
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. arrayGetLength
  2. arrayAdd
  3. arrayGet
  4. arrayGetNF
  5. dictGetLength
  6. dictAdd
  7. dictIs
  8. isDict
  9. dictLookup
  10. dictLookupNF
  11. dictGetKey
  12. dictGetVal
  13. dictGetValNF
  14. streamIs
  15. isStream
  16. streamReset
  17. streamClose
  18. streamGetChar
  19. streamLookChar
  20. streamGetLine
  21. streamGetPos
  22. streamSetPos
  23. streamGetDict

// Object.h
// Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC

#ifndef OBJECT_H
#define OBJECT_H

#include <aconf.h>

#pragma interface

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gtypes.h"
#include "gmem.h"
#include "GString.h"

class XRef;
class Array;
class Dict;
class Stream;

// Ref

struct Ref {
  int num;                      // object number
  int gen;                      // generation number

// object types

enum ObjType {
  // simple objects
  objBool,                      // boolean
  objInt,                       // integer
  objReal,                      // real
  objString,                    // string
  objName,                      // name
  objNull,                      // null

  // complex objects
  objArray,                     // array
  objDict,                      // dictionary
  objStream,                    // stream
  objRef,                       // indirect reference

  // special objects
  objCmd,                       // command name
  objError,                     // error return from Lexer
  objEOF,                       // end of file return from Lexer
  objNone                       // uninitialized object

#define numObjTypes 14          // total number of object types

// Object

#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
#define initObj(t) ++numAlloc[type = t]
#define initObj(t) type = t

class Object {

  // Default constructor.
    type(objNone) {}

  // Initialize an object.
  Object *initBool(GBool boolnA)
    { initObj(objBool); booln = boolnA; return this; }
  Object *initInt(int intgA)
    { initObj(objInt); intg = intgA; return this; }
  Object *initReal(double realA)
    { initObj(objReal); real = realA; return this; }
  Object *initString(GString *stringA)
    { initObj(objString); string = stringA; return this; }
  Object *initName(char *nameA)
    { initObj(objName); name = copyString(nameA); return this; }
  Object *initNull()
    { initObj(objNull); return this; }
  Object *initArray(XRef *xref);
  Object *initDict(XRef *xref);
  Object *initDict(Dict *dictA);
  Object *initStream(Stream *streamA);
  Object *initRef(int numA, int genA)
    { initObj(objRef); ref.num = numA; ref.gen = genA; return this; }
  Object *initCmd(char *cmdA)
    { initObj(objCmd); cmd = copyString(cmdA); return this; }
  Object *initError()
    { initObj(objError); return this; }
  Object *initEOF()
    { initObj(objEOF); return this; }

  // Copy an object.
  Object *copy(Object *obj);

  // If object is a Ref, fetch and return the referenced object.
  // Otherwise, return a copy of the object.
  Object *fetch(XRef *xref, Object *obj);

  // Free object contents.
  void free();

  // Type checking.
  ObjType getType() { return type; }
  GBool isBool() { return type == objBool; }
  GBool isInt() { return type == objInt; }
  GBool isReal() { return type == objReal; }
  GBool isNum() { return type == objInt || type == objReal; }
  GBool isString() { return type == objString; }
  GBool isName() { return type == objName; }
  GBool isNull() { return type == objNull; }
  GBool isArray() { return type == objArray; }
  GBool isDict() { return type == objDict; }
  GBool isStream() { return type == objStream; }
  GBool isRef() { return type == objRef; }
  GBool isCmd() { return type == objCmd; }
  GBool isError() { return type == objError; }
  GBool isEOF() { return type == objEOF; }
  GBool isNone() { return type == objNone; }

  // Special type checking.
  GBool isName(char *nameA)
    { return type == objName && !strcmp(name, nameA); }
  GBool isDict(char *dictType);
  GBool isStream(char *dictType);
  GBool isCmd(char *cmdA)
    { return type == objCmd && !strcmp(cmd, cmdA); }

