
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008 GraphicsMagick Group
  Copyright (C) 2002 ImageMagick Studio
  This program is covered by multiple licenses, which are described in
  Copyright.txt. You should have received a copy of Copyright.txt with this
  package; otherwise see
  GraphicsMagick Pixel Cache Methods.

#include "magick/forward.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {

    Enum declaractions.

  typedef enum
    } VirtualPixelMethod;

    Typedef declaractions.
  typedef _CacheInfoPtr_ Cache;

   * Default View interfaces

    Read only access to a rectangular pixel region.
  MagickExport const PixelPacket
  *AcquireImagePixels(const Image *image,const long x,const long y,
                      const unsigned long columns,
                      const unsigned long rows,ExceptionInfo *exception);

    AccessImmutableIndexes() returns the read-only indexes
    associated with a rectangular pixel region already selected via
  extern MagickExport const IndexPacket
  *AccessImmutableIndexes(const Image *image);

    Return one DirectClass pixel at the the specified (x,y) location.
    Similar function as GetOnePixel().  Note that the value returned
    by GetIndexes() may or may not be influenced by this function.
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  AcquireOnePixel(const Image *image,const long x,const long y,
                  ExceptionInfo *exception);

    GetImagePixels() and GetImagePixelsEx() obtains a pixel region for
    read/write access.
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  *GetImagePixels(Image *image,const long x,const long y,
                  const unsigned long columns,const unsigned long rows);
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  *GetImagePixelsEx(Image *image,const long x,const long y,
                    const unsigned long columns,const unsigned long rows,
                    ExceptionInfo *exception);

    GetImageVirtualPixelMethod() gets the "virtual pixels" method for
    the image.
  extern MagickExport VirtualPixelMethod
  GetImageVirtualPixelMethod(const Image *image);

    GetPixels() and AccessMutablePixels() return the pixels associated
    with the last call to SetImagePixels() or GetImagePixels().
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  *GetPixels(const Image *image);
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  *AccessMutablePixels(Image *image);

    GetIndexes() and AccessMutableIndexes() return the colormap
    indexes associated with the last call to SetImagePixels() or
  extern MagickExport IndexPacket
  *GetIndexes(const Image *image);
  extern MagickExport IndexPacket
  *AccessMutableIndexes(Image *image);

    GetOnePixel() returns a single DirectClass pixel at the specified
    (x,y) location.  Similar to AcquireOnePixel().  It is preferred to
    use AcquireOnePixel() since it allows reporting to a specified
    exception structure. Note that the value returned by GetIndexes()
    is not reliably influenced by this function.
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  GetOnePixel(Image *image,const long x,const long y);

    GetPixelCacheArea() returns the area (width * height in pixels)
    consumed by the current pixel cache.
  extern MagickExport magick_off_t
  GetPixelCacheArea(const Image *image);

    SetImagePixels() and SetImagePixelsEx() initialize a pixel region
    for write-only access.
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  *SetImagePixels(Image *image,const long x,const long y,
                  const unsigned long columns,const unsigned long rows);
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  *SetImagePixelsEx(Image *image,const long x,const long y,
                    const unsigned long columns,const unsigned long rows,
                    ExceptionInfo *exception);

    SetImageVirtualPixelMethod() sets the "virtual pixels" method for
    the image.
  extern MagickExport MagickPassFail
  SetImageVirtualPixelMethod(const Image *image,
                             const VirtualPixelMethod method);

    SyncImagePixels() and SyncImagePixelsEx() save the image pixels to
    the in-memory or disk cache.
  extern MagickExport MagickPassFail
  SyncImagePixels(Image *image);
  extern MagickExport MagickPassFail
  SyncImagePixelsEx(Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception);

   * Cache view interfaces

    OpenCacheView() opens a cache view.
  extern MagickExport ViewInfo
  *OpenCacheView(Image *image);

    CloseCacheView() closes a cache view.
  extern MagickExport void
  CloseCacheView(ViewInfo *view);

    AccessCacheViewPixels() returns the pixels associated with the
    last request to select a view pixel region
    (i.e. AcquireCacheViewPixels() or GetCacheViewPixels()).
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  *AccessCacheViewPixels(const ViewInfo *view);

    AcquireCacheViewIndexes() returns read-only indexes associated
    with a cache view.
  extern MagickExport const IndexPacket
  *AcquireCacheViewIndexes(const ViewInfo *view);

    AcquireCacheViewPixels() obtains a pixel region from a cache view
    for read-only access.
  extern MagickExport const PixelPacket
  *AcquireCacheViewPixels(const ViewInfo *view,
                          const long x,const long y,
                          const unsigned long columns,
                          const unsigned long rows,
                          ExceptionInfo *exception);

    AcquireOneCacheViewPixel() returns one DirectClass pixel from a
    cache view. Note that the value returned by GetCacheViewIndexes()
    is not reliably influenced by this function.
  extern MagickExport MagickPassFail
  AcquireOneCacheViewPixel(const ViewInfo *view,PixelPacket *pixel,
                           const long x,const long y,ExceptionInfo *exception);

    GetCacheViewArea() returns the area (width * height in pixels)
    currently consumed by the pixel cache view.
  extern MagickExport magick_off_t
  GetCacheViewArea(const ViewInfo *view);

    GetCacheViewImage() obtains the image used to allocate the cache view.
  extern Image *
  GetCacheViewImage(const ViewInfo *view);

    GetCacheViewIndexes() returns the indexes associated with a cache view.
  extern MagickExport IndexPacket
  *GetCacheViewIndexes(const ViewInfo *view);

    GetCacheViewPixels() obtains a pixel region from a cache view for
    read/write access.
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  *GetCacheViewPixels(const ViewInfo *view,const long x,const long y,
                      const unsigned long columns,const unsigned long rows,
                      ExceptionInfo *exception);

    Obtain the offset and size of the selected region.
  extern MagickExport RectangleInfo
  GetCacheViewRegion(const ViewInfo *view);

    SetCacheViewPixels() gets blank writeable pixels from the pixel
    cache view.
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
  *SetCacheViewPixels(const ViewInfo *view,const long x,const long y,
                      const unsigned long columns,const unsigned long rows,
                      ExceptionInfo *exception);

    SyncCacheViewPixels() saves any changes to the pixel cache view.
  extern MagickExport MagickPassFail
  SyncCacheViewPixels(const ViewInfo *view,ExceptionInfo *exception);


   * Private interfaces.

    Access the default view
  extern MagickExport ViewInfo
  *AccessDefaultCacheView(const Image *image);

    Destroy a thread view set.
  extern MagickExport void
  DestroyThreadViewSet(_ThreadViewSetPtr_ view_set);

    Allocate a thread view set.
  extern MagickExport _ThreadViewSetPtr_
  AllocateThreadViewSet(Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception);

    Return one pixel at the the specified (x,y) location via a pointer
  extern MagickExport MagickPassFail
  AcquireOnePixelByReference(const Image *image,PixelPacket *pixel,
                             const long x,const long y,
                             ExceptionInfo *exception);

    DestroyImagePixels() deallocates memory associated with the pixel cache.

    Used only by DestroyImage().
  extern MagickExport void
  DestroyImagePixels(Image *image);

    DestroyCacheInfo() deallocates memory associated with the pixel

    Used only by DestroyImageInfo() to destroy a pixel cache
    associated with ImageInfo.
  extern void
  DestroyCacheInfo(Cache cache);

    GetCacheInfo() initializes the Cache structure.

    Used only by AllocateImage() and CloneImage().
  extern void
  GetCacheInfo(Cache *cache);

    GetPixelCacheInCore() tests to see the pixel cache is based on
    allocated memory and therefore supports efficient random access.
  extern MagickBool
  GetPixelCacheInCore(const Image *image);

    GetPixelCachePresent() tests to see the pixel cache is present
    and contains pixels.
  extern MagickBool
  GetPixelCachePresent(const Image *image);

    Obtain an interpolated pixel value via bi-linear interpolation.
  extern MagickExport PixelPacket
    InterpolateColor(const Image *image,const double x_offset,
      const double y_offset,ExceptionInfo *exception)

  extern MagickExport void
    InterpolateViewColor(const ViewInfo *view,PixelPacket *color,
       const double x_offset,const double y_offset,
       ExceptionInfo *exception);

    Modify cache ensures that there is only one reference to the
    pixel cache so that it may be safely modified.
  extern MagickPassFail
  ModifyCache(Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception);

    PersistCache() attaches to or initializes a persistent pixel cache.

    Used only by ReadMPCImage() and WriteMPCImage().
  extern MagickExport MagickPassFail
  PersistCache(Image *image,const char *filename,const MagickBool attach,
               magick_off_t *offset,ExceptionInfo *exception);

    ReferenceCache() increments the reference count associated with
    the pixel cache.  Thread safe.

    Used only by CloneImage() and CloneImageInfo().
  extern Cache
  ReferenceCache(Cache cache);

#endif /* defined(MAGICK_IMPLEMENTATION) */

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) */

#endif /* _MAGICK_CACHE_H */

 * Local Variables:
 * mode: c
 * c-basic-offset: 2
 * fill-column: 78
 * End:

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */