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#ifndef __avmplus_Hashtable__
#define __avmplus_Hashtable__

namespace avmplus
         * common base class for hashtable-like objects.
        // InlineHashtable is designed to never have its ctors or dtors called directly; it can't be allocated
        // either on the stack or the heap. For a standalong heap allocation, use HeapHashtable instead.
        // The reason for this oddity is that InlineHashtable can be grafted "inline" to a ScriptObject, and
        // will be manually initialized and destroyed (but not via its ctor/dtor). We also don't want
        // to descend from any class that might force us to have a vtable (eg by way of a virtual dtor) because
        // we neither need one nor want to account for the extra pointer-sized space in every instance of ScriptObject.
        // (It's not large, but it adds up...)
        class InlineHashtable
                friend class HeapHashtable;
                friend class HeapHashtableRC;
                friend class WeakKeyHashtable;
                friend class WeakValueHashtable;
                inline InlineHashtable() : m_atomsAndFlags(0), m_size(0), m_logCapacity(0)
                        // nothing, here only for HeapHashtable, which explicitly calls initialize()

                // do NOT make this virtual; we want InlineHashtable to NOT have ANY virtual methods, not even a dtor
                inline ~InlineHashtable()
                        // nothing, here only for HeapHashtable, which explicitly calls destroy()

                 * since identifiers are always interned strings, they can't be 0,
                 * so we can use 0 as the empty value.
                const static Atom EMPTY = 0;

                /** DELETED is stored as the key for deleted items */
                const static Atom DELETED = undefinedAtom;

                /** kDefaultCapacity must be a power of 2 */
                const static int kDefaultCapacity = 2;

                uint32_t getSize() const { return m_size; }
                uint32_t getCapacity() const { return m_logCapacity ? 1UL<<(m_logCapacity-1) : 0; }

                uintptr_t hasDontEnumSupport() const { return (m_atomsAndFlags & kDontEnumBit); }
                void setDontEnumSupport() { m_atomsAndFlags |= kDontEnumBit; }
                //void clrDontEnumSupport() { m_atomsAndFlags &= ~kDontEnumBit; }       // never currently called.
                Atom removeDontEnumMask(Atom a) const { return Atom(uintptr_t(a) & ~(m_atomsAndFlags & kDontEnumBit)); }
                bool enumerable(Atom a) const { return a != EMPTY && a != DELETED && !(uintptr_t(a) & (m_atomsAndFlags & kDontEnumBit)); }
                bool getAtomPropertyIsEnumerable(Atom name) const;
                void setAtomPropertyIsEnumerable(Atom name, bool enumerable);

                inline uint64 size() const
                        return m_size * 2 * sizeof(Atom);

                // kDontEnumBit is or'd into atoms to indicate that the property is {DontEnum},
                // and ALSO or'd into m_atomsAndFlags to indicate that the InlineHashtable as a whole supports DontEnum.
                static const uintptr_t kDontEnumBit             = 0x01;
                // kHasDeletedItems is or'd into m_atomsAndFlags (but not individual atoms) 
                static const uintptr_t kHasDeletedItems = 0x02;

                static const uintptr_t kAtomFlags                       = (kDontEnumBit | kHasDeletedItems);

                uintptr_t hasDeletedItems() const { return (m_atomsAndFlags & kHasDeletedItems); }

                void setCapacity(uint32_t cap)
                        m_logCapacity = cap ? (FindOneBit(cap)+1) : 0;
                        AvmAssert(getCapacity() == cap);

#if defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64)
                static inline uint32_t FindOneBit(uint32_t value)

#ifndef __GNUC__
                        #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(AVMPLUS_64BIT)
                        unsigned long index;
                        _BitScanReverse(&index, value);
                        return (uint32)index;
                        #elif defined(__SUNPRO_C)||defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
                        for (int i=0; i < 32; i++)
                                if (value & (1<<i))
                                        return i;
                        // asm versions of this function are undefined if no bits are set
                        return 0;
                                bsr eax,[value];
                        // DBC - This gets rid of a compiler warning and matchs PPC results where value = 0
                        register int    result = ~0;
                        if (value)
                                asm (
                                        "bsr %1, %0"
                                        : "=r" (result)
                                        : "m"(value)
                        return result;
        #elif defined(AVMPLUS_PPC)

                static inline int FindOneBit(uint32 value)
                        register int index;
                        #ifdef __GNUC__
                        asm ("cntlzw %0,%1" : "=r" (index) : "r" (value));
                        register uint32 in = value;
                        asm { cntlzw index, in; }
                        return 31-index;