  // Accessors.  NB: these assume object is of correct type.
  GBool getBool() { return booln; }
  int getInt() { return intg; }
  double getReal() { return real; }
  double getNum() { return type == objInt ? (double)intg : real; }
  GString *getString() { return string; }
  char *getName() { return name; }
  Array *getArray() { return array; }
  Dict *getDict() { return dict; }
  Stream *getStream() { return stream; }
  Ref getRef() { return ref; }
  int getRefNum() { return ref.num; }
  int getRefGen() { return ref.gen; }
  char *getCmd() { return cmd; }

  // Array accessors.
  int arrayGetLength();
  void arrayAdd(Object *elem);
  Object *arrayGet(int i, Object *obj);
  Object *arrayGetNF(int i, Object *obj);

  // Dict accessors.
  int dictGetLength();
  void dictAdd(char *key, Object *val);
  GBool dictIs(char *dictType);
  Object *dictLookup(char *key, Object *obj);
  Object *dictLookupNF(char *key, Object *obj);
  char *dictGetKey(int i);
  Object *dictGetVal(int i, Object *obj);
  Object *dictGetValNF(int i, Object *obj);

  // Stream accessors.
  GBool streamIs(char *dictType);
  void streamReset();
  void streamClose();
  int streamGetChar();
  int streamLookChar();
  char *streamGetLine(char *buf, int size);
  Guint streamGetPos();
  void streamSetPos(Guint pos, int dir = 0);
  Dict *streamGetDict();

  // Output.
  char *getTypeName();
  void print(FILE *f = stdout);

  // Memory testing.
  static void memCheck(FILE *f);


  ObjType type;                 // object type
  union {                       // value for each type:
    GBool booln;                //   boolean
    int intg;                   //   integer
    double real;                //   real
    GString *string;            //   string
    char *name;                 //   name
    Array *array;               //   array
    Dict *dict;                 //   dictionary
    Stream *stream;             //   stream
    Ref ref;                    //   indirect reference
    char *cmd;                  //   command

#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
  static int                    // number of each type of object
    numAlloc[numObjTypes];      //   currently allocated

// Array accessors.

#include "Array.h"

inline int Object::arrayGetLength()
  { return array->getLength(); }

inline void Object::arrayAdd(Object *elem)
  { array->add(elem); }

inline Object *Object::arrayGet(int i, Object *obj)
  { return array->get(i, obj); }

inline Object *Object::arrayGetNF(int i, Object *obj)
  { return array->getNF(i, obj); }

// Dict accessors.

#include "Dict.h"

inline int Object::dictGetLength()
  { return dict->getLength(); }

inline void Object::dictAdd(char *key, Object *val)
  { dict->add(key, val); }

inline GBool Object::dictIs(char *dictType)
  { return dict->is(dictType); }

inline GBool Object::isDict(char *dictType)
  { return type == objDict && dictIs(dictType); }

inline Object *Object::dictLookup(char *key, Object *obj)
  { return dict->lookup(key, obj); }

inline Object *Object::dictLookupNF(char *key, Object *obj)
  { return dict->lookupNF(key, obj); }

inline char *Object::dictGetKey(int i)
  { return dict->getKey(i); }

inline Object *Object::dictGetVal(int i, Object *obj)
  { return dict->getVal(i, obj); }

inline Object *Object::dictGetValNF(int i, Object *obj)
  { return dict->getValNF(i, obj); }

// Stream accessors.

#include "Stream.h"

inline GBool Object::streamIs(char *dictType)
  { return stream->getDict()->is(dictType); }

inline GBool Object::isStream(char *dictType)
  { return type == objStream && streamIs(dictType); }

inline void Object::streamReset()
  { stream->reset(); }

inline void Object::streamClose()
  { stream->close(); }

inline int Object::streamGetChar()
  { return stream->getChar(); }

inline int Object::streamLookChar()
  { return stream->lookChar(); }

inline char *Object::streamGetLine(char *buf, int size)
  { return stream->getLine(buf, size); }

inline Guint Object::streamGetPos()
  { return stream->getPos(); }

inline void Object::streamSetPos(Guint pos, int dir)
  { stream->setPos(pos, dir); }

inline Dict *Object::streamGetDict()
  { return stream->getDict(); }


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */