
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. m_node
  2. NodeNameEquals
  3. callProperty
  4. getAtomProperty
  5. getMultinameProperty
  6. setMultinameProperty
  7. deleteMultinameProperty
  8. getDescendants
  9. setAtomProperty
  10. getUintProperty
  11. setUintProperty
  12. delUintProperty
  13. deleteAtomProperty
  14. hasUintProperty
  15. hasMultinameProperty
  16. hasAtomProperty
  17. _deepCopy
  18. AS3_descendants
  19. _resolveValue
  20. GenerateUniquePrefix
  21. __toXMLString
  22. nextName
  23. nextValue
  24. nextNameIndex
  25. AS3_addNamespace
  26. AS3_appendChild
  27. AS3_attribute
  28. AS3_attributes
  29. AS3_child
  30. AS3_childIndex
  31. AS3_children
  32. AS3_comments
  33. AS3_contains
  34. AS3_copy
  35. AS3_elements
  36. XML_AS3_hasOwnProperty
  37. AS3_hasComplexContent
  38. AS3_hasSimpleContent
  39. AS3_inScopeNamespaces
  40. AS3_insertChildAfter
  41. AS3_insertChildBefore
  42. AS3_localName
  43. AS3_name
  44. _namespace
  45. AS3_namespaceDeclarations
  46. AS3_nodeKind
  47. AS3_normalize
  48. AS3_parent
  49. AS3_processingInstructions
  50. AS3_prependChild
  51. XML_AS3_propertyIsEnumerable
  52. AS3_removeNamespace
  53. AS3_replace
  54. AS3_setChildren
  55. AS3_setLocalName
  56. AS3_setName
  57. AS3_setNamespace
  58. AS3_text
  59. toString
  60. AS3_toString
  61. AS3_toXMLString
  62. format
  63. getClass
  64. _length
  65. getParent
  66. setValue
  67. getValue
  68. getQName
  69. AS3_setNotification
  70. AS3_notification
  71. notifyNeeded
  72. childChanges
  73. nonChildChanges
  74. issueNotifications
  75. filter
  76. _filter
  77. dispose
  78. m_mn
  79. get_localName
  80. getURI
  81. get_uri
  82. GetNamespace
  83. nextName
  84. nextValue
  85. nextNameIndex

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Adobe System Incorporated.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004-2006
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Adobe AS3 Team
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
 * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
 * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
 * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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 * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
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 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

// Internal properties of the E4XNode classes 
//              Multiname *m_name;
//              Stringp m_value;                
//              E4XNode *m_parent; // the parent or NULL for top item
//              AtomArray *m_attributes;
//              AtomArray *m_namespaces;
//              AtomArray *m_children;
//              kAttribute (AttributeE4XNode)
//                      m_name = Multiname containing namespace:name pair (marked as an attribute)
//                      m_value = text value of the attribute
//              kText/kCDATA (TextE4XNode, CDATAE4XNode)
//                      m_value - text value of the node
//              kComment (CommentE4XNode)
//                      m_value - text value of the node
//              kProcessingInstruction (PIE4XNode)
//                      m_name = Multiname containing namespace:name pair
//                      m_value - text value of the node
//              kElement (ElementE4XNode)
//                      m_name = Multiname containing namespace:name pair
//                      m_attributes : list of attributes (E4XNodes's)
//                      m_children : array of children nodes (E4XNodes's) or
//                      m_namespaces: array of namespaces for this node
//      QName contains a Multiname with only ONE namespace
//     null
//     "" empty string
//     uri
//  Properties of the XML object can be either qualified (one associated namespace)
//  or unqualified.
// Property access to the XML object can be a variety of cases:
//   qualified: one namespace
//   unqualified: one or more namespaces (the public namespace, plus others)
//   anyName operator - matches both qualified and unqualified properties
#include "avmplus.h"
#include "BuiltinNatives.h"

//#define STRING_DEBUG

namespace avmplus
        XMLObject::XMLObject(XMLClass *type, E4XNode *node)
                : ScriptObject(type->ivtable(), type->prototype), m_node(node)
                SAMPLE_FRAME("XML", this->core());
                this->publicNS = core()->findPublicNamespace();

        // This is considered the "toXML function"
        XMLObject::XMLObject(XMLClass *type, Stringp str, Namespace *defaultNamespace)
                : ScriptObject(type->ivtable(), type->prototype)
                SAMPLE_FRAME("XML", this->core());
                #if 0//def _DEBUG
                // *** NOTE ON THREAD SAFETY ***
                // Enabling this code means that there may be a race to initialize 'once' on different
                // threads, or, alternatively, that only one core gets to run this code, not each core
                // individually.  This may or may not be OK, but needs to be considered before enabling
                // the code.
                static bool once = false;
                if (!once)
                        once = true;
                        AvmDebugMsg(false, "sizeof(E4XNode): %d\r\n", sizeof(E4XNode));
                        AvmDebugMsg(false, "sizeof(TextE4XNode): %d\r\n", sizeof(TextE4XNode));
                        AvmDebugMsg(false, "sizeof(ElementE4XNode): %d\r\n", sizeof(ElementE4XNode));
                        AvmDebugMsg(false, "sizeof(E4XNodeAux): %d\r\n", sizeof(E4XNodeAux));
                if (!str)

                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();
                MMgc::GC *gc = core->GetGC();
                this->publicNS = core->findPublicNamespace();

                AvmAssert(traits()->getSizeOfInstance() == sizeof(XMLObject));
                AvmAssert(traits()->getExtraSize() == 0);

                // str, ignoreWhite
                bool bIgnoreWhite = toplevel->xmlClass()->get_ignoreWhitespace() != 0;
                XMLParser parser(core, str);

                XMLTag tag(gc);
                E4XNode* p = 0;

                // When we're passed in a defaultNamespace, we simulate the following XML code
                // <parent xmlns=defaultNamespace's URI>string</parent>
                if (defaultNamespace)
                        setNode( new (gc) ElementE4XNode (0) );

                        // create a namespace for the parent using defaultNamespace->URI()
                        Namespace *ns = core->internNamespace (core->newNamespace (core->kEmptyString->atom(), defaultNamespace->getURI()->atom()));

                        m_node->_addInScopeNamespace (core, ns, publicNS);

                        Stringp name = core->internConstantStringLatin1("parent");

                        m_node->setQName (core, name, ns);

                        p = m_node;

                int m_status;

                while ((m_status = parser.getNext(tag)) == XMLParser::kNoError)

                        E4XNode* pNewElement = NULL;

                        switch (tag.nodeType)
                        case XMLTag::kXMLDeclaration:
                                        // !!@ add some checks to ensure this is the first tag
                                        // encountered in our file (deal with <parent> stuff from
                                        // XMLObject and XMLListObject parser setup
                        case XMLTag::kDocTypeDeclaration:
                        case XMLTag::kElementType:
                                        // A closing tag
                                        if (tag.text->charAt(0) == '/')
                                                const int32_t nodeNameStart = 1; // skip the slash

                                                Multiname m;
                                                p->getQName(&m, publicNS);
                                                Namespace* ns = m.getNamespace();

                                                // Get our parent's qualified name string here
                                                Stringp parentName = m.getName();

                                                if (!NodeNameEquals(tag.text, nodeNameStart, parentName, ns) &&
                                                        // We're trying to support paired nodes where the first node gets a namespace
                                                        // from the default namespace.
                                                        parentName->Compare(*tag.text, nodeNameStart, tag.text->length()-nodeNameStart) != 0 && 
                                                        ns->getURI() == toplevel->getDefaultNamespace()->getURI())
                                                        // If p == m_node, we are at the top of our tree and we're parsing the fake "parent"
                                                        // wrapper tags around our actual XML text.  Instead of warning about a missing "</parent>"
                                                        // tag, we instead complain about the XML markup not being well-formed.
                                                        // (Emulating Rhino behavior)
                                                        if (p == m_node)
                                                                toplevel->throwTypeError(kXMLUnterminatedElementTag, parentName, parentName);
                                                        // Catch the case where our input string ends with a bogus <parent> tag
                                                        if (defaultNamespace && (p == m_node))

                                                        // found matching closing tag so we can pop back up a level now
                                                        if (p != m_node)
                                                                p = p->getParent();

                                        else // an opening tag
                                                ElementE4XNode *e = new (gc) ElementE4XNode(0);
                                                pNewElement = e;
                                                // Our first tag modifies this object itself
                                                if (!m_node)
                                                else // all other tags create a new element tag

                                                if (!tag.empty) // if our tag is not empty, we're now the "parent" tag
                                                        p = pNewElement;

                                                // Needs to happen after setting m_name->name so throw error can use name in routine
                                                e->CopyAttributesAndNamespaces(core, toplevel, tag, publicNS);

                                                // Find a namespace that matches this tag in our parent chain.  If this name
                                                // is a qualified name (ns:name), we search for a namespace with a matching
                                                // prefix.  If is an unqualified name, we find the first empty prefix name.
                                                Namespace *ns = pNewElement->FindNamespace(core, toplevel, tag.text, false);

                                                // pg 35, map [[name]].uri to "namespace name" of node

                                                if (!ns) {
                                                        // NOTE use caller's public
                                                        ns = core->findPublicNamespace();

                                                pNewElement->setQName(core, tag.text, ns);

                        case XMLTag::kComment:
                                if (!toplevel->xmlClass()->get_ignoreComments()) 
                                        pNewElement = new (gc) CommentE4XNode (0, tag.text);
                                        if (!m_node)
                                                setNode( pNewElement );
                        case XMLTag::kCDataSection:

                                pNewElement = new (gc) CDATAE4XNode (0, tag.text);
                                if (!m_node)
                                        setNode( pNewElement );
                        case XMLTag::kTextNodeType:
                                // For small strings, we intern them in an attempt to save memory
                                // with large XML files with of lot of repeating text nodes.
                                if (tag.text->length() < 32)
                                        Stringp text = core->internString(tag.text);
                                        // Reduce our GC pressure if we know our tag.text is unused.
                                        if (text != tag.text)
                                                tag.text = NULL;
                                        pNewElement = new (gc) TextE4XNode(0, text);
                                        pNewElement = new (gc) TextE4XNode(0, tag.text);

                                if (!m_node)
                                        setNode( pNewElement );
                        case XMLTag::kProcessingInstruction:
                                if (!toplevel->xmlClass()->get_ignoreProcessingInstructions()) 
                                        Stringp name, val;
                                        int32_t space = tag.text->indexOfLatin1(" ", 1, 0);
                                        if (space < 0)
                                                // no spaces, no value
                                                name = tag.text;
                                                val = core->kEmptyString;
                                                name = tag.text->substring(0, space);
                                                while (String::isSpace((wchar) tag.text->charAt(++space))) {}
                                                val  = tag.text->substring(space, tag.text->length());
                                        pNewElement = new (gc) PIE4XNode(0, val); 
                                        // NOTE use caller's public
                                        pNewElement->setQName (core, name, core->findPublicNamespace());
                                        if (!m_node)
                                                setNode( pNewElement );

                        //kNoType             = 0,
                                AvmAssert(0); // unknown tag type??
                        if ( pNewElement && (XMLTag::kElementType != tag.nodeType))
                                if (pNewElement != m_node)
                                        p->_append( pNewElement);

                        if ( m_status != XMLParser::kNoError )
                                break; // stop getting tags


                if ( m_status == XMLParser::kEndOfDocument )
                        m_status = XMLParser::kNoError;
                        switch (m_status)
                        case XMLParser::kMalformedElement:
                        case XMLParser::kUnterminatedCDataSection:
                        case XMLParser::kUnterminatedXMLDeclaration:
                        case XMLParser::kUnterminatedDocTypeDeclaration:
                        case XMLParser::kUnterminatedComment:
                        case XMLParser::kUnterminatedAttributeValue:
                        case XMLParser::kUnterminatedElement:
                        case XMLParser::kUnterminatedProcessingInstruction:
                        case XMLParser::kOutOfMemory:
                        case XMLParser::kElementNeverBegun:

                if ( p != m_node && ! m_status )
                        Multiname m;
                        p->getQName(&m, publicNS);

                        // Get our parents qualified name string here
                        Stringp parentName = m.getName();

                        toplevel->throwTypeError(kXMLUnterminatedElementTag, parentName, parentName);


        bool XMLObject::NodeNameEquals(Stringp nodeName, int32_t nodeNameStart, Stringp parentName, Namespace * parentNs)
                int32_t const nodeNameLength = nodeName->length() - nodeNameStart;
                if (parentNs && parentNs->hasPrefix())
                        AvmCore *core = this->core();
                        Stringp parentNSName = core->string(parentNs->getPrefix());
                        int prefixLen = parentNSName->length();

                        // Does nodeName == parentNS:parentName
                        int totalLen = prefixLen + 1 + parentName->length(); // + 1 for ':' separator
                        if (totalLen != nodeNameLength)
                                return false;

                        if (parentNSName->Compare(*nodeName, nodeNameStart, prefixLen) != 0)
                                return false;

                        if (nodeName->charAt(nodeNameStart + prefixLen) != ':')
                                return false;

                        // -1 for ':'
                        return (parentName->Compare(*nodeName, nodeNameStart + prefixLen, nodeNameLength - prefixLen) == 0); 
                        return parentName->Compare(*nodeName, nodeNameStart, nodeNameLength) == 0; 

        // E4X Section 9.1.1

        // sec CallMethod
        // this = argv[0] (ignored)
        // arg1 = argv[1]
        // argN = argv[argc]
        Atom XMLObject::callProperty(const Multiname* multiname, int argc, Atom* argv)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                Atom f = getDelegate()->getMultinameProperty(multiname);
                if (f == undefinedAtom)
                        f = getMultinameProperty(multiname);
                        // If our method returned is a 0 element XMLList, it means that we did not
                        // find a matching property for this method name.  In this case, if our XML
                        // node is simple, we convert it to a string and callproperty on the string.
                        // This allows node elements to be treated as simple strings even if they
                        // are XML or XMLList objects.  See in the E4X spec for CallMethod.
                        if (AvmCore::isXMLList(f) && 
                                !AvmCore::atomToXMLList(f)->_length() &&
                                Stringp r0 = core->string (this->atom());
                                return toplevel()->callproperty (r0->atom(), multiname, argc, argv, toplevel()->stringClass->vtable);
                argv[0] = atom(); // replace receiver
                return toplevel()->op_call(f, argc, argv);

        // E4X, pg 12 - [[GET]]
        Atom XMLObject::getAtomProperty(Atom P) const
                Multiname m;
                toplevel()->ToXMLName(P, m);
                return getMultinameProperty(&m);

        // E4X, pg 12 - [[GET]]
        Atom XMLObject::getMultinameProperty(const Multiname* name_in) const
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();

                Multiname name;
                toplevel->CoerceE4XMultiname(name_in, name);

                Stringp n1 = name.getName();

                if (!name.isAnyName() && !name.isAttr())
                        // We have an integer argument - direct child lookup
                        Stringp nameString = name.getName();
                        uint32 index;
                        if (AvmCore::getIndexFromString (nameString, &index))
                                //      //l = ToXMLList (this);
                                //      //return l->get(p);
                                // ToXMLList on a XMLNode just creates a one item XMLList.  The only valid
                                // property number for the new XMLList is 0 which just returns this node.  Handle
                                // that case here.
                                if (index == 0)
                                        return this->atom();
                                        return undefinedAtom;

                XMLListObject *xl = new (core->GetGC()) XMLListObject(toplevel->xmlListClass(), this->atom(), &name);

                if (name.isAttr())
                        // does not hurt, but makes things faster
                        // for each a in x.[[attributes]]
                        for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->numAttributes(); i++)
                                E4XNode *xml = m_node->getAttribute(i);

                                AvmAssert(xml && xml->getClass() == E4XNode::kAttribute);

                                Multiname m;
                                AvmAssert(xml->getQName(&m, publicNS) != 0);

                                //if (((n.[[Name]].localName == "*") || (n.[[Name]].localName == a.[[Name]].localName)) &&
                                //      ((n.[[Name]].uri == nulll) || (n.[[Name]].uri == a.[[Name]].uri)))
                                //      l.append (a);

                                xml->getQName(&m, publicNS);
                                if (name.matches(&m))
                                        xl->_appendNode (xml);

                        return xl->atom();
                // step 5 - look through all the children for a match - [[length]] implies length of children
                // n isn't an attributeName so it must be a qname??
//              for k = 0 to x.[[length]]-1
//              if (n.localName = "*" and this[k].class == "element" and (this[k].name.localName == n.localName)
//                      and (!n.uri) or (this[k].class == "element) and (n.uri == this[k].name.uri)))
//                      xl->_append (x[k]);

                if (name.isAnyName())

                for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->numChildren(); i++)
                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(i);
                        Multiname m;
                        Multiname *m2 = 0;
                        if (child->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                child->getQName(&m, publicNS);
                                m2 = &m;

                        //      if (n.localName = "*" OR this[k].class == "element" and (this[k].name.localName == n.localName)
                        //      and (!n.uri) or (this[k].class == "element) and (n.uri == this[k].name.uri)))
                        //              xl->_append (x[k]);
                        if (name.matches(m2))
                                xl->_appendNode (child);

                return xl->atom();

        void XMLObject::setMultinameProperty(const Multiname* name_in, Atom V)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();

                Multiname m;
                toplevel->CoerceE4XMultiname(name_in, m);

                // step 3
                if (!m.isAnyName() && !m.isAttr())
                        Stringp name = m.getName();
                        uint32 index;
                        if (AvmCore::getIndexFromString (name, &index))
                                // Spec says: NOTE: this operation is reserved for future versions of E4X

                // step 4
                if (getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kCDATA | E4XNode::kComment | E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction | E4XNode::kAttribute))

                Atom c;
                if (AvmCore::atomToXMLList(V))
                        XMLListObject *src = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(V);
                        if ((src->_length() == 1) && src->_getAt(0)->getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kAttribute))
                c = core->string(V)->atom();
                                c = src->_deepCopy()->atom();                                                                   
                else if (AvmCore::atomToXML(V))
                        XMLObject *x = AvmCore::atomToXMLObject(V);
                        if (x->getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kAttribute))
                                // This string is converted into a XML object below in step 2(g)(iii)
                                c = core->string(V)->atom();
                                c = x->_deepCopy()->atom();                                                                     
                        String *foo = core->string(V);
#endif // STRING_DEBUG
                        c = core->string(V)->atom();

                // step 5
                //Atom n = core->ToXMLName (P);
                // step 6
                //Atom defaultNamespace = core->getDefaultNamespace()->atom();

                // step 7
                if (m.isAttr())
                        // step 7b
                        Stringp sc;
                        if (AvmCore::isXMLList(c))
                                XMLListObject *xl = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(c);
                                if (!xl->_length())
                                        sc = core->kEmptyString;
                                        StringBuffer output (core);
                                        output << core->string (xl->_getAt (0)->atom());
                                        for (uint32 i = 1; i < xl->_length(); i++)
                                                output << " " << core->string (xl->_getAt (i)->atom());

                                        sc = core->newStringUTF8(output.c_str());
                        else // step 7c
                                sc = core->string (c);

                        // step 7d
                        int a = -1; // -1 is null in spec
                        // step 7e
                        for (uint32 j = 0; j < this->m_node->numAttributes(); j++)
                                E4XNode *x = m_node->getAttribute(j);
                                Multiname m2;
                                x->getQName(&m2, publicNS);
                                if (m.matches(&m2))
                                        if (a == -1)
                                                a = j;
                                                // notification occurrs in deleteproperty

            Stringp name = !m.isAnyName() ? m.getName() : NULL;
            Atom nameAtom = name ? name->atom() : nullStringAtom;
                        if (a == -1) // step 7f
                                E4XNode *e = new (core->GetGC()) AttributeE4XNode(this->m_node, sc);
                                Namespace *ns = 0;
                                if (m.namespaceCount() == 1)
                                        ns = m.getNamespace();
                                e->setQName(core, name, ns);

                                this->m_node->addAttribute (e);
                                e->_addInScopeNamespace(core, ns, publicNS);

                                nonChildChanges(xmlClass()->kAttrAdded, nameAtom, sc->atom());
                        else // step 7g
                                E4XNode *x = m_node->getAttribute(a);
                                Stringp prior = x->getValue();
                                x->setValue (sc);

                                nonChildChanges(xmlClass()->kAttrChanged, nameAtom, (prior) ? prior->atom() : undefinedAtom);

                        // step 7h

                if (!m.isAnyName())
                        // step 8
                        bool isValidName = core->isXMLName(m.getName()->atom());

                        // step 9
                        if (!isValidName)

                // step 10
                int32 i = -1; // -1 is undefined in spec
                bool primitiveAssign = ((!AvmCore::isXML(c) && !AvmCore::isXMLList(c)) && (!m.isAnyName()));

                // step 12
                bool notify = notifyNeeded(getNode());
                for (int k = _length() - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                        E4XNode *x = m_node->_getAt(k);
                        Multiname mx;
                        Multiname *m2 = 0;
                        if (x->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                x->getQName(&mx, publicNS);
                                m2 = &mx;

                        if (m.matches(m2))
                                // remove n-1 nodes of n matching
                                if (i != -1)
                                        E4XNode* was = m_node->_getAt(i);

                                        m_node->_deleteByIndex (i);

                                        // notify 
                                        if (notify && (was->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement))
                                                XMLObject* nd = new (core->GetGC())  XMLObject (toplevel->xmlClass(), was);
                                                childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeRemoved, nd->atom());

                                i = k;

                // step 13
                if (i == -1)
                        i = _length();
                        if (primitiveAssign)
                                E4XNode *e = new (core->GetGC()) ElementE4XNode (m_node);
                                // We use m->namespaceCount here to choose to use the default xml namespace
                                // name here for an unqualified prop access. For a qualified access,
                                // there will be only one namespace
                                Stringp name = m.getName();
                                Namespace *ns;
                                if (m.namespaceCount() == 1)
                                        ns = m.getNamespace();
                                        ns = toplevel->getDefaultNamespace();
                                e->setQName (core, name, ns);
                                XMLObject *y = new (core->GetGC())  XMLObject (toplevel->xmlClass(), e);

                                m_node->_replace (core, toplevel, i, y->atom());
                                e->_addInScopeNamespace (core, ns, publicNS);

                // step 14
                if (primitiveAssign)
                        E4XNode *xi = m_node->_getAt(i);

                        // children are being removed notify parent if necc.
                        bool notify = notifyNeeded(xi);
                        XMLObject* target = (notify) ? new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(xmlClass(), xi) : 0;

                        int count = xi->numChildren();
                        for(int r=0;notify && (r<count); r++)
                                E4XNode* ild = xi->_getAt(r);
                                if (ild->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                        XMLObject* nd = new (core->GetGC())  XMLObject (toplevel->xmlClass(), ild);
                                        target->childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeRemoved, nd->atom());

                        // remember node if there was one...
                        Atom prior = undefinedAtom;
                        if (notify && count > 0) 
                                XMLObject* nd = new (core->GetGC())  XMLObject (toplevel->xmlClass(), xi->_getAt(0));
                                prior = nd->atom();

                        // step 14a - delete all properties of x[i]

                        Stringp s = core->string (c);
                        if (s->length())
                                xi->_replace (core, toplevel, i, c, prior);
                        E4XNode* prior = m_node->_replace (core, toplevel, i, c);

                        if (notifyNeeded(getNode()))
                                // The above _replace call may be used to insert new nodes at the end.  However, if a null is inserted
                                // the effect is as though nothing was inserted.  Test for this case.
                                if (m_node->_length() > (uint32)i)
                                        XMLObject* xml = new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(xmlClass(), m_node->_getAt(i));
                                        childChanges( (prior) ? xmlClass()->kNodeChanged : xmlClass()->kNodeAdded, xml->atom(), prior);

        bool XMLObject::deleteMultinameProperty(const Multiname* name_in)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                Multiname m;
                toplevel()->CoerceE4XMultiname(name_in, m);

                // step 1
                if (!m.isAnyName() && !m.isAttr())
                        Stringp name = m.getName();
                        uint32 index;
                        if (AvmCore::getIndexFromString (name, &index))
                                // Spec says: NOTE: this operation is reserved for future versions of E4X
                                // In Rhino, this silently fails
                                return true;

                if (m.isAttr())
                        uint32 j = 0;
                        while (j < m_node->numAttributes())
                                E4XNode *x = m_node->getAttribute(j);
                                Multiname m2;
                                x->getQName(&m2, publicNS);
                                if (m.matches(&m2))

                                        // remove the attribute from m_attributes
                                        m_node->getAttributes()->removeAt (j);

                                        Multiname previous;
                                        x->getQName(&previous, publicNS);
                                        Stringp name = previous.getName();
                                        Stringp val = x->getValue();
                                        nonChildChanges(xmlClass()->kAttrRemoved, (name) ? name->atom() : undefinedAtom, (val) ? val->atom() : undefinedAtom);

                        return true;

                bool notify = notifyNeeded(m_node);
                uint32 q = 0;
                while (q < _length())
                        E4XNode *x = m_node->_getAt(q);
                        Multiname mx;
                        Multiname *m2 = 0;
                        bool isElem = x->getClass() == (E4XNode::kElement) ? true : false;
                        if (isElem)
                                x->getQName(&mx, publicNS);
                                m2 = &mx;

                        if (m.matches(m2))
                                x->setParent (NULL);
                                m_node->_deleteByIndex (q);

                                if (notify && isElem)
                                        XMLObject *r = new (core->GetGC())  XMLObject (xmlClass(), x);
                                        childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeRemoved, r->atom());
                                //      if (dp > 0)
                                        // rename property (q) to (q-dp)
                                        // this automatically gets taken care of by deleteByIndex
                // x.length = x.length - dp 
                // this is handled b _deleteByIndex logic

                return true;

        Atom XMLObject::getDescendants(const Multiname* name_in) const
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();


                Multiname m;
                toplevel->CoerceE4XMultiname(name_in, m);

                XMLListObject *l = new (core->GetGC()) XMLListObject(toplevel->xmlListClass()); 

                if (m.isAttr())
                        for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->numAttributes(); i++)
                                E4XNode *ax = m_node->getAttribute(i);
                                Multiname m2;
                                AvmAssert(ax->getQName(&m2, publicNS));
                                ax->getQName(&m2, publicNS);

                                if (m.matches(&m2))
                                        // for each atribute, if it's name equals m,
                                        l->_appendNode (ax);

                for (uint32 k = 0; k < _length(); k++)
                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(k);

                        if (!m.isAttr())
                                Multiname mx;
                                Multiname *m2 = 0;
                                if (child->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                        child->getQName(&mx, publicNS);
                                        m2 = &mx;
                                if (m.matches(m2))
                                        l->_appendNode (child);

                        XMLObject *co = new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(toplevel->xmlClass(), child);
                        Atom dq = co->getDescendants (&m); 
                        delete co;
                        XMLListObject *dql = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(dq);
                        if (dql && dql->_length())
                                l->_append (dq);

                return l->atom();

        // E4X, pg 13 - [[PUT]]
        // E4X errata:
        // Move steps 3 and 4 to before 1 and 2, to avoid wasted effort in
    //    ToString or [[DeepCopy]].
        void XMLObject::setAtomProperty(Atom P, Atom V)
                Multiname m;
                toplevel()->ToXMLName(P, m);
                setMultinameProperty(&m, V);

        Atom XMLObject::getUintProperty(uint32 index) const
                if (index == 0)
                        return this->atom();
                        return undefinedAtom;

        void XMLObject::setUintProperty(uint32 /*i*/, Atom /*value*/)
                // Spec says: NOTE: this operation is reserved for future versions of E4X

        bool XMLObject::delUintProperty(uint32 /*i*/)
                // Spec says: NOTE: this operation is reserved for future versions of E4X
                // In Rhino, this silently fails
                return true;

        // E4X, pg 14 - [[DELETE]]
        bool XMLObject::deleteAtomProperty(Atom P)
                Multiname m;
                toplevel()->ToXMLName(P, m);
                return deleteMultinameProperty(&m);

        // E4X, ??
        // [[DefaultValue]] ??

        bool XMLObject::hasUintProperty(uint32 index) const
                return (index == 0);

        bool XMLObject::hasMultinameProperty(const Multiname* name_in) const
                Multiname m;
                toplevel()->CoerceE4XMultiname(name_in, m);

                if (!m.isAnyName() && !m.isAttr())
                        Stringp name = m.getName();
                        uint32 index;
                        if (AvmCore::getIndexFromString (name, &index))
                                return (index == 0);

                if (m.isAttr())
                        for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->numAttributes(); i++)
                                E4XNode *ax = m_node->getAttribute(i);
                                Multiname m2;
                                if (ax->getQName(&m2, publicNS) && (m.matches(&m2)))
                                        return true;

                        return false;

                // n is a QName
                for (uint32 k = 0; k < m_node->_length(); k++)
                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(k);
                        Multiname mx;
                        Multiname *m2 = 0;
                        if (child->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                child->getQName(&mx, publicNS);
                                m2 = &mx;

                        if (m.matches(m2))
                                return true;

                return false;

        // E4X, 16
        bool XMLObject::hasAtomProperty(Atom P) const
                Multiname m;
                toplevel()->ToXMLName (P, m);
                return hasMultinameProperty(&m);

        // E4X, page 16
        XMLObject *XMLObject::_deepCopy () const
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                E4XNode *e = m_node->_deepCopy (core, toplevel(), publicNS);

                XMLObject *y = new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(xmlClass(), e);

                return y;

        // E4X, page 17
        XMLListObject *XMLObject::AS3_descendants(Atom P) const
                Multiname m;
                toplevel()->ToXMLName (P, m);
                return AvmCore::atomToXMLList (getDescendants (&m));

        // E4X, page 18
        Atom XMLObject::_resolveValue ()
                return this->atom();

        Namespace *XMLObject::GenerateUniquePrefix (Namespace *ns, const AtomArray *namespaces) const
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                // should only be called when a namespace doesn't have a prefix
                AvmAssert (ns->getPrefix() == undefinedAtom);

                // Try to use the empty string as a first try (ISNS changes)
                uint32 i;
                for (i = 0; i < namespaces->getLength(); i++)
                        Namespace *ns = AvmCore::atomToNamespace (namespaces->getAt(i));
                        if (ns->getPrefix() == core->kEmptyString->atom())

                if (i == namespaces->getLength())
                        return core->newNamespace (core->kEmptyString->atom(), ns->getURI()->atom());

                // Rhino seems to start searching with whatever follows "://www" or "://"
                //String *origURI = core()->string(ns->getURI());

                wchar s[4];
                s[0] = s[1] = s[2] = 'a';
                s[3] = 0;

                for (wchar x1 = 'a'; x1 <= 'z'; x1++)
                        s[0] = x1;
                        for (wchar x2 = 'a'; x2 <= 'z'; x2++)
                                s[1] = x2;
                                for (wchar x3 = 'a'; x3 <= 'z'; x3++)
                                        s[2] = x3;
                                        bool bMatch = false;
                                        Atom pre = core->internStringUTF16(s, 3)->atom();
                                        for (uint32 i = 0; i < namespaces->getLength(); i++)
                                                Namespace *ns = AvmCore::atomToNamespace (namespaces->getAt(i));
                                                if (pre == ns->getPrefix())
                                                        bMatch = true;

                                        if (!bMatch)
                                                return core->newNamespace (pre, ns->getURI()->atom());

                return 0;

        // E4X 10.2, pg 29
        void XMLObject::__toXMLString(StringBuffer &s, AtomArray *AncestorNamespaces, int indentLevel, bool includeChildren) const
                AvmCore *core = this->core();


                if (toplevel()->xmlClass()->okToPrettyPrint()) 
                        for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++)
                                s << " ";
                if (this->getClass() == E4XNode::kText) // CDATA checked below
                        if (toplevel()->xmlClass()->okToPrettyPrint()) 
                                // v = removing leading and trailing whitespace from x.value
                                // return escapeElementValue (v);

                                s << core->EscapeElementValue(m_node->getValue(), true);
                                s << core->EscapeElementValue(m_node->getValue(), false);
                if (this->getClass() == E4XNode::kCDATA)
                        s << "<![CDATA[" << m_node->getValue() << "]]>";
                if (this->getClass() == E4XNode::kAttribute)
                        s << core->EscapeAttributeValue (m_node->getValue()->atom());
                if (this->getClass() == E4XNode::kComment)
                        s << "<!--";
                        s << m_node->getValue();
                        s << "-->";

                if (this->getClass() == E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction) // step 7
                        s << "<?";
                        Multiname m;
                        AvmAssert (m_node->getQName(&m, publicNS) != 0);
                        if (m_node->getQName(&m, publicNS))
                                s << m.getName() << " ";
                        s << m_node->getValue() << "?>";

                // We're a little different than the spec here.  Instead of each XMLObject
                // keeping track of its entire in-scope namespace list (all the way to the
                // topmost parent), the XMLObject only knows about its own declared nodes.
                // So when were converting to a string, we need to build the inScopeNamespace
                // list here.

                AtomArray *inScopeNS = new (core->GetGC()) AtomArray();
                m_node->BuildInScopeNamespaceList (core, inScopeNS);
                uint32 origLength = AncestorNamespaces->getLength();

                // step 8 - ancestorNamespaces passed in
                // step 9/10 - add in our namespaces into ancestorNamespaces if there are no conflicts
                for (uint32 i = 0; i < inScopeNS->getLength(); i++)
                        Namespace *ns = AvmCore::atomToNamespace (inScopeNS->getAt(i));
                        uint32 j;
                        for (j = 0; j < AncestorNamespaces->getLength(); j++)
                                Namespace *ns2 = AvmCore::atomToNamespace (AncestorNamespaces->getAt(j));
                                Stringp u1 = ns->getURI();
                                Stringp p1 = core->string(ns->getPrefix());
                                Stringp u2 = ns2->getURI();
                                Stringp p2 = core->string(ns2->getPrefix());
                                if ((ns->getURI() == ns2->getURI()) && (ns->getPrefix() == ns2->getPrefix()))

                        if (j == AncestorNamespaces->getLength()) // a match was not found
                                AncestorNamespaces->push (ns->atom());

                // step 11 - new ISNS changes
                // If this node's namespace has an undefined prefix, generate a new one
                Multiname m;
                AvmAssert (getNode()->getQName(&m, publicNS));
                getNode()->getQName(&m, publicNS);
                Namespace *thisNodesNamespace = GetNamespace (m, AncestorNamespaces);
                AvmAssert(thisNodesNamespace != 0);
                if (thisNodesNamespace->getPrefix() == undefinedAtom)
                        // find a prefix and add this namespace to our list
                        thisNodesNamespace = GenerateUniquePrefix (thisNodesNamespace, AncestorNamespaces);
                        AncestorNamespaces->push (thisNodesNamespace->atom());

                String *nsPrefix = core->string (thisNodesNamespace->getPrefix());

                // If any of this node's attribute's namespaces have an undefined prefix, generate a new one
                for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->numAttributes(); i++)
                        E4XNode *an = m_node->getAttribute(i);
                        AvmAssert(an != 0);
                        AvmAssert(an->getClass() == E4XNode::kAttribute);
                        Multiname nam;
                        if (an->getQName(&nam, publicNS))
                Namespace* ns = GetNamespace(nam, AncestorNamespaces);
                AvmAssert(ns != 0);
                if (ns->getPrefix() == undefinedAtom)
                    // find a prefix and add this namespace to our list
                    ns = GenerateUniquePrefix (ns, AncestorNamespaces);

                    AncestorNamespaces->push (ns->atom());
                // step 12
                s << "<";
                // step13 - insert namespace prefix if we have one
                if (nsPrefix != core->kEmptyString)
                        s << nsPrefix << ":";

                // step 14
                AvmAssert (!m.isAnyName());
                s << m.getName();

                // step 15 - attrAndNamespaces = sum of x.attributes and namespaceDeclarations

                // step 16
                // for each an in attrAndNamespaces
                for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->numAttributes(); i++)
                        // step 17a
                        E4XNode *an = m_node->getAttribute(i);
                        AvmAssert(an != 0);
                        AvmAssert(an->getClass() == E4XNode::kAttribute);
                        Multiname nam;
                        if (an->getQName(&nam, publicNS))
                s << " ";

                // step16b-i - ans = an->getName->getNamespace(AncestorNamespace);
                Namespace *attr_ns = GetNamespace (nam, AncestorNamespaces);

                //!!@step16b-ii - should never get hit now with revised 10.2.1 step 11.
                AvmAssert(attr_ns->getPrefix() != undefinedAtom);

                // step16b-iii
                if (attr_ns && attr_ns->hasPrefix ())
                    s << core->string(attr_ns->getPrefix()) << ":";
                s << nam.getName();

                //step16c - namespace case - see below

                //step 16d
                s << "=\"";
                //step 16e
                s << core->EscapeAttributeValue(an->getValue()->atom());
                //step 16f - namespace case
                //step 16g
                s << "\"";

                // This adds any NS that were added to our ancestor namespace list (from origLength on up)
                for (uint32 i = origLength; i < AncestorNamespaces->getLength(); i++)
                        Namespace *an = AvmCore::atomToNamespace(AncestorNamespaces->getAt(i));
                        if (an->getURI() != core->kEmptyString)
                                s << " xmlns";
                                AvmAssert (an->getPrefix() != undefinedAtom);
                                if (an->getPrefix() != core->kEmptyString->atom()) 
                                        // 17c iii
                                        s << ":" << core->string(an->getPrefix());
                                // 17d
                                s << "=\"";
                                //step 17f - namespace case
                                s << an->getURI();
                                //step 17g
                                s << "\"";

