
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. getToken
  2. draw_conicTo
  3. draw_conicTo2
  4. draw_moveTo2
  5. draw_lineTo2
  6. getFloat
  7. draw_string
  8. cspline_getpoint
  9. qspline_getpoint
  10. approximate3
  11. draw_cubicTo

/*  drawer.c 
    part of swftools

    A generic structure for providing vector drawing.
    (Helper routines, spline approximation, simple text drawers)

    Copyright (C) 2003 Matthias Kramm <>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "drawer.h"

static char* getToken(const char**p)
    const char*start;
    while(**p && strchr(" ,()\t\n\r", **p)) {
    start = *p;

        SVF pathdata can exclude whitespace after L and M commands.
        This allows us to use svg files output from gnuplot.
        Also checks for relative MoveTo and LineTo (m and l).
        051106 Magnus Lundin,
    if (strchr("LMlm", **p) && (isdigit(*(*p+1))||strchr("+-", *(*p+1)))) {
    else while(**p && !strchr(" ,()\t\n\r", **p)) {
    result = (char*)malloc((*p)-start+1);
    result[(*p)-start] = 0;
    return result;

void draw_conicTo(drawer_t*draw, FPOINT*  c, FPOINT*  to)
    FPOINT* pos = &draw->pos;
    FPOINT c1,c2;
    c1.x = (pos->x + 2 * c->x) / 3;
    c1.y = (pos->y + 2 * c->y) / 3;
    c2.x = (2 * c->x + to->x) / 3;
    c2.y = (2 * c->y + to->y) / 3;
    draw_cubicTo(draw, &c1,&c2,to);

    draw->pos = *to;

/* convenience routine */
static void draw_conicTo2(drawer_t*draw, double x1, double y1, double  x2, double y2)
    FPOINT c1,c2;
    c1.x = x1;
    c1.y = y1;
    c2.x = x2;
    c2.y = y2;
    draw_conicTo(draw, &c1, &c2);
/* convenience routine */
static void draw_moveTo2(drawer_t*draw, double x, double y)
    FPOINT c;
    c.x = x; c.y = y;
    draw->moveTo(draw, &c);
/* convenience routine */
static void draw_lineTo2(drawer_t*draw, double x, double y)
    FPOINT c;
    c.x = x; c.y = y;
    draw->lineTo(draw, &c);

static float getFloat(const char** p)
    char* token = getToken(p);
    float result = atof(token);
    return result;

void draw_string(drawer_t*draw, const char*string)
    const char*p = string;
    while(*p) {
        char*token = getToken(&p);
    if (!*token) 
        if(!strncmp(token, "moveTo", 6) ||
           !strncmp(token, "M", 1) //svg
           ) {
            FPOINT to;
        to.x = getFloat(&p);
        to.y = getFloat(&p);
            draw->moveTo(draw, &to);
        else if(!strncmp(token, "lineTo", 6) ||
                !strncmp(token, "L", 1) //svg
             ) {
            FPOINT to;
        to.x = getFloat(&p);
        to.y = getFloat(&p);
            draw->lineTo(draw, &to);
        else if(!strncmp(token, "curveTo", 7) || !strncmp(token, "splineTo", 8)) {
            FPOINT mid,to;
        mid.x = getFloat(&p);
        mid.y = getFloat(&p);
        to.x = getFloat(&p);
        to.y = getFloat(&p);
            draw->splineTo(draw, &mid, &to);
        else if(!strncmp(token, "conicTo", 5)) {
            FPOINT mid,to;
        mid.x = getFloat(&p);
        mid.y = getFloat(&p);
        to.x = getFloat(&p);
        to.y = getFloat(&p);
            draw_conicTo(draw, &mid, &to);
        else if(!strncmp(token, "circle", 6)) {
            int mx,my,r;
            double r2;
        mx = getFloat(&p);
        my = getFloat(&p);
        r = getFloat(&p);
            r2 = 0.70710678118654757*r;
            draw_moveTo2(draw, mx, my-r);
            draw_conicTo2(draw, mx+r2, my-r2, mx+r, my);
            draw_conicTo2(draw, mx+r2, my+r2, mx, my+r);
            draw_conicTo2(draw, mx-r2, my+r2, mx-r, my);
            draw_conicTo2(draw, mx-r2, my-r2, mx, my-r);
        else if(!strncmp(token, "box", 3)) {
            int x1,y1,x2,y2;
        x1 = getFloat(&p);
        y1 = getFloat(&p);
        x2 = getFloat(&p);
        y2 = getFloat(&p);
            draw_moveTo2(draw, x1, y1);
            draw_lineTo2(draw, x1, y2);
            draw_lineTo2(draw, x2, y2);
            draw_lineTo2(draw, x2, y1);
            draw_lineTo2(draw, x1, y1);
        else if(!strncmp(token, "cubicTo", 5) ||
                !strncmp(token, "C", 1) //svg
                ) {
            FPOINT mid1,mid2,to;
        mid1.x = getFloat(&p);
        mid1.y = getFloat(&p);
        mid2.x = getFloat(&p);
        mid2.y = getFloat(&p);
        to.x = getFloat(&p);
        to.y = getFloat(&p);
            draw_cubicTo(draw, &mid1, &mid2, &to);
        else if(!strncmp(token, "z", 1) //svg
               ) {
            // ignore
            fprintf(stderr, "drawer: Warning: unknown primitive '%s'\n", token);

    double x,y;

struct qspline
    struct SPLINEPOINT start;
    struct SPLINEPOINT control;
    struct SPLINEPOINT end;

struct cspline
    struct SPLINEPOINT start;
    struct SPLINEPOINT control1;
    struct SPLINEPOINT control2;
    struct SPLINEPOINT end;

