/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// SecurityHandler.h
// Copyright 2004 Glyph & Cog, LLC
#include <aconf.h>
#pragma interface
#include "gtypes.h"
#include "Object.h"
class GString;
class PDFDoc;
struct XpdfSecurityHandler;
// SecurityHandler
class SecurityHandler {
static SecurityHandler *make(PDFDoc *docA, Object *encryptDictA);
SecurityHandler(PDFDoc *docA);
virtual ~SecurityHandler();
// Check the document's encryption. If the document is encrypted,
// this will first try <ownerPassword> and <userPassword> (in
// "batch" mode), and if those fail, it will attempt to request a
// password from the user. This is the high-level function that
// calls the lower level functions for the specific security handler
// (requesting a password three times, etc.). Returns true if the
// document can be opened (if it's unencrypted, or if a correct
// password is obtained); false otherwise (encrypted and no correct
// password).
GBool checkEncryption(GString *ownerPassword,
GString *userPassword);
// Create authorization data for the specified owner and user
// passwords. If the security handler doesn't support "batch" mode,
// this function should return NULL.
virtual void *makeAuthData(GString *ownerPassword,
GString *userPassword) = 0;
// Construct authorization data, typically by prompting the user for
// a password. Returns an authorization data object, or NULL to
// cancel.
virtual void *getAuthData() = 0;
// Free the authorization data returned by makeAuthData or
// getAuthData.
virtual void freeAuthData(void *authData) = 0;
// Attempt to authorize the document, using the supplied
// authorization data (which may be NULL). Returns true if
// successful (i.e., if at least the right to open the document was
// granted).
virtual GBool authorize(void *authData) = 0;
// Return the various authorization parameters. These are only
// valid after authorize has returned true.
virtual int getPermissionFlags() = 0;
virtual GBool getOwnerPasswordOk() = 0;
virtual Guchar *getFileKey() = 0;
virtual int getFileKeyLength() = 0;
virtual int getEncVersion() = 0;
virtual CryptAlgorithm getEncAlgorithm() = 0;
PDFDoc *doc;
// StandardSecurityHandler
class StandardSecurityHandler: public SecurityHandler {
StandardSecurityHandler(PDFDoc *docA, Object *encryptDictA);
virtual ~StandardSecurityHandler();
virtual void *makeAuthData(GString *ownerPassword,
GString *userPassword);
virtual void *getAuthData();
virtual void freeAuthData(void *authData);
virtual GBool authorize(void *authData);
virtual int getPermissionFlags() { return permFlags; }
virtual GBool getOwnerPasswordOk() { return ownerPasswordOk; }
virtual Guchar *getFileKey() { return fileKey; }
virtual int getFileKeyLength() { return fileKeyLength; }
virtual int getEncVersion() { return encVersion; }
virtual CryptAlgorithm getEncAlgorithm() { return encAlgorithm; }
int permFlags;
GBool ownerPasswordOk;
Guchar fileKey[16];
int fileKeyLength;
int encVersion;
int encRevision;
CryptAlgorithm encAlgorithm;
GBool encryptMetadata;
GString *ownerKey, *userKey;
GString *fileID;
GBool ok;
// ExternalSecurityHandler
class ExternalSecurityHandler: public SecurityHandler {
ExternalSecurityHandler(PDFDoc *docA, Object *encryptDictA,
XpdfSecurityHandler *xshA);
virtual ~ExternalSecurityHandler();
virtual void *makeAuthData(GString *ownerPassword,
GString *userPassword);
virtual void *getAuthData();
virtual void freeAuthData(void *authData);
virtual GBool authorize(void *authData);
virtual int getPermissionFlags() { return permFlags; }
virtual GBool getOwnerPasswordOk() { return gFalse; }
virtual Guchar *getFileKey() { return fileKey; }
virtual int getFileKeyLength() { return fileKeyLength; }
virtual int getEncVersion() { return encVersion; }
virtual CryptAlgorithm getEncAlgorithm() { return encAlgorithm; }
Object encryptDict;
XpdfSecurityHandler *xsh;
void *docData;
int permFlags;
Guchar fileKey[16];
int fileKeyLength;
int encVersion;
CryptAlgorithm encAlgorithm;
GBool ok;