                #else // generic platform

                static int FindOneBit(uint32 value)
                        for (int i=0; i < 32; i++)
                                if (value & (1<<i))
                                        return i;
                        // asm versions of this function are undefined if no bits are set
                        return 0;

                void setAtoms(Atom* atoms);


                Atom* getAtoms() { return (Atom*)(m_atomsAndFlags & ~kAtomFlags); }
                const Atom* getAtoms() const { return (const Atom*)(m_atomsAndFlags & ~kAtomFlags); }
                void destroy(); 

                void reset()
                        MMgc::GC* gc = MMgc::GC::GetGC(getAtoms());
                void initialize(MMgc::GC *gc, int capacity = kDefaultCapacity);

                /* See CPP for load factor variants. */
                bool isFull() const;
                 * @name operations on name/value pairs
                Atom get(Atom name) const;
                Atom remove(Atom name);

                bool contains(Atom name) const
                        const Atom* atoms = getAtoms();
                        return removeDontEnumMask(atoms[find(name, atoms, getCapacity())]) == name;

                 * Finds the hash bucket corresponding to the key x
                 * in the hash table starting at t, containing tLen
                 * atoms.
                 * This is a quadratic probe, but we only hit even-numbered
                 * slots since those hold keys.
                int find(Atom x, const Atom *t, uint32_t tLen) const;
                int find(Stringp x, const Atom *t, uint32_t tLen) const;
                int find(Atom x) const { return find(x, getAtoms(), getCapacity()); }

                 * Adds a name/value pair to a hash table.  Automatically
                 * grows the hash table if it is full.
                void add(Atom name, Atom value);

                 * Called to grow the InlineHashtable, particularly by add.
                 * - Calculates the needed size for the new InlineHashtable
                 *   (typically 2X the current size)
                 * - Creates a new array of Atoms
                 * - Rehashes the current table into the new one
                 * - Deletes the old array of Atoms and sets the Atom
                 *   pointer to our new array of Atoms
                bool grow();

                 * Allow caller to enumerate all entries in the table.
                int next(int index);
                Atom keyAt(int index);
                Atom valueAt(int index);
                //void removeAt(int index);

                void setHasDeletedItems() { m_atomsAndFlags |= kHasDeletedItems; }
                void clrHasDeletedItems() { m_atomsAndFlags &= ~kHasDeletedItems; }

                void put(Atom name, Atom value);
                int rehash(const Atom *oldAtoms, int oldlen, Atom *newAtoms, int newlen) const;

                // "capacity" is the total number of atoms we allocate.
                // we use that capacity as name-value pairs, thus the maximum size at any time is always half the capacity.
                // for 32-bit builds, we want to limit the maximum number of entries to (1<<27)-1,
                // thus we the max capacity we need is (1<<28)-2. but since capacity is always limited
                // to a power of two, we'll actually limit capacity to 1<<27... which in turn will limit
                // maximum number of entries to (1<<26)-1. this has the downside of halving our maximum size,
                // but the upside of avoiding the need to check m_size for overflow on every put (we only
                // need to check capacity for overflow on every grow).
                // (note: for consistency between 32 and 64-bit builds, we'll artificially limit 64-bit systems
                // to the same size, even though the m_size field can hold more.)
                // How does this compare with pre-existing behavior on 32-bit systems?
                // theoretically, capacity could have been an allocation of 1<<32 == 4GB max (it's always a power of two)...
                // but some memory is of course used for other purposes, thus effectively 2GB max.
                // divide by sizeof(Atom) == 4 to find we had an actual max-capacity of 1<<29 entries.
                // So it is mathematically possible that a hashtable that was previously possible 
                // will now prematurely run out of memory... but extraordinarily unlikely.
                // (In practice, Win32 limits each process to 2GB, so we can halve the above for those systems,
                // thus "portable" ABC/SWF code could only rely on a max capacity of 1<<28 entries.)
                static const uint32_t MAX_CAPACITY = (1UL<<27);

