
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// Catalog.h
// Copyright 1996-2007 Glyph & Cog, LLC

#ifndef CATALOG_H
#define CATALOG_H

#include <aconf.h>

#pragma interface

class XRef;
class Object;
class Page;
class PageAttrs;
struct Ref;
class LinkDest;

// Catalog

class Catalog {

  // Constructor.
  Catalog(XRef *xrefA);

  // Destructor.

  // Is catalog valid?
  GBool isOk() { return ok; }

  // Get number of pages.
  int getNumPages() { return numPages; }

  // Get a page.
  Page *getPage(int i) { return pages[i-1]; }

  // Get the reference for a page object.
  Ref *getPageRef(int i) { return &pageRefs[i-1]; }

  // Return base URI, or NULL if none.
  GString *getBaseURI() { return baseURI; }

  // Return the contents of the metadata stream, or NULL if there is
  // no metadata.
  GString *readMetadata();

  // Return the structure tree root object.
  Object *getStructTreeRoot() { return &structTreeRoot; }

  // Find a page, given its object ID.  Returns page number, or 0 if
  // not found.
  int findPage(int num, int gen);

  // Find a named destination.  Returns the link destination, or
  // NULL if <name> is not a destination.
  LinkDest *findDest(GString *name);

  Object *getDests() { return &dests; }

  Object *getNameTree() { return &nameTree; }

  Object *getOutline() { return &outline; }

  Object *getAcroForm() { return &acroForm; }


  XRef *xref;                   // the xref table for this PDF file
  Page **pages;                 // array of pages
  Ref *pageRefs;                // object ID for each page
  int numPages;                 // number of pages
  int pagesSize;                // size of pages array
  Object dests;                 // named destination dictionary
  Object nameTree;              // name tree
  GString *baseURI;             // base URI for URI-type links
  Object metadata;              // metadata stream
  Object structTreeRoot;        // structure tree root dictionary
  Object outline;               // outline dictionary
  Object acroForm;              // AcroForm dictionary
  GBool ok;                     // true if catalog is valid

  int readPageTree(Dict *pages, PageAttrs *attrs, int start,
                   char *alreadyRead);
  Object *findDestInTree(Object *tree, GString *name, Object *obj);


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */