func                8 apps/linear_algebra/src/halide_blas.cpp #define assert_no_error(func)                                       \
func                9 apps/linear_algebra/src/halide_blas.cpp   if (func != 0) {                                                  \
func               41 python_bindings/python/BoundaryConditions.cpp h::Func constant_exterior_bounds(h::Func func, h::Expr value, p::object bounds_) {
func               42 python_bindings/python/BoundaryConditions.cpp     return hb::constant_exterior(func, value, pyobject_to_bounds(bounds_));
func               67 python_bindings/python/BoundaryConditions.cpp h::Func repeat_edge_bounds(h::Func func, p::object bounds_) {
func               68 python_bindings/python/BoundaryConditions.cpp     return hb::repeat_edge(func, pyobject_to_bounds(bounds_));
func               93 python_bindings/python/BoundaryConditions.cpp h::Func repeat_image_bounds(h::Func func, p::object bounds_) {
func               94 python_bindings/python/BoundaryConditions.cpp     return hb::repeat_image(func, pyobject_to_bounds(bounds_));
func              119 python_bindings/python/BoundaryConditions.cpp h::Func mirror_image_bounds(h::Func func, p::object bounds_) {
func              120 python_bindings/python/BoundaryConditions.cpp     return hb::mirror_image(func, pyobject_to_bounds(bounds_));
func              145 python_bindings/python/BoundaryConditions.cpp h::Func mirror_interior_bounds(h::Func func, p::object bounds_) {
func              146 python_bindings/python/BoundaryConditions.cpp     return hb::mirror_interior(func, pyobject_to_bounds(bounds_));
func              165 python_bindings/python/Func.cpp h::FuncRef func_getitem_operator(h::Func &func, p::object arg) {
func              166 python_bindings/python/Func.cpp     return func(python_tuple_to_expr_vector(arg));
func              169 python_bindings/python/Func.cpp h::Stage func_setitem_operator(h::Func &func, p::object lhs, p::object rhs) {
func              170 python_bindings/python/Func.cpp     return (func(python_tuple_to_expr_vector(lhs)) =
func              174 python_bindings/python/Func.cpp std::string func_repr(const h::Func &func) {
func              177 python_bindings/python/Func.cpp     repr = boost::str(f %;
func              200 python_bindings/python/Func.cpp p::tuple func_output_types(h::Func &func) {
func              202 python_bindings/python/Func.cpp     for (h::Type t : func.output_types()) {
func              137 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp                     Function input(arg.func);
func               43 src/Associativity.cpp     const string &func;
func               58 src/Associativity.cpp         if ((op->call_type == Call::Halide) && (func == op->name)) {
func               59 src/Associativity.cpp             internal_assert(!op->func.defined())
func               88 src/Associativity.cpp         func(f), args(args), value_index(idx), op_x_names(x_names) {}
func               54 src/BoundaryConditions.h inline const Func &func_like_to_func(const Func &func) {
func               55 src/BoundaryConditions.h     return func;
func              605 src/Bounds.cpp                                    op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
func              656 src/Bounds.cpp                            op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param),
func              658 src/Bounds.cpp                            op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param));
func              983 src/Bounds.cpp         func(fn), consider_calls(calls), consider_provides(provides), func_bounds(fb) {
func              991 src/Bounds.cpp     string func;
func             1019 src/Bounds.cpp             if (op->name == func || func.empty()) {
func             1292 src/Bounds.cpp             if (op->name == func || func.empty()) {
func              123 src/BoundsInference.cpp         Function func;
func              235 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 result = compute_exprs_helper(func.definition(), is_update);
func              237 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 const Definition &def = func.update(stage - 1);
func              274 src/BoundsInference.cpp             const vector<string> func_args = func.args();
func              294 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 for (const Definition &def : func.updates()) {
func              303 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 if (stage < func.updates().size()) {
func              304 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     size_t stages = func.updates().size();
func              305 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     string last_stage = + ".s" + std::to_string(stages) + ".";
func              317 src/BoundsInference.cpp             if (func.has_extern_definition()) {
func              341 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     string outer_query_name = + ".outer_bounds_query";
func              343 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     string inner_query_name = + ".o0.bounds_query";
func              345 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     for (int i = 0; i < func.dimensions(); i++) {
func              362 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         s = LetStmt::make( + ".s0." + func_args[i] + ".max", new_max, s);
func              363 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         s = LetStmt::make( + ".s0." + func_args[i] + ".min", new_min, s);
func              370 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     s = LetStmt::make( + ".outer_bounds_query",
func              371 src/BoundsInference.cpp                                       Variable::make(type_of<struct halide_buffer_t *>(), + ".o0.bounds_query"), s);
func              381 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     string inner_query_name = + ".o0.bounds_query";
func              383 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     for (int i = 0; i < func.dimensions(); i++) {
func              389 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         s = LetStmt::make( + ".s0." + func_args[i] + ".max", new_max, s);
func              390 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         s = LetStmt::make( + ".s0." + func_args[i] + ".min", new_min, s);
func              403 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 LoopLevel compute_at = func.schedule().compute_level();
func              404 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 LoopLevel store_at = func.schedule().store_level();
func              406 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 for (size_t i = 0; i < func.schedule().bounds().size(); i++) {
func              407 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     Bound bound = func.schedule().bounds()[i];
func              475 src/BoundsInference.cpp             const string &extern_name = func.extern_function_name();
func              476 src/BoundsInference.cpp             const vector<ExternFuncArgument> &args = func.extern_arguments();
func              494 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     Function input(args[j].func);
func              496 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         string name = + ".o" + std::to_string(k) + ".bounds_query." +;
func              516 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     string query_name = name + ".bounds_query." +;
func              539 src/BoundsInference.cpp             for (int j = 0; j < func.outputs(); j++) {
func              541 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 builder.type = func.output_types()[j];
func              542 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 builder.dimensions = func.dimensions();
func              543 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 for (const string arg : func.args()) {
func              544 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     string prefix = + ".s" + std::to_string(stage) + "." + arg;
func              553 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 string buf_name = + ".o" + std::to_string(j) + ".bounds_query";
func              581 src/BoundsInference.cpp             Expr e = func.make_call_to_extern_definition(bounds_inference_args, target);
func              611 src/BoundsInference.cpp             for (const string farg : func.args()) {
func              665 src/BoundsInference.cpp             s.func = f[i];
func              667 src/BoundsInference.cpp    =;
func              683 src/BoundsInference.cpp             Function func = f[i-1];
func              690 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         cond_val.value = inline_function(cond_val.value, func);
func              699 src/BoundsInference.cpp             if (!stages[i].func.schedule().compute_level().is_inline() ||
func              700 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 !stages[i].func.can_be_inlined()) {
func              727 src/BoundsInference.cpp             if (consumer.func.has_extern_definition()) {
func              729 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 const vector<ExternFuncArgument> &args = consumer.func.extern_arguments();
func              735 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         Function f(args[j].func);
func              768 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 const Box &b = boxes[];
func              834 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 if (!s.func.same_as(output)) continue;
func              871 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 f = stages[i].func;
func               50 src/CodeGen_C.h     virtual void compile(const LoweredFunc &func);
func               36 src/CodeGen_GPU_Host.h     void compile_func(const LoweredFunc &func, const std::string &simple_name, const std::string &extern_name);
func               86 src/CodeGen_LLVM.h     virtual void compile_func(const LoweredFunc &func, const std::string &simple_name, const std::string &extern_name);
func               72 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp Expr call_builtin(const Type &result_type, const string &func,
func               83 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp     Expr val = Call::make(float_type, func, new_args, Call::Extern);
func               10 src/DebugArguments.cpp void debug_arguments(LoweredFunc *func) {
func               11 src/DebugArguments.cpp     internal_assert(func);
func               13 src/DebugArguments.cpp     stmts.push_back(Evaluate::make(print("Entering Pipeline " + func->name)));
func               14 src/DebugArguments.cpp     for (LoweredArgument arg : func->args) {
func               35 src/DebugArguments.cpp     stmts.push_back(func->body);
func               36 src/DebugArguments.cpp     stmts.push_back(Evaluate::make(print("Exiting Pipeline " + func->name)));
func               37 src/DebugArguments.cpp     func->body = Block::make(stmts);
func               16 src/DebugArguments.h void debug_arguments(LoweredFunc *func);
func               38 src/DeepCopy.cpp     for (const auto &func : outputs) {
func               39 src/DeepCopy.cpp         const auto &iter = copied_map.find(func);
func               41 src/DeepCopy.cpp             debug(4) << "Adding deep-copied version to outputs: " << << "\n";
func               44 src/DeepCopy.cpp             debug(4) << "Adding original version to outputs: " << << "\n";
func               45 src/DeepCopy.cpp             copy_outputs.push_back(func);
func              264 src/Deinterleave.cpp                               op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
func               18 src/EarlyFree.cpp     string func;
func               22 src/EarlyFree.cpp     FindLastUse(string s) : func(s), found_device_malloc(false), in_loop(false) {}
func               40 src/EarlyFree.cpp         if (func == load->name) {
func               47 src/EarlyFree.cpp         if (call->name == func) {
func               50 src/EarlyFree.cpp         if (call->name == "halide_device_malloc" && expr_uses_var(call, func + ".buffer")) {
func               57 src/EarlyFree.cpp         if (func == store->name) {
func               64 src/EarlyFree.cpp         if (var->name == func || var->name == func + ".buffer") {
func              100 src/EarlyFree.cpp Stmt make_free(string func, bool device) {
func              101 src/EarlyFree.cpp     Stmt free = Free::make(func);
func              103 src/EarlyFree.cpp         Expr buf = Variable::make(Handle(), func + ".buffer");
func              112 src/EarlyFree.cpp     string func;
func              127 src/EarlyFree.cpp             return Block::make(s, make_free(func, inject_device_free));
func              159 src/EarlyFree.cpp             inject_marker.func = alloc->name;
func               33 src/FindCalls.cpp         if (call->call_type == Call::Halide && call->func.defined()) {
func               34 src/FindCalls.cpp             Function f(call->func);
func               55 src/FindCalls.cpp                 Function g(arg.func);
func               47 src/Func.cpp   Func::Func(const string &name) : func(unique_name(name)) {}
func               49 src/Func.cpp   Func::Func() : func(make_entity_name(this, "Halide::Func", 'f')) {}
func               51 src/Func.cpp   Func::Func(Expr e) : func(make_entity_name(this, "Halide::Func", 'f')) {
func               55 src/Func.cpp   Func::Func(Function f) : func(f) {}
func               58 src/Func.cpp       return;
func               63 src/Func.cpp       const std::vector<std::string> arg_names = func.args();
func               77 src/Func.cpp       user_assert(func.outputs() == 1)
func               79 src/Func.cpp       return func.values()[0];
func               86 src/Func.cpp       return Tuple(func.values());
func               98 src/Func.cpp       return func.update(idx).args();
func              109 src/Func.cpp       user_assert(func.update(idx).values().size() == 1)
func              111 src/Func.cpp       return func.update(idx).values()[0];
func              121 src/Func.cpp       return Tuple(func.update(idx).values());
func              134 src/Func.cpp       const std::vector<ReductionVariable> rvars = func.update(idx).schedule().rvars();
func              143 src/Func.cpp       return func.has_pure_definition() || func.has_extern_definition();
func              148 src/Func.cpp       return func.has_update_definition();
func              153 src/Func.cpp       return static_cast<int>(func.updates().size());
func              158 src/Func.cpp       return func.has_extern_definition();
func              168 src/Func.cpp       func.define_extern(function_name, args, types, dimensionality,
func              174 src/Func.cpp       return func.output_types();
func              179 src/Func.cpp       return func.outputs();
func              185 src/Func.cpp       return func.extern_function_name();
func              190 src/Func.cpp       return func.dimensions();
func              196 src/Func.cpp       return FuncRef(func, args, placeholder_pos, count);
func              202 src/Func.cpp       return FuncRef(func, args, placeholder_pos, count);
func              225 src/Func.cpp       if (func.has_pure_definition() && args.size() != (size_t)dimensions()) {
func              255 src/Func.cpp       if (func.has_pure_definition() && args.size() != (size_t)dimensions()) {
func              357 src/Func.cpp       const string func;
func              366 src/Func.cpp           if ((c->call_type == Call::Halide) && (func == c->name)) {
func              367 src/Func.cpp               internal_assert(!c->func.defined())
func              378 src/Func.cpp       SubstituteSelfReference(const string &func, const Function &substitute,
func              380 src/Func.cpp               : func(func), substitute(substitute), new_args(new_args) {
func              388 src/Func.cpp   Expr substitute_self_reference(Expr val, const string &func, const Function &substitute,
func              390 src/Func.cpp       SubstituteSelfReference subs(func, substitute, new_args);
func             1756 src/Func.cpp       const map<string, IntrusivePtr<FunctionContents>> &wrappers = func.wrappers();
func             1761 src/Func.cpp           func.add_wrapper(, wrapper.func);
func             1790 src/Func.cpp       const map<string, IntrusivePtr<FunctionContents>> &wrappers = func.wrappers();
func             1804 src/Func.cpp               func.add_wrapper(, wrapper.func);
func             1839 src/Func.cpp       const map<string, IntrusivePtr<FunctionContents>> &wrappers = func.wrappers();
func             1844 src/Func.cpp           func.add_wrapper("", wrapper.func);
func             1857 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).split(old, outer, inner, factor, tail);
func             1863 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).fuse(inner, outer, fused);
func             1869 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).rename(old_name, new_name);
func             1874 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).allow_race_conditions();
func             1880 src/Func.cpp       func.schedule().memoized() = true;
func             1886 src/Func.cpp       return Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).specialize(c);
func             1891 src/Func.cpp       (void) Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).specialize_fail(message);
func             1896 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).serial(var);
func             1902 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).parallel(var);
func             1908 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).vectorize(var);
func             1914 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).unroll(var);
func             1920 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).parallel(var, factor, tail);
func             1926 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).vectorize(var, factor, tail);
func             1932 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).unroll(var, factor, tail);
func             1948 src/Func.cpp       for (size_t i = 0; i < func.args().size(); i++) {
func             1949 src/Func.cpp           if ( == func.args()[i]) {
func             1960 src/Func.cpp       func.schedule().bounds().push_back(b);
func             1983 src/Func.cpp       for (size_t i = 0; i < func.args().size(); i++) {
func             1984 src/Func.cpp           if ( == func.args()[i]) {
func             1995 src/Func.cpp       func.schedule().bounds().push_back(b);
func             2005 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).tile(x, y, xo, yo, xi, yi, xfactor, yfactor, tail);
func             2014 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).tile(x, y, xi, yi, xfactor, yfactor, tail);
func             2020 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).reorder(vars);
func             2026 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_threads(tx, device_api);
func             2032 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_threads(tx, ty, device_api);
func             2038 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_threads(tx, ty, tz, device_api);
func             2044 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_blocks(bx, device_api);
func             2050 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_blocks(bx, by, device_api);
func             2056 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_blocks(bx, by, bz, device_api);
func             2062 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_single_thread(device_api);
func             2068 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu(bx, tx, device_api);
func             2074 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu(bx, by, tx, ty, device_api);
func             2080 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu(bx, by, bz, tx, ty, tz, device_api);
func             2086 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_tile(x, bx, tx, x_size, tail, device_api);
func             2092 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_tile(x, bx, tx, x_size, tail, device_api);
func             2098 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_tile(x, tx, x_size, tail, device_api);
func             2109 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims())
func             2120 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims())
func             2131 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims())
func             2143 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims())
func             2154 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims())
func             2161 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_tile(x, x_size, tail, device_api);
func             2170 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_tile(x, y, x_size, y_size, tail, device_api);
func             2179 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_tile(x, y, z, x_size, y_size, z_size, tail, device_api);
func             2192 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).gpu_blocks(x, y, device_api);
func             2195 src/Func.cpp       Schedule &sched = func.schedule();
func             2214 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).hexagon(x);
func             2220 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).prefetch(f, var, offset, strategy);
func             2226 src/Func.cpp       Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims()).prefetch(param, var, offset, strategy);
func             2233 src/Func.cpp       vector<StorageDim> &dims = func.schedule().storage_dims();
func             2272 src/Func.cpp       vector<StorageDim> &dims = func.schedule().storage_dims();
func             2287 src/Func.cpp       vector<StorageDim> &dims = func.schedule().storage_dims();
func             2302 src/Func.cpp       func.schedule().compute_level() = loop_level;
func             2303 src/Func.cpp       if (func.schedule().store_level().is_inline()) {
func             2304 src/Func.cpp           func.schedule().store_level() = loop_level;
func             2323 src/Func.cpp       func.schedule().store_level() = loop_level;
func             2345 src/Func.cpp       func.trace_loads();
func             2351 src/Func.cpp       func.trace_stores();
func             2357 src/Func.cpp       func.trace_realizations();
func             2363 src/Func.cpp       func.debug_file() = filename;
func             2371 src/Func.cpp       return Stage(func.update(idx),
func             2374 src/Func.cpp                    func.schedule().storage_dims());
func             2378 src/Func.cpp       return Stage(func.definition(), name(), args(), func.schedule().storage_dims());
func             2404 src/Func.cpp                    int count) : func(f), implicit_count(count), args(a){
func             2410 src/Func.cpp                    int count) : func(f), implicit_count(count) {
func             2423 src/Func.cpp               << "Argument " << (i+1) << " in call to \"" << << "\" is undefined.\n";
func             2427 src/Func.cpp               << "Value " << (i+1) << " in definition of \"" << << "\" is undefined.\n";
func             2436 src/Func.cpp           if (func.has_pure_definition()) {
func             2441 src/Func.cpp                   << "The update definition of " << << " uses " << count.count
func             2448 src/Func.cpp               Internal::debug(2) << "Adding " << count.count << " implicit vars to LHS of " << << "\n";
func             2470 src/Func.cpp               << "Right-hand-side of update definition of " <<
func             2483 src/Func.cpp       if (!func.has_pure_definition()) {
func             2488 src/Func.cpp                   << << "\" is not a Var.\n";
func             2499 src/Func.cpp           func.define(expanded_args_str, e.as_vector());
func             2500 src/Func.cpp           return Stage(func.definition(),, func.args(), func.schedule().storage_dims());
func             2503 src/Func.cpp           func.define_update(args, e.as_vector());
func             2505 src/Func.cpp           size_t update_stage = func.updates().size() - 1;
func             2506 src/Func.cpp           return Stage(func.update(update_stage),
func             2507 src/Func.cpp               + ".update(" + std::to_string(update_stage) + ")",
func             2508 src/Func.cpp                        func.args(),
func             2509 src/Func.cpp                        func.schedule().storage_dims());
func             2523 src/Func.cpp   Func define_base_case(Internal::Function func, const vector<Expr> &a, const Tuple &e) {
func             2524 src/Func.cpp       Func f(func);
func             2526 src/Func.cpp       if (func.has_pure_definition()) return f;
func             2544 src/Func.cpp   Func define_base_case(Internal::Function func, const vector<Expr> &a, Expr e) {
func             2545 src/Func.cpp       return define_base_case(func, a, Tuple(e));
func             2557 src/Func.cpp       FuncRef self_ref = define_base_case(func, expanded_args, Tuple(init_values))(expanded_args);
func             2569 src/Func.cpp       FuncRef self_ref = define_base_case(func, expanded_args, cast(e.type(), init_val))(expanded_args);
func             2654 src/Func.cpp       user_assert(func.has_pure_definition() || func.has_extern_definition())
func             2655 src/Func.cpp           << "Can't call Func \"" << << "\" because it has not yet been defined.\n";
func             2657 src/Func.cpp       user_assert(func.outputs() == 1)
func             2658 src/Func.cpp           << "Can't convert a reference Func \"" <<
func             2659 src/Func.cpp           << "\" to an Expr, because " << << " returns a Tuple.\n";
func             2661 src/Func.cpp       return Call::make(func, args);
func             2665 src/Func.cpp       user_assert(func.has_pure_definition() || func.has_extern_definition())
func             2666 src/Func.cpp           << "Can't call Func \"" << << "\" because it has not yet been defined.\n";
func             2668 src/Func.cpp       user_assert(func.outputs() != 1)
func             2669 src/Func.cpp           << "Can't index into a reference to Func \"" <<
func             2672 src/Func.cpp       user_assert(i >= 0 && i < func.outputs())
func             2673 src/Func.cpp           << "Tuple index out of range in reference to Func \"" << << "\".\n";
func             2679 src/Func.cpp       return func.outputs();
func             2758 src/Func.cpp       vector<Buffer<>> outputs(func.outputs());
func             2764 src/Func.cpp           Buffer<> im = Buffer<>::make_scalar(func.output_types()[i]);
func             2779 src/Func.cpp       user_assert(func.output_buffers().size() == 1)
func             2782 src/Func.cpp       return OutputImageParam(func.output_buffers()[0], Argument::OutputBuffer);
func             2789 src/Func.cpp       vector<OutputImageParam> bufs(func.output_buffers().size());
func             2791 src/Func.cpp           bufs[i] = OutputImageParam(func.output_buffers()[i], Argument::OutputBuffer);
func              312 src/Func.h         Internal::Function func;
func              408 src/Func.h         EXPORT Internal::Function function() const {return func;}
func              495 src/Func.h         Internal::Function func;
func             1941 src/Func.h             return func;
func             1958 src/Func.h             return ExternFuncArgument(func);
func               71 src/Function.cpp                     i.func->accept(visitor);
func              103 src/Function.cpp                     i.func->mutate(mutator);
func              199 src/Function.cpp     IntrusivePtr<FunctionContents> func;
func              211 src/Function.cpp         if (c->func.same_as(func)) {
func              224 src/Function.cpp     const string &func;
func              229 src/Function.cpp             op->func.defined() &&
func              230 src/Function.cpp             op->name != func) {
func              231 src/Function.cpp             Function f(op->func);
func              236 src/Function.cpp     FreezeFunctions(const string &f) : func(f) {}
func              271 src/Function.cpp     if (!src.func.defined()) { // No need to deep-copy the func if it's undefined
func              280 src/Function.cpp     IntrusivePtr<FunctionContents> &copied_func = copied_map[src.func];
func              282 src/Function.cpp         copy.func = copied_func;
func              284 src/Function.cpp         copy.func = deep_copy_function_contents_helper(src.func, copied_map);
func              285 src/Function.cpp         copied_map[src.func] = copy.func;
func              615 src/Function.cpp     deleter.func = contents;
func              902 src/Function.cpp         if ((c->call_type == Call::Halide) && c->func.defined() && substitutions.count(Function(c->func))) {
func              903 src/Function.cpp             const Function &subs = substitutions[Function(c->func)];
func               29 src/Function.h     Internal::IntrusivePtr<Internal::FunctionContents> func;
func               34 src/Function.h     ExternFuncArgument(Internal::IntrusivePtr<Internal::FunctionContents> f): arg_type(FuncArg), func(f) {}
func             1687 src/Generator.cpp             auto f = in.func();
func             1035 src/Generator.h     Func func() const {
func             1314 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                               op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
func             1333 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                               op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
func             1336 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                               op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
func              527 src/IR.cpp     Expr Call::make(Function func, const std::vector<Expr> &args, int idx) {
func              529 src/IR.cpp                         idx < func.outputs())
func              531 src/IR.cpp         internal_assert(func.has_pure_definition() || func.has_extern_definition())
func              533 src/IR.cpp         return make(func.output_types()[(size_t)idx],, args, Halide,
func              534 src/IR.cpp                     func.get_contents(), idx, Buffer<>(), Parameter());
func              538 src/IR.cpp                     IntrusivePtr<FunctionContents> func, int value_index,
func              566 src/IR.cpp         node->func = func;
func              545 src/IR.h           IntrusivePtr<FunctionContents> func;
func              560 src/IR.h                                   IntrusivePtr<FunctionContents> func = nullptr, int value_index = 0,
func              564 src/IR.h           EXPORT static Expr make(Function func, const std::vector<Expr> &args, int idx = 0);
func              158 src/IRMutator.cpp                           op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
func              133 src/IRVisitor.cpp     if (op->func.defined()) {
func              134 src/IRVisitor.cpp         Function f(op->func);
func               28 src/ImageParam.cpp     func(args) = Internal::Call::make(param, args_expr);
func               51 src/ImageParam.cpp     return func(args_passed);
func               55 src/ImageParam.cpp     return func(args_passed);
func               59 src/ImageParam.cpp     return func;
func               63 src/ImageParam.cpp     internal_assert(func.defined());
func               64 src/ImageParam.cpp     return;
func               68 src/ImageParam.cpp     internal_assert(func.defined());
func               69 src/ImageParam.cpp     return;
func               73 src/ImageParam.cpp     internal_assert(func.defined());
func               74 src/ImageParam.cpp     return;
func               21 src/ImageParam.h     Func func;
func               60 src/ImageParam.h         return func(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
func               64 src/InferArguments.cpp     void visit_function(const Function& func) {
func               65 src/InferArguments.cpp         if (visited_functions.count( return;
func               66 src/InferArguments.cpp         visited_functions.insert(;
func               68 src/InferArguments.cpp         func.accept(this);
func               73 src/InferArguments.cpp         if (func.has_extern_definition()) {
func               74 src/InferArguments.cpp             for (const ExternFuncArgument &extern_arg : func.extern_arguments()) {
func               76 src/InferArguments.cpp                     visit_function(Function(extern_arg.func));
func              145 src/InferArguments.cpp         if (op->func.defined()) {
func              146 src/InferArguments.cpp             Function fn(op->func);
func               96 src/Inline.cpp     Function func;
func               99 src/Inline.cpp         if (op->name == {
func              107 src/Inline.cpp             Expr body = qualify( + ".", func.values()[op->value_index]);
func              109 src/Inline.cpp             const vector<string> func_args = func.args();
func              115 src/Inline.cpp                 body = Let::make( + "." + func_args[i], args[i], body);
func              143 src/Inline.cpp     Inliner(Function f) : func(f), found(false) {
func              628 src/Introspection.cpp         FunctionInfo *func = find_containing_function(next_fp->return_address);
func              630 src/Introspection.cpp         if (!func) {
func              643 src/Introspection.cpp         if (func->frame_base == FunctionInfo::GCC) {
func              645 src/Introspection.cpp         } else if (func->frame_base == FunctionInfo::ClangFP) {
func              647 src/Introspection.cpp         } else if (func->frame_base == FunctionInfo::ClangNoFP) {
func              656 src/Introspection.cpp         for (size_t j = 0; j < func->variables.size(); j++) {
func              657 src/Introspection.cpp             const LocalVariable &var = func->variables[j];
func             1115 src/Introspection.cpp                 FunctionInfo func;
func             1119 src/Introspection.cpp                 func.def_loc = location;
func             1327 src/Introspection.cpp                    = containing_namespace + std::string((const char *)payload);
func             1329 src/Introspection.cpp                             func.pc_begin = val;
func             1333 src/Introspection.cpp                                 func.pc_end = val;
func             1336 src/Introspection.cpp                                 func.pc_end = func.pc_begin + val;
func             1341 src/Introspection.cpp                                 func.frame_base = FunctionInfo::GCC;
func             1343 src/Introspection.cpp                                 func.frame_base = FunctionInfo::ClangFP;
func             1345 src/Introspection.cpp                                 func.frame_base = FunctionInfo::ClangFP;
func             1347 src/Introspection.cpp                                 func.frame_base = FunctionInfo::ClangNoFP;
func             1349 src/Introspection.cpp                                 func.frame_base = FunctionInfo::ClangNoFP;
func             1351 src/Introspection.cpp                                 func.frame_base = FunctionInfo::Unknown;
func             1354 src/Introspection.cpp                             func.spec_loc = val;
func             1561 src/Introspection.cpp                         func_stack.push_back({ func, stack_depth });
func             1563 src/Introspection.cpp                         functions.push_back(func);
func               58 src/Memoization.cpp         } else if (call->func.defined()) {
func               59 src/Memoization.cpp             Function fn(call->func);
func               24 src/ParallelRVar.cpp     const string &func;
func               27 src/ParallelRVar.cpp         if (op->name == func && op->call_type == Call::Halide) {
func               43 src/ParallelRVar.cpp     FindLoads(const string &f) : func(f) {}
func               21 src/ParallelRVar.h                           const std::string &func,
func              665 src/Pipeline.cpp         Function func;
func              684 src/Pipeline.cpp         Function func = output_buffer_types[i].func;
func              688 src/Pipeline.cpp             << "Can't realize Func \"" <<
func              691 src/Pipeline.cpp             << "-dimensional, but Func \"" <<
func              694 src/Pipeline.cpp             << "Can't realize Func \"" <<
func              697 src/Pipeline.cpp             << ", but Func \"" <<
func             1013 src/Pipeline.cpp JITExtern::JITExtern(Func func)
func             1014 src/Pipeline.cpp     : pipeline_(func) {
func              464 src/Pipeline.h     EXPORT JITExtern(Func func);
func               20 src/RemoveDeadAllocations.cpp                     std::string func = var->name.substr(0, var->name.find_first_of('.'));
func               21 src/RemoveDeadAllocations.cpp                     if (allocs.contains(func)) {
func               22 src/RemoveDeadAllocations.cpp                         allocs.pop(func);
func              172 src/RemoveUndef.cpp                               op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
func              126 src/Schedule.h     EXPORT std::string func() const;
func              348 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp                 Function input(arg.func);
func              531 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp pair<Stmt, Stmt> build_production(Function func, const Target &target) {
func              532 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     Stmt produce = build_produce(func, target);
func              533 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     vector<Stmt> updates = build_update(func);
func              543 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp Stmt inject_explicit_bounds(Stmt body, Function func) {
func              544 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     const Schedule &s = func.schedule();
func              545 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     for (size_t stage = 0; stage <= func.updates().size(); stage++) {
func              548 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             string prefix = + ".s" + std::to_string(stage) + "." + b.var;
func              566 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp                                         {b.var,, min_val, max_val, min_var, max_var},
func              576 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     string func;
func              582 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         if (op->name == func) result = true;
func              588 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             starts_with(op->name, func + ".") &&
func              596 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     IsUsedInStmt(Function f) : func(, result(false) {
func              611 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     const Function &func;
func              616 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         func(f), is_output(o),
func              625 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         pair<Stmt, Stmt> realization = build_production(func, target);
func              636 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         producer = ProducerConsumer::make_produce(, producer);
func              640 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             consumer = ProducerConsumer::make_consume(, consumer);
func              655 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             string name =;
func              656 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             const vector<string> func_args = func.args();
func              657 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             for (int i = 0; i < func.dimensions(); i++) {
func              664 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             s = Realize::make(name, func.output_types(), bounds, const_true(), s);
func              672 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             return inject_explicit_bounds(s, func);
func              696 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         debug(3) << "InjectRealization of " << << " entering for loop over " << for_loop->name << "\n";
func              697 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         const LoopLevel &compute_level = func.schedule().compute_level();
func              698 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         const LoopLevel &store_level = func.schedule().store_level();
func              710 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         if (func.has_extern_definition() &&
func              711 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             func.schedule().compute_level().is_inline() &&
func              713 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             function_is_used_in_stmt(func, for_loop)) {
func              716 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             debug(2) << "Injecting realization of " << << " around node " << Stmt(for_loop) << "\n";
func              726 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             if (function_is_used_in_stmt(func, body) || is_output) {
func              737 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             if (function_is_used_in_stmt(func, body) || is_output) {
func              763 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         if (op->name != &&
func              764 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             !func.is_pure() &&
func              765 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             func.schedule().compute_level().is_inline() &&
func              766 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             function_is_used_in_stmt(func, op)) {
func              787 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     ComputeLegalSchedules(Function f, const map<string, Function> &env) : found(false), func(f), env(env) {}
func              793 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     Function func;
func              803 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         string func = f->name.substr(0, first_dot);
func              806 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         if (func.empty()) {
func              810 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             auto it = env.find(func);
func              811 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             internal_assert(it != env.end()) << "Unable to find Function " << func << " in env (Var = " << var << ")\n";
func              846 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         if (c->name == {
func              853 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             starts_with(v->name, + ".") &&
func              876 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp                 ss << ".store_at(" << store_at.func() << ", " << store_var_name << ")";
func              886 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             ss << ".compute_at(" << compute_at.func() << ", " << compute_var_name << ")";
func              895 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     string func;
func              897 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         if (op->name == func) {
func              904 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     StmtUsesFunc(string f) : func(f) {}
func              911 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     string func, caller;
func              929 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             StmtUsesFunc uses(func);
func              961 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         if (op->name == func) {
func              963 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp             stream << caller << " uses " << func << "\n";
func              971 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp     PrintUsesOfFunc(string f, std::ostream &s) : func(f), stream(s) {}