static inline struct SPLINEPOINT cspline_getpoint(const struct cspline*s, double t)
    struct SPLINEPOINT p;
    double tt = t*t;
    double ttt = tt*t;
    double mt = (1-t);
    double mtmt = mt*(1-t);
    double mtmtmt = mtmt*(1-t);
    p.x= s->end.x*ttt + 3*s->control2.x*tt*mt
            + 3*s->control1.x*t*mtmt + s->start.x*mtmtmt;
    p.y= s->end.y*ttt + 3*s->control2.y*tt*mt
            + 3*s->control1.y*t*mtmt + s->start.y*mtmtmt;
    return p;
static struct SPLINEPOINT qspline_getpoint(const struct qspline*s, double t)
    struct SPLINEPOINT p;
    p.x= s->end.x*t*t + 2*s->control.x*t*(1-t) + s->start.x*(1-t)*(1-t);
    p.y= s->end.y*t*t + 2*s->control.y*t*(1-t) + s->start.y*(1-t)*(1-t);
    return p;

static int approximate3(const struct cspline*s, struct qspline*q, int size, double quality2)
    unsigned int gran = 0;
    unsigned int istep = 0x80000000;
    unsigned int istart = 0;
    int num = 0;
    int level = 0;
        unsigned int iend = istart + istep;
        double start = istart/(double)0x80000000;
        double end = iend/(double)0x80000000;
        struct qspline test;
        double pos,qpos;
        char left = 0,recurse=0;
        int t;
        int probes = 15;

        /* create simple approximation: a qspline which run's through the
           qspline point at 0.5 */
        test.start = cspline_getpoint(s, start);
        test.control = cspline_getpoint(s, (start+end)/2);
        test.end = cspline_getpoint(s, end);
        /* fix the control point:
           move it so that the new spline does runs through it */
        test.control.x = -(test.end.x + test.start.x)/2 + 2*(test.control.x);
        test.control.y = -(test.end.y + test.start.y)/2 + 2*(test.control.y);

        /* depending on where we are in the spline, we either try to match
           the left or right tangent */
        /* get derivative */
        pos = left?start:end;
        qpos = pos*pos;
        test.control.x = s->end.x*(3*qpos) + 3*s->control2.x*(2*pos-3*qpos) + 
                    3*s->control1.x*(1-4*pos+3*qpos) + s->start.x*(-3+6*pos-3*qpos);
        test.control.y = s->end.y*(3*qpos) + 3*s->control2.y*(2*pos-3*qpos) + 
                    3*s->control1.y*(1-4*pos+3*qpos) + s->start.y*(-3+6*pos-3*qpos);
        if(left) {
            test.control.x *= (end-start)/2;
            test.control.y *= (end-start)/2;
            test.control.x += test.start.x;
            test.control.y += test.start.y;
        } else {
            test.control.x *= -(end-start)/2;
            test.control.y *= -(end-start)/2;
            test.control.x += test.end.x;
            test.control.y += test.end.y;

#define PROBES
#ifdef PROBES
        /* measure the spline's accurancy, by taking a number of probes */
        for(t=0;t<probes;t++) {
            struct SPLINEPOINT qr1,qr2,cr1,cr2;
            double pos = 0.5/(probes*2)*(t*2+1);
            double dx,dy;
            double dist1,dist2;
            qr1 = qspline_getpoint(&test, pos);
            cr1 = cspline_getpoint(s, start+pos*(end-start));

            dx = qr1.x - cr1.x;
            dy = qr1.y - cr1.y;
            dist1 = dx*dx+dy*dy;

            if(dist1>quality2) {
            qr2 = qspline_getpoint(&test, (1-pos));
            cr2 = cspline_getpoint(s, start+(1-pos)*(end-start));

            dx = qr2.x - cr2.x;
            dy = qr2.y - cr2.y;
            dist2 = dx*dx+dy*dy;

            if(dist2>quality2) {
#else // quadratic error: *much* faster!

        /* convert control point representation to 
           d*x^3 + c*x^2 + b*x + a */
        double dx,dy;
        dx= s->end.x  - s->control2.x*3 + s->control1.x*3 - s->start.x;
        dy= s->end.y  - s->control2.y*3 + s->control1.y*3 - s->start.y;
        /* we need to do this for the subspline between [start,end], not [0,1] 
           as a transformation of t->a*t+b does nothing to highest coefficient
           of the spline except multiply it with a^3, we just need to modify
           d here. */
        {double m = end-start;
        /* use the integral over (f(x)-g(x))^2 between 0 and 1
           to measure the approximation quality. 
           (it boils down to const*d^2)
        recurse = (dx*dx + dy*dy > quality2);

        if(recurse && istep>1 && size-level > num) {
            istep >>= 1;
        } else {
            *q++ = test;
            istart += istep;
            while(!(istart & istep)) {
                istep <<= 1;
    return num;

void draw_cubicTo(drawer_t*draw, FPOINT*  control1, FPOINT* control2, FPOINT*  to)
    struct qspline q[128];
    struct cspline c;
    //double quality = 80;
    double maxerror = 1;//(500-(quality*5)>1?500-(quality*5):1)/20.0;
    int t,num;

    c.start.x = draw->pos.x;
    c.start.y = draw->pos.y;
    c.control1.x = control1->x;
    c.control1.y = control1->y;
    c.control2.x = control2->x;
    c.control2.y = control2->y;
    c.end.x = to->x;
    c.end.y = to->y;
    num = approximate3(&c, q, 128, maxerror*maxerror);

    for(t=0;t<num;t++) {
        FPOINT mid;
        FPOINT to;
        mid.x = q[t].control.x;
        mid.y = q[t].control.y;
        to.x = q[t].end.x;
        to.y = q[t].end.y;
        draw->splineTo(draw, &mid, &to);

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */