              1157 lib/ttf.c          U32*locations = malloc(sizeof(U32)*(ttf->num_glyphs+1));
U32              1253 lib/ttf.c      	U32 offset = readU32(r);
U32              1641 lib/ttf.c          U32 format = readU32(r);
U32              1887 lib/ttf.c      	U32*loca = loca_parse(&m, ttf, loc_index);
U32              1995 lib/ttf.c      	    U32*locations = glyf_write(ttf, table);
U32              2057 lib/ttf.c      	U32 fontDataSize = readU32(&r);
U32              2058 lib/ttf.c      	U32 version = readU32(&r);
U32              2059 lib/ttf.c      	U32 flags  = readU32(&r);
U32              2119 lib/ttf.c      	U32 ttcf_version = readU32(&r); // 0x00000100: v1.0, 0x00000200: v2.0, includes DSIG table
U32              2120 lib/ttf.c      	U32 num_fonts = readU32(&r); // number of fonts
U32              2121 lib/ttf.c      	U32 font1_position = readU32(&r);
U32              2146 lib/ttf.c          U32*table_data = malloc(16*num_tables);
U32              2152 lib/ttf.c      	U32 tag = table_data[t*4];
U32              2153 lib/ttf.c      	U32 checksum = table_data[t*4+1];
U32              2154 lib/ttf.c      	U32 pos = table_data[t*4+2];
U32              2155 lib/ttf.c      	U32 len = table_data[t*4+3];
U32              2168 lib/ttf.c      	    U32 checksum2 = ttf_table_checksum(table);
U32              2203 lib/ttf.c      ttf_table_t* ttf_write(ttf_t*ttf, U32*checksum_adjust)
U32              2263 lib/ttf.c          U32 checksum = 0xb1b0afba - ttf_table_checksum(file);
U32              2336 lib/ttf.c          U32 checksum_adjust = 0;
U32              2340 lib/ttf.c          U32 full_len = eot->len + t->len;
U32              2389 lib/ttf.c      	U32 tag = table->id;
U32                28 lib/ttf.h          U32 id;
U32                78 lib/ttf.h          U32 ulCharRange[4];
U32                91 lib/ttf.h          U32 ulCodePageRange1;
U32                92 lib/ttf.h          U32 ulCodePageRange2;
U32               117 lib/ttf.h      typedef U32 unicode_t;
U32               143 lib/ttf.h          U32 italic_angle;
U32               199 lib/ttf.h          U32 version;
U32               206 lib/ttf.h      ttf_table_t*ttf_addtable(ttf_t*ttf, U32 tag);
U32               176 src/png2swf.c  	    header->width = BE_32_TO_NATIVE(*(U32*)&data[0]);
U32               177 src/png2swf.c  	    header->height = BE_32_TO_NATIVE(*(U32*)&data[4]);
U32               614 src/png2swf.c  			    *(U32*)&dest[x*4] = 0;
U32               716 src/png2swf.c  		U32 v = (1<<header.bpp)-1;
U32               718 src/png2swf.c  		    U32 r = src[s/8]<<8 | 
U32               357 src/swfcombine.c     U32 fileAttributes = 0;
U32               217 src/swfdump.c      U32 oldTagPos;
U32               218 src/swfdump.c      U32 offsetpos;
U32               219 src/swfdump.c      U32 condition;
U32               536 src/swfdump.c  void printhandlerflags(U32 handlerflags) 
U32               579 src/swfdump.c      U32 code, version, reference, sizeflags;
U32               580 src/swfdump.c      U32 width=0, height=0;
U32               585 src/swfdump.c      U32 quantizer;
U32               762 src/swfdump.c  	U32 globalflags;
U32               763 src/swfdump.c  	U32 handlerflags;
U32              1320 src/swfdump.c              U32 flags = swf_GetU32(tag);
U32              1331 src/swfdump.c              U32 flags = swf_GetU32(tag);
U32               733 src/swfextract.c 	U32 end = GET32(&tag->data[2])+6;
U32               775 src/swfextract.c static U32 mycrc32;
U32               777 src/swfextract.c static U32*crc32_table = 0;
U32               783 src/swfextract.c   crc32_table = (U32*)malloc(1024);
U32               786 src/swfextract.c     U32 c = t;
U32               802 src/swfextract.c     U32 mylen = BE_32_TO_NATIVE(len);
U32               817 src/swfextract.c static void png_write_dword(FILE*fi, U32 dword)
U32               826 src/swfextract.c     U32 tmp = BE_32_TO_NATIVE((mycrc32^0xffffffff));
U32               852 src/swfextract.c     U32 datalen3;
U32               859 src/swfextract.c     U32 tmp32;
U32              1064 src/swfextract.c     U32 samples;