//              if (thisNodesNamespace)
//                      AncestorNamespaces->push (thisNodesNamespace->atom());

                // step 18
                if (!m_node->numChildren())
                        s << "/>";

                // step 19
                s << ">";

                // Added by mmorearty for the debugger
                if (!includeChildren)

                // step 20
                E4XNode *firstChild = m_node->_getAt(0);
                AvmAssert(firstChild != 0);
                bool bIndentChildren = ((_length() > 1) || (firstChild->getClass() & ~(E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kCDATA))); 

                // step 21/22
                int nextIndentLevel = 0;
                if (toplevel()->xmlClass()->get_prettyPrinting() && bIndentChildren)
                        nextIndentLevel = indentLevel + toplevel()->xmlClass()->get_prettyIndent();

                // We need to prune any namespaces with duplicate prefixes in our AncestorNamespace
                // array to prevent shadowing of similar namespaces.  Bug 153363.
                //      var x = <order xmlns:x="x">
                //      <item id="1" xmlns:x="x2">
                //              <menuName xmlns:x="x" x:foo='10'>burger</menuName>
                //              <price>3.95</price>
                //      </item>
                //      </order>;
                // The namespace for menuName should be output even though the identical namespace
                // was output for the top node.  (Since the item node is using an incompatible 
                // namespace with the same prefix.)
                AtomArray *newNamespaceArray = new (core->GetGC()) AtomArray();
                uint32 anLen = AncestorNamespaces->getLength();
                for (uint32 i = 0; i < anLen; i++)
                        Namespace *first = AvmCore::atomToNamespace(AncestorNamespaces->getAt(i));
                        if (i < origLength)
                                uint32 j;
                                for (j = origLength; j < anLen; j++)
                                        Namespace *second = AvmCore::atomToNamespace(AncestorNamespaces->getAt(j));
                                        if (second->getPrefix() == first->getPrefix())

                                // No match, push our namespace on the list.
                                if (j == anLen)
                                        newNamespaceArray->push (first->atom());
                                newNamespaceArray->push (first->atom());
                uint32 namespaceLength = newNamespaceArray->getLength();

                // step 23
                for (uint32 i = 0; i < _length(); i++)
                        // step 23b
                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(i);
                        XMLObject *xo = new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(toplevel()->xmlClass(), child);
                        if (toplevel()->xmlClass()->okToPrettyPrint() && bIndentChildren)
                                s << "\n";
                        xo->__toXMLString (s, newNamespaceArray, nextIndentLevel, includeChildren);

                        // Our __toXMLString call might have added new namespace onto our list.  We don't want to 
                        // save these new namespaces so clear them out here.
                        newNamespaceArray->setLength (namespaceLength);

                // Part of the latest spec
                if (toplevel()->xmlClass()->okToPrettyPrint() && bIndentChildren)
                        s << "\n";

                //step 24
                if (toplevel()->xmlClass()->okToPrettyPrint() && bIndentChildren)
                        for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++)
                                s << " ";

                //step 25
                s << "</";

                //step 26
                if (nsPrefix != core->kEmptyString)
                        s << nsPrefix << ":";

                //step 27
                s << m.getName() << ">";

                //step 28

        // E4X 12.2, page 59
        // Support for for-in, for-each for XMLObjects
        Atom XMLObject::nextName(int index)
                AvmAssert(index > 0);
                if (index == 1)
                        AvmCore *core = this->core();
                        return core->internInt (0)->atom();
                        return nullStringAtom;

        Atom XMLObject::nextValue(int index)
                AvmAssert(index > 0);

                if (index == 1)
                        return this->atom();
                        return undefinedAtom;

        int XMLObject::nextNameIndex(int index)
                AvmAssert(index >= 0);

                // XML types just return one value
                if (index == 0)
                        return 1;
                        return 0;

        XMLObject *XMLObject::AS3_addNamespace (Atom _namespace)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                if (core->isNamespace (_namespace))
                        m_node->_addInScopeNamespace (core, AvmCore::atomToNamespace(_namespace), publicNS);
                        Namespace *ns = core->newNamespace (_namespace);
                        m_node->_addInScopeNamespace (core, ns, publicNS);

                        _namespace = ns->atom();

                nonChildChanges(xmlClass()->kNamespaceAdded, _namespace);
                return this;

        XMLObject *XMLObject::AS3_appendChild (Atom child)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                if(!(PoolObject::kbug444630 & traits()->pool->bugFlags))
                        if (AvmCore::isXML(child))
                                child = AvmCore::atomToXMLObject(child)->atom();
                        else if (AvmCore::isXMLList(child))
                                child = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(child)->atom();
                        else // all other types go through XML constructor as a string
                                child = xmlClass()->ToXML (core->string(child)->atom());

                Atom children = getStringProperty(core->kAsterisk);

                XMLListObject *cxl = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(children);
                int index = _length();
                cxl->setUintProperty (index, child);
                return this;

        XMLListObject *XMLObject::AS3_attribute (Atom arg)
                // E4X
                // name= ToAttributeName (attributeName);
                // return [[get]](name)
                return AvmCore::atomToXMLList(getAtomProperty(toplevel()->ToAttributeName(arg)->atom()));

        XMLListObject *XMLObject::AS3_attributes ()
                // E4X
                // name= ToAttributeName ("*");
                // return [[get]](name)         

                return AvmCore::atomToXMLList(getAtomProperty(toplevel()->ToAttributeName(core()->kAsterisk)->atom()));

        XMLListObject *XMLObject::AS3_child (Atom P)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                // We have an integer argument - direct child lookup
                uint32 index;
                if (AvmCore::getIndexFromString (core->string(P), &index))
                        XMLListObject *xl = new (core->GetGC()) XMLListObject(toplevel()->xmlListClass());
                        if (index < m_node->numChildren())
                                xl->_appendNode (m_node->_getAt(index));
                        return xl;

                return AvmCore::atomToXMLList(getAtomProperty(P));

        int XMLObject::AS3_childIndex()
                return m_node->childIndex();

        XMLListObject *XMLObject::AS3_children ()
                return AvmCore::atomToXMLList(getStringProperty(core()->kAsterisk));

        // E4X, pg 75
        XMLListObject *XMLObject::AS3_comments ()
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                XMLListObject *l = new (core->GetGC()) XMLListObject(toplevel()->xmlListClass(), this->atom());

                for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->_length(); i++)
                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(i);

                        if (child->getClass() == E4XNode::kComment)
                                l->_appendNode (child);

                return l;

        // E4X, pg 75
        bool XMLObject::AS3_contains (Atom value)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                // !!@ Rhino returns false for this case...
                // var xml = new XML("simple");
                // print ("contains: " + xml.contains ("simple"));
                // ...which seems to imply that this routine is calling _equals and not
                // does a "comparison x == value" as stated in the spec.  We'll mimic
                // Rhino for the time being but the correct behavior needs to be determined
                if (this->atom() == value)
                        return true;

                if (!AvmCore::isXML(value))
                        return false;

                E4XNode *v = AvmCore::atomToXML(value);

                return getNode()->_equals(toplevel(), core, v); // rhino
                //SPEC - return (core()->equals (this->atom(), value) == trueAtom);

        // E4X, pg 76
        XMLObject *XMLObject::AS3_copy ()
                return _deepCopy ();

        // E4X, pg 76
        XMLListObject *XMLObject::AS3_elements (Atom name) // name defaults to '*'
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                Multiname m;
                toplevel()->ToXMLName(name, m);

                XMLListObject *l = new (core->GetGC()) XMLListObject(toplevel()->xmlListClass(), this->atom());

                for (uint32 i = 0; i < _length(); i++)
                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(i);

                        if (child->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                Multiname m2;
                                child->getQName(&m2, publicNS);

                                // if name.localName = "*" or name.localName =child->name.localName)
                                // and (name.uri == null) or (name.uri ==
                                if (m.matches(&m2))
                                        // if name.localName = "*" or name.localName =child->name.localName)
                                        // and (name.uri == null) or (name.uri ==
                                        l->_appendNode (child);

                return l;

        // E4X, page 77
        bool XMLObject::XML_AS3_hasOwnProperty (Atom P)
                if (hasAtomProperty(P))
                        return true;

                // if this has a property with name ToSString(P), return true;
                // !!@ spec talks about prototype object being different from regular XML object

                return false;

        // E4X, page 77
        bool XMLObject::AS3_hasComplexContent ()
                return m_node->hasComplexContent();

        // E4X, page 77
        bool XMLObject::AS3_hasSimpleContent ()
                return m_node->hasSimpleContent();

        // E4X, page 78
        ArrayObject *XMLObject::AS3_inScopeNamespaces ()
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                // step 2
                AtomArray *inScopeNS = new (core->GetGC()) AtomArray();

                // step 3
                m_node->BuildInScopeNamespaceList (core, inScopeNS);

                ArrayObject *a = toplevel()->arrayClass->newArray(inScopeNS->getLength());

                uint32 i;
                for (i = 0; i < inScopeNS->getLength(); i++)
                        a->setUintProperty (i, inScopeNS->getAt(i)); 

                // !!@ Rhino behavior always seems to return at least one NS
                if (!inScopeNS->getLength())
                        // NOTE use caller's public
                        a->setUintProperty (i, core->findPublicNamespace()->atom());

                return a;

        // E4X, page 78
        Atom XMLObject::AS3_insertChildAfter (Atom child1, Atom child2)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                Toplevel *toplevel = this->toplevel();

                if (getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kComment | E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction | E4XNode::kAttribute | E4XNode::kCDATA))
                        return undefinedAtom;

                if(!(PoolObject::kbug444630 & traits()->pool->bugFlags)) 
                        if (AvmCore::isXML(child2))
                                child2 = AvmCore::atomToXMLObject(child2)->atom();
                        else if (AvmCore::isXMLList(child2))
                                child2 = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(child2)->atom();
                        else // all other types go through XML constructor as a string
                                child2 = xmlClass()->ToXML (core->string(child2)->atom());

                if (AvmCore::isNull(child1))
                        m_node->_insert (core, toplevel, 0, child2);
                        childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeAdded, child2);
                        return this->atom();
                        E4XNode *c1 = AvmCore::atomToXML(child1);
                        // Errata extension to E4X spec - treat XMLList with length=1 as a XMLNode
                        if (!c1 && AvmCore::isXMLList(child1))
                                XMLListObject *xl = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(child1);
                                if (xl->_length() == 1)
                                        c1 = xl->_getAt(0)->m_node;
                        if (c1)
                                for (uint32 i = 0; i < _length(); i++)
                                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(i);

                                        if (child == c1)
                                                m_node->_insert (core, toplevel, i + 1, child2);
                                                childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeAdded, child2);
                                                return this->atom(); 

                return undefinedAtom; 

        // E4X, page 79
        Atom XMLObject::AS3_insertChildBefore (Atom child1, Atom child2)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                Toplevel *toplevel = this->toplevel();

                if (getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kComment | E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction | E4XNode::kAttribute | E4XNode::kCDATA))
                        return undefinedAtom;

                if(!(PoolObject::kbug444630 & traits()->pool->bugFlags))
                        if (AvmCore::isXML(child2))
                                child2 = AvmCore::atomToXMLObject(child2)->atom();
                        else if (AvmCore::isXMLList(child2))
                                child2 = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(child2)->atom();
                        else // all other types go through XML constructor as a string
                                child2 = xmlClass()->ToXML (core->string(child2)->atom());

                if (AvmCore::isNull(child1))
                        m_node->_insert (core, toplevel, _length(), child2);
                        childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeAdded, child2);
                        return this->atom();
                        E4XNode *c1 = AvmCore::atomToXML(child1);
                        // Errata extension to E4X spec - treat XMLList with length=1 as a XMLNode
                        if (!c1 && AvmCore::isXMLList(child1))
                                XMLListObject *xl = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(child1);
                                if (xl->_length() == 1)
                                        c1 = xl->_getAt(0)->m_node;
                        if (c1)
                                for (uint32 i = 0; i < _length(); i++)
                                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(i);

                                        if (child == c1)
                                                m_node->_insert (core, toplevel, i, child2);
                                                childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeAdded, child2);
                                                return this->atom();

                return undefinedAtom; 

        // E4X, page 80
        Atom XMLObject::AS3_localName ()
                Multiname m;
                if (m_node->getQName(&m, publicNS) == 0)
                        return nullStringAtom;
                        return m.getName()->atom();

        // E4X, page 80
        Atom XMLObject::AS3_name ()
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                Multiname m;
                if (!m_node->getQName(&m, publicNS))
                        return nullObjectAtom;

                return (new (core->GetGC(), toplevel()->qnameClass()->ivtable()->getExtraSize()) QNameObject(toplevel()->qnameClass(), m))->atom();

        // E4X, page 80
        Atom XMLObject::_namespace (Atom p_prefix, int argc) // prefix is optional
                AvmAssert(argc == 0 || argc == 1);

                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                // step 2
                AtomArray *inScopeNS = new (core->GetGC()) AtomArray();

                // step 3
                m_node->BuildInScopeNamespaceList (core, inScopeNS);

                // step 5
                if (!argc)
                        // step 5a
                        if (getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kComment | E4XNode::kCDATA | E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction))
                                return nullObjectAtom; 

                        // step 5b
                        // Return the result of calling [[GetNamespace]] method of 
                        // x.[[Name]] with argument inScopeNS
                        Multiname m;
                        Namespace *ns = GetNamespace (m, inScopeNS);

                        return (ns->atom());
                        Atom prefix = core->internString(core->string (p_prefix))->atom();

                        for (uint32 i = 0; i < inScopeNS->getLength(); i++)
                                Namespace *ns = AvmCore::atomToNamespace (inScopeNS->getAt(i));
                                if (ns->getPrefix() == prefix)
                                        return ns->atom();

                        return undefinedAtom;

        //, pg 80-81
        ArrayObject *XMLObject::AS3_namespaceDeclarations ()
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                ArrayObject *a = toplevel()->arrayClass->newArray();

                if (getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kComment | E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction | E4XNode::kAttribute | E4XNode::kCDATA))
                        return a; 

                E4XNode *y = m_node->getParent();

                // step 4+5
                AtomArray *ancestorNS = new (core->GetGC()) AtomArray();
                if (y)  
                        y->BuildInScopeNamespaceList (core, ancestorNS);

                uint32 arrayIndex = 0;

                // step 7+8+9+10
                for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->numNamespaces(); i++)
                        Namespace *ns = AvmCore::atomToNamespace (m_node->getNamespaces()->getAt(i));
                        if (!ns->hasPrefix ())
                                // Emulating Rhino behavior
                            if (ns->getURI() != core->kEmptyString)
                                        bool bMatch = false;
                                        for (uint32 j = 0; j < ancestorNS->getLength(); j++)
                                                Namespace *ns2 = AvmCore::atomToNamespace (ancestorNS->getAt(j));
                                                if (ns->getURI() == ns2->getURI())
                                                        bMatch = true;

                                        if (!bMatch)
                                                a->setUintProperty (arrayIndex++, ns->atom());
                        else // ns.prefix is NOT empty
                                bool bMatch = false;
                                for (uint32 j = 0; j < ancestorNS->getLength(); j++)
                                        Namespace *ns2 = AvmCore::atomToNamespace (ancestorNS->getAt(j));
                                        if (ns->getPrefix() == ns2->getPrefix() && ns->getURI() == ns2->getURI())
                                                bMatch = true;

                                if (!bMatch)
                                        a->setUintProperty (arrayIndex++, ns->atom());

                return a;

        String *XMLObject::AS3_nodeKind () const
                return m_node->nodeKind(toplevel());

        XMLObject *XMLObject::AS3_normalize ()
                AvmCore* core = this->core();

                bool notify = notifyNeeded(getNode());
                uint32 i = 0;
                while (i < _length())
                        E4XNode *x = m_node->_getAt(i);
                        if (x->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                XMLObject *xo = new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(toplevel()->xmlClass(), x);
                                delete xo;
                        else if (x->getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kCDATA))
                                Stringp prior = x->getValue();
                                while (((i + 1) < _length()) && (m_node->_getAt(i + 1)->getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kCDATA)))
                                        E4XNode *x2 = m_node->_getAt(i + 1);
                                        x->setValue (core->concatStrings(x->getValue(), x2->getValue()));
                                        m_node->_deleteByIndex (i + 1);

                                        if (notify)
                                                XMLObject *nd = new (core->GetGC())  XMLObject (xmlClass(), x2);
                                                childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeRemoved, nd->atom());
                                /// Need to check if string is "empty" - 0 length or filled with whitespace
                                if (x->getValue()->isWhitespace())
                                        E4XNode* prior = m_node->_getAt(i);

                                        m_node->_deleteByIndex (i);

                                        if (notify)
                                                XMLObject *nd = new (core->GetGC())  XMLObject (xmlClass(), prior);
                                                childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeRemoved, nd->atom());
                                // notify if the node has changed value
                                Stringp current = x->getValue();
                                if ((current != prior) && notify)
                                        XMLObject *xo = new (core->GetGC())  XMLObject (xmlClass(), x);
                                        xo->nonChildChanges(xmlClass()->kTextSet, current->atom(), (prior) ? prior->atom() : undefinedAtom);

                return this;

        Atom XMLObject::AS3_parent ()
                if (m_node->getParent())
                        return (new (core()->GetGC()) XMLObject (toplevel()->xmlClass(), m_node->getParent()))->atom();
                        return undefinedAtom;

        XMLListObject *XMLObject::AS3_processingInstructions (Atom name) // name defaults to '*'
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                Multiname m;
                toplevel()->ToXMLName(name, m);

                XMLListObject *xl = new (core->GetGC()) XMLListObject(toplevel()->xmlListClass(), this->atom());

                if (m.isAttr())
                        return xl;

                for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->_length(); i++)
                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(i);

                        if (child->getClass() == E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction)
                                Multiname m2;
                                bool bFound = child->getQName(&m2, publicNS);

                                // if name.localName = "*" or name.localName =child->name.localName)
                                // and (name.uri == null) or (name.uri ==
                                if (m.matches(bFound ? &m2 : 0))
                                        xl->_appendNode (child);

                return xl;

        XMLObject *XMLObject::AS3_prependChild (Atom value)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                Toplevel *toplevel = this->toplevel();

                if(!(PoolObject::kbug444630 & traits()->pool->bugFlags))
                        if (AvmCore::isXML(value))
                                value = AvmCore::atomToXMLObject(value)->atom();
                        else if (AvmCore::isXMLList(value))
                                value = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(value)->atom();
                        else // all other types go through XML constructor as a string
                                value = xmlClass()->ToXML (core->string(value)->atom());

                m_node->_insert (core, toplevel, 0, value);

                childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeAdded, value);
                return this;

        bool XMLObject::XML_AS3_propertyIsEnumerable(Atom P)    // NOT virtual, not an override
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                if (core->intern(P) == core->internConstantStringLatin1("0"))
                        return true;

                return false;

        //, pg 83
        XMLObject *XMLObject::AS3_removeNamespace (Atom nsAtom)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                if (getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kComment | E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction | E4XNode::kAttribute | E4XNode::kCDATA))
                        return this; 
                Namespace *ns = core->isNamespace (nsAtom) ? AvmCore::atomToNamespace (nsAtom) : core->newNamespace (nsAtom);

                Multiname m;
                Namespace *thisNS = GetNamespace (m, m_node->getNamespaces());

                // step 4
                if (thisNS == ns)
                        return this;

                //step 5
                for (uint32 j = 0; j < m_node->numAttributes(); j++)
                        E4XNode *a = m_node->getAttribute(j);
                        Multiname m;
                        AvmAssert(a->getQName(&m, publicNS));
                        a->getQName(&m, publicNS);
                        Namespace *anNS = GetNamespace (m, m_node->getNamespaces());
                        if (anNS == ns)
                                return this;

                // step 6+7
                int32 i = m_node->FindMatchingNamespace (core, ns);
                if (i != -1)

                // step 8
                for (uint32 k = 0; k < _length(); k++)
                        E4XNode *p = m_node->_getAt(k);
                        if (p->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                XMLObject *xo = new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(toplevel()->xmlClass(), p);
                                xo->removeNamespace (ns->atom());
                                delete xo;

                // step 9
                // Note about namespaces in ancestors and parents, etc.
                nonChildChanges(xmlClass()->kNamespaceRemoved, ns->atom());
                return this;

        XMLObject *XMLObject::AS3_replace (Atom P, Atom value)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                Toplevel *toplevel = this->toplevel();

                if (getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kComment | E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction | E4XNode::kAttribute | E4XNode::kCDATA))
                        return this; 

                Atom c;
                if (AvmCore::isXML(value))
                        XMLObject *x = AvmCore::atomToXMLObject(value);
                        c = x->_deepCopy()->atom();
                else if (AvmCore::isXMLList(value))
                        XMLListObject *xl = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(value);
                        c = xl->_deepCopy()->atom();
                        if(!(PoolObject::kbug444630 & traits()->pool->bugFlags))
                                c = xmlClass()->ToXML (core->string(value)->atom());
                                c = core->string(value)->atom();

                uint32 index;
                if (AvmCore::getIndexFromString (core->string(P), &index))
                        E4XNode* prior = m_node->_replace (core, toplevel, index, c);
                        childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeChanged, c, prior);
                        return this;

                QNameObject *qn1 = new (core->GetGC(), toplevel->qnameClass()->ivtable()->getExtraSize()) QNameObject(toplevel->qnameClass(), P);
                Multiname m;
                bool notify = notifyNeeded(getNode());
                int i = -1;
                for (int k = int(_length()) - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                        E4XNode *x = m_node->_getAt (k);
                        Multiname *m2 = 0;
                        // m3 needs to exist outside this if scope since m2 will point to it
                        Multiname m3;
                        if (x->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                if (x->getQName(&m3, publicNS))
                                        m2 = &m3;

                        if (m.matches(m2))
                                if (i != -1)
                                        E4XNode* was = m_node->_getAt(i);

                                        m_node->_deleteByIndex (i);

                                        // notify 
                                        if (notify && was->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                                XMLObject* nd = new (core->GetGC())  XMLObject (xmlClass(), was);
                                                childChanges(xmlClass()->kNodeRemoved, nd->atom());
                                i = k;
                delete qn1;

                if (i == -1)
                        return this;

                E4XNode* prior = m_node->_replace (core, toplevel, i, c);
                childChanges( (prior) ? xmlClass()->kNodeChanged : xmlClass()->kNodeAdded, c, prior);
                return this;

        XMLObject *XMLObject::AS3_setChildren (Atom value)
                setStringProperty(core()->kAsterisk, value);
                return this;

        void XMLObject::AS3_setLocalName (Atom name)
                if (m_node->getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kComment | E4XNode::kCDATA))

                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                QNameObject *qn = AvmCore::atomToQName(name);
                Stringp newname;
                if (qn)
                        newname = qn->get_localName();
                        newname = core->intern(name);

                if (!core->isXMLName(newname->atom()))
                        toplevel()->throwTypeError(kXMLInvalidName, newname);

                Multiname m;

                if (this->getNode()->getQName(&m, publicNS))
                        Multiname previous;
                        getNode()->getQName(&previous, publicNS);
                        Stringp prior = previous.getName();

                        m.setName (newname);
                        getNode()->setQName (core, &m);

                        nonChildChanges(xmlClass()->kNameSet, m.getName()->atom(), (prior) ? prior->atom() : undefinedAtom );

        void XMLObject::AS3_setName (Atom name)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                if (m_node->getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kComment | E4XNode::kCDATA))

                if (AvmCore::isQName(name))
                        QNameObject *q  = AvmCore::atomToQName(name);
                        if (AvmCore::isNull(q->getURI()))
                                name = q->get_localName()->atom();

                QNameObject *n = new (core->GetGC(), toplevel()->qnameClass()->ivtable()->getExtraSize()) QNameObject(toplevel()->qnameClass(), name); 

                Stringp s = n->get_localName();
                if (!core->isXMLName(s->atom()))
                        toplevel()->throwTypeError(kXMLInvalidName, s);

                Multiname m;
                if (m_node->getQName(&m, publicNS))
                        if (m_node->getClass() == E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction)
                                m_node->setQName (core, n->get_localName(), core->findPublicNamespace());
                        else // only for attribute and element nodes
                                Multiname m2;
                                n->getMultiname (m2);
                                m_node->setQName (core, &m2);

                                // ISNS changes
                                if (n->getURI() != core->kEmptyString->atom())
                                        m_node->getQName(&m, publicNS); // get our new multiname

                                        if (this->getClass() == E4XNode::kAttribute && getNode()->getParent())
                                                getNode()->getParent()->_addInScopeNamespace (core, m.getNamespace(), publicNS);
                                        else if (this->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                                getNode()->_addInScopeNamespace (core, m.getNamespace(), publicNS);

                        nonChildChanges(xmlClass()->kNameSet, name, m.getName()->atom());

        void XMLObject::AS3_setNamespace (Atom ns)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                if (m_node->getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kComment | E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction | E4XNode::kCDATA))

                Namespace* newns = core->newNamespace (ns);

                Multiname m;
                if (m_node->getQName(&m, publicNS))
                        m_node->setQName (core, m.getName(), newns);

                // ISNS changes
                if (this->getClass() == E4XNode::kAttribute && getNode()->getParent())
                        getNode()->getParent()->_addInScopeNamespace (core, newns, publicNS);
                else if (this->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                        getNode()->_addInScopeNamespace (core, newns, publicNS);

                nonChildChanges(xmlClass()->kNamespaceSet, newns->atom());

        XMLListObject *XMLObject::AS3_text ()
                XMLListObject *l = new (gc()) XMLListObject(toplevel()->xmlListClass(), this->atom());

                for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->_length(); i++)
                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(i);
                        if (child->getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kCDATA))
                                l->_appendNode (child);

                return l;

        // E4X 10.1, page 28
        Atom XMLObject::toString ()
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                if (getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kCDATA | E4XNode::kAttribute))
                        return m_node->getValue()->atom(); 

                if (hasSimpleContent())
                        Stringp s = core->kEmptyString;

                        for (uint32 i = 0; i < _length(); i++)
                                E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(i);
                                if ((child->getClass() != E4XNode::kComment) && (child->getClass() != E4XNode::kProcessingInstruction))

                                        XMLObject *xo = new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(toplevel()->xmlClass(), child);
                                        s = core->concatStrings(s, core->string(xo->toString())); 
                                        delete xo;

                        return s->atom();
                        AtomArray *AncestorNamespaces = new (core->GetGC()) AtomArray();
                        StringBuffer s(core);
                        __toXMLString(s, AncestorNamespaces, 0);
                        return core->newStringUTF8(s.c_str())->atom();

        Stringp XMLObject::AS3_toString()
        return core()->atomToString(toString());

        String *XMLObject::AS3_toXMLString ()
                AtomArray *AncestorNamespaces = new (MMgc::GC::GetGC(this)) AtomArray();
                StringBuffer s(core());
                __toXMLString(s, AncestorNamespaces, 0);
                return core()->newStringUTF8(s.c_str());

        Stringp XMLObject::format(AvmCore* core) const
                // [mmorearty 10/24/05] Flex Builder 2.0 relies on this format in order to
                // have a nice display of XML in the Variables view:
                //              "XML@hexaddr nodeKind text_to_display"
                AtomArray *AncestorNamespaces = new (core->GetGC()) AtomArray();
                StringBuffer openTag(core);
                __toXMLString(openTag, AncestorNamespaces, 0, false);
                Stringp openingTag = core->newStringUTF8(openTag.c_str());

                Stringp result = ScriptObject::format(core);
                result = result->appendLatin1(" ");
                result = core->concatStrings(result, nodeKind());
                result = result->appendLatin1(" ");
                result = core->concatStrings(result, openingTag);
                return result;

        int XMLObject::getClass() const
                return m_node->getClass() ;

        uint32 XMLObject::_length() const
                return m_node->_length();

        XMLObject *XMLObject::getParent()
                if (m_node->getParent())
                        return new (core()->GetGC()) XMLObject (toplevel()->xmlClass(), m_node->getParent());
                        return 0;

        void XMLObject::setValue(Stringp s) 
                m_node->setValue (s); 

        Stringp XMLObject::getValue() 
                return m_node->getValue(); 

        bool XMLObject::getQName(Multiname *m) 
                return m_node->getQName(m, publicNS); 

        Atom XMLObject::AS3_setNotification(FunctionObject* f)
                AvmCore* core  = this->core();

                // Notifiers MUST be functions or null
                if (f && !AvmCore::istype(f->atom(), core->traits.function_itraits)) 
                        toplevel()->throwArgumentError( kInvalidArgumentError, "f");
                        m_node->setNotification(core, f, publicNS);
                // since AS3 sez this returns an Atom, our implementation must do so.
                return undefinedAtom;

        FunctionObject* XMLObject::AS3_notification()
                return m_node->getNotification();

        bool XMLObject::notifyNeeded(E4XNode* initialTarget)
                // do a quick probe to see if we need to issue any notifications
                bool hit = false;
                E4XNode* node = initialTarget;
                        if (node->getNotification())
                                hit = true;
                        node = node->getParent();
                return hit;

         * Notification on generic node addition from XML or XMLList 
        void XMLObject::childChanges(Stringp type, Atom value, E4XNode* prior)
                AvmCore* core = this->core();
                Toplevel* top = this->toplevel();
                E4XNode* initialTarget = m_node;

                if (notifyNeeded(initialTarget))
                        XMLObject* target = new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(top->xmlClass(), initialTarget);
                        Atom detail = undefinedAtom;
                        if (prior)
                                XMLObject* xml = new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(xmlClass(), prior);
                                detail = xml->atom();

                        if (AvmCore::isXML(value))
                                issueNotifications(core, top, initialTarget, target->atom(), type, value, detail);
                        else if (AvmCore::isXMLList(value))
                                // if its a list each element in the list is added.
                                XMLListObject* xl = AvmCore::atomToXMLList(value);
                                if (xl)
                                        issueNotifications(core, top, initialTarget, target->atom(), type, xl->atom(), detail);
                                // non child updates

        void XMLObject::nonChildChanges(Stringp type, Atom value, Atom detail)
                AvmCore* core = this->core();
                Toplevel* top = this->toplevel();
                E4XNode* initialTarget = m_node;
                if (notifyNeeded(initialTarget))
                        XMLObject* target = new (core->GetGC()) XMLObject(top->xmlClass(), initialTarget);
                        issueNotifications(core, top, initialTarget, target->atom(), type, value, detail);

         * Perform the callback for each node in which the notification property is set.
        void XMLObject::issueNotifications(AvmCore* core, Toplevel* top, E4XNode* initialTarget, Atom target, Stringp type, Atom value, Atom detail)
                // start notification at initialtarget
                E4XNode* volatile node = initialTarget;

                        // check if notification param set
                        ScriptObject* methodObj = node->getNotification();
                        if (methodObj) 
                                XMLObject* currentTarget = new (core->GetGC())  XMLObject(top->xmlClass(), node);
                                Atom argv[6] = { top->atom(), currentTarget->atom(), type->atom(), target, value, detail };
                                int argc = 5;

                                //EnterScriptTimeout enterScriptTimeout(core);                          
                                TRY(core, kCatchAction_Rethrow)
                                        methodObj->call(argc, argv);
                                CATCH(Exception *exception)
                                        // you chuck, we chuck 

                        // bubble up
                        node = node->getParent();

        XMLListObject * XMLObject::filter (Atom propertyName, Atom value)
                Multiname m;
                toplevel()->ToXMLName(propertyName, m);

                Multiname name;
                toplevel()->CoerceE4XMultiname(&m, name);

                // filter opcode experiment
                XMLListObject *l = new (core()->gc) XMLListObject(toplevel()->xmlListClass(), nullObjectAtom);
                this->_filter (l, name, value);

                return l;

        void XMLObject::_filter (XMLListObject *l, const Multiname &name, Atom value)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                if (!name.isAnyName())
                        // We have an integer argument - direct child lookup
                        Stringp nameString = name.getName();
                        uint32 index;
                        if (AvmCore::getIndexFromString (nameString, &index))
                                if (index == 0)
                                        if (core->equals (this->atom(), value))
                                                l->_append (this->getNode());

                if (name.isAttr())
                        // for each a in x.[[attributes]]
                        for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->numAttributes(); i++)
                                E4XNode *xml = m_node->getAttribute(i);

                                AvmAssert(xml && xml->getClass() == E4XNode::kAttribute);

                                Multiname m;
                                AvmAssert(xml->getQName(&m, publicNS) != 0);

                                xml->getQName(&m, publicNS);
                                if (name.matches(&m))
                                        if (core->equals(xml->getValue()->atom(), value) == trueAtom)
                                                l->_append (xml);


                for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_node->numChildren(); i++)
                        E4XNode *child = m_node->_getAt(i);
                        Multiname m;
                        Multiname *m2 = 0;
                        if (child->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                child->getQName(&m, publicNS);
                                m2 = &m;

                        if (name.matches(m2))
                                // If we're an element node, we do something more complicated than a string compare
                                if (child->getClass() == E4XNode::kElement)
                                        // Hacky swaping of our XMLObject's node ptr to point to the child
                                        // node so we can call out to AvmCore::eq with an atom.
                                        E4XNode *savedNode = this->m_node;
                                        this->m_node = child;
                                        if (core->equals(this->atom(), value) == trueAtom)
                                                l->_append (child);
                                        this->m_node = savedNode;
                                        // !!@ this needs testing with comments/PI/text/etc.
                                        if (core->equals(child->getValue()->atom(), value) == trueAtom)
                                                l->_append (child);


        void XMLObject::dispose()


        QNameObject::QNameObject (QNameClass *factory, const Multiname &name)
                : ScriptObject(factory->ivtable(), factory->prototype), m_mn(name)

         * QNameObject is used to represent the "QName" object in the E4X Specification.
         * We also use this same object to represent "AttributeName" in the E4X spec.
         * An AttributeName is simply a QName wrapper for finding properties that have a leading @ sign.
         * It's an internal class to the spec and the only difference between a QName is the @.  Instead of
         * having the overhead of an AttributeName class that wraps the QName class, we just use a boolean
         * inside the QName to differentiate betweent the two types.
        QNameObject::QNameObject(QNameClass *factory, Namespace *ns, Atom nameatom, bool bA)
                : ScriptObject(factory->ivtable(), factory->prototype)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                Stringp name;
                if (AvmCore::isQName(nameatom))
                        QNameObject *q = AvmCore::atomToQName(nameatom);
                        name = q->m_mn.getName();
                else if (nameatom == undefinedAtom)
                        name = core->kEmptyString;
                        name = core->intern(nameatom);

                Multiname mn;

                // Set attribute bit in multiname
                if (bA)

                if (name == core->kAsterisk)

                if (ns == NULL)
                this->m_mn = mn;

         * called when no namespace specified.
        QNameObject::QNameObject(QNameClass *factory, Atom nameatom, bool bA)
        : ScriptObject(factory->ivtable(), factory->prototype)
                AvmCore *core = this->core();
                Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();

                Multiname mn;

                if (AvmCore::isQName(nameatom))
                        QNameObject *q = AvmCore::atomToQName(nameatom);
                        mn = q->m_mn;
                        Stringp name = core->intern(nameatom);
                        if (name == core->kAsterisk)
                                if (nameatom == undefinedAtom)
                                Namespacep ns = ApiUtils::getVersionedNamespace(core, toplevel->getDefaultNamespace(), core->getAPI(NULL));

                // Set attribute bit in multiname
                if (bA)
                this->m_mn = mn;

        Stringp QNameObject::get_localName() const
                if (this->m_mn.isAnyName())
                        return core()->kAsterisk;

                return m_mn.getName();

        Atom QNameObject::getURI() const
                if (m_mn.isAnyNamespace())
                        return nullStringAtom;
                else if (m_mn.namespaceCount() > 1)
                        return core()->kEmptyString->atom();
                        return m_mn.getNamespace()->getURI()->atom();

        Atom QNameObject::get_uri() const
            return getURI();

        // E4X, pg 69
        Namespace *XMLObject::GetNamespace (const Multiname &mn, const AtomArray *nsArray) const
                AvmCore *core = this->core();

                Stringp uri = (mn.isAnyNamespace() ? 0 : mn.getNamespace()->getURI());

                if (nsArray)
                        for (uint32 i = 0; i < nsArray->getLength(); i++)
                                Namespace *ns = AvmCore::atomToNamespace (nsArray->getAt(i));
                                Stringp s1 = ns->getURI();
                                Stringp s2 = uri;
#endif // STRING_DEBUG
                                if (ns->getURI() == uri)
                                        return ns;

                // not found, return empty namespace based upon this QName's uri.
                return core->newNamespace (uri->atom());

        // Iterator support - for in, for each
        Atom QNameObject::nextName(int index)
                AvmAssert(index > 0);
                // first return "uri" then "localName"
                if (index == 1)
                        return toplevel()->qnameClass()->kUri;
                else if (index == 2)
                        return toplevel()->qnameClass()->kLocalName;
                        return nullObjectAtom;

        Atom QNameObject::nextValue(int index)
                AvmAssert(index > 0);
                // first return uri then localName
                if (index == 1)
                        return this->get_localName()->atom();
                else if (index == 2)
                        return this->getURI();
                        return nullStringAtom;

        int QNameObject::nextNameIndex(int index)
                AvmAssert(index >= 0);

                if (index < 2)
                        return index + 1;
                        return 0;

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