
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. placement_free
  2. map16_new
  3. map16_get_id
  4. map16_free
  5. map16_add_id
  6. map16_remove_id
  7. map16_enumerate
  8. convertMatrix
  9. convertCXForm
  10. convertGradient
  11. swfline_to_gfxline
  12. gfximage_new
  13. findimage
  14. renderFilled
  15. textcallback
  16. extractDefinitions
  17. swf_FreeTaglist
  18. increaseAge
  19. extractFrame
  20. swf_ShapeApplyMatrix
  21. swf_ColorTransform
  22. renderOutline
  23. swf_ApplyMatrixToShape
  24. renderCharacter
  25. placeObject
  26. swfpage_destroy
  27. swfpage_render
  28. swfpage_rendersection
  29. swf_doc_destroy
  30. swf_doc_setparameter
  31. swf_doc_getpage
  32. swf_setparameter
  33. swf_open
  34. swf_destroy
  35. gfxsource_swf_create

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../gfxdevice.h"
#include "../gfxsource.h"
#include "../gfxtools.h"
#include "../log.h"
#include "../mem.h"
#include "../png.h"
#include "../rfxswf.h"
#include "swf.h"

typedef struct _map16_t
    void** ids;
} map16_t;

typedef struct _swf_page_internal
    int frame;
} swf_page_internal_t;

typedef struct _swf_doc_internal
    SWF swf;
    int width,height;
    MATRIX m;
} swf_doc_internal_t;

#define TYPE_SHAPE 1
#define TYPE_BITMAP 2
#define TYPE_SPRITE 3
#define TYPE_FONT 4
#define TYPE_TEXT 5

typedef struct _character
    U16 id;
    char type;
} character_t;

typedef struct _placement
    int age;
    int startFrame;
} placement_t;

typedef struct _sprite
    int frameCount;
} sprite_t;

struct _render
    MATRIX m;
    int clips;
typedef struct _render render_t;

static void placement_free(placement_t*p)

//---- object/depth handling ----

map16_t* map16_new()
    map16_t*map = rfx_calloc(sizeof(map16_t));
    /* TODO: replace this by a more sophisticated data structure */
    map->ids = (void**)rfx_calloc(sizeof(character_t)*65536);
    return map;
character_t*map16_get_id(map16_t*map, int id)
    if(id<0 || id>=65536)
        return 0;
    return map->ids[id];
void map16_free(map16_t*map)
void map16_add_id(map16_t*map, int nr, void*id)
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: ID %d defined more than once\n", nr);
    map->ids[nr] = id;
void map16_remove_id(map16_t*map, int nr)
    map->ids[nr] = 0;
void map16_enumerate(map16_t*map, void (*f)(void*self, int id, void*data), void*self)
    int t;
    for(t=0;t<65536;t++) {
        if(map->ids[t]) {
            f(self, t, map->ids[t]);
//---- conversion stuff ----

static void convertMatrix(MATRIX*from, gfxmatrix_t*to)
    to->m00 = from->sx / 65536.0; to->m10 = from->r1 / 65536.0;
    to->m01 = from->r0 / 65536.0; to->m11 = from->sy / 65536.0;
    to->tx = from->tx/20.0;
    to->ty = from->ty/20.0;

static void convertCXForm(CXFORM*from, gfxcxform_t*to)
    memset(to, 0, sizeof(gfxcxform_t));
    to->aa = from->a0 / 256.0;
    to->rr = from->r0 / 256.0;
    to->gg = from->g0 / 256.0;
    to->bb = from->b0 / 256.0;
    to->ta = from->a1;
    to->tr = from->r1;
    to->tg = from->g1;
    to->tb = from->b1;

static gfxgradient_t* convertGradient(GRADIENT*from)
    gfxgradient_t*g = rfx_calloc(from->num * sizeof(gfxgradient_t));
    int t;
    for(t=0;t<from->num;t++) {
        g[t].pos = from->ratios[t] / 255.0;
        g[t].color = *(gfxcolor_t*)&from->rgba[t];
            g[t].next = &g[t+1];
            g[t].next = 0;
    return g;

gfxline_t* swfline_to_gfxline(SHAPELINE*line, int linestyle, int fillstyle0)
    gfxdrawer_t d;
    SCOORD x=0,y=0,xx=0,yy=0;
    if(line && line->type != moveTo) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Shape doesn't start with a moveTo\n");
    xx = line?line->x+1:0;
    while(line) {
        if(line->fillstyle0 == fillstyle0 || 
           line->fillstyle1 == fillstyle0 || 
           line->linestyle == linestyle) {
            if(line->type == lineTo) {
                if(xx!=x || yy!=y) d.moveTo(&d, x/20.0,y/20.0);
                d.lineTo(&d, line->x/20.0,line->y/20.0);
                xx = line->x;
                yy = line->y;
            } else if(line->type == splineTo) {
                if(xx!=x || yy!=y) d.moveTo(&d, x/20.0,y/20.0);
                d.splineTo(&d, line->sx/20.0, line->sy/20.0, line->x/20.0,line->y/20.0);
                xx = line->x;
                yy = line->y;
        x = line->x;
        y = line->y;
        line = line->next;
    l = d.result(&d);    
    return l;