        // ------------------------ DATA SECTION BEGIN
                uintptr_t m_atomsAndFlags;      /** property hashtable, this has no DWB on purpose, setAtoms contains the WB */
        #ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
                // on 64-bit systems, padding will force us to 16 bytes here anyway, so let's just use unpacked ints
                uint32_t m_size;                        // number of properties
                uint32_t m_logCapacity;         // (log2 of capacity) + 1
                uint32_t m_size:27;                     // number of properties 
                uint32_t m_logCapacity:5;       // (log2 of capacity) + 1 -- gives us enough space for 2^32 entries
        // ------------------------ DATA SECTION END

        class HeapHashtable : public MMgc::GCFinalizedObject
                InlineHashtable ht;

                 * initialize with a known capacity.  i.e. we can fit minSize
                 * elements in without rehashing.
                 * @param heap
                 * @param capacity  # of logical slots
                HeapHashtable(MMgc::GC* gc, int32_t capacity = InlineHashtable::kDefaultCapacity)
                        ht.initialize(gc, capacity); 
                virtual ~HeapHashtable() { ht.destroy(); }
                inline InlineHashtable* get_ht() { return &ht; }

                inline void reset() { ht.reset(); }
                inline uint32_t getCapacity() const { return ht.getCapacity(); }
                inline uint32_t getSize() const { return ht.getSize(); }
                inline int next(int index) { return; }
                inline Atom keyAt(int index) { return ht.keyAt(index); }
                inline Atom valueAt(int index) { return ht.valueAt(index); }
                virtual void add(Atom name, Atom value) { ht.add(name, value); }
                virtual Atom get(Atom name) { return ht.get(name); }
                virtual Atom remove(Atom name) { return ht.remove(name); }
                virtual bool contains(Atom name) const { return ht.contains(name); }
                virtual bool weakKeys() const { return false; }
                virtual bool weakValues() const { return false; }

        // Holds RCObject values, not Atom values.  Otherwise like HeapHashtable.
        class HeapHashtableRC : public MMgc::GCFinalizedObject
                InlineHashtable ht;
                HeapHashtableRC(MMgc::GC* gc, int32_t capacity = InlineHashtable::kDefaultCapacity)
                        ht.initialize(gc, capacity); 
                virtual ~HeapHashtableRC() { ht.destroy(); }
                inline void reset() { ht.reset(); }
                inline uint32_t getCapacity() const { return ht.getCapacity(); }
                inline uint32_t getSize() const { return ht.getSize(); }
                inline int next(int index) { return; }
                inline Atom keyAt(int index) { return ht.keyAt(index); }
                inline MMgc::RCObject* valueAt(int index) { return untagAtom(ht.valueAt(index)); }
                void add(Atom name, MMgc::RCObject* value) { ht.add(name, tagObject(value)); }
                MMgc::RCObject* get(Atom name) { return untagAtom(ht.get(name)); }
                MMgc::RCObject* remove(Atom name) { return untagAtom(ht.remove(name)); }
                bool contains(Atom name) const { return ht.contains(name); }
                inline Atom tagObject(MMgc::RCObject* obj) { return (Atom)obj | kObjectType; }
                inline MMgc::RCObject* untagAtom(Atom a) { return (MMgc::RCObject*)atomPtr(a); }

         * If key is an object weak ref's are used
        class WeakKeyHashtable : public HeapHashtable
                WeakKeyHashtable(MMgc::GC* _gc) : HeapHashtable(_gc) { }
                virtual void add(Atom key, Atom value);
                virtual Atom get(Atom key) { return ht.get(getKey(key)); }
                virtual Atom remove(Atom key) { return ht.remove(getKey(key)); }
                virtual bool contains(Atom key) const { return ht.contains(getKey(key)); }
                virtual bool weakKeys() const { return true; }
                Atom getKey(Atom key) const;
                void prune();

         * If value is an object weak ref's are used
        class WeakValueHashtable : public HeapHashtable
                WeakValueHashtable(MMgc::GC* _gc) : HeapHashtable(_gc) { }
                virtual void add(Atom key, Atom value);
                virtual Atom get(Atom key) { return getValue(key, ht.get(key)); }
                virtual Atom remove(Atom key) { return getValue(key, ht.remove(key)); }
                virtual bool weakValues() const { return true; }
                Atom getValue(Atom key, Atom value);
                void prune();

#endif /* __avmplus_Hashtable__ */

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