func              984 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp                 Function g(arg.func);
func              163 src/SimplifySpecializations.cpp         Function &func = iter.second;
func              164 src/SimplifySpecializations.cpp         propagate_specialization_in_definition(func.definition(),;
func               22 src/SkipStages.cpp bool extern_call_uses_buffer(const Call *op, const std::string &func) {
func               31 src/SkipStages.cpp                 starts_with(var->name, func + ".") &&
func              307 src/SkipStages.cpp     StageSkipper(const string &f) : func(f), in_vector_loop(false) {}
func              309 src/SkipStages.cpp     string func;
func              349 src/SkipStages.cpp         if (op->name == func) {
func              401 src/SkipStages.cpp         if (op->name == func || extern_call_uses_buffer(op, func)) {
func              433 src/SkipStages.cpp         if (op->name == func) {
func              440 src/SkipStages.cpp         if (!op->is_producer && (op->name == func)) {
func              450 src/SkipStages.cpp     string func;
func              456 src/SkipStages.cpp     MightBeSkippable(string f) : func(f), guarded(false), result(false) {}
func               83 src/SlidingWindow.cpp     Function func;
func              110 src/SlidingWindow.cpp         if (!op->is_producer || (op->name != {
func              123 src/SlidingWindow.cpp             debug(3) << "Considering sliding " <<
func              127 src/SlidingWindow.cpp             string prefix = + ".s" + std::to_string(func.updates().size()) + ".";
func              128 src/SlidingWindow.cpp             const std::vector<string> func_args = func.args();
func              129 src/SlidingWindow.cpp             for (int i = 0; i < func.dimensions(); i++) {
func              157 src/SlidingWindow.cpp                          << << " over " << loop_var << " because either zero "
func              165 src/SlidingWindow.cpp             for (const Definition &def : func.updates()) {
func              173 src/SlidingWindow.cpp                          << << " over " << loop_var << " because the function "
func              195 src/SlidingWindow.cpp                 debug(3) << "Not sliding " <<
func              206 src/SlidingWindow.cpp             debug(3) << "Sliding " <<
func              218 src/SlidingWindow.cpp                 debug(3) << "Not sliding " <<
func              239 src/SlidingWindow.cpp             debug(3) << "Sliding " << << ", " << dim << "\n"
func              250 src/SlidingWindow.cpp             for (size_t i = 0; i < func.updates().size(); i++) {
func              251 src/SlidingWindow.cpp                 string n = + ".s" + std::to_string(i) + "." + dim;
func              262 src/SlidingWindow.cpp             if (!func.updates().empty()) {
func              263 src/SlidingWindow.cpp                 Box b = box_provided(op->body,;
func              323 src/SlidingWindow.cpp     SlidingWindowOnFunctionAndLoop(Function f, string v, Expr v_min) : func(f), loop_var(v), loop_min(v_min) {}
func              328 src/SlidingWindow.cpp     Function func;
func              342 src/SlidingWindow.cpp             new_body = SlidingWindowOnFunctionAndLoop(func, op->name, op->min).mutate(new_body);
func              353 src/SlidingWindow.cpp     SlidingWindowOnFunction(Function f) : func(f) {}
func               19 src/SplitTuples.cpp     const string func;
func               26 src/SplitTuples.cpp         if ((call->call_type == Call::Halide) && call->func.defined()) {
func               55 src/StorageFolding.cpp     string func;
func               65 src/StorageFolding.cpp         if (op->name == func && op->call_type == Call::Halide) {
func               70 src/StorageFolding.cpp                               op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
func               78 src/StorageFolding.cpp         if (op->name == func) {
func               87 src/StorageFolding.cpp         func(f), dim(d), factor(e) {}
func               92 src/StorageFolding.cpp     Function func;
func               98 src/StorageFolding.cpp         if (op->name == {
func              119 src/StorageFolding.cpp         Box provided = box_provided(body,;
func              120 src/StorageFolding.cpp         Box required = box_required(body,;
func              128 src/StorageFolding.cpp             const StorageDim &storage_dim = func.schedule().storage_dims()[i-1];
func              138 src/StorageFolding.cpp             debug(3) << "\nConsidering folding " << << " over for loop over " << op->name << '\n'
func              172 src/StorageFolding.cpp                                         {, storage_dim.var, op->name},
func              185 src/StorageFolding.cpp                                             {, storage_dim.var, explicit_factor, op->name, extent},
func              216 src/StorageFolding.cpp                     body = FoldStorageOfFunction(, (int)i - 1, factor).mutate(body);
func              262 src/StorageFolding.cpp         : func(f), explicit_only(explicit_only) {}
func              270 src/StorageFolding.cpp     string func;
func              273 src/StorageFolding.cpp     IsBufferSpecial(string f) : func(f) {}
func              280 src/StorageFolding.cpp             var->name == func + ".buffer") {
func              301 src/StorageFolding.cpp         Function func = func_it != env.end() ? func_it->second : Function();
func              304 src/StorageFolding.cpp             for (const StorageDim &i : func.schedule().storage_dims()) {
func              320 src/StorageFolding.cpp             AttemptStorageFoldingOfFunction folder(func, explicit_only);
func               41 src/ThreadPool.h         std::function<T()> func;
func              115 src/ThreadPool.h     std::future<T> async(Func func, Args... args) {
func              127 src/ThreadPool.h         job.func = std::bind(func, args...);
func              141 src/ThreadPool.h     T r = func();
func              149 src/ThreadPool.h     func();
func               15 src/Tracing.cpp     string func;
func               32 src/Tracing.cpp         vector<Expr> args = {Expr(func),
func               91 src/Tracing.cpp             builder.func = op->name;
func              123 src/Tracing.cpp             builder.func =;
func              173 src/Tracing.cpp             builder.func = op->name;
func              210 src/Tracing.cpp             builder.func = op->name;
func              289 src/Tracing.cpp         builder.func = pipeline_name;
func               88 src/VaryingAttributes.cpp                           op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
func              518 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp                               op->call_type, op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
func               40 src/WrapExternStages.cpp         Function f(op->func);
func               46 src/WrapExternStages.cpp                 Function f_arg(arg.func);
func              124 src/WrapExternStages.cpp             op->func.defined()) {
func              125 src/WrapExternStages.cpp             Function f(op->func);
func              132 src/WrapExternStages.cpp                 expr = Call::make(op->type, make_wrapper(op), new_args, Call::Extern, op->func);
func              311 src/runtime/HalideRuntime.h     const char *func;
func              431 src/runtime/HalideRuntime.h     HALIDE_ALWAYS_INLINE const char *func() const {
func              839 src/runtime/HalideRuntime.h extern int halide_error_debug_to_file_failed(void *user_context, const char *func,
func             1343 src/runtime/HalideRuntime.h     void (*get_remote_profiler_state)(int *func, int *active_workers);
func              171 src/runtime/errors.cpp WEAK int halide_error_debug_to_file_failed(void *user_context, const char *func,
func              174 src/runtime/errors.cpp         << "Failed to dump function " << func
func              196 src/runtime/errors.cpp WEAK int halide_error_unaligned_host_ptr(void *user_context, const char *func,
func              199 src/runtime/errors.cpp         << "The host pointer of " << func
func               85 src/runtime/hexagon_host.cpp WEAK void get_remote_profiler_state(int *func, int *threads) {
func               91 src/runtime/hexagon_host.cpp     remote_poll_profiler_state(func, threads);
func               43 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/bin/src/halide_hexagon_remote.h __QAIC_HEADER_EXPORT int __QAIC_HEADER(halide_hexagon_remote_poll_profiler_state)(int* func, int* threads) __QAIC_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE;
func              132 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/bin/src/halide_hexagon_remote_skel.c #define _TRY(ee, func) \
func              134 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/bin/src/halide_hexagon_remote_skel.c       if (AEE_SUCCESS != ((ee) = func)) {\
func              135 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/bin/src/halide_hexagon_remote_skel.c          __QAIC_DBG_PRINTF__((__FILE__ ":%d:error:%d:%s\n", __LINE__, (int)(ee),#func));\
func              132 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/bin/src/halide_hexagon_remote_stub.c #define _TRY(ee, func) \
func              134 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/bin/src/halide_hexagon_remote_stub.c       if (AEE_SUCCESS != ((ee) = func)) {\
func              135 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/bin/src/halide_hexagon_remote_stub.c          __QAIC_DBG_PRINTF__((__FILE__ ":%d:error:%d:%s\n", __LINE__, (int)(ee),#func));\
func              790 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/bin/src/halide_hexagon_remote_stub.c __QAIC_STUB_EXPORT int __QAIC_STUB(halide_hexagon_remote_poll_profiler_state)(int* func, int* threads) __QAIC_STUB_ATTRIBUTE {
func              792 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/bin/src/halide_hexagon_remote_stub.c    return _stub_method_6(_halide_hexagon_remote_handle(), _mid, (uint32_t*)func, (uint32_t*)threads);
func              425 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/halide_remote.cpp int halide_hexagon_remote_poll_profiler_state(int *func, int *threads) {
func              426 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/halide_remote.cpp     *func = halide_profiler_get_state()->current_func;
func              477 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/sim_host.cpp int halide_hexagon_remote_poll_profiler_state(int *func, int *threads) {
func              480 src/runtime/hexagon_remote/sim_host.cpp     *func = profiler_current_func;
func               75 src/runtime/matlab.cpp #define MEX_FN(ret, func, args) ret (*func)args;
func              233 src/runtime/matlab.cpp     #define MEX_FN(ret, func, args) func = get_mex_symbol<ret (*)args>(user_context, #func, true);
func              234 src/runtime/matlab.cpp     #define MEX_FN_700(ret, func, func_700, args) func_700 = get_mex_symbol<ret (*)args>(user_context, #func, false);
func              235 src/runtime/matlab.cpp     #define MEX_FN_730(ret, func, func_730, args) func_730 = get_mex_symbol<ret (*)args>(user_context, #func_730, false);
func               17 src/runtime/mex_functions.h #define MEX_FN(ret, func, args)
func               21 src/runtime/mex_functions.h #define MEX_FN_730(ret, func, func_730, args) MEX_FN(ret, func_730, args)
func               25 src/runtime/mex_functions.h #define MEX_FN_700(ret, func, func_700, args) MEX_FN(ret, func_700, args)
func              106 src/runtime/profiler.cpp             int func, active_threads;
func              110 src/runtime/profiler.cpp                 s->get_remote_profiler_state(&func, &active_threads);
func              112 src/runtime/profiler.cpp                 func = s->current_func;
func              116 src/runtime/profiler.cpp             if (func == halide_profiler_please_stop) {
func              118 src/runtime/profiler.cpp             } else if (func >= 0) {
func              121 src/runtime/profiler.cpp                 bill_func(s, func, t_now - t, active_threads);
func              162 src/runtime/runtime_internal.h                              const char *func,
func               30 src/runtime/tracing.cpp         uint32_t name_bytes = strlen(e->func) + 1;
func               55 src/runtime/tracing.cpp             written += write(fd, e->func, name_bytes);
func               85 src/runtime/tracing.cpp         ss << event_types[e->event] << " " << e->func << "." << e->value_index << "(";
func              227 src/runtime/tracing.cpp                              const char *func,
func              233 src/runtime/tracing.cpp     event.func = func;
func               85 test/common/check_call_graphs.h inline int check_image(const Halide::Buffer<int> &im, const std::function<int(int,int)> &func) {
func               88 test/common/check_call_graphs.h             int correct = func(x, y);
func               99 test/common/check_call_graphs.h inline int check_image(const Halide::Buffer<int> &im, const std::function<int(int,int,int)> &func) {
func              103 test/common/check_call_graphs.h                 int correct = func(x, y, z);
func                8 test/correctness/autotune_bug_2.cpp     if (e->event == 2 && std::string(e->func) == "f") {
func                8 test/correctness/autotune_bug_3.cpp     if (e->event == 2 && std::string(e->func) == "f") {
func                8 test/correctness/autotune_bug_4.cpp     if (e->event == 2 && std::string(e->func) == "f") {
func               97 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return x; };
func               98 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              138 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) { return x; };
func              139 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              161 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) { return x; };
func              162 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              184 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) { return x; };
func              185 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              230 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 2*(x + y); };
func              231 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              286 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) {
func              289 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              314 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) {
func              317 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              362 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 4*x + 6* y + 10; };
func              363 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              406 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 2*x; };
func              407 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              457 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return x + y; };
func              458 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              503 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 4*(x + y); };
func              504 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              552 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) {
func              555 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              597 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 3*x + 2*y; };
func              598 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              646 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 3*x + 2*y; };
func              647 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              671 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 3*x + 2*y; };
func              672 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func               40 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func               43 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         if (check_image(result, {func})) {
func               63 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func               66 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         if (check_image(result, {func})) {
func               85 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func               88 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         if (check_image(result, {func})) {
func              106 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func              109 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         if (check_image(result, {func})) {
func              130 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func              133 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         if (check_image(result, {func})) {
func              177 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func              180 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp         if (check_image(result, {func})) {
func               10 test/correctness/likely.cpp     string func;
func               16 test/correctness/likely.cpp         if (op->name == func) {
func               30 test/correctness/likely.cpp     Counter(string f) : func(f), store_count(0), sin_count(0) {}
func               54 test/correctness/likely.cpp     string func;
func               60 test/correctness/likely.cpp         Counter c(func);
func               63 test/correctness/likely.cpp             printf("There were %d stores to %s instead of %d\n", c.store_count, func.c_str(), correct);
func               69 test/correctness/likely.cpp     CheckStoreCount(string f, int c) : func(f), correct(c) {}
func               25 test/correctness/multi_splits_with_diff_tail_strategies.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y, int c) {
func               28 test/correctness/multi_splits_with_diff_tail_strategies.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              109 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     auto func = [im_ref](int x, int y, int z) { return im_ref(x, y, z); };
func              110 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              138 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     auto func = [&im_ref, &im](int x, int y, int z) {
func              142 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              176 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     auto func = [&im_ref](int x, int y, int z) { return im_ref(x, y, z); };
func              177 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              209 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     auto func = [im_ref](int x, int y, int z) { return im_ref(x, y, z); };
func              210 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              244 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     auto func = [im_ref](int x, int y, int z) { return im_ref(x, y, z); };
func              245 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              279 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     auto func = [im_ref](int x, int y, int z) { return im_ref(x, y, z); };
func              280 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              313 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     auto func = [im_ref](int x, int y, int z) { return im_ref(x, y, z); };
func              314 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              346 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     auto func = [im_ref](int x, int y, int z) { return im_ref(x, y, z); };
func              347 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func               14 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp     if (std::string(e->func) == buffer_name) {
func               37 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp     if (std::string(e->func) == buffer_name) {
func               58 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp     if (std::string(e->func) == buffer_name) {
func               47 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func               50 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func               96 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func               99 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              148 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func              151 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              200 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func              204 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              274 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp             auto func = [im_ref](int x, int y, int z) {
func              277 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp             if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              322 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp             auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func              325 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp             if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              332 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp             auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func              335 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp             if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              379 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y, int z) {
func              383 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              867 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp     if (e->event == 2 && std::string(e->func) == "f") {
func              926 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp     auto func = [&im_ref](int x, int y) {
func              929 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func               13 test/correctness/skip_stages_memoize.cpp         if ((e->event == halide_trace_store) && (std::string(e->func) == buffer_name)) {
func               25 test/correctness/skip_stages_memoize.cpp         if ((e->event == halide_trace_store) && (std::string(e->func) == buffer_name)) {
func               32 test/correctness/skip_stages_memoize.cpp         if ((e->event == halide_trace_store) && (std::string(e->func) == buffer_name)) {
func                7 test/correctness/tracing.cpp     char func;
func               36 test/correctness/tracing.cpp     printf("%c.%d[", e.func, e.value_index);
func               52 test/correctness/tracing.cpp            e.func, e.parent_id, e.event_type, e.type_code, e.bits, e.width, e.value_index,
func               64 test/correctness/tracing.cpp     return (a.func == b.func &&
func               87 test/correctness/tracing.cpp     e.func = ev->func[0];
func               45 test/correctness/tracing_stack.cpp         stack_trace.push(event_types[e->event] + e->func);
func               92 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return x; };
func               93 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              128 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) { return x; };
func              129 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              151 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) { return x; };
func              152 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              174 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) { return x; };
func              175 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              215 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 2*(x + y); };
func              216 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              266 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) {
func              269 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              294 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) {
func              297 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              337 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 4*x + 6* y + 10; };
func              338 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              376 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 2*x; };
func              377 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              422 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return x + y; };
func              423 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              466 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 4*(x + y); };
func              467 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              509 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) {
func              512 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              549 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 3*x + 2*y; };
func              550 test/correctness/wrap.cpp     if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              593 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 3*x + 2*y; };
func              594 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              618 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 3*x + 2*y; };
func              619 test/correctness/wrap.cpp         if (check_image(im, func)) {
func              508 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp             const char *func = argv[++i];
func              509 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp             FuncInfo &fi = func_info[func];
func              512 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp             fi.config.dump(func);
func              576 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp             char *func = argv[++i];
func              580 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp             func_info[func].config.labels.push_back(l);
func              710 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp             pipeline_info[] = {p.func(),};
func              729 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp         string qualified_name = + ":" + p.func();
func              732 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp             if (func_info.find(p.func()) != func_info.end()) {
func              733 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp                 func_info[qualified_name] = func_info[p.func()];
func              734 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp                 func_info.erase(p.func());