//---- bitmap handling ----

static gfximage_t* gfximage_new(RGBA*data, int width, int height)
    gfximage_t* b = (gfximage_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(gfximage_t));
    b->data = (gfxcolor_t*)data;
    b->width = width;
    b->height = height;
    return b;

static gfximage_t* findimage(render_t*r, U16 id)
    character_t*c = (character_t*)map16_get_id(r->id2char, id);
    assert(c && c->type == TYPE_BITMAP);
    gfximage_t*img = (gfximage_t*)c->data;

    /*char filename[80];
    sprintf(filename, "bitmap%d.png", id);
    writePNG(filename, (unsigned char*)img->data, img->width, img->height);
    printf("saving bitmap %d to %s\n", id, filename);*/

    return c->data;
//---- shape handling ----

static void renderFilled(render_t*r, gfxline_t*line, FILLSTYLE*f, CXFORM*cx, MATRIX*po_m)
    if(f->type == FILL_SOLID) {
        gfxcolor_t c = *(gfxcolor_t*)&f->color;
        r->device->fill(r->device, line, &c);
    } else if(f->type == FILL_TILED || f->type == FILL_CLIPPED) {
        gfximage_t* img = findimage(r, f->id_bitmap);
        gfxmatrix_t m;
        gfxcxform_t gfxcx;
        convertCXForm(cx, &gfxcx);
        MATRIX m2;
        swf_MatrixJoin(&m2, po_m, &f->m);
        convertMatrix(&m2, &m);
        m.m00/=20.0; m.m10/=20.0;
        m.m01/=20.0; m.m11/=20.0;
        /* TODO: handle clipped */
        r->device->fillbitmap(r->device, line, img, &m, &gfxcx);
    } else if(f->type == FILL_LINEAR || f->type == FILL_RADIAL) {
        gfxmatrix_t m;
        gfxgradient_t* g;
        MATRIX* m2 = &f->m;
        //swf_MatrixJoin(&m2, po_m, &f->m);

        double z = f->type==FILL_RADIAL?4:4;
        m.m00 = m2->sx/z/20.0; m.m10 = m2->r1/z/20.0;
        m.m01 = m2->r0/z/20.0; m.m11 = m2->sy/z/20.0;
        m.tx = m2->tx/20.0;
        m.ty = m2->ty/20.0;

        g = convertGradient(&f->gradient);
        r->device->fillgradient(r->device, line, g, f->type == FILL_LINEAR ? gfxgradient_linear : gfxgradient_radial, &m);

//---- font handling ----

typedef struct
    int numchars;
} font_t;
typedef struct textcallbackblock
    MATRIX m;
} textcallbackblock_t;

static void textcallback(void*self, int*chars, int*xpos, int nr, int fontid, int fontsize, 
                    int xstart, int ystart, RGBA* color)
    textcallbackblock_t * info = (textcallbackblock_t*)self;
    font_t*font = 0;
    int t;
    character_t*cfont = map16_get_id(info->r->id2char, fontid);
    if(!cfont) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Font %d unknown\n", fontid);
    if(cfont->type != TYPE_FONT) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ID %d is not a font\n", fontid);
    font = cfont->data;

    for(t=0;t<nr;t++) {
        int x = xstart + xpos[t];
        int y = ystart;
        MATRIX m = info->m;
        SPOINT p;
        p.x = x; p.y = y; 
        p = swf_TurnPoint(p, &m);
        = ( * fontsize) / 1024; = ( * fontsize) / 1024;
        m.r0 = (m.r0 * fontsize) / 1024;
        m.r1 = (m.r1 * fontsize) / 1024;
        m.tx = p.x;
        m.ty = p.y;

        gfxmatrix_t gm;
        convertMatrix(&m, &gm);

        if(chars[t]<0 || chars[t]>= font->numchars) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Character out of range: %d\n", chars[t]);
        } else {
            gfxline_t*line = gfxline_clone(font->glyphs[chars[t]]);
            gfxline_transform(line, &gm);
            FILLSTYLE f;
            f.type = FILL_SOLID;
            f.color = *color;
            renderFilled(info->r, line, &f, 0, 0);

//---- tag handling ----

static map16_t* extractDefinitions(SWF*swf)
    map16_t*map = map16_new();
    TAG*tag = swf->firstTag;
        int id = 0;
        if(swf_isDefiningTag(tag)) {
            id = swf_GetDefineID(tag);

        if(tag->id == ST_DEFINESPRITE) {
            character_t*c = rfx_calloc(sizeof(character_t));
            sprite_t*s = rfx_calloc(sizeof(sprite_t));
            swf_SetTagPos(tag, 0);
            swf_GetU16(tag); //id
            s->frameCount = swf_GetU16(tag); //frameno
            c->tag = tag;
            c->type = TYPE_SPRITE;
            c->data = s;
            map16_add_id(map, id, c);
        else if(tag->id == ST_DEFINESHAPE ||
                tag->id == ST_DEFINESHAPE2 ||
                tag->id == ST_DEFINESHAPE3) {
            character_t*c = rfx_calloc(sizeof(character_t));
            c->tag = tag;
            c->type = TYPE_SHAPE;
            map16_add_id(map, id, c);
        else if(tag->id == ST_DEFINEFONT ||
                tag->id == ST_DEFINEFONT2 ||
                tag->id == ST_DEFINEFONT3) {
            character_t*c = rfx_calloc(sizeof(character_t));
            SWFFONT*swffont = 0;
            font_t*font = (font_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(font_t));
            swf_FontExtract(swf, id, &swffont);
            font->numchars = swffont->numchars;
            font->glyphs = (gfxline_t**)rfx_calloc(sizeof(gfxline_t*)*font->numchars);
            int t;
            RGBA color_white = {255,255,255,255};
            for(t=0;t<font->numchars;t++) {
                if(!swffont->glyph[t].shape->fillstyle.n) {
                    swf_ShapeAddSolidFillStyle(swffont->glyph[t].shape, &color_white);
                SHAPE2*s2 = swf_ShapeToShape2(swffont->glyph[t].shape);
                font->glyphs[t] = swfline_to_gfxline(s2->lines, 0, 1);
                if(tag->id==ST_DEFINEFONT3) {
                    gfxmatrix_t m = {1/20.0,0,0, 0,1/20.0,0};
                    gfxline_transform(font->glyphs[t], &m);

            c->tag = tag;
            c->type = TYPE_FONT;
            c->data = font;
            map16_add_id(map, id, c);
        else if(tag->id == ST_DEFINETEXT ||
                tag->id == ST_DEFINETEXT2) {
            character_t*c = rfx_calloc(sizeof(character_t));
            c->tag = tag;
            c->type = TYPE_TEXT;
            c->data = 0;
            map16_add_id(map, id, c);
        else if(tag->id == ST_DEFINEBITSJPEG || 
                tag->id == ST_DEFINEBITSJPEG2 || 
                tag->id == ST_DEFINEBITSJPEG3 ||
                tag->id == ST_DEFINEBITSLOSSLESS || 
                tag->id == ST_DEFINEBITSLOSSLESS2) {
            character_t*c = rfx_calloc(sizeof(character_t));
            int width, height;
            void*data = swf_ExtractImage(tag, &width, &height);
            gfximage_t*b = gfximage_new(data, width, height);
            c->tag = tag;
            c->type = TYPE_BITMAP;
            c->data = b;
            map16_add_id(map, id, c);

        tag = tag->next;
    return map;

void swf_FreeTaglist(TAG*tag)
        TAG * tnew = tag->next;
        if (tag->data) 
        tag = tnew;

static void increaseAge(void*self, int id, void*data)
    placement_t*p = (placement_t*)data;

static map16_t* extractFrame(TAG*startTag, int frame_to_extract)
    map16_t*depthmap = map16_new();
    TAG*tag = startTag;
    int frame = 1;
    int insprite = 0;

    SWF*swf = rfx_calloc(sizeof(SWF));
    swf->firstTag = startTag;

    for(;tag;tag = tag->next) {
        if(tag->id == ST_DEFINESPRITE) {
            while(tag->id != ST_END)
                tag = tag->next;
        if(tag->id == ST_PLACEOBJECT ||
           tag->id == ST_PLACEOBJECT2) {
            placement_t* p = rfx_calloc(sizeof(placement_t));
            p->age = 1;
            p->startFrame = frame;
            swf_GetPlaceObject(tag, &p->po);
            if(p->po.move) {
                placement_t*old = (placement_t*)map16_get_id(depthmap, p->po.depth);
                p-> = old->;
                map16_remove_id(depthmap, p->po.depth);
            } else {
                map16_add_id(depthmap, p->po.depth, p);
        if(tag->id == ST_REMOVEOBJECT ||
           tag->id == ST_REMOVEOBJECT2) {
            U16 depth = swf_GetDepth(tag);
            map16_remove_id(depthmap, depth);
        if(tag->id == ST_SHOWFRAME || tag->id == ST_END || !tag->next) {
            if(frame == frame_to_extract) {
                return depthmap;
            if(tag->id == ST_SHOWFRAME) {
                map16_enumerate(depthmap, increaseAge, 0);
        if(tag->id == ST_END) 
    return depthmap;

// ---- rendering ----

void swf_ShapeApplyMatrix(SHAPE2*shape, MATRIX*m)

RGBA swf_ColorTransform(RGBA*color, CXFORM*cx)
    RGBA dest;
    dest.r = (cx->r0*color->r + cx->r1*256) >> 8;
    dest.g = (cx->g0*color->g + cx->g1*256) >> 8;
    dest.b = (cx->b0*color->b + cx->b1*256) >> 8;
    dest.a = (cx->a0*color->a + cx->a1*256) >> 8;
    return dest;

void renderOutline(render_t*r, gfxline_t*line, LINESTYLE*l, CXFORM*cx)
    RGBA c = swf_ColorTransform(&l->color, cx);
    gfxcoord_t width = l->width/20.0;
    r->device->stroke(r->device, line, width, (gfxcolor_t*)&c, gfx_capRound, gfx_joinRound, 0.0);

void swf_ApplyMatrixToShape(SHAPE2*shape, MATRIX*m)
    SHAPELINE*line = shape->lines;
    while(line) {
        SPOINT p;
        p.x = line->x; p.y = line->y;
        p = swf_TurnPoint(p, m);
        line->x = p.x; line->y = p.y;
        line = line->next;

static void renderCharacter(render_t*r, placement_t*p, character_t*c)
    if(c->type == TYPE_SHAPE) {
        SHAPE2 shape;
        swf_ParseDefineShape(c->tag, &shape);
        MATRIX m;
        swf_MatrixJoin(&m, &r->m, &p->po.matrix);
        swf_ApplyMatrixToShape(&shape, &m);
        SHAPELINE*line = shape.lines;
        int t;
        for(t=1;t<=shape.numfillstyles;t++) {
           line = swfline_to_gfxline(shape.lines, -1, t);
           if(line) {
               if(!p->po.clipdepth) {
                   renderFilled(r, line, &shape.fillstyles[t-1], &p->po.cxform, &p->po.matrix);
               } else { 
                   r->device->startclip(r->device, line);
           /*line = swfline_to_gfxline(shape.lines, -1, -1, t);
           if(line) renderFilled(r, line, &shape.fillstyles[t-1], &p->po.cxform);
        for(t=1;t<=shape.numlinestyles;t++) {
           gfxline_t*line = swfline_to_gfxline(shape.lines, t, -1);
           if(line) renderOutline(r, line, &shape.linestyles[t-1], &p->po.cxform);
    } else if(c->type == TYPE_TEXT) {
        TAG* tag = c->tag;
        textcallbackblock_t info;
        MATRIX mt,mt2;
        swf_SetTagPos(tag, 0);

        swf_MatrixJoin(&mt2, &r->m, &mt);
        swf_MatrixJoin(&info.m, &mt2, &p->po.matrix);
        info.r = r;
        swf_ParseDefineText(tag, textcallback, &info);

// ---- main ----

static void placeObject(void*self, int id, void*data)
    render_t*r = (render_t*)self;
    placement_t*p = (placement_t*)data;
    character_t*c = map16_get_id(r->id2char, p->;
    if(!c)  {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: ID %d unknown\n", p->;
    if(c->type == TYPE_SPRITE) {
        int*old_clips_waiting = r->clips_waiting;
        r->clips_waiting = rfx_calloc(sizeof(r->clips_waiting[0])*65536);

        sprite_t* s = (sprite_t*)c->data;

        map16_t* depths = extractFrame(c->tag->next, s->frameCount>0? p->age % s->frameCount : 0);
        map16_enumerate(depths, placeObject, r);
        int t;
        for(t=0;t<65536;t++) {
            int i;
            for(i=0; i<r->clips_waiting[t]; i++) {
        r->clips_waiting = old_clips_waiting;
    renderCharacter(r, p, c);

void swfpage_destroy(gfxpage_t*swf_page)
    swf_page_internal_t*i= (swf_page_internal_t*)swf_page->internal;
    free(swf_page->internal);swf_page->internal = 0;

void swfpage_render(gfxpage_t*page, gfxdevice_t*output)
    swf_page_internal_t*i = (swf_page_internal_t*)page->internal;
    swf_doc_internal_t*pi = (swf_doc_internal_t*)page->parent->internal;
    map16_t* depths = extractFrame(pi->swf.firstTag, i->frame);
    render_t r;
    r.id2char = pi->id2char;
    r.clips = 0;
    r.device = output;
    r.m = pi->m;
    r.clips_waiting = malloc(sizeof(r.clips_waiting[0])*65536);
    memset(r.clips_waiting, 0, sizeof(r.clips_waiting[0])*65536);

    int t;
    for(t=0;t<65536;t++) {
        if(depths->ids[t]) {
            placeObject(&r, t, depths->ids[t]);
        int i;
        for(i=0; i<r.clips_waiting[t]; i++) {

void swfpage_rendersection(gfxpage_t*page, gfxdevice_t*output, gfxcoord_t x, gfxcoord_t y, gfxcoord_t _x1, gfxcoord_t _y1, gfxcoord_t _x2, gfxcoord_t _y2)
    swf_doc_internal_t*pi = (swf_doc_internal_t*)page->parent->internal;
    /* FIXME */

void swf_doc_destroy(gfxdocument_t*gfx)
    swf_doc_internal_t*i= (swf_doc_internal_t*)gfx->internal;

void swf_doc_setparameter(gfxdocument_t*gfx, const char*name, const char*value)
    swf_doc_internal_t*i= (swf_doc_internal_t*)gfx->internal;

gfxpage_t* swf_doc_getpage(gfxdocument_t*doc, int page)
    swf_doc_internal_t*di= (swf_doc_internal_t*)doc->internal;
    if(page < 1 || page > doc->num_pages)
        return 0;
    gfxpage_t* swf_page = (gfxpage_t*)malloc(sizeof(gfxpage_t));
    swf_page_internal_t*pi= (swf_page_internal_t*)malloc(sizeof(swf_page_internal_t));
    memset(pi, 0, sizeof(swf_page_internal_t));

    pi->frame = page;

    swf_page->internal = pi;
    swf_page->destroy = swfpage_destroy;
    swf_page->render = swfpage_render;
    swf_page->rendersection = swfpage_rendersection;
    swf_page->width = di->width;
    swf_page->height = di->height;
    swf_page->parent = doc;
    swf_page->nr = page;
    return swf_page;

void swf_setparameter(gfxsource_t*src, const char*name, const char*value)
    msg("<verbose> setting parameter %s to \"%s\"", name, value);

gfxdocument_t*swf_open(gfxsource_t*src, const char*filename)
    gfxdocument_t*swf_doc = (gfxdocument_t*)malloc(sizeof(gfxdocument_t));
    memset(swf_doc, 0, sizeof(gfxdocument_t));
    swf_doc_internal_t*i= (swf_doc_internal_t*)malloc(sizeof(swf_doc_internal_t));
    memset(i, 0, sizeof(swf_doc_internal_t));

    TAG*tag = 0;
    int f;
    int frame;
    render_t r;
    gfxdevice_t d;
    if(!filename) {
        return 0;
    f = open(filename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY);
    if (f<0) { 
        perror("Couldn't open file: ");
        return 0;
    if FAILED(swf_ReadSWF(f,&i->swf)) { 
        fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid SWF file or contains errors.\n",filename);
        return 0;
    i->id2char = extractDefinitions(&i->swf);
    i->width = (i->swf.movieSize.xmax - i->swf.movieSize.xmin) / 20;
    i->height = (i->swf.movieSize.ymax - i->swf.movieSize.ymin) / 20;
    swf_GetMatrix(0, &i->m);
    i->m.tx = -i->swf.movieSize.xmin;
    i->m.ty = -i->swf.movieSize.ymin;

    swf_doc->num_pages = i->swf.frameCount;
    swf_doc->internal = i;
    swf_doc->get = 0;
    swf_doc->destroy = swf_doc_destroy;
    swf_doc->setparameter = swf_doc_setparameter;
    swf_doc->getpage = swf_doc_getpage;

    return swf_doc;

static void swf_destroy(gfxsource_t*src)
    memset(src, 0, sizeof(*src));

    gfxsource_t*src = (gfxsource_t*)malloc(sizeof(gfxsource_t));
    memset(src, 0, sizeof(gfxsource_t));
    src->setparameter = swf_setparameter;
    src->open = swf_open;
    src->destroy = swf_destroy;
    return src;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */